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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
An Olympic Adventure Part 1
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12-03-2021, 05:00 PM

The scene opens as the camera enters through the main hall of Hays Manor. The camera pans the corridor of the manor as they walk to a set of double doors. As the door opens, there in the study we see one, Harmon Greyson Hays. HGH to the world of the X-treme Wrestling Federation. As the camera starts to zoom in, we see HGH by the fireplace with a book in one hand and a drink on the mantle. We see him turning pages of the book smirking as each page is turned. Finally a member of the crew clears their throat to get HGH’s attention.

“Oh! I am so very sorry. I completely forgot that we had this time scheduled.”

As the crew get settled in and the light poles put in place. They all grab chairs from around the bar located in the study. As the final touches were being made Mr. Hayes grabs his drink and book and sits towards the crew. They all give the thumbs up signal, so that they begin.

“Ladies and Gentleman for those of you who live under a rock. My name is Harmon Greyson Hays, better known as HGH. I am here to announce that I, HGH will be making my Savage Saturday Night debut on December 11th, 2021. As luck would have it, my very first opponent for this momentous occasion, none other than a former XWF Television Champion in Rampage. It’s beautiful! Really it is! I mean you have a guy like me, hungry for competition. I would like to thank the amazing powers that be, whichever douche canoe runs this crap show, oh and God!You should never forget to thank the good lord for the good fortunes afforded to you in life. Good fortunes such as being afforded the opportunity to make my name by beating a former Television champion. ”

HGH puts his head down in his hands for just a second or two. He rubs his face, and lets out a sigh.

“Oh boy. This ones gonna be tough though. I mean this guy is seven feet tall.”

As HGH snickers he turns back to the camera smiling.

“What can I say about this guy? He is just like any other seven foot guy in the wrestling business. He comes in, everyone stops in awe of seeing someone so huge. Like he’s some sort of God. Whatever, the record shows that on his very second match he was crowned Television Champion. That was amusing. You went so high my guy. You did. Kudos to you good sir. In your second match almost on top of the world. Then you lost it; and you haven’t been quite the same have you, big man? No, no you have not.”
HGH looks to his left as if a thought just came to him.

“Wait a minute. Didn’t Jesus or was that God,tell the whole world that you were made in God’s image? Well golly gee fellas. Big ol’ Rampage had a come to Jesus moment. Or was it just the concussion where your oversized self crashed through your own bed. Yeah that’s embarrassing. I mean I would want to hide in shame too.”

HGH lets out a little chuckle.

“Don't worry big guy, it will be okay. There is absolutely no shame in bowing down to someone that is better than you. I mean just take a good look at yourself. You couldn't buy a win to save that fat ass of yours anyway."

"Fellas, I think it's time to pack it up here. I think we are a little overdue for a road trip."


"Yes Mr. Hays?"

"Call for a limo. I thinks it's time we go for a trip"

As the crew packs up. HGH pays the crew and gives them the location of their next session. They take their cash and nod as they acknowledge the agreement.

Just before the whole crew left. HGH motions to the producer of the crew. They have a conversation that no one seems to hear. The producer nods and a camera man stays behind.

HGH starts walking through the mansion. As he’s walking through he doesn’t realise the cameras rolling.

“Rampage? What a waste of space. I’m a giant, I’m seven foot tall. For the life of me this guy was a champion inside the Xtreme Wrestling Federation.”

“Breathe Harmon,breathe you got this.”

“At least it is not a triple threat match. It’s just you and one giant buffoon who can’t tell the difference between a hallucination and reality. This goof actually thinks he met god. Maybe he should have said no mushrooms on his pizza, because wow that last Rampage promo I sat through. Well it made me think? Damn, maybe this would be entertaining if I were high. Sitting through that promo was like sitting though an episode of Shameless sober. As many times as I facepalmed myself. I could have given myself a concussion.”

Just as a sign of things to come. Out of nowhere a lightning bolt hurls towards HGH and catches him in the back of the head.

“Where? Where am I? This is a dream. This has to be a dream. Damn it! Why did I make so much fun of Rampage? Now I have to sit through this? Great! Just great.”

Thunder clashes and lightning strikes all around HGH. He shows a face of shock when the lightning strikes. He walks around for a moment or two, just to try and get his bearings. Just then a voice from out of nowhere.


“Olympus? OH, GOD! Not Olympus, you could have at least sent me somewhere cooler.”


HGH just stands there squinting. Looking to find some justification for the voice.
After minutes of standing there HGH shrugs his shoulders and continues to move along a path.
The voice then seems to be getting closer, and louder the closer HGH seems to be getting.


After this last outcry HGH finally decides to entertain the voice.

“It is I, HGH. Your very loud and annoying voiceness.”

“Jesus, this guy's voice is more annoying than trying to get through a Rampage promo.”

“Well golly gee! Now is’t that just a good question? Last thing I remember is walking down a hallway in my manor. Then lights out. So yeah.. You tell me why I’m here, because it’s not like I want to be here anyways.”



HGH’s jaw drops. He doesn’t seem to be thrilled about what he has just heard.

“Great, just great! Rampage sees Jesus and God and I get…. Zeus!”

HGH slowly walks up the path. He seems defeated by the news that he'd been summoned by Zeus.

HGH starts to have an inner struggle take place inside of his mind. He questions himself.
Why of all things in the universe would Zeus want with him? Is it because he thinks everything is a game? Why me?

Just then HGH realises that the path is starting to disappear. He realises he must be getting closer to where he is supposed to be. As HGH looks up he gazes upon a palace. The palace of the “Almighty” Zeus himself. The palace appears to be made of fine marble. With majestic pillars spread evenly six feet apart. Surrounding the palace were clouds. Some have a dark purplish hue, the others have a bluish hue. Outlining the clouds was a golden fence that led up to a very large golden gate.

As HGH approaches, the gate begins to swing open. He hesitantly looks through the gate first before walking through. He pops his head back up, shrugs with shoulders then continues to walk through the gate. He sees many smaller buildings inside of the fence. He sees other figures starting to move around, but he can’t seem to make them out. He continues down what looks to be a shiny golden road. He kept muttering to himself. “It’s just a dream, it’s just a dream.” He’s approached by a figure.

“Are you the one they call Rampage?”

HGH looks at the figure. He has the look of disgust all over his face.

“Rampage? RAMPAGE? Do I look like I am a clumsy seven foot goofball?


“How many gods did this idiot pray to? Are you telling me that this was all supposed to be for him? Isn’t this just fantastic? This is all just a dream and it’s supposed to be for Rampage.”

HGH shakes his fist in the air with anger

"Damn you Zeus!"

Thunder again begins to crash and the lightning bolts shoot towards HGH. He dodges each one. After doing the last bolt, HGH finds himself facedown on the ground. HGH picks himself off of the ground and dusts himself off.

“Great… I picked a great day to wear Armani.”

While standing there trying to wake himself from this dream. HGH tried the good ol’ pinch yourself routine, but it didn’t work.

“What if this isn’t a dream? What if by some weird coincidence I’m actually standing on Mount Olympus.? How do I explain the voices though? Are they in my head? Am I really starting to lose my sanity over just one match?
HGH smiles.

“You wish, why would I lose my sanity over something I’ve been salivating for? A chance to prove myself over a former champion. Albeit not a good one, but one nonetheless.

HGH walks up to a giant door. The door was roughly seven foot one inch, and it was wide enough to fit about eleven grown men side by side. HGH continues to examine the door.
He smirks.

“Someone’s getting fired! I mean just look at these measurements. Clearly they need to get in touch with my tailor. This door was made for a giant to walk through.”


HGH still puzzled at the

“Holy shit, someone actually got my name right?”


HGH stands there with his hands on his hips as he tries to find the correct response.

“Define mocking? There big guy? ”


“So far so good, I’ve been winning my matches or do you just keep your head in the clouds? I don’t see what that has to do with anything? Just merely pointing out a fact, but what do I know. Judging by your statements, you must be the “Almighty” Zeus?”


“So... is there any good reason why I am here and not preparing for my match with Rampage?”


“Well yeah, what about it? He’s just another generic big guy that thinks he’s hot shit. He has no real talent, he’s just another lazy piece of trash that doesn’t even belong in the ring with me. Sure he has some big wins, but he also has some big losses too. I mean the strategy is easy, be faster and smarter than the big goof. It’s not really rocket science there bud.”


“Well duh, how could I not? He’s slow, and a one trick pony. Sure he’s tall, sure he weighs four hundred and whatever pounds. The question is, does the big guy have the stuff to keep up with me? Do you think the ol’ Fatty Patty is gonna be able to go in the late stages? However if by some miracle he can, well then I’m just gonna have to dig down deep and slay the giant.


“Well… yeah. This guy is seven foot tall. So whoopity doo da , how many times must I keep saying this to you people. Jesus, okay so let's face facts shall we. Have I been in the ring with someone as big? No. Have I faced someone that has won championships before? Can’t say that I have. Do I really care if he’s faced tougher? Nope, not really because a wise man once said “ work smart not hard.” I have won a fair share of my matches, hell I have had a few losses, but I still show up to work after losses. So that means that when that bell rings that I’m not just gonna lay down for some douche because he’s bigger. No, no no that my friends would never happen. Not that you would know anything about not lying down for somebody, now would you Zeusy boy?


"Am I really tho? Like seriously it's twenty twenty-one my guy. Where have you been hiding well since before the fall of Greece? Oh wait, that's right. Isn’t that around the time you laid down for a man named Jesus, you know the son of God. So are you really a God, or are you the son of this God I’m confused?. Are you really Zeus the son of the Titan Kronos? Or.. now this is a long shot, but hear me out, are you the one that crawled out of a virgin with a new name? I mean that does sound a little up your alley.


" you have waited for thousands of years for a special mortal and you thought that special mortal would be Rampage? Did you fall off your throne again? Are you sure Hera didn’t.. I don’t know, accidentally on purpose spike your nectar again for the billionth time.

HGH sighs. Pondering his next move.


"Okay fine I’ll bite, what similarities do you see? Zeus almighty.”

A beam of light begins to shine through the clouds. It shines brightly on HGH. He stands in the rays for maybe a moment or two and then side steps out of the light. It seems after all this time he might be ready to listen.

Before anything could happen everything suddenly goes black.

Meanwhile a camera turns on. We see a medical staff tending to HGH. He was moved into a room. As he lays there he doesn't seem to be in pain.

We see a silhouette of someone walking towards HGH, but this silhouette has a striking resemblance to…

He screams but no one hears his cry.

A loud laugh is heard, but only by HGH.


"Okay, okay you win. Now get me out of here before I give myself a heart attack."

He sees a hand appearing, and as it waves the illusion is revealed.


Laughter is again heard. As HGH appears to be getting a little pissy.

“Alright, alright how are we so similar? I can only imagine what they can be?”

The tone in Zeus’s voice finally comes down to a tolerable level for human ears.

“You see, I wasn’t supposed to exist. I was to die at birth, but my mother Rhea saved me from my fate."

“Yeah.. some of us can read, still no similarities?

“You see, after I defeated my father. Everything was going great. Until Gaea the Earth mother stuck her nose in my business. You see she was pissed, with the way I defeated her sons. So her and the titan Tartarus created what they thought was an unbeatable monster. His name was Typhoeus, but you mortals know him as Typhon. He, like Rampage, was supposed to be an unbeatable opponent for me. Most of my children and other gods fled Olympus. Then I knew I had to fight. After many years and many, many injuries I was able to defeat the unbeatable giant.
Do you see the similarities now?”

Zeus looks over to see HGH patting his mouth from yawning.

“Touching, very touching that almost hit me in the feels. So basically this is your attempt at a pep talk? If it is, let's try not putting me to sleep. So if you don't have anything else to say why not call it a day and just let me go back.”

“As you wish, but we will have another talk, young HGH.”

“ Oh gee, I can’t wa.…”

Before HGH can finish his sentence. Everything goes black again.

As everything comes back into view we get a glimpse of HGH laying in a bed. He slowly starts to regain consciousness. His eyes start blinking, he finally opens his eyes fully and realises he is back at his manor.

“Mr. Hays, are you alright?”
As if he is oblivious, he looks at the help and realises its Junior running towards him.

“What do you mean, am I alright? I just fell asleep, that's all.”

“Sir, you have been out for hours now. I had to tell the limo driver he wasn’t needed today.”

“Now wait a minute, why would you do that? You knew damn well I was going on a trip?”

“Sir, he wasn’t going to just sit here all day waiting for you to wake up.”

“Well no need to call him now. I guess we'll just reschedule our little field trip for another day.
Now get out of here some i can get changed and go back to sleep I guess.”
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