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Street Art
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Ruby Offline
The Super Dear'o

XWF FanBase:
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11-10-2021, 03:08 PM

From Ruby’s Go-Pro…

From atop a tall rooftop, the Banana-Lime Blur looked down on the city below. Tonight had been productive already. She had rescued two cats out of trees, helped an elderly citizen find the closest post office, and had confiscated a pack of cigarettes from a guy who had the audacity to smoke inside the train station. Still, there were more people to help, more fires to put out, and more ne’er do-wells to catch in the act.

Ruby: “My flippies! Welcome back to another solo venture of your Super Dear’o! It’s been a while, eh? You didn’t think I’d miss the return of Anarchy, now did ya? I can’t wait to get back into that ring with the XWF’s resident slime fanatic. Last Woman Standing, no less! That’s right up my alley. Like a kitty cat, I always land back on my feet! I’m just gonna have to put that slippery, slimy b-word down HARD! Hard with a hard R like in RRRaab! Man, I love how that just RRRRRolls off the tongue, don’t y’all? I’m so glad I get to put down one of Anarchy’s misters of mischief. Normally I’d be gunning for the Championship as soon as possible, but I’m gonna let my mans have his well-deserved time in the limelight.”

Ruby peered through her goggles at something down below and gasped.

Ruby: “Son of a broccoli! Vandals!”

She’d spotted two teens ‘decorating’ a wall with graffiti. She jumped from rooftop to rooftop, until she was close enough to chute down. She landed on a roof about ten feet above the ground that was right over the two culprits. She cleared her throat.

Ruby: “Ya know guys, as much as I love street art, there’s a time and place for everything; and drawing genitalia and making remarks about the questionable descent of your maths teacher on the walls of a retirement home are neither.”

The pair looked up, but didn’t seem all that impressed. They looked like long-haired slackers who were mostly just acting out of boredom, rather than malice.

Teen 1: “Who the heck are you?”

Ruby postured, broadening her shoulders in such a way it would’ve drawn a taunting flag by an NFL official.

Ruby: “I am the wrong number that wakes you at 3 AM! I am the blister on the pinky toe of crime, the pebble in the penny loafer of depravity! I am the banana-lime bl… Whoa!”

Ruby’s foot slipped on the edge of the roof, causing her to tumble off the ledge. She hit the ground down below. The two teens hurried over to her and helped her back to her feet.

Teen 2: “Damn! Are you alright, lady?”

Ruby gasped for air, which sent a painful jab through her ribs.

Ruby: “Language! Also, yeah, I think my spine broke my fall. Thanks, little dude.”

The genuine concern they were showing here had caused her to forget about their act of vandalism, but Ruby quickly readjusted.

Ruby: “Anyway, fellas, I’m gonna need you to cut that out and wash that off.”

She gestured at the graffiti.

Ruby: “I mean, couldn’t you at least try and paint a still of fruit, or something? Or a nice landscape? Or, like, a comic book panel? Something with artistic merit, rather than oversized genitalia.”

Teen 1: “I think genitals are plenty artistic. I was gonna do boobs next.”

Ruby snatched the bottle of graffiti from his hands.

Ruby: “Well, and now you aren’t! Trust me, kiddo. It starts like this, and suddenly you’re bashing in windows, holding up liquor stores and robbing banks, always searching for that next thrill to fight the boredom. Or you’ll end up like Lord Raab, the slug that slimes the XWF’s begonias and eats the leaves of the fruits of labor.”

Teen 2: “What are you talking about?”

Ruby: “I’m talking about accountability, and doing the right thing, young mister! Who do you think you are, Aaron Rodgers? In the real world actions have consequences you know!”

Teen 1: “Rodgers? I don’t wanna be like Aaron Rodgers!”

Teen 2: “Me neither. He smells of cheese. I’m surprised you don’t like him, considering you dress like a Packer.”

Ruby: “Don’t be givin’ me no flippin’ lip, little mister! I’ll have you know my color scheme is purely coincidental! Anyway, now skedaddle, and don’t let me catch you boys here ever again! You’ve been warned by the masked marrer of malicious mischief! Scoot!”

She shood them away until they ran out of the alley. Ruby sighed and gingerly leaned against the wall. That fall had knocked the wind right out of her.

Ruby: “So much for always landing on my two feet, eh? But not to worry, my flippies, ya girl’s gonna be a-okay come Thursday. I’m gonna have to be, since I’m facing the guy who claims he retired Sarah Lackersnackers. Now, anyone with half a brain knows that’s a gross exaggeration, but fact of the matter is that Lord Raab has proven himself to be as difficult to eradicate as it is nailing jelly to a tree. At least he has never tried to crawl up the B.O.B.’s collective bowels, so there’s a smidge of integrity there, twisted though it is. Unfortunately for L to the ord to the R-AA-B, the green disease is gonna be cured by the banana-lime vaccine. I’m Anarchy’s sweetest dose of antibodies, baby, and it’s time for you to face the music. Come Anarchy, only one of us can be the last person standing, and you can bet your slimy disease-ridden backside that it’s gonna be me! And while I’ll be adding a W in my column, the only thing you’ll be adding is just another losing streak in your drawers! SO catch us on the flipside, my lovelies! Anarchy is BACK! WHoo!”

And after a peace sign, the broadcast ends.

[Image: dY7KZz4.png]
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