XWF FanBase: The IWC (gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)
” Have you heard what Page has been saying all over Twitter, Robert? Not to mention that revolutionary interview he’s done what, thousand times now? If the guy had an original thought I’d be impressed. ”
Robert took a deep breath clenching his coffee cup, the aroma of the coffee is part of the tempo of the day, another anchor in Robert’s routine that soothes his soul giving a sense of regularity and consistency. The coffee cup was a rustic clay color, the sort of look that spoke of a tranquil soulfulness. It was heaven on Earth to touch. He placed his father’s favorite coffee cup to his cherry red lips and took a pintsized sip before replying to Drew.
” I have… It’s a Chris Page specialty, he’s shown the world a million times just how unoriginal he truly is. It’s the same dull, un-inspiring routine we’ve all seen for over two years now. He’s letting everyone know how boundless he believes he is, and then tells the same played out vanilla story he’s been telling since 2019. All the dude’s promos are carbon copies, cookie-cutter garbage, and he has the balls to talk about cliché? Watching his mind-numbing, stereotypical stories with Jessica OR Steve in an interview has become drab, to say the least…”
” Well, don’t you think that is pretty low to go after someone’s father who just passed away? Even for a complete dirtbag, like Page, that’s low…”
” It shouldn’t surprise you one bit, Page believes tugging at my emotions will give him a slight advantage, lord knows he needs it…”
Robert lifts the mug once more taking a much larger drink this time leering at Drew…
” The only thing that he is accomplishing, is making himself look like an even bigger ass hole, the guy is trying to play emotional warfare with me. Apparently, he didn’t learn a damn thing when we tagged… To me, it wreaks of desperation… Page masquerades with a fake smile pretending that he is a man-made of stone when in reality he just needs a savior from all of this, someone to put him down for good and at Relentless I’m going to cash it all in to do just that… ”
Robert points at his head a few times…
” Steel trap… I’m playing three-dimensional chess, while this guy is out there playing checkers, let him say whatever he wants, it does not affect me or this match…”
” But Robert, he kind of has a point here, you are not in a great place mentally… You’re not the same Robert Main from when you were Universal Champion…”
Robert’s brow abruptly raises as he sits mug down on the table heading towards the fireplace…
” Drew, you are right I’m not the same man I was nearly two years ago, but are any of us the same person we were years ago? The answer to that question is no… Am I in pain due to the loss of my father? Absolutely I am, hell, it hurts every single second of every day, but I push forward and keep living for him… That is what he would have wanted me to do. He wants to use death against me. Fine… I’ll use all the sorrow raging inside of me on him… In this match, I’m going to take out two years of suffering on Chris Page… As far as Chris Page talking shit, he should be saving his breath, because this is far from over. I’ve got three nights to make him my punching bag and I’m going to do just that. He’s had his chance Drew to run for cover and he chose the ladder… I’m the path that leads to nowhere for Chris Page, he’s just too asinine to see it. Every time we have been across the ring from one another I’ve been that man’s Achilles heel… I refuse to break, fall or fade as Chris, watches the end of his career through dying eyes…”
Robert tosses a few logs onto the already roaring fire as both Robert and Drew watched on at the poetry of the phoenix in its confident gold flame.
” I just hope that you know what you are doing, if you lose Robert the XWF will die without you” Believe it or not, you are part of the lifeblood of this federation…”
” Drew, when in the hell did you become such a Debby downer? Huh? You used to have all the confidence in the world when I stepped foot inside the squared circle… I’m telling you that there is nothing to worry about… I’ve got this! Trust me, you always have in the past, I know that I have made some terrible decisions man, and those decisions have gotten a lot of people hurt. Relentless I can make up for everything that I have done wrong over the past few years and wipe away something that should have never been… Page is in way over his head, he cannot face forward without becoming unhinged. I’m blocking everything out over these next three nights all these fake actors and bastards that have told me I can’t… Worrying about what everyone else thinks, takes all the fun out of getting revenge… Nowadays everyone is so quick to judge others particularly me, I fall one time and suddenly, my career is over. While a man reigning havoc every freaking week is held up on a pedestal? No, I’ve had enough of that unintelligent narrative, its time for me to raise the dead…”
Robert pauses for a moment looking out the window
” And when I decide to hang up the boots and move on with my life, The XWF will remain… The XWF will thrive… The XWF will love forever… This company isn’t about one man or woman, one stable or one match in time. This is a collective effort by everyone involved, that is what makes this place special, its what bring in new talent, superstars of the future, legends in the making… There will be new Robert Main’s after I’m gone…”
Drew sighed placing his hand on Robert’s shoulder peeking outside the window as well…
” Uh…. Bob… Was it supposed to snow this much? I mean there is a shit load of snow on the ground and it’s still coming down… And this seems like a great time to remind you of two things… We have matches at Relentless and we walked up here…”
Robert chuckled grabbing his cup of coffee finishing the cup.
” No, I didn’t know it was going to snow… I mean it was starting to come down when we were making our way up here but that’s a lot…”
The caffeine abruptly began to kick in giving Robert the kick he needed, this addictive drug that called on him to pour another cup to crave more… Sent his brain into an unsystematic pattern the more Robert drank.
” Let’s step outside and take a closer look… We might have to shovel our way out…”
Drew gives Robert a dirty look…
” Not happening…”
Robert and Drew stepped out onto the cabin’s porch taking everything in…
” Well shit…”
” It’s asshole deep!”
” Yep…”
” So, how are we getting out of here Bob?”
” Don’t worry about it. I have a plan, just take everything in and relax, we are here to clear our heads, remember? Let’s do that for now and not worry about later…”
The morning was fridge as the snow continued to fall from the dark cloudy sky that laid overhead. The once green pine forest that surrounded the Main family cabin has now turned into a magical winter wonderland. Substantial carpets of snow-white covers everything around them. The branches of tall pine trees can hardly withstand the overbearing load of heavy wet snow, from time to time the icy wind swooped through the branches dropping humongous piles of snow to the already covered ground… The snow-covered pines looked like intelligent, magnificently dressed-up ladies gathering for a gala. The ground was soft and fluffy with a fresh blanket of snow… It was calm and quiet as the deadly silence crept in, haunting APEX… Robert took one step off the covered porch watching the snowflakes gliding gently through the cold, refreshing air… As a flake lands on his cheek, he closes his eyes and within seconds, its distinguished pattern turns into a bead of water that rolls carefully down Robert’s pink cheek. As he opens his eyes, he sees the trees covered in their own blankets of snow for protection…
” Drew, I want you to know something man, I no longer fear losing my career… Let’s be honest I have sinned so much… I just hope to everyone that I have done wrong has the heart to forgive me, because they know deep down inside who I am, I’m just another innocent soul that allowed myself to be persuaded by wrong… The problem is I must be the dastardly bastard one more time because I have one more sin I must commit. That’s ending Chris Page for good. The funny thing is Chris, believed I would back down from over-the-top browbeating? The only thing that he did was make me want to pound him even further into the canvas than I intended on. We’ve all watched his promos filled with the scowled face and snarling words. His brow line reaching his upper lip, flexing his muscles, all talk and very little action… He’s once again made the same threats he’s been making for nearly two years now… Thinking he is just going to push me around like an amateur. He’s shot his final wad… And how anti-climactic it was… Sitting in his little interview shooting daggers out his beady little eyes, shaking his fist at me, now is the time the bully becomes the bullied. Drew, you know I have never made threats I make freaking promises… Chris is compromised, the senile old man knows I’ve got um right where I want um… Now I’ll creep up and stab him from behind, allowing his career to bleed out in front of the entire world… I've pressured him into a situation where there is no return. He’s the one who has painted himself into a corner with no way out.”
Robert watches the snow continue to fall…
” Drew, can you go out to the garage and see if the snowmobiles are gassed up?”
” Why?”
” Because if they aren’t, we are staying here until all this snow melts…”
” Perfect… Yeah I’ll go walk through the snow to check…”
Drew shakes his head mumbling something under his breath as he makes his way towards the garage… Robert shouts…
Drew fumbles through the snow lifting one arm and a middle finger as Robert chuckles…
” Chris, you’ve made this match and everything that goes into it a subliminal fight. I’ll be honest with you; with the passing of my father, I might be going off the deep in a tad bit… I might be one mental breakdown away from utter demise… But I have one thing that you don’t… I’ve still got every ounce of my credibility… So, please do us all a favor and spare us all the sorrow, because we both know this match is the end of the line for one of us… There will not be a tomorrow for one of us in the XWF after night three… And we all have heard how you plan on sweeping me, we both know that isn’t going to happen… All you have done is give empty promise after empty promise when it comes to Robert Main… You’ve turned me into a caged animal and Relentless the cage door comes open… When it comes to superiority, or even omnipotence can brainwash coaxing one into a fraudulent sense of reassurance, it can morph minds, reconditioning or transfiguring one to their untimely demise. And as I spin your equilibrium all around and everything that you knew gets turned upside down, you’ll know finally that you bit off more than you could chew… For a while you everyone into believing that you were something that we all know that you’re not… Good for you… You are nothing more than a blemish in time, a paradox… Chris, I’m as real as it gets, and now there is no coming back, you know I’ll never say die…”
Robert takes a deep breath as the cold wind passes through his body revealing a moment of calm. Serenity is what comes when the pain of loneliness gives way to calm confidence, self-reliance, and a realization that when you can take good care of yourself, you can take good care of others. Tranquility can be a teacher, it gives you the space to take a square look at your inner demons one by one, allowing the light to shine upon them, and learn from what they have to say. At this moment Robert has found his inner peace sitting where his father once did drinking from the very same coffee mug.
” Chris all you’ve ever been is hidden truths and dotted lines, in a world that is filled to the brim with facades, I speak the truth about you or that shit faction B.o.B. I get nailed to the cross for it… Too many people have bought into this propaganda that B.o.B. is the next coming of Jesus Christ and I’ve refused to be silent, remained outspoken on the matter… All B.o.B has ever been for you is protection from the wolves, frontline troops, cannon fodder, the pawns always go first in chess… You’ve done nothing but use and abuse those idiots from the stars and none of them is intelligent enough to see that you have been the puppet master the entire time… Every wound in this checkered battle has been paid in devotion… You’ve indoctrinated my fan base, tricking them into believing that the end of my career will change the XWF forever… And change it for the better… It won’t, the corruption will not only bleed this company dry but will branch out into other federations like OCW… You’ll do to them, what you have done every other place that you have ever stepped foot, use up all the resources and move on like nothing ever happened… I bet everyone is asking what in the hell does OCW have to do with anything. People read between the lines when Chris Page mentions something time and time again, something is going on there. Something over there has peeked his interest… I mean the guy has a massive erection over the place when he should be worried about his career…”
Robert watches as the snow begins blowing in sheets, white and glistening, erasing the troubles beneath, directing him toward a new and positive day. The coldness only hardens his resolve to find his lost smile. He gazes into this swirling perfect whiteness that gives perfect crystalline kisses, the coolness in the air seemed to be rejuvenating Robert’s dead soul, elevating his spirit, and giving him new reasons to step forward with the confidence he once had as Universal Champion. There is beauty in the swirling snow, a form of clarity, the kind of thinking that lets him notice even the small details in life… Robert feels a warm sensation engulfed him and grins…
” There it is… A couple of hours here reminded me of who I am and why I got into this business in the first place… My Dad, the man who supported me from day one, even though he thought getting into this business would kill me… Chris, you’ve taken your very best shots at me and here I stand, war-hardened unwilling to fall… The lies stop here… No more bullshit… I am a product of more pain and suffering than you’ll ever realize… I want you to know Chris, you could never break a brain that was fractured a long time ago… You want to attack me on Twitter like a weak little bitch, go ahead, real tough-talking behind a keyboard. Say it to my face and we all know I’d knock your dick in the dirt before you even knew what hit you… Chris, you are an ole worn out faded wrestler who got a jump start from me… And Chris, the weakness is starting to show, the cracks in the foundation of B.o.B has formed and once I bury you the system that you put in place will all come crumbling down around you… Brick by brick I will tear down B.o.B. down just like I said I would… After you Page, I’ll go on to hunt TK down like the vermin he is and take what he cherishes the most. The XWF Tag Team Championships, and after I’m done thumping his bitch ass on home turf, I’ll go to OCW and take those Tag Team Championships away from him as well… It isn’t hard for wolves to find the flock either, especially when the sheep are fast asleep.”
Suddenly Robert hears one of the snowmobiles start in the distance nodding…
” Tell me, Chris, what separates the good from the extraordinary? I’ll tell you, it’s the ability to play mind games. As I watched that shitshow of an interview I noticed that faraway look in those eyes of yours. That look is one of intimidation, dismay, and apprehension… I called your bluff now I’ve got you trapped in a corner with no way out. Chris when you sit down and take a good long look at me you see the truth. You can see your abysmal future sinking like a rock. Do you want to know why I choose an Iron Man match on night one? Because Page I wanted to slaughter you physically then I’ll then brutalize you mentally. You want a no holds barred match for night two, you got it win or lose you, clown… Soon enough I’ll end you permanently. You might call me egoistical in saying that. You know what I call it Chris, confidence. All you’ve got to do Chris is step up and prove me wrong, something you’ve had a difficult time doing since 2019… Prove to the world that you are of higher quality and can do it all on your own with no help... Chris, I am and always have been the one, the only one who can take you down... The time for sitting idle is over. This is an extremely agonizing miscalculation you’ll instantly regret once I pop your head like a God damn pinata at Relentless… I will not apologize for what I’m about to unleash upon you, I’ll not express grief or feel uneasy as your blood flows and I’m covered in it. We both know what’s going to have to happen to put one or the other away. The question is who is willing to go there? Which one of us is willing to walk right up to the edge of the cliff and jump? To push the needle past the brink. Chris, I have nothing else to lose and I’ll do what I must. The disadvantageous hell that I am about to unleash upon you will never be forgotten…”
Drew flies around the cabin doing multiple doughnuts before stopping and hopping off…
” Bob, that thing is amazing, we’ve got to come up here more and ride those things…”
Drew can hardly contain himself…
” Now the bad news muchacho, the other one is dead empty, no gas…”
” Okay…”
” Okay, what do you mean okay? How in the hell are we going to get out of here with one snowmobile Bob-O?”
Robert points to the one operational snowmobile as Drew looks it over…
” Wait a second… Both of us on that thing together…”
Drew waves Robert off shaking his head…
” Nope… Not happening, we are close Robert, but that is too close for my comfort… Forget the match with Ned, I’ll stay up here by the fire until spring…”
” Okay, what are you going to do for food?”
Drew looks around scratching his head…
” I don’t know, I’ll forage around for berries and stuff…”
Drew kicks the snow as Robert replies…
” Look around man, do you see an abundance of berries?”
Drew gets frustrated…
” I’ll go hunting then, Dad has a shotgun in the cabin, I’ll go out and blast a few deer and eat like a king…”
Drew pretends he is shooting a deer…
” BLAM… “
” Could you even gut a deer? All the blood and guts all over your hands?”
Drew becomes green thinking about it throwing his hands up…
” Damn it, Bob, I’m spit balling here, but now you’ve got to piss in my cheerios, don’t ya?
The two stare at one another for a few moments at an impasse…
” Fine, I’ll ride it with you, but I get to drive and we go back to back…”
Robert nods…
” Deal… Go get our stuff while I finish up…”
” Why do I have to go and get everything?”
” Because you get to drive, and knowing you I’ll be holding on for my life…”
Drew laughed out loud…
” Yeah… Yeah you will…
Drew continued laughing all the way into the cabin.
” I’m going to regret this… Chris, I know that all the self-appointed, by your admission of bullshit and bravado, you force feed down everyone’s pie hole is just an elaborate cover. You’ve gone on for two fucking years warping reality and I’m the only damn one that sees the truth Robert so, I have no issue with getting my hands down in the filth digging into the true grit of who Chris Page is. Stepping into a mind of psychopathy isn’t like a day at the park. But once I can get past the cruel hard-shelled mercilessness, I’ll show the world the gospel truth. “Chronic” Chris Page you are not a man of immense endowment, nor a man of unmanageable violence. Not even the ungovernable gladiator you illustrate. I’m going to unearth the disturbed, unsettled, frightened little boy, trying to nip at the big dog's heels. Hoping, praying to get just one meniscal scrap from the table you thought you controlled but never did. Chris, look at the list of longest-reigning champions and your name is nowhere near the top, hell you’re not even in the middle… Hell, son, you are not even ranked… You know your career is ticking away one second at a time. Intimidation usually takes some time. Enrooting fear also takes time. But Robert Main has and never will fear Chris Page. Within a blink of an eye, I will sink the ship. Chris, you have been running those dick-suckers a mile a second like the scared neglected bitch that we all know you are. I want you to know you haven’t marked your territory by taking a massive shit on this company. The only thing you have done is make yourself look like a conceited, egoistical prima donna.”
“Once the bell rings and every one of those guarantees Chris, will cease to exist. You will petered out just like you always have, fading away into the background, forgotten. Like smoke lifting away into the air Page, you will evaporate right in front of the worlds very eyes… You’ve once again written a check your ass simply can’t cash. Over the past two years, you’ve never once taken it into consideration that I would have an unbreakable will. All you’ve shown is you believe that I was this monumental failure willing to just roll over and die... Well, guess what jack ass you were wrong… All this coming from a snobby uptown coward.”
Drew walked back outside handing Robert his things…
” You almost finished brooding…”
” Nope…”
” Carry on…”
Drew hopped on the snowmobile…
” Chris at Relentless the toughest man on the planet will suddenly seem human… I am as cut-throat as they come, a slayer among men. The Judge, Jury and Executioner. A hitman who's fearlessly bold and brave to boot… And after every word, The Chronic ass hat has said Robert frightened… Page you’re the type of man that needs drug out into the middle of the woods and disembowel, so the world can be a better place. Chris, you want to know the discrepancy between us. No matter my win-loss record… I’ve always remained hungry, match after match I remain unsatisfied. Thirsty for more, craving the next one on the list, but all of that stopped when you came crawling into the picture didn’t it? I stopped breathing the air at the top… Because of you, I’ve had to keep my head on a swivel, knuckling down bracing myself for the next blow. But here we are you and I locked in a battle that seems like it will go on forever... Like Batman and the Joker… Only this time one of us must go… Will it be the old dog? Or “The Omega”? The very moment Chris, that you take your foot off the gas and begin you wrestling ineffectively. I’ll strike like Thor’s hammer, shocking the living shit out of you… Boom goes the dynamite, Robert wins again… All the accomplishments and achievements are gone. All the hard work, merely a memory. To put it simply. You lose, it’s over. I’m going to wear you down and once that old tried out ass starts to fade, I’m going to pick you apart like the predator that I am… I’ll remain ravenous until the final bell. A bottomless pit of hell until I cannot lift a finger. I’m in pursuit of supremacy and the only way to it is through you Chris…”
Robert stands, putting his Carhart coat on…
” I’ve devoted myself to this war Chris, exchanging blows with you for every single person that you have ever done wrong in the wrestling business. I’m taking a stand for all of them, I battle to be what so few can be called in this business. That’s a man who has “Chronic” Chris Page’s career away… I’ve always wanted to be held in great regard... To be known as the man who bulldozed through each competitor I’ve ever faced. Outshining and overcoming every single obstacle even when the odd always seem so stacked against me. But now I realize my priorities were misplaced, I was seeking fool’s gold and because of you Chris I realize I’ve been wrong for years… Greedy… Relentless is one of the grandest events of them all, and I will fight you Chris Page with the XWF standing firmly behind me. I will battle with everything that I have left in the tank… I will swarm you, overwhelming you, wiping away the memory of Chris Page like the sand and tide. Once the bell rings I understand that I will come eye to eye with unspeakable evil, but I will refuse to waiver. I am the man who will stand for the XWF and OCW in a match where the stakes couldn’t be any higher. This has become more than a battle between two men. This was a war for the heart and soul of the people and will decide the future that we all inhabit… You stand for illusions, erroneous truths. While one of us speaks the truth the other speaks nothing but lies. Chris, I’m that beacon of hope the XWF so desperately needs. For so long you have selfishly denied so many along your journey to the top of the mountain. We are so perfectly matched, two warriors fighting with the same motivation. The same unbreakable will. The entire world will watch as I go to war with a warped and twisted reflection of myself, and everything that I stand for. This struggle will inspire generations to come, reminding them there can only be one choice when confronted by this kind of evil.”
Robert’s eyes sparked as the corners of his eyes crinkled, the corners of his mouth slid upwards without showing his snow-white teeth as his soul suddenly shined through his smile…
” You stand and fight! And I’ll do just that, this is how the mettle of a man is tested, Chris, you believe that you will come to power once again on the back of a lie… I’m here to tell you that I will not allow that to happen… Chris Page you will no longer make the roster of this federation feel small… Relentless the world will witness the truth. They will see that Chris Page was never worthy of the Universal Championship, or all the opportunities handed to him as he cut the line so many times… This war can end only one way. “Chronic “Chris Page - vs - Robert “The Omega” Main will end with Robert taking away Page’s career... And one day we all will look back on this spot in time, all the scars and wreckage left as a brutal reminder, as a promise of never again.”
Drew started the snowmobile…
” You ready to roll Bob?”
Robert nods with another grin…
” You seem different…”
” That’s because I’ve found my smile!”
Drew slaps the handlebars
” Oh, shit Page is in trouble!”
Robert takes a step off the porch before turning back looking at the cabin…
” Thanks Dad…”
Former: x2 x2
Longest Reigning Tag Team Champions in modern history. W- Drew Archyle & James Raven
Longest Reigning Hart Champion in modern history:280 days
2nd longest reigning Universal Champion :269 days
Tag Team Champions W- "Chronic" Chris Page as Cataclysm
Trio's Champion W- AX3
2020 May Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team Wargames 2020
Winning Team War Games 2019 W- APEX PROPHECY
2019 Feud of the year W- "Chronic" Chris Page
2019 Tag Team of the Year W- Drew Archyle & James Raven as APEX
Roleplay of the Month February 2019 "Junkyard Dog"
Leap Of Faith Winner 2018
July 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2017 Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team War Games 2017 W- APEX
Mr. 24/7
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