The scene opens as we get a shot of Steve Sayors seated in a director-style chair in a small intimate setting as he gazes into the camera while as he welcomes us.
” Good afternoon, and welcome to a very special sit-down interview with the former XWF Universal Champion, “Chronic” Chris Page.”
The camera draws back to reveal Chris Page in a similar style chair.
” I am Steve Sayors, and this is One on One with Steve.”
Steve shifts positioning in his chair as he now faces Chris who looks on unamused.
” I have to say that I am a little confused why Tommy Slavino isn’t sitting in this chair given your association with BOB. This is usually something he’d be handling.”
” If you have been keeping up with anything you’d know that effective last week I dissolved ties with BOB. Clearly, it isn’t that big of a deal but it needed to be done for this upcoming deal on Saturday Night.”
” Oh really?”
” Well when all you hear from you opponents is shit that has nothing to do with me and everything to do with BOB or whatever BOB is doing it kind of takes that easy fallback away from the less talented folks that think BOB has anything to do with me or what I have going on. BOB has a revolving door, something the organization was built upon was the notion that there is an open-door policy. You want to walk out, walk out. Do you want to come back? Come back. It’s not like it matters because the general public will deduce whatever the hell they want to.”
” Let me make sure I understand you correctly, effective as of last week you dissolved association with the Brotherhood of Baddies?”
” Is there an echo in the fucking room? Fuck man, Tommy does do this shit better than you.”
Steve lets out a deep sigh as Chris continues.
” Furthermore there’s no need for us to discuss BOB moving forward until I make a permanent decision of if I elect to rejoin after thrashing Alias or if I am going to continue forging my path.”
” Understood.”
Steven settles things down as he starts to officially conduct his interview.
” You already touched on why we are here, and that boils down to you finally exercising your rematch for the Universal Championship live on Savage this Saturday Night. What’s the real reason that it has taken you this long to exercise that rematch following being cashed in on back at Leap of Faith?”
” First and foremost I wasn’t on a time frame to exercise it. If I wanted to wait two years before coming forward and challenging for the strap I could. Timing is everything in this business; following my loss; and I use the term loss very loosely when it took seven people to get the job done, but following that, I sat back and watched as Alias failed with flying goddamn colors as the Universal Champion. With Relentless just around the corner, there’s no need for him to be in the top spot on the biggest show of the year when he’s already proven to be lazy as fuck on top of all the fake news he has tried to promote.”
” You’ve already laid down a challenge to Robert Main for Relentless in what will be a Three Stages of Hell Match that is set to take place throughout Relentless weekend, I am assuming that this is the match that you are looking to defend the Universal Championship?”
” Let’s be honest here, can you name off any other attraction that is bigger than Page versus Main- The Final Encounter? I can if it was for MY Championship. Over the last week or so we’ve all heard Alias sit back and call me out on bragging about defeating a man that was put in a no-win situation, right?”
Steve nods in approval.
” So what about when I said back in April that if Robert Main wanted a piece of Chris Page all he had to do was ask, but if he wanted a shot at the strap he had to earn that. Alias is a fucking , man. I used my Champions’ advantage to ensure Robert would not leave with the title just like he used his briefcase advantage to get him my championship, to begin with. It’s cute when guys open their mouths and insert their feet as many times as this chump stain has. Talk about not knowing what the fuck you’re talking about as well as putting yourself in that hypocritical state that he has been made out to be by yours truly. One minute he doesn’t care, the next minute he does, the next minute he explains what he cares about while straying away from being a punk in a pair of the thrift stores finest. Steve, there’s so much more to me than most people will never really comprehend.”
” Please continue.
” Professional Wrestling is a business, can we agree on that?”
” Absolutely.”
” Perfect because that’s how I perceive it, and in business one of the golden rules is that you cannot mix business and personal while expecting to make rational or logical decisions. Very few people that I have rubbed shoulders with over the last thirty years have managed to breach that line in the sand; not because they haven’t tried mind you, but because I am smart enough to understand that when guys try to get personal it’s to hide their insecurities. Take the little boy as an example. How many times did he name drop Jess?”
Chris waits for an answer as Steve thinks for a moment but that moment is a little too long for CCP.
” Don’t make your brain bleed trying to figure it out because I assure you the mentions aren’t the point. The point is Jess and I are happily together behind the scenes…”
Chris shifts his attention from Steve and towards the camera giving it his full attention as he speaks to the viewers at home.
” Not only are we a couple behind the scenes and on camera. My relationship with Jessica has absolutely nothing to do with Saturday Night.”
Chris tilts his head back over towards Steve as he continues to state.
” People try to go personal show that they’re weak, they’re scared, they’re intimidated because professionally they have zero legs to stand on. The little boy isn’t anything but a pawn to me in this game of chess, pushing the personal side was another failed attempt to mask his fear. I get it, man, I know that I am not the easiest opponent to have to deal with because I don’t roll over and play dead, I come at you like a mother fucking spider monkey feverishly trying to rip someone’s throat out as he is going to find out first hand in short order.”
” Do you take his cash in personally?”
” I have never faulted him for cashing his case in. I faulted him for being a bitch about it. He had a choice to make and he made it just like I have a choice to make. Steve, let’s get something straight here and now. I am in no way a saint. I think anyone that’s watched my career they’ll see that I tend to play under the whatever it takes today mindset as opposed to the glad-handing/kissing babies schtick. The one thing I’m not… is fake. When you look at Chris Page you don’t see a gimmick, you don’t see me pretending to be something I’m not because I am that guy that genuinely doesn’t give a flying fuck if I am liked or not on a personal level from any and everyone on the face of the planet. What you see on television is what you would see if you came over to the house to hang out.”
Chris speaks intently as he takes a second before continuing.
” To answer your question though, he made a business decision… he did what was best for him at that time, business versus personal; no I didn’t. Had I taken it personally I wouldn’t have bidden my time and would have exercised this rematch within weeks of it happening. I didn’t do that; if I had taken it personally I wouldn’t have announced this encounter three weeks ago before this card was even being discussed. John Doe doesn’t have that kind of power; at least not over me anyway. I take a lot of pride in carrying that Universal Championship at the time that I held it. I was on television damn near every show putting my money where my mouth was against anyone that spoke up wanting a shot.”
Chris chuckles under his breath catching himself from going any further.
” What’s so funny?”
” I was just thinking about how the consensus when it comes to Big D, when it comes to Drew Archyle, Demos, Edgar, Black, Main; the consensus that I have the power to handpick opponents- Let’s talk about this for a second, again, because the masses only pay attention to what’s relevant at that time. This has all been covered at least four times by now. When I won the Universal Title the FIRST person to CHALLENGE me was Big D. I mean it’s a matter of public record if anyone bothers to go back and find it, much like I said back then I’ll say right now; I told myself if I beat Duke that I would accept the first official challenge thrown my way. I guess if you listen to little boys I somehow channeled Big D, took over his body, and made the challenge for him like I can control the actions of others. I have that power, not sure if you knew that or not because it’s certainly news to me. Because Big D stepped up when ANYONE else could it’s somehow on me. Cool story. What about Drew Archyle? Drew made HIS intentions known leading on countless episodes of television that had the entire federation wanting to know just who is “Anarchy”. Yet again I somehow hook up with a guy that wants to rip my head from my shoulders after nearly ending the life of Robert Main and say “hey man, come fight me for the belt.”?”
There’s another very brief pause before Chris continues his train of thought.
” Demos and Edgar is where things get a little more interesting because maybe I did have a little say here. The head honchos asked me for an opinion on who I wanted to face. Fuck me for responding with whoever you think deserves it. At the time Demos wasn’t a failure and Edgar had lost like one match. But because I was asked a question and responded with a question I am cherry-picking who I defended the gold against? But that’s not what made me laugh a few moments ago. What brought the little laughter is if the little boy had that much of an issue with it then why the fuck didn’t he step to the plate back then? When people speak on things they have zero details on it forces mistakes after mistakes after mistakes. I do think it’s cute though that in the eyes of the locker room that I wave the magic wand of decision making. Anyone could have challenged me at any point; Alias has taken a route much like so many others mind you, where it’s easy to spout off his cock sucker AFTER the fact versus trying his hand during the time frame. What about Robert? Didn’t he EARN his shot at winning a Battle Royale that ANYONE could have partaken in? Yeah man, I handpick my opponents. What the fuck ever.”
” Sanford Stadium sold out the moment this card was announced. Nearly one hundred thousand fans are going to jam-pack the house to see Alias versus Chris Page. It’s as high profile can get. What’s the strategy going into this match as the challenger against a champion that has never been pinned or made to submit?”
” First let me say you’re welcome to the rest of the guys on the card for giving you a bigger payday.”
Chris glances over towards the camera winking before quickly shifting attention back towards Steve.
” Secondly stats like that would impress me if he wasn’t fighting the lesser talents on the roster. This will be his biggest test to date for him, he’ll never admit it because he’d rather try and throw your attention anywhere but on him like he’s done for the last two weeks. He makes excuses for his shortcomings, he casts aside everyone that isn’t named Corey desperately looking for some validation. It’s just sad. Ya know? I don’t think that I am going to put my mind to ending his “unbeaten” streak over taking back what belongs to me because taking back my Championship will end that in the process. The little boy has way more to lose than I do within this situation, the fact he doesn’t even realize it further shows just how he is a lesser Chris Page.”
” What about the strategy?”
” Brother, I am not going to tip my hand. This is a wrestling match, a pure wrestling match. All I have to do is put his shoulders to the mat for a three count. That’s it. It’s the same thing I’ve done to so many people before and I will do to many people after. It’s not complicated or difficult. The strategy is to leave Georgia as the new Two-Time XWF Universal Champion on my own accord based on the talent and ability that I bring to the table. This isn’t my first rodeo, I know what I am getting into but more importantly, I know WHO I am getting into it with. Alias can’t say the same thing. He’s already shown he doesn’t know the first goddamn thing about me or what I have been doing. He’s tried countless times to misquote history or bend the truth to try and cast doubt on me. You can’t cast doubt when Savage ends and I am once again standing back on top of the mountain as the Universal Champion.”
” From your perspective how do you perceive the current landscape within the XWF?”
” I don’t give a shit about any of that because the landscape of the federation has nothing to do with what is going to be on firm display for the goddamn world to see on Saturday Night. It’s sweet that you wasted some of your time with something a as that. We are here to talk about Alias vs Chris Page, so I suggest you do what he hasn’t done and keep shit relevant to here and now. You both might learn something.”
Chris scoffs at Steve Sayors who shifts conversation topics.
” Hypothetically speaking, what will happen should you not defeat Alias on Saturday Night?”
” If anyone beats me straight up you don’t hear a lot of pissing and moaning from me. Take my loss to Lycana as an example not even two weeks after the travesty that took place at Leap of Faith. She got me straight up and there’s nothing that I can say other than I dropped the ball; it cost me, dearly versus what happened on the last Warfare with Betsy Granger where she was nailed dead to rights before Robert decided it would be cool to dick me over, again. If Alias can defeat me clean and clear; that’s a BIG if, but if nonetheless, if it happens you won’t hear a goddamn peep out of me. This false narrative that I label myself as the GOAT is overplayed and overhyped, I never claimed to be the GOAT I’ve claimed to be ONE of the GOATS in the business today. There’s a huge difference, now I am sure I’ve called myself the GOAT a time or two, but let’s be realistic here if I spent my time like my opponent looking for the minor flaws I would have put out two hundred promos on him. The dude contradicts himself more than he’s tried to call me on. It’s pathetic, truly it is.”
[i[Chris takes a moment to get his thoughts together before he continues.[/i]
” Going to your question, I don’t allow the “what ifs” to invest my mind because that’s negative thinking. I fully expect on doing the unthinkable in the eyes of most much like I did when I captured that Title the first time; defeat someone that expects to defeat me. Losing isn’t an option for me because when I defeat Alias when I do what nobody else has been able to do what then? What’s the next thing that people will slam me on? Because make no mistake about it when I sit here and tell you that Alias isn’t going to have an excuse to fall back on other than he just isn’t talented enough to take down someone like me. I am a different breed the entire way around, only he’s way too foolish enough to comprehend. The dude seriously thinks that the past has anything to do with the present, thinks that trying to go personal was a way to ruffle my feathers, is deluded enough to air blatant lies yet have the audacity to call me the liar? Mother fucker is so dumb he makes Peter Gil… wait, can’t use that name, Honkey Lighthouse look like a valedictorian. I said it once over the last several weeks but it bears repeating… Don’t throw stones when you live in glass houses. When it comes to the XWF I am more of a draw, more of a talent, more looked upon than any other piece of talent on the roster, but I’m a nobody that’s not worth the toilet paper he wipes his ass with, or so he WANTS you to believe.”
There’s another brief pause from Chris Page before he states.
” He has wasted more time trying to discredit my career than anyone else I have ever squared up against. It’s almost like he’s obsessed with me to a degree; I can’t help that I’ve had an incredible career, I can’t help that I’ve won every major Championship I have put my eyes on, I can’t help that I know how to elevate the careers of those around me, I can’t help that I have the love and affection of Jessica, I can’t help that I am just head and shoulders better than Alias… and hey, trust me when I tell you I don’t have to believe in Alias because he believes in himself enough for both of us. What I do believe in is in THIS reality no scenario ends with him leaving Georgia with the Universal Championship. There’s not a person on the roster that has done more for this federation than I have over the last two years. When I arrived I told everyone that I would rock the XWF to its core; well, that mission has been complete.”
Steve then speaks up.
” What do you have to say to all the people that do think that everything Alias has had to say is true? What do you say to his supporters?”
There’s a devilish smirk that appears on the face of Chris Page who takes a second or two before he responds.
” The last thing I am going to do is get into a political debate with anyone who supports them or who doesn’t. The wrestling game is just as political as any other business. You will have guys that people don’t want to see on top even IF they’re the best thing going much like you have people that want to see the cream of the crop on top. It’s a matter of personal opinion really, I mean if you want to support someone who is a walking contradiction, who has been proven a liar and insulted your intelligence with every promo he’s cut then by all means support him. It doesn’t make a difference to me one way or the other because again that’s not why we are here. We are here for Chris Page to walk out on national television on Saturday Night where he takes back the Universal Championship regardless of who supports him or who doesn’t. He’s going to be left a shell of his himself when I am done rag tagging him in front of the world.”
” Nearly one hundred thousand tickets have been sold, the eyes of the wrestling world are going to be locked in on how this plays out because the landscape of Relentless and the Universal Championship is at stake. What’s it like to compete in front of that many people?”
” I mean not to toot my own horn or anything but I’ve been selling out stadiums for the better part of the year; toot, toot, but in all seriousness when you can pack a house like that it’s almost surreal. The energy level alone is something that you can’t even begin to describe, man. It’s going to be electric, I will have them all eating out of the palm of my hand; it’s kinda what I do. There’s not a hell of a lot of people that give a shit about having the best match on the card. I have, and always will be one of those guys. I feel like at my age if I can steal the show it only further validates me. Here’s a peek behind the curtain, Thad Duke and I constantly compete if we’re on the same show to see who can steal it. You get guys like that whose performance between those ropes drives me to be one of the GOATS that I am.”
Steve interjects with a question.
” Do you ever think we will see another Page versus Duke classic?”
” Within this profession, you never say never. I will say that some of the most fun I have had in the ring was that run with Duke. Sit back and ask yourself when was the last time something so organic came together throughout three Championship divisions. Something that was supposed to be a one and done translated into five or six months of high quality, highly entertaining television. What better way to kick off 2021 than with Page versus Duke for the Uni?”
” Some might say Robert Main.”
” Pfft… yeah, right. People are more tired of that act than they are of mine. Sheesh. Duke and I made a lot of cheddar together, that’s for sure, and I would be lying if I didn’t say my eyes aren’t locked in on the Flynn/Duke deal we have unfolding on Warfare. I have no doubts that at Relentless they’re going to pull out all the stops.”
” Here’s something I wouldn’t mind picking your brain on. What else would you want to see come the biggest weekend of the year for the XWF? What’s your Main Event?”
Chris quickly responds.
” Naturally what we’re going to see; Chris Page defending against Robert Main’s Three Stages of Hell on Night One, Night Two and Night Three. Relentless is supposed to be the culmination of a rivalry; what other feud is there that has more history and is legitimately going to be the Final Chapter. The book closes on Robert Main versus Chris Page; a thing that has carried the federation for two and a half years. Think about that, two and a half year deal finally comes to an end. Doesn’t matter if you like it, love it, or shit on it… you’re talking about it, which means you’re thinking about it, which then means you are invested in it.”
Chris shifts his attention directed towards the camera where he gazes intently into the lens.
” Right, Alias?”
Attention of Page directs back towards Steve.
” The only other match that is confirmed is Flynn versus Duke. I don’t want to armchair quarterback this one because if I make some good guesses I could spoil things. I will say that I have my idea on what I could see happening based on War Games and the overall product, but if half of what I see comes full circle I think it would be safe to say that everyone would see a loaded fucking show. The fed has some really good talent on the roster, a lot of hungry kids that want to be on top… and even here over the last few weeks since War Games there’s been some new signee’s that are showing a lot of promise. I would believe the hype about this show because it brings the best out of everyone that gives a shit about what they are doing.”
” I would ask what’s next for you but it looks like your next stop is Warfare. If you aren’t in BOB why are you still involved in that particular twelve-person tag?”
” I can team with friends, it’s already advertised, and Robert Main is showing up for a fight.. I’ll be your huckleberry.”
Page briefly pauses.
” But that’s Wednesday brother. The here and now is still locked on putting a bullet in the streak that is Alias.”
” Is there anything else you’d want to say before we tie a bow on this?”
Chris nods his head up and down before he responds.
” I don’t ever look for anyone to respect what I have done because they don’t walk in my shoes. I don’t write checks my ass can’t cash, so when I tell you I am laser-focused on accomplishing my goal by taking back the Universal Championship. Alias just happens to have retained it, twice, a long way from seven. Come talk to me when you hit eight, the fuck do you think this is? The Xtreme Title? Oh wait, that’s right, you won’t be able to come to talk to me when you reach eight… it ends at two.”
Chris gazes back into the camera as he states with a soft tone.
” Redemption shall be mine. Games Over.”
Chris winks as the feed cuts.
- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
With Robert "The Omega" Main
XWF World Heavyweight Champion
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