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Circus fun
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Rampage Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

08-20-2021, 12:07 PM

Rampage was excited about the opportunity in front of him. The expectations could not be bigger for him, and he was ready to embrace them. Summer was nearly over, but for Rampage, the summer of 2021 was just heating up. He was at visiting Atlantic City taking in the beautiful woman, crashing waves, and, of course, all the food he could eat. This place was special to him, considering it was a place he went to as a kid every year. Nothing ever special happened as his parents were very strict with routine, but now he was trying to do something new, so he walked the boardwalk, trying to find something new. The sun was setting, and he was thinking nothing fun was going on when he noticed a bright advertisement nearby.

[Image: IvIz.gif]

Atlantic City Convention Center
Aug 20th, 2021
7 P.M.

Pulling out his phone, he saves the information and takes a picture as well. Rampage continues walking the boardwalk, going in and out of stores, eventually purchasing a surfboard. He finds a quiet spot on the beach as he removes his shirt and runs into the water with nothing but his boxers on. The waves were the perfect height as he lies on the board and waits patiently. Ten minutes go by as he notices a wave forming and prepares to ride it up and down the beach. Sure enough, he hits the wave perfectly and begins surfing from east to west with a big smile on his face holding a selfie stick out as he records a video.

John Black, I am surprised they would even give you a shot at any title. Maybe it is out of respect considering you're one of the longest members here or the XWF drug dealer with your Baltimore roots. Either way, you are going to regret stepping in the ring with the biggest son of a bitch you have ever faced. I already know about the reputation you have as a big mouth. In fact, the very first day I arrived, a few warned me that you're the loudest motherfucker around, but you lack the competency level to be productive in the company. It is going to be a rough week for you once I fatten that lip of yours talking will be the last thing on your mind. They just keep you around feeling sorry for what you’ve become, but hey free cocaine for everyone outstanding! The moment I heard you were in my match, I just laughed because back in the day had a special purpose in life and entertaining fans was not one of them. However you get the pleasure of being in the main event with Rampage, a man built for the bright lights can people say the same about you.? What are you trying to prove by bribing your way into this match? Maybe they want to make you a martyr after all and make a memorial just so I can visit and piss on it. You may have been in XWF for nearly a decade, but that does not mean shit to me, son. I plan to treat you the same way I treat every soul on earth with absolute disrespect and not a worry in the world about their feelings.

Once he is done at the beach he goes back to his hotel and takes a hot shower. He sits down and calls to purchase tickets for the Circus. He was not sure what to expect though considering he had not been to the circus in almost two decades but he always enjoyed the entertainment. Once he gets off the phone it was time to kick off his shoes and watch a few movies and have a cocktail or two delivered to the room eventually the drinks were delivered as he finishes them off in no time and begins to doze off.

[Image: giphy.gif]

Friday morning was here. Rampage gets up already knowing today was going to be very busy. He opens the suitcase picking jeans and a shirt for the circus. Rampage takes it easy for a little while having some breakfast and a smoke. Eventually, he freshens up and begins the short walk to the circus.

The circus used to mean entertainment until you entered the world, John Black. You give Circus a bad name with your bitching, moaning, and complaining. I know the circus I am dealing with here, but with you, it’s unpredictable. You can’t even entertain a plastic bag, yet somehow you probably have it in your twisted mind that beating Rampage and Vita is something you can actually accomplish. The thought of that is a circus to me, but rumor has it you never lack confidence, John. You will soon see how I got the name Rampage and why everyone who comes in contact with me never forgets what I did to them. We could battle in a church and I would not care to me you are worthless. You are a delusional sack of shit who needs to understand Anarchy bastards do not belong on Saturday Night Savage since that is where real men fight. It’s okay if you doubt what I am capable of. Many people have, but proving everyone wrong motivates me. I get you want to prove that you still have what it takes, but this is a death sentence for you. It’s time for me to check out a REAL Circus that understands what it takes in order for fans to come back over and over. Everyone hates Rampage, but I put asses in the seat as they wait to see what happens. Do yourself a favor and buy a ticket where you will be safe, but you're too stupid and do what you want.

He takes the final turn as the circus can be seen one hundred feet away. It was huge. It was better than he remembered and it just added to the excitement. He arrived early so he could watch the performers warm-up

[Image: Rudi_Enos_Design_Big_Top_Circus_Tent_001A.jpg]

Once he enters the first tent, the atmosphere is amazing and certainly brings a rare smile to his face. The first thing he noticed was the ring of fire. This act had been around forever, but the results were always unpredictable. People have died during this act and others have gotten away unharmed. Deep down, though, Rampage wanted to try this it was the closest he was going to get regarding being a daredevil. He looks to his left and notices the jugglers who are on a unicycle going back and forth with no problem as they toss back and forth to each other. Then to the right, the mighty lions appeared, the animals are certainly the best act of the Circus. They listened well compared to humans, and they always gave it their best effort. A lot of the performers had not arrived yet, so the area was empty. He tries to get closer when he hears security behind him.

Hey! Get away from there.

Rampage, surprised by the tone of security, turns around and approaches him. He keeps a straight face as he locks in on the guy when suddenly the security guy is thrown nearly fifty feet away. He laughs as the guy bounces on the ground and kneels down beside him.

Are you really going to stop me from doing what I want, little guy? You must be related to John Black biting off more than you can chew and thinking you actually matter. You are going to let me go perform with the circus one way or another just like I am going to take that goofy-looking in-bred cousin of yours and make him fear for his life. I am not talking about death, oh no; I am speaking of that feeling you are always being watched. It will drive him to paranoia and ultimately destroy any kind of normal life he planned to live after this match.

Rampage tightens the grip on the man as he suddenly releases him and whispers.

Turn around and act like you saw nothing and if you say anything, it will be the worse mistake of your life. [/color]

Security runs off, not saying a word as Rampage makes his way to the second ten and peeks inside and notices the acrobats and tight-rope walkers. He decides that he doesn’t want to know the entire show before it starts, so he walks until he finds the ticket station and shows the lady at the counter his mobile order. She acknowledges it; he reviews the ticket and finds out that he is in the last row, which isn’t so bad at a Circus because of how small the venue is. He sits patiently as he thinks about the near future and competing against a “champion”.

Vita, I know you have quite a storied history in XWF. I appreciate the length you have sustained, just like John Black, but you know the saying out with the old and in with the new. Compared to both of you old asses, I am the future of this company. I know you try to stay relevant and adapt, but you’re wasting your time. Being a champion does not make you immune from reality checks and I know you’ve faced a lot of tough competition in the business, but sweetheart Rampage is a monster this world has never seen. You can do whatever you think will tame me, but I will have gold on this powerful body of mine. Let’s put everything on the table here Vita how much respect do you really deserve? The fact the company allows a woman to hold a prestigious title is very sad. You belong barefoot and pregnant, serving men on your knees and not being heard. I’m sure you’re offended knowing this is 2021 and assholes like me should not exist, but here I am. I know what kind of abuse you can take and believe me; I am going to give you what you deserve. However, the one thing you did not count on was losing the Television Title to the biggest, craziest and smartest monster in XWF. Taking the title is going to cut you deeper than anything you’ve ever experienced, and I will enjoy every second of your pain.

The moment was almost near as the lights go dark and fireworks go off, showing the start of the Circus. The leader of the circus appeared as he speaks.

Thank you, everyone, for arriving promptly, and before we even start, there are two announcements I want to make. The first one is that sadly tonight is our last show forever. We just don’t have the funds we need to keep going. However, we are doing something for the very first time and that is tonight we are selecting one lucky member of the audience to not just take part in the circus but there will be the Ring Master thus the leader for one final night of thrills, chills, and excitement.

There is silence over the crowd as everyone tries to comprehend the announcement. It has been a staple in Atlantic City for over fifty years, and now it was leaving. Rampage even felt emotional about it and crying was a sign of weakness to him. The leader speaks once again as Rampage tries to compose himself.

Now everyone, get out your tickets please, as I am about to select a location.

They placed an enormous bowl next to him as he digs deep, almost falling inside it. He grabs a ticket and makes the announcement.

The winner and participant in our last performance are sitting in section Z row Z, the very last seat on the end.

Rampage did not need a ticket because he realized that was his seat. He runs down the aisle shaking the entire building as he does. Rampage shows his ticket as the crowd cheers for the winner. I opened the gate and walked into the circus area and stood near the podium.

This is our lucky winner and what a strong choice if I say so myself. Did you want to say anything?

He turns towards Rampage and steps off the podium as the monster takes his position on the podium

I don’t want to keep everyone waiting, so let me make this short and sweet. I am not a fun lovable guy and I demand your respect. I believe in pushing myself to your new limits, something Vita and John Black, who are no concern to you, have never done before. They like to stay in their comfort zone because they are afraid of what might happen if they do. I am seven feet tall with no restrictions, as you are about to see.

He steps off and is pulled to the side and is given the schedule. He looks it over and is given a microphone.

The first act of the night is yours truly being shot out of a cannon because you only live once.

As he reads it, he realizes what it says and looks around. He wasn’t even sure if he could fit into the cannon, but he needed to land properly. The crowd cheers as the lights adjust to one side of the tent where a cannon comes into the picture. Rampage flexes his muscle as he begins a slow walk towards the cannon as the crew prepares it for him. Rampage walks up the stairs until he is standing near the hole of the cannon. He looks inside and he smiles.

Is everyone ready for an amazing flight?

The crowd chants yes in unison and Rampage did not want to disappoint the crowd, considering he had the spotlight as usual. He climbs into the cannon, curling into an enormous ball. The crowd claps and chants.


The fuse is ‘lit" and the timer begins. There is a safety net about 100 yards away to catch him suddenly there is a loud BOOM.

[Image: FeistyOilyCurlew-size_restricted.gif]

They launched Rampage, out of the cannon. His face is blown backward as he waves to the crowd and even does a full flip before hitting the net. Fireworks go off as he hits the net. Once he lands, the crowd erupts again. He speaks into the microphone as he rolls off the net and onto the solid ground once again.

I make everything look easy because I am that damn good. Vita and John Black do not understand that about me. They look at me and judge me based on sheer size alone. I hit harder than anyone ever has in the world's history. It will be the slap heard around the world as my hand connects with their face. It would scare guys my size to try things as they may get stuck or hurt, but I love a challenge and sadly this circus is the biggest challenge I will have over the next few weeks.

They cut his speech short as everyone tells him it’s time for the burning ring of fire. Rampage wasn’t sure how he felt about this, but being a true leader, it was up to him to lead by example and not make excuses. He raises his hand as the lights go off and they bring two large rings to the middle of the stage. The crowd cannot see much as suddenly Rampage speaks sternly into the microphone.

Lights on

When the lights come back on, the director of the circus appears next to Rampage. Grabbing the microphone, he looks up at the big guy to explain what is going to happen.

Since you are new to this circus, let me explain what is going to happen. You will pick an animal from this circus and that is what will guide you down this ramp safely through the ring of fire. So, without further delays, light the rings, and let’s do this.

It has been a lifelong dream of mine to do this and no better creature to guide me to my death than a pair of lions.

Lion, it is then!

The crowd cheers him on as he walks up a large incline and looks down. A foghorn goes off releasing the lions. Trainers direct the lions next to Rampage as he climbs onto the small riding area. A cannon goes off as the lions run down the ramp as Rampage prepares himself. However, the crowd does not know Rampage was a cheater and did things his way as he jumps off and directs the lions through the two rings of fire with a smile on his face.

[Image: 9347e1c04cbf0b92e1ceb1f6cdda04a2.gif]

The crowd boos heavily as the circus ended on a sour note. Food is being thrown at the big guy but he did not care he enjoyed being hated as he exits backstage, heading outside where he speaks.

Vita and John Black, this is the real Rampage, a cheating son of a bitch who will do whatever is needed in order to get the job done. I don’t care if it’s a child or a grown-ass adult if you are in my way, you will get hurt. Vita, be smart for once and realize defending that title is not worth all this no one will think any less of you. John Black, good luck holding your own in a match like this. The intensity alone is more than you can handle, but I will love watching the struggle.

He disappears into nearby woods, taking a different path to the hotel.

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