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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
I always told my side my way...
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Marf Offline
THE Marf

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

08-12-2021, 07:50 PM

The beautiful and blazing sun shines down on the surprisingly mostly empty beach. Marf carries a picnic basket and blanket while Lycana and Reika walk in front of him. Reika points and runs ahead excitedly to a secluded spot while Lycana steals a glance back at Marf. Wearing just his bathing shorts and flip flops, he shifts the basket and blankets into his other arm. Lycana has her bikini hidden under a black see through shawl and large brimmed matching black hat. Marf has a hard time keeping his eyes off her but has his attention diverted by a shouting Reika.

This is it! The perfect spot! We did it!

Lycana and Marf catch up to her and lay their blankets out while Reika races to the water for a swim.

Hey no going too far out!

There’s an inaudible response as Marf chuckles.

Such a Mom...

Lycana spins on the spot and playfully kicks some sand at Marf.

Excuse me? Do you want to swim out there when she gets caught in the damn current?

Marf lies on the blankets and stares at her with a mocking smirk hanging on his face.

Sorry, mooooom...

Lycana pretends to get upset and pounces on top of Marf before he can sit up. She rolls off and sits beside Marf while smacking him in the chest. Leaving her hand there she lightly scratches at the thick hair.

So, you gonna take your sweater off or what?

Marf gives her a sideways glance and then playfully shoves her shoulder.

Wise ass...

They share a laugh and watch Reika as she swims and splashes along the shoreline. Lycana stretches out her legs, digging her feet into the sand just beyond the edge of the blanket.

Are you ready for Saturday?

She idly wiggles her toes up, bright purple polish glittering in the sun as she offers him a small smile.

You mean against the ghost and the giant moron? Yeah, I’m more than ready to go. I need to get in there and just do what I do best, inflict agonizing pain.

A chuckle bubbles up in Lycana’s throat at his words, knowing just how true they were. She flicks a watchful glance towards Reika, finding her poking among a small tidepool. She waves, and Lycana sends back an answering one before turning her attention back to Marf.

Mmm, anything particular in mind, or are you going to make me wait and watch?

She teases, wrinkling up her nose in a playful expression. He can’t help but smile back as he watches her affectionately.

I definitely had the idea to drop the big dummy on his empty skull. Now THAT would be fun!

Lycana’s eyes sparkle at the prospect, her smile widening into a full grin.

Maybe it would knock a bit of intelligence into him.

She pauses, faint lines creasing her brow for a quick moment, before raising a single shoulder in an offhand shrug.

Probably not. At least he would learn you aren’t someone to fuck with.

She leans back on her elbows, reaching one hand out to idly trace the bulging muscles in his arm with her fingertips.

Heh, does anybody ever really learn that? There’s so many names on that XWF roster I want to reiterate the point to...

She snorts, her hand returning to motion.

It’s always fun to beat them bloody more than once though. C’mon, you aren’t a one and done type of guy.

This time it is Marf’s turn to snort.

Fair point. I just feel with War Games behind us it’s time to start tearing through the roster once again. The Dissentients versus the world once more!

Lycana’s chuckle rings out, at the same time Reika yells in triumph from her little pool, holding a poor hermit crab into the sky. They both flash her a thumbs up and she goes back to prowling for small, unsuspecting sea life.

I think you’re right... I think it’s time we start letting everybody know we are back and ready to fuck all the new teams up. Like that Can-Jap whatever the hell with Blankenshit.

With a grin still on her face, Lycana rolls onto her belly, letting out a content sigh as the sun beats down on her back. Her hand snakes across the blanket into a bag, pulling out a bottle of sunscreen.

Would you mind lending me a hand?

She bats her eyelashes at him, plastering a wide, sugary sweet expression on her face. She pulls off her shawl while Marf stares down at her bikini and supple booty. He smirks at her before climbing on top of her.

How could I say no to such a polite request?

They both laugh and she purposely wiggles her ass a bit while Marf grins and starts applying sunscreen across her exposed back.

Mmm this is nice though, a little rest and relaxation time together for once. Just you and me. And I guess the kid too but she’s sweet. Mostly I just mean it’s wonderful we don’t have to deal with...


Marf leans in and kisses the back of her neck while chuckling again.


Lycana gets up and Marf tumbles off of her while she points.

No, Damien! He’s here!

Marf looks up and groans as he sees in the distance Damien making his way towards them.

How the hell did he find us!?”

I don’t know!

Lycana whines the words on a moan as she swipes a hand through her long, blue hair. She looks down at Marf with a scowl creeping across her face.

You know... maybe if you hadn’t gotten so buddy buddy with him when we went camping...

Marf sits up and scowls back.

Everyone knows anytime a disgruntled family goes camping at least one song and dance number will occur...ugh here he comes.

Lycana’s answering snarl morphs swiftly into a pleasantly neutral expression as a cheerful Damien trots up to them.

Damien! How... nice... to see you!

He ignores the dullness in her tone, totally used to Lycana being a bit of a bitch, and flops down in the sand.

Hey! Great spot you guys picked out! So secluded, almost couldn’t find it!

Marf cocks an eyebrow at him.

How did ya find us anyway?

Such a joker! Let’s build a sand fortress!

Dude, you’ve been hanging with Reika too much.


The screech echoes across the sand as the young girl herself spies the newcomer and abandons her hunt, tearing across the beach to launch herself at him. Lycana shoots a suffering look at Marf. They were damn well stuck with him now. So much for the two of them getting some much needed time together to... She shakes her head, pulling all kinds of beach toys out of one of the bags and tossing them at the others. With her careful aim she ‘accidently’ makes sure she aims a few at Damien and Marf’s heads.

At least shes happy to -OUCH!- see me....

Yeah maybe she can take you to hunt some you haven’t had experiences with crabs before...

Damien shoots a look over to Marf who mumbles the last part while Lycana stifles a laugh.

What was that!?

Lycana steps between them while puts his hands up innocently.

Hermit crabs... You can go hunt hermit crabs. Or make a sand castle. Unless you had something pressing you needing to talk to us about?

Damien shrugs.

Just wanted to hang out with my besties, what’s wrong with that?

Lycana shoots a look at Marf, who was opening his mouth to tell Damien just what exactly, was wrong with that. Before she can even say a word herself, Reika is up, tugging fiercely on Damien’s hands.

Come on! Come look what I found!

Marf watches as the two head towards the water and then looks back at Lycana. He gives her an exhausted smile.

Well, I suppose it could be worse?

With a whoosh of air expelled from her lungs, Lycana sinks down next to Marf and leans into him, determined to take at advantage, at least in the tiniest way, of being alone with him once more.

At least it wasn’t Arcana.

Marf puts an arm over her body, enjoying how her warm skin feels on his own.

Very true, what’s even going on with that one?

Between her picking XWF of all places to show up and now training with Caedus of all people, where do I even start?

Lycana rolls her eyes. Her head bounces with the rise and fall of Marf’s chest when he can’t help but laugh.

Are you serious? Well to his credit at least he can teach her how to fight. Man throws a mean punch...but at least I know he’ll stop giving you the eyes...

She tilts her head enough to look up at him and make a face.

I'm sure he can teach her a lot of things, but I don’t think anything can really help her. I’m actually really looking forward to seeing her get tossed around by the other ladies. And whatever that seven hundred pound robot thing... is.

The thought cheers her up for a brief moment.

And he never gave me any eyes... He was probably eyeing the X.

Yeah, I’m sure that’s all it was. And for his sake, that’s all it ever will be.

Marf catches Lycana giving him a look and he shrugs it off while turning and pretending to take interest in Reika and Damien. We fade out from this awkward moment.

Recorded before beach times...

Jesus...tap dancin’...Christ. The giant pile of shit known as Rampage opened his mouth. If I’m supposed to be the dumb one than what the fuck does that make you? Legally brain dead? The fuck you been rampaging through exactly, double cheeseburgers and paint chips? I mean right out of the gate you’re trying to put me down for being Canadian because we’re all cocky pricks. Ummm, have you ever met an actual Canadian? Fuck sakes at least get the stereotype correct if you want to play that game. PS, Queen Elizabeth doesn’t even live in Canada you dumb fuck. Oh, and speaking of games, I saw your little strong man competition bullshit and I gotta tell ya...

Marf snorts as obnoxiously as he can before spitting out a gross, snot filled loogie onto the ground.

Honestly big guy what the fuck were you attempting there? You proved you can’t even finish solely first at something you’re supposed to be great at, congratu-fuckin-lations! How the fuck do you think you’re just going to walk in and do well when you can barely construct a proper sentence while remembering you can breath through your nose? Your stupid ass actually tried to say I act tough when that’s literally all you’ve attempted to do since you showed up. Ooo fucking impressive you pushed a big rock up a fucking hill, I’m sure that will help in a wrestling match. Christ with all of the fucked booking decisions we might wind up having a “push a rock up a hill” match sooner than later so maybe you’ll be okay...

Still though...this motherfucker called it his ring? Did the nice fireman in the big shiny red truck tell ya that one? Or perhaps it came from your Mommy right after she told you how special you are. Oh and speaking of Mothers, I hope you enjoyed your time with mine as you mentioned. She’s been dead for over twenty years so I hope you don’t mind that musty smell smeared all over that shrivelled shit stick you call a cock. Hmm, is that what you were talking about when you brought up your determination? Guess the cops really were tailing ya, but it looks like the charges will be leaning more towards Necrophilia...huh, I knew a guy about ten months ago that would have loved your talents...and let’s be real here, your mushy brain would have followed him everywhere. Fuck out of here with your leadership speech, I’m not buying that for a god damn second.

Nor am I buying into your shoddy backstory and blubbering about nobody ever wanting big guys like you on their team. Big guys finish last? Looks like you’re fucking up the generic phrase again bud. Most people would happily use a giant like you to get what they want. What’s the matter, nobody wants to play with ole Lenny? Spoiler alert, it’s likely due to the fact you not only resemble a giant pile of shit but smell like one too. There usually isn’t much of a line of folks wanting to befriend someone that smells like the world’s largest asshole. I mean fuck it looks like your stench has already sent Hunter back into irrelevance before he could even show up.

Marf stops for a moment and sheepishly shrugs. It’s not like he’s wrong.

I gotta say I am at least looking real forward to the match at this point. From the sounds of it, my new pal Rampage is going to be far too dumb to know when to stay down so I can just beat on him all Saturday night long. I actually can’t wait for this so-called Rampage experience. I’m dying to spill some blood. I’m aching to crush skulls. My skin is crawling with anticipation to dislocate shoulders and break other precious bones. Christ Rampage, you think because you can carry some fridges around or go on some dumbass car chase you know anything about inflicting pain? Ooooo the education will be glorious for you my friend.

After we cruise through your bullshit experience I’ll allow you to have the Marf experience bestowed upon thee. An encounter, an adventure if you will, that will only end when you’re no longer conscious. And to be honest, it doesn’t always end there either. If I’m in a creative mood I might just carve something across your bloated, burger filled stomach. You talk up a big game for a big guy when you’re not tripping over your own words. And hey, at least you’re actually showing up, so well done you’ve earned a whopping four percent of my respect. But that’s going to be the only thing you earn from me...

Marf abruptly stops his chuckling and looks dead straight into the camera now. His blazing blue eyes narrow as he reveals a sinister sneer.

As for what I give you...whether it’s earned, deserved or not...will be pure violence. Rampage, you brought up being unhinged but I don’t think your limited brain capacity even understands the word. But fret not, giant uncle fester, I will show you what being unhinged is allllll about. I’ll teach you about other fun words like depravity and mutilation while we’re at it. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to go slow for ya so you don’t have to go ask my sister what I meant. Oh...wait a tick...I don’t have a god damn sister you giant handicapped fucking oaf! What the fuck is next, you gonna tell me how my imaginary cousins trained you? My estranged grandfather is back for revenge and telling you how to defeat me? Solid as a brick wall and twice as fucking dumb.

Christ, you wanna talk about making people laugh, well you’re killing it right now mister big bro just in all the wrong ways. At this rate I could just call the fucking police to come by Savage and take you away for your fat and furious joyride. Now as fun and hilarious as it would be to see your shitty, early XWF career come to an end, it just wouldn’t be nearly as rewarding. No, instead I want you to show up all pissed off, sweaty and fat as usual so I can put your big ass down myself. I want to see your confidence break in those dopey eyes as I tear you apart piece by piece. When that blood flows, when that skin darkens, when that pain sets in and you realize class is in session. But in this class, Marf is the teacher. And the lesson is the bigger and dumber they are, the more flesh you can rip from their oversized carcass.

You think you’re this frightening freight train that’s about to run through the roster and you haven’t even done a damn thing yet. When Saturday Savage hits the entire world will see that Rampage is nothing more than a toy train about crash horribly into the Great Wall of Marf baby. While you try to figure out if you’re going to keep blabbering on about how cool you are for throwing shitty trophies at people or not I will now simply wait. For our match. For your downfall. And no doubt, for the flood of excuses that will pour through your shattered teeth and busted gums when I’m done with you. Oh and that’s not a threat, it’s a promise.

Marf nods and winks into the camera. Clearly this makes that statement official. He suddenly shrugs and goes on.

Well, how was that? Even that small amount is more effort we will ever see from Hunter. And as far as the giant fuckboy Rampage, well let’s just see how much Armageddon you bring on Saturday. I’ve got all the violence in the world to bring, more than enough even for your super sized appetite. Whether Hunter shows up or not won’t stop us from going to war. And when the dust settles, far quicker than you think it will, I will be walking away with another victory. And you Rampage? You’ll be left laid out in the ring with a tarnished debut and damaged deeper than you imagined. And it will be your soul that will never be right again...

And with that we receive a polite wave and not-so-polite smile as we fade out.

2x Xtreme Champion
2x Television Champion
2x Freestyle Champion
5x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Member of Charlie’s Carnies
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[-] The following 8 users Like Marf's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (08-13-2021), Jessica Tremor (08-12-2021), JimCaedus (08-13-2021), Lycana (08-13-2021), Misty Waters (08-12-2021), Mr. Oz (08-13-2021), Theo Pryce (08-14-2021), thewizard (08-13-2021)

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