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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Begginning of a New Life ( v. K Kasket And B Rayne )
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01-20-2013, 03:06 PM

AJ is shown playing it looks to be NCAA 13. Knock Knock Knock! AJ gets up to see who is at his door. He opens the door and notices that it is just another rabid fan!

[Image: most-beatiful-women-09.jpg]

AJ: Come in.

???: Oh my God I love you AJ. Your like the greatest person to ever live! Can you sign my boobs?

AJ: Umm Okay!

AJ proceeds to the boob signing.

AJ: So who can I make this out for?

???: To me silly! Oh where are my manners? My name is Elizabeth. But my friends call me Liz.

Elizabeth whispers in AJ's ear.

Elizabeth: And I would do anything.

She slaps AJ's butt and squeezes it firmly.

Elizabeth: And I do mean ANYTHING! To be your friend. Anthony Jarvis Powell.

AJ: How do you know my full birthname?

Elizabeth: Oh I know everything about you. You were born to a single father because your mother was to busy stripping to look after you. You had straight A's till high school. That's when you started wrestling. You studder when your nervous. And you were a virgin till age 14.

AJ: Wow, someone's did their research. Im impressed!

Elizabeth: Yes and now that I finally met you. I will never let you go. Because your mine forever.

She kisses AJ! AJ's eyes widen as his face is consumed by Elizabeth's lips. Elizabeth plants a wet one all over AJ! She finishes and AJ just stands there in shock and awe!

AJ: Uh ...... Wha.......

Elizabeth: Yeah I leave that kinda effect on people.

AJ: Wow! Umm! That was rather pleasing!

Elizabeth hops in AJ's arms and starts to kiss him as he backs towards his room and falls on the bed.

AJ: Umm I dont think we should do this. I mean I hardly know you.

Elizabeth: Ugh. I guess your wright.

Elizabeth gets off of him. AJ sits up as Elizabeth stands in front of him looking innocent.

AJ: Man, your the wildest fan I've ever had. I like it though!

Elizabeth: Yeah well why don't you call me sometime so we can talk more.

Scene fades out as they exchange numbers.

[ Bashing Section ]

Okay, so to my lovely fans. I'm sorry that I couldn't fill in my promise of beating Cassius Stone. He was the better man.

But now on to the future.

You see I've got a match against a man that is the opposite of what Pro Wrestling is all about and a man that calls himself "The Playboy" which makes no sense. Because "playboys" are females. So does that make him a female or a "playgirl." I don't know and frankly I don't really want to get into that.

Anyway, this should be very interesting.

Okay so first there is Kevin Kasket. First off. WHO THE HECK ARE YOU!

Seriously man, I really had to think long and hard when I got a text from WW saying I had to face you, because I never heard of you.

I do know that you are a worthless drunk that may get wasted before our match and have a remake of the "Jeff Hardy saga."

No disrespect Jeff.

But you will do anything for a beer. ANYTHING!

You are a pathetic waste of space and the fact that you are on the XWF roster is freaking unbelievable. You sir are the exact opposite of what I stand for. And I will indeed enlighten you ,come Warfare.

Because this is whats gonna happen.

I am gonna walk into that match.

Look you straight in the eye.

Kick your butt.


And leave. Like a fricking boss!


Because I Am The BEST!

I'm The Best Wrestler In The Universe!


Kevin Kasket?


Bitch please!

Give that kid a beer and he will be sitting with the fans. Which would only leave me to have a one on one match with .......

A virtual unknown that cant wrestle for anything!

I mean he used up valuable airtime that to cut a 1/2 star promo.

He calls himself "The Playboy" but in reality he is a broke nobody, that steals other people's vehicles and shops at the Thrift Store.

He struts around with his Prostitute Girls!

You know what? You're not even worth my time.

I'll see you come Warfare.

When I open up a can of not whoop-ass but reality spray. So Kevin can learn that drinking is gonna get his ass kicked and so you will learn that before you step in a squared circle.

So, Shape up.

Keep Calm


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