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Thunder Knuckles™ Offline
A No Good Bastard

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

07-06-2021, 10:51 PM

TK and Bobby are sitting in Club BOB the nerds are gone. Everything is back to normal and the celebrities have returned. John Lovitts is hanging out with one of the two blondes that TK insisted on hiring. Posty is with Them No Good Bastards at the bar.


I’m so fucking happy all those goddamn nerds are gone. We had to fucking deep clean this place to get the fucking smell out. The fucking place is new! It shouldn’t have taken all that!

They were stinky.

:Buttcracks for days.

Yeah, I normally just hang out with friends and play on the road. Those guys are the reason noone plays this game.

It is fun isn’t it!

TK shrugs precisely as long as Shawn Warstein would in this kind of scenario.

I don’t go for it, but meh.

TK, look!

Bobby is seen unwrapping the foily package of Xtreme Warfare and pulling out some cards. Several strippers, Post Malone, Joseph Gordon Levitt, and Seth Rogen all crowd around Bobby and TK.

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[Image: kOScG3m.png]

Damn! That’s fucking dope!

Fuck, are those good?

Bobby smirks.

Are you kidding me? We’re the fucking best.

Bobby and TK clack their championship belts together. As they do, the woman sent from the future is seen lurking in a corner of the strip club. She smiles at the duo. Bobby looks up and notices her. He waves. She waves back.



Brothers and sisters of the congregation, welcome to another sermon from the pulpit of the Church of the Bastard. We come to you today with tidings of joy, splendor, and wonder, reminding all of you to eat well, live well, and be most excellent to one another. In a day and age that is uncertain, with a future on the precipice of collapse, there is one constant. There is always one. There is one thing ever present, and that is Them No Good Bastards are the greatest tag team in history, and we will continue to be so for you, our brothers and sisters, for as long as needs be. No matter the obstacle, there is no mountain high enough, there is no valley too low, Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these Bastards from the swift defeat of those arrogant or imprudent enough to dare defy the words of the Sultan of Smacktalk or Smacktalker Jesus. People, bear witness, Brother Knuckles, prepare to take it over from here and spread the gospel of the Bastard. But first, let us give pause.

Bobby and TK both bow their heads.


You two dipshits have been waiting in the pipeline for the chance of a goddamn lifetime. Then fucking fell flat on your goddamn faces. Nothing says tag team like two guys who can’t find the time to work together. Give me a goddamn break! You see ‘Ol Thunder Knuckles didn’t even need their promotional work to drive a nail into their fucking coffins. Unfortunately for them though they did end up opening their mouths.

TK rolls his eyes.

He’s claiming that they're nothing like the Disingenoraters, I’m so fucking glad he cleared that up. He did point out that they’re just two pissed off sons a bitches, looking to kick some Bastard ass. That’s the goddamn spirit guys! That’s that fire ‘Ol Thunder Knuckles was asking for! Now when we wipe up Times Square with you, and leave buckets of your blood on the streets, the victory will taste sweeter than goddamn M&Ms™! Speaking of M&Ms™, Bobby. There's a M&M’s™ store right in Times Square. Maybe we pop over there and pick up some.

TK smiles at Bobby knowing that Bobby would love to goto the M&M’s™ store in Times Square.

Anyway, REobard was bitching about how we dug up his past. Then he has the fucking mental clog of his life saying we need to do research, or some shit. Fucker said he’d pay TK to do research, shit son, Jimmy does that. ‘Ol Thunder Knuckles is a busy man He isn’t wasting his time learning about fucking Eobard, can’t win a match even with my partner and then say some dumb shit like “even Cooper and I will be overthrown one day”, Stone. Listen, shit potato, you’ve done been overthrown, over, and over, and over some fucking more. He is right though, you're only nobody until you become somebody. That statement no matter how basic as fuck it is, is true. Stone never has to worry about being a somebody cause that shit ain't happening. Not at Warfare, not in Times Square, Hell probably not even at War Games. Because as much as he didn’t say, he made it very clear that he isn’t afraid. There's a thin fucking line between being brave and fucking stupid, and we all know which side of the line fucking Stone sits on that one. To be honest though, If I were Stone. I wouldn't be afraid either. His fan base wouldn’t allow that shit. Fuck, no. He’s HAS to say those things to look like he has a shot. Not one fucking soul on this planet wants to tune in and see a guy say “I SUCK”. That wouldn’t sell tickets, would it.

Didn’t he say that in his promo about himself?

TK smiles at Bobby.

He sure as shit did. Once again proving that he’s incompetent out of the ring which means in-so-de-facto he’s fucking trash in it. Stone and Cooper, who's been so quiet lately that you’d think the fucker was dead. Bobby? Think Stone has even seen Cooper? I mean, they don’t fucking work together much, unless they’re coming after some guys from behind trying to get a match, but not scared, no. One that they’ll get destroyed in, by the fucking best to ever do it.

You can tell just by watching this promo how annoyed TK is.

Stone, check it out, after this loss, your next loss, hell the one that follows that one. Just remember NOTHING can be worse than what happens to you on July 7th, 2021. God knows Cooper isn’t going to bail your ass out either. That fucker is to busy telling everybody his goddamn life story than to mention the match he’s even competing in. Get me the fuck outta here Bobby these shit candles have stunk up the place worse than expected and at least The Disinfectants cared, they didn’t want to suck. You know what Bobby?

What’s that TK?

Why the fuck have we been busting our asses taking guys like these seriously? Hell, they’re out here not even taking themselves seriously. Here's what I say! Fuck’em! They’re not worth the time we’ve already wasted.

Tk starts to make his remarkable, truly his, jerking-off hand gesture but stops.

Hell, They’re not even worth that

Bobby begins to speak before TK puts his hand over his mouth.

No, Bobby, I’m fucking serious. They aren’t fucking worth it.

[Image: newtngb.png?ex=661f68da&is=660cf3da&hm=6...9be1b4b4b&]
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