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XWF Classic: Here for the memories! "The Iceman" Alex Braun
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The Iceman Cometh Offline
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XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

07-05-2021, 01:41 AM


In-Ring Name: "The Iceman" Alex Braun

Wrestler's Real Name: Alex Braun

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: A TCW and SWO veteran, Braun has been known to meddle in the XWF's affairs over the years (or was it even really him??)

Wrestler Date of Birth: 11/11/1972

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 212 lbs

Hometown: Aberdeen, Scotland (raised in the US in Farmington, CT)

Personality: A veteran with many years (and many bizarre late 90's storylines) behind him, Alex Braun has always been known for his combination of manipulative charm, brutal intolerance for opposition, and fabulous wealth that he is unafraid to leverage to inflict maximum pain. But being a megalomaniac of the first order, Braun doesn't often get along with other heels he sees as beneath him, and his way with words has earned him grudging respect from many fans (and adoration from aspiring malignant narcissists).

Looks Description: Pale skin, criss-crossed in a roadmap of battle scars. Blue eyes that belie his moniker, Braun wears his hair gelled back Patrick Bateman style, and these days wears a short beard. Always dressed to impress out of the ring, in the ring

Ethnicity: Toxically white

Pic Base, if any: All my old pic bases turned out to be racists, anti-semites, or psychopathic child murderers.

Strengths: Strategy, scientific knowledge of anatomy that he applies to his submission style, a never-detailed (but always available) pile of cash

Weaknesses: Overconfidence sometimes lead his elaborate traps and manipulations to backfire, mental instability when pushed too far

Entrance Theme Music:

(classic/throwback: )

Special Entrance (if any):
Usually interrupting someone.

5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
Figure 4, several variations on the chicken wing, million-dollar dream, snap suplex, scissorlock
The 5MOD usually starts with chops to an opponent tied up in the corner, moves into a series of suplexes, then work on the dazed opponents knees with kicks, holds, and blunt force before going in for the kill with the Deep Freeze.
Trademark Move(s): Into the Void (Cobra Clutch Suplex), Hell's Bells (wishbone into a legdrop over a weakened knee)
Description(s): Cobra Clutch Suplex

Finishing Move(s): The Deep Freeze
Description(s): An STF into a Bow-and-Arrow/Surfboard hold

Favorite Hardcore Attacks/Spots: The short-arm sledgehammer is never far away, but Braun will go to any extreme to humiliate or demonstrate power over someone. Crucifixions, immolation, abduction and torture... And those are the jobs he's willing to do himself.

Additional notes:

It ends in jellyfish.
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