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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
A new pet (RP#1)
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Salvator Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Heel w/ Cult Following

(the heel you love to love; does whatever they want)

07-29-2013, 06:17 AM

Adolf Grieber is walking home from work at the newspaper. He is still shocked from last week's Madness in Berlin. Coming face to face with Salvator he realized that the man in the ring is a ticking time bomb. A figure of unstable power waiting to snap at any point. What he did not realize is that Salvator never left Berlin....

As he gets to his doorstep of his apartment complex he feels large arms grapple him around the neck. He now realizes he is locked into "The Cleansing". He tries to fight it but to no avail he slowly slips out of consciousness.

Several hours pass and Adolf comes to. He is in a dark musty basement. He is tied to a single wooden chair. It is the only piece of furniture he can see. There are no lights. Just a projection screen looping between Salvator attacking Antonio Guerrero at the independent show the night before Madness and then him locking in "The Cleansing" on the Ultimate Mystery.

Adolf begins to scream for help but feels a large zap on his throat. It seems as if his kidnapper has put a barking collar around his neck...

There is no use trying to call for help we are nowhere near civilization. In fact we are not even in Germany anymore...

Adolf: Wher----ZAP!!!

A figure walks out from the shadows and it is none other than Salvator...

Salvator: Here let me take that off, you can scream all you want now we are about 2 miles from the next human being (Salvator chuckles). You must be wondering why you are here? The answer lies in another question I am afraid. Do you believe in God?

Adolf begins to cry. He looks up at Salvator and trembles in his chair. He is not sure what to do. He is now realizing what it feels like to be helplessly staring at death. He closes his eyes, still wimpering, and says

Adolf: Yes I do.

Salvator: I am your shepherd Adolf. I am here to protect and guide these sheep in the XWF. The problem is they do not realize it yet. The fans and management promote and put their faith in wolves like Ricky Desmond, and Ultimate Mystery... but they will be stopped, they must be stopped. The XWF is beyond cleansing. It is time to destroy the foundation and rebuild this company into something we can be proud of and something we truly can put our faith in... But to do this sacrifice is required... I must be able to show the XWF my power in order for them to obey. Just like dogs. You have to hit them and rub their nose in their shit so they learn who their master is...

Salvator looks down at his hand and lights his torch. Adolf looks puzzled and as Salvator walks towards him with the torch...

Adolf: What are you doing with that... Please let me go... Please no... Agh!!!!!!

Salvator lights Adolf's long blonde hair on fire. He lets it burn right down to the scalp before throwing a bucket of water on his head. Adolf is screaming in pain as the fire put 2nd and 3rd degree burns on his scalp where is hair once was... After a few moments he begins to wimper with his head down softly. Salvator walks over to the camera that is recording all of this, and grabs it off the tripod. He turns it so it is recording himself in a closeup.

Salvator: This is just the beginning. The XWF world must see and realize there is no escape. There is no hero that will come to their rescue. There is no army that the Ricky Desmond's of the world can buy to stop me, for I am forever, I am the sword of omnipotence... I am your Salvator.

Ricky when I first entered the XWF you said I am another figure who lurks in the shadows and claims to know it all. You said if I was not careful I would be in early retirement like your parents... Well come Wednesday I hope you win your first 5 matches. I hope you cruise by them. Since day one of coming to the XWF I wanted nothing more than to find myself in that ring with you. You run your mouth for the attention of this company. You play up to management trying to start feuds with guys to get more air time... Well you got your man, come Wednesday whoever is in that ring with me when I enter will fall, and who knows maybe after Wednesday night I can set up a chair next to our friend Adolf here and you can enjoy my show with him, I am sure he will enjoy some company...

Salvator begins to laugh and the camera pans over to Adolf who is hunched over in his chair passed out from pain. Steam still rising from the burns on his now hairless scalp... The only thing keeping him in the chair is the ropes...

The lights go out in the room and Salvator whispers...

See you all very soon...
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