The show opens with Heather Halliwell at the commentary table.
Heather Halliwell: WELCOME LADIES AND GENTLEMEN TO RETRO ANARCHY!! I am thrilled to be commentating on my very first Anarchy show, but as you can see...there are two chairs sitting empty next to me. Let’s find out who will be joining the commentary table tonight.
The camera pans back into the ring. The crowd gives a cheer for the guest ring announcer, former Cruiserweight and Women’s Champion Patience Pryce (no relation to Theo), as she announced the commentary team.
Pryce: Ladies and gentlemen, your special guest commentators for the evening. First, he is a multi time Universal Champion and a member of the Hall of Legends. He is The Stinger...STEVE JASON!!
The crowd EXPLODES as out from the back steps Steve Jason, one of the greatest XWF wrestlers of all time. He flashes a smile to the crowd and he waves to them as he adjusts his suit jacket and walks down the aisle. He steps behind the commentary table and takes a seat to Heather’s right.
HHL: Well, long time no see.
SJ: Hi, Heather. This isn’t going to be weird, is it?
HHL: Depends on how weird you want to make it.
SJ’s music dies down and Pryce announces the second commentator.
Pryce: Also joining us on commentary, she is a former Anarchy General Manager – MIYOKO KAWASHIMA!
The crowd roars again as the seldom seen Miyoko Kawashima steps out from the back. She is all business as she walks down the rampway and takes a seat to Heather’s left. Heather can barely contain her excitement, as she bounces up and down in her chair.
HHL: You have no idea how happy I am right now.
Miyoko: You’re welcome. You too, Steve.
SJ: Pleasure as always, Miyoko.
January 5th, 2003
MICHAEL EXTREMER vs. JUSTIN GREENWOOD Stipulation: Barbs n’ Bombs cage
EXTREMER and GREENWOOD both entered to large ovations, and they both looked in top form. EXTREMER was still ready for battle, despite his earlier run-in with the HEAD OFFICE. The cage was entwined with barbed wire and was smaller than the usual cage, making it closer to the ring than the standard cage. During the break, the ropes had been removed for this final match and there were now 24 small C-4 detonators all around the ring. Not enough to rip a hole through metal, but easily strong enough to blow out an eardrum or burn flesh. The two men sized each other up, and the match was on! EXTREMER was first to attack with a whip to the ropes, JUSTIN slammed hard against the cage wall and barbed wire stuck him hard in the back, causing him to wince in pain! EXTREMER headed toward him and hit a quick belly-to-back flip on him, sending him crashing to the canvas and hitting his leg on one of the bombs! BOOM! JUSTIN’s leg kicked back into the air from the blast and he rolled over and got to his feet to assess the damage, but EXTREMER was on him before he could see what happened! EXTREMER unloaded a barrage of punches on JUSTIN, but JUSTIN pushed him off and got back to his feet! He gave EXTREMER a quick boot to the gut and hit a killer DDT! He then picked JUSTIN up and whipped him into the unprotected corner, causing EXTREMER to crash into the cage wall on two sides and surrounding him with jagged metal wire! EXTREMER pulled the wire off his face and got a small patch of skin with it! His cheek was ripped up pretty good, but he didn’t care! JUSTIN grabbed him again and went to whip him to the other side, but EXTREMER reverse it and whipped JUSTIN FACE FIRST into the cage wall! RIP!! JUSTIN’s face his the barbed wire at top speed! JUSTIN’s face is SCREWED UP! He slowly pulls away and the camera zooms in to see a lot of blood and some skin hanging! EXTREMER runs over and hits a back body drop onto another bomb! BOOM! JUSTIN’s chest takes the impact! JUSTIN rolls around in agony and EXTREMER goes to pick him up again. JUSTIN somehow flips over EXTRMER and PUSHES HIM FACE FIRST INTO THE WALL, THEN SUPLEXES HIM ONTO THE CANVAS, SETTING OFF TWO BOMBS! BOOM BOOM! Both men are screwed up bad! JUSTIN gets up and all of a sudden a CHAIR falls into the cage! It was JAYZON WILLIAMZ! He was there to help EXTREMER, just like they promised! He ran to the cage door with a second chair in his hands as JUSTIN got to his feet. EXTREMER got up too and both men headed for the first chair. JAYZON came into the ring and ran at JUSTIN, but he stepped on a BOMB and FLEW ACROSS THE RING, TAKING OUT EXTREMER with the chair! EXTREMER fell and JAYZON fell onto another BOMB! JAYZON looked temporarily stunned! JUSTIN got up and quickly but carefully got every remaining bomb and placed them all in a cluster in the center of the ring! He picked up EXTREMER and went to BODY SLAM him onto the bombs! But JAYZON somehow came up with a LOW BLOW and JUSTIN let go of EXTREMER and doubled over. EXTREMER, quickly hooked JUSTIN into a PEDIGREE! NO! DON’T DO IT MICHAEL! MICHAEL angled JUSTIN right over the bombs and BOOM BOOM BANG BOOM BOOM BANG POW BOOM!!! PEDIGREE ON THE BOMBS!! PEDIGREE ON THE BOMBS!! MICHAEL rolled JUSTIN OVER and through the smoke, the ref ran into the ring and counted ONE.. TWO.. THREE!!! NEW X-TREME CHAMPION! NEW X-TREME CHAMPION! MICHAEL grabbed the belt and held it up high as the blood poured down his face.
The camera rests upon the interior of the talent entrance somewhere in the backstage area. Soon, the door swings open as Frankie and Thaddeus Duke enter, giving the fans in the arena give a rousing response. The duo makes their way down the hallway as Frankie taps away on his iPad.
After rounding a corner, they about run into Micheal Graves.
Thad! he calls out before turning his attention to Frankie. Hey Frankie! Graves greets the boy with a high five attempt that goes without reciprocation.
”Hey,” the boy says as he continues walking, seemingly disinterested in Micheal Graves.
What’s up, Gravy? Thad greets him back as he follows the boy down the hall.
Micheal Graves looks perturbed… or at least he would, if he wasn’t wearing the mask. In response to the disinterested Duke duo, Grave stands alone in the hall. He kicks his hip out to one side with a scoff as he places his hand above his hip.
What the fuck, Thad!? Nice to see you too!
The disinterested Duke duo disappears around a corner leaving Gravy all by himself as we fade to ringside.
Backstage, we see Vinnie Lane stepping into his office. He takes a deep breath as he closes the door behind him.
Lane: No commentary. Not running the show. I finally get my opportunity to sit back and relax.
Vinnie walks over to his desk and pulls out his chair. He closes his eyes and goes to sit down, when...
The sound of a comedically loud fart comes out from underneath Vinnie as he sits down in his chair. He opens his eyes quickly as he leaps out of his chair. He looks down, and gets a scowl on his face as he reaches down to his chair and pulls up a deflated whoopie cushion. Suddenly, the sound of giggles coming from a nearby closet can be heard. Vinnie angrily turns toward the closet and opens the door. The live crowd roars with excitement as spilling out from the closet comes SPOOK, JANDROMYTE, and TYKE MISON, the CLOWNS R’ US! Mison is holding a camera, as Spook and Jandromyte fall to the ground, tripping over each other.
Jandromyte: Uh, uh....Z, HIT HIM WITH THE PIE!
The fourth Clown, ZUELSDORF emerges from the closet and smacks Vinnie in the face with a whipped cream pie. The four Clowns quickly scatter out the door as Vinnie wipes whipped cream out of his eyes and tosses some to the floor.
Vinnie Lane: ...I hate clowns.
The lights go dark as Problem by Natalia Kills starts to play. Micheal Graves walks out on to the stage as the crowd boos the magically sex changed ultraviolent superstar. Micheal walks about halfway down the ramp before taking off in a sprint and sliding into the ring. He nearly slides too far and falls out of the ring but the referee stops him in time. Graves jumps to his feet and paces the ring waiting for the match to start, psyching himself up as the crowd stirs while still booing.
Lights in the Sky hits as the fans begin to boo even louder now. Marf makes his way out onto the stage, looking around at the audience and shaking his head in disgust. He marches to the ring while the crowd continues to boo and insult him. Marf rolls into the ring and goes to a corner, climbing up and then flipping off the crowd for more hatred. He hops down and looks over at Graves, immediately starting to mouth off as the match is about to begin.
SJ: Well I can’t imagine this will be a pretty one but it’s our opener baby let’s go! Marfy and Gravy!
HHL: These oafs better not wreck our announce table.
MK: I thought you got these in bulk at Costco?
They go to lock up and Marf applies a standard headlock. He holds Graves there and then transitions into a side headlock takedown. Marf pops back to his feet and spreads his arms, mocking Graves as he gets back up. Michael races at him but Marf takes him right back down with a drop toe hold. He spins around and applies an ankle lock as Graves panics and tries to scramble to the ropes. Marf jumps foreword from the ankle lock and applies another side headlock to hold Graves down.
Marf holds him there for a moment before letting go, grabbing his head and slamming it off the mat before hopping back to his feet. Graves punches the mat and gets back up. They go to lock up again and Graves gouges at Marf’s eyes. He stumbles back, momentarily blinded as Graves follows after him. He runs and hits a clothesline, knocking Marf down. As he gets back to his feet Graves scoops him up and then hits a fallaway slam. Graves gets back up and starts stomping on Marf. He kicks at him and boots him under the ropes and out of the ring.
SJ: Oh boy, didn’t take long for them to leave the ring. This is Xtreme rules so it’s about to get nasty I think folks!
HHL: They’re going to break our table aren’t they!?
MK: You’re giving me anxiety...
Marf collects himself and blinks several times while Graves leaves the ring to chase after him. He grabs Marf and eats an elbow to the jaw for his troubles. Marf locks up with Graves and wrenches his arm. He turns it into a wrist lock before transitioning into a waist lock. Graves tries to fight out of it but Marf hauls him up and nails a German suplex on the floor. Marf gets up and returns the favor by stomping on Graves now. He pulls him back up and drives a knee into his gut. He scoops him up, turns and hits a fallaway slam of his own which sends Graves awkwardly into the steel steps.
The crowd oooh’s at the nasty bump while Marf sits up and is visibly laughing. He gets up and stomps on Graves a few more times. He pulls him back up to his feet and Graves throws a punch. Marf blocks it, grabs hold of Graves and slams him face first into the ring post. Graves stumbles but Marf grabs him again and starts slamming his face off the steel steps repeatedly. The crowd counts along as Marf does this.
Marf let’s go and Graves stumbles backwards, revealing a now bloodied face, and falls onto the floor. Marf pulls Graves back up and then tosses him into the announce table where he slumps and lies on top of. Vinnie gets up and backs away while Graves is smearing blood all over his notes. Marf has some words with Vinnie before climbing on top of the table. He drags Graves up and then lifts him high into the air. Marf brings Graves down with a brain buster, driving him through the announce table to the delight of the crowd.
SJ: Marf puts Graves right through the table!
HHL: Guys my table!!! What a friggin mess!
MK: My diet sprite...
Marf climbs out of the destroyed announce table and stares at Vinnie for a moment before grinning and giving him a mock apology of the mess. Marf walks back to the ring and looks under the apron. He pulls a ladder out and slides it into the ring. He pulls out a trash can filled with random items and dumps it out in front of himself. He reaches down and grabs a kendo stick. He walks calmly back to Graves who is still down. Marf begins beating on him with the kendo stick mercilessly. He slams it down again and again until it splinters and breaks. Marf tosses it away and turns back to the trash can.
He picks it up and walks back over to Graves who is trying to pull himself up with the help of the barrier. Marf raises the trash can up and slams it into Graves head, knocking him back down and denting the trash can. He crunches it down onto Graves head a few more times and then tosses it aside. Marf pulls the bloodied Graves out of the wreckage and rolls him back into the ring. He reaches down and grabs a staple gun before entering the ring himself.
Marf stomps on Graves a few times until he is lying on his back in the middle of the ring. Marf crouches down and begins stapling Graves ring attire to the mat. He uses up all the staples until Graves can’t even move to get up or free himself. Marf grabs the ladder now and climbs onto the top turnbuckle. He stands the ladder in front of him and then steps onto it. He pushes off the corner and hugs the ladder, causing it to tilt and fall forward now. Marf and the ladder slam down hard onto Graves while the crowd gasps again at another vicious spot.
SJ: Oh my! Marf just splattered poor Graves!
HHL: I don’t care, he owes me forty bucks...
MK: Graves might have broken ribs after that.
Marf rolls out of the ring and begins looking around underneath the apron again. Suddenly he jumps back as Mini Morbid comes screaming at him. He lashes out and Marf narrowly avoids him. He slides back into the ring as Graves is trying to push the ladder off of himself. Mini Morbid follows into the ring now and Marf runs over and punts him in awkwardly into the ropes. Marf looks at what he’s done and feels bad. He goes over and checks on the crumpled body of Mini Morbid. The crowd let’s out an awe before Mini Morbid suddenly springs to life and starts choking Marf.
Graves is very slowly trying to pull himself back up with the ropes. He finally gets up and stumbles forward, holding his ribs in pain. Marf grabs hold of Mini Morbid and then runs forward and swings him like a baseball bat, connecting with Graves’ head and knocking him in the air and then down to the mat. Marf then throws the squirming Mini Morbid over the ropes and to the floor. He scrambles around out there, growls at the announce team and then scurries back under the ring.
SJ: What the...
HHL: Has Morbid been living under the rings!?
MK: I am praying this all ends soon...
Graves tries to pull himself up, coughing up blood as he does so. Marf stands and beckons him to get up but Graves is badly struggling here. Marf backs up and then bounces off the ropes for momentum before running forward and going for a shining wizard. Graves catches him at the last second and pops up and drops Marf with a sit out power bomb out of desperation. He attempts a cover.
Kick out by Marf!
Graves tries to pull himself up with the ropes while Marf rolls out to the floor to collect himself. Graves stumbles over and then dives through the ropes, colliding with Marf and sending them both crashing into the barrier. Marf crawls over and uses the steel steps to pull himself back up while Graves struggles up on the barrier. He winces in pain while blood is all over his face and chest. He runs at Marf but gets scooped up and then driven into the steps with a spine buster. Graves slumps in a seated position against the steps as Marf gets back up.
Marf stomps on Graves a few times before reaching under the ring and grabbed a steel chair. He rears back and then cracks Graves across the head with it, crushing his head into the steps. Marf swings again and again, smashing Graves’ skull multiple times. He tosses the dented up chair aside before dragging Graves back to his feet. He rolls him back into the ring and follows. He pulls Graves back up and then hooks his leg and hits the Echoslide perfect plex. Marf keeps the bridge held.
Marf breaks the pin and shakes a finger no.
SJ: Marf refusing to end this mercifully.
HHL: Nothing about this entire match has been even close to mercy!
MK: I need some mercy here, I’m about to puke...
He pulls Graves by the hair and slams him face first into the mat. Marf presses on the back of Graves’ head and starts slowly smearing his face across the mat, causing a thick trail of blood to stain the mat. Marf now rolls back out of the ring and grabs yet another steel chair. He brings it into the ring with him and sets it up. He sits down in it and watches Graves with amusement for a moment. As Graves tries to get up Marf grabs hold of him and then hits the Sway, driving Graves right into the steel chair. Graves is crumpled and stuck in the chair as Marf gets up and does a wild bow. He finally drops down and makes the cover.
Winner by pinfall Marf!!!
SJ: Well that was vicious!
HHL: That was a tough watch definitely!
MK: I can barely stomach that, Graves is destroyed! Marf is a damn monster...
Marf gets up and raises his arms in victory. He looks down at Graves and laughs before spitting into him. Marf leaves the ring and heads to the back while officials make their way out to check on what’s left of Michael Graves.
October 21st, 2004
- - Standard Non-Title Tag Match - -
CENTURION and TOMOKO are already down at the ring ringside when COOPER and SPLINTER CELL come walking out. The two of them make their way down to the ring and climb in as the ref has a person from each team head out of the ring. TOMOKO and COOPER are the ones in the ring as the ref has the bell rung starting the match off. Though COOPER just kind of stands there with an awkward look on his face, he starts laughing that he'd have to actually wrestle a girl. TOMOKO sees this and seizes the opportunity as she comes running over and nails COOPER straight in his chest with a jumping back flip dropkick! COOPER goes flying back and lands down hard on the ring mat as TOMOKO lands on her feet. She right away then goes running over and begins kicking COOPER left and right over and over again. The whole time COOPER is trying in vain to cover himself on his sides and his face from the attack as the ref tries to pull her off of him. The ref finally does so allowing COOPER to get back up to his feet now when TOMOKO finally pushes past the ref now coming straight towards COOPER when out of nowhere he ducks her right hook and takes her down with a standing clothesline. COOPER wastes no time in right away grabbing TOMOKO back up by her hair and hooking her for a quick backdrop. He then rolls over and quickly mounts her as he lays into her with lefts and rights when CENTURION comes running over dropkicking COOPER in his head and off of TOMOKO. The two wrestlers then slowly begin making their ways back up to their feet again as TOMOKO finally jumps and tags CENTURION in. CENTURION now comes running in over to COOPER and catches him up with a jump swinging neck breaker. CENTURION quickly rolls over and gets back up as he jumps and flips land down with a leg drop across the chest of COOPER. He quickly then makes a cover as the ref slides in, 1....... 2...... and a kickout by COOPER. CENTURION then stands back up to his feet just SC has now climbed up to the top rope and jumped off taking CENTURION down and out with a diving clothesline! SC rolls out then right away as COOPER beings making his way back over to SC only to tag him in.
CENTURION now is slowly getting back up to his feet when SC comes charging in with a quick clothesline. He waits a spilt second as CENTURION gets back up to his feet only to take him right back down with another clothesline. Though in not playing around anymore SC jumps on top of CENTURION and begins stomping on his head over and over and over again as the ref yells at him to let go. He does so right at the end of the 4 count only to drop down now to his knees and grab a hold of CENTURION'S head and begins repeatedly smashing his head into the mat. TOMOKO starts clapping and stomping her feet in having the crowd start to cheer on CENTURION. And with SC now letting go of CENTURION, he then rolls back over to the outside and onto the ring apron. He uses the ropes in getting back up to his feet as SC comes bum rushing him full speed when suddenly out of nowhere CENTURION ducks down pulling the top rope down with him sending SC flying up and over the top rope and crashing down hard on the ground down below!!!
The crowd now goes crazy as CENTURION slowly climbs back into the ring to tag TOMOKO back in. She comes running over full speed as SC was just beginning to stand back up when she jumped flipping up over the top rope and crash-landed down onto him!!! The ref then begins starting up a 10 count as TOMOKO starts moving in getting back up to her feet first. She then picks up SC and rolls him back into the ring and slides back into ring to make a cover when the ref drops down for his pinfall count. 1...... 2...... and COOPER kicks her off of him for the save! COOPER then picks her back up and is about to hit her with his COOPERBLASTER when suddenly DIABOLIQUE slides in and charges him tackling him out of the ring before he can do anything! DIABOLIQUE right away then picks COOPER back up and whips him into the steel steps as the ref is being distracted in helping SC back up to his feet. TOMOKO sees this and runs up to him catching him with the Violate Me Elmo!!! Both wrestlers drop down now to the mat as she keeps it locked in on SC when he suddenly passes out to it and the ref calls for the bell. The ref then lifts up TOMOKO and CENTURION'S hands as the winners of the match!! WHAT AN UNBELIEVABLE UPSET! TOMOKO and CENTURION are showing huge momentum gearing up for AUTUMN IN HELL!!
The crowd comes back to life as a familiar theme of a familiar name begins to play.
HHL: This should be a fun one!
Out from the back steps historic jobber Honkey Lighthouse to a roar from the crowd.
Pryce: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, weighing in at 160 pounds. He has the most losses of anyone in XWF history...HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE!
Honkey raises his fists into the air and sprints down the rampway, almost excited to hear about his accomplishment.
[powderblue]SJ: What a goofball. [/color]
Miyoko: You can’t have winners without losers, and Honkey Lighthouse has made more superstars than anyone in this company. We shouldn’t be mocking him, we should be APPLAUDING him for all he’s done for the XWF.
[powderblue]SJ: How many of those losses occurred because he didn’t care enough to put any effort in? [/color]
Miyoko: Who’s to say, really?
Honkey rolls into the ring, then casually rolls back out again, receiving another pop from the crowd. He then slowly walks up the steps and steps into the ring. He walks over to Patience Pryce and calls for the mic, causing the crowd to go into a fever pitch.
Miyoko: I wonder what he’s going to say.
HHL: I think we know what he’s going to say.
Honkey holds the mic up to his lips and looks around at the crowd, who continue to give him a raucous ovation. He lowers the mic to milk the reaction for all it’s worth. After a few seconds, he lifts the mic to his mouth and the crowd quiets down.
Honkey: ….........I WILL WIN!! HAHAHA!!
The crowd explodes as Honkey tosses the mic back to Pryce after delivering his catchphrase.
SJ: Can’t say I missed that.
Miyoko: You’re such a stick in the mud, Stinger.
Honkey continues to soak up the cheers as an official runs down and hands Patience a piece of paper. She reads it off into the mic.
Pryce: Ladies and gentlemen, due to issues with his visa, Joey Oddjobs will be unable to compete this evening.
The crowd begins to boo as Honkey frowns.
Pryce: By order of XWF co-owner Theo Pryce, a replacement for this match has been assigned. Introducing his opponent.
Honkey’s face drops.
Pryce: From the Mouth of Abandonment, weighing in at 240 pounds. He is the “God of Death” - Giovanni DeSantis!
GD steps out from the back wearing a long, red cloak. He stares directly into the ring with firey anger in his eyes.
Miyoko: Oh, I don’t like this.
HHL: DeSantis, this “GD” character, showed up for the first time at Leap Of Faith targeting Centurion. He made one hell of a statement, and if I were Honkey, I’d be looking for the exits right now.
GD slowly walks down the rampway and steps into the ring before taking off his cloak and draping it over the turnbuckle. Patience goes to grab it, but GD immediately snaps at her, causing her to quickly run away and roll out of the ring. Mr. Referee steps into the ring and the bell rings.
Honkey looks left and looks right, before screaming at the top of his lungs and running at GD. He is immediately hit with a lariat that sends Honkey flipping in the air.
SJ: Well, I don’t know what his plan was, but it certainly didn’t work.
GD grabs Honkey by the head with both hands and lifts him up. Honkey screams at he reaches for his neck, and GD tosses Honkey like a sack of potatoes over the top rope. Honkey splats out onto the floor below, and GD follows him out of the ring. He picks Honkey back up and tosses him into the ring steps. The crowd begins to boo heavily as GD walks back over and grabs the dazed Honkey by the back of the neck.
Miyoko: I don’t think I can watch this.
GD rolls Honkey back in the ring before climbing back up himself. Honkey is crawling on all fours, attempting to flee the scene, but GD grabs him by the belt and lifts him up. Honkey throws a punch, which connects, but does absolutely nothing to GD. GD tosses Honkey against the ropes and sprints at him, nailing him with a devastating Gore!
HHL: He calls that the Revulsion, and Honkey might have just ruptured a spleen.
GD pins the lifeless body of Honkey as the referee counts.
GD pulls Honkey’s shoulder off the mat, with the crowd showering him in boos.
SJ: Alright now, that’s enough. I may not like Honkey, but no one deserves this.
GD stands and lifts the dead weight of Honkey off the mat. He sets Honkey on his shoulders and flattens him with a Dominator. This time, GD simply places his foot on Honkey as the referee counts.
WINNER: Giovanni DeSantis
The moment the bell rings, GD picks Honkey back up off the mat and cabertosses him over the top rope. The fans continue to boo as GD snags the mic out of Patience’s hand.
GD: I am not here to play games! I am here for one reason, and that is to make the final sacrifice and bring upon the Reign of Armageddon! CENTURION! This may be your show tonight. Enjoy it, because your time on this planet is coming to an end. The prophecy WILL BE COMPLETE! The only question is, when? When will I get the opportunity to spill your blood? That decision is not mine. It is not yours. THEO! VINNY! I will continue to destroy these worthless chumps until you put me in the ring with Centurion! Make the match!
“Five Finger Crawl” plays again as GD drops the mic onto the floor and grabs his cloak, which has been sitting in the turnbuckle the entire time.
Miyoko: What was all that about?
SJ: It’s starting to come back to me now. I used to work in the same federation as him. He did a lot of horrible things to people.
HHL: If that’s the case, then I’m afraid this may just be the beginning of GD’s wrath.
We cut backstage, into a bathroom? Standing at a urinal, a man with long blonde hair stands wearing a leather vest with "APEX" on it in bold. The sound of water hitting water ends, a zipper is done on faded jeans, and Jim Caedus turns. He walks over to the sink and starts washing his hands. As he does, we hear the report of a flushing toilet and a stall door slam shut, and Caedus is eclipsed by the massive frame of a man in a garish blue singlet walking past. Bobby Bourbon approaches the sink beside Jim. Jim's nostrils flare as his eyes widen, and Caedus grits his teeth. He stares right back into the mirror, tensed and his eyes aflame. Bobby looks nonchalant, all things considered.
'Sup Jimbo. Welcome back!
Bobby runs his hands under the automatic faucet.
Listen, Motherfucker…
I'm a Bastard now.
What the fuck ever.
Cool your jets, Jimbo. You ain't the first person to put me through a table.
Bobby smirks.
Probably won't be the last. I got a match tonight, and whoo-eee, I reckon it'll be a tough one. No reason to get into a brawl with you here in the bathroom. Matter of fact, I aughta be thanking you.
Oh yeah? And why the hell is that you fat piece of garbage? I thought I smelled you when I came in, it smelled like desperation and a burst septic tank.
So that's what Cincinnati Chili smells like to you?
Bobby turns and smiles at Jim. Jim glances up and actually chuckles.
Whoever made that chili owes you an apology.
Bobby lets out an audible guffaw.
Maybe. Be easy, Jimbo. Stay healthy, TK says he wants no excuses when he sees you down the road.
You can tell TK I will see him anywhere on any highway or boulevard.
He'll like that. But again...
Bobby reaches over and grabs a couple of paper towels from the dispenser.
Thank you. You made my plan work, even if I didn't account for you being one of the cogs you were just the part I needed.
Caedus rolls his eyes.
I don't like that you're being cryptic.
I don't care. And Jim?
Bobby tosses the used paper towels, balled up, into a trash bin.
Your fly's down.
Bobby turns to leave as Caedus looks down to check.
Made you look! Stop staring at your dick in public bathrooms weirdo.
Caedus smirks.
It opens up to a highlight reel of Rel aka Ariel Dixon in her time in XWF so far, but it it gets cut off by this announcement…
Daraakh zaryg Jon Blek tölsön bolno
Then we see images of people riding camels in the gobi desert, the local villagers in those dome shaped movable homes, and back to the city life of the place. We then see JB in some unknown location, riding on a camel while having a Mongolian lady who looked like Atara behind him. He then stops the camel, and both of them gets off and they stand at some kinda gourds to speak.
“As I stand here at these gourds, it kinda reminds me of a time when I was kid, I always loved to carve pumpkins of sorts, and I even remember carving out a face of people I knew. Not in a serial killer way, but more of a artistic point of view, I can’t really draw but that’s not the point you see. But I also randomly remember this one time, in a school field trip back when I was ten, I remember going to this farm where all the places had pumpkins and gourds all over the farm.
As a prank, one of my friends decided to take a small gourd, and dropped it on the ground, and I manage to trip on one of these things, and he laughed at me as I fell face first on the dirt. I beat his ass, and when we got back to the school, I was sent to the principle’s office for my actions where I had to feel the wraith of my mother’s belt when I got home.
Guess, you could say I hated these gourds since the day I fell over on the dirt from them.”
Then the Mongolia’ lookin lady then picks one of the gourds from the ground, and place it on the ground next to him. She then takes off her shoes, and she them stomps on the gourds which the camera took it’s time to reel footage from. Then it cuts to an inverted, upside down piece of Rel’s Tea party promo, mixed in with some bizarre imagery of a bashed gourds with bugs and guts flowing out of it. Once again, it cuts back to JB and the camel riding to where the “squash match” is taking place in.
“This is where I am going to take on Rel in this patch of gourds, this the place where I remember being in for my school field trip all those years ago, of course not in Mongolia since my school was dirt poor, but that’s besides the point. This is where, right after a plain ol’ job guy’s brigade match, this is where I am going to beat the ever loving piss out of Ariel Dixon. She’s the same girl, who I knew right away wasn’t going to acknowledge the fact that we are facing one another in this thing.
Like I said before, I would simp on her so hard, that I would even suck her pasties off her fucking nipples like a new born on sucking some teets in the heat. But, she has to bare that Dixon name, and that instantly makes my dick flaccid more than a Dick Power’s sex tape. She had to be the one who I have to punish for being related in someway to that piece of shit, so now I have got to send a message to him, that I can’t be fucked with in anyway. I wouldn’t be surprised if she manages to escape these gourds in one piece against me, since I am a sucker for some alt lookin white chicks, who look like can duck sick in the locker room.
Don’t get it twisted, I guess I have a love hate thing going on for a woman I have yet to face, so Ariel if you are hearing this in the back, just understand that this is purely business and nothing more. You might be a threat to the Shootin Star Division, but not to me… you are merely just my personal plaything, that grants me my chance to put my hands on ya. You gon feel what Mista Unknown gon deal wit by the end of this Throwback Anarchy, while I keep pushin to da limit of my abilities, you gon fall back to throwin it back to the obscurities of yesteryears in line with the rest.”
Then we see JB riding off with his camel, as the camera zooms on the sky as it cuts back to the arena.
John Black
Ariel Dixon
Lights roll over the arena searching the crowd. Smoke billows over the entrance ramp and stage. All of a sudden we hear a blooding curdling scream followed by a girlish giggle. Rel pops out of the smoke flipping her dreads smiling a big broad smile. Jumping up on the apron she slingshots over the ropes crawling around the ring climbing the turnbuckle she sits on it grinning wide
Gunshot sounds blast on the X-Tron, the smoke rises on the entrance way and the camera pans around the arena, and then it pinpoints Black who's coming out of the entrance stage. He takes a look around the ring, and he walks down the ring ignoring some of the fans, then he gets to the steel steps he goes at it with one of the fans, and he pushes one of them on the floor. Then JB smiles and climbs the steps and enters the ring, then stands in the ring raising a fist in the air.
Miyoko: Wasn’t this supposed to be inside a pumpkin patch or something?
HHL: Yes. John Black even filmed this incredible video inside a squash field. This was billed as a “literal squash match”, but that was before everyone found out that squashes aren’t native to the region.
SJ: Don’t you think they would have researched that beforehand? Who booked this match?
HHL: Centurion.
SJ: Ah, nevermind then.
JB walks to the middle of the ring running his mouth and holding his crotch like real gangsters do. I saw it in the movies. He holds out a hand mimicking holding a gun sideways (which is a killshot, as everyone knows) and Rel Dixon grabs him by the wrist, flipping him over onto his butt! Rel then dropkicks JB in the back of the head and drops a heavy elbow across his clavicle when he goes down.
Dixon moves for a lateral press but Black kicks out before even a one count… Rel Dixon snatches his arm again and pulls it backward into an armbar! Black scrambles and rolls on top of her, gripping his wrist to prevent a hyperextension. He muscles Rel into the air and looks for a powerbomb, but before he can execute, Dixon drops to her feet and pulls Black over in an armdrag.
JB looks frustrated, slamming a fist into the mat. He turns and sees Rel coming at him and throwing herself in a casadora! JB catches Rel in the wheelbarrow position but rather than letting her execute the bulldog she was going for, he simply plants her face first into the mat, and she grabs her mouth after her teeth click shut.
Black is quick to jump onto the downed Rel and stomp the back of her head, slamming her face into the ring mat. He then plants a knee in her back and starts whaling on her with hard shots to either side of her face!
Black pulls rel up by the hair and spins her around, sending a boot into her gut… Rel catches it! Rel hooks JB by the leg and flips him over in a release suplex, and Black bounces into a corner. Ariel Dixon wastes no time following up, chasing him into the corner with a pair of knees to the side of JB’s head, and she then goes for a quick cover while Black is still reeling!
Black powers out!
HHL: Almost a huge victory for Ariel Dixon there!
Rel slaps a headlock onto JB as he gets to his feet, and she runs toward the ropes with his head under her arm… Rel kicks off the ropes and flips into a rope-assisted bulldog! JB once again crawls into a corner to recover, and this time Rel flies in with a reverse cannonball! The Railroad Spike! JB is stunned and he slips out onto the floor under the bottom rope, collapsing onto his hands and knees.
Rel follows Black out of the ring as he gets to his feet, and the two start trading punches. JB is clearly still feeling the effects of the Spike, and he’s quickly overwhelmed by Rel’s speed and precision. JB takes a big swing for a haymaker and misses badly! Rel ducks under as JB stumbles in a semicircle, and she hooks him on her back and lifts him up… MENTAL BREAKDOWN! Rel hits it!
JB flops onto the concrete out cold, and Rel struggles to drag his dead weight over to the ring. She hoists him up and finally get his upper body draped onto the ring apron, then shoves his legs under the bottom rope, getting him back into the ring fully.
Rel scurries into the ring and jumps on a lateral press, looking to score the big win!
Foot on the ropes! Black recovered and got a foot on the bottom rope!
Ariel Dixon is livid, she knows she had JB dead to rights after scoring the big move but just couldn’t get him back into the ring fast enough to secure a pinfall.
SJ: Don’t lose your head. This is how so many folks end up losing matches.
Miyoko: Have you seen this chick? She’s completely off her rocker already.
Rel fumes as she gets to her feet and starts stomping the Christ out of JB… but she’s careless just like Oberyn Martell, and JB grabs her ankle and flips her to the mat before rolling over her and pulling her to her feet… uranage slam from JB!
Black shakes his head and clears away the dust from those kicks and stomps. On wobbly legs he pulls Rel up and sets her up for his patented brainbuster, but he can’t hold her in position long enough before she squirms free and drops him with a lungblower! JB rolls to his belly out of instinct, and Rel hooks his ankles and bends back! Rel grabs JB by the chin and nearly has a Muta Lock fully applied, but JB smartly starts hammering her in the face with his free hand! Rel is dazed and slips off of Black.
JB gets up and locks up with Dixon, sending her into the ropes - NO! Rel reverses and Black hits the strands instead! Dixon ducks down for a backdrop and JB puts on the brakes! He sticks her head between his thighs and lifts her up… THA UNDERGROUND NOISE!
Rel is down, and Black is ready to get out of here before he gets caught again… he pulls Dixon up onto his shoulder and moves to the center of the ring… DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! JB HITS BLACKLISTED ON REL DIXON!
Black hooks the near leg as the official gets i position…
Winner by Pinfall - John Black
October 21st, 2004
- - Standard Match - -
With BLIZZARD now down in the ring and waiting with the referee, JEM WILLIAMS comes walking out underneath the X-Tron with his music blaring away. He is wearing the XWF World Title Belt around his waist as he walks down and climbs into the ring taking off the Title Belt and handing it over to the ref. He now holds it high above his head signifying what is on the line for the match as he hands it over and has the bell rung starting the match off. BLIZZARD runs over to JEM as he and JEM begin exchanging blow after blow after blow back and forth. After a 5th left hand by JEM, BLIZZARD ducks around and nails a quick neck breaker on JEM. BLIZZARD gets right back and goes running across the ring bouncing off of the ropes as JEM begins slowly getting back up when he hits a dropkick on JEM sending him flying off and crash landing hard down on the ring mat. BLIZZARD then gets back up walking over towards JEM as he grabs up JEM'S leg and begins stomping on it. The ref tries yelling at BLIZZARD to let go but BLIZZARD just ignores him as he drags JEM'S leg over onto the bottom rope. He then jumps up while holding onto the top rope and lands knee first down onto JEM'S leg causing him to yell out in pain now as the ref warns BLIZZARD. BLIZZARD then backs off allowing JEM to slowly back up to his feet using the ropes when he then comes running across the ring clotheslining JEM so hard that both men go flipping up and out of the ring over the top rope. The ref then immediately rolls out after them in checking on the two men. BLIZZARD slowly begins stirring first as he gets back up to his feet. He walks over grabbing a hold of JEM by his and stands him up right before..... CRASH!!!! BLIZZARD attempted to whip JEM into the steel steps but somehow JEM managed to reverse it whip him instead!!! The crowd just pops going crazy over seeing this as JEM had fallen down from it.
504 BOY: Well, just take a look at this! How crazy is this match already and it's only the BEGINNING! I mean if this is how it is looking in only the beginning, I can't wait then for what the ending will look like! But what crazy action already from BLIZZARD taking both of them out with that huge and powerful clothesline over the top rope to JEM'S surprising reversal onto BLIZZARD in whipping him into the steel steps!
JEM now begins getting back up and rolling back into the ring as the ref is checking on BLIZZARD. He walks over to that retrospective side of the ring while climbing out onto the ring apron and running across it while jumping and taking BLIZZARD right down and off of his feet again right after the ref had seen to it of him getting back up again. JEM rolls over slowly as he stands back up off of his hands and knees now as he clears the table off of the Spanish Commentator's table. He then makes his way back to BLIZZARD in picking him up to his knees and finally to his feet while grabbing a hold of his head. JEM then walks him over to the table right in front of 504 BOY as he then rolls him up onto it. JEM then stares down 504 BOY as 504 BOY gets up quickly to his feet and stares down JEM right back only to have JEM continue on in climbing up onto the table while now picking up BLIZZARD and hooking his head when..... BLAM!!!!!! JEM just suplexed BLIZZARD through the Spanish Commentator's table!!!
504 BOY: Whoooooa! Holy S**t people! What craziness is this happening right before my very eyes?! I don't know! But at the rate this match is going, it looks like it might start leaning towards Sir JEM WILLIAMS! Who by the way knew what was best for him in just sticking to the match and not daring to try anything with me..
Both men now lay there in pain as the ref stands over them checking on them. JEM slowly begins stirring first now as he uses the steel guard wall in getting back up to his feet. JEM then makes his way back over to BLIZZARD as he picks him back up and drags him over to the ring and rolls him back into the ring while slowly rolling back in himself. And while the ref is doing so as well suddenly from the X-Tron comes running at full speed DARKHAN!!! He slides into the ring while the ref's back is turned as JEM is waiting on BLIZZARD to hit him with the Realitization when he quickly low blows him!!!! But before DARKHAN can roll back out to hide the ref sees him as JEM drops over in pain holding himself and realizes what just happened and immediately calls for the bell! It’s all over on yet ANOTHER DARKHAN DQ!
504 BOY is thrilled!
504 BOY: Well folks, it appears that JEM has won the match and retained his World Title Belt via a Disqualification on BLIZZARD due to DARKHAN interfering on his behalf! So a congrats to Sir JEM WILLIAMS I guess is due!!!
But before 504 BOY can even say another word, BLIZZARD snaps getting pissed off and gets up in the face of DARKHAN yelling at him for interfering and costing him the big shot, when suddenly from the back comes running MISTER NOLD with a steel folding chair in hand!!! He slides in the ring and takes DARKHAN out right away before he can do anything in reaction, but then turns his attention back to BLIZZARD as he now is running at MISTER NOLD. MISTER NOLD however hits BLIZZARD in the gut with the chair followed by dropping it and lifting BLIZZARD up onto his shoulders when..... BAM!!! The Noldification!!!! MISTER NOLD jumps back up to his feet again now pumped as he drops down and rolls out of the ring walking back up the rampway.
Meanwhile, 504 BOY has ran into the ring to check on JEM WILLIAMS as he is now just barely getting back up to his feet. 504 BOY then gets right up into his face staring him down hard before grabbing his hand and lifting it high up into the air causing the crowd to pop even more so now going crazy for the both of them. When suddenly out of nowhere 504 BOY yanks JEM WILLIAMS in taking him down with a standing clothesline. He then quickly grabs up his legs and lifts him high up into the air when....
504 BOY just laid JEM WILLIAMS out cold with the Buya Bomb!!!! 504 BOY now drops down to his hands and knees getting right in JEM WILLIAMS face yelling at him that he'll see him in less than 2 weeks at Autumn in Hell!!!
Backstage, we see the back of Vinnie Lane’s head as he reaches into a vending machine to receive a snack. As his head is down, the voice of John Black can be heard behind him.
Black: Yo! Vinnie! We gotta talk!
Vinnie continues to reach into the vending machine as Black walks up behind him and continues to rant.
Black: You gotta do something. This entire show is bullshit. It’s nothing but old guys and roster members from other shows! Take control of this place, man! Defend your roster!
Vinnie Lane grabs his bag of Corn Nuts and turns around to face Black...
...except it isn’t Vinnie Lane...
The former World Champion pops some Corn Nuts into his mouth as he responds to Black.
Damage: That sounds like a “you” problem. I’m just here to enjoy the free liquor that Cent is paying for. At least I can get something out of that cheap skate.
John Black looks Fran Damage up and down, and grimaces.
Black: Damn, Vin. You look like shit.
Black turns and walks away, leaving Fran Damage to stand there, looking offended.
Damage: Well, that was rude! ...not my fault all white people look the same.
Our point of view is from within Alias's locker room, which is as no frills as you would expect. The Universal championship is draped over a chair and Alias is tying his hair back into a ponytail when there is a knock at the door. The door is already ajar, and we see two hands plunge through the opening.
I come in peace! No briefcase! Its Corey Smith. Alias smirks as Corey opens the door the rest of the way and steps in. Just wanted to bask in the glow of the new Universal Champion.
Bask away. Alias's reply is short, though not entirely cold. He goes back to doing Alias things, which probably involves some level of vague supernatural nonsense and metaphorical cannibalism.
Corey's expression is difficult to read. It's some admixture of study and...reverence? He doesn't speak up immediately, but when he does there seems to be a certain twinkle in his eye, a genuine admission of awe. So...what happened at Leap of Faith. The whole you going poof...and then not, thing. Corey smiles. What happened, man?
I... erred. Alias seems distant, as if focused on something else. As such, his answer isn't what Corey expected.
Oh. Well. He coughs. It turned out pretty well for you in the end though!
Even so, The Dissentients should never have had that opportunity. Alias is near growling.
Visibly tensing, Corey surveils the champ and inches back. Nonetheless, he tries to keep it positive. Be that as it may, what you did was astonishing.
I did what I needed to do.
With a sigh, Corey’s shoulders sag a bit. You know, for being the new Universal Champion you’re seeming awfully grumpy.
I… I know. He glances down towards where the championship shimmers.
Look man, regardless of how it went down, or whether the Dissentients did you dirty (they did) I just wanted to say…he stops to collect the words….I think you’re one of those rare champions that only crops up once every great while. The iconoclast that turns the whole XWF on its head from out of nowhere and cements a legacy in mere months that most guys couldn’t amass in years.
Right now, Dexter Bright is the longest reigning Universal Champion of the modern era. Corey points at Alias declaratively. I think you can beat that. I think you’re that good and that paradigm shifting. And for as sweet as it would be for me to cash in my briefcase and grab my slice of the pie early, holy FUCK do I want to see if I’m right.
I know my words probably don’t mean much…
Alias cuts him off. They do. Corey smiles.
Right… well… I appreciate that. I know you’re not the kind of guy who trusts easily. And you shouldn’t be. Not here. But Alias, I’m telling you that I’m not cashing in my 24/7 championship opportunity on you until the very day AFTER you become the new longest reigning Universal Champion. And if you tell me you’re not sure you’ll last that long, allow me to head that off at the pass. Shut up. You are that good and you CAN do it. And I wouldn’t want to fuck that up for the world. Errr…Universe, as the case may be. Heh. Pun intended!
What a dork. He waits for Alias to reply, who in turn stares the briefcase holder up and down. Abruptly, he snatches up the Univeral championship.
Catch! He tosses it in the air towards an unsuspecting Corey. Corey fumbles, but manages to hook his arm under the strap, stopping it from dropping to the floor. How does it feel?
What? What do you mean?
Is it heavy? Light? Rough? Smooth? How does it feel? Alias stares at Corey expectantly.
Like it's not mine. He lowers the title. I think I've had enough of people giving me titles.
Then give it back. Corey's brow furrows, but without hesitation he throws the title back across the room to Alias, who in one motion catches it and drapes it over his shoulder.
Was that like a test or something?
Something. Alias nods to himself, still studying Corey. The air is tense for a moment, but soon Alias cuts it with a goofy grin. You were the first to look out for me, and I'll always appreciate that. You can't help others if you don't help yourself though. Remember that. And for someone with a history of not being in control of their body, ask yourself whether you want to be able to make that choice, or have it made for you.
Corey looks like he’s going to respond, but doesn’t, mostly looking confused.
Sorry… that was uncalled for. Alias sheepishly looks away. For my part, I would lose this thing tomorrow if it meant I got what I was looking for tonight. If it takes holding it longer than Mr. Bright, or even The Brand, so be it. I appreciate the sentiment nonetheless. Still, I couldn't picture anyone else I'd rather share the ring at Relentless with…
Alias grins.
Well, I’m gonna bail before this gets any sappier. But word on the street is that I’m one of the captains at War Games. I’d love to have you. But I’m sure you’ll be a hot commodity. Good luck wherever you end up, my man. Corey nods and heads out the door.
Both men start the match, staring each other down in the ring. They seem to be weighing each other down, both circling each other carefully, eyes never taken off their focus. A few moments pass and they are both still sizing each other up, each not willing to make the first move. BLACK DEATH makes the first move of the match, a flying fist, catching ZACH off guard and taking him down. As ZACH doubles over from the impact of the flying fist, BLACK DEATH quickly connects with a side kick to the head, knocking ZACH off balance sideways. ZACH falls to the mat, clutching at his neck and BLACK DEATH grins as he grabs his opponent by the neck. Grabbing his opponent by the neck and using the hair as leverage, he whips ZACH into the ropes. Bouncing off the ropes, ZACH is immediately met by a flying clothesline, causing him to twirl 360 before falling flat on his back. ZACH screams in agony as he reaches a hand to his back and BLACK DEATH merely laughs at the man’s astounding pain. As he reaches for ZACH cockily, ZACH counteracts by grabbing his arm and hyper extending it gruesomely, still flat on his back. Using the leverage of BLACK DEATH’s arms, he goes on one knee, puts one his free hand on the mat firmly and twirls himself, connecting to BLACK DEATH’s head with a vicious overhead kick. BLACK DEATH topples over and as he does, ZACH runs to the ropes, bounces off and comes with a big leg drop on the throat! The tides have changed! ZACH starts stomping relentlessly on BLACK DEATH’s chest, each stomp sounding a scream from beneath the mask of BLACK DEATH. Picking DEATH up by the neck, ZACH whips him to the ropes. Charging back at the incoming BLACK DEATH with his arms extended sideways and attempting to execute a clothesline, BLACK DEATH ducks from the clothesline, bounces back off the ropes and comes back to try a clothesline of his own. ZACH sees it at the last moment as he turned and ducked, sending DEATH flinging his arms at the empty air. As DEATH turns around, he is met by a kick to the solar plexus, followed-up by a vicious DDT, sending him out cold! ZACH picks BLACK DEATH up again, dropkicks him in the face and instantly drops for a huge elbow on the chest! DEATH is out cold! As DEATH lays flat on his back, ZACH signals to the crowd with the cut-throat sign. He climbs the turnbuckle, taunts the crowd for a moment.. and OH MY GOD! He can’t be serious! He JUMPS!
OH MY GOD! BLACK DEATH moved to the side at the last moment and ZACH lands flat on his chest on the canvas! ZACH turns to the side, clutching at his ribs, screaming in agonizing pain. BLACK DEATH gets up and laughs hysterically at the suffering ZACH RIZZA. He picks ZACH up, puts his hand on the right shoulder and… DANGEROUS DDT!! He hooks the leg.. 1.... 2..... THREE! IT’S OVER! BLACK DEATH HAS DEFEATED ZACH RIZZA!
The shot cuts to an exterior location, where we see a battered old chicken truck. The center of the trailer has been cleared of chicken crates, and some crude ropes have been hung between the two towering stacks of chicken crates that hem the center in. Atop the chicken crate tower closest to the cab, we see a horn attached to the top.
Our view pulls back and we see Corey Smith and Felix Jones taking stock of the truck. Felix...does not look happy.
Corey plasters on a smile that’s not 100% convincing. Yeah man, this is gonna rule!
He looks towards the cab and finds it empty. Who’s driving?
Bliiiiiin! Boris appears behind them, tipping back a fine bottle of post-Soviet bloc vodka!
Felix’s features drop. Even Corey looks a little uncertain. He points at the bottle of vodka. So….uhhh….did Centurion not mention the whole “no drunk driving” thing?
Boris chuckles. American have such strange name for things. What is this “drink driving”? Is just “driving” where Boris come from! He takes another long sip from the bottle before he steps up into the cab, tossing the door open (which creaks ponderously as some rust loosens from it) and starts up the truck.
Felix shoots Corey another sour look as Boris calls out from the driver’s seat. Ready? Yes?!
Corey takes the first leap, climbing into the bed of the truck by squeezing in under the bottom rope. Felix begrudgingly follows. With a sputter and a profuse gasp of black smoke, the truck lurches into gear and onto the road. Boris leans out the window again and calls back to them.
Mongolian roads is not so good, blin! But I try to drive best, ok!
Felix shakes his head and Corey leans over the makeshift rope to give Boris a thumbs up. While Corey is distracted, Felix kicks things off by grabbing Corey from behind and trying to reverse DDT him onto the cheap particle board base of the makeshift “ring” (which is also peppered with chicken shit, did we mention the chicken shit?). Corey reverses, turning it into an arm drag takedown that dumps Felix onto the floor. He scrambles to his feet, slipping in some shit and stumbling into the ropes. Corey advances, swaying on his feet, and stiff arms Felix before tossing him into the stack of chickens! The chickens bawk and bray in fear, and naturally shit a lot more! Felix’s forehead bounces off the crates, and walks right back into a scoop slam from Corey. Corey looks about ready to try to start climbing the crates up to the horn, when the truck hits a huge pot hole that levels him, sending him onto his back and into a pile of chicken shit!
Felix crawls over, mounting Corey and laying into him with a few mounted shots, before struggling to his feet. Felix then stops on Corey a few times as the 24/7 briefcase holder tries to get up. Felix finishes his assault by grabbing Corey by the back of his trunks and ramming him face first into the chicken crate tower! A plume of feathers explode off the tower and Corey stumbles back, dazed, right into a clothesline from Felix! Felix then starts to climb the chicken crate tower, but he barely makes any momentum at all when the truck swerves, knocking him back down to the wooden floor!
Many sorries!
Corey’s vertical now, holding onto the ropes to steady himself. He lands a running knee to Felix’s head as he tries to get up, but Corey slips in some shit and goes sprawling back down! Both men start to rise, but then face plant as Boris takes a sharp turn!
Trying that again, Felix is the first to his feet. He lays into Corey with a couple mean right hands, followed by a stiff kick to the gut. Corey scuttles back into the ropes and Felix leaps on the chicken tower and starts to climb, but only gets a third of the way up before Corey grabs his leg and yanks him back to the ground! The truck barrels over another nasty bump that rocks Corey, but he manages to stay on his feet. He picks Felix up and nails him with a roundhouse, before pulling him down into a DDT! Corey steps over Felix and now he starts to climb the tower! The truck veers wildly again and Corey almost loses his grip, but he’s hanging on by one hand. Looking up, he sees a lone bastard of a chicken start to eye his fingers.
No! Don’t you….!
Corey curses the chicken and every one of it’s subsequent generations as he falls off the tower and lands on Felix! Both men are twisted up in a pile of themselves, trying to extricate each other as the truck hits another rough patch, rumbling and bouncing over a series of nasty pot holes.
Finally, Felix gets to his feet. He grabs Corey and throws him into the chicken tower! Then, he grabs him by the hair and whips him into the other chicken tower! Felix then spies the prize and starts to climb up again towards the horn. But just then, we all hear Boris cry out from the cab!
A sheephearder chose right this very moment to cross the street with a gaggle of sheep! Boris cuts the wheel hard to avoid hitting them, causing the truck to tip onto it’s right wheels. Felix holds onto the tower for dear life as it sways over the craggy unforgiving pavement! Corey rolls along the shit covered floor and just parely snags the rope before falling off the truck.
A hushed moment passes as the truck continues to careen on only half its wheels. Felix and Corey cry out in terror when….when…..WHEN……
Boris pumps both his fists in the air triumphantly, but then scrambles to grab the wheel again!
Felix and Corey both take a moment to get over their terror, and then Corey sees Felix making his way up the tower. With renewed vigor, Corey starts to climb the tower as well, coming up right next to Felix where a struggle quickly ensues! Felix and Corey start trading haphazard punches as each tries to knock the other off! Felix bounces Corey’s head off the cages and makes some more progress. But then Corey recovers and speeds up to meet him, popping him with a punch to the kidneys! Both men are now close to the top! They struggle desperately as the chickens squawk and kick shit out of the cages in fear. Some spatters in Felix’s mouth and he almost vomits. Corey takes advantage to land a couple more shots, but then the truck hit another divot and he almost loses his grip! Felix tries to kick out at Corey to get him to fall, but he somehow manages to weather it and grab back on. The struggle begins again! The two reach the top of the tower as the truck hits another large bump. Both men shake a bit and lose on hand grip, but Corey quickly regains his balance and karate chops the Felix’s other hand, causing him to crash down below! Corey looks down at Felix before reaching up and honking horn. The horn sounds out, and Boris quickly slams on the breaks, causing Corey to fall off the tower himself.
Thank you for riding Cheeki Breeki Express. This is last stop blin.
WINNER via horn honkage: Corey Smith
Thad and Frankie Duke are walking backstage as they near the dressing room of Dolly Waters. Off in the distance, Chris Page is seen crossing an intersecting hallway.
Thad can I go talk to Chris?
Thad hesitates a moment as he looks at the Dolly Waters placard on the door.
I’d like that very much, Thad answers as he knocks on her door. Don’t pester him too much though, he has an important match tonight.
Frankie runs off down the hallway after Chris Page as “Dolly Waters” opens the door to “her” dressing room.
Um hi. “Dolly” says as she greets Thad.
Can I come in?
Yeah of course.
“Dolly” steps aside and allows Thad inside her dressing room, she closes the door behind them.
Hey um, I’m about to go see Corey and I know he’s gonna start asking questions, Thad begins. That boy has been blowing me up the last couple weeks.
You didn’t talk to him?
Nah I been real busy, Thad answers. He’s gonna ask questions about Italy.
Thad holds up his phone for “Dolly” to see the dozens of texts from Corey Smith.
What happened in Italy?
I mean… yeah… Italy… of course. What was I thinkin’?
Thad contorts his face in a bit of confusion before moving on.
I mean… I have questions of my own y’know? Thad asks as he steps face to face with “Dolly.” So I really don’t know what to tell him.
“Dolly” looks up into Thad’s eyes.
Remind me...
Meanwhile at ringside:
[powderblue]SJ: Oh my God! He has no idea![/color]
Miyoko: This is fucking great!
Back in “Dolly’s” locker room, Thad takes a step back and scrunches his face.
We were holding hands coming off the plane, he reminds her. Then I was about to leave and… you didn’t exactly want to let go.
Oh right! Yeah! I totes remember that!
You seem a little different, Thad says as he again takes a step forward toward “Dolly.”
Oh definitely! “Dolly” replies. I’m not stupid Thad, it’s not like I’m Micheal Graves or something, “she” says with an uncomfortable laugh.
Don’t be ridiculous, Thad says with a smile. Of course you’re not Gravy.
“Dolly” reaches her arms up and wraps them around Thad’s neck. Thad places his hands on her hips.
Again, back at ringside:
[powderblue]SJ: Don’t do it Thad![/color]
We could have a lot more fun together if you hashtag joined BOB!
What? Thad says incredulously. Why would I hashtag join BOB?
Because I hashtag joined BOB, silly goose!
I mean, I’m not judging you. You know me, I’m the least judgmental person you know, but… I’m not hashtag joining BOB.
Will this change your mind? “Dolly” asks as she places her lips against his while giving gentle tugs on his hair.
I mean, he says between kisses. It’s very enticing but, more kisses. I’m not hashtag joining BOB.
No? “Dolly” asks as she pushes Thad away a step, then removes his shirt and reaches for his belt buckle.
Holy fuck!
Once again at ringside:
[powderblue]SJ: CUT AWAY CUT AWAY![/color]
Would you hashtag join BOB if we… uhhhhh...
That might do it, Thad says as he kicks away his jeans, leaving himself in just boxer shorts.
Just as “Dolly” reaches for… things… her dressing room door bursts open.
What the fuck is goin’ on in here!? “Graves” says.
Aww god dammit, Gravy! Thad yells out disappointingly.
Right? “Dolly” says to Thad. Well, I was enticing lover boy over here to hashtag join BOB with me because...
Thad! Out!
What the fuck! You can’t tell me to...
Yes ma’am, Thad says then stops a second to ponder why he just said that, but heads to the exit. He stops beside “Graves” and looks at him. Cock blocker.
“Graves” turns his head toward Thad.
You’ll thank me later!
Thad exits the room but “Graves” picks up his jeans and throws them at him.
And put yer pants back on!
After closing the door, Thad can’t make out anything they’re saying except for a thumping sound and Dolly’s voice repeatedly saying “Ow.”
The honeyed rasp of Atara's voice blares over the facility's PA in unison with those words appearing on the multitude of screens and displays littering the arena.
The crowd pops and gets to their feet shouting in near total unison a single word.
Arena lights start to pulse in time with the music and multiple vertical streams of pyro erupt across the front of stage. Strutting with purpose Atara emerges from the back taking spot centerstage atop the ramp. Posing for the camera, a wink and kiss is given to the viewers at home.
Grunge walking to the ringsteps, she climbs and stops at the top to posture again for her adoring public. Hand on her hip, the Grecian moves to the middle of the apron to blows a final kiss to the camera and enters the ring through the middle rope.
Roxy Cotton emerges from the back, her platinum blonde hair bobbing on her head as she struts down to the ring. She smirks as she makes her way down, keeping clear from any of the grubby hands of the front row fans.
Roxy blows kisses to the ring crew chief as she passes by, giving him a rosy shade to his cheeks. Heather gives him a good elbow to the ribs but he doesn't notice as he just keeps watching Roxy's apple bottom pass him by.
Roxy gets in the ring and smirks across to Atara, and referee Mika Hunt calls for the bell.
Atara runs to the middle looking as mad as she’s ever been, but when she gets there, Roxy simply holds a hand up in her face and yells for her to STOP!
Atara freezes in place and Roxy beckons a ringside crew member to hand her a mic. She gets one post haste, and she then holds it to her lips and steps in front of the hard cam.
Roxy Cotton: “Atara, Atara, Atara… where was this fierce killer instinct in 2020? THIS is what myself and the rest of the fans of the XWF have been BEGGING to see! Look how badly you want to kick my ass! And all it took was a few mean tweets by yours truly. I even took a break at the end and just let you keep going, getting yourself worked up into a tizzy…”
Roxy laughs as Atara looks befuddled at the referee, asking when they could get started.
Roxy Cotton: “Do you remember the last time we were in the ring together Atara? I do. It’s when I gave you the biggest gift you’ve ever received in this industry. The title you carried with you to the ring tonight, bb… no, not the Internet Title that’ll end up leaving with me, I’m talking about the Shooting Star. Remember? Leap of Faith 2020? It was a pretty great night for the XWF in general. One of my bestest besties had a fantastic evening embarrassing your ex. RIP Sar, gone but never forgotten…”
A muted sound of Roxy’s theme music is picked up on the live mic just then and Roxy holds up a finger to tell Atara to hold on a second. Atara throws her hands up in the air and walks around impatiently as Roxy pulls her cell phone from her waistband.
Roxy Cotton: “Hello? Oh hey Ang! I’m SO glad you’re watching live! I know… I know you don’t think she’s dead, but… okay. Okay, sorry bb. Mimosas tomorrow? Yay!”
Rox then hangs up the phone and lifts the mic back to her lips.
Roxy Cotton: “Where was I? Oh! Right! Leap of Faith… well, you know what how about we just show it?”
Roxy smiles and bats her lashes, pointing up at the Retro-AnarchoTron.
(07-27-2020, 06:37 AM)LEAP OF FAITH 2020 Said:
Atara Themis
- vs - Jenny Myst
"Belle of the Brawl" 3 Falls match
1st- Standard Fall
2nd- Bra and Panties
3rd- I Quit
Roxy Cotton: “But then… something MUCH more important than “Atara Themis barely beating Jenny Myst” happened...
(07-27-2020, 06:37 AM)LEAP OF FAITH 2020 Said: PC: I wonder why she's here?
HHL: Really Pip? That's really what you're wondering right now?
PC: I'm just here to do my job, Heather, that's all I'm focused on!
HHL: Why'd you cross your legs just now then?
PC: Can we please just go to the ring? Roxy's brought something with her!
Indeed, Cotton has a velvet bag over her shoulder with golden strings hanging from its mouth that dangle as she bends down low to enter the ring.
As she makes her way to meet Atara Themis in the center of the ring, Atara eyes her suspiciously, but Roxy just holds up a hand in an effort to show she means no harm. With a wide smile, Roxy turns toward the hard cam and addresses the crowd.
Roxy Cotton: Relax, Atara, I'm not, like, here to rain on your parade or anything. Lord knows no one spoils your successes any better than you do yourself, so I wouldn't even bother trying. No... I'm here to make your great night even BETTER.
The crowd murmurs louder, sensing something in the works. Roxy waits a beat and then walks in a half circle around the front of the ring on her golden tanned legs, making sure to walk directly in front of Atara several times.
Roxy Cotton: See, as many people probably remember, but a few apparently forgot... I do have a job here. My #ForeverFiance Vinnie Lane knows that nobody knows glam and gorgeous girls better than myself. He knows that as a former top champion in my own right, I know exactly what it means to be a true BOMBSHELL in professional wrestling. The looks, the attitude, the ability... and he knows what I know about you too, bb. He knows, and I know, that Atara Themis has all of those traits as well.
The crowd pops again and Atara looks caught off guard by the compliment. She still keeps her distance though.
Roxy Cotton: So, Atara... like I said. I have a job here. My official role in the XWF for the last several years has been at the helm of the Bombshell Division. Something that kind of went into hibernation for way too long. But Vinnie and me, we've been talking. We saw the buzz you and Jenny generated when we first started putting Leap of Faith together. We knew what you both wanted... so I brought it with me.
Another pop. The crowd is starting to anticipate exactly what Roxy is getting at.
Roxy Cotton: BUT... Atara, let's face it. The Bombshell Division? As STACKED as it was for a time, it already had its moment to shine. I wanted to do something new. I, as you should be aware, am an EXCELLENT brand ambassador. And I knew the XWF needed a whole new brand... something to replace the old Bombshell Division. Something with a real bonus to chasing after it. See, because way too many girls would whine and cry about ONLY being the champion of the women... as if that wasn't an incredible feat unto itself. No, they wanted to be seen as more than women. They wanted to be seen as stars all on their own, against the men as much as against other women. So, I came up with an idea.
HHL: Roxy has ideas?
PC: Will you stop? The woman is an executive... and technically your boss!
HHL: What's she going to do, fire me over Snapchat? With a dog filter?
Roxy Cotton: So Atara, considering that you DID just defeat the woman who was technically the last remaining eligible Bombshell Champion... congratulations. You picked up a few extra pounds of gold... but it's NOT the Bomshell Title. The Bombshell Title has EVOLVED. And what you re, Atara, is more than a bombshell... you are a shooting star in this company and in this business. So it is perfectly fitting that you would be not the NEW Bombshell Champion... but the FIRST Shooting Star Champion.
Roxy pulls the velvet bag off of her shoulder and opens it, pulling out a glimmering new title belt and holding it out for Atara.
Roxy Cotton: Congratulations Atara... you earned it. Welcome back to championship status... and try not to fuck it up this time?
Atara gives Roxy a face while Roxy cackles away from her microphone.
Roxy Cotton: One last thing though, DOVE. This title comes with something special... like I said, we don't want you ladies to feel like all you can do is beat up other girls. So ye, although the Shooting Star Championship will ONLY be defended against women... if at any time you decide you have something to prove? You can simply relinquish this title and trade it in for a championship match against another title holder of your choosing. You want to go kick Fuzz's ass again and take his title away? You want to be the X-Treme Champion once again? You want to take on Ruby on Anarchy? Say the word, sweetheart, and I'll make it happen. Now. pose for the cameras, bb, we've got revenue to make off of you.
"Vanity" starts up again and Roxy leaves the ring, heading off towards the back and leaving Atara standing speechless wit her new championship.
Roxy stands with her mic, staring at Atara as the Tron falls dark.
Roxy Cotton: “You remember now, don’t you bb? You were my choice! My pick of the litter! You were the girl I wanted to shoot into the heavens and make a CONSTELLATION out of… and I told you EXACTLY how to do it. Yet… for some reason… you didn't.”
Atara scowls but Roxy ignores her and continues.
Roxy Cotton: “No, instead, you flaked like always, lost the Shooting Star Title to Madison Dyson in less than a month… RIP… and your promising run got promptly forgotten. Again. You had WEEKS with this title that you could have used to your advantage. You could have turned around the second I left the ring and demanded a Universal Championship match… but you DIDN’T, because you don’t have what it takes to be a top champion in this business! I was WRONG about you, Atara, and because I was so WRONG about you my legacy and the XWF’s legacy have been tarnished. The Shooting Star Championship has been an afterthought for nearly a year… because of YOU.”
Atara looks ready to lunge at Cotton, but Roxy steps away, sticking her head out through the ropes so the official prevents Atara from attacking.
Roxy Cotton: “You have had all the time in the world to utilize the special gift this title bestows. A real goddess would have done it on day one. But you, Madison Jenny, Geri… and of course, that waste of breath Betsy Granger… didn’t do a damn thing. So now here we are, right back where we started. You and me and a title that you’ve wasted. So here’s what’s going to happen… I’ll beat you up, I’ll take your Internet Title, and then you can go defend that Shooting Star belt against those two freakshow losers Micheal Graves and Dolly… and you’ll probably lose then too! And maybe… MAYBE… one of them will FINALLY do what YOU were supposed to do a year ago and MAKE THE MOST OF IT!”
Roxy then tosses the mic HARD into Atara’s face and starts attacking her with rights and lefts. Atara is pushed back into a corner and Roxy just keeps piling it on, until Themis shoves her away and knocks her into the opposite corner with an equally aggressive show of hands.
The match devolves into a full-on catfight, with Roxy and Atara rolling over and over on top of each other, pulling hair and slapping the crap out of each other… and then the Tron lights up one more time.
Roxy’s face goes red with anger as she turns to the Tron and starts shouting expletives. When Betsy’s image finally fades from the screen, Rox turns back to Atara…
… and into a JUDGMENT OF PARIS!!!
Roxy hits the mat snoring and Atara slides her lithe body on top.
Winner and STILL XWF Internet Champion - Atara Themis
Miss Fury storms out to the stage with Big Herschel Kiss in tow.
Miss Fury: "Cut the music!"
The music cuts as the crowd begins to boo. Herschel stands behind Fury, arms crossed and mean muggin.
Miss Fury: "I'm not going to make excuses for Leap Of Faith. Ruby, congrats! You finally did it! You finally managed a victory over me!"
The crowd POPS HARD at the mention of Ruby! Fury glares directly into the camera.
Miss Fury: "Enjoy it, because it WILL NOT happen again!"
Loud booing echoes through the arena as any pro BOB fans in attendance seem to get drowned out. Tongue in cheek, Miss Fury rolls her eyes as she waits for the reaction to die down before continuing.
Miss Fury: "Are you done!? Because I'm NOT!"
The booing ensues! Miss Fury smirks.
Miss Fury: "Vincent J. Lane! I would say that you must have some balls, but frankly we both know that's not true! So what is it? Why the sudden growth of a backbone!? You've allow BOB to run wild on Anarchy since the day we walked onto to this third rate show, and because of it, we've turned ANARCHY into must see TV! Ratings have never been better! Ad revenue is over the top! And for the first time in YEARS, this company is ACTUALLY in the green AND has even began paying out bonuses again! All thanks to BOB and the excitement that WE bring to these otherwise snore fest shows! So why now of all times, you would decide to betray me! And oh yeah, you're totally betraying me! Because honestly, I could have just come out and told these people about the awful and shameful thing you did right from the start! I could have taken you to court, canceled you. YEAH, CANCELED YOU VINNIE! And likely walked away with a large chunk of everything that you have!"
Miss Fury: "BUT!"
Miss Fury: "BUUUUT!"
Miss Fury: "I didn't! And I didn't because foolish me thought we could continue to do each other favors, but noooo! We have to end our mutually beneficial relationship because you THINK that you have one up on me!? You THINK that you've outsmarted me! And you THINK that you can just beat me in the ring and this will all be over? Well here's a news flash for you and anyone else aiming to take me or mine out! BOB is in the XWF to stay! And there's nothing that ANY OF YOU can do about it just short of MURDER! VINCENT! This ISN'T going to end how you think! Challenging me in the ring!? AT MY OWN SHOW!?"
Fury hams it up with the laughter.
Miss Fury: "I promise you, by the end of bWo Scorch The Earth! You will have lost EVERYTHING to BOB!
Loud booing ensues!
Miss Fury: "Speaking of people who lost EVERYTHING to me. I'm both happy and saddened to report that Solace Tatum is alive and well! Unfortunately for her, that status is correctly subject to change due to her foolish pursuit to avenge the career she murdered at March Madness when she went all BLACK CAT to my CATWOMAN. Listen Solace. I'm so very relieved to see that you're alive and well! We were so worried after your sudden disappearance after March Madness. I almost Tweeted you the suicide hotline telephone number, but then I realized that I don't follow you, and it wasn't really worth the effort of trying to...
Black Sheep hits and when Miss Fury sees bright purple lights in each of her eye's peripherals, instinctively, she sloppily treads down the ramp with haste as Solace Tatum walks out from the back with her own microphone.
Miss Fury ducks be hind Herschel.
Miss Fury: "You'd best turn right around and..."
Solace Tatum: "Shut the Hell up!"
The crowd erupts.
Solace Tatum: "I'm so tired of that over-dramatic, pretentious, cruella d'ville cliche' screech of yours! I know what you did... or should I say, try to have done because god knows you couldn't do it yourself. March Madness... you were the better woman... but that's before I was left for dead in an arid wasteland buried up to my neck in the ground. Yeah, I almost died... and while I was stranded with nothing to drink and no one to find me, my father was dying with a final wish to have me by his side.. but, because of YOU, Fury... by the time I made it back, he was gone."
Solace swallows as she holds back her angry tears.
Solace Tatum: "You failed to accomplish your goal of getting rid of me... but you succeeded that finally making everything click for me. You made me realize that there is no rule book. There is no right way. There is only the way that works... and you think because you surround yourself with brainless... insecure... deranged little sheep that you are safe? After what you did... you will NEVER be safe FROM ME."
With a satisfied smirk, Fury begins to slowly clap.
Miss Fury: "Well boo-fucking-hoo! People die all the time missy! I'd suggest that you get over it, because if you lay a finger on me, I'll bring a war to your front step that you are ill prepared to handle!"
Solace Tatum: I thought you might say something stupid like that... so, I went ahead and called some friends from my last company... Before I was the Quiet Storm... before I was buried in the desert... before I came to the XWF all "ALOOONE" I was part of a stable at Warriors of the Orient Wrestling... a stable called "The Syndicate!"
The crowd erupts, knowing only of their name and notoriety, but Miss Fury and Hershel Kiss seem uncaring.
Miss Fury: "Enough of this nonsense, HERSHEL! GET HER!"
Hershel begins to stomp towards Solace just as four unfamiliar people file out behind her. Hershel stops in his tracks and looks at Miss Fury, but she is already running the opposite direction towards the ring.
Solace Tatum: "Miss Fury, let me introduce you to MY army... The Crimson Lotus... Chelsey Chaingang... Brandon Walker... and Katia Fyre. They're going to help me do what should have been done a loooong time ago... we're gonna kick the BoB's ass and when it's over... Miss Fury... you're gonna be the one who's left allllll alone... begging me not to throw the last bucket of dirt over your crying face."
Black Sheep hits again as Miss Fury weighs her options from a distance. The Syndicate and Solace head back leaving Fury and Hershel to contemplate whether or not they should continue staying out and away from wherever they might be.
It’s now time for the House of Fun match! In one of many ‘first-evers’ for not just Anarchy, but for XWF as a whole, the ringside area is completely replaced by a carnival funhouse, with competitors Ruby and Dolly waiting in their starting places. We cut over to the announce desk.
Heather Halliwell: “Folks, I don’t know what to expect of this one. It’s gonna be a footrace, I guess?”
Steve Jason: “A violent footrace though, no doubt! Don’t forget that part. Anything goes, and that includes pummelling your opponent into a bloody pulp if that means you’ll win.”
Miyoko Kawashima:: “Anything goes indeed, except for one thing: you can NOT skip sections of the fun house! No jumping rails, or jumping over walls to bypass obstacles. That WILL result in a DQ. Heather, takes us through the course!”
As a drone flies by and films the fun house, it focuses on the parts of the race that Heather addresses.
Heather Halliwell: “First off, our competitors will start by running up a set of twisting stairs with sharp turns, a first test of their speed and agility. Once at the top, they will enter the classic house of mirrors! After that, it’s a corridor of pressure plates, some of which will spring up if activated! Then, it’s up the shifting ramp and through a corridor of moving obstacles that will try to knock them off their feet. After that, it’s up the moving stairs, which will make any kind of three-point contact difficult. Then, it’s a footrace through other obstacles until they reach the very top, and it’s into the spiral slide! Then, an uneven path towards the last obstacle: a rope ladder! This one has to be climbed, and there’s a button at the top. First one to press the button wins!”
Steve Jason: “Seems simple enough. A kid could do that!”
Miyoko Kawashima:: “It’s not about IF you can do it, it’s about how fast you can do it. And I’m sure both competitors will have some surprises up their sleeves.”
Steve Jason: “Or in Ruby’s case, I the backpack she’s sporting.”
Miyoko Kawashima:: “Yeah, I wonder what’s in there.”
Steve Jason: “We have cameras all over the fun house, so we’ll be able to follow exactly what’s going on. Let’s get this match underway!”
Heather Halliwell: “Not so fast! First, as dictated by XWF and Anarchy owner, an aerobic interlude for our viewers at home so we can all stay in shape. Take it away, Tony Britts!”
This video was edited out for the sake of time and sanity.
Heather Halliwell: “Fantastic, I feel in better shape already! Now, on with the match!”
Ruby, with backpack, looks over at Dolly who’s focused on the starting shot. Both get in starting position and it goes off with a literal…
Both Dolly and the Banana-lime Blur explode out of their starting positions and they reach the twisting set of stairs at the same time. But Dolly catches Ruby off guard and hits her with a drop toe-hold, causing Rubes to fall flat on her face.
Heather Halliwell: “Violence right out of the gate!”
Dolly grabs Ruby by the ankle and lifts, smashing her knee down onto the stairs with all her might.
Steve Jason: “Targeting the knee straight away, as she said she would! Good strategy, it will slow Ruby down considerably.”
Dolly repeats the maneuver and grins, before darting forward to immediately get a good head start. As she sprints up the stair, Ruby uses the rail to get back to her feet, limps a few steps and then runs after her.
At the top of the stairs, Dolly is the first to enter the house of mirrors. As soon as she pops in, the camera picks up fifty Dolly faces.
Miyoko Kawashima:: “Talk about Dolly oversaturation!”
Heather Halliwell: “It’s what was promised.”
Doly is unsure of whether to go left or right and decides to take a right, but bumps into a mirror. Frustrated by the fact she’s losing her head start she starts smashing mirrors.
Miyoko Kawashima:: “Wait, is that even legal?”
Steve Jason: “I guess? It’s bending the rules, but not breaking them. Only thing she’s breaking is mirrors.”
Heather Halliwell: “Looks like her training house didn’t have an exact replica of the mirrors after all!”
Steve Jason: “Oswald will definitely be asking for his money back in that case.”
As an angered Dolly tries to power her way through, Ruby enters the house of mirrors! The Anarchy Champ sees the carnage and darts forward. Dolly, meanwhile, sees Ruby pop up right in front of her and instinctively tries to headbutt her opponent… but she hits nothing but glass, shattering the mirror with her forehead rather than a well taped elbow, knee or boot.
Miyoko Kawashima:: “Ouch, that had to hurt!!”
But who’s behind the freshly shattered mirror? Why, Rubes of course. She picks a dazed Dolly up and using her as a battering ram, charges through the remaining mirrors, with shards and pieces of glass flying around and lacerating Dolly’s back.
Steve Jason: “Okay, that does NOT seem fun.”
Both Ruby and Dolly stumble out of the house of mirrors and land into the corridor of pressure plates. Dolly is wriggling on the ground, bleeding from several cuts on her back while Ruby is focused on the obstacle in front of her.
Steve Jason: “Remember, this corridor is riddled with pressure plates, and some of them will be hydraulically launched into the air if activated.
Ruby gingerly steps on the first pressure plate, which hisses but doesn’t do much else. Slowly, she makes her way forward. A few harmful hisses later, Ruby steps on a plate about halfway through, but it activates and Ruby is blasted d upwards, sending her flying at least ten feet into the air. Dolly springs into action herself, and follows Ruby’s path, having memorized the harmless plates, and nails her with an Ode To Joy right before she lands, nearly knocking the Super Dear’O’s lights out!
Heather Halliwell: “Well, that’ll do the trick! Great play by Dolly, waiting for the right time to strike and letting Ruby scout ahead of her in that corridor of deception.”
Dolly now charges ahead, leaving Ruby behind her. As she nears the end, Dolly activates one of the pressure plates herself, but she manages to keep her composure and harmlessly lands right back on her feet.
Miyoko Kawashima:: “Impressive display of athleticism by Dolly! It’s on to the shifting ramp for her!”
The shifting ramp consists of multiple parts that are moving forward and backwards at the same time, making it nearly impossible to find proper footing to march ahead. Dolly seems trained and prepared however, and confidently takes her first few steps, looking completely in sync with the rhythm of the shifting parts and assuredly makes her way forward.
Heather Halliwell: “Impressive match prep at work, here!”
Dolly reaches the top of the ramp before long, just as Ruby starts to stir.
Steve Jason: “This is some lead Dolly has built up!”
Ruby gets to her feet and follows the same path Dolly did, but making sure to avoid the last plate Dolly stepped on. As she gets started on the moving ramp, Dolly enters a new corridor and…
Gets blasted in the face by a robotically moving baton that explodes out of the wall. Stumbling, she is then hit by another baton that springs out of the floor, nailing her in the stomach. As she bends over, a series of twirling robotic arms nail her on the back and send her to the ground. Dolly grunts and starts slowly crawling forward, trying to avoid the other twirling arms that look to nail her.
Meanwhile, behind her, Ruby has reached the top of the ramp without too many problems and enters into the corridor herself. With the spatial awareness of someone who is used to fighting many opponents at the same time, she darts through the obstacles, making up considerable ground.
Both Dolly and Ruby reach the end of the corridor at the same time, and they end up at the moving stairs, which is basically a ladder whose rungs are constantly moving back and forth in opposite directions.
Ruby tries to snatch one of the rungs, but rather than try to follow her, Dolly tries to incapacitate Ruby. She grabs her by the neck and slams her face into one of the rungs, right on the nose! As the rungs continue to move back and forth, they keep hitting Ruby in the face and Dolly is cackling in delight at her ingenious way of busting her opponent open while having to basically put in zero effort. Blood erupts from Ruby’s nose as she’s hit by the moving stair for about the tenth time, and Dolly throws her to the ground like Andy Samberg does the latest energy drink. Dolly starts moving up the ladder, making sure to keep as many points of contact as she can without being bucked off. But as she nears the top, Ruby is back on her feet and she grabs Dolly’s foot! Using it to pull herself up the moving stairs in almost the blink of an eye, Ruby hops on Dolly’s back as if she wants a piggyback ride. An infuriated Dolly tries to shake her off, but to no avail. Dolly keeps moving forward, thus also taking Ruby along and as they enter the next corridor of obstacles, it’s like they barely even register. Dolly tries to make the sets of twirling batons hit Ruby and knock her off her back, but with catlike agility Ruby dodges each and every one in spite of the blood that is messing up her face and getting into her eyes.
Dolly groans and sees no other option that to try and shake her off in the closed off spiral slide. She leaps head-first into the slide…
Miyoko Kawashima:: “There they go! We have no cameras in the slide, so we can’t se what’s going on, but look at that thing shaking!”
The spiral slide is shaking and nearly bursting out of its hinges as the two intertwined competitors are stuck inside, slowly spiraling down. Fists, knees, elbows, headbutts and more are being thrown in close quarters.
Heather Halliwell: “Who is going to emerge from the spiral slide first! Because they’ll be the clear favorite to win this thing, as it’s almost a straight line to the rope ladder from here!”
Steve Jason: “And the final button push rests at the end!”
As the crowd waits with bated breath, we finally see the shadows inside halt at the bottom. One stirs, and the other remains motionless…
Steve Jason: “Who is it…?”
Heather Halliwell: “It’s… Dolly!”
Dolly emerges from the slide, bloodied and beaten but with a huge grin on her face. She looks back at the spiral slide, where her opponent lies motionless at the bottom. Dolly makes a beeline for the rope, and starts climbing.
Steve Jason: “That’s it, there’s no way Ruby can… Wait, is Dolly wearing Ruby’s backpack all of a sudden?”
Miyoko Kawashima:: “That must’ve happened in the slide! Ruby tricked her, but how and why?”
Ruby gets up and laughs. As she does so, Dolly finally notices she’s wearing Ruby’s former backpack and snarls, but before she can throw it off, Ruby presses a button on her wrist, and a jetpack engine bursts out of the side. It fires up and shoots Dolly straight into the air like a rocket! She keeps going until she is barely a blip on the horizon.
Miyoko Kawashima:: “Looks like Team B.O.B. is blasting off again!”
Steve Jason: “And what does this mean? Two things are possible, it counts as trying to bypass an obstacle, or it means she’s out of the picture! It doesn’t really matter, there’s nothing standing between Ruby and the end now!”
Indeed, with Dolly probably miles away by now, Ruby calmly makes her way towards the rope ladder and starts climbing it.
Heather Halliwell: “There she goes! And she’s at the top… And BOOM!”
Ruby presses the button, and around the entire arena, balloons pop up from under seats, confetti explodes from hidden canisters, and loud carnival music starts to play!
Winner by Button Press - Ruby
Steve Jason: “That was… something!”
Heather Halliwell: “I wonder where Dolly is right now. Think she knows how to fly that thing?”
Miyoko Kawashima:: “Oh don’t worry, I’m sure Ruby made sure there’s an emergency parachute in that thing.”
Heather Halliwell: “Good point. Anyway, another W in the bag for the Queen of Anarchy, the Banana-Lime Blur! We’ll be back in a bit!”
”The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the BILLION DOLLAR CHAMPIONSHIP! Introducing first, he is the one… the only… DICK POWERS!
The beat kicks in and I Invented Sex echoes through the arena, the crowd cheers and parties! Balloons and streamers fall from the ceiling as Dick Powers saunters onto the ramp with a rose between his teeth and bounces his head smiling followed by his manager Riley Reed who smiles nodding his head to the rhythm. Dick drops to his knees and opens his arms wide, flaunting what he's got to the crowd as his pyro goes off behind him. He hops to his feet clapping, dancing and high fiving fans on his way to the ring. He jogs up the steps and climbs the top turnbuckle singing along to his theme as he poses to his adoring fans.
”And his opponent…”
His music hits, soon the ramp opens up and slowly Oswald begins to rise. His ornate cane planted in the platform, dressed to the nines like always. The crowd starting to chant "MAY-HEM, B. O. B.! MAY-HEM, B. O. B.! MAY-HEM, B. O. B.! MAY-HEM, B. O. B.! " Once he was equal to the stage, he flung open his arms to form a t, letting out a loud roar, before grinning as he steps forward, making his way as he slowly unbuttons his suit jacket, his tie, his dress shirt, and unbuttoning the Billion Dollar Championship belt, handing it, his clothes, and the cane, to one of his servants as it appears as he takes his stance to get ready to face off against his opponent.
HHL: Here we go with the Billion Dollar Championship on the line, and you have to think that Miss Fury is ringside for this to scope out another Captain for the War Games Pay-Per-View event as both she and Dick Powers are two of the six captains involved.
Dick Powers and Ozzy walk out towards the center of the ring; more of a strut from Dick. They lock horns with Ozzy muscling Dick back into a neutral corner. He swings with a right hand, Dick evades sending Ozzy back into the corner. Ozzy turns around where Powers sticks and moves with several right hands before dodging Ozzy’s counter right hand. Dick peppers the jaw and body before stepping away from Ozzy who swings with a wild clothesline, Powers ducks under the clothesline where he springboards off the middle rope looking for a cross body block! Ozzy catches Dick in midair where he scoops up Dick over his shoulder where he looks for a running Powerslam!
Dick slides down the back of Ozzy shoving Ozzy forward into the ropes, Ozzy bounces off the ropes running over Dick with a running shoulder block taking Dick down to the mat. Ozzy bounces off the ropes and looks to drop an elbow across the chest of Powers! Ozzy forces the cover.
Dick Powers kicks out to a pop from the crowd. Ozzy starts hammering down with right hands to Dick’s head before stepping up to his feet. The crowd boos intently as Ozzy taunts the crowd. He reaches down picking up Powers before taking him back into the ropes. Ozzy shoots Dick across the ring, he bounces off the ropes ducking under a big boot attempt from Ozzy! Ozzy spins around as Powers bounces off the far side as he delivers a low dropkick to the right knee of Ozzy taking him down to one knee.
Dick charges towards the ropes where he goes to deliver a running boot, but Ozzy grabs the knee of Powers and gets to his feet. Ozzy slowly walks with Dick toward the center of the ring and the eyes of Dick begin to bulge. Ozzy then lifts Dick…
Dick flops hard onto the mat as Ozzy covers.
Winner: Big Money Oswald
Somewhere in the backstage area, Thad and Frankie Duke round a corner and enter the locker room of Mr. 24/7 Corey Smith.
”What the hell you shoulda knocked!?” Corey shouts out after being startled.
”Hey Corey,” Frankie greets him with his eyes glued to his iPad.
”Hey Frankie,” Corey replies before returning his attention to Thad. Thad just smiles at him. ”I mighta been naked,” Corey says with a slight smile of his own.
”I’ve seen it before,” Thad says as his smiles grows just a little wider. ”I don’t feel threatened.”
Corey points at Frankie with a wide eyed look on his face.
”His eyes are glued to the iPad, he wouldn’t have noticed either,”
”People are gonna start believing you when you say that stuff,” Corey warns him.
”It’s just a joke,” Thad replies. ”You may not have their dick size, but they don’t have your skills.”
Corey sighs a deep sigh.
”God dammit I hate you.”
The Continuum boys take their seats in a couple of steel folding chairs and Corey lowers his eyes at Thad.
”I’ve really been needing to talk to you,” Corey says causing Thad to let out a little sigh. ”You haven’t been returning my calls or my texts.”
”Yeah I know, I’m sorry man,” Thad says as he stretches out his arms a bit. ”Shits been real hectic with the stuff with my mom. My dads never a picnic and bouncing back and forth between home and Carolina, I just really haven’t had time for much of anything.”
”Yeah I get it,” Corey says as he leans back. ”But now that you’re here and you can’t hit ignore...” Corey stands up and places himself in front of Thad, then leans down. ”WHAT HAPPENED IN ITALY!?”
”Dammit I knew you were gonna ask that.”
”I don’t know what happened Cor. I don’t know that anything happened.”
”Oh, something happened. Holding hands coming down the steps...”
”That was just friendly.”
”Really? Because neither of you seemed to want to let go.”
Thad doesn’t say anything.
”You want more?”
Again, Thad says nothing, just shrugs.
”Would that upset you? Piss you off?”
Corey cocks his head a bit then retakes his seat.
”Hell no, I’d be happy for you. And for her.”
Thad nods his head. ”I think maybe I’d like more, I don’t know,” he admits. Corey smiles a bit. ”And judging by what just happened when I was in with Dolly just now, she’d like a LOT more.”
Corey scrunches his face in confusion.
”OH MY GOD!” Corey shouts out. ”You don’t even know!”
”Know what?”
”About Dolly and...”
Just then, Thad’s phone rings and he stands up.
”Shit sorry bud, I gotta take this. We’ll finish this chat during Dolly’s match,” Thad says as he heads for the door and answers his call. ”C’mon Frankie, Corey’s gotta finish getting dressed.”
The Duke Boys exit the Smith locker room, leaving Corey by himself.
”Thad I don’t know what happened when you were in with Dolly,” he says to himself as his smile grows. ”Buuuuut I don’t think you’re gonna like it.”
Fade to ringside.
SJ: Up next, this one will be one for the ages!
Miyoko: Right! Past or present, this one is going to be huge! Bobby Bourbon, one half of the Tag Team Champions, is going head to head with Betsy Granger in his first singles match of 2021!
HHL: Has Bobby gotten too comfortable, do you think, having that partner in his corner?
Miyoko: Comfortable? Them No Good Bastards are wanted men with targets on their backs, but I think that's how they like it!
Bobby Bourbon walks out, but not alone. He's carrying a steel chair and is accompanied by Diesel and Big Puddin' Herschel Kiss.
HHL: What is going on here?
SJ: After Leap of Faith, maybe Chris Page or Miss Fury aren't taking any chances of having Apex Legacy run in!
Bobby enters the ring and sets up the folding chair as Diesel retrieves a microphone from some hand ringside. Big Puddin' stands slightly behind Bourbon's right shoulder as Diesel flanks his left.
Betsy walks out, but stops short at the top of the entrance ramp. She stares down at the ring and gestures towards it with a hand.
Miyoko: Betsy's not going anywhere near that ring!
SJ: Can you blame her? The greatest big man in the history of the XWF is waiting for her along with two other giants!
Diesel beckons for Betsy to come down mockingly as Big Puddin' just laughs. Bobby stares right back up at Betsy, stone faced. His head is cocked slightly. Betsy's music finally dies down as the crowd boos the members of BOB in the ring.
Miyoko: The fans are not happy with this!
SJ: Bourbon versus Granger could headline pay per view, this is nonsense.
The referee looks puzzled at what's happening. Bobby raises the microphone to his lips.
Betsy, c'mon down, we don't have all day now.
Betsy angrily shouts down towards the ring inaudibly.
Seriously, while we're young, eh? Look, after the shit you pulled at Leap, after I even tried to work the damned airlock to save your goddamned life, you gotta know that the war just started.
The fans boo as they throw trash into the ring. Big Puddin' catches a soda cup and actually drinks from it.
What's the matter Betsy? I get it, your focus was on Miss Fury, but don’t play the innocent with me. You knew damn well someone was going to try to split my wig. At least this ain't a surprise.
Betsy squints and focuses. She looks around, expecting something, or someone.
Oh, kitten, don't stress about your little TARDIS. I cooked up a little something I like to call a Temporal Nexus Generator, as us mad geniuses do. It's not coming. Fixed point in time and all, so I'm really the most excellent thing you're gonna see all night. So, you wanna get on with it?
Miyoko: WOAH!
The crowd goes bananas as the telltale theme of James Raven, Bleed It Out, blares throughout. Betsy smiles confidently as the throws her hands up and looks at Bobby, who looks completely nonplussed, as though this is to be expected. At that exact moment walking from back stage…
CRACK Thunder Knuckles, coming in with a huge home run swing of a steel chair to Betsy's back. The crowd is deafening with their disdain.
SJ: Oh what the hell!
Miyoko: Them No Good Bastards set a trap!
Betsy drops to her knees. TK raises the chair above his head, looking to deliver a coup-de-gras to Betsy. Bobby stands up.
Woah, woah, woah, Mr. Knuckles, your timing was perfect, as usual, but if you knock her out, she won't learn anything! Bring her down!
TK grabs a handful of Betsy's hair. Struggling, Betsy is dragged down to the ring to a chorus of boos. TK shoves Betsy into the ring where Big Puddin' and Diesel lift her to her feet and sit her in the folding chair, each holding an arm and keeping her in place.
Alright, so, this is how this all goes down.
On the X-Tron, we see footage from Relentless 2020 in the Rose Bowl. The culmination of Bourbon vs. Raven. Bobby delivers a devastating Bobbybomb to Raven and covers him. The referee goes for the count, and just a fraction of a second after his hand goes down a third time, Raven gets a shoulder up. Bobby argues with the referee, but is swiftly rolled up by James Raven for a pinfall that is counted. Betsy looks confused.
See, that's where this all started, Bets. XWF Universe, that was a travesty. A miscarriage of officiating. Lucky for us…
TK grabs the referee, the very same man who was involved in that match nearly a year ago, and tosses him into the ring.
Hey buddy!
The hapless referee scrambles and backs into a corner, pleading some unheard case while pointing at the X-Tron.
Oh? I don't know who's pocket you were in then but tonight you're in a Bastard's ring. As far as I'm concerned you should be ready to call this here match. But first…
We cut to the X-Tron.
Betsy looks up in anguish. Bobby slowly shakes his head.
Attention? You better pay attention, James, you best damn well be paying attention now. Do I have your attention?
The image changes on the X-Tron.
Done everything?
Bobby turns and bends over, getting face to face with Betsy.
I wouldn’t say he's done everything. I mean, stepping up and saving you would sure be something. I guess them laurels of his need resting on.
Another of James Raven's Tweets is shown on the X-Tron.
Oh, heh, hehehe, you sure as shit ain't seen nothing yet. D'ya think he saw this coming?
Bobby turns and winks at Betsy. Betsy looks horrified and disgusted.
You think he's gonna like the show?
The X-Tron image changes again.
Dang, I know I can powerbomb, but who knew I could Powerpoint!
Bobby turns to Granger.
Looks like none of this will piss him off or make him want to fight. Or Shawn. I'm just trying to get his goat. Get it? He's the GOAT! Betsy, these are jokes, lighten up, feel free to laugh.
TK, now in the ring and holding the referee by the neck of his shirt, laughs. As he does, the X-Tron image changes again.
Bobby cocks an eyebrow.
Oh, damn, Betsy, it sounds like your funny little honey knew I would do this. He knew my playbook! He knew this, knew that, whatever. And you know what the worst part is?
Bobby turns and again leans over and is directly in Betsy's face. She struggles as Big Puddin' and Diesel keep her solidly in their grasp.
He's not here because he had better things to do than you.
Betsy gets a hand free and slaps Bobby. His head is rocked as he stands up straight. Big Puddin' quickly grabs the arm and wrenches it back. Bobby looks at Betsy incredulously.
How could you? I haven't laid a single finger on you, and now you're attacking me before our match? Tsk, tsk, Bets! What will all those dreamers, all those believers, all those fans of yours say, stooping so low!
The X-Tron fades to another picture.
Well, gourmet that I be, I have been cooking something for nine months, and not a bun in the oven, but that doesn't mean we can't have ourselves a Christening! Nine months ago, James, you stole a victory and called yourself great for it, then instead of doing the right thing, of being a stand-up kind of guy, you just dipped out! Straight gone from the XWF, looking to spread your name far and wide, serving up the bullshit notion that you're a legend. That you're one of the greatest. Truth is, you've padded your own record book with empty wins against quite a few has-beens, never-wases, and just so you can be your own biggest fan. You couldn't wait to run away from the XWF where you would be scrutinized and exposed as a nostalgia act who needs to play dirty when the chips are down. Who can't handle losing fairly. I was, to be honest, heartbroken. Here was this guy I believed in, I believed to be a fighter, someone who would go to war in the ring! Instead, poof, you were gone faster than a stash of heroin in Charlie Nickles's pocket. You had your Legacy buddies come out to try to interfere, you had the referee following your orders, and I had nothing. Not a soul.
Bobby raises a finger into the air and closes his eyes, placidly smiling.
Then along came Chronic Chris Page and Miss Fury. They said they needed me for what they wanted. They needed the Wednesday Night Wrecker, and they pointed out that what happened at Relentless last year wouldn't happen again. They told me I would have back-up for if you ever came back. When you ever came back. I agreed, but on one condition. This couldn't be some chance for James Raven to come back into his own spotlight. He would piss and moan until Kingdom Come about how I needed help to beat him. No. While the rest of BOB had their own machinations, I quietly assisted. Beating an ass here, whooping one there, biding my time, making sure the building blocks fell in place, reminding you that I existed. Making sure BOB came into prominence. If there's one thing you can't have, James, one thing you can't abide, is for anyone to be more famous than you. So as long as BOB grew, as long as me and TK along with others turned BOB from a joke into the most dominant faction in the XWF, you’d practically have to come back to make sure nobody shined as bright as you. I put in the hours. As the saying goes, revenge is a dish best served cold, so I cooled my jets until you came running back to me. Now, we're getting the war I wanted. Now, I get to be what I was born to he, the ultimate weapon.
Bobby turns to Betsy.
I certainly don't need this silly little bitch, but even bottom feeders require bait sometimes. Don't you worry your pretty little head, though, Mrs. Granger. James has got this. Now, referee, ring the fucking bell and start this match!
Still in TK's clutches, the referee signals for the bell. A moment later, Bobby bends down and taps the mat.
I submit.
Perplexed, the referee rings the bell, signalling that Betsy had won.
Damn, what a match! Welp, fellas, I have more important things to do than deal with this.
Bobby gestures towards Betsy as he says "this" as though she were some object while the fans are booing the shitshow they just saw. The camera cuts to a little Mongolian girl in an Impossible Traveler shirt, who looks like she's waited her whole life to see Betsy Granger, crying.
TK, you can…
TK tosses the referee to Bobby, who snags him. Bobby grabs him and hoists him as TK rushes past.
The referee is completely out and left in a heap on the mat. TK stands up as Diesel and Big Puddin' lift Betsy to her feet out of the chair, which TK picks up and folds flat. Bobby leaves the ring and starts up the ramp.
Miyoko: Bobby Bourbon is crazy!
SJ: Maybe. Maybe he's crazy like a fox!
As Bobby continues up the ramp, TK raises the chair and brings it down onto Betsy's skull.
The shot echoes through the arena as the fans are livid. Bobby turns and looks. He facetiously starts wagging his finger at TK. TK shrugs just as long as Shawn Warstein would. While on the mat, Betsy is laid out cold as her blood starts to trickle from somewhere in her hairline, tinting her blonde locks a sickly crimson. TK walks up the entrance way with a douchey smirk painted on his face. Once beside Bobby Bourbon, Then No Good Bastards take a bow as Anarchy goes to commercial.
--Standard Match--
The match starts with a traditional tie-up, to which TRENT GEIN, the stronger man, gets the upper hand, forcefully pushing the Universal Champion back. A look of concern crosses over JAMES RAVEN's face, but he soon gathers his thoughts back, and as soon as TRENT is within range, RAVEN launches at his leg, and uses a single leg takedown to put TRENT on his back. He floats over TRENT's body, arriving at TRENT's head, which he drops a quick knee into. TRENT rolls away, but as soon as he gets up RAVEN is right on top of him, using a swinging neckbreaker to gain the advantage once more. TRENT goes down and RAVEN makes a quick cover, looking to put the match away early.
TRENT kicks out fairly easily. RAVEN, however, isn't done, as he continues to maintain the advantage with a dropkick as GEIN tries to get to his feet. GEIN stumbles back into the corner, and RAVEN hurls himself through the air trying for a knee to the jaw, but GEIN manages to slide out of the way at the last moment. A running bulldog quickly sees momentum swing in the Legend's favor, and a quick suplex further cements this, to which GEIN responds by covering RAVEN.
RAVEN kicks out without much effort, but GEIN isn't done yet. He springs to his feet and drops back down with a leg drop across RAVEN's chest. Another cover!
RAVEN kicks out again, but a little less convincingly this time. Repeating his idea, TRENT leaps back to his feet before dropping another leg drop onto JAMES RAVEN. He covers again!
RAVEN kicks out with force, sending a message to GEIN that this plan isn't going to work for much longer. Experienced as he is, TRENT GEIN takes note of this and switches up his approach, opting for a kneeling armbar to try and weaken the current Universal Champion. For a moment, it works, but RAVEN fights his way to his feet, and grabs TRENT by the head, pulling him down into a jawbreaker. GEIN stumbles away, as RAVEN takes a moment to refocus himself, and as soon as GEIN brings his own attention back to RAVEN, he's met with a spinning heel kick that puts him on the mat. He sits up, but RAVEN doesn't let up, and greets him with a stiff running kick to the jaw, followed by another cover.
The two both seem to be employing the same technique of trying to end the match early, as they realize that considering the caliber of their opponent, it is in neither of their interests for this match to drag out.
RAVEN executes a Northern Lights Suplex that leads to another cover, from which TRENT manages to escape from, and as he tries to DDT the US Champ, GEIN lifts him up and drops him with a HUGE spinebuster – the kind that hurts just to watch. This buys GEIN time to get his legs underneath him once more, and by the time RAVEn gets up, GEIN seems fully recovered and executes a quick clothesline followed immediately by the Plainsfield DDT!
...THR... NO!
Though RAVEN kicks out, GEIN seems quietly content that he is weakening his opponent. He pulls RAVEN up into a bearhug, and for several moments RAVEN is completely immobilized. Eventually, RAVEN has the sense to try and hammer GEIN in the temple, which causes his grip to loosen, enabling RAVEN to wriggle down so he gets his feet on the ground, and from there he has the wherewithall to roll GEIN up into a small package.
Taken completely by surprise, GEIN does manage to kick out, and he's the first back to his feet, but RAVEN seems to have a plan, and as GEIN tries to grab RAVEN, he thrusts his head up, driving it into the jaw of TRENT GEIN. The gap between the two is then filled by a hurricanrana out of nowhere. RAVEN hits an enziguri that continues to keep GEIN unsteady, and he retreats to the other side of the ring and begins stalking his 'prey'. He's going for the Divebomb! But GEIN gets out of the way! RAVEN turns around, and is hoisted up for the PLAINSFIELD! But he drops down and... FLIGHT OF THE RAVEN!
Wait! TRENT GEIN kicked out! Or did he? NO! The ref is saying that TRENT kicked out after his hand hit the mat! RAVEN gets the three count!
We return to the ring, where Billy “Bass” Ackwards is standing with a mic in hand. No music is playing. It isn’t even known if he has any entrance music.
Billy: If we’re gonna talk about the history of Anarchy, then we gotta talk about the Billy Bass! I have made my mark in this place, and I don’t want this special night to end before I get my chance to shine! I ain’t ever won a match on this show, but tonight, that ends! I am issuing an open challenge to anyone in the back who wants to wrassle! Come on out and try to Git R Dun!
Billy passes the mic over to Patience as referee Holoref Dot Gif emerges into the ring. Some generic rock music begins to play as Billy checks the ropes. Suddenly, on the XTron, it reads...
The crowd EXPLODES as XWF starwort Mungbean steps out from the back!
SJ: You’ve got to be kidding me.
Mungbean sprints down the ramp with energy and enthusiasm before sliding into the ring. Billy looks Mungbean over once before giving a slight chuckle. The referee calls for the bell. This match is official!
HHL: The year is 2021, and we’re seeing Mungbean in a wrestling ring.
Miyoko: This is the greatest day of my life.
Billy goes for a closeline, but it’s immediately ducked by Mung, who dropkicks Billy in the back. Billy falls face first on the mat as the crowd cheers in approval. Billy pounds his fist in frustration before standing back up. Billy calls for a test of strength, which Mung looks at, hestitantly. Finally, he reaches his arm up, and Billy immediately kicks him in the stomach. He sets Mung up for a DDT, but Mung quickly fights out of it and catches Billy with a kick right to the side of the head. Billy turns away from Mung, giving Mung the opportunity to nail him with a bulldog! The fans start chanting “MUNG! MUNG! MUNG!” as Mungbean stands back up and puts his arms out to the crowd.
SJ: This may be the most dominating performance Mungbean ever put on in his life.
Miyoko: He’s still got it!
HHL: I don’t know if he’s ever had it.
Miyoko: I will not accept any Mungbean libel while I’m at this table!
Mungbean picks Billy back up, but Billy rams him backfirst into a turnbuckle. The crowd begins to boo as Billy drives his shoulder into Mungbean over and over again. Billy backs up and sizes Mungbean up, before charging towards him. Mung, however, gets his feet up, causing Billy to stumble backwards. Mung quickly leaps to the top of the turnbuckle before jumping off into a cross body, which he uses to pin Billy!
The crowd explodes as Mungbean quickly scuries out of the ring, leaving an angry Billy to sit up in the middle of the ring.
Winner via pinfall: Mungbean
Pryce: The winner of this match...MUNGBEAN!!
SJ: Well I’ll be.
Miyoko: Pull the plug on the show! We just saw the main event! It’s all downhill from here, folks!
Mungbean jumps the barricade and into the crowd, which embraces him as he raises his arms in victory. They lift Mungbean up and bodysurf him through the crowd and toward the arena concourse.
HHL: This show is going to be wild, I can just tell.
--Standard Match--
Ruby wipes her hand on her costume and Noah takes advantage right away, locking up on the smaller girl. He pushes her back into the ropes with a snort, but Ruby thinks quick, diving backward through the ropes and landing on her feet at the outside, causing Noah to bounce his head and neck off the top rope. Ruby immediately follows up by leapfrogging back onto the apron and then somersaulting over the top rope, catching Jackson between her ankles in a headscissor that swings him out to the floor. Ruby hits the ropes in a flash and dives straight over the top, colliding with Noah with her trademark Tope Con Hero! She looks to finish early, rolling Jackson back into the ring and clambering up to the top in the near corner, then holding her balance just for a moment in preparation for the double stomp… but Noah rolls away to the far side of the ring and gives Ruby no choice but to hop down and follow him across.
Noah props himself into a seated position on the mat in the corner as Ruby approaches, and when she leans in for him he thrusts his head upward, catching her right in the face with the crown of his skull. She snaps backward grabbing her nose and Noah gets hold of her utility belt and then drags her into the corner, tripper her with a seated toe hold that sends her face first into the middle buckle. He gives her a back rake for good measure as he stands up, then clutches Ruby in a full nelson to bring her to her feet, pulling her up and over for a snapdragon suplex and bridging for a pin, but Ruby kicks out at two. Noah keeps the pressure on with a series of arm drags, gripping a chinlock after each one to wear the young flipper down. Ruby gathers her strength to fight her way to her feet, and when she nearly has the tides turned on Noah, he suddenly breaks away grabbing at his eye, complaining to referee Chaz Bobo.
Vinnie Lane: “What the heck? She didn’t even touch him, what’s going on?”
Noah whines about getting an eye poke and the ref gets in Ruby’s face. Ruby desperately pleads her case, waving her arms and shaking her head, shouting that she’d NEVER do any such thing, but while the ref isn’t looking Noah’s hit the ropes and come flying at Ruby’s back with a one-legged dropkick! The Crack the Shits! Ruby slams into the official who drops in a heap, and Noah takes advantage right away by yanking on Ruby’s hair and sinking in a deep choke. Noah is just battering Ruby with crossface forearms while using every tactic in the ne’er-do-well handbook to keep hold of his quick opponent. The referee slowly gets back to his senses, but Noah sees him coming to and sneakily adjusts his illegal choke into a Kimura, what he calls the Deadset!
Ruby is in bad shape but she’s got no quit in her. She struggles against the pain and eventually wiggles her way close enough to the ropes to get her ankles locked around the bottom strand. Noah holds onto the kimura for almost an entire five count before breaking and gets a healthy admonishment from the ref, but he doesn’t seem too concerned. He stomps away at Ruby and then drags her by the arm to the middle of the ring before scaling the ropes and turning around… he leaps from the top in a moonsault.
Ruby Cutter! Ruby got up just in time to catch Noah, and she has him laid out on the canvas!
Noah kicks out!!!
Noah got his shoulder up with only a fraction of a second to spare, but Ruby doesn’t look put off. In fact, she seems to almost admire the fight in Jackson. She heads to the top for the Ruby in the Rough once more, but she gets caught climbing as Noah dives and hits her ankles, causing her to fall and roll backwards into a tree of woe. Jackson sees a chance and heads across the ring, crashing into Ruby with a big baseball slide to the mush! Ruby collapses from the corner and Noah drags her to her feet, draping her front first across the buckles and heading across the ring with his fist raised. He’s looking for the King Hit, the running superman punch to the medulla oblongata!
Noah rushes to the corner and leaps, but Ruby sensed him coming and sprung up onto the top of the corner, jumping back in a huge flip and landing on her feet behind the puzzled Noah. She gathers him in a rear waist lock and shoves him chest first into the corner, knocking his wind out and then somersaulting backward with him an O’Connor roll! She gets his shoulders down!
Noah kicks out just after three, but it’s all over, Ruby pulled victory out of the hands of defeat!
Winner by Pinfall - Ruby
“Man In The Box” begins to play as the crowd slowly comes back to life. Out from the back steps Barney Green, carrying a large, military sized sack, and seems to be somewhat struggling under the weight of it. As he slowly steps toward the ramp, Seth Stevens steps out from the back to a roar from the crowd.
Patience Pryce: The following contest is a tag team X-Treme Rules match! Introducing first, the team of BOB’s Barney Green, and “Sinister” Seth Stevens!
The crowd pops again as the name Seth Stevens is said for the first time in years in the XWF.
HHL: Seth Stevens, a former Xtreme and Cruiserweight Champion. Held both of the titles simultaneously, and he ended up defending them both at X-Mas X-Treme in a very impressive display.
SJ: And beat two members of The Prophecy in order to do it.
Seth points to the ring and yells something at Barney. Barney makes it down the ramp and to the ring before dropping the sack next to the ring steps. Seth takes that opportunity to roll into the ring and soak in the crowd. He takes the mic from Patience, and the crowd begins to chant “Welcome Back! Welcome Back!”
Miyoko: Crowd has never cheered for Seth Stevens. Ever.
HHL: Well, they are showing their appreciation for his career. I can’t blame them. And who knows, it’s been over 10 years. Maybe he’s a new Seth Stevens.
HHL: Nevermind.
The crowd’s chants quickly turn to boos as Seth grins.
Seth: I’m not here as some nostalgia act! I’m not here for all of you to get the warm and fuzzy feelings in your stomach. I’m here for one reason, and that’s to put an end to The Wildcards once and for all! Those old fucks are going to come out here, do their little dances, and shatter a couple of hips, and my XWF career highlight won’t be the titles that I won, but the fact that I took two legends, and I put them in the ground!
Seth hands the mic back over to Patience as the crowd now thoroughly boo’s Seth. This causes an even bigger smile to come across his face.
Miyoko: Seth Stevens, everybody. Still Sinister, still an asshole.
The lights to the stadium then fade, leaving only a red and a black spotlight facing up the ramp way. The crowd immediately starts to cheer, knowing who is coming out next. At the top of the ramp way is the Mongolian band Altai Khairkhan, playing various instruments, as well as Sa Dingding, a Mongolian singer, playing a morin khuur. The four of them play a Mongolian folks ballad, which speeds up as it goes. After a few seconds, the sound of some familiar drums are heard, following by the light strumming of an electric guitar. The drumming and the guitar get louder, and finally it hits a crescendo that leads to an explosion of pyro.
The crowd explodes as out from the back steps Centurion and Maverick!
Patience: And their opponents. Centurion and Maverick. They are…THE WILDCARDS!
SJ: Hell yeah!
Miyoko: There goes that “unbiased” thing we were told.
Centurion and Maverick are wearing matching vintage “Wildcards” t-shirts and red and black pants. Centurion walks down the ramp first, leaving a sightly emotional Maverick to stand on the stage and soak in the cheers from the crowd. Cent waits for Mav at the ring, and Maverick joins him. Before they step into the ring, Maverick stops Centurion and the two of them point over at the commentary table. Mav says something, and Cent nods, and the two walk over to the table and embrace their Wildcard stablemate Steve Jason.
SJ (muffled): Love you guys. Go kick some ass.
Centurion turns to Miyoko and opens his arms up for a hug. Miyoko looks around as the crowd cheers. At first, she seems hesitant, but she finally hugs her former tag partner to a loud ovation from the crowd. Centurion and Maverick jump into the ring as Miyoko and SJ sit back down.
SJ: What happened to “unbiased”?
Miyoko: Shut up.
The Wildcards stretch out a bit before conversing in the corner. Maverick pats Centurion on the shoulder before stepping over the ropes. Seth yells something at Barney and points to the middle of the ring before stepping into his corner, as well.
Miyoko: A reminder that this is an X-Treme Rules match, so they don’t REALLY have to wait for tags in order to get involved.
SJ: Old habits die hard.
The bell rings and the crowd starts a loud “Wildcards! Wildcards!” chant. Centurion glances over at Maverick and gives a big smile, while Mav just mouths “ok” and points to Barney. Centurion turns back around and is met with an uppercut by Barney.
HHL: This entire experience has Centurion acting like a kid again, which isn’t always a good thing.
Barney whips Centurion against the ropes, and Barney goes to grab Cent on the comeback, but Cent leaps over Barney’s shoulder and grabs him from behind before scoring a Judo takedown on Barney. Barney tries to stand up and free himself from Cent’s arms, but Cent has the hold on too strong, and Cent lifts Barney in the air again and plants him on his stomach. A frustrated Barney slaps the ground as Centurion keeps the hold on tight. Barney is able to get himself in a pushup position and then finally to his feet as he grabs Centurion’s hands and begins to struggle out of the hold. He’s finally able to release some of the tension on the hold, and he uses that opportunity to immediately kick Centurion in the stomach. Centurion lets go of the hold all together and Barney immediately follows that up with a DDT. He picks Centurion back up and whips him into his teams turnbuckle, and follows that up by tagging in Seth Stevens.
HHL: Seth Stevens, seeing his first action.
SJ: Yeah, but he doesn’t look happy that he had to tag in so early.
Seth yells at Barney some more before kicking Centurion. Centurion slumps to the mat and Seth begins to stomp on Centurion in the corner. The boos pick up as Seth backs off from Centurion and raises his arms to the crowd.
Miyoko: Every time the crowd boos, Seth gains more power.
Centurion groggily gets to his feet, and Seth grabs him by the hair and walks him into the center of the ring. Centurion breaks the grab and goes for a short arm lariat, but Seth ducks. He kicks Cent in the stomach and goes for a headlock, but Cent reverses it by shoving Seth into the ropes. Seth bounces back and Cent leans into him with his shoulder, causing Seth to fall to the mat. Cent then bounces off the ropes, but Seth quickly springs to his feet and throws him into the turnbuckle next to Maverick. Seth points at Mav and yells at him, causing Maverick to slap Centurion’s back and step into the ring, and the crowd responds with a roar.
SJ: Here we go!
Maverick steps into the ring and walks up to Seth. The two stare each other down before Maverick raises his hand for a test of strength. Seth looks at him for a second before locking hands with Mav. Mav immediately turns it into a hammerlock, causing Seth to yell. Seth pats his shoulder before going to the ground and flipping Mav over his shoulders. Mav lands on his feet and the two release their hold. The two get into a collar and elbow tie up before Seth gets Mav in a headlock. Mav immediately grabs Seth by the ankles and flops him to the mat. Seth pops back up and slaps him real hard in the face before flipping him off with the double bird.
SJ: That’s not going to sit well.
Maverick looks back to Centurion, who just shrugs his shoulders. Maverick turns back to Seth, and the fists start flying! Seth and Maverick begin exchanging punches, much to the delight of the crowd.
Miyoko: Now we’re getting some violence!
Seth gets the upper hand and repels Maverick. He then goes for an Irish whip, but Mav comes back with a shoulder tackle, knocking Seth to the mat. Mav quickly gets to his feet and waits for Seth to stand before nailing him with a lariat. The crowd starts to go nuts as Maverick raises his arms in the air.
SJ: Now he’s feeling it!
Maverick grabs Seth by the back of the hair, but Seth pokes Maverick in the eyes, causing Maverick to go to one knee.
SJ: Oh, come on, now!
HHL: X-treme Rules, everything is legal.
Centurion hops into the ring and closelines Seth, but is immediately met with a thrust kick by Barney, who has also gotten in the ring. Barney walks over to Maverick and picks him up before tossing him outside the ring.
HHL: It’s all breaking down now!
Barney goes outside with Maverick as Seth and Centurion get to their feet. Cent gets to a vertical base, but Seth runs his shoulder into Cent and crashes him into the turnbuckle. He then delivers several shoulder shoves into the corner before bringing him out and suplexing him into the middle of the ring. Meanwhile, a loud “CLANG” is heard on the outside as Barney tosses Maverick into the steel steps. Seth points over at the large bag Barney brought, and Barney walks over to it and opens it up. As he does, Seth picks Centurion back up and drops him with a DDT. Once Barney gets the sack open, he starts tossing items into the ring – a lamp, a microwave, a coffee machine, a telephone…
HHL: What the hell?
SJ: They literally stole all the stuff out of their hotel room and brought it to the ring with them.
Indeed, into the ring comes a Holy Bible and a large stack of Marriott pens.
HHL: Just a reminder that this show is NOT brought to you by Marriott.
SJ: Nope…it’s brought to you by Stacker 2! Gain energy and burn fat with Stacker 2!
Miyoko: And by RC Cola! Cool off and refresh with an ice cold RC Cola!
[powderblue]SJ: And by the movie “Ballistic: Ecks Vs Sever”, staring Antonio Bandares and Lucy Liu, now available everywhere on VHS and DVD![/color]
Barney walks over to Maverick and grabs him by the head, but Maverick begins to fight back by punching Barney in the stomach several times. Maverick gets to his feet and rams Barney’s head into the steel steps. Barney bounces off and begins to stumble around the ring, being chased by Maverick. In the ring, the old telephone is grabbed by Seth, who rips the receiver off and handles just the base. Centurion slowly starts getting to his feet, and Seth holds the base of the telephone like he’s holding a brick. As Centurion gets to his feet, Seth charges, but Centurion leaps and nails Seth with a dropkick. The phone makes a loud “DING!” noise as it smacks into Seth’s face and Seth falls to the mat. Seth immediately rolls to his stomach and grabs his face, hoping no teeth were knocked out. Seeing no sign of any lost chompers, Seth gets to his feet, but is grabbed from behind by Centurion, who nails Seth with a Saito Suplex. Cent rolls with Seth still in his grasp and the two stand up, and this time Centurion hits Seth with a German Suplex. Centurion holds on with the bridge as the referee counts.
Seth is able to kick out, but Centurion is able to get to his feet. On the outside, Maverick picks Barney up from behind and lands him, crotch first, into the barricade. Barney screams out in horror as he reaches for his nads. Maverick then grabs the steel barricade and bounces it up and down, causing Barney to bounce with it, inflicting more pain into Barney’s nether region.
Miyoko: My balls hurt watching this. MY balls!
Maverick steps back and delivers a thrust kick to Barney, causing him to tumble off the barricade and into the crowd. Back in the ring, Centurion has Seth in the corner, and is delivering several stomps to the midsection. Seth slumps to the ground and Centurion steps back, looking for a V Trigger. Cent runs at Seth, but Seth is able to grab the telephone receiver and throw it into Centurion’s face. Centurion stops dead in his tracks as he grabs his face, and Seth takes him down with a chop block to Centurion’s knees. Seth gets on Centurion’s back and starts putting in a chokehold. Meanwhile, on the outside, Maverick has stepped over the barricade to go after Barney, but Barney is able to clock Maverick right in the neck. Mav stumbles back, and Barney sprints at Mav, nailing him with a closeline that sends them both back over the barricade. Back in the ring, Centurion slowly starts to get to his feet, taking Seth with him, but before he can get to a vertical base, Seth brings Centurion down with a back cracker.
SJ: This is complete chaos right now. It’s like we have two separate matches going on at once.
Seth gets to his feet and grabs the Holy Bible as the crowd boos him. He taps it a few times with his knuckles before getting into a crouched position. Centurion slowly gets to his feet, but before he can do anything, Seth nails him with the Bible, causing Centurion to crash back onto the mat.
Miyoko: I don’t know if God exists, but if he does, Seth is going straight to Hell.
SJ: I think he was going long before tonight.
Seth begins to hit Centurion in the back repeatedly with the Bible, while on the outside, Barney reaches under the ring.
HHL: Apparently Barney didn’t bring enough equipment with him tonight.
He pulls out a ladder, which does delight the crowd. He struggles a bit with it before putting his head between two rungs of the ladder and listing it with both hands. He turns around, but is met immediately with a superkick from Maverick, who nails the ladder, causing Barney to fall to the ground and the sound of steel to ring out. Back in the ring, Seth has Centurion to his feet, and sets him up for a suplex. As he lifts, though, Centurion is able to counter into a spinning DDT, bringing both men to the mat. The crowd begins the clap and stomp their feet in appreciation of the effort being put in. Back on the outside, Maverick has the ladder, which is places in a horizontal position between the ring apron and the announce table.
Miyoko: Be ready to run.
Maverick picks Barney back up and lifts him in the air before driving him back first into the ladder. Back in the ring, Centurion is back on his feet, as Seth crawls toward the ring ropes. He starts climbing to his feet, but Centurion runs and nails him with a V Trigger. Seth goes out cold and Centurion drags him into the center of the ring, but before Cent can go for the pin, Maverick yells at him.
[brown]Maverick: Hey! Hey, do that thing you did![/brown]
Maverick has Barney lying back first on the ladder, completely out of it. Centurion looks over at Maverick and shakes his head, as Maverick snaps back.
[brown]Maverick: Come on, you pussy![/brown]
Centurion glares angrily at Maverick and looks around the ring. Finally, he runs against the ropes, before getting to the other side of the ring, spring boarding onto the top rope, and nailing Barney Green with an elbow drop! The ladder crashes into two pieces as both Barney and Centurion lay motionless.
SJ: That was old school Centurion right there!
Miyoko: He’s going to feel that tomorrow.
Maverick and the crowd cheers at the incredible feat. Maverick then climbs back into the ring and begins to approach Seth Stevens, who is backing up into a corner and begging off. He shakes his head yelling “no! no!” as Maverick gets closer to him. Maverick grabs Seth by the head and goes to pick him up, but as he does, Seth delivers a knee right into Mav’s stomach, causing Maverick to double over. Seth then drops to the mat and takes out Maverick’s ankles, causing Maverick to go headfirst into the turnbuckle. Seth crawls his way out of the corner and back into the center of the ring before standing back on his feet. Maverick, meanwhile, uses the turnbuckle to get to his feet, and the two turn to face each other, both winded and trying to catch their breath. The two walk slowly toward each other before Maverick delivers a hard forearm to the side of Seth’s head. Maverick then taps the side of his own face, calling for Seth to return the favor. Seth does, and Maverick immediately returns with another forearm, knocking Seth backwards. Maverick pats himself on the side of the face again, and Seth delivers another forearm of his own. Maverick returns, and the two begin quickly exchanging shots back and forth, much to the delight of the crowd. After a few seconds of an exchange, Maverick gets the upperhand, pounding forearms into Seth. Maverick goes for a killing blow, but Seth catches him with a quick right hand, knocking Maverick of his balance. Seth then delivers more and more punches, backing Maverick into the ring ropes. Seth grabs Maverick by the arm and whips him into the ropes, but Maverick returns with a massive forearm, knocking Seth silly. Maverick then kicks Seth in the stomach…
SJ: There it is!
The crowd explodes as Maverick drops Seth Stevens to the mat. He covers…
SJ: Oh, what the hell is he doing here?!
Big Preesh nails a splash onto Maverick’s back, breaking up the pin as the crowd roars with boos. Maverick rolls off of Seth, and Preesh nails another splash onto Maverick, flattening him. Preesh raises his arms to the crowd, causing massive boos from the crowd, when suddenly the crowd EXPLODES with cheers.
SJ: YES! You’re about to get it now, big man!
Preesh doesn’t see why the crowd is cheering, as he continues to celebrate, before backing up. When he does, he pumps into something…or someone. Preesh looks confused before turning around….
Brand kicks Preesh in the stomach and nails him with The Finishing Touch, sending the crowd into a fit!
SJ: Thank you, good night!
Brand picks up Preesh and tosses him over the top rope before stepping out of the ring himself. From the outside, both Centurion and Barney slowly crawl into the ring, and all four competitors get to their knees before standing at a vertical base. Barney goes to thrust kick Centurion, but Centurion catches Barney’s leg and throws it toward Seth, who instinctively grabs it. Centurion and Maverick then both take a step back before hitting stereo superkicks on their opponents, causing Barney and Seth to collapse to the mat. Seth rolls toward the ring ropes, allowing Centurion and Maverick to focus their attention on Barney. They both pick Barney up and get him to his feet before planting him with a double suplex. As Cent and Mav are working over Barney, Seth slowly crawls over to a turnbuckle, dragging along with him the microwave and the lamp. He sets the microwave up in the corner before getting to his feet with the lamp in hand. He charges at Maverick, but Centurion spots him and tackles him to the ground, causing the lamp to fly out of the ring. Seth tries to crawl away, but Cent and Mav grab him and pick him up before planting him with a double reverse DDT. Centurion then points at Maverick before pointing at something in the ring.
HHL: Oh no, what is this now?
Miyoko: It’s the pens!
Maverick grabs the bundle of Marriott pens as Seth tries to crawl his way out of the ring. Maverick gets on Seth’s back, pinning him to the ground, before lifting his head up. Maverick then takes the pens and jams them into the top of Seth’s head, before continuously pounding on them! Seth screams out in horror as Maverick repeatedly bashes the pens into Seth’s scull. Maverick then lets go and stands up, leaving Seth to yell as the pens fan out, stuck to the top of his head. Seth crawls out of the ring and flops onto the floor on the outside. Centurion and Maverick both stand, laughing at Seth, before turning around. As they do, Barney charges at then. They both get out of the way at the last second, and Barney goes headfirst into the front of the microwave! A vicious crash and the breaking of glass is heard as Barney slumps unconscious in the ring. Maverick begins pressing the buttons on the microwave.
[brown]Maverick: How long does it take to defrost an asshole?[/brown]
Centurion: It’s all based on the weight, so whatever it normally is…add about an hour.
Maverick and Centurion both grabs Barney and try to pull him out of the corner, but Barney’s head is stuck inside the microwave, which is stuck between the turnbuckle ropes. Maverick and Centurion pull with all their might, and eventually the microwave gets unstuck from the ropes, but Barney’s head remains inside. Barney is out on his feet with a microwave on his head when Centurion and Maverick look at each other and shrug.
1000 Mile Slam!
Maverick climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and looks around to the crowd that is on their feet. He leaps off…
Jack Of Clubs Senton!
Mav and Cent both make the cover.
WINNERS: The Wildcards
The crowd goes crazy as Centurion and Maverick get to their feet, raising their arms in victory. The Brand slides back into the ring to join them, as Roller runs out from the back to enter the ring, as well. The four of them gesture over to Steve Jason, telling him to come into the ring, as well.
HHL: Oh, go on.
SJ takes off his headset and steps into the ring as the crowd cheers the celebration of The Wildcards.
Vita Valenteen
- vs -
Tula Keali'i
Trick or Treat Match!
Then the bell had rung, and Vita extends her hand for a good luck, but Tula wasn’t having it and she smacks her hand away from her. Vita then “pouts” over lack of sportsmanship, and Tula clocks her with a haymaker to the gut of Vita. She then does a double leg takedown with a flow over on her head, and she locks in a front face lock on Vita. Vita manages to float over on her back, and she kicks Tula in the head to break the hold. Both women are on their feet, and they circle around one another, then they lock up and Tula hits another double leg takedown, but this time she mounds on Vita’s back.
Tula then starts hitting her elbows on the back of her head. Vita then tries to elbow her in the face, which connects. Tula then stumbles on her feet, as Vita leg sweeps Tula and she smacks her head on the mat until she stopped. Vita then grabs Tula’s left arm, and she wraps it around the middle rope, and locks it in. Vita break the hold, and she heads to the outside, where the fans are pulling out objects for her to use.
Vinnie Lane: What will Vita use in this match against Tula… I hope it’s something go—
Vita picks out frying pan and goes back into the ring with it. She then hits Tula hard as she could with he frying pan.
Vinnie Lane: Oh a frying pan…classic, i guess.
Tula grabs Vita’s arm, and she takes the frying pan from her and tosses it to the outside. She then does an Arm wrench, and kept wrenching her arm. She then Irish Whips Vita to ropes, and she connects with a Knee Strike on Vita. She then lifts Vita up, and goes for another Knee Strike which caused Vita to go to the ropes. Then Vita signals the fans to toss her some weapons like a blowdryer, iron, and a giant bag of candy. Tula then picks up the blow dryer, and “blows” Vita’s hair, then hits her with it.
Tula then gets the iron, and jams the tip of it into her forehead and clocks her head with it. She kept using the Ironing as a blunt object on Vita’s gut until she stopped. She picks up a big bag of candy and opens it up to reveal it being nothing but razor blades inside. She then spreads it across the ring.
Tula then picks up Vita, and she tries to hit a DDT onto the blades, but Vita Stopped the momentum and she reverses into a Back Body Drop on the razors on Tula. Tula is in pain, as Vita looked shocked on what she did to Tula.
Vinnie Lane: Oh my goodness, we are surely in for a horrific night in this ring. That bag of candy was nothin’ more than a trick!
Vita snaps out of her shocked trance, and she goes for the cover…
Tula kicks out and rolls to the outside, Vita follows suit as the ref was cleaning the ring up from the blades. Tula then punches Vita on the nose, and Vita teleplays that with her own punch to Tula’s face. Then it lead into a catfight that spoiled into the crowd, Vita then uses a beer can and smashes Tula’s face with it. Tula then uses a leather whip and whips her with it. Tula then whips Vita as she tries to crawl away. Then Tula catches her, and she chokes her with the whip.
Tula then lets go of the whip, and she got a bucket from a fan that was filed with worms. As Vita was coming back to the ring, Tula manages to grab Vita’s hair and teases that she’s going to feed her worms. Vita manages to break her hold, kicks her in the gut, and she takes the bucket of worms and spills it on the floor. She then tries to go for a Russian Legsweep, but Tula refused to budge and she stomps on Vita’s foot.
Tula then hits her own Russian Leg sweep on her into the pile of worms. Then she picks up some and feeds some of it to her, which made Vita want to puke.
Vinnie Lane: “Whoa, what the hell is going on here? Is the Boogeyman responsible for this worm infestation in Salem?… whatever it is, i hope we can continue this match up.”
Tula then pulls her Black Graphite Pipe, and rolls into the ring. Tula stands there, as Vita slowly rolling away from the worms pile. She then gets heated, and goes to the fans and she takes each and everyone’s objects and tosses them in the ring, as Tula kept moving away from getting hit. Then Vita goes under the ring, and lifts up a table and slides it into the ring. The she looks under the ring once more, and pulls up out two chairs and tosses them in the ring.
Vita gets back into the ring, and Tula hits her with the pipe. Tula hits her in the back with it, and chokes her with it. Tula breaks the hold, and she see’s the weapons in the ring and she picks up a hockey stick, and swings at Vita’s gut as she was slowly getting on her feet. Tula then drops the stick, and picks up a stop sign, and beats her with it. Tula drops the sign, and lifts up Vita and hits a Overhead Belly To Belly Suplex onto the two chairs stacked on one another, and Tula goes for the pin…
As Vita kicks out, Tula then sets up the table in the corner of the ring, and she lifts up Vita and props her to the table. She then headbutts her on the face, and lays her on the table. She punches Vita for good measure, she then heads for the top rope..
Vinnie Lane: Uh oh, what will Tula do in order to score her first championship?… Will she risk it all or will these witches hex her in Salem.
Tula dives to the table with Double foot stomp, but Vita rolled out of the way, and Tula crashed through the table. Vita then smacks the mat, gets on her feet with full of adrenalin as Tula rolls back onto her feet Vita hits her with various amounts of punches, then she Irish whips her to the ropes and she connects with a Koppu Kick on Tula.
Vita then gets pumped, and gets on her feet and props to chairs on their sides and sticks a pair of light tubes on the chairs in middle of them. Vita is waiting for Tula to get on her feet, and when she managed to gain her conciseness; Vita kicks her in the gut and hits a…
The crowd chanted “holy sh**”… and she slowly covers her…
Vinnie Lane: Jesus christ, that was sick move done by Vita… let’s see if she’ll be the one to be treated back with her Anarchy championship!
Tula kicks out, shocking Vita Valenteen!
Vita pounds the mat an d heads to the top rope as Tula Keali’i rolls around in pain. Slowly, Keali’i gets to her feet, her legs wobbly beneath her. She starts to turn toward the corner just as Vita leaps off with a HUGE jump into her devastating EAT DEFEAT finisher!
Vinnie Lane: “She got it! Vita lands the biggest move in her arsenal to retain the title!!!” Wait, what’s going on?”
In the ring, Vita is squirming within the grip of Tula Keali’i… apparently right at the point of impact, Tula adjusted her body position just enough to avoid the impact, and ended up transitioning directly into a dragon sleeper… the Aloha!
Tula cranks the hold on with as much torque as she can muster, and Vita’s wildly flailing limbs start to slow and sag. Her arms fall limp to the mat and the referee grabs her wrist and lifts it… it drops!
The ref holds Vita’s hand up once more, and it drops once more!
One last time the official pulls Vita’s limp arm into the air and releases it…
The ref calls for the bell quickly and makes sure Tula releases the hold, which she does… Vita is completely unconscious, and the referee as well as Tula both check on her as the bell sounds and Tula is announced as the winner!
Winner by Submission and NEW Anarchy Champion - Tula Keali’i
As Retro Anarchy returns from a small break, we see Vinnie Lane in stand-up position before the camera, holding a microphone and muttering something to himself.
Vinnie Lane: “….degraded to backstage interviewer on my OWN dang show!.... *mumble* I’ll show them…. *mumble*…Anarchy…*mumble*…only real child I’ll ever have….*mumble*"
Someone behind the camera motions, and Vinnie notices. He jumps into action, fixes his ‘hair’ real quick and puts on his best gameface.
]Vinnie Lane: “Welcome back to Retro Anarchy, dudes and dudettes! The following match is sponsored by SPRITE! And it is the very first Void of the Mind Match in XWF History, and you know what? I have a feeling it’ll also be the last one."
The camera cuts over to Game Girl and Ned Kaye, both of which are stretching right beside a black-and-blue DXRacer gaming chair set up in front of an AMD Extreme Ripper gaming PC. Ned is stretching his fingers in his Ironclad MIBR PC Gaming Gloves whilst Game Girl is sporting the Americ Empire Pro Fingerless Gloves (for sweaty hands).
Vinnie Lane: “Wow, just look at all the product placement! This is going to make us so much money! Anyway, as I said, sponsored by SPRITE! Enjoy!! … but first, before we kick this match off, let’s go over the rules. And for that, I am welcomed by tonight’s VERY special guest commentator, Todd Howard! Todd, welcome to Mongolia!"
The big chief of Bethesda Softworks, the studio behind great hits like Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3 and Fallout 4, joins the side of Vinnie Lane. He is dressed in a loose suit, bought off the rack at Walmart.
Todd Howard: “Thank you so much for having me, Mr. Lane.”
Vinnie Lane: “Oh, call me Vinnie, dude! We’re all friends here. Mostly. Anyway, thank you for being here, you must be very busy, making patches for all your games and whatnot! But tell me, how are you and your company involved in this match?"
Todd Howard: “We made it.”
Vinnie Lane: “You made it? The game you mean? So Ned Kaye’s earlier accusations of this not even being a real game are completely false!?"
Todd Howard: “Very much so! A while back we were approached by one of your roster members, let’s keep her name out of this, to make this game for this very show, and in a matter of weeks our best game designers put together an incredible gaming experience. IGN ranked it an 8.5/10! 9.5/10 even, after we bribed the reviewer.”
Vinnie Lane: “In the immortal words of my good friend Angelica Vaughn, that is amazeballz, dude!! So what else can you tell us about this game, and the match?"
Todd Howard: “Well, both Game Girl and Ned Kaye will have to complete the levels of Void of the Mind the fastest. The one who does will be declared the winner! And as the genius head of Bethesda Softworks, the genius company responsible for genius games such as The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, I can guarantee you that, as in all our products, there will be absolutely NO glitches!”
Vinnie Lane: “… whyyyyyy do I get the feeling this game will be absolutely filled to the brim with glitches…?"
Todd Howard: “Because you’re a filthy casual who doesn’t know balance. I’ve seen your girlfriend, she is VERY top-heavy!”
Vinnie Lane: “I know, tubular right? Anyway, Todd, please take place behind the commentator’s desk, we’ll see you in a bit!"
Todd nods and makes himself scarce. The camera focuses once again on Vinnie, who walks over to the two competitors.
Vinnie Lane: “Now, as I always say, the XWF prides itself on having something for everyone! Whether it’s squash matches or Leap of Faith matches, everyone can find and see something they like. However, as this is our first real venture into eSports eNtertainment, we made absolutely tip top sure that the safety of our competitors could be guaranteed. Therefore, we have a professional who will be looking over the proceedings, and here she is! Nurse Lauren, welcome to Ulaaaaa… er, Mongolia!"
Nurse Lauren, dressed in a kind of nurse’s outfit that you’d actually see in a hospital and not on a set where they make pornographic videos, politely nods at Vinnie.
Nurse Lauren: “Grateful and happy to be here.”
Vinnie Lane: “So you did the medical check-up just now, anything we should be concerned about?"
Nurse Lauren: “Well, other than the fact I’m not sure if Game Girl is an actual real person, everything seemed to be in order. As long as they hydrate and have a healthy snack before their match, I’m sure it’ll be fine. After all, I don’t think this match will last longer than a few minutes.”
Vinnie Lane: “Thank you very much, Nurse. One more question, how was Ned’s rectal exam?"
Nurse Lauren: “It was fine.”
Vinnie Lane: “Rad! Now, I’m sure you have to get ready before we get this match underway, so I’d just like to say that all of the XWF loves and appreciates you for taking such good care of our roster members, dude!"
She smiles and walks off, leaving Vinnie back in stand-up.
Vinnie Lane: “And now, I think it’s about time we get this match underway! Over to our announcer’s desk with Todd Howard!"
The camera cuts to the announce desk, where Todd Howard is sitting with his headset on, whilst scribbling down notes on how to get away with selling even more expensive horse armor in the next Elder Scrolls installment. Suddenly, Vinnie pops back up next to Todd, and slams the headset on.
Vinnie Lane: “And Todd will be joined by none other than VERY VERY special guest announcer, Vinnie Lane! Hah, found a loophole, Centurion! Thought you could keep me off of my own show, could you? No freakin’ way, dude!"
Todd Howard: “Vinnie, how nice of you to join us!”
Both competitors stop stretching and get seated on their gaming chairs. Meanwhile, the referee gives final instructions.
Vinnie Lane: “The referee tonight, cats and kittens, is of course none other than the lovely gaming babe Jessica Chobot, known for her cool gaming exploits like licking handheld video game consoles and voicing Diana Allers on Mass Effect 3 on the Mass Effect Legendary Edition! EA, it’s in the game!"
Todd Howard: “BioWare REALLY went down the drain after that, though.”
Vinnie elbows Todd in the ribs.
Vinnie Lane: “Dude, not cool! You can’t say that! EA paid me like fifty grand for those few lines."
Todd Howard: “THAT CHEAP?? I had to pay like FI-…”
Vinnie Lane: “Shut up, Todd, we can’t hear Jessica!"
Jessica: “I want to see a CLEAN speedrun, okay? No skipping tutorials, no unnecessary button mashing, and no exploiting of glitches!”
Todd Howard: “There won’t be any glitches in the game anyway!”
Vinnie Lane: “Dude, I played Skyrim for like five minutes and my horse literally got yeeted across the entire continent because it tripped over a small rock."
Todd Howard: “It’s called balance. You wouldn’t understand.”
Vinnie rolls his eyes, and the PC’s are booted up.
Vinnie Lane: “This is some RAD hardware. Will it get the job done?"
Todd Howard: “Time will tell! Personally I would have opted for Alienware, but we can’t all be professionals like me.”
Game Girl and Ned Kaye are handed remote controllers, which seems to surprise them mouth.
Vinnie Lane: “OHHHH, snap! What a TWIST! Before this match has even started!! Both Game Girl and Ned thought they’d be using mouse and keyboard, as it’s played on a PC, but you optimized this game for controller support, right?"
Todd Howard: “Errrrrrrrr….”
Todd pulls off his best Hayden Christensen impression.
Todd Howard: “It’s… called balance?”
Vinnie Lane: “Come on, dude!"
Nevertheless, being the professional wrestlers that they are, and therefore equipped to deal with any roadblock in their way, Ned and Game Girl adapt to the situation instantly. They take the controllers, sit back in their DXRacer gaming chairs, which have fantastic lumbar support by the way (-> add another ten grand to Vinnie’s bank account), and wait for the game to start.
Vinnie Lane: “Man, this is so tense! I can just feel the electricity in the air!"
Todd Howard: “Yes, I can see it, it’s like you just rubbed your hair against a balloon.”
Vinnie Lane: “What? No, it’s always like that, Todd."
Todd Howard: “My bad.”
As soon as the game starts, Ned and GG’s fingers turn into a blur. Not a banana-lime blur, but a blur nonetheless. They race through the first few corridors as fast as their pixelated legs can carry their avatars, but Game Girl makes a crucial mistakes and bumps into a corner, forcing her to have to walks 3 extra spaces towards the first conversationalist.
Vinnie Lane: “In a game of inches, that can be LETHAL! The ball’s in Ned’s court now, unless he drops it, he’s in with a shout to win this already!"
Ned starts the first conversation, but for some reason, the conversation keeps looping over and over, giving Game Girl plenty of time to initiate the conversation herself. Ned looks annoyed, and raises an eyebrow as Game Girl finishes the conversation and darts off while he’s stuck.
]b]Vinnie Lane: “What the heck, Todd? You said there’d be NO glitches!"[/b]
Todd Howard: “By WHAT stretch of the imagination is that a glitch? It works as intended, I’m sure! Ned must have done something wrong!”
As Game Girl overtakes Ned, the latter’s conversation finally ends after being stuck in a loop five times. Ned shakes his head and chases after Game Girl, who has the hugest grin on her face. She turns the corner towards the next level and…
Vinnie Lane: “OH MY!"
… she gets stuck in the wall!
Vinnie Lane: “TODD!"
Todd Howard: “We… I… My… It was put there on purpose! That was a trap! Definitely not a glitch!”
Vinnie Lane: “This game is buggier than the opening scene of Men In Black!"
Todd Howard: “That had ONE bug!”
Vinnie Lane: “Exactly! I knew we should’ve hired Naughty Dog! I can’t believe we’re selling this game in the XWF Store as of RIGHT NOW, for the lowly price of 8,000 X-BUX! You can get 80 boxes of Ruby-Ohs for that!"
Game Girl furiously starts button mashing her controller, making Jessica Chobot chastise her for unsportsmanlike conduct. Game Girl mouths off and Jessica throws a flag.
Jessica: “Unsportsmanlike conduct. No button mashing! Twenty second penalty, the result of the flag is a reset to the beginning!”
Game Girl grits her teeth as the game warps her avatar back to the beginning of the game while Ned happily goes to the next level. She has a lot of catching up to do.
Ned continues to sweep the corridors that he has memorized, and instantly finds the objects needed to progress. Meanwhile, Game Girl is furiously catching up. She looks over at Ned, and…
Vinnie Lane: “WHAT THE HECK!?"
Game Girl throws her controller to the side, and digitizes. She becomes pixelated and warps herself into Ned’s game, before sucker-punching his avatar right in the jaw.
Todd Howard: “I can’t believe what I’m seeing! Game Girl just BECAME a video game character!?”
Vinnie Lane: “So THAT’s what Nurse Lauren meant!"
Todd Howard: “Game Girl just became a SPRITE!”
Vinnie Lane: “SPRITE! As sponsored by! ENJOY!"
Vinnie Lane: “Dude, I’m making a killing tonight! Rox will be so proud of me. Also, WHAT THE HECK, TODD? You said there’d be no glitches!!"
Todd Howard: “Hey, it’s all Game Girl’s fault, not my game’s! SHE IS the glitch! Don’t blame it on me and my genius developers who know everything about balance and pacing and everything! How was I to know Nurse Lauren was right and she’s basically Neo in The Matrix?”
Game Girl and Ned’s sprites stand opposite one another, with a pulsating sore the size of approximately one to four pixels clearly apparent on Ned’s cheek. Game Girl rushes forward and clotheslines Ned’s sprite to the pixelated floor.
Todd Howard: “See? I don’t know how this is possible! This wasn’t programmed in! Those moves don’t even exist in the game’s code!”
Vinnie Lane: “Look, dude, I don’t have any idea what’s going on anymore. All I see is an empty chair next to real Ned, and Game Girl somehow is fighting Ned’s game’s sprite in the game he’s playing."
Todd Howard: “To be fair, that sounds exactly like what’s going on.”
Vinnie Lane: “Really? I mean, yeah! It does! I’m so smart, dude."
Ned shakes his pixelated head and gets up from the floor. GG stalks him from behind, and nails him with a running knee to the back of the head, nearly shattering the weak point between his spine and skull.
Vinnie Lane: “Whoa! That looked like something out of Mortal Kombat!"
Todd Howard: “Terrible games! Zero balance! Abhorrent pacing!”
Vinnie Lane: “I just meant to say Ned should be happy he won’t be paralyzed in real life if his avatar’s spine is separated from its brain."
Todd Howard: “Won’t he? A body can’t live without the soul.”
Vinnie Lane: “I… But this isn’t the Matrix, dude! Are… are you implying this is a battle of the SOULS, Todd? Souls? Spirits? Sprites? Look, this is getting way too philosophical and I was just about to have some fun, can we just focus on the match here?? SPRITE! ENJOY!"
Todd Howard: “Amen.”
Ned’s sprite clutches the back of his neck and Game Girl triumphantly stands over his body. She raises her arms in-game, and the real life crowd boos. Meanwhile, Nurse Lauren crouches down on one knee to check whether Ned’s fingertips are getting calloused, but she gives the thumbs-up to referee Chobot, who lets the match continue in spite of the shenanigans. After all, it’s ANARCHY!
Ned’s sprite tries to crawl back to its feet again, but Game Girl sees it coming from a mile off. She charges at Ned’s sprite, but it counters with a scoop slam! It immediately goes for the cover, but after a few seconds Jessica Chobot realizes she has to do the counting thing, which is not what she signed up for. She drops down, but before she can even get a 1-count in, Game Girl kicks out.
Vinnie Lane: “Whoa dude, looks like we’ll be getting some wrestling after all!"
Todd Howard: “What kind of organization are you running, Lane? First, a glitch in the form of an actual competitor, then your referee barely realizes she has to count pinfalls!”
Vinnie Lane: “Rude! And you’re one to talk, your side-scrolling RPG just became a 2D beat’em up!"
Todd Howard: “It’s called level design!”
Real Ned sweeps his hair to the side, and frowns. Certainly when Game Girls is back to her feet in no time at all, and initiates a collar-and-elbow tie-up with Ned’s sprite.
Todd Howard: “BAH GAWD!”
Vinnie Lane: “Dude, wrong pacing! That kind of exclamation comes later."
Todd Howard: “Oh, so NOW you wanna talk pacing??”
Ned’s sprite is driven back by Game Girl and seems to be hopelessly overpowered. But then, real life Ned pulls out all of the stops. And in a veteran move, he…
Todd Howard: “FUUUUUUUUS ROH…”
Vinnie Lane: “DUUUUUUDE!"
Real life Ned pulls off the ultimate pro gamer move! By leaning forward, his sprite’s size, strength, awareness and durability increase tenfold! Ned’s sprite lifts up Gamer Girls life she’s made of pixels, which she is, and breaks her back over his knee, leaving her a crumpled mess in the middle of the screen.
Todd Howard: “Ouch!”
Jessica Chobot cringes at the sight, and is nearly prepared to throw the towel in and declare Ned the winner by referee stoppage, but Ned holds his hand up and mouths ‘I got this’. He then cleanly finishes the game, while Game Girl remains motionless in a relatively insignificant corridor within the game’s code.
Jessica calls for the bell, and declares Ned Kaye the winner!
Vinnie Lane: “What an epic and unique battle we just witnessed her tonight! And YOU can witness it at home, because VOID OF THE MIND will be available in the XWF Shop for the price of 8,000 X-Bux! Get it tomorrow!"
Ned raises his controller in the air. What a win!
Winner by Gamebreaking a back – Ned Kaye
The lights dim but not darken.
Eruptions blast from across the stadium - both fire and fans. As the flames blaze, and an uneasy silence settles across the crowd, a video appears upon the screen.
Again the crowd erupts. Their cheers give way to thousands of people struggling to sing along their non-native tongue, in what must amount to the most out-of-place singalong in a wrestling arena ever heard. It’s not until the chorus that their voices clearly ring out across the stadium.
“Que será, será!
Whatever will be, will be!
The future’s not ours to see!
Que será, será!”
Just as it took time for the audience to find their voice, it takes time for the cameras to find their man. They should have known where to look - the wall of flame upon the stage. The singing gives way to a thunderous ovation as the new Universal Champion Alias steps through the fire and emerges onto the stage!
HHL: Listen to this sound!
SJ: I can’t believe what I’m hearing!
HHL: I can’t believe that Alias is coming out of the regular entrance.
Miyoko: Hardly regular with all that fire.
Alias’s expression is hard to read as he looks around at the gathered Mongolian fans. With a deep breath he makes his way down towards the ring and slides under a burning rope, standing in a literal ring of fire. A microphone magically appears in his hand, and somehow that’s not even weird in the grand scheme of things. The fires die as he lifts the mic, but the crowd drowns him out.
“Que será, será!
Whatever will be, will be!
The future’s not ours to see!
Que será, será!”
It’s then that he smirks and in the face of the grin, the crowd begins to quieten.
ALIAS: “This feels a little forced, to be honest. This whole come out in the ring and cut a dramatic promo thing… I know I’ve done it once before, but it still doesn’t make it feel any more comfortable. I… I appreciate all the plaudits and veneration that have come my way in the past week and a half, but let’s be perfectly honest, there’s an asterisk next to my name right now. A lot happened up on the moon…”
A quick glance directly down the lens of the camera highlights a wry twinkle in his eye.
ALIAS: “...and I know what people are going to say. I know the lines that Chris Page will use; I know the lines that Lycana will use; but more than that, I know one absolutely certain thing…
I am the Universal Champion.”
And there comes the crowd again, as Alias holds the title high in the air.
ALIAS: “Here’s the thing, if people want to get stuck on the past, then they’re welcome to stay there. I’m looking ahead. Chris Page, if you want your rematch, come and get it! Lycana, if you want another shot, come and claim it! I promise you, lightning doesn’t strike twice. Just ask Chris Chaos. Oh, sorry, ‘Corporate’ Chaos. He’s been searching for that second strike of lightning for years now, but alas, no cigar. I’m not going to labour on this point, I just want to make one thing clear: you can slap lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a fucking pig. Chris has a new name. Me? I have a new, shiny championship. No matter how we dress ourselves up, we’re still the same people we were beforehand.
From where I’m sitting, that does NOT bode well for any sort of second-rate, brown-nosing, corporate stooge who can’t even do THAT well. I don’t much appreciate people trying to control my world. You hear that, Theo Pryce? Be VERY careful what your next move is, because you back me into a corner… I bite. So… and this goes for everyone... bring Chris Chaos, bring Chris Page with his rematch, bring Corey freaking Smith with a briefcase of his own! Que será, fucking será! I’ll fight! Tooth and fucking nail, I’ll fight! And I’ll survive! It’s what I do.
I’ll Eat The World.”
”Ladies and Gentleman the following contest is your RETRO-ANARCHY Main Event of the evening, and is for the XWF XTREME CHAMPIONSHIP!”
The crowd pops for the match announcement as the house lights dim out to darkness.
The crowd erupts into massive boos ringing out from all over the stadium.
”Introducing first, he is the challenger… being led to the ring by the bWo World Heavyweight Champion Miss Fury, he is the former XWF Universal Champion… he is “CHRONIC” CHRIS PAGE!
The crowd boos louder as a single spotlight hits the top of the ramp where Miss Fury and Chris Page walk out through a smoky haze to the top of the ramp arm in arm. They stop and soak in the negativity from the crowd which brings smirks to their faces. Chris turns towards Miss Fury where they give each other a quick kiss on the lips before starting to make the walk to the ring.
HHL: The world is waiting to see how CCP is going to carry himself now that he is without the Universal Championship.
Pip: What the hell are you talking about with reacting? He is doing what he has done since High Stakes; competing. More than I can say for Robert Main or Alias.
HHL: The brainwashing of Pip continues.
Chris and Miss Fury reach ringside, they kiss each other once more before Page climbs up on the ring apron before stepping through the ropes and entering the squared circle. He removes his ring jacket before tossing it down on top of the ring attendant on the floor. The music fades away.
”And his opponent, being led to the ring by MARF… she is the NEW XWF Xtreme Champion, LYCANA!
The lights fade to black. Lycana's music hits as lime green and red pyros shoot off. She steps out onto the stage and looks around the crowd with a condescending look before walking down the ramp. She slides into the ring, running to the other side to hop onto the ropes looking out over the sea of fans with a sneer on her face. She hops down and turns to face her opponent.
HHL: Arguably the biggest match in this young ladies career is about to commence.
There is a massive “CCP SUCKS! CCP SUCKS! CCP SUCKS!” chant that echoes throughout the stadium as Page and Lycana stare across the ring from each other before they walk out towards the center of the ring; neither taking their eyes off the other. The chant from the crowd dies down as it transitions into a solid reception of nothing more than sheer anticipation of this first time ever meeting between these two tremendous talents.
Chris starts spouting off at Lycana, it is unknown what is said but she clearly does not take it as she comes back with words of her own that bring a sly smirk to Page’s face followed by a shrug of the shoulders before they lock up center ring. Page uses his size and strength to back Lycana up into a neutral corner where he holds her back against the buckles before slightly patting her on the right cheek as he backs away towards the center of the ring.
Pip: Page has always been crafty and is already trying to get inside Lycana’s head.
Lycana, not pleased, comes out of the corner where she walks right up to Chris Page and slaps him across the face garnering a massive ovation from the crowd! Page reaches up and holds the right side of his face before immediately coming back with a boot to the midsection! He follows up with several clubbing blows across the back before dropping Lycana to one knee. Page bounces off the near side looking for a straight boot to the temple of Lycana who throws her head back and out of harm’s way moments before impact before rolling Page up with a School Boy!
Page escapes as both he and Lycana are back to their feet. Lycana charges towards Page ducking under a clothesline attempt where she bounces off the far side, Page spins around as Lycana dives with a flying cross body block attempt! Page catches her in midair before scooping her up and slamming her hard on the mat. Page looks to drop an elbow across the chest of the Xtreme Champion only to see her roll out of the way sending Page elbow dropping the mat. Lycana pops back up to her feet first where she sizes Page up and as he starts to get to his feet she charges past him where she looks deliver a handspring elbow and drives it into the jaw of Page sending him staggering back towards the ropes!
Lycana charges towards Page who side steps her and sends her over the top rope where she lands on the ring apron. Page turns and comes towards Lycana where she delivers a forearm smash to the jaw followed by a second that staggers Page back out towards the center of the ring where Lycana spring boards off the top rope with a with a Hurrincanranna snapping Page over to the mat sending him under the bottom ropes and out to the floor! Miss Fury comes around the ring where she is checking on CCP as he gets back to his feet.
HHL: Lycana is using her speed to maintain the offensive on CCP!
Pip: Stick and move is the best option when you are smaller and not as powerful as your opponent. Lycana is no slouch by any means, and would not be here as the Xtreme Champion if she was not capable.
Lycana comes over to the ropes where she uses the top rope to sling shot over the top rope, Page pushes Miss Fury out of harm’s way while eating the cross body block taking both competitors down to the floor with Lycana popping up to her feet first. Miss Fury comes forward towards Lycana, not threatening by any means, but enough to make Marf come around the ring to watch the back of his partner. Lycana and Miss Fury have words before Lycana reaches down picking Page up by the hair only to have Chris drive Lycana back into the ring apron lower back first. He brings her forward before driving her back first into the ring apron a second time followed by a third before he tosses Lycana back into the ring under the bottom rope.
Chris tosses the ring apron back. The crowd pops as he reaches under the ring and pulls out a barbwire wrapped steel chair garnering a roar from the crowd which quickly diverts to boos as Page tosses it down to the floor before rolling back into the ring.
HHL: Page being Page trolling the crowd.
Chris is back to his feet where he reaches down snatching up the smaller Lycana. He pulls her into a front waist lock where he delivers a overhead release belly to belly suplex to the Xtreme Champion before making a cover forcing her shoulders to the mat.
Lycana kicks out of the near fall but Page does not give her time to breath as he locks in a rear chin lock. Page cranks on the head and neck as the referee starts to ask her to surrender, she refuses to quit as Chris cranks back harder on the head and neck as the referee asks again to surrender and again she refuses before starting to work her way back up to her feet, she turns into the chin lock where she takes Page back into the ropes where she shoots Chris across the ring, Page bounces off the ropes where Page takes Lycana down with a running shoulder block.
Page charges and bounces off the near side, Lycana rolls over to her stomach, Page jumps over Lycana where he bounces off the far side, Lycana pops back up to her feet where she leap frogs over Page once again sending Page bouncing off the near side where Lycana rocks him with a Superkick to the jaw! Page staggers back into a neutral corner where Lycana charges forward delivering a handspring elbow! Page staggers out of the corner where Lycana boots him in the midsection before dropping him with a DDT! She rolls Page over making the cover hooking the near leg.
Page kicks out of the near fall!
HHL: Lycana is holding her own against the self-proclaimed hardest working man in the XWF.
Lycana is the first to her feet. She stomps down on Page’s chest and midsection before reaching down picking Chris up off the mat where she rocks him with a European Uppercut before sending him across the ring, Page bounces off the ropes and into a spin kick into the midsection doubling Page over for her to deliver a Face Buster!
Lycana rolls out to the ring apron before getting back to her feet. She makes a run for the nearest set of buckles and immediately starts to climb up to the top rope! Lycana sizes up Chris Page as he rolls over to his back nearest the turnbuckle that houses the Xtreme Champion! Lycana leaps off the top rope looking to deliver a Shooting Star Leg Drop!
Page rolls out of the way sending Lycana crashing and burning as she lands on her ass on the canvass!
Pip: Page lured her in for that one!
Chris starts to push himself up off the mat and back to a vertical base. He measures Lycana and delivers a straight kick to the face knocking Lycana back to the mat. Chris reaches down picking up Lycana where he locks in a front face lock, he hooks the leg before hoisting Lycana up in the air before driving her down into the canvass with a Hangman’s DDT! Page rolls Lycana over making the cover hooking the near leg.
Lycana pops a shoulder up off the mat to a mixed reception from the crowd. Page starts hammering down with straight right hands to the forehead of the Xtreme Champion with fist of fury. He lands six or seven right hands before stepping back up to his feet. He reaches down picking Lycana up off the mat where he laces her across the chest with a knife edge chop that echoes throughout the stadium, he laces her with a second chop followed by a third before taking Lycana back into the ropes where he shoots her across the ring with an Irish Whip, Lycana bounces off the far side and into a Spin Buster Slam by Chris Page!
Pip: The prelude to the Page Plant!
Page steps back up to a vertical base where he starts to size up Lycana. She slowly rolls over to her chest before pushing herself up off the mat. She reaches one knee before stepping up to her feet where Page comes forward delivering a boot to the midsection doubling Lycana over where he hooks her up looking to deliver the Page Plant!
Lycana spins out of the Page Plant attempt where she lands a Diamond Cutter to CCP!
Lycana starts to pull herself back up to a vertical base where she steps out to the ring apron and starts to head back up to the high rent district! Page rolls over to his chest and pushes himself back up before lunging into the ropes causing Lycana to lose her balance and crotch herself on the top turnbuckle.
HHL: A crafty counter from the legend.
Chris Page makes his way towards the corner that houses Lycana. Page steps up to the middle rope where he snitches in a front face lock. Page looks to deliver a superplex! Lycana counters by latching on to the top rope. She counters with a headbut across the nose of Page before shoving Page backwards down to the canvass! Lycana steps back up to the top rope where she delivers 540 Corkscrew Senton!
Pip: Berzerker!!
The Xtreme Champion makes the cover!
Page kicks out of the near fall to a gasp from the crowd!
HHL: Lycana was eyelashes away from putting away the former Universal Champion!
Miss Fury starts pounding on the mat as she screams out at Page while Lycana works her way back up to a vertical base. She does not let up as she reaches down picking Page up off the mat. Lycana lands a knife edge chop followed by an open handed chop with the smack echoing throughout the stadium. Page is taken back into the ropes where Lycana looks for the Irish Whip, Page is set sailing across the ring where he latches on to the top rope.
Lycana charges towards Page who lands a reverse elbow to the jaw staggering Lycana back several feet. Page comes out delivering a boot to the midsection doubling Lycana over for Page to hoist up in the air before delivering a Buckle Bomb to Lycana! Chris takes a few seconds to pull himself back together as Lycana is seated on the mat against the buckles.
Page charges forward delivering a stiff V-Trigger style knee to the face of Lycana driving her back into the buckles! Chris follows up as he pulls Lycana out towards the center of the ring where he drops down making the cover hooking the near leg!
Lycana throws a shoulder up off the mat to a massive gasp from the crowd.
Pip: Now you talk about a slower count, look no further than that crap right there because this one shoulder be over!
Page gets to both knee’s cutting his eyes at the referee who shows him two fingers as he gets to one knee before stepping back up to his feet. Page stomps away at Lycana several times before picking her up off the mat where he hurls her through the ropes and out to the floor near the feet of Miss Fury. We see Miss Fury come forward putting the bad mouth to Lycana which prompts Marf to come around the ring where he keeps a watchful eye on his tag team partner.
Chris drops down to the mat and rolls out to the floor where he comes behind the ring spinning Marf around where they exchange words before Chris blows him off and comes around the ring where Lycana has reached all fours. Page charges forward delivering a kick to the ribs knocking Lycana over on to the floor. Chris walks over the to steel steps and separates the top portion from the bottom before glaring over at Marf with a malicious look on his face.
He snatches up the top portion of the stairs as he then turns back around towards Lycana. Page measures Lycana as she starts to work her way back up to her feet. He charges forward driving the steel steps into the forehead of the Xtreme Champion knocking her down to the floor with a sickening thud from the steel bouncing off her skull. Page tosses the ring steps to the floor before picking a limp Lycana up and rolling her back into the ring. Page slides under the bottom rope and into a cover where he hooks the near leg.
Lycana kicks out to another massive gasp from the crowd as her forehead has been split open from the steel steps. Marf is shown on the floor trying to rally Lycana on as Chris starts to throw a series of right hands into the open wound on Lycana’s forehead to loud boos from the crowd with each and every strike.
HHL: The blood of Lycana is flowing from Chris Page and the steel steps!
Page turns his attention towards Marf where before delivering calculated right hands to the bloody forehead of Lycana!
Pip: You can see the taunting from Page to Marf as he hammers away at the bloody forehead of Lycana!
Shot after shot after shot before Page looks at her blood on his fist, turns his attention back towards Marf where he wipes Lycana’s blood across his upper chest followed by a wink. CCP stands back up to his feet as the crowd roars with boos that garner a middle finger from CCP which incites the Mongolian crowd even more!
HHL: Always endearing is Chris Page.
The referee can be seen checking on Lycana as we see Chris turn around. He makes his way over where he forces his way between the referee and the Xteme Champion. Page stomps down at the bloody forehead before reaching down picking the Xtreme Champion up off the mat. He holds her head up as he screams at her.
Page paintbrush slaps Lycana across the face.
Page pulls Lycana into a front waist lock where he delivers a Belly to Belly overhead Release Suplex! CCP floats over into the cover hooking the near leg.
Lycana kicks out again!
HHL: Lycana kicks out again! She has got to dig down deep here!
Page gets to both knees as his hands hit his hips while glaring at the referee who shows him two fingers. He shakes his head before stepping back up to his feet. Page reaches down picking her up off the mat, he takes her back towards a neutral corner where he takes her up in the air for a side suplex only he sits her down on the top turnbuckle so that she is facing the crowd.
Page steps up on the middle ropes and where he looks to set up Lycana for a back suplex off the top rope. Page steps up to the top ropes only to have Lycana suddenly counter out of nowhere with a SLICE BREAD off the top rope sending both crashing down to the mat to a thunderous ovation from the crowd!
Page lays on his back looking up at the lights as the bloody Xtreme Champion pulls herself towards the fallen challenger. The crowd gets louder and louder as Lycana inches closer and closer before making the cover and hooking back the near leg.
Page pops his left shoulder up off the mat to another massive gasp from the crowd! Lycana starts to slowly roll towards the ropes where he rolls under the bottom rope and out to the floor. The crowd suddenly erupts as she stands up with the Barbwire Wrapped Chair in her hands.
Pip: I bet Page is going to wish he had not cast that aside!
The crowd starts to get louder and louder as a bloody Lycana slides back into the ring with the Barbwire wrapped chair.
HHL: That is a signature weapon of CCP that he has used countless times throughout his thirty year career.
Page is starting to stir as Lycana has worked her way back to her feet where she measures Page! Chris negotiates his way back to his feet where he staggers backwards towards Lycana who then comes forward cracking Page across his bare back with the barbwire wrapped chair!
The crowd roars as Page staggers forward while Lycana rips the char from his flesh! Page staggers forward before turning around only for Lycana to crack Page’s skull with a shot from the barbwire wrapped chair that drops Page where he stands opening him up in the process on the forehead and various spots across his back!
Pip: Lycana’s going to do it!
She drops the chair before dropping down into a cover where she manages a hook of the leg.
Page pops a shoulder up off the mat and the very last possible millisecond for the hand slaps the mat for the fatal count to the loudest gasp of the night.
HHL: Dear god Page kicked out!
The Mongolian crowd of over thirty thousand are on their feet as this Xtreme Title match continues! Lycana wipes blood away from her face as she starts to get back to her feet. Page starts to raise his head up off the canvass to reveal his face is now a crimson mask as the shards of barbwire cut incredibly deep.
Lycana picks the barbwire wrapped chair up off the mat, she delivers a straight stomp to the bloody face of Chris Page knocking him back down to the mat before backing up into a neutral corner. Lycana steps up to the middle rope where he leaps off using the barbwire wrapped chair as an elbow and drives it violently down into the face of CCP!
Lycana makes another cover!
Page kicks out again! The sold out crowd erupts with an ovation with the display being put on by both Xtreme Champion and Challenger alike. Lycana cuts her eyes towards the referee who shows her two fingers.
HHL: Lycana cannot allow herself to get frustrated. She has to stay on top of Chris Page right here, right now!
Pip: She has stayed her course thus far, and you have to know that she knew this was going to be the toughest test of her entire career; thus far she has shown up and shown out!
Lycana slowly starts to work her way back to her feet as this hellacious match continues. Marf shouts on encouragement from the floor as we see Lycana stagger towards the ropes where he steps out to the ring apron while in the ring Page rolls over to his chest before pushing himself up out the blood stained canvass. Lycana sizes Chris up and as he slowly starts to work his way to his feet, and as he starts to stand Lycana spring boards off the top rope looking for a flying clothesline that is counters in midair with desperation Code Breaker from Chris Page!
Both Page and Lycana are laid out in the center of the ring as they have both lost a lot of blood in a short period of time. All the referee can do is look on. What seems like eternity passes before we see Page slowly roll over draping an arm over the chest of the Xtreme Champion.
Lycana kicks out!
HHL: I do not believe it!
The crowd is red hot for this Main Event as both Champion and Challenger are leaving it all in the ring. It takes several second for Page to start to negotiate himself back up to a vertical base. His eyes gravitate towards the Barbwire wrapped chair before slowly shifting back towards Lycana.
Pip: Uh oh.
Chris staggers towards the barbwire wrapped steel chair where he kneels down and picks it up off the mat before turning his attention back towards Lycana who now as rolled over to her chest and begins to push herself up off the mat. Page maliciously stands beside her and raises the barbwire wrapped chair high above his head when…
The crowd erupts as we see Page lower the chair as his attention diverts towards the top of the ramp before looking all over.
HHL: Is Robert Main here?!?!
Miss Fury looks around for Robert as well as she paces back and forth at the entrance to the ringside area. Suddenly Lycana rolls Page up with a Schooly boy!
Page kicks out to a gasp from the crowd as the music stops playing.
HHL: The mind games are on full display by Robert Main!
Page is the first back to his feet with the barbwire wrapped chair still in his hand. He drives the rounded portion of the chair into Lycana’s midsection doubling her over before cracking her across the back with a vile barbwire wrapped chair shot!
Page tosses the chair down to the mat as Lycana drops to one knee before stepping back up and into a JUDAS EFFECT elbow strike staggering the Xtreme Champion backwards before immediately driving a boot to the midsection where he drives a boot to the midsection which doubles Lycana over! Page hooks her up looking for a Page Plant, Lycana counters with a double leg takedown, she holds on to the legs of Page flipping over his body stacking his shoulders to the mat!
Page escapes to a huge gasp from the crowd! Both Lycana and Page are quickly to their feet with Lycana charging forward with a clothesline, Page ducks and it sends Lycana bouncing off the near side, Page ducks his head looking for a back body drop attempt which see’s Lycana put on the breaks and counter with an inside cradle!
There’s a huge ovation from the crowd as Lycana quickly escapes out to the floor as Miss Fury hits the ring! Page gets to both knees with a look of complete and utter shock etched on his face while Marf runs around the ring to Lycana with the Xtreme Championship!
HHL: I do not believe it! Lycana has just retained over the former Universal Champion!
Page pops back up to his feet arguing the credence of the count as Marf helps Lycana back up the ramp. The referee has words with Chris Page until he is decked dropping him where he stands before shifting his attention towards the top of the ramp where Lycana and Marf stand. Lycana hoists the Xtreme Championship high in the air to a huge pyro display as Retro Anarchy leaves the air.
Thank you to everyone who helped me on this show. My apologies to everyone for getting it out late. A special thanks to:
- Ruby
- Marf
- Corey Smith
- Bobby Bourbon
- Chris Page
- Vinnie Lane
- Thad Duke
- Solace Tatum
- Miss Fury
- Stacker 2
- Mungbean
- Theo Pryce
- Miyoko Kawashima
- Brenda Frazier
- And Viewers Like YOU
XWF Record - 214-100-9
XWF All Time Wins Record Holder
Official XWF Legend
3x XWF Anarchy Champion
3x XWF World Champion
8x XWF Canadian Champion (Record for most Canadian Title reigns)
1x XWF Hart Champion
6x XWF X-Treme Champion
5x XWF Tag Team Champion
2x XWF United States Champion
Inaugural XWF IDL Champion
1x XWF King of Anarchy
1x XWF King of Massacre
1x XWF Stable Champion
XWF Star Of The Month - May 2007
XWF Star Of The Month - July 2009
XWF Star Of The Month - December 2019
XWF Star Of The Month - December 2021
XWF Holiday Battle Royal Winner - 2007
That was a good show! Each match was pretty damn good congratulations to all winners and those that wrote matches. Your work is greatly appreciated.
The following 6 users Like Ariel Dixon's post:6 users Like Ariel Dixon's post Atara Raven (06-12-2021), JimCaedus (06-12-2021), Lycana (06-12-2021), Ned Kaye (06-12-2021), Ruby (06-12-2021), Theo Pryce (06-12-2021)
///This, was one of the most entertaining things I have gotten to read in my time here. It was a lot of fun with the flashbacks. Everyone did an amazing job leading up to this, and super well done with all the matches!
Cent, you put on a hell of an Anarchy, huge thank you to you!
CCP, I'm not even sure what to say. It was wild. It was outstanding to face you, I had a blast writing. Thank you for pushing me.
(06-12-2021, 10:37 AM)Lycana Said: ///This, was one of the most entertaining things I have gotten to read in my time here. It was a lot of fun with the flashbacks. Everyone did an amazing job leading up to this, and super well done with all the matches!
Cent, you put on a hell of an Anarchy, huge thank you to you!
CCP, I'm not even sure what to say. It was wild. It was outstanding to face you, I had a blast writing. Thank you for pushing me.
Congrats to all!
OOC- Fantastical show Cent! As for you Lycana, you have the best damn inside cradle in the business today! Proud of you.
- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
With Robert "The Omega" Main
XWF World Heavyweight Champion
(06-12-2021, 10:37 AM)Lycana Said: ///This, was one of the most entertaining things I have gotten to read in my time here. It was a lot of fun with the flashbacks. Everyone did an amazing job leading up to this, and super well done with all the matches!
Cent, you put on a hell of an Anarchy, huge thank you to you!
CCP, I'm not even sure what to say. It was wild. It was outstanding to face you, I had a blast writing. Thank you for pushing me.
Congrats to all!
OOC- Fantastical show Cent! As for you Lycana, you have the best damn inside cradle in the business today! Proud of you.
Yeah she does! Congrats to everyone on the show, this was a big card so big shout outs to Cent and Ruby. The show was awesome!
-Thank you for the banner Atara Themis-
1x Hart Champion
1x Federweight Champion
April 2021 RP Of The Month Still Waters Run Deep
XWF FanBase: The IWC (gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)