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Picking up the Pieces-
Author Message
Chris Page Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

06-05-2021, 09:16 AM

June 6, 2021
Tampa, Florida

[Image: 1acdfd55b108de12902a773552c02cb7.jpg]

The scene opens at the summer estate of Chris Page in the Tampa Bay area. The familiar setting on a Friday evening as we are opening out on the pool deck where Chris Page can be seen sitting in his hot tub just off the pool.

[Image: tenor.gif]

It is safe to say over the last several days of reflection Chris Page has come to terms that he is no longer the XWF Universal Champion. The plan has already been put into motion to reclaim the very title most of the roster dreads coming back home to Papa Page. Several key pieces are already moving within this equation as it is not a matter of if CCP finds his way back to the top of the mountain, it is a matter of when.

Chris has found humor in how everyone has jumped on the Alias bandwagon like he accomplished some incredible feat when the only thing he did was pick his spot that he EARNED the right to do... but what happens when Chris stakes claim to the Xtreme Title and not only defends five times but does it quicker than anyone else has before him? This is the kind of environment Chris thrives in just most of you are too foolish to comprehend.

Chris takes a sip from his champagne glass while he waits for his guests to arrive at the estate. His cell phone rings that are sitting off by the bottle of champaign. Chris reaches overlooking the caller ID were the face of…..

[Image: tenor.gif]

Chris smiles as his boy Thunder Knuckles is calling. He answers the call putting it on speaker as he answers.

” What is Ol’ Thunder Knuckles up too!?!

Thunder Knuckles: Chris mother-fucking Page!

Chris cannot help but laugh under his breath hearing Thunder Knuckles and his native tongue.

Thunder Knuckles: What the fuck are you doing?

” Sipping some champaign in the hot tub waiting on Jess and Atty to get here.”

Thunder Knuckles: A goddamn threesome on a Friday evening sounds like a great time!

” I would not say all that you sick fuck! Jess is the only piece of satisfaction I need and want; however, meeting Atty is something that I have been waiting on.”

Thunder Knuckles: What the fuck took you so long? She has been with us for a minute.

” You know how I roll man, and with our open-door policy you cannot just give up the keys to the castle to anyone until they prove that they are going to be here for the long haul. The business is flakey as fuck; as you are well aware. I am comfortable that Atty is with us, and I want her to know and hear it from me. She is an incredible talent to have in the mix.”

You cannot take Chris’s hesitation for granted because people will always gravitate towards what is hot versus what is not. There have been many inquires to join BOB, but perhaps the intentions to conduct business the way we conduct business is usually hit or miss.

Thunder Knuckles: I could have fucking told you that! Atara is on the rise and is someone that can help us tremendously with goddamn ApeLeg since she used to be one.

Chris takes another drink from his glass before he states.

” If anyone can nail Warstein to the wall harder than you it would be her, that is for sure.”

Thunder Knuckles: I shut his shit down already once this week, and will do it again and again and again because the mother fucker makes it that goddamn easy.

” I think it is great how quick he shuts the fuck up when you nail him to the wall.”

Thunder Knuckles: He knows better.

Ol’ Thunder Knuckles has that presence on Twitter that most wish they have; I mean I know I do, but let’s face the facts I can give two shits about what anyone has to say behind a keyboard but Ol’ Thunder Knuckles has me checking in every now and then, especially when he shuts down Robert Main and Shawn Warstein in the same goddamn week.

Hard to believe TK is not even two years into his career and just how far he has come. The guy is the future of this federation regardless of how hard people try to hold him down. It is only a matter of time before his gift of gab is more than anyone will be able to handle.

” I just do not understand how you do it, man. I barely like sending a goddamn text message let alone spend free time slamming people the way you slam them. How is there enough time in the goddamn day?”[green]

Thunder Knuckles: Well you know, when people like to run their mouths from afar you have to shut them down from afar.

Chris hears the voices of Jessica and Atara before seeing them emerge out through a large sliding glass door.

[green]” I will catch up with you in a bit.”

Chris hangs up the phone as Jessica and Atara approach the hot tub. To the left, there is a large canopy set up with two lounge chairs with a small glass top oval table separating them with two Champaign glasses and a bottle of Champaign on ice.

Jessica: Just had to pop a bottle without us I see.

Both Jessica and Atara step into the canopy as Chris responds.

” I did not know when you would be here, I got thirsty… what more can I say?”

Atara Themis: Rude.

Chris gets up and steps out of the hot tub. He grabs a nearby towel and starts to dry himself off as he responds to Atara.

” I know, I know.”

Chris throws on a wife beater before walking back over towards the hot tub where he picks up his bottle of Champaign. He steps into the canopy and fills both of their glasses while he states.

” Atara, allow me to apologize for it taking a minute before you and I had this opportunity to be formally introduced.”

Atara Themis: No worries. Fury told me you were kind of a dick so I feel the formalities are out of the way.

Chris cuts his head and eyes towards Jessica who shrugs before spouting out.

Jessica: Well it is true.

” Yeah but are we advertising it?”

Jessica: Oh please, do not pretend you do not thrive on it.

” Good point.”

Chris steps back out of the canopy where a third lounge chair sits. He pulls it up and takes a seat before taking a huge drink from the bottle bubbly. He shifts his attention towards Atara as he states.

” I wanted to have you over so that you can hear it from me as to why it has taken me so long to welcome you into BOB. The fact of the matter is this; BOB is one of the hottest commodities in the business that either everyone wants to be a part of or wants to go up against. We are that money attraction, big box office if you will. I say that to say you get people like Jenny that claim BOB but you never see or hear from her; people jump on the bandwagon for the rub that it brings, largely in part that BOBies can come and go as they please.”

Atty’s eyes gravitate towards the bottle in Chris's hand before turning them towards the glass in her hand as she interjects.

Atara Themis: Did you drink from that before your poured our glass?

There is silence from Chris as he stares over with a blank expression which causes Atara to simply shake her head before pouring the glass out. She puts her glass on the table, pulls the bottle of Champaign out of the ice before popping the cork sending it sailing across the pool deck, over the hot tub, and into the pool. She pours herself a glass before turning back towards Page before stating.

Atara Themis: You were saying.

” I am saying that I wanted to see if you were going to be here today or gone tomorrow, and I mean that with all due respect. Put yourself in my shoes for a second and think back to when you officially joined BOB. It was not too long after you and Wa….

Atara quickly cuts off Page.

Atara Themis: Don't! Just don't. That's behind me, Dove. I'm only looking back because they came at B.O.B. They came at TK. Granger recruited him because I'm with you guys and so here he is..

Jessica chimes into the conversation while Atara takes a drink from her Champaign glass.

Jessica: Well I mean, you are the star in the equation and he has always been a jock rider, so there is that.

” I am just trying to say that you joined us after that little separation, and I was not for sure if it was going to be permanent; however, over the last two months you have not only proven me wrong you have skyrocketed back to the top as you rock two belts. You refocused yourself by cutting loose the dead weight that was always holding you back. You have always been a megastar and a marquee attraction.”

Jessica: I think what Chris is trying to say is that he should have listened to me when we first started discussing your involvement within BOB. I think he is trying to say that he is sorry for being a little on the paranoid side of things because he is suspicious of everyone until they have earned his trust.

” You have always had the name value, that has never been the question from me. You are Elite and you deserve a seat at the inner circle of BOBs table if you so choose to take it.”

Chris takes another drink from the bottle.

Jessica: You know how we operate, we do not have a dictator. If we are doing something that you do not want any part of you do not have to do it. We do not get pissy at you if you lose, we lift you up. This is a family of talent from top to bottom that has equal say in everything. You do not see that every day, I should know… I was with the Left Hand for a minute.

” You do not owe us an answer if you wish to think about it. That seat at the table is always going to be there for you if or when you elect to take it. The sky is the limit for you, Atara… not to mention hashtag apeleg is fucking hysterical. “

Atara Themis: I get it, Chris, you can be straight with me. The hesitation is warranted, I do have a reputation much like you, Dick..

Jessica shrugs as she takes another sip from her glass.

Atara Themis: If I take this seat at the table what kind of things are we talking about getting involved in? I want a part in Apeleg for obvious reasons.

” Anything BOB related; for example, right now I want to recruit Lycana and Marf into BOB.”

You can almost hear a pin drop with the silence.

Jessica: I thought we agreed not to discuss that.

” I want Atara to know, more importantly, see that everyone has a voice. I know your history with her but that history does not take away that she has something. It takes guts to hang around an organization after the man responsible for bringing you in shits the bed and makes everyone involved look stupid. Take that and her ability to keep pushing forward regardless of the outcome. She has the desire to be one of the best, and that is exactly the mentality that we are looking for.”

There is a pause from Chris as he turns his attention towards Atara and continues.

” I am not saying by any means that she will even join, I am saying it is worth the conversation with the group.”

BOB is out to prove the wrestling world wrong. You can assemble a large group of talent and form a collective bond with them by putting egos aside for the common goal. There is a much bigger picture that none of you have bothered to take note of going on around you each and every day. While all of you are looking over at the left hand praising Alias for unseating me as Universal Champion your eyes are not on the right hand that is about to bitch slap you across the face, again. Where is my baby powder?

” Atara, regardless if you agree or disagree with my motives to move forward with the recruitment of Lycana, is it worth getting everyone together for a conversation?

Atara Themis: I'm Greek, Chris. My people invented democracy. If it needs to be discussed I say we discuss..

There is a groan from Jessica as Chris raises his bottle.

” To Atara!

Atara raises her glass as does Jessica. They all toast before Atara and Jessica finish off their glasses while Chris kills the rest of his bottle. Jessica is heard stating.

Jessica: You know Thunder Knuckles is going to be pissed, right? What makes you think Lycana would even entertain the notion if you consider the history we share?

” I will handle The Bastards if it comes down to it but nobody can discredit what Lycana brings to the table. She might be rough around the edges but with a little bit of guidance she could be as big of a star as she thinks she is now. I do not expect for it to go over well by any means; but per our guidelines, if I am out voted this becomes a dead issue… unless she accepts the invitation.”

[b]Jessica: Do you think that is going to happen?

Chris laughs under his breath before he states.

” Of course not.”


Words From the Stoned One:

Now that all the pleasantries are out of the way let the games begin. I do not know about the rest of the world but Lycana gave me the best nap of my life because I cannot pretend for one second that entertainment value was anywhere near what I tried to sit through. I understand character development and all, but for FUCKS SAKE can I get something that has ANYTHING to do with what is going on within the XWF outside of something that comes off as a cheap goddamn Twilight knock off? When I said you have all the potential in the world I meant it, when I said you just need someone to bring it out of you THIS kind of shit is exactly what I am talking about. Let us look past the typical nonsense you like to display and get into the real meat and potatoes of this issue; but before we do, the offer is still on the table for you to do the right thing and accept my olive branch of peace; but I also understand you still have sand in your vagina over Miss Fury ditching the Left Hand. Now I do not want to speak on the past but we need to acknowledge where your true bitterness comes from when you scoff in our general direction. It is a hard pill to swallow knowing that there was a mole in the midst of a fledgling faction whose claim to fame was running the same skits in different federations hoping that it would catch on. How did that work out? Listen if you guys were smart back then you would have tried to do something similar with us but when your leader cared only of himself to look at a bigger picture those kinds of mistakes are bound to happen. Miss Fury did what she was asked to do by keeping tabs in the off chance The Left Hand amounted to anything other than a joke. Knowing that your playbook was in my hands is tough to digest for sure; but if you want to allow that cloud your mind why you try to conquer the world on your own I cannot and will not stop you.

We realized real quick the threat of the Left Hand was seemingly nonexistent, completely disorganized and crumbling from within. The decision was made collectively for Miss Fury to walk away. What other reason would you have for not accepting my invitation? More importantly, if your feelings run that deep why are you and Andre flirting around the locker room just waiting for the opportunity to smash? You do know when you play chess with me you need to mask your moves a little bit better than this, right? You either want Dre’s dick or you want to try to get inside his head. Surely you do not think he is stupid enough to not be playing his game as well? Alas, I will allow you to make your own mistakes for when you are deep throating that BBC I am sure he will enjoy the fact you will not have any teeth just as much as he is going to enjoy testing that gag reflex. Better call Corey and Thad for some tips.

… wait a second!

Didn’t you have a little thing with Mr. Duke earlier this year? I am not saying that you like to get around by any means but it certainly does appear that you are flaunting yourself in front of anyone that gives you the time of day. Your bedroom proclivities are one thing but making yourself look like a common tramp does not do anything for this reputation that you are desperately trying to force-feed down the throats of modern society. I actually kind of feel sorry for you when it comes to this because usually any kind of endgame that revolves around you kind of falls off by the waste side.

Here is a question for you.

Did you pay attention to anything I said in the first piece of business I promoted against you? How I have been watching you since November waiting to shatter your glass ceiling? Because it is painfully obvious you did not listen to a goddamn word when you finally opened that cock sucker of yours and spoke to me; we will get there, but first I wanted to take a moment and talk to you about Alias. I mean he did have a lot of time just as well as Them No Good Bastards but since your night started at Leap of Faith with Alias it only makes sense to start with it because it is your crowning achievement thus far within the Xtreme Wrestling Federation. You claim you have been watching me, right? Then why the fuck did you take the stance you have taken when I have not gone the stereotypical route that most will go when crossing your path? You do realize that you gave me more ammunition in four minutes of relevant babble you attempted to spit. What you are about to learn the hard way is exactly what it means to stand center stage against the one guy that has carried this goddamn federation for the last two years. There is a reason that I ascended to the top of the mountain, there is a reason why I am looked at as one of the greatest of all time, and there is a reason why my name gravitates towards the top of the card while you struggled to gain any real momentum up until here lately.

Leap of Faith was an interesting night for you, right? And since you decided it was a cool idea to rehash those events you have opened Pandora’s Box for which you will regret the moment you digest everything that I have to say to you. Your night started with Alias; your single biggest accomplishment to date… Hell, your only accomplishment to date. It would be easy to sit back and take shots at the closing moments that led to your title victory, but it would also be foolish in the same token since there were no rules. What I want to talk about is how the fuck do you set a dude on fire, engulfing him in flames, win the Xtreme Title and then come out and try to pretend you did something awe-inspiring by turning him into a human torch ONLY FOR HIM TO RETURN and hour and a half fucking later unscathed?!?! Talk about not getting the goddamn job done. Your big breakout moment squandered. How can you be perceived as this badass that you want us to believe you to be when the very man you set fire to shows up with a smile on his face to cash in a briefcase on me? What about how you tried to downplay Marf’s involvement? Just admit you exploited the goddamn rules in your favor and move the fuck on from it! The fact you felt the need to explain why Marf took matters into his own hands shows plenty of doubts in your mind that had he not shown up you would not have left with the gold around your waist! What the fuck is this amateur hour?

… but you know what is better than that kind of fuckery?

How in your own words you literally tried to blame your loss to Them No Good Bastards for not being one hundred percent following the match with Alias, right?

(06-02-2021, 02:10 PM)Lycana Said: Bourbs said it himself. It was a hellacious match, and he got his ass whooped. So did TK. And so did we. Now think about this... I know you were watching my prior match. I know you saw what happened. I know you saw the state I was in when I arrived at the ring for our dance.

I know you felt the pain that I brought.

I know you were shocked that I had the power left in the tank to do all I did.

Now picture the Dissentients coming for you when we are both at one hundred percent. It should scare you. It should make you think of how good you had it, just to walk out with your asses whooped.

I will never use my condition as a crutch.

But you just fucking did! Do you remember how I have said I wanted to bring the best out of you? Pieces of that revolve around stupid mistakes like directly contradicting yourself before you can finish a goddamn thought! You do not talk about what WOULD have happened if you were one hundred percent and then turn right around and say you are not using shit for a crutch when clearly YES THE FUCK YOU ARE! More importantly, you had PLENTY of time to rest up whereas unlike you my dear lady I did not have that luxury; more importantly, I am not making the excuse for losing the cash in more so than I am pointing out how in my case I was left for dead by Apeleg versus you having a lengthy break and STILL not being able to get the job done. Nobody understands competing in more than one match on a Pay-Per-View than I do; so do yourself a goddamn favor and stop making excuses for your fucking shortcomings and own them like a real goddamn competitor, or are you afraid that it makes you look weaker than you already are? My job over the next week or so is to go ahead and take you out of this fantasy world where you think you have accomplished something and show you that asterisk besides your wins or losses does nothing to help your fucking cause. The fact that you will not own that you were bested by a better team while making excuses only to turn around and give some sort of credit is hypocritical at best and at worst. Make up your goddamn mind, pick one, and fucking go with it because this dribble ranks on the Robert Main level of stupidity claiming he was not looking for the title when he went out of his way to earn it besting you and a host of others back at May Day- the logic just is not there sweetheart, and for someone who has been paying attention to me should know that these kinds of glaring errors only make my job at exposing you for your shortcomings that much easier to do. Never in a million years did I think you would flood me with so much CURRENT material in such a short period of time; it was like waking up on Christmas with all the presents you have left for me to expose.

As if talking about other people did not get you in enough goddamn trouble the moment that you opened that mouth in my general direction had me rolling my goddamn eyes with every other word of this meaningless crap that you allowed to flow. So many things to touch on that I truly do not know where to begin because I am literally a kid in a candy store when you consider your lack of attention versus things that have been said in the past. You seem so worried that I was going to attack your record, or I would drag you for involvement with the Left Hand that you thought it would be awesome to Corey Smith your way into a promo. Here is an example:

(06-02-2021, 02:10 PM)Lycana Said: ” You can point out all my flaws, all my losses, all the reasons I fell to people. What I have done wrong. I’m well acquainted with my shortcomings...”

Has anyone ever told you that you playing the “I know what you are going to say” card is dull as fuck? Especially when I release a promotional package that states quite the contrary. You make yourself look like you should have blond hair and not fucking blue with the sheer stupidity that you have elected to speak. It is almost like saying the only reason I selected to face you is that I am under the impression that this is going to be an easy win? How goddamn clueless are you? I selected this match because I know what you are capable of you ignorant fuck, I made that perfectly clear… or so I thought. Random ass shit like this does make me question if my initial thoughts were correct regarding how I see the potential… but then when I hear some of the song and dance you have attempted is worth reconsideration unless you see the error of your ways before it becomes too little too late. How many times do you feel the need to remind everyone else of your failures? It seems like this is covered in EVERY piece of promotional material you produce. It is like you use it as an attempt to bait in folks who are not smart enough to see this kind of shit coming a mile away.

Have I hammered you on your failures?

Did I even bring them up? Nope. That was you, sweetheart, so why do it? What rational sense does it make to touch on something that I have not nor will not touch on? I thought you have been watching me like a “hawk”? I bet that shit sounded good in your head to but it just did not translate well in the slightest because taking that direction already shows me that you doubt what I am capable of. Can I sit here and say that something I might say has not been covered by someone else? Nope, but my intention is to actually make you work for this shit as opposed to dancing down the same yellow brick road that so many others have taken even if it is a winning option to take. I can stomp you without having to rehash your checkered history, but I thank you for opening that can of worms and bringing it into our equation so if I choose to slam you on failures YOU opened the door for it. You spoke so highly of yourself when you talked about Alias and made the excuses about the bastards, and then you get to me where you immediately take the wind out of your own fucking sails by downplaying your own abilities while trying to sound cool, calm, and collect when we both know those are the last things you can claim to be. You think that May Day was the first time I clocked you is amusing to say the very least; especially from someone that claims to have been watching me like a goddamn hawk. If that was truly the case you would know just how long you have been on my radar instead of once again making yourself look like a fucking punchline; but hey, what do I know? I have only been in the business for thirty years and have legitimately seen it all and done it all. Unlike you, I am accomplished while you are just now getting your footing. I have dealt with people like you more times than I care to count but what makes you different is regardless of how goddamn stupid you sound, regardless of how many broken records you spin my gut tells me that there is something here with you.

My job is to roll into this and MAKE YOU mean something more than a fluke victory over Alias.

My goal is to make you see what I see and the only way to do that is to throw you everything I got to make you elevate yourself to the platform you should be as opposed to the platform that you are on. Spoiler, I have not even begun with you just yet and I want you to keep in mind all this shit being dropped on you now is based on what you gave me with just a snip-it of your time. Imagine what you are going to feed me when you do not have Alias or the Bastards to fall back on. Think about that.

You may have skipped into conflicts, strolled into war, danced in the flames of hell… but you have never danced in the squared circle against Chris FUCKING Page. This is not some goddamn cosplay shit, this is real life, and you have the opportunity in front of you to either make or break yourself within the confines of this one chance encounter. If you or anyone else thinks for one single second that I am here to deal with you because you are an easy target while delivering cheap goddamn smack talk might I suggest you not confuse my professional life with your private one? I am here because I believe that you have the necessary skills to be a major player but you have not reached that potential. I do not have to force-feed anything down your throat, I do not have to rely on the juice of others to fuel me to get through this test; because that is now what you are.

You might have most reeling but not I.

You are good… but you are not great.

You have many positive attributes but you have extraordinary negatives as well. You might consider doing yourself a favor and stop trying to deflect your past as a feeble attempt to control your future. This is your single biggest opportunity to date; we both are aware of that. I am not going to pretend that you are not capable of testing me like you have tried to cram down my throat. I am simply going to do what I have done since the day I walked back through the doors. Show up, take center stage, put on a performance of a lifetime while beating you within an inch of your life. You are going to have to come at me with more than robotic jargon that makes you sound dumber than you look. Snap out of this nonsense and bring me the goddamn Lycana I want to fucking see or else the sheer notion that you will be retaining that title is going up in smoke faster than my morning joint. I hope that you are riding that high, I hope you bring Marf with you on Anarchy but perhaps you let him know that if he tries to save you he will fall victim just as quick. I have never made false promises; I say that to say I promise you that I am going to make you be the superstar you THINK that you are. How you handle yourself between those ropes with me will determine if you are a success or a failure. Now, we both know how this story ends. It ends with me hoisting that Xtreme Championship in the air for all to see while exposing you for being what you have already made a point to tell everyone what you truly are, a displaced loser. I have high expectations from you little girl. Do yourself a favor and live up to them versus what you have already done and shit all over them. If you are aware of who you are REALLY dealing with then you are aware the bomb you tried to drop was a mother fucking dud at best, and you are aware of how much trouble you are really involved in or how far over your head you have become. While you can bring Marf you will not have to worry about BOB sticking their noses in this affair because I do not need them to ensure a victory… I just need you to open your fucking mouth again.

In closing with you Lycana I have a feeling that your asshole has quivered a little, perhaps puckered because playtime is officially over; and while I do have respect for you and what I think you can accomplish do not twist that into thinking that I am looking past you like you have already done. I am one cold-hearted son of a bitch, colder than a gold digger's ass. There is no sympathy, no remorse, and no regrets when it comes to putting myself back on winning ways. Alias might have been the first to put these shoulders to the mat since Relentless of last year, but if you think that you are going to be the second then you are setting yourself up for a huge disappointment; we are talking Left Hand disappointment. Wake up, pull your head out of your ass, dust the sand out of your vagina, and bring me something of goddamn substance, or else the book of you as the Xtreme Champion is going to close faster than it opened… and unlike when you dealt with Alias, you do not have the luxury of escaping a cage to retain your title. You have to do to what nobody has done that has had a BOOKED match, and by booked match, I am talking about a match with notice, you have to BEAT me and you do not have the luxury of six people in ApeLeg to assist you. YOU have to do what nobody has been able to do, so now my question for you is pretty simple. Do you think you can rise to that occasion? Based on what I have seen thus far I am leaning towards a hard pass. You have two options; you can spend your time trying to spin this shit like your name is R.L. Edgar or you can accept the fact that you fucked yourself within Round One and come at me with a better game plan within Round Two. The eyes of the federation are glued on this shit for two reasons; the first is to see how I bounce back after losing the Universal Championship while the second rests with can you keep this streak of luck alive through another show. You do not have to convince me as to why you continue to push yourself, you do not have to try to make me a believer in Lycana for I have been a believer for a very, very long time. For everyone else out there expecting me to fail, I strongly suggest you rethink your motives for I did not take this to lose. I am going to use you to set an example to ApeLeg and whoever else thinks that this minor setback has affected me in any other way than motivation. Lycana, please do not make the mistake that I know you are about to make for now it is still easy for you to save some face. I am not Them No Good Bastards, I am not Miss Fury; I have my motives for wanting you involved with BOB, and I assure you that it is a win/win situation.

- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
[Image: OW3ycxe.png]
[Image: fMJwa5h.png]
Robert "The Omega" Main
[Image: OZdvB4F.png]
XWF World Heavyweight Champion
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