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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare Results
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Wednesday Night Warfare - 1/6/21
Author Message
SBW-SmokingBobWilliams Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

01-07-2021, 01:04 AM




From !!!

[Image: 1_Fiera_Milano.jpg]



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SUBMISSION MATCH - Winner must win by submission

[Image: JggTqeU.png]


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From !!!

[Image: 1_Fiera_Milano.jpg]


We cut back to the loading dock of the arena where Chris Page is walking into the building in a pair of black leather pants and a red sport coat, shirtless. He is pulling his travel bag behind him as he’s approached by a camera crew causing him to roll his eyes as he spouts out.

” Is this seriously what you guys do? Wait at the back door for people to arrive just to throw a camera in their face? What the hell do you want?”

A voice off-camera is heard asking.

” Wondering a couple of things; first, is there any update on the condition of Robert Main following the attack that took place just two weeks ago?”

Chris continues to walk into the building as he answers.

” When Robert is ready to update you and everyone else he will; that’s not my place.”

” How do you expect to co-exist with Thaddeus Duke tonight? The stipulation is in place that if any physicality unfolds between the two of you that the Snow Job match is off.”

” Dude, tonight is business. I will coexist because I don’t have a choice… but I wonder if Thad is going to be able to say the same thing.”

” What’s that supposed to mean?”

Chris merely walks past the camera winking at it in the process as the scene fades to ringside.

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The Start of


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[Image: 200.gif]

Marf makes his way to the ring.

"Like A Prayer" By Madonna starts to play as the fans start cheering. Out walks Barney Green, Dressed in his garbage man uniform and armed with a trash can. He slowly walks down to the ring and high fives a few fans and then places his garbage can in the corner and climbs into the ring. He waits in the corner as the music fades.

Griffin emerges from the entrance; eyes set straight ahead, he marches to the ring without much attention or emotion shown towards the crowd. Climbing the steel steps, he then takes his place within the ring and awaits his opponent's arrival.


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” First Warfare of 2021 is officially underway! Griffin Macalister, Barney Green and Marf are starting things off!

All three participants slide out to the floor on their respective sides of the ring and all reach under the apron. Griffin pulls out a Kendo Stick, Marf has a chair and the crowd pops huge for Barney who pulls out a Trash Can!

” Xtreme Rules are in play so why not start it off with a train wreck!”

Barney hurls his trash can over the top rope and into the ring while Marf and Griffin slide into the ring with their weapons. Barney reaches back under the ring pulling out a bottle of WHITE CLAW! He cracks it open and chugs the entire bottle before shattering it over his head like a goddamn madman! Marf and Griffin look on in sheer disbelief as Barney rolls into the ring and gets to his feet where he walks into a Kendo Stick shot to the skull by Griffin that staggers him backwards but doesn’t take him down.

Marf comes forward with a chair shot to the skull that rocks him back several feet but he doesn’t go down! Griffin comes forward cracking Barney in the right knee with the Kendo Stick that does drop Big Barn down to one knee for Marf to come forward cracking him across the skull a second time knocking him backwards to the mat! Marf turns around where he’s cracked over the skull by Griffin with the Kendo Stick causing Marf to drop his chair as he staggers backwards.

” Friendship didn’t last long with Griffin and Marf!”

” You should have seen that coming.”

Griffin swings at Marf’s face, Marf ducks the shot and counters with a gouge to the eye to force Griffin to drop his kendo stick. Marf lands several right hands before Griffin comes back with a knee to the midsection. Griffin turns as Barney is back up with the trash can in hand as he cracks Griffin over the head dropping him to the mat before turning and cracking Marf over the head dropping him as well. Barney hoists up the dented trash can to a huge ovation from the crowd.

” The national treasure has risen!”

Barney rolls Marf on top of Griffin before putting the trash can on top of them. Barney bounces off the ropes delivering a splash on to the trash can smashing it into Marf driving Marf down into Griffin! Barney rolls Marf off the pile making a cover on Macalister!




Griffin fires a shoulder up off the mat. Barney gets back to his feet where he turns his attention towards Marf. He reaches down picking him up off the mat only to see Marf kick the right knee cap of the larger Green which drops Barney to one knee which see’s Swayson follow up with a DDT driving Barney into the mat. Green rolls out to the floor leaving Marf who gets back to his feet and shifts his attention towards Macalister. Marf rolls out to the floor where he goes under the ring pulling out a Table!

” Why not bring a table into the mix?”

Marf slides the table into the ring before sliding in after it. Marf gets to his feet where he starts to set up the table while Griffin has gotten back to his feet and has the steel chair in hand. Marf sets up the Table flipping it over on to all fours before turning around and being met with a jabbing Chair shot to the gut! Griffin follows up by whacking Marf across the back with a second chair shot that sends Marf crashing down to the mat.

” Macalister is in firm control.”

Macalister tosses the chair down to the mat before reaching down picking Marf up. He turns towards the table and drives Marf face first into the table! Macalister sets up Marf in position for a Powerbomb but before he can hoist Marf up into the air Barney Green is back in the mix busting a tube light across the back of Macalister that shatters into thousands of pieces! Griffin drops to the mat as the crowd pops huge for Barney!

” Listen to the crowd! They love this guy!”

Barney turns his attention towards Marf who lunges taking a bear hug on Barney before driving him through the table with a belly to belly suplex! Marf makes the cover.





Winner via pinfall: MARF SWAYSON

The XWF logo flashes across the screen as we come back from commercial. The first thing we see is The Impossible Traveler herself, dancing down the halls. There’s a loud cheer from the spectators who weren’t expecting to see the unscheduled Granger. She’s dressed in a black studded leather jacket, a silk red camisole top, skin-hugging black leather pants, and glittery black boots. Her blonde hair bounces with her every step as she spins and jives to the song she’s listening to… Which isn’t much of a mystery to those around her as she sings along.

“And now I beg to see you dance just one more time… So they say, dance for me, dance for me, dance for me woooaaahhh… I’ve never seen anybody do the things you do before… They say move for me, move for me, move for me aye aye… And why you’re done, I’ll make you do it all again… They say oh my god I see you walking by…”

The staff looks her way with amused expressions. As she continues to bop along the halls, she happens to catch the attention of someone else. Tommy Romeo looks up as she spins around a corner and does a shimmying slide up the hallway as she sings. He watches her for several moments, a contemplative grin on his face.

“Ms. Granger.” Tommy steps into her path unsure whether to dance with her or just stand there. [color=#00BFFF] “Could I have a moment of your time?”

She pulls one of the AirPods from her ear and nods. “Sure thing, Mr. Romeo. Recovering well, I hope?”

“In fact, I feel fantastic, thank you for asking.” Tommy dances a bit of his own now free of the cane. “I was wondering, do you currently have representation?”

Betsy quirks an eyebrow at the question. “As it happens, I do. He is currently indisposed, though. Circumstances beyond his control. I wouldn’t want to betray his trust or anything.” She looks slightly troubled, though her tone betrays her intrigue.

The grin that was already on Tommy’s face gets wide. “A shame, I’d be very interested in offering my services to you.” He turns and steps back over to the wall he was leaning on to begin with and reaches for his briefcase opening it and pulling a folder marked Betsy from inside. “What if I already had something written up for you would you look it over?”

“I don’t see the harm in looking over paperwork.” Betsy accepts the folder Tommy hands her. She opens it and thumbs her way through the contract briefly. [color=#9400D3] “Do we have a timeline on this deal, Mr. Romeo?”

“No timeline, the contract doesn't expire, keep it in your possession for as long as you like. The offer will last as long as the paperwork itself does.” Tommy stands up straight and extends his hand deepens his voice, mocking what he thinks a proper businessman would sound like. [color=#00BFFF] “I look forward to the possibility of working with you Ms. Granger.”

She smirks and accepts his proffered hand. “Indeed. I have a feeling this won’t be our last meeting.”

The lights dim to almost darkness. Then up and down the ramp, the lights pulse red in time with the beat as smoke fills the stage. Ash and Baphomet come out cutting through the smoke, Ash looks to Baphomet, he nods and Ash runs to the ring sliding under the ropes. She monts the turnbuckle holding her left gloved hand high.

The lights fade to black. Lycana's music hits as lime green and red pyros shoot off. She steps out onto the stage with The Baphomet. Lycana looks around the crowd with a condescending look before walking down the ramp. She slides into the ring, running to the other side to hop onto the ropes looking out over the sea of fans with a sneer on her face. She hops down and turns to face her opponent.

The arena is pitch black and the melancholy opening tunes to “Someone Else” begin. But as the song starts to pick up in intensity, down in the entry way, you see a Jericho-esque light up jacket glow brilliantly. Then, twin explosions emit from either side of the ramp and the lights turn on in a swirling red and blue pattern that throb in sync with the beats of the song. Corey comes down the ramp, the jacket now flashing intermittent heart and lightning bolt patterns. On the 'Tron you see images of Corey/Lux pulling off fantastic moves, intercut with blur effects on Corey's face that obscure his features in an eerie way.

Corey gets on the ring apron, throwing his arms over the top rope as the jacket keeps flashing. He looks pumped as hell, and starts pointing out at the fans before rushing to the top rope, surveying the crowd from on high, before dropping down to the canvas and handing off his jacket. He paces the ring now, waiting for the match to begin as the music and lighting effects wind down.

R. L Edgar makes his way to the ring.

Heather: Well the fans loving this Corey Smith appearance!

Pip: This should be a treat for everyone then, big tag match about to take place here.

Heather: A lot of words spat back and forth between these two and the left hand reps Ash and Lycana.

Pip: The fierceness of Ash and Lycana against the speed and skill of Corey and...whatever it is Edgar brings to the table...


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Heather: Well it looks like this tag match is ready to get underway.

Pip: Looks like it will be Lycana starting off against RL Edgar.

Lycana takes a few steps towards the middle of the ring and then points at Corey. Edgar ignores her and meets her in the middle of the ring for a lockup. Edgar tries to secure a headlock but Lycana slips behind him and takes him to the mat with a belly to back suplex. She positions to his head and applies a front headlock. Edgar alligator rolls to escape and rolls away. Lycana stands back up and once again points to Corey while Edgar is on his knees shaking his head. He looks over to Corey who shrugs and offers a hand. Edgar waves him off and gets back up.

Edgar again goes for a lockup with Lycana. Once again he tries for a headlock and this time she reverses it into a wrist lock. She torques his wrist before snapping him down with a quick arm drag. She holds onto the wrist and tries to transition right into an armbar but Edgar rolls out of before it’s locked. He lunges with a clothesline but Lycana rolls under it. She runs and bounces off the ropes but as she flies back Edgar catches her. He hoists her up but she spins and creatively catches him by surprised with a makeshift head scissor takedown.

Heather: Edgar struggling early on here.

Pip: He should probably tag in Smith!

Heather: ...outstanding observation.

Edgar gets back up while Lycana once again is pointing at Corey Smith. At this point Corey is yelling at his partner to tag out but Edgar ignores him again. Once more Edgar locks up with Lycana but this time lifts a sharp knee into her gut. He raises his hands in the air as she doubles over. Edgar points at her and then goes for a standing drop kick that Lycana side steps. Edgar tries to get back to his feet but as soon as he’s up he is met by a beautiful standing drop kick from Lycana. Edgar reels back and crashes into his own corner while Lycana stands tall and points at Corey one more time.

Edgar growls in frustration and looks to march forward but Corey slaps him in the back of the head, counting as a tag. The fans cheer as Smith enters the ring and Edgar gets ushered out. Corey and Lycana stare each other down and then meet in the middle of the ring. They tie up and Smith quickly secures a wrist lock which Lycana counters with a snapmare takedown. Smith spins on the mat and catches Lycana with a drop toe hold. He rolls over and latches on with a side headlock. Lycana pushes both feet into the mat and rolls Smith over before pushing him off and getting to her feet. Smith rolls back and then gets to his feet as well while the crowd cheers for them both.

Heather: What a furiously paced exchange!

Pip: Well with a lot of the back and forth between these two it’s no surprise.

Heather: Well thanks captain buzzkill...

Smith nods at Lycana who only smirks back before they lock up once more. Lycana shifts behind Smith but he grabs an arm and drops low, dragging her to the mat. Lycana is the one to spin on the mat this time and catches Smith by surprise with a quick head scissors takedown. Lycana hops up and charges to the fallen Smith, looking to land a running knee to his head. Smith blocks her and then pops up with a forearm that catches Lycana off guard. Smith follows up with another forearm and then one more for good measure. Lining her up now Smith goes for a roundhouse kick which Lycana somersaults under.

Lycana gets up and races to the ropes and bounces off them before leaping with a flying body press. Smith times it and hits a standing drop kick to knock her down. He hops back to his feet and raises his arms, playing to the crowd. Of course they’re going wild but Smith stops when he sees Edgar yelling at him. He turns around and Lycana drops him with a standing drop kick of her own. Smith scrambles back to his feet and the two start trading off stiff forearms and chops.

Heather: These two have matched up well to start off.

Pip: They both keep struggling to find an edge on one another.

Smith begins to hit a nice combination of punches now until Lycana simply rakes his eyes out of nowhere. She hits a loud cross chop as Smith stumbles back. Lycana runs at him again and he grabs her for a side slam only to have her swing with her momentum and go for a tilt a whirl head scissors takedown. Smith shoves her legs off halfway through but she somehow lands on her feet. Lycana runs and jumps onto the middle rope and flies back at Smith with a back elbow. Smith leaps up with a knee instead and hits Lycana in the back. She stays on her feet a little stunned while Smith runs and bounces off the ropes this time.

Smith comes racing back and looks for a big spear but Lycana leap frogs him. Smith jumps off the second rope and turns for the drop kick. Lycana ducks under but Smith lands on his feet. He goes for a roundhouse that barely misses the target as Lycana just avoids it. She counters with a spinning heel kick which Smith catches. Before he can react Lycana is leaping up for the enziguri. Smith ducks and as Lycana drops he holds her leg and then applies the ankle lock. Lycana is able to quickly half turn and use her free leg to kick Smith hard in the gut which catches him by surprise and he releases the hold.

She gets up as Smith comes back at her, grabbing her with a headlock. They bounce into the ropes and Lycana shoves him off. Smith runs to the other ropes and as he hits them and comes racing back he leaps at the last second avoiding a spear from Lycana. He lands and keeps running with Lycana running to the other side. They hit opposite ropes and come running at each other full tilt. Smith leans in for the clothesline but Lycana counters with a crucifix pin attempt that Smith rolls out of before the referee can even count. They go to lock up again right by the corner and Edgar suddenly tags himself in. Smith shoves Lycana back and then turns to argue with Edgar as he enters the ring.

The referee yells at Smith to get out and Edgar tells him he’s got this. Edgar turns around and eats a standing drop kick from Lycana. He falls backwards and crashes into Smith, who is exiting the ring, knocking him to the floor. Lycana grabs hold of the stunned Edgar and whips him to the opposite corner. She races over with him and as soon as he hits the other corner she meets him with a clothesline. Lycana looks at Ash Quinn and smiles before tagging her in.

Heather: Some miscommunications there between Smith and Edgar!

Pip: Ole R L up to some of his usual botch tactics.

Heather: How are botches tactics?

Pip: I...don’t...know...

Ash Quinn enters the ring now as Edgar pulls himself back up. She drives an elbow into him, driving him back into the corner. She follows up with a shoulder into Edgar’s midsection. Quinn hits one more shoulder block before backing off. She then runs and jumps with a flying clothesline but Edgar moves out of the way. Quinn lands on the middle turnbuckle and tries to throw a back kick. Edgar catches her foot and yanks her off the turnbuckle and sends her crashing to the mat. Edgar goes for a big elbow onto the back of her head but Quinn rolls out of the way in time.

Quinn gets to her feet as Edgar gets up rubbing his elbow. She starts hitting him with multiple kicks while Edgar attempts to block each one. Edgar backs into one of the empty corners while Quinn keeps kicking at him until the referee forces her back. She takes a step back but then jumps forward with a European uppercut that Edgar dodges. He applies a full Nelson on Quinn. He hauls her up in the air and hits a full Nelson slam. Edgar looks over at Smith proudly but Corey just screams at him to make a cover. Edgar goes for a cover but Quinn rolls him up in a small package.



Kick out by Edgar.

Heather: Edgar almost got caught there!

Pip: I think Corey Smith is going to have a nervous breakdown.

Quinn rolls back as Edgar gets up in frustration. They lock up and Edgar whips Quinn to the ropes but when she gets to them she grabs hold and stops. Edgar runs over to her but she catches him by surprise with a back elbow to the jaw. She grabs Edgar now and whips him into her corner. Quinn tags in Lycana and they both whip Edgar to the ropes. As he comes running back Ash slides down in front of him. He jumps over her and gets nailed in the air with a standing drop kick from Lycana. Quinn exits as Lycana covers.



Kick out by Edgar!

Heather: Great teamwork by Ash and Lycana here.

Pip: Edgar and Smith need to avoid any more mistakes from here on out.

Heather: Ya think!?

Edgar is stunned on the mat, holding his jaw while Lycana gets back to her feet. She pulls him up by the head and tries to go for a face buster but Edgar shoves her back. She hits the ropes and Edgar lunges at her and they crash into each other with a double clothesline. Lycana rolls away and gets back to her feet. Edgar quickly crawls to his corner and tags Smith back into the match.

Smith hops back into the ring and locks up with Lycana. Smith starts to force her back towards the corner but Lycana stops him after a few steps and holds her ground. Smith goes for an arm drag but Lycana slams her shoulder into his chest to block it. She cracks him across the face with a forearm and Smith spins and catches her right back with a back fist. Smith runs at her and goes for a running STO but Lycana counters it directly into a cross face.

She wrenches back on Smith while he starts pulling himself to the ropes. Suddenly Edgar runs in and drops a double axe handle onto Lycana to break it up. Smith gets up and looks over at Edgar in confusion. Lycana rolls away from them and then goes and tags Quinn back into the match. She enters as Smith gets back to his feet.

Heather: Smith looks like he would have preferred to break the hold himself.

Pip: Edgar just trying to support his teammate.

Quinn motions at Smith to bring it and the two quickly lock up. They push back and forth for a moment before Quinn gets an arm wrench. Smith quickly reverses with an arm wrench of his own. Quinn does a quick flip and then counters into another arm wrench but then Smith sweeps her feet and keeps her grounded with a shoulder lock. He leans in to apply pressure and Quinn stuns him with headbutt that backs him off.

She gets back up and they both trade off quick jabs and chops before Quinn goes to a behind the back waist lock. She tries for a belly to back suplex but Smith hooks a leg to block her from lifting. He hits a few back elbows and then spins around, grabbing hold of Quinn and then hitting a quick belly to belly slam. Smith hooks a leg for the quick cover.



Kick out by Quinn.

Heather: This is hard to keep up with, so much fast action.

Pip: My neck hurts!

Smith gets up and fires off a round house kick while Quinn is trying to get up. She blocks it with her shoulder and then jumps up with an uppercut that knocks Smith back. She rushes him but Smith moves and shoves her towards the ropes. As Quinn runs back Smith catches her and brings her up for a spine buster. While coming down though Quinn shifts and surprises Smith and they drop with him locked in a makeshift triangle choke.

They drop right in the middle of the ring and Smith quickly starts trying to drag their bodies to the ropes. Edgar runs in again and drops an elbow onto Quinn to break the hold. Lycana climbs to the top rope as soon as she sees this and then dives off, nailing Edgar with a big missile drop kick and sending him reeling to the ropes. Quinn and Smith both get up and start trading shots again while Lycana and Edgar go back to the corners.

Smith and Quinn lock up once again but Smith stuns her out of nowhere with a throat punch. As she grabs at her throat Smith runs and hits a swinging neck breaker. He rolls to his corner and tags in Edgar. Smith pulls Quinn up and sets up for a double team. He goes for a German suplex with neck breaker combination but Edgar is way too close and as Smith goes for the German he slams Quinn into Edgar, knocking them all down. Smith gets up yelling at Edgar as the referee forces him back to the corner.

Heather: More miscommunications here with Edgar and Smith.

Pip: Hard to blame Smith, only one of these guys are known for their botches.

Heather: Actually a fair point...

Quinn gets up as Edgar pulls himself to his feet by the ropes. He turns to her and is hit in the gut with a stiff kick. Quinn grabs him and hits a snap suplex. She holds onto it and pulls Edgar back up for another snap suplex. Quinn continues to hold onto him, pulls him up and connects with the three amigos by hitting a third straight suplex. Quinn rolls over quickly securing the pin.



Kick out by Edgar. Quinn is up first and kicks Edgar hard in the ribs, doubling him over. She nails him a few more times with different strikes, backing him into the corner. Quinn hits a shoulder block into Edgar’s midsection, driving him into the corner. She starts moving him up into a seated position on the top turnbuckle. Edgar tries to shove her off but she immediately races back and hits a handstand frankensteiner, sending Edgar crashing to the mat. She tries another cover.



Kick out by Edgar!

Heather: Big time offense from Ash Quinn!

Pip: She’s a lot more scarier than cute these days.

Heather: Perhaps you should interview her after the match about that.

Pip: No thank you!

Quinn gets back up while Edgar is much slower to his feet. Quinn drives a knee into his gut multiple times before whipping him to the ropes. As Edgar runs back towards Quinn she jumps up with a spinning heel kick but he ducks underneath. Edgar throws a kick of his own but Quinn catches it, takes him down with a leg sweep and hooks both legs.



Kick out by Edgar.

Edgar scrambles back up while Quinn backs up and throws another vicious kick. Edgar tries to avoid it but it still hits him hard in the shoulder. Edgar is knocked off balance and stumbles back. He doesn’t get far before Quinn boots him right in the midsection, doubling him over once again. Quinn leaps up and takes Edgar down with a jump swinging DDT. She hooks the leg again for the cover.



Kick out by Edgar!

Heather: Quinn starting to put on a clinic here!

Pip: At least he can’t botch any moves now.

Quinn is back up again while Edgar rolls to the ropes and out to the floor to catch his breath. Quinn bounces off the ropes and goes running towards Edgar, leaping through the ropes with a suicide dive. Smith at the last second shoves Edgar out of the way and Quinn crashes and burns, landing badly on her knee. Edgar gets back in the ring while Smith pulls Quinn up and rolls her back into the ring. Edgar with a cover.



Kick out by Quinn!

Heather: Bad landing for Quinn, her leg might be injured after that.

Pip: I believe it was actually her knee.

Heather: Sorry professor.

Edgar gets up while Quinn pulls herself up, favouring her right leg. They tie up and Edgar takes advantage of the weakened leg and forces Quinn back into the corner. Edgar tags Smith in and Corey hops back into the ring. They grab Quinn and hit a crisp double suplex. Edgar leaves while Smith drops down for the cover.



Kick out by Quinn!

Smith is up, pulling Quinn back up with him. He starts hitting her with different kicks and strikes which has trouble protecting herself from. He connects with her right leg a few times which sends her stumbling back each time. As Quinn backs right into the corner Smith charges and hits a nasty helluva kick. He backs up as Quinn grabs her jaw, lurching forward in pain. Smith then rushes and hits a running STO to take her down. He goes for another cover.



Th..NO! Kick out by Quinn!

Heather: I can’t believe she just kicked out of that deadly combination!

Pip: Quinn in big trouble though.

Heather: Yes she needs to tag out of there and rest that leg.

Pip: A guy like Corey Smith isn’t about to let her out of there that easy.

Quinn rolls and starts to crawl for her corner but Smith quickly hauls her up and wrenches her arm while walking back to his own corner. Quinn tries to reverse into a wrist lock but Smith drills her with a fore arm. She throws a kick but Smith catches it and then tags in Edgar. He tells him to go up top while still holding onto Quinn’s leg. Smith nods up at Edgar now.

Edgar leaps off and hits a double axe handle across the knee of Quinn in a move that looks more effective than it actually is. Quinn yells more in anger than pain and then snaps up and hits Smith with a sudden enziguri that sends him sprawling. As Quinn goes to pull herself up Edgar grabs her and hits a perfect looking DDT. Edgar with the cover as Smith rolls back to the corner holding the back of his head.



Kick out by Quinn!

Edgar slaps a hand on the mat in frustration as he gets up. Smith can be heard yelling from the corner for him to stay focused. Edgar watches Quinn starting to get up and runs to the ropes. As he comes racing back he grabs Quinn from behind and hits a running bulldog. He pulls her right back up and then hits the CYN snap gut wrench piledriver on her and then hooks the leg for another cover.



THR..NO!!! Kick out by Quinn!

Heather: How did she kick out of that!?

Pip: The queen of ashes refuses to stay down tonight!

Edgar continues to sit in bewilderment while Smith is screaming at him from the corner to make a tag. Edgar shakes his head and mounts Quinn now, punching furiously at her while she tries to cover up. The referee yells at him to get off but he continues to rain down stiff punches. Suddenly Lycana rushes in and nails Edgar with a shining wizard to knock him off of Quinn.

The referee turns to get Lycana back to her corner but now Smith enters the fray and runs at her. Before he can hit her Lycana counters and hits Smith with a huge release German suplex, sending him crashing hard. Edgar gets back up and comes at her but Lycana is quicker and grabs Edgar from behind instead. Now she latches on and hits a big German suplex on him, not releasing this time. She hauls him up and hits another and another to the odd delight of the crowd.

After another five or six suplexes Lycana drops Edgar and spots Smith getting back up. The referee is trying to restore order and failing miserably as Smith pushes past him. He grabs Lycana but she sneaks by and grabs him by the waist. Now it’s Smith’s turn for a ride as Lycana hits him with an incredible eleven German suplexes in a row. She tosses him to the corner before turning around to a vicious clothesline from Edgar. He throws her out through the ropes.

Heather: The referee lost complete control but I think we’re good now.

Pip: It’s not easy being a ref ya know! I used to be one in my younger days.

Heather: Nobody cares.

Quinn pulls herself back up as Edgar turns his attention back to her. He runs at her and goes for a spear but Quinn leap frogs over him. She stumbles on her bad leg when she lands and is slow turning around. Edgar hoists her up and goes for a running power slam. She slides out behind him and shoves him to the ropes. As he comes back at her Quinn hops up and looks for a hurricarona but Edgar manages to counter it into a sit out power bomb with the cover.



THR..NO!!! Kick out by Quinn just before the hand hits the mat.

Heather: Edgar with the beautiful counter, maybe all that training with Smith is finally paying off?

Pip: A lot of improvement by Edgar tonight for sure!

Edgar argues with the referee for a bit before marching over to his corner. He makes a tag to the recovering Smith and then goes back to pick up Quinn. Smith climbs up top while Edgar picks Quinn up in a side slam position. Smith dives off with a leg drop but Quinn jerks suddenly and Edgar drops her. Smith crashes to the mat, hitting nobody while Edgar starts stomping on Quinn until the referee forces him to the corner.

Pip: There goes that theory eh?

Heather: ...shut up.

Quinn begins to crawl to her corner where Lycana has her hand outstretched for the tag. Smith gets up still hurting from the fall but sees Quinn going for the tag. Smith rushes over and leaps to knock Lycana off the apron but she sees him coming and ducks down. Smith crashes into the turnbuckle and as he stumbles back Quinn rolls him up from behind.



Kick out by Smith.

The force of Smith kicking out sends Quinn back to the corner and she finally makes the tag to Lycana. Smith gets up as she enters the ring and the two begin to tee off on one another with stiff shots being thrown back and forth. They go from forearms to chops to kicks before Smith catches her off guard with another spinning back fist. She reels back and Smith rushes forward but Lycana scoops him up and hits an emerald flowsion out of nowhere. Lycana with the cover.



Kick out by Smith!

Heather: Where did that come from!?

Pip: Both teams pulling out all the stops in this one!

Lycana gets back to her feet, screaming at Smith to get up while he is still stunned. He struggles to get up and she grabs him by the head, hitting a face buster to drop him once more. Lycana quickly climbs up top while Smith is downed. She leaps off with a shooting star leg drop but Smith rolls out of the way at the last second. Smith gets to the corner and tags Edgar back in while Lycana recovers.

Edgar approaches her and tries to scoop her up for a slam but she slides right out of his grip. Lycana hits a few hard kicks to him before grabbing hold of Edgar and dropping to a seated jawbreaker. Edgar’s head snaps back up while he holds his jaw in pain. Lycana times it perfectly and then leaps up with a neck breaker to take Edgar off his feet. She hooks both legs for the cover this time.



Kick out by Edgar!

Lycana gets back up and looks at Edgar while he tries to roll over and push himself back up. Lycana stomps on his left hand causing himself to drop and roll over again, holding his hand in pain. She picks him back up and hooks him before hitting a picture perfect fisherman’s suplex. She doesn’t bridge and gets back up right away. She pulls him up again and hits the Curse, a double wrist lock suplex. With Edgar still down, Lycana goes over and climbs to the top rope.

Heather: Lycana ready to take things up a few notches here.

Pip: Oh dear what is she about to do?

Lycana gets to the top and looks down at the fallen Edgar. Smith tries to scream at him from the corner to move but it’s too late. Lycana sails off the top rope with ease, connecting with the Berzerker, a 540 corkscrew senton. Lycana hooks the leg for the cover as the crowd is buzzing and booing in panic.



THRE..NO!!! Smith breaks it up just in time!

The fans cheer at the last minute save while Quinn angrily enters the ring. Smith throws Lycana into the corner before turning around right into Quinn. She cracks Smith in the mouth with a super kick that also takes her down due her injured leg. Lycana runs over as Smith uses the ropes to get back up. She hits him with a clothesline, sending him over the ropes and crashing to the floor. Quinn goes back to the corner as Lycana turns around.

She walks over and pulls Edgar back to his feet, she cracks him multiple times in the mouth with forearms while backing him into the corner. She boosts him up into a sitting position on the top rope. Lycana tries to set him up for the avalanche moonsault side slam but Edgar catches her with an elbow to the head. He suddenly reverses the hold and falls off the top with her, hitting a modified falcon arrow off the top rope. The fans start up a holy shit chant as the two slam to the mat, Edgar just barely making a cover.



THR..NO!!! Kick out by Lycana!

Heather: My god that was close!

Pip: The gents just maybe under estimated these talented ladies.

Edgar slowly gets back to his feet while Lycana is still down. Smith is back at the corner, begging for the tag. Edgar wisely goes over and tags in Smith while Lycana begins to stir. She’s up to her knees when Smith runs over and knocks her back down with a knee lift. She crawls to the corner and tries to get up but Smith kicks her in the back, knocking her into the corner. He spreads his arms open to the crowd while approaching her. She elbows him in the balls which the referee either doesn’t see or doesn’t care about. Lycana grabs the doubled over Smith and uses the turnbuckle to nail a Dudley dog. She rolls on top for the cover.



THR..NO!!! Kick out just in time by Smith!

The crowd is now chanting this is awesome while both Lycana and Smith struggle to get to their feet. Lycana uses the ropes to get up first but Edgar grabs her from behind on the apron and holds her. Smith sees his opportunity and dives forward with a leaping forearm but Lycana breaks free and Edgar eats the forearm instead, dropping to the floor. Lycana throws Smith into her corner and then tags in Quinn. She heads to the top while Lycana boots Smith and hoists him up. As she gets him in the air for a suplex, Quinn dives off with a crossbody and lands on top of Smith. She goes for the cover.



THR..NO!!! Kick out by Smith!

Heather: What is it going to take to keep anyone down in this match!?

Pip: A machine gun? A starving polar bear? Maybe a 1981 sun fire?

Heather: Have you ever heard yourself speak?

Pip: Thank you!

Heather: Not a compliment.

Quinn is back up and limps over to Smith. She picks him back up to his feet than goes to lift him up but Edgar slides into the ring and hits a chop block on her bad leg, taking her down with Smith. Edgar gets up and right away Lycana is there, pounding on him viciously. He tries to hit her with a heavy haymaker but she counters and uses his own momentum to give him a modified belly to belly suplex over the ropes and out to the floor where he lands badly. Lycana turns back to Smith and is nailed with a Face Pain De-Lux kick right in the face.

Lycana drops to the mat and rolls out of the ring, dropping to the floor. Smith goes to the ropes and yells loudly but the crowd surprisingly doesn’t show him much love this time. He turns back into the ring where Quinn catches him with a diamond cutter but before she can drop him Smith shoves her into the ropes. As she comes back he goes low and hits a drop kick to the injured right leg, taking Quinn down to both knees in the middle of the ring. Smith wastes no time and hits her with the Extra Face Pain De-Lux. Smith makes the cover as Lycana tries to pull herself back into the ring while Edgar holds her foot.




Winners by pinfall, Corey Smith and RL Edgar!

Heather: What a finish! Smith and Edgar just barely pull out the win!

Pip: That was unbelievably close!

Heather: Say what you want about the Left Hand, Ash and Lycana really brought it tonight.

Corey Smith is still sitting in the ring, breathing heavily and looking bewildered. He gets up as Lycana rolls into the ring to check on Ash Quinn. Edgar pulls himself in the ring and goes to high five Smith but gets left hanging as Corey turns back to Lycana and gives her a nod. She just barely acknowledges it and goes back to helping Quinn. Edgar turns to them and looks like he’s going to attack but Smith shakes his head, slaps him upside his head before dragging Edgar out of the ring and up the ramp to the back. Lycana helps Quinn with her bad leg leave as the crowd surprisingly shows them some love for a hard fought battle.

”Ladies and gentleman the following Tag Team Contest is scheduled for one fall... [b]

[b]” Introducing first, about to make his way to the ring FINN KUHN!”

The starting riffs of Rise Against's Savior shakes through the arena, getting the crowd pumped up for the upcoming match. As the main guitar riff finally starts to kick in, the Kaiser himself, Finn Kühn walks out from behind the curtains, a smug a look as ever as he scans through the crowd and in the ring. Many members of the crowd lob boos at Finn with only a few scattered cheers at most. After his brief surmise of the situation, Finn walks down to the ring, hands locked together behind his back with his attention firmly placed at the match at hand.

Finn gets up on the apron before dusting his boots off. After showing the proper respect to the mat it deserves, Finn heads in, determined and ready to walk away with a W.

” About to make his way to the ring… he is the “WHYTE SPIDER” SHAWN WYLDE!”

Arachnophilia hits the speakers and the lights dim to a purple hue. A spotlight hits the rafters where Shawn is perched in a web. Strobes begin to flash and Shawn fast ropes down a white curtain tumbling through the air till he is roughly ten feet in the air and drops from the curtain into the center of the ring and blasts of Pyro go off from the four corners. He runs to the ropes climbing to the middle raising both hands in the air and Shouting Woooh! as a pyro curtain showers behind him. Some fans respond by raising both arms back at him and shouting Woooh! in response.

” And introducing their opponents...”

” Introducing first, he is the Number One Contender for the XWF Universal Championship, a former XWF World Heavyweight Champion, former XWF Television Champion and a former XWF World Tag Team Champion… “CHRONIC” CHRIS PAGE!”

The house lights dim to darkness as Judas hits the speakers. A single spotlight hits the top of the ramp where standing in the midst of a smoky haze is none other than “Chronic” Chris Page. Chris is focused intently on the opponents in the ring as he starts to make the walk down the ramp.

Chris reaches ringside where he climbs up on the ring apron looking over at Wylde and Kuhn before smirking at them as he simply shakes his head before stepping through the ropes and into the ring causing both Shawn and Finn to powder out to the floor allowing Page to take center stage.

As the music fades away we hear the crowd sing-a-long.

” I become I become I becoming!

I become I become I becoming!!


There’s another sly smirk from Page as waits for his partner.

We cut abruptly to the backstage area where Graves is leading the charge followed by Thunder Knuckles, Robbie Bourbon, Money Oswald, Barney Green, Jenny Myst, The Right Hand, and Harmon Grayson Hayes!

The dastardly gang of baddies charge down the hall, shoving anyone in their way right out of it!

Soon enough, they come across a dressing room door marked "XWF Officials".

Graves shoves his way through the door followed by the rest of BOB. The officials, startled, scatter like roaches as Graves and the gang rush in tossing around obscenities and causing quite the ruckus.

You mother fucker!

Graves singles out the defiant John Bihl!

Bihl instinctively blows his whistle in an effort to restore order, but BOBs on him like white on rice, pushing, kicking, stomping, and clawing this poor S.O.B. into submission!

When the jobs over, and Bihl is left bloody and piss soaked, Ari Silversteen emerges from off camera.

BOB lines up, forming a protective wall to shield the camera, and in turn the viewers at home from seeing the obscene act happening in the background as Silversteen seemingly whips it out and dowses Referee John Bihl in piss like that old Calvin and Hobbs bumper sticker!

Rules and bones Bihl! Rules and bones, and the thing that they have in common?

Graves breaks formation and grabs a hold of John Bihl's right foot before looking back to the camera.


And with that, Graves snaps Bihl's ankle causing him to yelp out in pain!

Next time stay out of our business, bitch!

Graves and the gang admire their work for a moment before casually exiting the changing room as they laugh amongst themselves.

Paul Heyman emerges from backstage to a small pop from the crowd. He cradles Thad Duke's tag title in his left arm and holds a microphone in his right.

Ladies and gentlemen, Paul begins before pausing, letting the Universe finish his greeting. Paul stands on stage all proper like as the Universe begins to chant.

XWF UNIVERSE: We want Thad! We want Thad! We want Thad!

Italians maybe, but they speak perfect English. As the chants begin to die off, Heyman raises the mic to his lips to finish his introduction.

[Image: Zuvjij6.jpg]

Shawn Wylde and Finn Kuhn, on behalf of my client, I warmly welcome you to the big show. We welcome you both to rub elbows with greatness while you're unceremoniously reminded of your place, your standing within the hallowed halls of the Xtreme Wrestling Federation.

While doubt and nerves have most assuredly crept into your bodies and while the world knows you will not be victorious tonight, I implore you both to take this opportunity to face the legend that is Chris Page and the icon that is Thaddeus Duke, and show the world what it is you truly have to offer between those ropes.

Take what happens tonight, gentlemen, and allow it to become a moment of learning. Take tonight to showcase your talents while learning what it is you need to improve on inside that ring. After all, despite appearances, you have two of the most giving and gracious opponents in the history of the business standing across from you. Take this opportunity to learn from two of the best and you'll both be better for it.

HHL: Not so humble words from Paul Heyman!

PIP: Maybe not humble, but certainly true. Page and Duke are both very giving competitors.

HHL: They know how business is done and that means maximizing their ring time to its fullest potential.

PIP: Great matches come in droves from Page and Duke and I have no doubt this will be no different.

So without further ado, Heyman begins again. It is a pleasure and an honor to introduce to you... YOUR HEAVYWEIGHT... CHAMPION... OF THE UNIVERSE! YOUR LIONHEART!






BASS! Gold light bursts through the darkness pointing straight up from beneath the stage illuminating a lion banner above the entrance way. More guitar, the screen flashes to behind the curtain where Thaddeus is shown wearing a white sleeveless Lionheart hoodie with the hood up, rocking back and forth in anticipation and excitement.

Back to the mostly darkened arena. 'OKAY,' the arena lights pop on, strobing in gold colored lighting with Thaddeus Duke, hood up, standing on stage not moving. The Universal title proudly around his waist.

GUITAR WINDS UP, CHORUS: The crowd cheers as he throws off the hood and walks to either side of the stage, pointing out toward the fans. He backpedals toward center stage and then heads toward the ring. Once he can reach fans, he slaps hands old school style, going from side to side. He runs up the steps and pauses, looking at his admirers before hopping over the top rope into the ring.

Venturing across the ring toward Kuhn and Wylde, they part like the Red Sea as he peels the title from his waist. He climbs their turnbuckle and raises the Universal title in the air with both hands. As he steps down off the ropes he turns to Wylde and says something, then turns to Kuhn and says another thing before backpedaling across the ring to he and Chris Page's corner.

PIP: Thaddeus Duke does that a lot, saying shit we can't hear to opponents before the bell. Kids always jackin' his jaw!

HHL: I have it on good authority, PIp, when he does that, he's offering last minute advice and words of encouragement.

PIP: Really? What's the source?

HHL: Paul Heyman.


- vs -



” It’s looks like Thad and Finn are going to start things off for their respective teams.”

As Thad looks to walk towards the center of the ring Page immediately makes the blind tag to Thaddeus back to a roar of boos from the crowd as Page steps through the ropes demanding Thad exit to the ring apron.

” We’re not even three seconds into this match and there’s already dissention in the ranks.”

Page and Thad exchange words as Finn takes advantage as he comes up behind Page rolling him up with a School Boy!




Page kicks out and both he and Kuhn are back to their feet with a quickness only to see Chris immediately deliver a straight kick to the right knee cap of Kuhn with pinpoint accuracy that drops Finn where he stands like a ton of bricks. Finn immediately clutches as his right knee with one arm as he smacks the mat several times with his other before trying to get to his feet only to fall right back down. The referee immediately checks on Finn before throwing up a “X” towards the entrance ramp. Thaddeus jumps back into the ring where he walks up to Page and starts going off on him.

” A direct kick to the front of the knee cap might have just dislocated the knee cap of Finn Kuhn!”

Chris points at his jaw begging for Thad to take a swing.

” Page seemingly trying to get Duke to take a shot and if he does he forfeits the Universal Championship!”

Page gets right back in Thad’s face while three and two trainers come rushing towards the ring as Finn rolls out to the safety of the floor. The referee makes his way over to Shawn in the corner telling him something before Wylde steps through the ropes and into the ring. The EMT’s and Trainers tend to Finn on the floor.

” Chris Page has intentionally just hurt Finn Kuhn; what a dick.”

” It looks like Shawn Wylde has been left to fend for himself against the Universal Champion and the Number One Contender for that title.”

Page looks over at Shawn as he spouts off a few words as the two men circle each other before looking to lock up only to see Wylde duck under with a go behind waist lock as he runs Page forward into the ropes chest first looking to roll him up. Page latches on to the top rope as Shawn rolls backwards without Page before quickly getting to his feet where he charges towards Page, Page turns around and ducks as he elevates Shawn over the top rope only to see Wylde landing on the ring apron. Page turns back around where he eats a shoulder block to the midsection before being driven into the mat with a slingshot DDT from Wylde! Shawn is quick to make a cover.




Page kicks out before the three count as Shawn is the first to his feet where he starts to pick Page up off the mat only to have Page counter with a jaw breaker that sends Wylde back into the corner housing the Universal Champion. Page steps up to his feet where he walks over talking shit to Thad before reaching out towards the corner. Thad makes a rough tag to Page’s hand before entering the ring as Chris makes his exit.

” Universal Champ in is and the Number One Contender is out. You have to wonder how long Shawn is going to be able to handle what’s now clearly a handicap match against two top tier talents in the federation today?”

” It’s certainly not the position I’d want to be in.”

Thaddeus brings Shawn out from the corner before delivering a Side Russian Leg Sweep before floating over into a cover.




Shawn kicks out to a pop from the crowd as Thad gets back to a vertical base before turning his attention towards Page and blowing him a kiss! Chris seemingly rolls his eyes as Thad reaches down to pick up Shawn only to see an Inside Cradle from Wylde!




Thad escapes the near fall as both Shawn and Duke are quickly to their feet, Wylde charges towards Duke ducking under a Thad clothesline attempt which sees the Whyte Spider bounce off the near side delivering and Spinning Heel Kick to Thaddeus Duke taking down the Universal Champion! Wylde pops back up to his feet.

” Wylde has to seize every opportunity he’s got if he’s going to do the unthinkable by leaving with a victory.”

Wylde reaches down picking Thaddeus up off the mat. He takes Duke back into a neutral corner. Out on the floor the EMT’s and Trainers are still tending to Finn who is now standing but barely able to put weight on the right knee. Page drops down to the floor where he comes around the ring blowing past the EMT’s and Trainers delivering a nasty chop block to the back of the right knee of Kuhn!

” Another cheap shot to Kuhn on the floor with the chop block from Chris Page!”

Page decks the EMT’s with right hands knocking them to the floor as the trainer’s quickly bolt over the barrier and into the crowd while in the ring neither Wylde or Duke is aware of the antics as Shawn shoots Thad across the ring and into a neutral corner. Shawn charges in after Thad who lands a reverse elbow staggering Shawn backward towards the center of the ring. Duke steps up on to the middle turnbuckle before coming off with a Missile Dropkick as we see Page climb back up on the ring apron, Duke makes the cover.




Shawn kicks out.

” Wylde kicking out once again as Kuhn is still down on the floor.”

Thad gets back to his feet where he’s slapped in the back of the head by Page signifying a tag! Page steps through the ropes as he shoe’s Thaddeus away. Page reaches down picking Shawn up off the mat where he locks a front waist lock delivering an over-head belly to belly Suplex to Wylde! Chris is back to his feet where he throws his arms up in the air garnering loud boos from the crowd. Chris throws up both middle fingers towards the crowd getting louder boos before turning his attention back towards Wylde.

” Page showing the fans what he thinks of them…”

Page walks over towards Shawn where he reaches down picking him up off the mat. Page takes Wylde back into a neutral corner where he lashes him across the chest with a knife-edge chop that echoes throughout the arena! Page comes with a second and harder chop across the chest before hoisting Shawn up to a seated position on the top turnbuckle. Page steps up to the middle ropes where he latches on to a front face lock!

” Page is looking for a Superplex!”

Shawn reaches out latching on to the top rope as he blocks the Superplex attempt by CCP. Wylde drives a series of short right hands to the ribs of Page breaking the front face lock before shoving him back down to the mat to a huge pop from the crowd. Shawn Wylde steps up on to the top rope where he looks down at Chris Page before setting sail with a picture-perfect Shooting Star Press! The crowd erupts as Wylde makes the cover hooking the near leg.




Page kicks out of the near fall to a collective gasp from the crowd. Shawn looks towards his corner to see no Finn Kuhn. Shawn presses on as he reaches his feet where he picks Page up off the mat and he hurls him towards the ropes, Page counters and it’s Wylde bouncing off the ropes and into a Spinbuster Slam by Page! Chris gets back to his feet where he sizes up Shawn perhaps for a Page Plant only to be close enough to the ropes for Thaddeus to slap him hard across the shoulder for the blind tag.

” Thad with a stiff tag of his own!”

Thaddeus steps back into the ring where he and Page go face to face again before Page steps out of the ring to the ring apron. Thad sets up Wylde for the Superkick! Shawn starts working his way back to his feet and as he does Thaddeus comes forward looking to kick his teeth down his throat only to see Shawn duck out of the way at the last second while taking a back waist lock where he delivers a Bridging German Suplex!




Thaddeus kicks out to a gasp from the crowd. Finn Kuhn is shown pulling himself to up using the ring apron where he’s slowly climbing up on the ring apron!

” Finn is trying to back into this thing!”

Finn climbs up on the apron where he reaches his hand out towards Shawn! Wylde starts to crawl towards his corner as Finn’s arm and hand is extended out for the tag. Page hops down to the floor before coming back around the ring and just as Shawn is inches away from the tag Page yanks the right leg out from under Finn causing him to bounce jaw first off the ring apron!

” That goddamn Chris Page!”

Page picks up the right leg of Finn before laying in several vicious stomps to the knee cap before making his way back around the ring to his corner where he climbs back up on the ring apron. Shawn uses the ropes to pull himself up to his feet. Shawn turns around and comes over taking Thad down with a double leg takedown where he looks to lock in the Sharpshooter! Duke kicks Shawn away towards his corner where Finn Kuhn is climbing back up on to the ring apron and is able to make the blind tag to Wylde!

” Finn has made the tag!”

Finn enters the ring where he swings at Thaddeus only to have his right knee go out on him as he drops to his left knee. Page blind tags Thaddeus who comes forward with the SUPERKICK! Page rushes across the ring blasting Wylde off the apron to the floor! Page takes the right leg of Kuhn where he spins around locking in a Figure Four Leg Lock! Page cranks on the pressure forcing Finn to tap out!



Page doesn’t release the Figure Four at the sound of the bell! He cranks back applying more and more pressure to the hold bringing Thaddeus into the ring and storming over towards Page where raises his boot off the mat to stomp down on Page’s forehead!

” Don’t do it Thad!”

Page looks up begging Thad to do it!

Thad stomps down beside the head of Chris Page. The referee starts laying the count to Page who releases the holds at his four count as to not risk the decision being reversed as he gets to his feet smirking at Thaddeus.

” Page is certainly trying to provoke Thaddeus into throwing a punch.”

Page and Thaddeus go face to face with Page continue to coax Thaddeus into throwing a right hand. Thad has words from Page only to see Page step back towards Finn who is now being checked on by the referee. Chris tosses the referee backwards to the mat before starting to stomp down violently on to the right knee of Kuhn!


The crowd pops as Shawn Wylde slides back into the ring with a chair in hand. He takes a swing at Page missing him as he escapes to the floor leaving Duke and Wylde to check on Finn. Page backtracks up the ramp continuing to spout out towards Thaddeus who stops checking on Finn and locks eyes with his number one contender as the scene fades to the locker room area.

Tig O' Bitties: Ladies and Gentleman of Milan, this next match is for the XWF Shooting Star Championship!

The crowd stands up, the entire collection getting to their feet as the arena goes dark.

Tig O' Bitties: Introducing first, the challenger, from Brooklyn, New York and follower of the Left Hand.....Geri Vayden!

Geri walks out onto the ramp, her eyes dead focused on the ring, her face expressionless. The lights in the arena glow red as she walks slowly to the ring, as if in a trance.

Pip: Geri looks focused and determined here, and her face tells the entire story. This match means so much to the women of XWF.....can Geri Vayden finally be the one to dethrone the Queen?

Heather: She better bring her A+ game tonight, because Myst is on a roll right now and has proven she is the top tier of the women's division to this point.

Geri walks up the steps and into the ring. She takes off her red trench coat, and stands in the corner, staring with dead eyes towards the ramp way.

Tig O' Bitties: And her opponent, from Las Vegas Nevada.......

The crowd roars as the opening rif to Jenny' s theme hits and the arena lights up purple and pink.

Tig O' Bitties: She is the XWF Shooting Star Champion.....Jenny Myst!

Jenny walks out and poses on the ramp. The crowd in Milan is buzzing as she begins to walk down the ramp, never taking her eyes off of Geri.

Heather: The Queen has arrived!

Pip: This one just has that big fight feel to it. The atmosphere in this building is electric. This is Pay Per View energy! Amazing!

Jenny stops at the front of the apron, then walks around to the side of the ring. She walks up the steps on the far side and onto the apron, posing for the camera.

[Image: 0DvwFK2.gif]

She hands her title to the ref, who holds it up. She takes off her coat as well, and hands it to the ring crew.

Pip: This is gonna be a fight right here. These two women are getting ready to tear each other apart!

Heather: Remember, this a submission match, so the winner has to make their opponent tap out! This match is contractually obligated, Myst had to defend once before the PPV. She gets by this it is smooth sailing until Snow Job.



- vs -


The bell rings and the sheer magnitude of this match can be felt in the air.

The two women circle, trying to size up the other. Geri seems to snap out of her trance and lunges at Jenny, but the Queen backs up. The two circle again, and again Geri lunges. Jenny backs up again and her back is against the ropes. Geri takes a step back and the Queen takes a moment to get ready and compose herself. They finally tie up and Geri locks in a front head lock. Myst tries to fight out of it, but Geri has it locked tight. Myst uses her legs to drive Geri back, still latched on, into the corner. She backs out, then charges in, out then in, out then in, driving her shoulder into Geri's midsection trying to get her to break the hold. Finally, she does. Geri lets go and Myst backs away to the middle of the ring. She calls Geri out, giving the "come get some" hand gesture. Geri meets her in the middle and the two exchange blows in the center of the ring. Geri swings, Jenny ducks and slides behind, wrapping her arms around the waist of Vayden. Geri hits a back elbow to break her off, then slides around and grabs Myst. She has her arms around her waist and walks her aggressively towards the corner. Myst gets both feet on the middle turnbuckle, and flips behind Vayden......


Pinning combo but she lets go. She realizes there is no pins, and points to her head with a smile as Geri's eyes still seem dead and lifeless.

Both women pop up. This time Jenny swings first, and Geri goes for a drop kick but Myst ducks that and comes off the ropes with a flying cross body.

Jenny pops off Geri, and Geri gets right back up. Jenny seems a tad frustrated that she can't keep Geri down, but the two circle again as the crowd buzzes. The two lock up again. Geri whips Jenny into the ropes. She runs and connects with a knee smash to the upper torso and sweeps the legs out, taking the champ down.

Pip: Well, one thing is evident here, Geri Vayden came to fight.

Heather: It's still early. Let's not count chickens before they hatch.

Vayden lifts Jenny up by the hair, tossing her back down on the back of her head. Jenny rolls away, and Vayden hauls off and kicks her hard in her surgically repaired back. Jenny crawls away towards the ropes, and grabs the bottom rope. Geri grabs the Queen's ankle, and pulls her out into the center of the ring. She spreads her legs, looking like she make lock in the figure four to get this match over early, but Jenny kicks away, knocking Geri back. Jenny slides under and grabs the back of Geri's legs, but the Corrupt one stomps on Jenny's hand. Myst recoils her hand and pulls it back. Geri turns and stares at Jenny, who backs up towards the corner with a butt scoot. Geri walks ominously towards the champ, and Jenny begins shaking her head no. She puts her arms out for mercy while shaking her head but Geri keeps coming. When Vayden gets close, Jenny rolls out of the ring. She walks around the outside of the ring as Geri continues to stare.

Just then, its like something inside Geri awakens, and her inner gymnast comes out. She bounces off the ropes and springboards off the ropes, landing on top of the Queen on the outside.

Geri landed hard, though, and both are down on the outside.

Pip: Correct me if I am wrong, but it appears the champ is afraid of Geri here.

Heather: She isn't afraid, she is just trying to shift momentum.

Both women are up and Jenny is backing away again. Geri charges and it was her one mistake. Jenny sidesteps and drop toe holds Geri face first into the steel steps. Geri goes down, holding her face. Jenny grins wickedly and slides into the ring.

Heather: See?

Her rolling into the ring stops the count. She rolls back out of the ring and grabs Geri by her black hair, standing her up. Jenny yells in her face "you wanna play the game Ger! You wanna play!" she slaps Geri in the face, when whips her back first into the ring apron. Geri arches up as her back makes contact with the hard ring apron.

"Whats the matter Ger, did that hurt?!"

Jenny grabs her by the hair again and bounces her head off the apron as the ref's count is at 7. She rolls Geri into the ring, and follows closely behind, and when they get into the ring Myst comes off the ropes and drops double knees onto the mid section of Geri.

Jenny continues to wrench.

Pip: She's got her, right in the middle of the ring. Geri has nowhere to go here!

The way the move is set up, Geri is on her back, with Myst's legs over her neck and chest and the arm pulled over Jenny's stomach and chest.

Geri has nowhere to go but she fights it off, trying to punch at the knee area of Jenny. Jenny pulls harder. Geri is able to punch her way out of it, though, and spin to break the hold, reversing pressure onto the arm of Myst. Jenny is now on all fours, still holding onto the arm. Geri is wiggling to get out of it, and finally gets her to break the hold. She recoils back, holding her arm. Jenny pops back up and attacks, now obviously frustrated that she couldn't elicit a tap out there. Vayden ducks under, but Jenny is ready and punches the already tender arm. Vayden grabs her arm and steps back and Jenny hits a drop kick, sending Geri back into the turnbuckle.

Jenny is furious now, She begins to chop and smack at Geri in the corner. She whips her to the other corner. Jenny runs and splashes Geri. Immediately she goes back to the arm but Geri is able to slide out, not letting Jenny get a good grip. Geri slides out and drop kicks Jenny, knocking her down to stop the assault.

Geri is still holding that arm. Jenny gets back up, and Geri swings, Jenny ducks under and drops her back with a belly to back suplex. Jenny gets up, shaking her head, and steps on Geri's hair, pulling her arms up and wrenching the back of the challenger.

"Come on Geri! Give in! You can't win!"

She pulls harder and the ref makes her break the count at 5.

Jenny does and walks arrogantly around the ring, posing for the crowd in Milan.

Once she gets back to Vayden, she steps on her hair again, pulling the arms up.

Pip: Myst taunting Geri here. She is so confident in her abilities in this match.

Heather: Why wouldn't she be? She's been unstoppable since September.

Then ref is counting to 5 again. Myst breaks the hold at 5. She gets a cheap shot in by kicking Vayden in the back of the head.

Myst, obviously feeling super confident now, goes to the well one too many times and tries for the same move again. This time Geri grabs her leg and trips her, locking Myst in an ankle lock. Myst realizes the perdicament she is in. She reaches for the ropes, Vayden pulls her to the center of the ring. She struggles again to get to the ropes, eyes wide, arms flailing. Jenny is able to use her leverage to kick Vayden, breaking the hold. Geri stays in the attack, trying to grab the leg again, but Myst kicks again, and rolls under. Geri turns around and Myst uses her legs to trip Geri this time, and tries to lock in a Boston crab, but Geri kicks at her and breaks her off. The two struggle for positioning, and Myst is able to get a hard uppercut shot to back Geri away. Myst uses the ropes to pop herself up. Geri kicks her in the gut to knock her back. Myst falls against the ropes.

Geri bounces off the ropes on the other side.

Pele kick!

Myst folds like a lawn chair.

Geri looks out at the crowd.

She knows she can't give Jenny any opportunity here.

She locks in the camel clutch!

She is stretching!

Heather: Vayden with the camel clutch! Stretching that back of Myst that is already tender! Dead center of the ring here! This is an entirely new Geri Vayden from the one we saw at High Stakes. She has a real mean streak to her!

Myst is reaching for the ropes. Geri has it locked on tight. Myst is desperate now. She is reaching.....



Vayden pulls her back to the center. Myst is fading but somehow manages to use her entire body force to inch closer to the ropes. Taking Geri with her the crowd urges on as Myst causes Geri to baby step behind her as she lurches for the ropes. Just when it looks like Myst is about to pass out, she grabs the middle rope.

Geri holds on to the hold for a 5 count, a little payback for Mysts's actions before.

When she finally lets go, Jenny slumps.

Vayden has a look in her eye now, an intense look, she smells the blood in the water.

Myst is shaking it off, coughing and grabbing her back. Vayden charges, and Myst ducks. Kick to the gut.


Pip: Desperation move for Myst there, but does she have enough left in the tank to capitalize?

Myst, still grabbing her back, crawls toward Vayden. She goes to lock in the heel lock that she beat Madison with, but Vayden kicks her away somehow. Jenny reaches down to pick her up again and with a sudden burst of speed, Vayden grabs her by the arm. She drags her down.


Dead center in the middle of the ring. Jenny has nowhere to go!

Pip: Vayden out of nowhere, Myst is dead center in the middle of that ring......she's gotta tap! Geri is gonna dislocate her shoulder if she doesn't!

Myst, however, is refusing to tap. She is yelling NO! Geri pulls harder and Jenny screams again. Myst is reaching, desperate, trying to find something to grab onto.

She uses all the strength in her tiny body to get to the ropes. She finally does. Myst lays there, panting. Geri picks her up by the hair. She says something to Myst. Jenny spits on Geri.

Heather: Oh boy.

Geri lets Myst crawl to the center of the ring again. Putting a boot on her damaged back and pressing down, Geri grabs her shoulders again.

A second Camel Clutch!

Jenny is fighting a lot less this time. Vayden pulls back and Jenny is almost in a halfmoon shape. Her hands appear to be tapping lightly on Geri's leg but the ref misses it. Myst passes out in the hold.

The ref see's Myst out, and calls for the bell.



Heather: I don't believe it! For 101 days, The Queen has reigned supreme but it is going to be Geri Vayden to take us into the New Year with the Shooting Star Title!

The bell rings as the ref hands the belt to Vayden, even though she didn't technically submit the Queen.

Pip: Maybe this was Jenny's fate. Maybe she lied to us all about who she really was! This is what happens when you lead people to believe you're something you're not!

Heather: Oh, come on! The Queen never tapped! This is a fix I tell ya! This ref was in on it!

Pip: Stop it! Myst walked into this herself! She got what was coming to her! And oh boy is this gonna be interesting at Snow Job!

Though the match has ended, it’s clear that Geri isn’t finished. Circling an exhausted Jenny, a sadistic grin spreads across Vayden’s face as she rushes forward with a vicious kick straight into Jenny’s face. Laughing maniacally, she begins to curb stomp Myst as Ash Quinn starts skipping down the ramp towards the ring. She’s got a canister of gasoline in her hand.

HHL: Oh no, we’ve seen before what the Left Hand likes to do with those. Things are looking bad for Myst.

Setting the can on the apron, Quinn slides into the ring between the ropes and grabs up her gas canister, walking over to where Vayden is forcing a struggling Myst to remain on her knees. A smile full of sinister intent crosses Quinn’s face and she slaps the taste out of Myst’s mouth several times, both women of the Left Hand laughing wickedly as she does. Myst struggles, but she’s still too exhausted from the match. The apprehension from the crowd is thick as Quinn douses Myst in gasoline, the entire atmosphere shifting to one of stark horror.

With a gleeful glow in her eyes, Quinn reaches into her top and produces a pack of matches. Now there is an audible gasp as the intention of the Left Hand members becomes clear. Myst’s eyes bug right out of her skull as she begins to scream and struggle even harder. This is rewarded with several harsh punches at the hands of Quinn as Vayden tightens her grip on Myst. Lighting several at once, Quinn slowly stalks towards Myst, whose eyes are locked in terror on the flame.

HHL: They can’t do this! This is madness, someone needs to stop this!

HHL: Do you really think anyone would be in a hurry to help Jenny Myst, Heather?

HHL: It doesn’t matter how terrible she is, no one deserves to be burned alive! How far are the Left Hand willing to go to make their point?

HHL: I think we’re about to find out.

Things are beginning to look really bad for Myst. Suddenly, Betsy Granger bursts from the back and races down the ramp. There’s a loud pop as the Impossible Traveler charges at full speed to put a stop to Vayden and Quinn’s actions. Using her momentum, she jumps up onto the apron, leaps to the top rope, and bounces off into a dropkick on Quinn from behind! As Quinn falls forward, she drops the lit match, which goes out quickly. Betsy manages to roll away as Quinn collides into Vayden, who loses her grip on Myst. Myst quickly takes advantage and slides away on her butt, finally catching her breath and wincing in pain. Granger now attempts to get a handle on the two members of the Left Hand. Vayden rushes Granger and attempts a superkick, but Granger manages to perform a bridging dodge. As Vayden regains her footing, Granger pops up and takes advantage, dropping Vayden to the mat with a quick suplex. She rolls out quickly,

Finally having gained some of her strength, Myst springs into action. Just as Quinn attempts a sneak attack on Granger, who is focused on Vayden, Myst darts forward and sweeps Quinn’s legs out from under her. She attempts to land an elbow into the face of the Queen of Ashes, but Quinn manages to rolls away, and safely out of the ring. The ladies of the Left Hand regroup on the outside as Myst hops onto the second rope and starts screaming down at them. She grabs the gas canister and lobs it at the two laughing women as hard as she can. All of a sudden, both women start laughing as something behind Myst captures their undivided attention. Confused, Myst turns around to see what they are looking at. Her eyes widen again as she takes in the scene before her.

HHL: Are we catching a glimpse of the future?

Granger is standing over the Shooting Star Title, looking down at it. Looking back up, she looks Myst in her eyes, challenging her without words to come and get it. Myst doesn’t budge. Looking past Myst, she issues the same non-verbal challenge to the curious women outside the ring. They stare back at her blankly, unsure of what’s going on. Looking back down at the belt, Granger bends over and picks it up. She holds it out on her arm, studying every inch of the belt. She runs a finger over the nameplate, then looks up at each of the women again. With a smirk, she walks towards Myst, who tenses and slides out of the ring.

Vayden and Quinn seem torn; they clearly wanted to finish what they started but were too aware of the outside factors at play. Even as Granger exits the ring, still holding the belt, they seem unsure of what to do. Granger approaches them boldly, daring them to try something. The two women exchange a glance, then decide to block her exit. Granger smirks as Myst comes up behind her. Surrounded, Granger turns in a small circle, smiling broadly at each one of her foes. Finally, she shrugs and tosses the belt onto the floor between Vayden and Myst. Both women dive for it as Granger pushes past Quinn and makes her way back up the ramp. Geri the belt and places it over her should as she stares at Betsy, backing up the ramp.

HHL: What does this all mean?! The number one contender to the Shooting Star title just saved the former champ’s backside from ANOTHER Left Hand attack. These two are were set to do battle at Snow Job...and I think its safe to say, things have just picked up here! Do I smell a triple threat at Snow Job?

HHL: Geri is a marked woman! Are her days as champion numbered already!!

Betsy pauses and turns back as Jenny and her gaze fixated on Betsy’s departure. Ash was chasing after Betsy but stopped at the top of the ramp; Geri has returned to salvage what is left of the gasoline in the tank. Both Jenny and Betsy realizes this attack isn’t quite over, leaving Myst stuck between a descending Ash Quinn and a Geri on the opposite side of the ring. She has no choice but to jump back in.

Suddenly, The Baphomet appears on the stage. Tula, Lycana, and Marf Swaysons flank him as Jenny Myst’s eyes widen as she spots them. Betsy stops dead in her tracks, eyes locked on The Baphomet. Everything about her demeanor changes in an instant as she tenses, fists clenching as she crouches into a fighting stance. She reaches to her waist to grab for an invisible weapon, but she catches only air.

HHL: Jenny just cannot catch a break! And Now Betsy Granger has gotten herself involved even deeper. There’s no escaping the eye of The Baphomet now.

HHL: I’m honestly surprised that it took this long for the rest of The Left Hand to show up. The Impossible Traveler might have had an easier time handling only Vayden and Quinn, but the Left Hand at full numbers is a different story. And I don’t expect her to get much help from Myst.

Geri Vayden grabs a steel chair and slides into the ring, standing tall on Jenny’s other side. Myst’s eyes dart back and forward between the two.

Showing a calculated restraint, Vayden paces back and forth, completely owning her side of the ring. The rest of The Left Hand begin a slow march to the ring in a straight-line formation. The Baphomet stops before Granger, and the two finally come face to face. The Baphomet signals for the rest of the Left Hand to continue on; they do as commanded, closing in on Myst. On the ramp, The Baphomet and The Impossible Traveler continue their silent staredown. A feint smirk is on his face, recognizing Myst’s isolation and Granger’s defiance. Betsy straightens her shoulders and raises her chin, but a visible tremble runs through her. Lycana and Marf show bigger smiles, malevolence lighting up their eyes. Marf in particular seems to be salivating at the lips, waiting for a chance to sink his ‘teeth’ into Myst or Granger. Quinn, on the other hand, is exceptionally vocal. She directs a foul tirade straight in the direction of Myst, never taking her eyes off her.

HHL: These guys have shown no respect for the XWF or its competitors, tearing through the likes of Atara Themis and Alias so far.

HHL: They’ve made their disdain for Jenny Myst clear as well!

HHL: Who hasn't?

The Left Hand arrives at ringside and spread out around the ring. Vayden continues to pace back and forth, pressuring Myst away from the rear-side of the ring. Tula, Lycana, Marf, and Quinn all step up onto the ring apron, with The Baphomet still in the aisle with Granger. Each of them takes a side of the ring that Vayden isn’t stalking.

Myst is completely surrounded. Betsy rushes forward, attempting to catch The Baphomet off-guard with an uppercut. Unfortunately for Granger, he’s ready for her and dodges easily. As she uses her momentum to turn back towards him, he reaches out and grabs her by the throat. He lifts her up with ease, holding her in the air by her fragile neck. Scratching desperately at his arms, she attempts to claw free; she aims a kick towards his groin, but only skims it. Her effort is rewarded with an evil smile and a tighter grip. The fight begins to leave her as the crowd watches in horror.

Static takes over the X-Tron.

For just a split second, The Left Hand is distracted. Ever the opportunist, Myst takes the opening and bolts out of the ring. Tula swings for her, but she just manages to duck away. She leaps over the barrier between ring and crowd, right at the corner of the ramp. With the barricade between her and The Baphomet, she sprints up the side of the ramp, before leaping back over to get through the entrance.

The Baphomet is distracted just long enough for Granger to squirm herself out of his grip. Quinn drops down from the apron next to The Baphomet and calls out after Myst, while Marf and Lycana enter the ring and flank Vayden as they approach the ropes on the ramp side of the ring. Vayden joins the call for Myst to come back down. Granger tries to crawl away, still catching her breath, but Quinn grabs her by the hair and pulls her back over to The Baphomet. Despite her struggles, several savage strikes to the face forced her to her knees. She grabs Betsy by her luscious golden locks, then pauses. Reaching into her top, she pulls out another pack of matches and grins at Betsy, running her fingers through her hair before pulling several matches out of the pack. Betsy’s eyes grow wide as she attempts to flee, but The Baphomet holds her down, allowing Quinn to light the matches.

Then, the X-Tron changes.

HHL: What’s happening?

HHL: It’s… it’s Alias!

On the screen, Alias is seen standing in a dark, damp, indiscriminate building.

Lycana snarls while Marf and Tula each show no reaction. Vayden scrunches up her nose while Quinn, dropping the matches, angrily motions at the X-Tron and says something to The Baphomet. The Baphomet raises his hand – his left hand – to quiet her.

ALIAS: Hi friends!

Quinn spits at the ramp. Jenny moves closer to the entrance.

ALIAS: Jenny! Wait!

Frustrated, and panting from her sprint, Jenny stops and looks up at the screen.

ALIAS: I want you to be here for this.

She rolls her eyes but stays put.

ALIAS: I’m sorry that I’m not there in person, team. I had a little… accident.

Alias raises his right hand, wrapped in a tattered bandage. On camera, he begins to unravel it, eventually revealing the mark of The Left Hand that they left branded on the palm of his hand on the last edition of Warfare.

ALIAS: You see… someone… some savage beast… hurt me.

The Baphomet chuckles. He whispers something to Ash Quinn, who nods and gives Granger one more vicious kick to the ribs before heading off around the room. Betsy gasps and falls to all fours, still watching the Tron, clearly enthralled as Alias continues.

ALIAS: Looks like it’s a savage beast getting hurt today… hi witch!

He waves his fingers at the camera. Marf and Lycana grab Granger by the hair and point her face towards the camera. Vayden crouches down and whispers into Granger’s ear, reminding her that it’s Granger that Alias is calling the witch.

ALIAS: Give her a little nudge in the face for me, will you?

Vayden drags her elbow across Lycana’s face, pointing between the screen and Quinn at ringside.

HHL: She’s highlighting all of the people that would enjoy what is happening to Betsy here!

HHL: This is a mugging, and this Alias guy is enjoying it! He’s just as deranged as The Left Hand.

Alias readjusts the camera on his face.

ALIAS: Now former Warfare General Manager Derrick Diamond demanded that I get my… accident… ‘checked out’, before he let me compete again. But to be honest, I didn’t really understand what he was after. I mean… what more needs to be said about this?

He stares at his scarred hand forlornly.

ALIAS: This… this is what I get. This is what I deserve. This is the price… of blasphemy.

Quinn returns to The Baphomet and hands him a microphone.

ALIAS: The good news is, that I got this thing checked out this morning and have been given the all-clear after today. And now… now I get it. I get it Baph’. I get what The Left Hand is all about!

Alias pauses, and through the screen seems to lock eyes with The Baphomet, who doesn’t budge one bit.

The silence carries for several uncomfortable seconds.

Alias then smirks himself, his branded hand still raised in the air.

ALIAS: Well done, Baph’. I knew you weren’t that stupid. You see what I see. This…

He waves his hand.

ALIAS: This still isn’t my left hand. This is a message. But it’s a message to me. As far as The Left Hand is concerned, well I can wave this thing around all day long, but no matter how you mark it, it’s still my right hand, isn’t it? It will never be a sign of my submission. It will never lead to my servitude.

The Baphomet lifts the microphone to his mouth.

BAPHOMET: We are beyond that, blasphemer. The Left Hand does not seek your service. Just your penance.

Alias grimaces while he grins.

ALIAS: Yeah… I know. And that’s what makes this so fun for me, Baph’. You’re getting into everyone else’s head. But me… I’m the one in yours. I’m the one who got away. And this…

He looks at his hand.

ALIAS: This is proof. Proof of the control I have over you. Proof of how easily your power can be wiped away.

BAPHOMET: You’re a muddled fool.

Alias cackles.

ALIAS: Oh, you’re probably right. But at least I’m not one of your thralls. At least this mark is… temporary.

Alias pulls a blowtorch onto the screen.

ALIAS: Does this look familiar? This is how you lit the Shooting Star title on fire. This is how you ignited the branding iron that left your… mark… on my body. But this blowtorch… it’s going to be how I demonstrate your fallibility.

He flashes the blowtorch a few times for the camera.

ALIAS: Baph’, I told you once how I didn’t like these things. With that knowledge… what does it mean when I do this?

The blowtorch is ignited more permanently. In front of the world, Alias brings his branded hand into the fire.

It burns.

Skin sizzles and cracks.

Pus oozes from pores that didn’t exist previously.

Alias’s face vibrate. Steely eyes enrage. He doesn’t blink while he turns his hand like a rotisserie, focusing the flame on his palm.

As the fire laps at him, the symbol of The Left Hand blends into a calloused mess of blistered skin that will leave fans and witnesses traumatized for years. Some count their blessings that the video prevents them from smelling it. Others can imagine the stench nonetheless.

The Baphomet’s jaw tenses ever so slightly in anger.

Alias growls through clenched teeth.

ALIAS: No matter what you put me through… You. Will. Not. Have. Me.

BAPHOMET: You still don’t get it, do you, imbecile? The Left Hand has no need for you. You are nothing but the discarded remains of a carcass that once housed a life worth giving. You are dust to us.

ALIAS: Then you won’t have any issue with a little proposal I have. You and I, Baph’, we’ve got a date for Snow Job. But there’s another Warfare between then and now, and you’re collecting quite a crew there.

I want to tear each one of them apart.

I want to Eat The Left Hand.

You know what I’m asking, Baph’. Feed them to me. Two at a time even… because they won’t be able to do it by themselves.

So, who is it going to be?

BAPHOMET: You can have your funeral, you poor, lost, child. You will meet… The Dissentients. Lycana and Marf.

Lycana licks her lips while Marf cracks his neck. Alias’s face grimaces.

ALIAS: Marf… my sweet Marf. I’m sorry it’s come to this.

Alias shakes his head.

ALIAS: The thing is… when you start making a lot of enemies, eventually those enemies begin to unite. Friends, The Left Hand is no longer going to pick people off one at a time. Because my partner, against your servants, will be…

Jenny Myst!

Jenny Myst’s eyes widen. She stares up at the X-Tron, and back to the ring. She shakes her head. Betsy’s mouth drops open as she looks over at Jenny.

HHL: WOW! I don't think the Queen was expecting this!

HHL: THAT’S why he asked her to stay and watch! This is gonna be huge!

MYST: No! Hell no! Leave me the hell out of this!

The entire Left Hand bursts out laughing.

BAPHOMET: I admire your death wish. So be it. Next Warfare, The Dissentients will kill two birds with one brutal stone. Lycana and Marf vs. Alias and Jenny Myst.

Myst is incensed.

MYST: I said no, damn it!

Alias smiles.

ALIAS: Thanks, bud. See you in Naples.

The X-Tron cuts out, leaving The Left Hand in the ring and Jenny Myst on stage.

HHL: What an enormous tag team match for the final Warfare before Snow Job!

HHL: But look at Jenny… she doesn’t want anything to do with this match.

HHL: Can you blame her? She’s caught between two forces of nature and while she’s been trying to stay out of this whole Left Hand fight, it looks like the fight has come to her.

HHL: She is not happy about it.

HHL: Is she ever happy about anything?

Myst storms backstage as The Left Hand continue to cackle. Granger attempts to sneak away while they are distracted, but Quinn spots her and makes quick work to subdue Granger. Having recovered during the distraction from Alias, Betsy manages to fight back some, but by now, Vayden has slid out of the ring to join in the beatdown. The Baphomet stands aside as Betsy attempts to fight them off, but Geri and Ash are now recovered as well and the numbers game is too much. Tula, Marf and Lycana watch from the ring, leaning against the ropes and laughing as Betsy stumbles back towards them. Betsy backs into the ring and is immediately seized by Marf and Lycana.

Quinn skips over to the gas can as Geri takes her turn getting in her licks on Granger. Shaking it with a smile, she skips back and wastes no time pouring what’s left on Granger. Eyeing the spilled gasoline in the ring, The Left Hand force Granger into the puddle that was meant for Jenny. They hold her down as Quinn searches her person for another pack of matches. Betsy is now struggling for dear life, real terror finally showing on her face. The Baphomet leans over her whispers something before stepping aside.

Suddenly, Shawn Wylde, Evan Blane, and Tommy Romeo run out from the back and rush the ring. The Left Hand let go of Granger, who slides out of the ring in agony. The boys of RMI take on the arduous task of taking care of the Left Hand. An all-out battle begins to take place as fists and people go flying around the ring. Geri and Ash take on Evan Blane together, while Lycana and Tula turn their attention to Tommy Romeo. Meanwhile, Shawn Wylde has his hands full with Marf, while The Baphomet wisely slides out of the ring, and watches on. His eyes light up at the mayhem; in the midst of the chaos, no one has noticed that Granger has been slowly recovering, crawling as far away from The Baphomet as she could get.

Things are getting ugly as Marf growls and gnashes his teeth towards Wylde while attacking with a flurry of strikes. Wylde responds blow for blow, while trying to avoid being bitten. Lycana is giving Romeo a hard time, mocking him as she does so. Though determined, Romeo’s nerves are showing, and that gives Tula an easy opening to strike. Blane seems to be holding his own against Vayden and Quinn, but the numbers game soon turns against him.

Betsy finally rolls back into the ring. Wylde and Romeo flank her as Blane finally manages to break free from the women and stumbles over to his comrades. The Left Hand starts to move in for the kill, but The Baphomet raises a hand and they all stop. He reenters the ring and stalks over to Betsy as she manages to get back to her feet on her own. Just before he can reach out, she holds her hand up, revealing a pack of matches. Ash screeches and runs forward, screaming colorful obscenities towards The Impossible Traveler. The Baphomet holds her back with ease, never taking his eyes off of Granger. Betsy steps forward to where the spilled gasoline is still visible in the ring. Although she has no mic, what she says is unmistakable from the cameras and the fans.

“Hey Left Hand… Fuck you.”

With a pained smirk, she lights as many of the matches at once and throws them into the gasoline. The ring ignites, symbolically separating The Left Hand from RMI and Granger. Quinn begins screaming indistinctly towards Granger, her rage overflowing. Having the advantage of being the stage side of the ring, RMI and Granger quickly escape the blazing ring. By now, several backstage crew are running out with fire extinguishers to attempt to out the flames. The Left Hand begins slinking out of the ring and disappears through the crowd.

The camera switches back to Granger standing in front of Tommy Romeo at the top of the ramp. She reaches into her back pocket and pulls out a folded up contract. Taking out a pen, she uses the barricade and signs the paperwork. The scene fades on her handing the contract back to Tommy and disappearing backstage, trailed by RMI.

The crowd boos intently as Chris Page is walking down the backstage hallway with a white towel around his neck when reaches a stopping point outside a closed-door that reads “CO-GENERAL MANAGER: DERRICK DIAMOND. There’s an immediate scowl that comes across the face of Page as he raises his right fist up to knock before saying fuck it and just opening the door where he walks in on Derrick Diamond who is leaning against the front of his desk facing the door reviewing a set of documents in a file folder. Derrick’s attention is immediately drawn towards the door seeing Page walk through the door he closes the folder and tosses it on his desk before asking.

” I guess knocking isn’t a thing anymore?

Derrick expects Chris to answer as he walks forward stopping six feet away from the Co-General Manager before exuding sheer sarcasm.

” Is this where I answer that rhetorical question?”

Derrick doesn’t offer Chris a seat yet he takes one while he states.

” I’ll take a seat.”

Chris takes his seat looking up at Derrick Diamond who now sits on the edge of his desk.

” Derrick we have a problem…”

” You’re right, we do. It’s not acceptable for you to lay your hands on EMT’s or Referee’s like you’ve done earlier tonight, for that, I’m fining you ten thousand dollars.”

The crowd pops big time as Chris simply smirks as if it doesn’t faze him while leaning back in the chair not even acknowledging the fine that’s been levied.

” Someone on your roster or that works for the Wednesday night program thought it was a great idea to jump my partner from behind…”

Derrick interjects.

” Yes I’m aware.”

” Cool, so you’re also aware that actions have consequences, and consequences have repercussions. I sit before you coming to you and asking you in the two weeks that have passed since this cowardice attack took place, what have you come up with?”

” Truth is… not a lot. I’ve asked for the security footage to be released and I’m waiting on it. Nobody saw anything and nobody has said anything.”

” Unacceptable.”

There’s a pause from both men.

” Can’t say I’m surprised if I’m being honest.”

Chris stands up from his chair.

” Gave you a shot…”

Chris turns and starts to walk towards the door.

” Now it’s my turn.”

” What’s that supposed to mean?”

Chris throws up his middle finger-walking out the door as the scene cuts back to ringside.

"X-Men Theme" by Powerglove hits over the PA system as most of the fans cheer, with the exception of a few who didn't appreciate what Big D did to Barney Green last Savage.

PC: "The World Champ is here!!!"

HHL: "Shocking considering what he said about showing up last time."

PC: "It's no secret that Big D holds a grudge against Smokin' Bob for the way he booked last year's Christmas Warfare........................ and by last year, I mean the year before."

HHL: "Hard to believe 2020 finally ended, huh?"

Big D walks through the curtain and poses with his World Title at the top of the ramp, before slinging it over his shoulder and making his way down the aisle.

PC: "Last year certainly was Twent-D Twent-D as Big D not only became World Heavyweight Champion, he also had a pretty good run with the Internet Championship!"

HHL: "At least he actually WON that Title, what'd he do for this one???"

PC: "He outsmarted us all."

HHL: "More like played the system."

PC: "Same thing."

The World Champion heads over to the steel steps, where he climbs up them and onto the apron. D takes a moment to show off his belt once more, leaning back against the ropes with his arms held high.

HHL: "Sorta reminds you of someone else with letters for a name."

PC: "EVERYONE has letters in their name, Heather................. except when Prince was that symbol, of course."

A hyped up Big D climbs into the ring and heads over to the opposite side, where he calls for a microphone. From off camera, someone tosses him one and he catches it like Stone Cold catches beer before heading to the center of the ring and addressing the crowd.

D: "Wednesday Night Warfare.......................... ya know, I was so busy competing on Anarchy and running Savage, I almost forgot this show even existed!!!!"

HHL: "Thaaaaaat's a lie; he debuted his crumby commercial ON WARFARE two weeks ago..........."

PC: "Geez, Heather, he said 'almost'."

D: "And who could blame me?!? After the way Smokin' Bob dropped the ball on the Christmas Warfare a little over a year ago, why would I WANT to remember, or even acknowledge, his stupid show?!?!"

The crowd gives a mixed reaction to D's words, a handful of them offended he'd insult the show they paid their hard earned money to attend. He responds with a momentary look of confusion, before attempting to make amends.

D: "But that's all in the past! Double D's been doing a wonderful job running things in Bob's absence, and even Bob himself has my congratulations, as well as my forgiveness..................."

Big D glances into the camera and shoves the plate of his World Title into frame so it covers the entire screen of the all home viewers.

D: "Turns out I didn't need his stupid Chamber match, afterall!"

Big D backs up, repositioning his Championship as he does so.

D: "But here I am, burying the hatchet like the good sport I am; bearing gifts, no less. Well, A gift. XWF doesn't pay me the World Championship salary someone of my caliber DESERVES, but that's gonna stop me from giving you a late Christmas present!!!!!"

PC: "Hopefully it's better than coal!"

HHL: "Something's tellin' me it's not."

D: "Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you: the second edition of Big D's Open Challenge!!!!!!!!!"

HHL: "Told ya!"

PC: "Are you kidding? It's a New Year's miracle!!!"

D: "You all saw what happened when Barney stepped up to the plate! He looked like a million bucks! For those of you hipsters who dont seem to understand what happened last Savage, I'll rephrase it in a way your feeble little minds can understand: Big D started a trend..................... that's right. Ever since my match with him, everyone wants a piece of Barney Green, INCLUDING Thaddeus Duke!!!! Hell, that moment in the spotlight revitalized him enough to fly a fucking sleigh a mere minutes later!!!"

Big D let's out a long exhale before grabbing the mic with both hands and speaking softly.

D: "I guess what I'm saying is................... I'm the Star Maker!!!!! So if you want your career to soar to heights it's never been before, get your ass out here and become a made man.................. or woman!!!!! You never know, a tough loss to me might open the door for an opportunity that you can ACTUALLY take advantage of! Maybe a Billion Dollar, or even Internet, Title shot!!! Hey, I was one hell of an Internet Champion myself last year, and look at me now!!!!!!"

A smug Big D, once again, presents his Championship to the camera as if he'd won it in some sort of Tournament in Puerto Rico.

D: "It's a New Year and we're making new stars, so come on out and earn your spot in that lockeroom!!!! If Barney Green can do it, there's no reason the rest of you can't!!!!"

Big D approaches the ropes and gazes towards the vacant entrance ramp with a look of disappointment. He waits a few moments, before pressing the mic to his lips and goading some more.

D: "Free World Title shot, get it while it's hot!!!!!"

D glances at the stage once more, only to be disappointed, yet again.

D: "This is the opportunity of a lifetime and NO-ONE wants to seize it?!? Do you know how long I had to wait for MY first World Title shot?!?!? YEARS. People didn't just hand out Title matches like they were mini Milky Ways on Halloween; no, they made you EARN that shit and even when you did, there were no guarantees you'd even GET a shot!!!! I assure you, had someone stood inside of a WWF or NWF ring and offered to put their World Championship on the line, I would've been out to that ring faster than Usain Bolt!!!!! So, here I am, once again asking...................... WHO WANTS A WORLD TITLE SHOT?!??!?"

The camera cuts to the entrance way, but Tommy Wish isn’t there. It then pans around the audience until we see Tommy in the crowd, holding his Kendo Stick in the air. He then walks down the stairs with people booing, and throwing garbage at him. Then he stands at the barricade, and looks at Big D with an evil grin before hopping over the barricades. He walks around the ring towards the commentators, then he looks at Heather’s heels and demands them off.

HHL: "Uh, Pip.… why is Tommy demanding me to take off my heels?"

PC: "I wouldn’t even try to argue him, just do it so he can leave this booth and us in one piece!"

She then takes off her heels and tosses it to Tommy, who takes a whiff and drops em back to the booth. Then he snatches a mic from the RA, and slides into the ring, having a stare down with Big D, who holds his World title close. Then Tommy turns his attention towards the belt and speaks.

Tommy: "Look Big D, i know we have some encounters in the past like two years or so, in either Anarchy or elsewhere. You see Mr. D, i have heard you manage to bring in a World Title that has been long gone from the company, and to be real, that sounds like a mark thing to do. But hey, aren’t we all marks for ourselves in this company?"

PC: "What is he talking about? Mark?… man we getting too fourth wall breaky here folks!"

Tommy: "But anyways, i’ve heard you are willing to put that belt on the line against anyone, I’ve seen some of your classic bouts for it, and let me tell you for free..they aren’t that good. No hate, just opinion; and if you or your fans don’t like it well… shame on them I guess, and shame onto Barney for not getting the job done to beat you for your belt. It so close, that I was thinking he would end your reign as a champion to bring in new World Champion. But since I know its just a way for you to gain some sympathy for your meager career, I want to challenge you for it, right here…RIGHT NOW!"

The crowd starts to boo Tommy over his challenge for the belt, as he mouths off to Big D in the ring. Then Big D looks at Tommy with distain, then it cut back to the booth.

HHL: "Tommy doesn't deserve a World Title shot but, then again, Big D doesn't deserve to hold that belt, either!"

PC: "Well, Mr. D our world champion… is a fighting champion, so it doesn’t really matter on what these fans think on this. I just want to see D humiliate Tommy here tonight."

Then it cuts back to the ring, where Tommy looks at Big D. He circles around the ring with his viper like senses, before leaning on the corner and speaking.

Tommy: "Look, D I know you don’t want to leave this place, without your precious belt. So let me make a deal with you, I could just be the Jeff Jarret, and you can be the Hulk Hogan and let's recreate our own Bash at the beach 2000. Maybe, you can sue XWF for all the damages they have caused you in your storied career; or better yet, you can leave the belt in the middle of the ring and we can have ourselves a game of Rugby over it. Loser gets tossed out, new winner... you know what, forget it... you want a match, let's have a match for your belt. All bets are off, when I want something.... I get something."

Tommy then takes his Kendo Stick and starts beating up on Big D with it. As he was smacking the stick over him, the crowd got riled up over their champion being beaten up like this. Then he stops hitting with the Kendo Stick, and picks up the World Title, looking into the title plate and posing with it, before clocking Big D with it as the referee calls for the bell.

HHL: "Looks like we are going to have a fight of Big D’s belt and lifeline here tonight, Tommy just decimated him before his bout, which isn’t fair at all!"

PC: "Well, nothing is fair in life, Heather, and Big D knows it."


Big D©
- vs -
Tommy Wish
Impromptu Singles Match

PC: "Now that the bell's rung, Tommy can't use anymore weapons............... unless, of course, he wants to get disqualified!"

HHL: "It might not matter, he's going for a cover already! Big D's sham of a reign could be over right here!"


An anxious Wish quicky gets to his feet, bringing his opponent with him. He then goes to Whip Big D for the ropes, but D reverses it and delivers an earth shattering Spine Buster to Tommy on his way back. An irate World Champion springs to his feet and grabs the Kendo Stick his challenger used to abuse him before the match, as the ref pleads with him not to use it.

HHL: "Looks like the D in BIG D is about to stand for disqualification!"

PC: "Who cares? Eye for an eye! He'll have his revenge AND keep his Title!!!!!"

HHL: "And continue to look like a paper Champion in the process."

Big D contemplates using the Kendo Stick for a few moments, before finally deciding against it, instead breaking the weapon over his knee and tossing the pieces aside. The referee commends him as he turns back towards his opponent............................ only to get planted, face first, into the mat by a HideYaFace from out of nowhere!!!!!!

HHL: "THAT might've ended things right there!"

PC: "This is why Big D cant have nice things! He wins a Title and loses it before his first Championship photoshoot!!!!!"

Tommy Wish lays across his opponent for a cover.


PC: "That's not the first Finisher Big D's kicked out of and I highly doubt it'll be the last!"

HHL: "Tommy needs to wear D down a bit before busting out the big guns."

Tommy slaps the mat and insists to the ref that it was a 3. The referee shrugs, holding up two fingers before backing away from the pissed off T.H.U.G. Wish turns his attention back to his opponent, walking down towards his legs and grabbing hold of an ankle, twisting and turning it every which way.

PC: "The Fetish Lock! You know a thing or two about THAT, huh?"

HHL: "Ugh, don't remind me!"

Tommy continues to apply pressure as Big D cries out, reaching desperately for the ropes, only for his opponent to drag him back to the center. After a bit of a struggle, Big D rolls forward, catapulting Wish towards the ropes. As soon as Tommy bounces off, D(in one fluid motion) pops to his feet and hits a Belly to Belly Suplex in the middle of the ring. However, he is unable to take advantage of it, taking the time to compose himself rather than attempt a pin.

HHL: "You can tell those Kendo shots took alot out of him; I'm honestly surprised he didn't stay down after the HideYaFace."

PC: "Just because Big D's Title reigns tend to be on the shorter side, does NOT mean he doesn't work to keep 'em!"

HHL: "I think Fuzz might have something to say about that!"

PC: "A former Universal Champion? Gee, how embarrassing of Big D to lose a belt to someone of that caliber! While we're pointing fingers, maybe we should ask Duke how it felt to lose the TV Title to D?!?"

Eventually, Big D is able to crawl over to his opponent and cover him, but Tommy immediately shoves him off. D gets up and delivers a couple stomps to Wish, before signaling for the end. With the fans out of their seats, Big D hoists the challenger up for a Dan Slam but Tommy is able to slip out of it. Wish swings at D as he turns around, only for the Champion to duck his punch and deliver a brutal German Suplex that causes the back his opponent's head to bounce off the top turnbuckle as horrified gasps fill the arena.

PC: "That may be D's most dangerous move in his arsenal, even moreso than the Dan Slam!"

HHL: "I'd be surprised if Tommy Wish gets up from that one...................... EVER!"

Big D crawls over and lays a hand across Tommy's chest, hoping to end it right there.


HHL: "How Tommy got a shoulder up, I will never know."

PC: "He could have a broken neck, or spinal trauma, but he's not backing down! THAT'S how much the World Championship means to him!"

HHL: "All this for an unofficial Title."

PC: "Hey, Title aside, this is as much about street cred as it is winning a belt. If Tommy loses to Big D, how's it gonna look on his reputation?"

HHL: ".........................good point."

Big D rolls off of Wish and lays against the bottom rope, looking towards the heavens for some sort of inspiration. He eventually finds some, making his way to his feet and putting Tommy's head between his legs. D then points towards the corner before hoisting his opponent up in Powerbomb position and running towards it. Before he can do anything, though, Tommy Wish slips out of position and lands, on his feet, behind the World Champion. Big D turns around and is met with an Enzuiguri that drops him to a knee. Wish takes advantage of this, putting D's head between his legs and spiking him down on it with a Heartless Pain Piledriver. The Champ's legs stiffen as he collapses to the mat, allowing Tommy the opportunity to pin him.


PC: "For a second I thought we had a new World Champion!"

HHL: "Had Big D not gotten his foot on the rope, we would've!!!!"

A motivated Tommy Wish motions for another HideYaFace before bringing D to his feet and getting him into position. However, before he can hit it, Big D manages to weasel his way out of it, dragging his opponent to the mat in an attempted Big D Face Cruncher. Wish refuses to give in, keeping his hands clasped as he tries to pull himself from D's grasp. He's unsuccessful at escaping, BUT is able to get close enough to the ropes that he can grab the bottom one, forcing a rope break.

PC: "Looks like the ropes saved Tommy that time!"

HHL: "Both these men have the senses of a veteran."

Big D gets up and begins stomping Tommy repeatedly, but Wish is able to catch one of them and get to his feet as D hops on the other. The Champion goes for an Enzuiguri of his own, but Tommy ducks it and applies the Fetish Lock, once more. D grabs at his head in agony, before trying to crawl for the very same rope his opponent used just moments ago. Before he can make an progress, Wish drags him back to the center and yanks at his ankle even harder. Out of desperation, Big D tries rolling forward like he did before, but Tommy is able to counter it by falling forward mid-roll, pinning his opponent's shoulders to the mat.


PC: "After a HideYaFace and TWO attempts at the Fetish Lock, Big D is still goin' strong!"

HHL: "He's fighting like a World Champion, I'll give him that!"

Tommy lays on the mat for a moment, trying to figure out what it's gonna take to put the Champion down, before getting up and bringing D with him. He bends Big D over, putting his head between his legs, and points to the corner the same way D had before his failed attempt at a Powerbomb. Wish then picks his opponent up for a J-Bomb into the corner, but Big D slips out of it. D goes to hoist Tommy up from behind, but Wish is able to avoid the Dan Slam, falling out of the Champ's arms and landing in front of him. He kicks D in the mid-section, setting up for a HideYaFace, but Big D escapes that and puts Tommy down with a Dan Slam!!!!! D manages to barely keep an arm on top of his opponent as the ref counts the fall.

HHL: "Tommy's foot is under the rope!"
PC: "The ref doesn't see it!"

Winner- Big D via pinfall, STILL XWF World Heavyweight Champion

HHL: "Tommy Wish got screwed!"

PC: "Hey, it's not Big D's fault Helen Keller was the referee!"

The ref hands Big D his Championship as Tommy slowly comes to. D hugs his Title before rolling out of the ring and holding it in the air with pride. Wish looks down at his foot, which is BLATANTLY under the bottom rope, causing him to complain to the referee.

PC: "Can't do anything about it now, this one's gonna go down as a blown call and be left at that."

HHL: "Such as a shame for BOTH men, Tommy looked great and D's reign looks even more questionable than it already was!"

PC: "I'm sure he'll make up for it in his next Open Challenge, so far Big D is 2-0 since becoming Champion!"

HHL: "With an asterisk next to ONE of those wins..........."

PC: "Eh, a win's a win. I don't think the National Champions this year are gonna feel any less like a Champion despite the circumstances surrounding the season, I don't expect Big D to, either."

Big D walks up the ramp and to the back as Tommy continues to make his case, unfortunately, to no avail.

Arena goes dark. Silence. Fans are curious. POOF. Big puff of smoke. The WIZARD is in the ring...Guile's Theme hits. The Wizard makes his way to the ring.

Felix Jones makes his way to the ring.

The entire stadium goes black as the song begins. Slowly, the X-Tron begins to show scarce, glowing embers, the light of each one illuminating smoke growing at the entrance of the ramp. As the song continues, more embers are seen until a large fire is displayed on the screen. The ramp then glows Ned's famous blue, revealing a silhouette in the smoke. Slowly stepping from the fog is none other then Notorious Ned Kaye. He stops for a moment, calming himself in front of the clamoring crowd. He lifts an arm, eyeing the stands to watch the many audience members who follow suit. With a single smile, he drops his arm and rushes towards the ring, slipping in from under the bottom rope, picking himself up immediately.

[Image: JggTqeU.png]


- vs -
- vs -


” Triple Threat Hell in a Cell action with the Hart Title at stake. Ned has insurmountable odds with Felix and The Wizard standing in his way.”

All three men walk out towards the center of the ring knowing what’s at stake with the winner moving to Snow Job to defend the Hart Title. The trash talk amongst the three begin before Ned and Felix start slugging away at the near seven foot Wizard only to see him shrug both men off in opposite directions with authority.

” Not so sure that’s going to work out for them.”

Felix charges towards Wizard where he eats a reverse elbow, Ned charges from the other direction as Wizard spins around throwing a big boot to the jaw of Kaye! Wizard wastes no time in making a cover on Ned.




Ned kicks out as Wizard is the first back to his feet. He reaches down picking the reigning Hart Champion up off the mat before hurling him through the ropes and to the outside before turning around and into a roaring elbow smash from Jones that sends Wizard back into the ropes. Felix looks to send Wizard across the ring, Wizard reverses and its Jones bouncing off the ropes and into a Side Walk Slam from the larger competitor.

” Wizard using his sheer size and strength in the opening moments to run rough shot over both Felix and a Ned.”

Jones rolls towards a corner where he uses the ropes to pull himself back up to a vertical base as The Wizard charges in full head of steam looking for a diving shoulder block to the midsection only to see Jones side step Wizard sending him through the top and middle turnbuckles and smacking right shoulder first into the ring post followed up by a school boy from Jones.




Wizard kicks out of the near fall as Ned slides into the ring behind Jones and blindsides him with a forearm to the back of the neck sending Felix tumbling down to the mat and out to the floor under the ropes. Ned then starts to stomp away at the right shoulder of Wizard before bouncing off the ropes and delivering a leaping knee drop to the forehead! Ned makes the cover.




Wizard kicks out again. Ned is back to his feet where he picks the Wizard up off the mat before hurling him towards the ropes, the Wizard latches on to the top rope which see’s Ned charge towards Wizard, Wizard ducks his head and elevates Ned up into the air over the top rope with a back body drop that sends Ned crashing down on top of Felix who has gotten back to his feet and sends both men crashing down to the floor!

” Felix wasn’t expecting to break the fall of the Hart Champion but Ned’s got to be thanking his lucky stars Jones was.”

Wizard sizes up both men as they are getting up on the floor nearing the side of the Cell. Wizard bounces off the far side gaining a full head of steam where he dives through the top and middle rope with a Suicide Dive only to see Ned and Felix step to the side sending Wizard crashing into the side of the Cell face first before falling down to the floor!

” Ned and Felix didn’t have to utilize strength they just stepped away and let the elements do the job for them!”

Ned and Felix stare over at each other and then down to the Wizard who is starting to push himself up off the floor. There’s a nod between the two before they start stomping away at the larger Wizard! Jones and Kaye reach down picking Wizard up off the floor before they drive him face first off the Cell! They smash him face first off the Cell a second time and then a third time before they whip Wizard into the steel steps where he crashes knees fist sending Wizard flipping over the steps and crashing down to the floor!

” Jones and Kaye would be idiots not to take advantage and do whatever they can do in order to take Wizard out of this equation.

Ned starts to walk towards the steps when Jones quickly comes up behind the Hart Champion and drops him with a reverse DDT on the floor to Kaye!

” And that didn’t last long.”

Jones is back to his feet where he picks Ned up off the floor and hurls him back into the ring, Jones slides into the ring after the Champion pressing the cover.




Ned escapes the near fall. Felix starts to work his way back to his feet where he sees Wizard starting to get to his feet near the ring apron. Jones charges forward delivering a baseball slide dropkick to Wizard sending him smashing off the Cell and dropping him to one knee. Jones gets back to his feet where he sizes Ned up who is getting back to his feet, Felix charges forward looking to deliver a running knee lift, Ned throws his head out of harm’s way, Jones turns around eating a Superkick from Kaye sending him back into the ropes where he bounces forward where Ned takes him up on his shoulders before delivering a Death Valley Driver! Ned makes the cover on Jones.




Wizard cracks a vicious chair shot across the back of Kaye breaking the pinfall attempt!

” Some steel being returned from The Wizard!”

Wizard measures Ned who starts to work his way to his feet where he walks into an unprotected chair shot to the skull that busts the Hart Champion wide open! Ned crashes down to the canvass and rolls out to the floor.

” Kaye has been laid wide open by the hands of the Wizard!”

Wizard turns his attention towards Felix who is pulling himself up to his feet using the ropes for assistance. He turns around and is jabbed in the ribs with the head of the chair by Wizard that doubles over Jones for Wizard to crack him across the back with a vicious shot that echoes throughout the arena. Wizard tosses the chair to the mat as Jones drops to one knee. Wizard reaches down snatching Jones by the throat where he picks up to a vertical base where he then looks to hoist Jones up in the air for a Chokeslam! Felix counters the Chokeslam as he’s hoisted up in the air with a Tornado DDT that spikes Wizard head first on the steel chair!

” Felix Jones counters the Chokeslam into a Tornado DDT driving Wizard head first into the steel chair!”

Wizard is laid out in the center of the ring with Felix laying nearby. Jones starts to stir as he rolls over and crawls towards Wizard making a cover hooking the near leg.




Wizard kicks out!

” Kick out by Wizard! Damn I thought we had a new Champion!”

Felix gets to both knees as he looks towards the referee who shows him two fingers as he steps up to his feet. Felix sizes up Wizard as he calls for ROYAL FLUSH CUTTER!

” Felix Jones is looking to seize the moment here!”

Wizard rolls over and starts to push himself up off the mat and back to his feet where Jones comes forward looking for the Diamond Cutter, Wizard counters as he shoves Felix forward and into the ropes where Jones bounces off the ropes and into a Tilt-A-Whirl slam by Wizard! Wizard makes the cover on Jones!




The pinfall is broken by Ned Kaye who springboards off the top rope delivering a double foot stomp across the back of Wizard breaking the cover!

” A bloody Ned Kaye has gotten back in the mix!

Ned turns his attention towards the steel chair. The crowd roars as he walks over picking it up off the mat, his face a crimson mask as he turns his attention towards Wizard who reaches one knee. Ned turns and swings for the fences as he cracks the chair over the skull of Wizard! Wizard falls backwards to the mat with Ned diving on top making a cover.




Felix Jones pulls Ned off the cover at the last second to break the pinfall attempt by the Hart Champion.

” Wizard better thank his lucky stars this is a triple threat or this one might be over.”

Felix and Ned go face to face before starting to trade right hands in the center of the ring! Back and forth they go before Ned catches the upper hand before driving Felix back into the ropes, he sends him across the ring with an Irish Whip, Jones bounces off the near side where Ned leap frogs over Jones who quickly puts on the breaks and as Ned spins around he’s met square on the jaw with a Judas Effect elbow!


Ned crumbles down to the mat with Felix falling on top of him!




The referee is pulled out of the ring by The Wizard breaking the pinfall attempt and keep the match alive to a massive gasp from the crowd! The Wizard, bleeding from his forehead slides back into the ring and is back to his feet where he sizes up Felix who is nearing a vertical base. Wizard comes forward snatching him up by the throat!

” Could be chokeslam city unless Felix can finagle another counter.”

Wizard hoists Felix high into the air before driving him down into the mat with a thunderous chokeslam!

” The Wizard just EXORCISED Felix Jones with a vicious chokeslam!”

Jones rolls out to the floor before Wizard can make a cover!

” Felix might have just saved himself by rolling out to the floor.”

Wizard shifts his attention down towards Ned who is slowly starting to sit up off the mat. Wizard holds up his right hand as the blood continues to roll down the side of his face. Ned slowly starts to sit up before getting to one knee and finally standing back to his feet where he slowly staggers around and as he does Wizard comes forward with an Iron Claw to the top of Ned’s forehead!


Wizard cranks on the Claw as he’s squeezing the skull of Kaye! The referee is in prime position as he starts asking Ned to surrender which he refuses but Wizard continues to crank down on the Spellcast! Ned slowly drops back down to one knee as Wizard not uses all his leverage to squeeze down on Ned Kaye as the official continues to ask him to surrender, he continues to refuse while in the background Felix Jones slides back into the ring with a lead pipe in hand.

” Jones is back with a lead pipe in hand!”

Jones comes up from behind whacking Wizard into the back of the head with the lead pipe breaking the Spellcast on Kaye and sends Wizards crumbling forward to the mat while Ned falls to the mat as well! Felix drops the lead pipe and makes the cover on Ned Kaye!




Kaye kicks out! The crowd is on fire as Felix works his way back to his feet where he reaches down picking Ned up off the mat. Lucas hooks the head of Kaye looking to deliver the Diamond Cutter! Ned shoves Felix forward and into the ropes, Jones bounces off the ropes and into a running V-Trigger knee to the jaw from Kaye which sends Jones backwards and falling through the top and middle ropes out to the floor.

” Ned levels Jones with the Notorious Knee!”

Ned, a bloody mess shifts his attention across the ring as Wizard is now shown getting back to one knee. Ned charges forward with a Notorious Knee to temple of Wizard that rocks the larger back into the ropes before he falls forward the mat. Wizard starts pushing himself up off the mat and as he does Ned charges towards the ropes where he bounces off the near side with a second V-Trigger knee to the face knocking Wizard backwards to the mat! Ned shifts attention towards the steel chair, he walks over picking the chair up off the mat where he then walks back over towards Wizard laying it on top of him.

” What the hell is Ned going to do?!?!”

Ned staggers towards the ropes where he steps out to the ring apron. Ned makes his way over towards the nearest set of buckles where he starts to climb up to the top rope! Felix Jones climbs back on the ring apron where he shakes the top rope causing Ned to lose his balance before falling and crotching himself on the top turnbuckle!

” Jones refuses to stay out of the mix!”

Wizard slowly starts to stir as he moves the chair off of his face before starting to roll over to his chest. He begins pushing himself up as Jones steps back through the ropes where he sizes up Wizard. Wizard pushing himself up to one knee before getting back to his feet. Jones charges towards him only to see Wizard scoop him up over his shoulder, Jones slides down the back of Wizard, Wizard spins around hitting the ROYALE FLUSH CUTTER! Jones rolls Wizard over making a cover!




Ned leaps off the top rope with a 450 splash down on top of Jones effectively breaking the count while in the process crushes Wizard under the weight of both Jones and Kaye! Ned rolls Jones away and covers Wizard!






” Ned Kaye’s title reign continues! What a match! All three gave us everything they had but tonight is Ned’s night once again!”

The cell starts to rise as the referee raises Ned’s arm in victory before awarding him the Hart title.

” You can’t say he didn’t earn it tonight. What a ride Ned’s been on over the last six weeks. Wins the Hart title, knocks off the Anarchy Champion, back to back successful title defenses. He’s started 2021 as he ended 2020… on top.”

Thankyouto all those who wrote matches

Chronic Chris Page
Jenny Myst

And thank you to all those who wrote segments.

And thank you to all those who promoed

I hope you all enjoy the results.

Sorry for it being a little late.
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[-] The following 15 users Like SBW-SmokingBobWilliams's post:
(01-07-2021), "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (01-07-2021), Atara Raven (01-07-2021), Chris Page (01-07-2021), Corey Smith (01-07-2021), Doctor Louis D'Ville (01-07-2021), HeavensToBetsy (01-07-2021), Lycana (01-07-2021), Marf (01-07-2021), Ned Kaye (01-07-2021), nope (01-07-2021), R.L. Edgar (01-07-2021), Theo Pryce (01-07-2021), Thunder Knuckles™ (01-07-2021), Tommy Wish (01-07-2021)
Jenny Myst Offline
The Queen of X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

01-07-2021, 02:02 AM

An exhausted and wincing Myst is leaving the arena backstage. She has a hand on her back, and a frown on her face. XWF camera's follow her out to her pink sports car, where she tosses the bag in the trunk and slams it shut.

"God, don't you people have a life?!"

A youngish looking kid, probably an intern or some minimum wage shlub that is taking a break from getting Theo Pryce coffee long enough to pretend he's a big shot, steps up with a mic.

"Miss Myst, Jenny! Jenny, just wanted to get your thoughts on what went down out there!"

Jenny is staring daggers at him.

"What do you work for, Circle TV Network or some shit? Only they would employee someone as dumb as you."

The kid looks around a bit sheepishly.

"I think you know, they know, we all know what just happened out there. Why talk about it? Geri is keeping my belt warm during these cold times. She can celebrate tonight, cut the heads off of all the kittens she wants, bathe in all the goat blood she wants, eat as many babies as she sees fit, but she gets to lead us into the new year and go into Screw Job knowing that she didn't submit the Queen. She won on a technicality. I was resting my eyes and the ref rang the bell, but that's neither here nor there. She never made me say "I Quit!" And she never will. Keep that title warm for me, Ger, because I am coming into Screw Job guns blazing."

The kid nervously fixes his tie.

"Don't you mean.....Snow....Snow Job....Miss Myst?"

She curls her lip.

"THEY targeted ME, I never sought them out. I was doing my own thing, staying in my own lane, when those pyro nerds decided they wanted to raise the temperature a bit. Well, kid, lemme tell ya something...."

She leans in close, they are almost nose to nose.

".....I have very powerful friends, believe it or not, and I have quite a few of them. A month ago I was sitting on my throne, enjoying some fine wine and a prime Filet mignon, but somewhere along the line I lost my appetite. Well guess what, its back. I went from a $50 steak to being hungrier than I've ever been. Now, I don't want fancy foods. I want something of simple tastes......I want, and I want with every fiber of my being, to Eat The Left Hand."

The kid smiles nervously. He is starting to sweat.

"............At Screw Job"

"Snow Job"

".....I am going to pull the rug out from underneath them. I am going to rattle them to their very core. I was fine letting them exist and leaving me alone but this is a war they started, and a war they've got. They don't know when, other than at the PPV, and they don't know what, and they don't know who, but lets just say that when the lights turn off in Lambeau, The Left Hand won't look quite the same....."

She pulls her head back and she fixes the kids tie. She grins and pulls a business card out of her bra. She hands it to the kid, pats him on the shoulder and gets into her car.

The camera pans down as she drives away, and we see what is written on the card.

[Image: beJkvdC.png]

[Image: GxjjAcs.gif] 
[Image: 53vkwmL.png]
[Image: eRm3OdS.png]
[Image: lJ5ayVc.png]
[Image: Jdsm6ZU.png]
2x XWF Bombshell Champion
3x XWF X-Treme Champion
3x XWF Television Champion
X- Title Briefcase Holder
War Games Captain 
Sex, Metal, Barbie, CHAOS
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[-] The following 5 users Like Jenny Myst's post:
ALIAS (01-07-2021), Corey Smith (01-07-2021), Doctor Louis D'Ville (01-07-2021), R.L. Edgar (01-07-2021), Thunder Knuckles™ (01-07-2021)
Brooke Hernandez Offline
Your Fucking Nightmare

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

01-07-2021, 05:16 AM

Are you listening to us now? We will soon hold ALL the gold
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[-] The following 4 users Like Brooke Hernandez's post:
Doctor Louis D'Ville (01-07-2021), Lycana (01-07-2021), nope (01-07-2021), Oliver Danielson (01-07-2021)
Doctor Louis D'Ville Away
Hello, my friends
The 24/7 Shot!

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

01-07-2021, 05:42 AM

(01-07-2021, 05:16 AM)Geri Vayden Said: Are you listening to us now? We will soon hold ALL the gold

You put your left hand in... You take your left hand out! You put your left hand in and you SHAKE IT ALL ABOUT!

[Image: uKyJ7R6.gif]

[Image: Kd641BT.png]
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Corey Smith Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

01-07-2021, 05:48 AM

(01-07-2021, 05:16 AM)Geri Vayden Said: Are you listening to us now? We will soon hold ALL the gold

Ehhhhhh....I'm not feelin' it.

[Image: CoreySig6A.png?width=270&height=406]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Corey Smith's post:
Doctor Louis D'Ville (01-07-2021)
HeavensToBetsy Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

01-07-2021, 06:15 AM

(01-07-2021, 05:16 AM)Geri Vayden Said: Are you listening to us now? We will soon hold ALL the gold

Keep it warm for me, bby. I’m coming for it and your head. 😘

FORMER [Image: 8pr1Az7.png]
[Image: 4kPKNss.gif]
[Image: 2WKryJ5.png]
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[-] The following 2 users Like HeavensToBetsy's post:
Doctor Louis D'Ville (01-07-2021), Osira Themis (01-07-2021)
Lycana Offline
The Dark Vixen of Violence

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

01-07-2021, 07:54 AM

/// WOW! This whole show was incredible! I loved everything about it. The tag match was insane! I thoroughly enjoyed the read. Well done!!!!

To Corey and RL... it was a crazy week, and I enjoyed the byplay. Y'all did an amazing job!

[Image: 4086c1e276501693b8a7b9fdfa8189402a2e8ba7.gif]

lycana2 (1)
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[-] The following 3 users Like Lycana's post:
Corey Smith (01-07-2021), Doctor Louis D'Ville (01-07-2021), nope (01-07-2021)
Tommy Wish Offline
Some Nobody

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

01-07-2021, 07:57 AM

We see Tommy in the cut somewhere in the backstage, with him destroying shit in his closes proximity. Then he looks into the camera.

"Fuck what the ref did to me, he knew my foot was under that godamn rope the whole, I almost become a world fucking champion... and that godamn Ref decided to screw me over, well fuck it... i'm coming back again to take down Big D, and make him lose that belt once and for all."

Tommy calms down with a bottle water he drinks. Then he rubs his temple, then looks into the camera.

"Let me give a shout out to Ned, he did what he needed to do. Also another shout out RL and Corey, I might not fuck with them personally but I like the fact they took out those two broads who rolling with the ever popular Left Hand, they needed to get washed in the process. Fuck Geri, I hope Jenny (my future baby mama) or Besty rip the head off the devil, and be thrown back at them. I don't like em, and what they stand for..."

Then he see's a random person roaming in the area, who comes into scene, and he's does the left hand taunt and Tommy beats the living shit out of him, as it cuts away to the Warfare logo.
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Corey Smith Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

01-07-2021, 08:47 AM

(01-07-2021, 07:54 AM)Lycana Said: /// WOW! This whole show was incredible! I loved everything about it. The tag match was insane! I thoroughly enjoyed the read. Well done!!!!

To Corey and RL... it was a crazy week, and I enjoyed the byplay. Y'all did an amazing job!

OCC: Good stuff all around, and the match was very well done.

[Image: CoreySig6A.png?width=270&height=406]
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[-] The following 2 users Like Corey Smith's post:
Doctor Louis D'Ville (01-07-2021), Lycana (01-07-2021)
nope Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Not Over

(the perfect heel; hated even by the fans who usually cheer heels; pisses off internet fans too)

01-07-2021, 08:47 AM

great show! I loved the animated hand. Very cool!
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[-] The following 2 users Like nope's post:
Doctor Louis D'Ville (01-07-2021), Lycana (01-07-2021)
Marf Offline
THE Marf

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

01-07-2021, 09:01 AM

OOC: You four deserved it with the efforts put out

2x Xtreme Champion
2x Television Champion
2x Freestyle Champion
5x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Member of Charlie’s Carnies
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Marf's post:
Lycana (01-07-2021)
Ash Quinn

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

01-07-2021, 09:01 AM

(01-07-2021, 07:57 AM)Tommy Wish Said: We see Tommy in the cut somewhere in the backstage, with him destroying shit in his closes proximity. Then he looks into the camera.

"Fuck what the ref did to me, he knew my foot was under that godamn rope the whole, I almost become a world fucking champion... and that godamn Ref decided to screw me over, well fuck it... i'm coming back again to take down Big D, and make him lose that belt once and for all."

Tommy calms down with a bottle water he drinks. Then he rubs his temple, then looks into the camera.

"Let me give a shout out to Ned, he did what he needed to do. Also another shout out RL and Corey, I might not fuck with them personally but I like the fact they took out those two broads who rolling with the ever popular Left Hand, they needed to get washed in the process. Fuck Geri, I hope Jenny (my future baby mama) or Besty rip the head off the devil, and be thrown back at them. I don't like em, and what they stand for..."

Then he see's a random person roaming in the area, who comes into scene, and he's does the left hand taunt and Tommy beats the living shit out of him, as it cuts away to the Warfare logo.

You got a problem with the Left Hand you waste of oxygen! We don’t have beef with you or your running buddy, if you are beneath this roster as a whole why would you try and step up to the most destructive force this place has ever seen. You like the others will soon raise the hand
Ash Quinn

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

01-07-2021, 10:20 AM

(01-07-2021, 07:57 AM)Tommy Wish Said: We see Tommy in the cut somewhere in the backstage, with him destroying shit in his closes proximity. Then he looks into the camera.

"Fuck what the ref did to me, he knew my foot was under that godamn rope the whole, I almost become a world fucking champion... and that godamn Ref decided to screw me over, well fuck it... i'm coming back again to take down Big D, and make him lose that belt once and for all."

Tommy calms down with a bottle water he drinks. Then he rubs his temple, then looks into the camera.

"Let me give a shout out to Ned, he did what he needed to do. Also another shout out RL and Corey, I might not fuck with them personally but I like the fact they took out those two broads who rolling with the ever popular Left Hand, they needed to get washed in the process. Fuck Geri, I hope Jenny (my future baby mama) or Besty rip the head off the devil, and be thrown back at them. I don't like em, and what they stand for..."

Then he see's a random person roaming in the area, who comes into scene, and he's does the left hand taunt and Tommy beats the living shit out of him, as it cuts away to the Warfare logo.

You got a problem with the Left Hand you waste of oxygen! We don’t have beef with you or your running buddy, if you are beneath this roster as a whole why would you try and step up to the most destructive force this place has ever seen. You like the others will soon raise the hand
[-] The following 1 user Likes Ash Quinn's post:
Marf (01-07-2021)
HeavensToBetsy Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

01-07-2021, 10:26 AM

// That monster of a segment was a blast to participate in and I look forward to more such clusterfucks in the future.

FORMER [Image: 8pr1Az7.png]
[Image: 4kPKNss.gif]
[Image: 2WKryJ5.png]
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[-] The following 5 users Like HeavensToBetsy's post:
ALIAS (01-07-2021), Lycana (01-07-2021), Marf (01-07-2021), nope (01-07-2021), Osira Themis (01-07-2021)

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