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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » High Stakes Battle Royale RP Board
Hammer To Fall
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Barney Green Offline
Back In Black

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

11-14-2020, 11:46 PM

Here we stand yet again. Back for Round Four. Must be a glutton for punishment I guess. I lost to Page on Warfare but it is what it is. It was a true battle of veterans. Much respect to him for that match.

Another person crossed off my bucket list of challengers. I don't think people would've expected me to show like I have for this battle but I am all in for this one. Nothing can sway me away from victory. No fear left in the one eye I got left in my head.

I'm the last of a dying breed. The old school style of professional wrestling. I got a few moves left in my arsenal that most people won't expect. Notice how there hasn't been much talking about fucking tgirls from me? That is how serious I am about this brawl. I've abstained for the last 4 weeks of my life to get myself into the mindset I know I have in my head.

This is for every single fan of mine out there that has ever been told they can't do it. This is my hammer to swing and i'm gonna swing for the fucking fences. Might as well get it out the way and start naming people like I've done for years.

Marf. The difference between me and Duke Droese is simple. That is my actual job outside of pro wrestling. I'm willing to sacrifice a good paying job for this fight. Better bring your best against me. I'm gonna knock that fucking head off your head.

You don't even know me from a hole in the ground, junior. Let me run down my resume a bit, shall i? Former World Champion. Numerous death matches under my belt. Got that violent style still flowing through my veins. You will learn when we lock up. I don't need those fancy technical moves to beat you. Just pure fists and instincts at this point. I'm the Daddy of Violence.

Don't let that fool you though. Once the bell rings, its over. Ruckus, Who? You trying to weasel your way in now isn't gonna help your cause. Coming at you like a freight train. You may drive a big rig but I drive the garbage truck and see what gets thrown out. You are nothing in the grand scheme of things.

Page, Our battle continues. You may have won the first battle but this is far from over. I can promise you that much. I almost beat you so I know your weak points. Its ingrained in my mind. You can smoke all the weed you want while I got a fat dip in of Kodiak Wintergreen.

Witness. You are nothing more than a deranged person who thinks he is a prophet of some sorts. I was one of the last people left from the classic era of the XWF when there was turmoil going on who stuck it out. Maybe I am holding onto something that happened almost 8 years ago.

But I am a former World Champion whether you or anyone else likes it or not. I carried this company in a time when we didn't know if it was even gonna survive and I saw the damn thing to the end. I honored my bookings. Even took a paycut to stay here.

Now, You look at who the top people are and its amazing how many new people have come and gone since my time away. Its a revolving door of people. But thats okay, Daddy is back to make it all better. Daddy will right the wrongs of the past and show you what he truly is capable of.

All I got left in me is this moment and I am gonna enjoy every moment of it. This is a battle you weren't expecting. What were you really expecting out of me? Some half-assed bullshit. Not happening. Tape up that right knee and prepare for one hell of a fight.

Representing Union 441 and BOB all the way. Promoting some good in the world. Death from above when it comes to me. I gotta make every move count. Pass me another white claw. Gotta keep the pink elephant around for this. Pinky definitely has my back and will give me some guidance.

I will keep getting back up and that is the scary thing. What can you do to a man that has nothing left to lose but everything to gain? I'm very much human and I know this is perhaps my last shot at the Universal Title. Flip off Father Time and give him a good kick in the chestnuts as well.

Been working hard at the gym sparring since hard running is out due to the calcium deposits on my joints. Small price to pay for this business. I love going out there and entertaining all the fans even if I have taken my share of bumps and lumps. You hit yourself in the head with a steel chair and see what happens. I don't even see stars anymore when I get hit with objects.

I can't give into my fears. I know I am better than this. Isn't the first time i've been in a battle like this. I have the will inside my mind to unlock that side of me that I thought was long gone. Call me pessimistic but I am expecting a fight.

Even if I get busted open during the match, that won't slow me down. I got a couple weapons i can easily hide in my trash can and use because desperate times call for it.

This is gonna definitely be the hardest battle of my life but I am ready for it. I am battle tested. All those light tubes shattered over my head. Falling through barbed wire boards. Painting the ring in blood. I represent the ultra violent arts and will bring that with me when it comes to stepping into the ring at High Stakes in Tuscon, Arizona. Daddy is ready for this.

November 12th, 2020
Boston, MA

The scene opens up outside in front of a landfill where we see a garbage truck pull up and we see Barney Green, dressed in his uniform, climb out of the truck and lock it up. We then see him walk towards the building and use his badge to get into it as he walks into what appears to be a cafeteria. He walks towards a vending machine and pushes a button. A honey bun drops and he grabs it. He walks towards the coke machine and gets a vanilla coke. He goes and sits down at a table. He goes to speak.

Barney; Lunch of champions I guess.

He opens the vanilla coke and takes a swig of it as we see a few more people start to enter the cafeteria. One of them goes to sit next to him. He is dressed similar to him but looks a bit fatter.

Barney: Hey, Roscoe! Hope your day is going well.

Roscoe: Its going good, Barn. Just another day out in the fields.

Barney takes a bite out of his honey bun as Roscoe goes to speak.

Roscoe: So, We saw you on TV. Are you seriously contemplating leaving to go back full time?

Barney: It's possible. I don't know yet. I like this job a lot more but the rush of the crowds.

Roscoe opens his lunch box and pulls out a sandwich. He takes a bite as Barney continues to speak.

Barney: Its a hard choice that I can't make right now. It felt good being on tv again.

Roscoe: I just don't know what you see in that pro wrestling business. You were definitely one of the easiest people i ever had to train.

Barney takes a swig of his coke and then goes to speak.

Barney: I appreciate that, bro. Its a mixture of things. Wrestling is one of those things that gave me a lot in life. In a sense, It gave me purpose to continue living after everything fell to pieces around me.

Roscoe: Fair point but eventually you will have to make a decision. The union can only save you for so long. You are a good worker. You show up on time and do your job well.

Barney: I understand that and we will cross that bridge when we get to it.

Roscoe continues eating his sandwich as Barney continues speaking.

Barney: Its just hard to walk away from something even though I probably should've stayed retired and saved my money. I've been to so many different places. Lived in different states even.

Barney takes a bite out of his honey bun as Roscoe goes to speak.

Roscoe: I've never even left this state. A job is a job at this point in life. You just gotta figure it out soon. Why are you coming out to Madonna anyway?

Barney: Because I like Madonna and it works. It gets the crowd going when they hear that song play. I don't need a heavy metal tune to get a reaction.

Roscoe reaches into his bag and pulls out a grape powerade. He takes a swig of it and goes to speak.

Roscoe: That reminds me. We still having the poker game at your place Friday night?

Barney: Yes we are. I'll supply the beer. Just bring snacks. Gonna be a fun night. Try not to lose $300 again.

Roscoe just laughs and goes to speak.

Roscoe: Don't worry about me. You lost $500 last time.

Barney: I thought I would've won that hand.

Barney takes a swig of his coke as Roscoe goes to speak.

Roscoe: You had a pair of twos. Bob had a flush.

Barney: I should've won. Oh well. It was still a fun night. Even though I had to fix the crapper the next day.

Roscoe chuckles a bit at that and then goes to speak.

Roscoe: Sorry about that.

Barney: That was not a fun morning. Next time, Tell me and don't just sneak out when i'm not looking. So who else is coming?

Roscoe: Bob is definitely coming again. I will be there. I think Ronnie said he would show up as well.

Barney finishes his coke and then goes to speak.

Barney: Sounds like a plan and I guess its time we get back to work. The trash fairy isn't gonna make it all disappear.

Roscoe: Sounds good.

The scene fades to black as they continue to talk.

Through my many travels in life, I never thought I would be the dude who hauled away garbage for a living. So many XWF stars merchandise I have to haul away in that truck. From Thaddeus Duke to Corey Smith to Chris Page. The list goes on.

I love the freedom I got with that job to a degree. I work alone and don't have to answer to anyone but my boss. I mean, I beat up a few people and still kept my job. Go figure, right?

I admit i've developed a bit of a cult following when it comes to XWF. The blood and violence that has happened during my matches where people have gotten hurt. Myself included. You try finishing a match with a bleeding socket in your head where your eye used to be. Pass me another white claw. That numbs the pain a bit.

Maybe its time I right the wrongs of the past and do what needs to be done. The Universal Title is mine for the taking and I am taking it home with me. I promise that much. Thirty-Six years old with twelve years under his belt of wrestling experience. This is my masterpiece for you all to see.

High Stakes is a fitting name for this show. It really is a high stakes moment for me. I'm gonna show that history gets better with age. You don't need some young twink like Corey Smith when you got a grizzled veteran like me chomping at the bit for a shot at the top.

Daddy is willing to lead the company to greatness and leave his job behind for this. What are you willing to sacrifice?

[Image: juXb2Dg.jpg]
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (11-15-2020), ALIAS (11-15-2020), Charlie Nickles (11-15-2020), Chris Page (11-15-2020), Doctor Louis D'Ville (11-15-2020), Dolly Waters (12-02-2020), HeavensToBetsy (11-19-2020), Marf (11-15-2020), Thunder Knuckles™ (11-15-2020)

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