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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Anarchy Boards » Anarchy Results
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Anarchy - 11/05/20
Author Message
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

11-05-2020, 06:44 PM



"Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves
- vs -
Big D
Internet Rules!
Winner will be the Number One Contender for the Internet Title!

- vs -
Tommy Wish
X-Treme Rules!

- vs -
Savannah Knightley
- vs -
Triple Threat!

"Notorious" Ned Kaye
- vs -
Vita Valenteen

Tula Keali'i, Ruby, and Kenzi Grey
- vs -
Robbie Bourbon, Barney Green, Money Oswald
Trios action!

[Image: gR8affl.png]

SO MUCH PYRO!!! The Secret Service probably got called over those explosions, but they probably just assumed it was a protest getting broken up by the military, like most Thursday nights.

As the echo fades we can hear a distant mewling. A sobbing, crybaby whining. It’s definitely coming from the White House, right across the lawn! Hi Donald! Bye Donald!

Vinnie Lane: “Welcome to ELECTION NIGHT ANARCHY!!! We didn’t really think this was going to be election night when we booked this show, but that’s America for you! Stay safe and social distance, so that this NEVER has to happen again!”

Vinnie grins and pulls up five different masks, each one with a different member Guns n’ Roses imprinted on it. He then pour about a quart of hand sanitizer into his palms and starts rubbing it all over him until he’s barely glowing with the stuff.

Vinnie Lane: “Can’t be too careful when we’re only a few hundred yards away from Patient Zero himself. Anyway, let’s get going! Unlike SOME productions in this country, ANARCHY is ALWAYS ON TIME!!!”

"Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves
- vs -
Big D
Internet Rules!
Winner will be the Number One Contender for the Internet Title!

Vinnie Lane: "Coming up, we've got a match between Micheal Graves and Big D to determine who will be facing MeFisto for the Internet Championship at High Stakes. Both men have been top contenders for the Title, with D being the former Champion and Graves nearly beating him on several occasions. After D's match last Anarchy was cut short due to an 'injury', I couldn't at least give him a chance to earn ONE MORE match with MeFisto!.................. but the third time could be the charm for ole Gravey."

"X-Men Theme" by Powerglove hits over the PA system as the fans begin to cheer. Pyro falls and fireworks shoot up from the stage as Big D walks out onto the ramp. He stands there for a moment, scanning the crowd, as various colored spotlights in the shape of a 'D' flash throughout the arena.

Vinnie Lane: "Big D seems to be in a pretty good mood all things considered. He wasn't too happy about having to earn another shot, but rejoiced upon hearing it was against Graves!"

Big D makes his way down the aisle, giving a few random fans in the front row fives as he does so. Once at ringside, D hops onto the apron and climbs into the ring, where he runs the ropes while awaiting his opponent.

The lights go dark as "Violence" plays over the PA. Micheal Graves walks out to the stage as the crowd dumps on the untraviolent superstar. Micheal walks about halfway down the ramp before taking off in a sprint and sliding into the ring. Graves jumps to his feet and paces the ring, staring D down as he does so. The former Internet Champion shoots back with a glare of his own.

Vinnie Lane: "No love lost between these two, who've had quite the rivalry since Leap of Faith. The last time they squared off, Graves won after a questionable DQ call by MeFisto, but luckily he's nowhere to be seen tonight!"

Vinnie Lane: "I just HAD to open my big mouth!"

MeFisto's theme music distracts Graves and D, who both look towards the entrance ramp on anticipation of their third wheel. Once the hard part hits, MeFisto, wearing a sling over his 'injured' shoulder and a cast on his arm with the Internet Championship in his lap, gets wheeled out onto the stage by a nurse with gigantic honkers.

Vinnie Lane: "Yowzer, I think I caught the 'rona again! *cough* *cough*"

The 'nurse' pushes MeFisto's wheelchair(which, of course, is covered in POWERADE endorsements) down the aisle and over towards Vinnie's commentary table. As Lane drools over MeFisto's help, she positions his chair behind the table and hands him a headset, which he puts on as he shoos her away, to Vinnie's disappointment.

Vinnie Lane: "Couldn't afford to keep her out here?"


Vinnie Lane: "That must be a pretty bad shoulder injury if you can't even walk."


Vinnie Lane: "I didn't know you were diabetic!"


Micheal Graves and Big D turn their attention away from MeFisto, shacking their heads in agreement over the ridiculousness of their mutual foe. Seeing both competitors ready to go, the referee calls for the bell.


Vinnie Lane: "The winner of this match gets a shot at YOUR Title; MeFisto, who would YOU prefer to face at High Stakes?"


Vinnie Lane: "....................."

Big D and Graves go chest to chest in the center of the ring, staring each other down. Finally, the Dark Warrior breaks the eye contact, laughing maniacally as he puts his hands behind his back and squares his shoulders. D looks confused as Graves looks back up at him without any intention to defend himself.

Vinnie Lane: "What the hell is Graves doing, giving Big D a free shot?"


Big D throws his hands up in confusion as Micheal Graves demands that he hit him. After a reluctant shrug, Big D Kicks his opponent in the stomach, following it up with a right and an Irish Whip towards the ropes. On the rebound, D delivers a textbook Belly to Belly Suplex that ragdolls Graves to the opposite side of the ring. Big D turns around and looks at Graves as he gets to his knees and opens his arms, begging D for more punishment.

Graves: "FOR BOB......................BI!!!!!!"

Vinnie Lane: "It looks like Graves is volunteering to get his ass kicked for the sake of impressing Bobbi London?!?"


Big D shakes his head in disbelief as Graves, once again, folds his hands together behind his back and orders D to "keep it comin'!" The former Internet Champion delivers a devastating boot to the Dark Warrior's face, snapping his head back before dropping him to the mat. Big D looks over his downed opponent for a moment, not quite sure how to handle the situation, before dragging him to his feet by the back of his pants and wrapping his arms around him. D then proceeds to deliver three German Suplexes, none of which Graves attempts to fight out of, bridging the last one for a cover. As he does so, though, one of the many members of BOB, Miss Fury, makes her way down to ringside as the ref counts the pinfall.



Miss Fury drags Graves out of the ring right before the ref's hand can hit the mat for the 3!

Vinnie Lane: "Well, it didn't take long for BOB to make their presence felt! I'd say Graves is lucky the referee didn't disqualify but, at this rate, he might've been better off!"


Vinnie Lane: "Yes, yes you have."


Vinnie Lane: "I don't doubt that one bit, MeFisto."

Big D waits inside the ring as Miss Fury explains to Graves that he needs to kick out of pins, otherwise Bobbi London will think he's a loser. The Dark Warrior nods his head in agreement as the referee orders Fury to leave. She does so, giving Graves a thumbs up before running back up the ramp and through the curtain.

Vinnie Lane: "So, let me get this straight............. Micheal Graves ISN'T going to fight Big D, giving him a 0% chance of victory, but he IS gonna kick out for as long as he can?! That might be the definition of hardcore! If THAT doesn't convince Bobbi London to join BOB, I don't know what will!!!!"


Vinnie Lane: "And that means more than some silly little Internet Championship."


Micheal Graves slides into the ring and stands up, motioning for his opponent to come at him. An almost disappointed Big D sighs before running at Graves and wrapping his arms around him. D uses the momentum to do a 180 so he can Belly to Belly Suplex Graves into the turnbuckles. As he does so, though, Graves uses THAT momentum to fling himself in midair so he lands, butt first, on the top turnbuckle as the fans go crazy. A cameraman on the apron gets a close-up of his nonchalant face as he turns and tells everyone at home to "Join BOB!"

Vinnie Lane: "Just because he won't fight back doesn't mean he can't mess with Big D!"


Big D laughs at the pure absurdity of everything that's happening, before walking over to Graves and German Suplexing him off the top rope, hurling him towards the center of the ring with ease.

Vinnie Lane: "Unless Graves is playing possum, there's no possible way for him to win!"


Big D rolls Graves onto his back with his foot, before resting it in his chest for a weak cover.




D: "Really?!??! Are you a fuckin' moron?!?"

Graves gives Big D the bird, causing D to stomp the shit out of him for it. He then brings Micheal to his feet and lifts him in the air with a Vertical Suplex, but Graves falls out of D's clutches behind him. Big D turns around and swings at his opponent, who ducks under his arm and runs to the ropes. Graves bounces off and back at D, who nearly breaks him in half with an earth shattering Spinebuster! Big D hooks a leg, confident he's pulled it off.




Vinnie Lane: "Graves has always gotten pleasure out of pain, but this is ridiculous! If this was the UFC, the referee would've stopped it by now. He's not intelligently defending himself............ he's not defending himself at all!!!!!"


Big D hunches down beside his opponent and locks in the Big D Face Cruncher. He applies pressure all the while yelling at Graves.

D: "Tap out for her, Graves, tap out for Bobbi London!!!"

Big D laughs maniacally as he stretches Graves' back, trying everything he can to get him to give up. The Dark Warrior reaches his free arm out, but there isn't a rope anywhere in sight...................... HOWEVER, there IS Bobby Bourbon coming down the aisle!!!!!

Vinnie Lane: "It looks like Robbie's stealing Graves' spotlight again!!!"

Bourbon climbs up onto the apron, distracting the referee. Big D immediately releases the hold and gets to his feet............................ BUT BARNEY GREEN IS THERE TO BASH HIM OVER THE HEAD WITH A TRASH CAN!!!!! The fans go wild as Barney drags Graves over and lays him on top of D, before ditching the garbage can and climbing out of the ring.

Vinnie Lane: "Barney Green just screwed Big D!!!! Graves is gonna win this match without ever throwing a punch!!!!!"


Bobby Bourbon gets down and leaves with Barney Green, who the ref looks at suspiciously before turning around and seeing the cover.





Vinnie Lane: "I guess Barney should've tossed a few more bricks in the trash before hitting Big D with the can!"

Micheal Graves gets up and allows Big D to do the same. The former Internet Champion looks at the Dark Warrior, who yells at him.

Graves: "Finish the job, ya pussy!!!!"

Graves spits at his opponent before turning his back to him. Big D rolls his eyes and lifts Graves up in Dan Slam position, bringing him down hard in the center of the ring. As he does so, MeFisto magically rises from his wheelchair and rushes towards the ring.


After connecting with his finishing maneuver, Big D lays across Graves for a cover. Before the referee can count, however, he's once again distracted, this time by MeFisto, who climbs on the apron and points behind the ref.


The referee turns around and frantically looks around, only to get knocked out from behind by MeFisto's cast. Big D slaps the mat in frustration before getting up and approaching the Internet Champion. D swings at MeFisto, who blocks the shot and responds with a swing of his cast. MeFisto connects perfectly with D's face, sending blood flying from his nose as he falls to the mat. Amazingly enough, however, one of Big D's arms lands on the Dark Warrior's chest.

Vinnie Lane: "I don't think MeFisto realizes it, but Big D's technically covering Graves! If only there was an official to count the fall!"

Almost right on cue, Ari Silversteen, BOB's crooked referee, runs out from the back. He hurries down the ramp and slides into the ring, where he grabs one of Graves' arms and places it across Big D's chest. As he does this, the original ref comes to and sees the Dark Warrior's shoulders on the mat, causing him to count the fall...................... at the EXACT same time Ari counts D down.

1! 1!

2! 2!

3! 3!

Both referee's call for the bell, before looking at each other in confusion. Ari raises Graves' arm in victory, as the original ref raises Big D's. As they argue over the decision, MeFisto trots back over to the announce table and addresses the situation with Vinnie.


MeFisto grabs his Title and begins walking up the ramp, a shit-eating grin on his face. Before he can make it to the back, however, Vinnie grabs a mic and makes a decision for the referees.

Vinnie Lane: "Hey, MeFisto.............. you might want to wait a second, I have a few things to say that are not only gonna affect you, but also the Internet Title as a whole........."

MeFisto stops at the top of the ramp and turns around, his eyes bulging out of his head in disbelief.

Vinnie Lane: "Since the referees can't seem to make up their mind on who the winner is, I guess I will: since both men had their opponent covered, I have no choice but to declare BOTH men the winner!"

Winner- Big D AND Micheal Graves via Double Pinfall

The fans cheer Lane's decision as MeFisto shakes his head, puffing his lips out as he breathes hard.

Vinnie Lane: "And since neither man lost, that leaves me no choice but to announce that at High Stakes, MeFisto will defend his Internet Championship against BOTH Big D AND Micheal Graves!!!"

The fans get even louder as MeFisto loses it on the ramp. Both Big D and Graves seem pleased with the decision, as they each go their separate way............. for now. As they do so, an irate MeFisto heads to the back, screaming about how unfair it is. With all the competitors gone, Vinnie Lane sits back down and takes a deep breath.

Vinnie Lane: "I can't believe Graves won that match without ever throwing a punch. If THAT doesn't convince Bobbi London to join BOB, I don't know WHAT will! I just hope Graves comes to fight at High Stakes, otherwise it's gonna all be for nothing."
[Image: gR8affl.png]

[Image: gR8affl.png]

- vs -
Tommy Wish
X-Treme Rules!

Smoke billows and lights flash on and on. She runs down to the ring, jumping on the apron. Slides through the ropes jump into the corner tongue out raising the devil horns

We simply see Tommy coming down to the ring, with little to no expression. He rolls into the ring, staring at nothing until his theme cuts off.


As the bell had rung, Tommy and Halocen have a brief staredown, but Tommy blinked. Tommy then just stands there, and she starts to punch him in the gut. Then she locks him up with a collar and elbow, but Tommy isn’t even budging. Halocen breaks it off, and she gets angry at him, and Tommy then bails out the ring. He then looks around at the National Mall area, and he see’s a cake that was uneaten, he then takes slice of the cake and eats it, while Halocen was getting impatient.

Vinnie Lane: Uh, i think something is wrong with Tommy, he isn’t even in the ring! I don’t know if he just doesn’t care about her or this match, or he just wanted something sweet tonight.

Tommy then head back into the ring, just standing there, looking at the tress behind them. Then the fans start to boo them, and Halocen strikes him with punches, which Tommy gently fell on the mat. Tommy then is “laid” out, and Halocen then does a whole pantomime of “what the hell Tommy!” and she goes for the cover pin..



TH—Tommy kicks out lazily!

Halocen then lifts up Tommy, and she slaps him in the face to wake him up. Tommy hold his cheek, she slaps him again, and Tommy still wouldn’t do anything. She then goes for a DDT, but due to Tommy not budging, she gets even more mad. Tommy is still in the DDT position, and she goes for it one more time. She slams him with it, and he just laid there with no expression. Halocen tries to go for the pin, but Tommy hits a drop toe hold onto her. He then gets on his feet, and he wants to touch her, but couldn’t. So he backed away from her, as Halocen gets up, she then grabs Tommy by the head and she slams it on the turnbuckle.

As she slammed his head on the turnbuckle, Tommy gotten madder and madder, then by the final slam, he hit his head on the turnbuckle. Then he turns around to see Halocen, and he grabs her arm and hits her with a Short Arm Lariat out of nowhere. Then he stomps on her for good measure and heads out to the ring. As he digs under the apron, he pulls out two chairs and tosses them in. Then he pulls out a table, and heaves it over his head and tosses it in there.

Then the rolls back into ring, and he lets Halocen get on her feet, then he grabs her by the throat, and lunges her to the corner, then the ref gets in-between to break it up. Then Halocen kicks him in the dick, and Tommy falls onto the mat with a sadistic smile on his face.

Vinnie Lane: Now, we see Tommy getting a little too close to Halocen, I think this all just mind games from him to her. Even when she kicked him in the dingus, Tommy seems WAY too happy for it.

Halocen then picks up a chair, and she hits him with it as he is on the mat. Then Tommy slowly gets on his feet, and signals her to hit him with the chair. She hits him with it, then she hits him some more. Then she just clapped him many chairshots, that he ended up bleeding from it, and Tommy just stands there. Halocen then Irish Whips him to the ropes, and she connects with a Jumping DDT onto Tommy. She then places the table on the middle of the ring, and she props it up. She then points at Tommy, and she lifts him up and she lays him on the table.

Then she goes to the top rope, and she tries to go for a Moonsault, but Tommy moved out of the way, and she crashed onto the table. Tommy then gets back on her feet, and gives a sarcastic clap of approval. Then he lifts her up by the hair, and he waist locks her, and he sniffs on her hair and she tries to break his hold, then he ended up giving her a German Suplex, then dished out two more, and pins her with a bridge. Tommy broke it off himself.

Tommy then takes the two chair, and props them side by side. Then he goes back outside, and pulls out the glass panel underneath, and slides it in the ring. Then he props the glass in-between the chair, and he pulls Halocen up by her hair, and he props her in the powebomb hold, he lifts her up, but she kept punching him until he fell on the mat. Then she beams herself off the ropes and hits an Elbow Drop on Tommy.

Vinnie Lane: Oh, that was a close call on Halocen, I honestly thought that Tommy would put through the glass. She was spared on having her back cut off.

She then hits a Standing Senton Bomb on Tommy, then she does a Standing Moonsault on Tommy, but Tommy rolled out the way. Then he gets on his feet, and starts punching Halocen as hard as he could, then he hits her with a plain Vertical Suplex. Then Tommy prays over Halocen, then he kneels on his knee, and chokes her. Then he slams her head, and managed to lift her up with his one hand, and he Chokeslam's her through the glass panel between the chair.

Tommy then punches himself in the face, and he looks at the downed Halocen, and he uses one of the chairs, and places it on her left ankle. Then he goes to the top rope, and points at Halocen’s ankle, as she begs for him not to do it. Then Tommy looked down, waved at her and jumps and Pillmanize her left ankle.

Tommy then sits in the corner, as he watches the ref checking to see if she’s okay.

Vinnie Lane: What has become of Tommy here?… Is he going back to the demented, dark side of his old persona?… but my god, Halocen seems hurt out there!

Then Tommy lunges himself back on his feet from holding the top corner, and pushes the ref to the side, and he lifts up Halocen, and he hits a Piledriver on her. Tommy then walks around Halocen like a vulture, then he grabs her left foot, and locks in….


Tommy locked it in tightly, and won’t let up. While Halocen is closing her eyes holding back the tears of pain, Tommy eyes open wide in shocked manner as he locks it in. Then he ended up grapevining her whole leg in the process.

Vinnie Lane: Tommy has gone insane! Will Halocen tap from The Fetish Lock or will she power through this demented man’s hold!?!

Halocen screeches, and Tommy takes a deep, unsettling inhale right by her toes.

Halocen taps out!!!

Winner by Creepy Submission - Tommy Wish

Vinnie Lane: “Wish got her! This is what happens when you keep dying your hair every day, folks, it gets you distracted and you lose focus on the task at hand!”
[Image: gR8affl.png]

- vs -
Savannah Knightley
- vs -
Triple Threat!

Vinnie Lane: “Well folks, time for an intermission!”

Winner by Existing - Boris

[Image: gR8affl.png]

"Notorious" Ned Kaye
- vs -
Vita Valenteen

The entire stadium goes black as "Burning Bright(Field on Fire)" by Nine Inch Nails begins. Slowly, the X-Tron begins to show scarce, glowing embers, the light of each one illuminating smoke growing at the entrance of the ramp. As the song continues, more embers are seen until a large fire is displayed on the screen. The ramp then glows Ned's famous blue, revealing a silhouette in the smoke. Slowly stepping from the fog is none other then Notorious Ned Kaye.

Vinnie Lane: "The Notorious One has been embroiled in a nasty feud with Chaos Inc as of late. Luckily for him, though, they won't come anywhere near Anarchy so he shouldn't have to look over his back much tonight."

Ned stops for a moment, calming himself in front of the clamoring crowd. He lifts an arm, eyeing the stands to watch the many audience members who follow suit. With a single smile, he drops his arm and rushes towards the ring, slipping in under the bottom rope, picking himself up immediately and waiting for his opponent.

As the opening riff of "Hart Attack" roars through the arena, the crowd jumps to their feet as Vita Valenteen runs onto the stage. VV walks down the aisle in a zigzag pattern as she slaps hands and tries her best to get the crowd riled. At the foot of the ramp, Vita takes off and slides under the ropes to enter the ring. She then hops to her feet and strikes her infamous "Arnold pose" to the crowds' delight!

Vinnie Lane: "Ned's not the only one who's had their hands full with a destructive faction, as Vita's been dealing with the likes of BOB, herself; most notably: Miss Fury."

The referee checks on both competitors and, upon making sure both are ready to go, calls for the bell.


Vinnie Lane: "I expect this to be fast paced contest, as these are two of the most athletic wrestlers Anarchy has to offer. Of course, with guys like MeFisto running around, that isn't really saying much!"

Ned and Vita meet in the center of the ring, where the Notorious One extends a hand to his opponent. Valenteen looks at it for a moment, a bit hesitant to shake it at first, before realizing it's Ned Kaye and obliging.

Vinnie Lane: "You don't normally see that kind of sportsmanship in an XWF ring."

Upon shaking hands, Ned and VV begin to circle the ring, each of them looking towards the ramp as if expecting someone. Finally, realizing they have a match to put on, the two of them lock up as the fans begin to cheer. Kaye quickly gets the advantage with a Headlock, but Vita manages to slip out and lock in one of her own. Ned pulls her back towards the ropes and uses them to try to push her off, but Valenteen pulls him with her. As she does so, VV attempts a Running Bulldog, which the Notorious One escapes, causing her to land on her ass without him. Being the gentleman he is, Ned backs off to allow his opponent to get back to her feet.

Vinnie Lane: "Awwwwww, that's sweet of Ned, hopefully he doesn't end up regretting it!"

The two of them circle the ring before tying up, once more. Out of the tie-up, Valenteen hits an Arm Drag, which her opponent instantly gets up from. She then rushes at Ned, who ends up hitting her with an Arm Drag of his own. As soon as Vita gets up, the Notorious One jumps onto her shoulders for a Hurricanrana attempt, but before he can hit it, she shoves him off. Amazingly, Ned does a full flip and lands on his feet, only to be met with a Hurricanrana attempt from Vita! She follows through on the move but, to the amazement of everyone, Ned does a full rotation in the air and sticks the landing as the crowd goes nuts.

Vinnie Lane: "WOW! I expected some athleticism, but I wasn't prepared for that!"

A shocked Vita Valenteen looks up at Ned, who greets her with a Superkick. Valenteen manages to catch Kaye's foot before flinging it towards the mat. Surprisingly, the Notorious One uses the momentum to do a 360 that allows him to connect with a Spinning Heel Kick that drops VV. However, rather than covering his opponent, Ned heads over to the ropes and climbs out onto the apron.

Vinnie Lane: "Ned isn't even bothering with a cover, he's looking to put the icing on the cake with a TDA!"

Ned Kaye waits for his opponent to get back to her feet before using the top rope to do a cartwheel over it. He then wraps his legs around Vita Valenteen's neck and delivers a picture perfect Head Scissors................................. which Vita somehow manages to land on HER feet out of as the building erupts with applause.

Vinnie Lane: "These two are evenly matched, we could be here all night at this rate!"

Ned looks at Vita, who points to herself to let him know she's capable of that, too. Kaye politely claps for her as he gets to his feet, leaving both competitors right back where they began. They lock up for a third time, with Valenteen going for a Swing Neckbreaker out of it, only for Ned to reverse it into a Backslide Pin.




Vinnie Lane: "Ned almost snuck away with one there!"

Both wrestlers get to their feet, with Valenteen charging at Kaye. Ned puts his arm out to Clothesline her, but Vita ducks under it and catches the Notorious One off guard with a Roll Up pin attempt of her own!




Vinnie Lane: "Neither one of them seems to have an edge over the other, it's almost like looking into a mirror!"

As they go to get up, Vita tries to surprise Ned with a Superkick of her own but, just as she'd done to him, HE manages to catch her foot before it can connect............................ only to get dropped with an Enzuigiri from her other leg! Seeing her opportunity, Valenteen hurries back up and brings Ned with her, before setting up for a Canadian Destroyer. She tries to deliver the move, but Kaye does everything he can to keep her grounded. Eventually, Ned walks them both back towards the ropes where he dumps VV over to the top to the outside.

Vinnie Lane: "Ned's not normally the type of guy to throw someone out of the ring, but he knew it could be all over if he didn't."

Ned looks out at Vita for a moment before turning his attention to the nearby corner. He makes his way over and begins to scale the turnbuckles all the way to the top as the fans get to their feet. The Notorious One waits for his opponent to get to her feet before jumping off in an attempted Ego Crusher. As soon as VV sees him flying at her, though, she steps out of the way, causing Ned to crash into the floor.

Vinnie Lane: "And that's why they call it high risk, high reward! Ned took the risk, but Vita ended up with the reward!"

Kaye grabs at his leg as VV drags him to his feet and rolls him back into the ring. She then uses the second rope to pull herself onto the apron, where she waits for Ned to get up, which he slowly does. As he turns around, Vita Valenteen springboards onto the top rope and delivers a devastating Dropkick that sends Ned flying backwards.

Vinnie Lane: "Eat Defeat! After her failed Canadian Destroyer attempt, Vita decided to pull something else out of her arsenal!"

Vita crawls over and hooks a leg for the cover.




Vinnie Lane: "I thought she had it there! After Ned's spill on the outside, I wasn't sure how much fight he'd have left!"

Vita runs her hand through her hair, wondering what else she can do to keep her opponent down for good. After taking a moment to catch her breath, VV runs for the ropes as Ned begins to make his way back to his feet. Before she can even attempt any sort of move off the ropes, the Notorious One flips Valenteen over his shoulders but, as has been the theme of this match, she lands on her feet with ease. Kaye turns around and is met with a Kick to the gut that allows Vita to put his head between her arms. She then walks them over to the corner, where she climbs up onto the second rope and jumps off for a Tornado DDT. However, as she's spinning around for the move, Ned shoves her Vita off of him, causing her to land, stomach first, on the mat. As she gets to Valenteen gets to her knees, Ned Kaye runs past her towards the opposite corner, bounces off the turnbuckles, and connects with a Notorious Knee to the back of her head.

Vinnie Lane: "Ned's got the cover, could this be all she wrote?"




Vinnie Lane: "I guess she's still got another chapter or two in her!"

Ned takes a deep breath before looking back over at the top turnbuckle. He points to it before heading back over and ascending the ropes, once more. The Notorious One stays perched there for what seems like an eternity, until a dazed Vita finally stands up. Ned then dives off and wraps his legs around Valenteen's neck,

connecting with a Head Scissors. He keeps hold of the move, trying to force Vita to give up. She desperately tries grabbing for the ropes, but they're dead center in the middle of the ring, without any within reach. Despite trying to pry her way free, Valenteen cannot escape the submission maneuver and is forced to tap out.

Winner by Submission - "Notorious" Ned Kaye

Vinnie Lane: "What a match! Vita has nothing to be ashamed of, they BOTH put on an incredible performance!"

Ned Kaye breaks the hold, immediately checking to make sure Vita's okay. He then helps her up and extends a hand, once again. Though she's visibly disappointed in herself, she still accepts her opponent's respect and shakes his hand. Ned raises her hand in the air, praising her for the amount of effort she showed.

Vinnie Lane: "That's certainly gonna be a tough act to follow; I don't envy the participants of our Main Event one bit!"

[Image: gR8affl.png]
There was a tension in the air, especially after the last episode of Anarchy and Kenzi Grey’s promise to give her notice to XWF tonight. The arena lights turned down as Kenzi’s theme music played and everyone waited to see what would happen with the new number one contender to the Anarchy Championship.

Vinnie narrowed his eyes, wondering if his antics had finally been too much for Kenzi and she’d bailed without even bothering to show up. Eventually she did appear, but true to her word she wasn’t dressed to compete. She made her way down to the ringside area and stood in front of Vinnie for a moment. Finally, she took up a microphone and rolled into the ring.

Kenzi Grey: “Part of me wanted to not even show up tonight, but I thought I owed everyone an explanation for why I was leaving the XWF after RIGHTLY becoming the Number 1 Contender for the Anarchy Title.”

Kenzi glared at Vinnie as he sat at ringside.

Vinnie Lane: “WHAT DID I DO?!”

Kenzi rolled her eyes as she went back to addressing the fans.

Kenzi Grey: “Love her or hate her, my wife didn’t deserve the treatment she got from the people in the back and especially from Vinnie Lane, someone I considered to be like a brother to me...when he wasn’t asking for threesomes between himself, Roxy, and me!”

Vinnie Lane: “Step brother/sister porn is like the number one content on YouPorn, Dude!”

Kenzi yelled back at him.


She took a moment to collect herself, then continued.

Kenzi Grey: “I came to Anarchy because Sarah was part of this company and I wanted to be near her. With her gone...FIRED...I don’t see much reason for me to stay here...even though I’m the greatest thing that this brand has ever seen! So, as of tonight, I am done with the XW-!”

All eyes turned to the entranceway as Bobbi London marched down, waving her hands to stop Kenzi before she could finish. Bobbi rolled into the ring and the two women shared a few heated words off mic, then Bobbi took the microphone from her.

Bobbi London: “NO! I’s not gonna sit back and allow all me ‘ard fuckin’ work be flushed away! I’s been ‘umiliated show after bloody show and finally...FINALLY I’s secure us a shot at the Anarchy strap...and now you’s taking the piss? NO! I’s not gonna allow’s getting in that bloody ring and showing these c*nts their next Anarchy Champ!”

Kenzi seemed flabbergasted by Bobbi’s behavior.

Kenzi Grey: “I DON’T HAVE TO DO SHIT BOBBI! We already talked about this...I’M DONE!”

Kenzi threw up her hands and turned to leave the ring, but Bobbi grabbed her and spun her around. Bobbi reeled from a hard smack to the face and she grabbed the much smaller woman by her throat, shoving her into a corner. As things started to get massively heated between Kenzi and Bobbi, a familiar theme song hit the arena.

The former Anarchy Champion Ruby, accompanied by the current champion Tula, came out to massive cheers, but both Kenzi and Bobbi looked rather annoyed by the interruption.

Vinnie Lane: “Finally, someone with some common sense, maybe??”

With a microphone already in hand, the masked Super Dear’O sprinted towards the ring and slid in, immediately getting in between the two women. Tula hung back for a bit, watching the proceedings from afar. Ruby meanwhile, held one gloved hand up, and tried to smooth things over.

Ruby: “What the flip, my girls? What’s all this I’m hearing, with the swearing and the bickering? You dudettes were like two hands on the steering wheel! But… mostly, Kenzi… Really?”

Kenzi raised an eyebrow at that question, as Bobbi just knitted hers together.

Ruby: “I mean, I get that you’re angry. And I’m not saying you don’t have good reason to be. You got put in an impossible situation because of the actions of THAT man!”

She pointed an accusatory finger at Vinnie, who looked shocked.

Vinnie Lane: “Hey!”

Ruby: “Come on, boss man, stop insulting our intelligence. We know you love playing games. But Kenzi, is your response to that REALLY just to walk away? That’s your prerogative of course, but… We need you, Kenzi. Anarchy needs you. Tula needs you. I need you. Bobbi says you shouldn’t throw away that shot at the Anarchy title, and she’s right, but the future of this brand is at stake, a brand that your wife helped build. Are you really going to turn your back on Tula and me and let us face the Brotherhood of Baddies all by ourselves tonight? We need you as backup, my girl. Now and in the future. Because you’re one of the few people on here I know I can actually trust. So please. I’m just a girl, standing here in a superhero costume, kindly asking you to please reconsider.”

Bobbi London: “And you’s bloody well should!”

Bobbi shouted back at Kenzi.

Bobbi London: “Never thought I’d agree with the cunt, but you gotta back ‘er up, mate.”

Ruby: “Siiigh. Languaaaage, pleeaaaase.”

But Ruby’s words seemed to go in one ear, and out the other, as Bobbi got even more aggressive and shoved Kenzi with all her might.

Bobbi London: “Or you’s gonna be sorry!”

Kenzi glared at Bobbi, her face flushed with anger.

[color=#FFD700]Kenzi Grey: “YOU’RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME FAT ASS!”

Bobbi drew back a giant fist and Ruby was right there to stop her from throwing it. Instead, Bobbi shrugged her off and backed away.

Bobbi London: “You’s pathetic Luv! I’s a two-time Internet Champion and I’s could beat Tula with both me ‘ands behind me back...”

The Anarchy Champion raised her eyebrow to this, but kept her cool.

Bobbi London: “...but instead I’s ‘ere doing all the fuckin’ work to make you’s look like a bloody world beater, but you’s can’t even ‘old a candle to these two drongos! Go...FUCKIN’ RUN OFF WITH YOU’S WIFE YOU’S USELESS C*NT!”

Ruby: “We’re bleeping all this out in post-production, right? What? This is LIVE? Darn it!”

For a moment it seems that Kenzi would leave, but she shook her head and moved out to the apron, apparently taking her spot as the third member of the team, but not before giving Bobbi the finger.

Kenzi Grey: “My last match...and I’ll show you useless...I’ll show you all useless!!”

Ruby pulled a face. She clearly wasn’t happy about Kenzi still holding on to the fact that this would be her last match, but at least for tonight, her problems were solved… hopefully. She and Tula joined Kenzi on the ring apron and awaited the arrival of B.O.B.
[Image: gR8affl.png]

Tula Keali'i, Ruby, and Kenzi Grey
- vs -
Robbie Bourbon, Barney Green, Money Oswald
Trios action!

Vinnie Lane: "Ladies and gents, I think we are about to see Kenzi Grey’s official retirement match… which, I guess, means I DON’T have to give her an Anarchy Title shot at High Stakes, no matter what my fiance tells me! Can’t give her a title shot if she QUITS, Rox, now can I???”

Then we see the lights go down, the X-Tron flashes the words “JOINUS!” and then the lights come back on, and the camera pans to see Bobby, Barney, and Oswald walking down to the ring, ignoring the fans as they get to the ring. Then all three men laugh at Tula’s team, and they enter the ring as one. Then they taunt to the crowd, and their theme dies down.


As the bell had rung, we see all 6 people in the ring, all trying to eye out who’s getting who. Then we see Oswald and Tula starting out, then Oswald reaches his hand out for a shake, but Tula refused it. Oswald goes for it again, and she swipes his hand, then he quickly punches her in the jaw, then he kept punching her until he got to the ropes and he chokes her until the ref counted to three, then Oswald hits her throat with a chop. Then the drags her to his corner, and tags in Bobby and Oswald lifts her arm up, and Bobby kicks her in the gut. Bobby then locks her in a Headlock, but Tula reverses it into a double leg takedown, then she mounds on his back and dishes out flurry of punches to the back of his head.

Then Barney comes in pulls her off of him, as Kenzi and Ruby shout at him. Then Barney quickly gets back into the corner, and we see Tula tagging in Kenzi, she then tries to lift up Barney, but he managed to give her a swift Headbutt. Then he the dishes his out some chops to her chest, until it turned red. Then he Irish Whips her, and connect with a Clothesline, then he drags her to his corner, and leaned her on the bottom. Then each men have a turn on giving her a mudhole stomp party on the corner.

Vinnie Lane: "Man, this team of Oswald, Green, and Bobby are dominating them tonight. How will Tula’s team hold up against these three BOB affiliates?"

Then we see Barney being the last guy to tag in for the mudhole stomp party on Kenzi, and he lifts her up to her feet away from them, and he gives her a one, two punch and hits a Bionic Elbow on Kenzi and goes for the cover….



Vinnie Lane: "Close call there, but the Super Dear’O is right there to save the day, as usual!”

Ruby quickly hops over the ropes, and Barney looks at Ruby with anger. He then goes up to her, and Ruby slaps him in the face, which gave Kenzi some time to recover. She then Back Rakes him a few times, then he turns around and she hits him with a Roundhouse Kick that caused him to stumble, then does a combo set of Knee Strikes onto Barney. Then he ended up stumbling into her corner, and she goes to the other corner, and she charges at Barney and she hits him with Knee Strike/Bulldog combo onto him. Kenzi then taunts to the crowd, and she tags in Tula, as we see Ruby extending for her hand for the tag, which she couldn’t get.

Vinnie Lane: The way it’s going, it might be in the favor for Tula’s team, but I hope Ruby get get her time to shine into the match.

Tula then goes to work on Barney’s left arm, she then goes for an Armbar, but Barney rolled out the ring. Then we see Oswald and Bobby get into the ring and attack Tula, then Kenzi and Ruby helped even the odds by attacking them back. Then we see Tula tossing Oswald out of the ring, as it was left with Bobby, then Tula grabs Bobby by the belly and gives him a stiff looking overhead Belly to Belly. Then we see Bobby also rolling out of the ring, as Kenzi and Ruby head back to the corner.

Then we see Barney back in the ring, and Tula tries to do another Overhead Belly To Belly Suplex, but Barney hooked his leg on her leg and reverses it into his own. Then he beams for the ropes and goes for a huge body splash onto her. He then goes for the cover, but she quickly kicked out before the ref counted. Barney then tries to lock in a Brock Lock on Tula, but she managed to turn it into a Six Seconds Of Magic. Barney was struggling to break the hold until Oswald comes in and breaks the hold by Big Booting her on the back.

Tula’s in pain, while Barney was holding his arm in pain. We see Oswald getting back into his corner, getting heat with the ref. Then we see both of them trying to get there own corners to tag in…

Vinnie Lane: Oh man, this is getting to be pretty freakin rad! I have an odd feeling that Tula’s gonna get that tag before Barney does.

As both of them itch to the corner, we see the wrestler all getting revved up for that hot tag moment….





Ruby jumps over the ropes, and she starts to clean house with punches and kicks on her opposition side. Then she manages to Barney up on his feet, and she decks him with kicks on his face and body, then she beams herself to the ropes and she goes for a Crossbody on Bobby. She then gets on her feet, and she stomps on the mat to get the fans going for her. Then we see Bobby getting on his feet, and she goes for a standing Hurricanrana into a pin..




Vinnie: “Oh man, Ruby surely had got this one in the bag, but she’s having serious trouble with the Hart Champion affiliated with BOB! Let’s see how this match continues…”

Rob gets up and Ruby runs up his chest, looking to kick him in the mush as she backflips - but Bourbon swats it away and meets her when she hits the ground with a thunderous falling clothesline. This gives Rob time to get back to his corner and make a tag to Big Money, who charges in with a head of steam but gets dropped in a drop toe hold by the Bana Lime Blur!

Ruby finds the will to step onto Money’s back and then she drives a hard double stomp into the back of his head… it looks like his teeth actually went into the canvas!

Ruby then leaps from Oswald to her corner, tagging in Tula once again as the Anarchy Champ looks FIRED UP to put this one away.

Oswald stands but Tula gets to him quickly and lays in some serious Volcano Kicks to his ribs and side. He takes one to the liver and buckles, and then a hrd kick to the leg sends him down like a felled tree.

Vinnie Lane: “This is exactly how Tula ended up champion of Anarchy, by always using her strengths to her advantage as well as working on her opponents’ biggest weaknesses!”

For a second it looks like Big Money found an opening, as he reaches up from one knee to grab Keali’i in a choke, but Tula wisely slams an Asiatic spike right into Money’s big neck and sends him stumbling back, coughing.

Oswald leans into a corner, and it looks like Tula is ready to light him up with some finishing kicks, but outside the ring BOBBI LONDON lifts her top and starts wagging her big ol’ wallabies around! There are kids in attendance Bobbi!

Vinnie Lane: “OH MY GOD dude! Why is London showing off her boobs all the time!?!?”

Everyone stares at Bobbi, especially Graves, who practically loses his potato. You probably didn’t even know Graves was nearby, but that’s how sneaky he is.

Bobbi jumps up onto the apron and grabs Kenzi’s hand, making her slap Tula on the back.

Vinnie Lane: “Legal tag, says the official… kinda surprising, but hey, a lot of shocking things happen in this town.”

Kenzi gets into the ring slowly, with Tula eyeballing her pretty hard. It doesn’t seem like Anarchy Champion liked that move too much. Maybe she thinks Kenzi and Bobbi are setting her up? But for Kenzi’s part, she looks just as confused. At least Bobbi put her lovely lady lumps away, finally.

Oswald, full of saltpeter, charges from the corner… right into a big SUPERGIRL PUNCH from Kenzi! She looked just like Sarah Lacklan when she executed that move… and looks even more like her as she grabs Oswald around the head and drops him with THE ABYSS!!!!!!

Vinnie Lane: “Was that an homage to her wife or a middle finger to me? Either way - it worked well! Money is down and out, and the ref is in position!”



Robbie and Barney try to rush in and break it up, but Tula and Ruby hit them each with matching epars, and the count continues!


Winners by Pinfall - Kenzi Grey, Tula Keali’i, and Ruby

Vinnie Lane: “What a match! But the bigger story here, folks, is can Tula trust Kenzi? Is Bobbi London watching Kenzi’s back alone as a friend, or because she’s trying to get her to join B.O.B? OR… are Kenzi and London IN CAHOOTS!?!? We’ll have to find out next time, we’re all out of time!”

The three victors stand in the ring as Anarchy fades out.


Kenzi Grey
Big D
Tula Keali’i
Tommy Wish
And Joe Biden

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