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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » High Stakes Battle Royale RP Board
Chapter 2: The Atmosphere
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(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-29-2020, 02:29 PM

Chapter 2: The Atmosphere

The congregation are still chanting as the man tilts his head down as the light begins to fade. A sense of pride begins to fill the room. The man points towards you as he begins to walk towards the back of the stage.

You aren’t nervous, in fact it is the exact opposite. A clear mind and not a butterfly stirring in your belly. You are calm as you follow the man down a long hallway. Just like the main hall it is lit by the same ornate candelabras dancing in the air.

Each step echos as the two of you walk in lock step. His shoulders are broad and his nerves unflinching. You run your hand along the brick wall as you flick the dust from your palm as it falls towards the ground.

The two of you reach a large set of wooden doors. There are carvings in the wood, some seem worn while the ones near the edges of the door seem fresher as the wood exposed is a lighter color than the rest. Without much effort the doors are swung open.

Inside the room is a large seemingly oak desk, aged quite a bit with a large, almost throne like chair behind it. Along the walls are bookcases, books are overhanging and shoddily placed on the shelves. The man points to a dusty chair for you to sit on the other side of the desk. You pat the fabric as a plume of dust shoots out and fills the air. A slight tingle in your throat causes a cough.

“You….”The man said while turning his back towards you. “You almost got away.” You notice something in his hands as he turns around.“Tell me son, why did you run?”

Your thoughts are swirling, knowing what you know now it was foolish to attempt to run. A disheveled look falls over your face and just as you’re about to open your mouth the clinking of two glasses catches your attention. The man sets a pair of glasses on the desk.

“It’s okay to not know.” A brandy snifter is next to follow. The amber liquid swirls around as the man’s head turns towards you.“People tend to run from that which they don’t understand. People will take one look at my parishioners and deem us a cult. Say that they were poisoned by my words, that they were broken and left to starve. What we are here is not a cult. We are a group of individuals who together can thrive.” He slowly turns the snifter over and pours the liquid into the glasses. “The creator created light first, and those who follow it are granted paradise. Do you know what came second son?”

[color=lime]“The atmosphere. I went to Sunday School.”
You said confidently as the glass is slid across the desk.

“That is right, but do you know why it was second?” The man begins to run his finger over the edge of his glass. Sitting there you ponder the query.

“I don’t know.” You meekly answer. A slight laugh comes from the man as he continues to run his finger over the glass.

“So you have this rock floating in space. You have shone you’re light unto it. You feel this is a good start. Well should you ever want to have life in this rock, it needs air. Nothing can survive in the vacuum of space and as the creator you know this to be true. So you create the atmosphere, but even then you make it layered. Nothing is done without its purpose.” The man reaches up and grabs the bottom portion of his mask and slides it upwards. He lifts his glass and gives you a quick nod before sipping the contents.

“When we finally see the light, and are able to breathe, there isn’t a single force on this planet capable of the destruction of man. For when we were granted this paradise, we turned it into ruin. People only thought of themselves. They no longer cared for the community.” You take a sip of the liquid. It’s biting and causes you to wince slightly. A shiver goes down your spine and your throat is warmed. You can feel it as it travels downward. “It’s everyone out for themselves. That’s why when the war comes, I’ll be fine. I know that there isn’t anyone ‘on my side’, I don’t have allies. Each and everyone of them view this battle as something different.”

Your vision starts to blur. The lights begin to have trails, as the walls begin to crumble around you. The man sits there stoic and unmoving. As the bricks around you begin to fall the both of you are transported to an open field. Large oak trees surround you on all sides.

A slight rustling is heard off in the distance. The man stands there with his arms behind his back, chest out and surveying the horizon.

“Do you hear that?” You give a nod in confirmation. “What you’re hearing are the sounds of the approaching armies.”

The ground begins to tremble. You can feel it getting stronger with each second. You take a step backwards, but a hand between your shoulder blades halts your movement.

“Do not run.” The timbre of the man’s voice is steady. “Do not cower. For with me you are protected.”

Through the trees bodies are seen. Running full force towards you. In your mind you repeat what he just said.

“Do not run. Do not cower. I’m protected.”

The approaching mass begins to pick up speed as it gets closer to the two of you. You look over your shoulder at the man. He glanced down towards you and gives you a quick nod, before returning to the mass approaching.

Closer and closer they get. Their howls and screams are piercing. The first few approach and bare their teeth.

Closer still.

Rearing back ready to strike. They leap towards you. On instinct alone you raise an arm to shield yourself.



As you lower your arm you see them pounding on some sort of invisible barrier. Each time their hand strikes it, a smattering of sparks fly in every direction.

“I told you. You’re protected.” The man takes a few steps towards the barrier. Slowly he reaches a hand out and it passes through. He grabs one of the unfortunate souls by the back of the head. “Remember when I told you I would treat everyone as a threat?”

You quickly lock eyes with the unfortunate soul, as their head is bashed against the barrier. The sparks fly and drift towards the ground next to the unconscious body of the fallen warrior.

“Everyone prepares for war differently.” The man pulls his hand back within the barrier. As he dusts his hands off he walks towards you. Placing a hand on your shoulder he continues. “If you look closely you can see the game unfolding right before your very eyes. The pawns leading the charge. Unknown to them they are just fodder to wean the numbers.”

“Just look at this one on the ground and the girl next to him.” A quick point to the body. “I’m sure he was very motivated, athletic, reliable and focused. What he lacked in all of this was the will and drive to win. Just look at him now. She thought he stood a chance in this war just by simply showing up. That’s what most of these warriors missed… the forethought. Most of the people are green as shit. They haven’t seen a true war. They are here for their moment. They want to play the hero. They want to come home to their names on a marquee. Little do they realize it’s all for not. The weak willed. The sick in the head. The ones who are playing the game, are the ones blind to it.”

The man once again takes his place next to you. Slowly he raises an open palm towards the tree line.

“Those ones waiting in the back are the smart ones. Notice how they send everyone out first to get a lay of the land. Watching and waiting for the right moment. They sit there casting their snide remarks at those that they need, only for friendships to be broken.” He looks down towards you. “It is war after all. Brother O Brother why hast thou forsaken me, as your own flesh and blood stabs you in the back in the name of glory.”

“That right there is why we stand alone. We don’t need any misconceptions. We don’t need any more threats. What we do is go into the battle with a clear mind and one goal.”
He looks back towards the open field and lets out a short sigh. “Do you know what that goal is?”

“To Win.” You say with a fire in your eyes, firmly affixed to the tree line. “We don’t worry about the pawns.”

“Did you not listen at all?” A tone of dissatisfaction from the man. “We need to worry about everyone. Even a pawn can make it across the board to become a queen. Take them for example.”

A hulking beast of a man, a shrouded man with a mask, and a woman with auburn hair walk tentatively up to the barrier. The two men wearing the same colors thrash at the barrier, but make no progress. The woman on the other hand only seems to care about who is watching her. She catches your eye, and much like a siren she beckons you. Lost in her allure you take a step towards her.

And then another.

The man grabs you and diverts your attention to the tree line.

“Be weary of the pawns.” The man points to a few men that are now just making the battlefield. “These fools were sent to their death, all for them. Look at these three. The hulking mass of a man. All of the skills in the world at his disposal but he would rather cavort with trash. Bringing not only himself down but everything he’s ever accomplished as well. And look at who he is with a man shrouded by a mask, much like myself, who is a far better warrior than he gets credit for, but he is always seen as a joke. Both men yelling and screaming for people to join their cause. Have you noticed we here at the congregation don’t do that? We want people to be here because they want to, not because of some flier they saw one time.” The two men tire themselves out, and begin arguing. They break down and begin fighting each other. The woman walks right past them and places a hand on the barrier.

An outline of her hand in the barrier begins to form, as she gently presses against it. The barrier warps for a moment as she lets out her siren song. The man turns a quick eye towards her, as sparks begin to fly from the barrier. With a quick and ear piercing yelp, she snatched her hand away.

“She got to you didn’t she? Her song. The allure. The beauty.” The man chuckles as he continues. “It’s okay, you wouldn’t be the first man to fall under her spell, and I doubt you’ll be the last. She’s a crafty one. She doesn’t use her own abilities to climb, she uses other means. While she herself is talented, something is always missing.” The man points towards the trees. “They have it, she doesn’t. The drive. The motivation. The passion. As long as we avoid her gaze she’ll run out of steam soon enough. She wasn’t built for the long haul, just small bursts of excitement, and then fades to black.”

The battle rages on outside of the barrier. Chaos ensues. Embers flying in the air, smoke covering the field. It all crescendos and then fades slowly. An eerie silence falls as you look around. Looking for something, for anything.

The faint crack of a twig under a foot. The rustling of leaves on the opposite side. From the shadows five men appear. The man in the mask stands tall once more.

“And there they are. The back line of the war.” He walks up to the barrier and right out into the open, leaving you protected. “The Doctor, the cagey veteran, the unknown, and the best friends.”

All five sets of eyes land on the man. You start to walk towards the man, but blindly he holds up a hand.

“Stay. You’re here to witness this.”

Deflated, you stop as the five men circle the man. Ever confident he doesn’t back down. His chest puffed out and arms behind his back. He clears his throat.

“The five of you are what’s left. The others in this battle have been washed away like the stench they are. So how shall I address you? One at a time? Or is this a group project?” None of the men answer. Each one bearing their teeth, and some with a low growl. “Very well. Individually it is.”

“Well if it isn’t the good doctor. Rising once again from the ashes of wherever the hell you reside these days. I’m glad you have decided to make a house call. Welcome back.”
The man turns to the unknown. “Then there is you. The other unknown in this war. I saw you invoke the names of the past, as if they mean anything. You’re living under the assumption that being great is something you can accomplish. Sad really. Just another lost sheep looking for his shepherd. Welcome to the war.”

“And then finally there’s the three of you. The veteran. So close on so many occasions only to be overshadowed by those around you. You clamor for their spotlight, only to be cast aside. You’re here to claim the one thing you have never held in your grasp. For so long you’ve clamored for it, only to watch your peers grab ahold of it and keep it from your cancerous grasp.”
The two friends stand there unblinking and unwavering. “The young lions roar for their supremacy. Standing side by side at the front of the pack. Chasing their prey to feed off of. But what’s going to happen if the two of you have to square off for your meal? I’m sure everything will be above board and the one who hasn’t climbed to the top of the mountain will surely step aside for the one that has? Yes….” The man walks right up to the one that has been to the top before. “Look at you now. From a dominant force, to a little boy drowning in the expectations set for him. You no longer have a virus flowing in your veins. You no longer have the safety of a mass behind you. You’re essentially neutered. Impotent. Weak. That feeling in your gut right now? That overwhelming sense of dread? That’s your soul telling you that what needs to be done isn’t going to be easy. It’s not going to be pretty. I want to thank each and everyone of you for your humble sacrifice. I was once told I shouldn’t turn my back to people that are a threat.”

The man takes one step backwards, and then fully turns to face you. His arms are still behind his back as he confidently walks through the barrier. He stands next to you and places a hand on your shoulder. The five men begin to rush towards the barrier, but with his strength guiding you, there is no flinching. No cowering. Just anticipation when you are suddenly blinded by a warm light. You shield your eyes just as the five men reach the barrier.




You hear the faint sound of a glass setting down as you slowly open your eyes. You are back in the chamber, the man is sitting across from you. He leans forward on the desk.

“So what did we learn?” He questions you. You still are unsure of what happened and your eyes are still adjusting to the dim lighting.

“I….I don’t know.” You stammer. The man lets out a small chuckle.

“That’s okay, my first time I didn’t get it either.” He leans back in his chair and continues. “What that was, was a brief telling of the battle. Sure with that we don’t have an outcome, but it allows us to see the battle and prepare. We call it the atmosphere.” The man points to the bookcases. “I did my research on everyone that could possibly be in the battle. Some good, most bad.”

You question while looking at the books.

“Each person on this planet was granted a witness. Whether they were known to them or not.” The man stands up and grabs a book off of the shelf and hands it to you. It’s thick and leather bound. The binding is worn as if it was read thousands of times. “Read that. That’s my story. It’s filled with many trials and tribulations, but I never gave up hope, and I kept fighting.”

The man walks towards the door but pauses for a moment.

“There is room at the end of that book. I expect you to finish it. As my witness, it is your duty. It’s your birthright. It’s imperative that you grab the pen and scribe what you see.”

The man walks out of the room and the door shuts with a loud boom that echoes in the hall. Sitting there only slightly confused you toss the book in your hands. Looking around the room you take a deep breath and crack open the spine. You open it to the first inscription, a yellowed page with a few words written in black ink, is the first thing you see.

“For You, The Witness”

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