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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » High Stakes Battle Royale RP Board
Tha Bluest Carpet Treatment- An Endtrospective Of Reggie.
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Reggie Estrada Offline

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

10-26-2020, 04:02 AM

[The scene opens up to some blue carpeted event that is hosted by XWF. The event is unknown, maybe something to do with High Stakes or something, as we see some familiar faces passing by. Then we see Reggie in his black shirt, jeans, and raggedy shoes walking down the carpet, with some people taking photos of him. Then as he walks down, he’s bombarded by a bunch of people asking him questions who look like “journalist” within the wrestling world, and he takes his time to answer some of them.]

Mark Fur Life #1: Hey Reggie, why did you come back to the XWF? What made you think you got it in you do it again?

Reggie: I was bored, and I wanted to do something within my time. I said to myself.. “get your ass on up, and call some people”.. and boom, it was set in stone.

Murk Fur Life #3: How did you get into prison in San Diego?

[Reggie ignores that question.]

Finklestien: Reggie, I know that you had your brief championship reign as X-Treme champion, do you think you’ll go after it again? The main reason why I asked was because I saw potential with that belt on you, AND I would also ask you about your FTX belt… why did you leave it in Japan?

[Reggie eyes lights up.]

Reggie: Nope, all that belt was just a company thing and it’s to prove to them on who’s a better “wrestler” per say… well, I guess that guy who shall remain nameless, can play the game way better than I could. Even if I had retained, there was sense of dread to play their game of being a Ben Dover. That wasn’t going to be me, so I said fuck it… and the FTX belt to Japan, it was a signal that I couldn’t prove I wasn’t able to hold the promise to hold a sanctioned belt. But I don’t know, i might end up bringing it up again in the near future on TV.

Murk Fur Life #2: Why did you publicly put out to the world that your daughter wasn’t yours? That seemed kinda trashy to put that on Television, bro.

[Reggie then remained dead eyed, and balls his fist. He then puts his head down, but then he gets on their mic to speak on it.]

Reggie: Look man, it was all just a blur for me at that point, I was far gone into an world I didn’t want to be apart of. So it’s just the fact I didn’t care, and wanted that so called family man feel like he had something to put over my head, when in reality… paternity anit shit to me.

Murk Fur Life #2: What do you mean by that, Reggie? Are you saying you aren’t a good father?… it seems like you aren’t a good dad.

[Reggie then kept his fist in a ball, but kept his cool as he looked at another interviewer, and he notices one of the finest looking interviewer, who dons a red dress, long black hair, who slightly resembles the girl whom was responsible for his brief reign as X-Treme champion. She then managed to part the interviewers like the red sea, just to talk to Reggie.]

Monica From Wrasslin’ Talk: Hey Reggie, big fan of your work so far, I wanted to know about how you feel about High Stakes that’s coming up soon, and how do you feel about the people who are involved with the battle royal itself?

[Reggie, totally mesmerized by her lips and her low cut dress showing all that cleavage. He then snaps out of it, and tries to answer her question.]

Reggie: Oh that thing, yeah… i’m pumped for it I guess, and that battle royal is going to be an amazing time for me.

Monica From Wrasslin’ Talk: How do you feel about the fierce competition? Do you think you’ll be the last one standing?

Reggie: I’m not worried at all bout them, and realistically I don’t… you want to know why?

Monica From Wrasslin’ Talk: Why?

Reggie: It’s simple logic, out of all the people who sign their name onto that dotted line, and cut their promos… there is a good chance, that I won’t be able to see the sunset in the south. While everyone expects a happy ending, I don’t see that happening for me.

Monica From Wrasslin’ Talk: You shouldn’t be so hard on yourself Reggie, you got to know these fans have your back through and through, and I know full well you’ll make it.

[Then she comes up to him, whispers something in his ears and she walks off from the carpet with a smile on her face, as Reggie has a slack jaw expression. Once she left, Reggie then looks at all those flashing lights, and blocked his face with his hand, and walks out of the carpet with all the “journalist” creeping up on him, as the scene fades out.]


“Man, being in the spotlight sucks, since I am very introverted person, and all those questions they slanged on me was totally on the left field and was to much for me, guess that’s the drawback of being a wrestler for XWF. But once I saw that chick, shit got me in a daze like I remember her from from somewhere, I don’t know where, but somewhere prior or some shit. But, now she’s just another broad who passing me by; and i’m the least annoyed by it.

Moving on with other important manners…this battle royal.

You all seen my last message, and I meant all that shit to the Tee. While everyone wants to be the winner, there’s gotta be some losers within the matrix of the battle royal. You see, when one man enters that ring… you never know who’ll be the one to pull that trigger, and blast away the competition. As many men (or women) try to get themselves locked and loaded, there might be some few rotten apples that can ruin it for all.

I won’t say who the names of the rotten apples… but I will mention some of them by their merit.

Can I bring a witness on to the stand… of the high jury of rotten apples?


Can I bring to the stand of a Green, Soft N’ Fluffy, former shape shifter, the best ASSet, the bitter Bourbon taste in my mouth, half of a team member who’s name sounds like DDP, the doctor of brain trauma, and three new comers… of the high jury of rotten apples?
Take a guess…

If you voted no…then you are right, you get no prizes whatsoever from me. But what they do get, is knowing that more and more people who partake in this thing, will be the low hanging fruit that will be filled with maggots, bugs, and other disturbing things that shall inherit these low hanging fruits in the battle royal.

You see people, they are the low hanging fruit that I will peel off and toss to the people of Tombstone, Arizona. They will end up being on a receiving end of a Mexican stand off with myself, and will have to be quick on their draw, or else they will end up being in a morgue. But since this isn’t western spaghetti film, this will be a tragedy of some sorts who shall have to encounter the ghost of badass, rebellious one like myself who might not have a slight of being the last man standing.

I am an outlaw, and will get rid off all the low hanging fruits in that ring…even if it kills me or will cause the townspeople of Tombstone to want to commit a public execution on me via hanging, for getting rid of some of their favorite wrestlers who they placed their bets on to be the last man standing.

So to all, you are nothing more than a low hanging fruit… to my journey to infamy.”

A Flithy Animal
[Image: socialist-fist_design.png]
3x X-Treme Champion
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