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T.H.U.G.S Offline
Tribalistic Mindstas

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-04-2020, 07:20 PM has reported that Wiggins, Tommy, and JB have worn a suit and standing at the podium, where there was little to no people there.

Mr. Wiggles: Let me make it simple, these two guys are here to announce that they are going to reform the THUGS and both men will be back in the ring full time. Also, Tommy has told me to tell you all, that he's given up the whole Freak gimmick and gear, and has given it to someone else to play the character. He has told me he's given it to Eric Polulu, who was thrilled to take the part and make it his own. Here are JB and Tommy discussing their decision on their plans.

Tommy fixes his tie and speaks on the podium.

Tommy: You see, I had given up the gimmick due to having to be involved with wanting to get back into the ring as myself... well, in this case as Tommy Tomford as I am going to partake in that New Gen thing battle royal, paying homage to the late Rad Radford. So when I contacted Eric, he said he'd do it and will manage to continue the shit, and add his own twist to it. So, to Greggo and Ash... I won't be in the match this upcoming Warfare from now. So, what ever happens happens...JB you got next.

JB fixes his purple mask, tie, and drinks a bottle of water then speaks on the podium.

JB: Yeah, whats up y'all... as you all may know, I got next against As---errr Halocen this coming Saturday from now, so be on a look out for that. I may or may not be in that new gen rumble as a gladiator version of Faarooq called Joorooq, in that shitty outfit he worn (nope)... when Tommy called me last night, and told me he wants in with this THUGS shit... I said fuck yeah. Me and him, might do our own singles thang but when we link up, we about to tear up some shit.

Mr. Wiggles: That is all for now, be sure to check out all the shows to see what all three men are bound to get into. Also, since my clients have been kicked out from B.O.B, they shall not be able to promote nor hype them up any longer. But, they can still be involved with their in ring antics if need be.

JB: Pretty much it, it's still fuck BOB... but if they want us around, they know where we be lurking in. Me and Tommy are back, and ready to blast the XWF's glass ceiling of hate n shit....

Tommy: We're just back for with it!

It cuts to "The preceding was underfunded by T.H.U.G.S Inc."
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(Gravy_Xtreme_5000) Offline

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-04-2020, 07:43 PM

Good to see ya back boys!

One thing tho, it's #JoinBOB not Fuck BOB!


These guys...

Such clowns!

[Image: MOSHED-2023-6-19-16-15-56.gif]
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Charlie Nickles Offline
TITLE - The TV Champion

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

10-04-2020, 07:50 PM

"I think I killed your boy Reggie."

[Image: Jdsm6ZU.png]
Reigning, Defending, Bloodletting
[Image: jtHw5j1.png]
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Ash Quinn

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

10-05-2020, 04:32 AM

So let me get this straight boyos you two are just saying fuck it cuz you rebuilt your crap ass tag team! Good on ya
Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

10-05-2020, 03:06 PM

(10-04-2020, 07:20 PM)T.H.U.G.S Said:

It cuts to "The preceding was underfunded by T.H.U.G.S Inc."

"My friends. You know you don't have to be underfunded. Ask and ye shall receive. You know this by now. I don't mind funding BOB affiliated people."

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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