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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 3 RP Board 2020
Stoned Rose
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Gator Offline
The Walking Disaster

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

09-19-2020, 08:20 PM

In the darkness a bright spark clears the black as a red hue fades in and out to every breath.

"I put a lot of thought into this."

The voice rings clear through the void. The lit cigarette hangs from a stubbled mouth.

"About a big elaborate display or showing how I've grown as a person."

Two gloved fingers take away the cigarette and a red mask is pulled over the mouth.

"Some personal growth and how it's acceptable that a twenty-eight-year-old man is putting on a spandex catsuit to fight a geriatric warlock."

The clunk of an old lever and a spotlight is shun upon "our hero" stood smoking back in his old regalia, wearing it proudly like a medal of honour. And yes, that's honour with a "U". He tosses the cigarette into the never-ending blackness around him.

"But I thought, fuck it! Everyone does the same old shit here, the same old boring as fuck formula that got approved because 'daddy liked it'. Fade in, this person is doing a day to day activity, how interesting! What's that over there!"

He hops forward and searches the void, a hand over his brow to shield the spotlight.

"Oh! It's a washed-up wrestler stung out on drugs trying to work his way back into society!"

He straightens his posture walking forwards taking another drag from the cigarette. The smoke inhales and flows through his mask like air flowing through a skull. He points a lazy finger into the black below him with a swivel.

"Oh sick, look at the little cunt go. Working at a gym, training kids, trying to make himself look like a respectable member of society. Good for him... Oh now he's getting a phone call, cool, now he's walking away while looking more stressed until the second eventual fade and you get the point, yeah!?"

A quick wash of the hands like making nothing disappear in front of your eyes, his head angles to face you. A straightened brow gazes on your complexion pass black glass.

"The same old rigmarole that's been passed down from generation to generation. The glimpse into a cordoned portion of your life to give the glimmer of hope that you're a fucking human being not just to the chump watching but to yourself. That tiny slither of substantiality that really makes you want to believe you are not just a fucking ant waiting for that moment the magnifying glass comes on then so they'd be in the light just one more time and go out in a blaze of fucking glory. That part of your life, the part that says "Man this guy is a lot like Robert Main but WAY fucking better." that fucking part!"

"That just to go to a cut to black and."

He plops himself onto a chair back in the spotlight. Crossing a leg over his knee with a casual tossing the cigarette away like the last clip in a magazine.

"Sit in the void and talk about your opponent. No emotion, no feeling. The person you saw in those clips before has now been lead away and shot in the back of the head because they no longer exist! They don't need to exist, there part is done. That shit you saw was solely there so you could feel for this person in front of you now, so you could look into their eyes and fool yourself into believing that they're not full of shit. Into actually thinking they are humans who live and breathe when in reality this is who they really are."

"When they sit down in this fucking black space like they've been told to by a strict teacher punishing a student. Like they're being forced to do a job, that's when you see them for what they really are. A one-use confetti explosion of quirky jokes and witty one-liners to distract you from those two beady white eyes behind the falling coloured pieces of paper are slowly dimming second by second."

"Every single sad cunt in this place does the same fucking thing, week-in, week-out and tries to appear like a functioning adult. And for what?"

A red speckle shines whilst falling delicately.

"Praise? A prize? A legacy? Before eventually..."

He claps loudly with a disturbing echo and the dim light vanishes.

"Fading into nothingness."

He gets to his feet with a skip, retrieving another cigarette from thin air and lighting it from an ember of the decaying red.

"Sure you can force yourself back try a new approach. Dress different, act differently."

Start an inner-monolgue.

"But you're the same sad clown, the only real difference is you paid money for a stupid new nose."

He pinches his nose with a faint honk before taking a drag of the cigarette.

"Now all you have to add onto your already dead career is a failed comeback a couple more losses under your belt. Great job there stud, you really showed those haters."

He gives a thumbs up, a wide smile forming under his mask before he dances into a twist and moonwalks to left.

"Dance for the people! Wave at the people! Blow them kisses! Show those cunts how you used to be! Remember back when you used to be fun!? When you actually were delighted to sit down in the void? For a chance to interact with another human being?"

He stops. A panted breath as he faces away. Head looking to the ground he spins his hands and looks back up.

"Remember when you used to be good?"

A deep intake of nicotine followed by bellows of dark smoke.

"Good. Not great, never great. That's what you were. Good enough to be a mid-tier champ, not good enough for the top prize. Mediocre? Mediocre was a better word. But you were always beating everyone under your feet so... Above average? That might fit better... No one remembers that person who teetered on the tight rope, people only cared about the ones that made it between those two buildings or fell to their deaths."

A crack of the neck. The popping of knuckles.

"You ever know how it feels to come back only for a robot to tell you to pick a number?"

He turns with a faraway look in his glassy eyes.

"It's a weird feeling. It's like a dog you grew up with wagging its tail when it sees you but reels back and barks when you go to pet it. That's how I got greeted back here. How did you Doc?"

A full rotation of his body, hunched over. His hands clasped together as he practically forces a singular raised eyebrow through the polyester-cotton blend.

"You devilish old scrote. I can picture your grin and confident chuckle at the mention of your name. You got your round of applause and complimentary writstie under the banquet table while I got the scraps and the script. Follow the lines, play along and maybe you'll get into Hall of Legends sometime between Mastermind and Aerial Knight... Anyone remember Aerial Knight!? Fuck man I'm getting old. I beat him like twenty times."

The spotlights flickers on and off, he looks to it a little deflated.

"Oh c'mon! Everyone loved a few classic Gator tangents."

Quote:Yeah and people used to like these too.

He jerks back with a disgusted growl in his throat.

"Fuck! They always looked that ugly?"

With a weary double-take towards the abomination above him, he fixes his stance and continues his cigarette.

"So D'Ville. You get your name on our own walk of fame, your chair in the retirement castle, your section of history is proudly put on display. Well done, dude, proud of you! Big kisses all the way. To say you didn't deserve it would be a lie. You fucking earned everything you have man, own that! And I am so proud that I put you on that path when I utterly decimated you back when you tried for my title."

He claps his hands together, teetering on tip-toes that slowly land him back as he savours this moment.

"But you sure taught me when I was crowned Universal Champion and you blindsided me a minute later."

A glow around him fades.

"Cheeky, old man, very cheeky. And when we had our rematch. Heyman's House of Horrors, fuck we were cringey back then when naming shit. But the match was brutal at least. Broken glass."

A loud shatter and a brief flash in the darkness, the image of Gator throwing D'Ville through a chamber.

"Blood. Torn flesh."

A cry of agony, the roar of the crowd getting louder to the image of D'Ville laughing while raking Gator's head against steel chains. The fabric of his mask ripping away as the metal boars into his cheek.

"Near falls. Drama, swerves and maybe even some romance?"

Fanart of D'Ville x Gator blinks in and out of existence before returning back to the darkness.

"And Sebastian Duke being the creepiest fucking jack in the box and knocking me out so you could get a win. Ding, ding, ding and I'm done."

"No one remembers the second fiddle. I was the Vanilli to your Milli, the Kross in Kriss Kross and other 90s references. Now, Doc, I'm not saying I'm better than you. I'm not and you know me, man! I know what I'm about, I was a wrestler because I enjoyed it and I knew where I was on the totem pole back in the day. You were a fucking star going supernova, man! You got to the top and you stayed there! You got with the Kings who used you to boost their ego and make themselves relevant for a moment before falling back into obscurity. Lucky we got Theo 'feuding with Chris Chaos' Pryce to keep that heartbeat above baseline. Then you keep going and going and land yourself with Unknown Soldier and the two of you obliterate XWF's forever dwindling tag roster and be the next consecutive team to, say it with me."

He ushers his arms up so for everyone to join in.

"Make these titles relevant."

He stifles a chuckle taking another drag.

"Seriously everyone, shut the fuck up with that. No, you didn't and no one cares. It's like every single time a team wins that's what they say, are those belts cursed? Whatever. You """""""""""destroyed""""""""""" the two other teams necessary for us to have a tag-team division and Soldier does what Soldier does best and bolts when things are looking really good for him. I swear that boy is afraid of commitment, must have left you heartbroken. Then what happens? You dim and you fade and you fall. Be a thing to inspire the Sarah Lacklans and Engineers of the world while I have the good fortune to half-assed prod cunts like Noah Jackson and Ned Kaye. You try and retake that glow in the spotlight with failed attempts against whoever the fuck and Lux but it only pushes you back down deeper into those pits that even though you have the spunk in your balls you just can't get your dick hard enough to finish."

A clench of the fist and tension of muscles.

"Man, I know that feeling all too well! At least you have your accolades, man. You were always one of the bests. You could control the crowd with ease but you just couldn't rile them up like me!"

A theatric throw of the hand and a deafening roar from the crowd with the image of fans screaming over the barricade, tossing plastic containers filled with flowing alcohol.

"You could make a man feel so small with just a show of your fangs but I could destroy their bloodline with a non-sequitur."

The crowd grow louder as he grins under his mask almost shouting over the drunken plebeians within the fading dreamscape.

"You were the better man and I can admit that."


"But if you think I'm letting you walk into Relentless 6 years after I carved my name into the foundations of this place, 5 years after Lane ended your reign and a year after making a total fucking ass of yourself... You thought wrong, bitch tits."

He jumps back into a crowd of youths screaming out like he dropped the biggest mic of all time. The sound fades, the image turning into dust as he continues walking the space with his cigarette staining the blackness.

"I'm excited, I am. Win or lose I'm gonna do what I do best and put on a fucking show. I'm here to show why I should be remembered, why I deserve the same recognition you do. That I deserve those trinkets you have... And fuck, man, if I have to cave your head in with a bat I'll do just that."

He begins to walk away, growing ever more distant in the blackness. Becoming smaller and smaller as he trails off with his cigarette.

"Before I go though."

He drops the cigarette onto the ground and stamps it out with a heel. Away from the spotlight, the fading embers are all that illuminate his features.

"While you returned to the primordial soup, I was still up here. And even though no one saw me, I made this place be the best it can be. Vinnie may have brought light back to the XWF but I was the poor cunt that had to keep changing the lightbulbs."

The hiss of flames dying. The slow collapse of darkness and everything stops.

[Image: 4H375RW.png?6]
Check out Backstage Page for full list of XWF achievements.
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[-] The following 6 users Like Gator's post:
Doctor Louis D'Ville (09-19-2020), Ned Kaye (09-19-2020), Robert "The Omega" Main (09-19-2020), Theo Pryce (09-20-2020), Thunder Knuckles™ (09-20-2020), Unknown Soldier (09-20-2020)

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