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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 3 RP Board 2020
Sarah's Saucy Sextape
Author Message
Charlie Nickles Offline
TITLE - The TV Champion

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

09-14-2020, 02:39 PM

[Image: BVX37xa.jpg]

The groggy man comes to with a confused expression etched across his bruised and battered face. His vision is blurry and his mind slow. He’s stretched out across a bed while wearing nothing but an ill-fitting hospital gown. Charlie’s hairy thighs are much too visible. The tubes that are connected to the veins in his arm drag along the ground as they connect the man to the beeping machines in the corner. His body wears the savage marks of war. His injured arm is cooped up in a sling. A blood-stained cloth bandage is wrapped around his forehead. His eyes are red and swollen.

Nurse: Oh hey there honey! How are you feeling?

Charlie looked at the heavyset woman with a blank stare. Her baby blue scrubs and curled gray hair blended together in streaks of color as Charlie struggled to compose himself. His tongue swirled around in his mouth, feeling out each of the 17 stitches that had been put in place to stop the gushing of blood from The Freak’s twisted interference. The taste of barbed wire and blood was stuck to his tongue. His tongue was sliding along his top row of teeth when suddenly it got stuck in the gaping hole where a bicuspid used to be.

Nurse: Now you rest up, honey. You’ve been through a lot.

Charlie: M-m-m-mah….

Nurse: What’s that honey?

Charlie: Mah belt?

Nurse: Oh of course.

The ever-helpful nurse stepped over to a table placed along the side of the room. She grabbed the Heavymetalweight championship belt and placed it in Charlie’s lap. He looked down at it, visibly confused.

Charlie: O-o-other one...n-new one….

The nurse laughed off the clearly concussed man’s confused requests.

Nurse: I’ve got a lot of other patients to check on. If you need anything, you can tap that little button over there. Oh, and by the way: we reached out to your emergency contact. But the woman who answered said she didn’t know anyone by the name of Charlie and asked us to remove her number from our system. Remember, let me know if you need anything sweetie!

The gentlewoman pointed towards the emergency call button attached to Charie’s hospital bed. Charlie’s gaze drifted down to his Heavymetalweight belt as the nurse turned about face and disappeared into the blurry hallway. Charlie’s mind was racing as he tried to recall the night’s events. He leaned back in the bed, slowly drifting back to sleep as he was absorbed by the soft cotton sheets. The belt falls off his lap as Charlie fades to black.

[Image: xkHWIcJ.jpg]

Charlie awakens in a blur as the overpowering scent of mayonnaise fills his nostrils. Charlie looks around, his groggy gaze settling upon the weird slavic man dancing with a cat in the center of the room. Three open, half-eaten jars of mayonnaise sit alongside a mostly empty bottle of vodka on top of the end table.

Boris: Cyka blyat! Nails! You are awake, blin!

Boris approaches Charlie’s hospital bed with the cat held next to his chest. Charlie’s blurred vision continually distorts the shape and movements of the slav.

Boris: I brought a baby tiger to cheer you up! This one was just on the side of the road, blin! Free tigers! I learn new things about America every day.

Charlie looks at the blurry and streaky man with a blank stare. The injured man’s head pounds with immense pressure as his aching body pains all over.

Boris: Blin! Do you feel gropnik? Boris is expert in slav medicine. These western doctors know nothing, blyat! Cheap tricks for the capitalist pigs. Is blyat!

Charlie: I...I need her…

Boris: Who? Blin? Nurse? She is no good. She tell Boris not to have tiger cub in hospital. Says is hospital policy. Blyat! Boris handle tiger cub like a pro. Baskins teach Boris the art of big cat care. Nurse knows nothing of tiger cubs.

Charlie: Not the nurse...I need…..her.

Charlie points to what he believes is the distorted projection of Connie standing against the wall, staring with disappointment at Charlie. Boris turns to look at the empty corner of the room.

Boris: Blin! Is no one there!

Charlie: Tell her…..I still love her.

Boris: Tell who? Lakeland?

Charlie: Tell her….

The pounding in Charlie’s head grows more painful with each passing moment. Charlie leans back in his bed and closes his eyes as the overhead lights become too much for the man to bear.

Boris: Tell Lakeland you still love? Blin! Lakeland put you in hospital! It makes no sense. Unless….

Boris holds the cat with only one hand now as he brings his other hand up to scratch his masked chin.

Boris: Cyka blyat! It makes perfect sense!

Charlie is sliding in and out of consciousness every few seconds on the bed as Boris makes his great discovery. Charlie’s worn out body twinges in pain every time he awakens.

Boris: You and Lakeland have classic case of capitalist courtship. How could Boris be so blind before?! In Slovakia love come from sweetness, romance, and true affection. But in capitalism? Is must be different! Slovakian love is cooperation, because Slovakia is country where we all share with those who need. But in capitalism? Is just take, take, take! The one who takes the most is the winner, blyat! So you and Lakeland….you just take, take, take! You hurt her, blyat, so she hurts you, so you hurt her mate, so she hurt you, cyka blyat! You are courting for love. You must show you can take her from her mate. In sick capitalism, what you get is limited only by what you can take! You must show you are stronger, tougher, and bigger success. Cyka blyat! Capitalist love is sick. But to earn the love of the big blonde bear, you must show her you are strongest Nail on the shed. Is big task, Nails. Lakeland is tough cookie to crack. You must eat your mayonnaise and drink your vodkas to overcome! What are in these tubes?

Boris approaches chords and tubes hanging out of Charlie’s arm with a cat in his hand. He inspects each of them closely.

Boris: Is nothing good! Blin, Boris was wing man for cousin in Slovakian red district. Let Boris help.

Boris heads over to the end table containing the half eaten jars of mayonnaise. He reaches for one of the jars and brings it up to his chest, intending to feed Charlie with it. But instead, the cat claws at Boris as soon as the disgusting smell of Boris’s special recipe mayonnaise hits it’s sensitive nose! The cat jumps out of Boris’s arms and runs out into the hallway. Boris drops the jar of mayonnaise on the ground as he chases after the cat. Charlie’s gaze drifts back to the corner of the room. Connie’s face slowly distorts into a blurry mess. Charlie squints at the apparition as it shifts into another form. Charlie sees the soft face of Sarah Lacklan looking at him from the corner of room.

Bloris: Cyka blyat! There is a wild tiger cub on loose!

Charlie slips out of consciousness once again as the black and yellow blur darts into the hallway and the apparition fades away.

[Image: tqRRdLK.jpg]

Charlie opened his eyes as a bright flash overtook the room. A few seconds later the bright light was gone and the room was pitch black again, the only light coming from the hallway and the streetlights outside of the hospital room’s window.

??: Oh, shit...did I wake you up? My bad...I just wanted a picture! I’m a big fan. And they wanted me to clean up some of the mayoniaze one of your visitors apparently left in here...

[Image: 33CBfcc.jpg]

The janitor turned the overhead lights on as Charlie brought his hands up to cover his swollen eyes. The janitor tucked his cellphone away into one of his many pockets.

Jeffy: Name’s Jeffy. But the people around here just call me the janitor, for short. It’s kinda like a ring name, you know? I’m a big fan of yours. I was actually at the show! You all really tore the house down.

Charlie: D-did I win?

Jeffy: Uhhh not really, Chief. You kinda got your ass kicked. But don’t sweat it! Your biggest match is still coming! Do you think maybe you could swing me a few tickets and airfare? I’ve got some buddies out in Pasadena who will let me crash at their pad if I can get tickets to the show. But they’re charging an arm and a leg to go see Day 3 of Relentless!

Charlie looks down towards the ground, a dejected expression etched into his demeanor. He spots his Heavymetalweight belt laying on the ground. Jeffy’s eyes follow Charlie’s stare.

Jeffy: Oh shit, didn’t even see that there! I’ll grab it for you.

Jeffy speed walks over to the belt as Charlie reaches for it. Jeffy picks it up, admiring the beautiful metals and jewels. He whistles softly as he inspects the championship belt.

Jeffy: This is a mighty fine piece of metal. Weighs a ton, too!

Charlie looks at Jeffy with annoyance in his eyes. His eyebrows narrow downwards but he remains silent as Jeffy slings the championship belt over his own shoulder.

Jeffy: I would’ve loved to see Jimson’s face when you snatched this off him! I don’t pay for X.W.F. plus, so I don’t get to see all those federweight and heavymetal pins. But I’m sure it was amazing!

Jeffy taps the championship belt a few more times before holding it right in front of his face. He soaks in the glory of the championship belt for a few more seconds before placing it on the bedside table, metal center facing Charlie. Jeffy looks back to Charlie with an enthusiastic smile.

Jeffy: I hope you get well soon! Someone’s gotta put that stuck up bitch in her place.

Charlie: How am I supposed to get better when they’re not even giving me the good stuff? Fucking piss ant doctors.

Charlie rolls over in his bed, away from the overhead lighting.

Jeffy: Well...if you’re looking for that GOOD GOOD stuff….I may just have a little something…

Charlie rolls back over, facing Jeffy with a raised eyebrow.

Jeffy: Some of that shmoke shmoke...if you know what I mean.

Charlie grins, indeed picking up on what was being put down. He nodes expectantly at Jeffy, who nods back at Charlie. The two nod at each other for a couple of seconds until Charlie stops. He stares coldy at Jeffy, who is still nodding back at him.

Charlie: Give me the fucking drugs, Jack.

Jeffy: Ok, ok! I’ll smoke some with you. But we can’t do it here. I have a spot in the boiler room. We just gotta get these wires out of you…

Jeffy approaches Charlie cautiously, carefully analyzing each of the tubes and IVs stuffed into Charlie’s arm. He carefully tugs one of them, but when it doesn’t give way, he moves onto another chord that is analyzing Charlie’s heartbeat. Charlie soon grows tired of the slow pace, pushing Jeffy away. He brings his hand up to the shoulder his sling is attached to. In one fell swoop he rips the sling off, grimacing slightly as his injured arm falls out of position. He brings his newly free hand over to his good arm as he extends it out fully. He eagerly tears out all of the IVs and tubes that were piercing through into his veins. Some blood comes squirting out of his arm as he tosses the chords to the floor. He steps out of the bed, his legs wobbling as he tries to support himself. Jeffy comes over in an attempt to help Charlie, but the injured man pushes him off.

Charlie: Back the fuck off!

Charlie grabs onto the edge of the bedside table, trying to get his feet under him. The room is spinning before Charlie. His head is pounding and his arm aching. He takes a few steps forward, using the table as support. The table, and the belt placed upon it, are wobbling back and forth as the heavy man steadies himself. He stands up straight, sucks in some air, and then releases the table as he takes one more big step. The room becomes clear and the pounding in his head subsides as Charlie is able to focus his vision on Jeffy.

Charlie: Alright…..let’s go.

Jeffy: Are….are you sure you’re good to go man?

Charlie walks forward confidently, the painful tingling in his arms and legs going unacknowledged as he steps towards Jeffy.

Charlie: I’m good….but I want to be better.

Charlie gives a knowing wink at Jeffy, who smirks in return.

Jeffy: Let’s go get blitzed!

Jeffy and Charlie walk out of the room into the empty hallway. Jeffy directs Charlie to follow him, and Charlie happily obliges. The pair walk down a couple flights of stairs and take a few dozen turns before approaching a large metal door labeled ‘boiler room’. Jeffy opens the door and the pair walk into the hot dark room. Jeffy flips a switch on and the overhead lights come to life, illuminating the boiler room scenery.

[Image: 9vSzI2Z.jpg]

Jeffy leads Charlie into the back of the room, where a single green locker stands alone along the backwall. The janitor opens the unlocked door. As soon as the door opens the scent of mary jane fills the air. The janitor reaches onto the top shelf of the locker room and pulls down a pre-rolled blunt. He flashes the blunt at Charlie with a smile on his face.

Jeffy: This is going to be some of the best shit you ever smoked!

Charlie scowls at the man, a look of anger flashing across his face.

Charlie: You brought me all the way down here for some fucking weed? I thought you had some good shit! REAL shit! Maybe some meth, or smack, or tar. Fucking aye.

Jeffy was taken aback and, frankly, shocked. His mouth was agape for a few moments.

Jeffy: We-well no man...they don’t let you work in a hospital if you’re...doing smack. But this is some good smoke! Trust me.

Jeffy pulls a lighter out of one of his many pockets and brings the blunt to his lips. He sparks the mairjuana and takes a few puffs of smoke as he gets the cigarillo burning. He passes the lit blunt to Charlie as he exhales a few clouds of smoke. Charlie dejectedly takes the blunt, bringing it up to his own lips as he takes a few puffs.

Jeffy: It’s good, huh!

Charlie passes the blunt back to Jeffy as he holds the smoke in for far longer than necessary.

Jeffy: You’re uh….you’re supposed to let it out.

Charlie breathes out a few ghost vapors. He shrugs as Jeffy brings the blunt up to his own lips for another hit.

Charlie: That’s not how we do it in Steubenville.

Jeffy takes a few more hits before passing the blunt back to Charlie.

Charlie: This is all you got? You work in the fucking clinic, and you just have weed? What about the morphine?

Jeffy: Uhh no man. Just the jane for me…

Charlie rolls his swollen eyes at the man as he takes a few more puffs of the herb. The aching pain in his body is slightly relieved as the cannabinoids break down inside Charlie’s aging body.

Jeffy: Hey Charlie, I might have something else you’re interested in! I’m not sure if you’ve seen it yet…….the late-night Lacklan tapes?

Charlie raises an eyebrow curiously at the janitor as he takes another puff of the blunt. Ash falls from the tip of the blunt to floor as Charlie pulls the cigarillo from his mouth. He exhales a puff of smoke in Jeffy’s face.

Charlie: What are those?

Jeffy coughs a few times as he pulls his cellphone out of one of the many pockets on his jumpsuit.

Jeffy: These saucy tapes of young Sarah.

Jeffy winks suggestively at Charlie before typing in a web address on his smartphone.

Jeffy: So the rumor is that Sarah was having a hard time being booked after Jean Paul kicked the bucket. Promoters just couldn’t take that tiny little firebrand seriously. She’s all of, what, 5 feet? A hundred pounds? Something like that. No one wanted her on the show...they thought the fans would turn if they saw a pretty little blonde girl getting all bloodied up and beat down by grown men. But after a long hiatus, she came back and was booked in every match she wanted in the Unified Global Wrestling Coalition. But the rumor is….she didn’t get those bookings for free. She had to let the promoters film a little hanky panky with her Kenzi for their own personal spank bank. But those oh-so-scandalous tapes got leaked online a couple years, see for yourself!

Jeffy holds the phone up so that Charlie can see the website that has been loaded up.

[Image: Qu2kmvV.png]

Charlie’s eyes go wide as he licks his lips.

Charlie: She’s a nice young piece of puss’. She bare it all?

Jeffy: Ohhhhh you’ll see.

Jeffy plays the illicit video for Charlie, who is still smoking the blunt.

cooltubesource Said:Sarah takes Kenzi’s hands and leads her out of the room and to their bedroom. Leaving the nearly comatose woman sitting on the edge of their massive four-post bed, she slips into the restroom and draws her a bath, making sure to include a mixture of oils to sooth her. Before long, she has removed Kenzi’s clothes and gotten her into the bath, her long braids pulled up and tied off in a large bun, the water hot enough to fill the room full of steam. Kenzi is so tired that she does not even react to the water, or any part of the situation, and simply sits in the bathtub.

“This project has taken so much out of you, Beloved."

Sarah washes her partner through a combination of soft caresses and hard scrubs. Part of her mind laughs at the very idea that she, the Blood Princess, would ever be spending time washing someone. She was the one who was washed by servants! Indeed, a typical bathing experience in Lacklanland included her army of handmaidens washing her, drying her, and going through the equivalent of an entire Sephora of products for her hair and skin. But here she was, putting as much care and love into another person as she was possible.

“Never quite figured we would be here, huh, Mackenzie? we are. I fell in love with you that night we sang and danced at my family home. And here we are, just a couple of months later, living together in Hollywood.”

The zombie living in Kenzi’s body is brought out the bath, dried, and led back to the bed. Sarah lets go for but a moment and Kenzi flops forward, her body slamming into the ocean of silks and satins that make up their bed. Sarah rolls her eyes in that exaggerated way of her as she ties to push Kenzi fully on the bed, actually needing to take a double fistful of what she called Kenzi’s “Black Booty!” in order to get leverage. Joining her on the bed, she struggles but finally succeeds in getting Kenzi’s robe off to reveal her long back, a back far more lean now than it was before she had started her 30-day transformation challenge with Emma Benton, and began to give her that massage she had promised.

“Where the magic happens,” she says to herself, with a giggle. The life they had lead over the last month, from their initial desperate sex sessions to what has become romps of heated passion, had truly been magical.

Charlie dropped the blunt roach onto the ground, stomping it out with his bare foot. He’s licking his lips as he watches the video to the end.

Charlie: Is there more of this?

Jeffy: Oh yeah. Sarah’s got some nasty little fetishes….but I mean, maybe we should watch the other ones on our own. If we watch them together, well….it feels a little….gay?

Charlie: What’s gay about two men enjoying themselves while they watch a video of two sexy little ladies rubbing each other down all naked?

Jeffy: Wait, wha-....there’s...a lot there.

Charlie steps up to Jeffy, who still has his phone in hand. Charlie invades all of Jeffy’s personal space as he points an accusatory finger at the janitor’s chest.

Charlie: Are you calling me gay, punk?

Jeffy puts his hands up innocently as Charlie stares down at him.

Jeffy: No! No way! Not at all!

Charlie leans back, giving Jeffy some space to step away. Jeffy’s breathing intensifies as a few beads of sweat drip down his forehead.

Jeffy: You’re fucking scary….damn...can you keep that energy up for a quick shoot?

Charlie: Huh? What the sam hell are you blabbering about?

Jeffy regains his composure, his heartbeat and rate of breathing returning to their baseline as he steps closer to Charlie, pointing at his cellphone.

Jeffy: The fans! They’re going to want to see that you’re ok. And I’m sure Sarah and her goons are already out there getting their message out. The people need to know that you’re alright, and that you’re ready to kick some ass at Relentless! I can film a little shoot promo on my phone and we can upload it right now! What do you say? I’ve always wanted to be a part of a real wrestling promo!

Charlie ponders the question for a moment. The throbbing pain in his head starts to ramp back up, but Charlie ignores it as he shakes his head up and down. He tears the crimson bandages off of his head, revealing several stitches and patches of hair caked in his own dried blood.

Charlie: Yeah, let’s fucking do it!

Jeffy excitedly pulls up the camera on his phone as he looks around the boiler room. Visions of every promo young Jeffy watched back in the 90s flashes through the mark’s mind as he begins to plot his directorial debut. His eyes are drawn to the large boilers around the room.

Jeffy: I have an idea. Why don’t you stand in front of one of the boilers and I’ll film you from the waist up? Zooming in on your stitches, your scars, all the good stuff!

Charlie shrugs and nods. He walks over to the boiler that Jeffy points at and stands in front of it, mean mugging the camera man. Jeffy takes a few paces back as he gets the perfect framing for Charlie, showcasing his battered face and muscular arms while leaving out exposed thighs out of view.

Jeffy: This will be so rad! The boys won’t believe I got to direct something like this. Oh hey and one last thing before you start- don’t touch those boilers. They’re hotter than a video of young Lacklan rubbing down her mulatto mistress.

Jeffy winks at Charlie as he presses the record button on the phone.

“Did you think you had seen the last of me, Sarah? That one little stunt would put me out for good?”

Charlie chuckled as he rubbed the many cuts and bruises littering the side of his head. The camera zoomed in to show the severity of the man’s wounds as he played with them, moving the skin apart as to show the camera the red flesh below. The camera zoomed out as Charlie brought his hand down to his mouth. He licked his fingers softly for a few moments before turning his gaze back onto the camera.

“I wouldn’t miss our date for anything, Sarah. This little foreplay of yours? I can appreciate it. The aggression. The tenacity. The violence. I crave it. It’s never as fun when they let you do it. A little fight goes a long way for Charlie. You rile me up, Sarah. You truly do.

But I’ve never been so riled up as I was just a few moments ago...when I found a little gem of yours online. A beautiful glimpse, of a beautiful woman enjoying a forbidden fruit. Living in sin. Depravity. Debauchery.

Your lover’s body is beautiful, Sarah. Her plump ass cheeks. Perky breasts. Smooth mulatto skin. And the way you rub her down is a sight to behold. Your tender touch….must feel lovely. Kenzi lay there, accepting your love. But you and I saw the same signs. The same troubles. I saw your eyes drifting down, even as you tried to maintain a positive outlook in that bathroom. That nasty bush.

We all saw it. The rain forest down below. Lice infested. Disgusting. Kenzi is dirty, unclean, and disgusting. But even if Kenzi had a shaved puss' as beautiful as yours, it still wouldn't be what you want. Am I right?

Think about it. Your moodiness. Your attitude. Aggressive tendencies. These are all symptoms, my dead. Symptoms of a woman who needs to be brought back to the light of God, brought back under a man.

You deserve a man like Charlie in your life. A man to steer you in the right direction. A man to return you to God. But you know what it takes for a man to really be a good man, don’t you?"

Charlie pauses for a few moments, looking at the camera with a tender gaze as if he were staring at Sarah herself.


A good man, a family man, must dominate his household. And you’re looking to be dominated. That’s why you lash out so hard. Why you fight so dirty. You know the only man worthy of your devotion and submission is the man able to contain you. Control you. Handle all the damage you deal while keeping you in line and holding you down when it counts. I am that man, Sarah.

When the main event rolls around on Day Three of Relentless in Pasadena, I will show you what you’ve been missing all these years since you last had a male authority in your life. I will be your Shepard, the wise man who brings you back into the flock of the Lord. I will bring you to heel. When I climb that ladder and take hold of that belt, I will be winning so much more than just the universal championship. I will be winning your eternal soul. Your devotion. Your submission. You will gaze upon me as the Lord’s light shines down, encircling me as I am elevated above the ring. The angles will come down from on high with a crown and a key. They will bestow upon me my own kingdom, and my own queen to share it with. They shall place in my hand the key to your heart. To your eternal love, your never ending allegiance. And I shall enjoy your body, mind, and soul for the years to come.

I know you’re thinking of me Sarah. I know, over these next few weeks, you’ll be filling yourself with thoughts of me. You will be screaming my name high and low. ‘Charlie this and Charlie that’.....the words in between don’t matter so much. All that matters is the exhilarating feeling I get when you say ‘Charlie’.

I love it when you call my name, Sarah. I truly do. Hearing my name roll off your beautiful tongue is exactly the thrill I need in this, my darkest hour. Knowing that when you’re alone, you’re thinking of me….it keeps me going. Knowing that I have been and will continue to be in your mind, in your mouth, in you….it keeps me going. It’s all I have. We will be together soon, and it will all be alright.

I’ve had a hard month, Sarah. I really have. I was riding high, cruising on automatic in August. Win, after win, after win. All foes bowing down before the family man. And then September hit. And reality came with it. Two losses. Marks of pestilence on my unblemished record. My house of cards folded. And where was my family? The children and wife I had devoted my whole career to?

Gone. Vanished, like a cheap magician’s trick.

My family left me, after everything I have done for them. For more than 20 years I put my blood, sweat, and tears into that ring all to provide for my family. Tens of thousands of miles on the road. Dozens of broken bones. It was all for them. But in the end….it was all for naught. They left me high and dry….in my darkest hour.

I’m a loving man, Sarah. A good man. A decent man. The Family Man.

But Connie...she just couldn’t see it. Her vision was clouded by the toxic clouds of doubt and greed. Her judgement was warped by her sick sense of self-righteousness. She never appreciated what I did for her. What I provided.

But you, Sarah? You are different. I can taste it in your perfume. Your bodily scent. You’re a good woman. A Godly woman. You can appreciate a good man. You were raised right. Unlike that bitch Connie.

She was raised by some liberal yuppy types. Feminist. Globalist. But you? You were raised right. Raised Godly. I’m sure your father taught you right. Taught you to value a good man. But now, he’s gone.

And you need your daddy.

And baby doll, here I am.

I know you will fight my love. Push me away. But baby, I can handle the pain."

Charlie brings his palm down onto the green pipes of the boiler next to him. The sizzling of flesh can be heard in the background as the scent of burnt meat fills the air. Charlie breathes in deeply, keeping his hand on the boiler.

"What is pain, in a world like this?

In a world like ours?

To a man like me?

I was abandoned in my time of need. By my children. By my wife. By the fans.

I have been broken many times over. Homeless on and off. Destitute my whole life.

But I still stand.

By the grace of God, I have overcome every obstacle in my path. Every betrayal. Every slight. Every devilish assault.

Can you say the same, Sarah?

When our main event rolls around...will you be able to bear the pain?"

A twisted grin spread across Charlie’s face, betraying the fact that inside his head the pounding is growing more painful with each passing moment. Charlie brings his hand off of the steaming boiler pipe. Jeffy presses a button on his phone as he brings his cellphone back down to his waist.

Jeffy: Aaaaaand cut! That was fantastic! They’re going to eat that up on reddit.

Charlie: Who the hell read it already?

Jeffy: It’s an online platform where people ca-

Charlie grows wobbly on his legs as Jeffy rambles on. Charlie’s vision goes dark as he stumbles around blindly. His vision comes back to him for a moment as he finds himself falling face first towards the concrete floor.


[Image: Jdsm6ZU.png]
Reigning, Defending, Bloodletting
[Image: jtHw5j1.png]
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