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There's Some Hoes In This House.
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Eric Polulu Away
XWF's Busy Body

XWF FanBase:

(boring as fuck; promos act as sleeping medicine; never recognized in public)

08-18-2020, 11:22 AM

While Greggo was busy goating his frienemy Glimour over a sell job, Eric then watches from afar with his binoculars, writing some things on piece of paper.

"Man, Greggo sure knows how to be a huge sell out for Sarah, i mean this fella seems to be all about her's before his. I wonder, how much does he gets paid to sit around and be her loyal servant to her dusty kingdom. I bet he's wishing to dress up like her, and be all like... "i'm like so pretty"... as he prances around in his dress.

Man, sometimes i wonder why he's even in this company again. I know he would rather be in a cave or in a prison, then being someones bitch all the time. Maybe, he gets off on it... i mean, this so called manage almost had Tommy gain some inner conflict within himself, well that isn't gonna happen to me anytime soon.

I should take out Greggo, but i know he's gonna play his jedi mind tricks and always bring up Sarah like if her name is a godlike creature, he needs to understand that he needs to just shut the hell up and go die in a ditch already. But like what is implicated, he's a shit eating phenix who won't seem to fly away.

Maybe, he needs to just lose the title already so he can keep goating people into selling for Sarah... or he needs to learn how to keep his kayfabe breaking mouth shut for his own good. I bet if Cornette seen this guy, he'd immediately would have a heart attack to see a man who's nothing more than poster child for a pedo enthusiast who'd get shanked in a prison, i'd shank him right now if i could..."

Then Eric hides in the shadow as Greggo passed by, as Greggo kept walking Eric took his chances and rolls him up for the pin...

Eric's uh....uh....fuck it, just tell em what he did:
~Had Three most over wrestlers on his show!
~Managed to bare his soul to the world!
~Had a brief (mostly forgettable) Podcast with now "retired" Tommy!
~Was Not even officially the Federweight Champion (despise what that sex machine Greggo says!)
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

08-18-2020, 04:53 PM



Greggo: "....................... ...................... ............................. .........................................
































































































[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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(Gravy_Xtreme_5000) (08-20-2020)
Eric Polulu Away
XWF's Busy Body

XWF FanBase:

(boring as fuck; promos act as sleeping medicine; never recognized in public)

08-18-2020, 05:16 PM

"F R M I Iz Eric....."

[Image: giphy.gif]



Dafaq he just said, looks like Eric's WAP is getting WAD as he back away from him. Then he put back on his clothes, and speak calm.

"Excuse me, never mind all that shit. You see, i'm Eric and i am here to dethrone you from your reign as champion. I know at some point, you're going to end up either abandoning it or giving it to someone else, as you focus on trying to make your client look like a trillion dollars. I know your time as a champion is going to expire like six month old milk.

I don't claim to be a fighter, but if the time was right i would like to beat the piss ants off your mug, and rip your tongue out and wipe my ass with it like i'm Redman. Just look at yourself in the mirror, you'd make your own reflection give you some bad luck once it breaks with how troglodyte you is. Maybe, it's a good thing you are trying to be the Puff Daddy all over this company, when you know full well you are nothing more than a Uptown intern who's underpaid and overlooked for the benefits of others.

Some day, you'll end up on the news for drive by shooting and even the police wouldn't even find your body or the perps who done it, since you'd be the ashes that some poor soul snort, and die with it also."

Just like that, Eric goes for a Schoolboy Pin so tightly on Greggo that he can't kickout of...


Eric's uh....uh....fuck it, just tell em what he did:
~Had Three most over wrestlers on his show!
~Managed to bare his soul to the world!
~Had a brief (mostly forgettable) Podcast with now "retired" Tommy!
~Was Not even officially the Federweight Champion (despise what that sex machine Greggo says!)
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Eric Polulu's post:
Unknown Soldier (08-19-2020)
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

08-19-2020, 09:06 AM

For some reason, the wet claps of thunder coming from Greggo's anal region create enough force for Greggo to kickout in a storm of shit! SHIT EVERYWHERE!!! Imagine the bloodiest Mortal Kombat fatality and all the blood flying everywhere but it's shit instead of blood.

"Mmmmmm, mmmmmm I love me some shit outs! That's right babeh boi you just got met with the debuting of me very own custom signature kickout called a SHITOUT! Boo ya. Or should I say heh heh heh POO YA!"

Greggo's busting a gut, just laughing his arse off while rolling around in his own shit, which for the record is also still raining down all over the place. Greggo locks eyes with Eric and starts to crawl toward him looking like the Ring bitch out of the well except he's... well... yeah just use you're imagination. (hint: shit)

"Boyfriend I got one werd for ya: Suck Sess."

"That's right I'm all about it. I'm sucking sess from the morning to the night, and it's feeling so delight. I'm sucking sess from muffler pipes and I'm sucking sess from sex; I'm sucking sess from dirty dipe --- ers and I'm sucking sess from flex --- ing my wet scrotum in yo face!"

Greggo does just that. RIght up in Eric's face. Look at the peaks and the veins while he flexes.

"But in all my rhyming years I never done been got tolded something as smart as you told me earlier, fam. That's right E Funk, I think you were on2 something when u said:::"
Quote:I bet he's wishing to dress up like her, and be all like... "i'm like so pretty"... as he prances around in his dress.
"but as great as this advice is it also makes me worry that maybe you stalk me and spy on me at night? Because well.......... I kinda have already done that. Were you watching me? You friggin' perv. WERE YOU WATCHING ME PLAY DRESS UP AS A GURRRL THE OTHER NIGHT?!?!? Stop stalking me while I'm roleplaying my secret fantasies!!!"

Greggo's slapping feces out of the air and flinging it around in his teeth. It's like a T Rex scene in slow motion mixed with a Sharknado turned Shitnado scene in x2 speed!

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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[-] The following 2 users Like "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post:
(Gravy_Xtreme_5000) (08-20-2020), Unknown Soldier (08-19-2020)
Eric Polulu Away
XWF's Busy Body

XWF FanBase:

(boring as fuck; promos act as sleeping medicine; never recognized in public)

08-19-2020, 02:09 PM

Within the power of Eric-san, he closes his eyes and meditates, then when he opens his eyes he manages to turn Greggo into Gregga, who don's Sarah's cosplay outfit that he tried to bribe Peterous Gilfordus with. Then what was once a room of shit, turned into a garden.

"Man, I had no idea to alter this reality, i managed to get inside your pathetic mind and turn this room and you, into what you really are. You are nothing more than a shell of a man, who really is perverse in shit-filed kickouts. While you think it's a Suck Sess for being able to crawl like the girl from the ring (who ill admit was hot)... doens't really account for much in your favor.

You know GreggoA, as much as you are trying to scare me away with your shit filled gimmick, it doesn't faze me as much. Maybe, one day you can be in your own two girls in one cup or your own BME Pain Olympics, that'll be your contribution to this time of your life, when you aren't out here cosplaying as Sarah for Peterous."

Eric then gets horny... long story short...he then pins Greggo's alt on the wall, ala Heidenreich.

"Yes, I can go deeper inside your fantasies man, I wish i could make you squeal like a pig from deliverance, but not on that rape shit neither. As I crush myself onto you, you forget that you are a shit weasel... you forget all about your own reality. I know you are tired of being someone's else's bitch, but you can't handle that truth among yourself.

I may not watch you at night, but i already have ideas of how fucked up you can get, well so can I. If you want, you can just surrender the title to me, and live happily ever after with your fantasies and always knowing that deep down inside, you have no amounts of balls to be a man."

Eric this time gives Tongan Death Grip on Greggo, and he manages to get his shoulders down as the ref counts...


Eric's uh....uh....fuck it, just tell em what he did:
~Had Three most over wrestlers on his show!
~Managed to bare his soul to the world!
~Had a brief (mostly forgettable) Podcast with now "retired" Tommy!
~Was Not even officially the Federweight Champion (despise what that sex machine Greggo says!)
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

08-20-2020, 08:55 AM

Greggo seems to be experiencing self doubt. What's he so conflicted about right now?

"Ehh errrh, well I mean if Sarah says it'll work, I guess I'll give it a try......."

And so, instead of kickout out yet, Greggo is all like: "Mmmmm hey Eric? I didn't read your most recent werd yet so I'll be back to kick out when I have time to read them later today!"

...wait, does that really work?!? Even if he didn't KICK OUT? I guess we're about to find out. Let's hope he "comes back" soon, whatever THAT means!

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post:
(Gravy_Xtreme_5000) (08-20-2020)
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

08-20-2020, 12:54 PM

Fuck you for making me scroll like that.

Winner and NEW Federweight Champion - Eric Polululululu

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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[-] The following 2 users Like "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post:
Charlie Nickles (08-20-2020), Peter Fn Gilmour (08-21-2020)

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