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Don't Fuck With Fury #JoinBOB
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Miss Fury Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

08-07-2020, 06:38 PM

”Poor poor Tula…” Said Miss Fury as she playfully pouted. “Your story is almost enough to bring a tear to my eye…” She paused, weighing on the thought. Suddenly a smirk took over that pouty look, as Miss Fury quipped.


“Tula Keali'i, a military girl. A bonafide US Army Ranger leaving it all behind as she seeks to make a new career in the world of professional wrestling” She tilted her head back with a smirk. “I must say, you’re off to a great start.” Fury leaned toward the camera and began jabbing her index finger into the lens. “Ever since you opened your stupid mouth and stuck your nose where it didn't belong by joining this so-called "fight against B.O.B.", you have done nothing but look like a foolish child!”

Fury shook her head in disgust as she thought of all the beatings Tula had taken in recent months after siding against B.O.B. Her nostrils flared as she took a deep breath, she wondered, how could someone be so naive as to fall for the same tricks time and again. The idea of it angered her. It downright made her blood boil, and why? Because Fury could see the potential hidden behind a lifetime of bad choices. After a moment, she continued in a calmer tone..

“B.O.B. has outwitted you at every turn, and with each encounter, you have proven yourself too inept to adapt your strategy even the slightest.” Suddenly she threw her index finger up as if to make a point. “And don't you even dare try to excuse yourself by calling out B.O.B.’s less than honorable tactics.”

She paused for effect and continued with a smirk.

“We're B.O.B., and if you somehow still haven’t figured out what that means, then shame on you for needing me to spell it out for ya…”


“Uh, we're the bad guys, duh!”

She said with a shrug and an eye roll that seemed very reminiscent of a certain former leader of B.O.B. Seemingly having realized this momentary slip, Fury stood straight and seemed to wash all emotion off of her face.

“The fact that you have continued to fall for such tactics over and over again only serves to further prove my point.”

“What is my point?”

Suddenly Fury slumps forwards and drops her head down in defeat.

(SIGH!!) “This has all become so very tiresome.”

“Around and around we go.”

“It's like Groundhog day, Anarchy addition…”

“Every week B.O.B. vs Tula.”

“Every week B.O.B. calls you out on your play superhero fame-seeking bull shit, and every week you do your damnedest to convince everyone that we're full of shit!”

“Constantly losing…”

“Constantly trying to defend a false image.”

“Don't you think there's a better way?”

“Imagine a world where you weren't outmaneuvered at every turn. A world where you had a strong leader with a sound strategic mind to guide you towards the fame and fortune that you seek, all the while offering you an environment where you could shed your fake skin and show the world who you REALLY are!”

“That world exists.”

“In fact, it's been staring you in the face for months, but rather than accept it, you've chosen to fight it.”

“The door still stands open.”

“The choice is yours.”


“Or continue to rely on talent alone, that has gotten you so very far, right?”

“As far as you are concerned Boris, Micheal Graves told me that you're a real son of a bitch. Fortunately for you, I really dig sons of bitches! There will ALWAYS be a spot in B.O.B. for the most slav superstar in the XWF!”

“However, you must understand that if you aren't B.O.B.'s friend, you're B.O.B.'s enemy.”

“That means if Oswald and I have to smack ya around a bit in this match, no hard feelings, okay?”

The moment Graves clicked to execute broadcasting of the Livestream he turned to Fury as asked. "What's the deal? You really want her in B.O.B.?"

Fury smiled and she brushed her hand against Micheal's cheek as she walked by.

"She seeks opportunity. I seek an army."

Her fingers glided across his skin as she passed. Suddenly Graves found himself stricken by an agonizing pain where Fury's fingers had just touched. He screamed out in agony as he dropped to his knees and frantically rubbed at his face.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO MEEE!!?!" He pleaded as the pain was so unbearable that he almost wished for death. (and boy what a mistake that would be with that wish-granting butt potato of his!)

"In 1968 the Chemical Defence Establishment began work on weaponizing the Gympie-Gympie stinging tree. The pain caused by this plant's venom has been reported to feel like being burnt with hot acid and electrocuted at the same time. What you are experiencing now is said to be 1000 times more potent than the raw plant."

Furry turns to face Graves who is scratching away at his flesh as both blood and tears stream down his face.

"The pain could last a lifetime. If you're lucky, maybe just a few years."

Fury drew a knife from her belt. For a moment, she became lost in her reflection as she stared into the blade.

"Or you could cut away at the infected flesh until you remove all traces of the toxin."

She tossed the blade to the floor in front of Graves. He looked up to her for a moment, unable to understand why she would do this to him, but not for long. Graves snatched up the knife and sliced into his cheek. His screams filled the room. Miss Fury smiled, pleased with herself, and how she has managed to tame the wild beast that is Micheal Graves. As she turned to exit the room, Graves still cutting away behind her, she parted with these words.

"Don't ever question me again..."

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[Image: BOBClub.png]
#JoinBOB #JoinbWo
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