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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare Results
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Wednesday Night Warfare - Results - 8/6/20
Author Message
SBW-SmokingBobWilliams Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

08-05-2020, 09:17 PM



From !!!

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Triple Threat Match


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To win the match you have to use your FINISHER


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Last Man Standing Match

Announcing the Smoking Bob Williams unofficial Wednesday Night Warfare MVP
The winner of the Battle Royal will become the Unofficial Wednesday Night Warfare MVP
He/She will defend the MVP Every Warfare, and become the 1st Unofficial Ultimate Wednesday Night Warfare MVP
The next MVP must break that Person's record of Most Wins in a row to become Ultimate Wednesday Night Warfare MVP
NOTE: This is an unofficial title but a STATS driven title - So who wants to be the best on Wednesday Nights?

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From !!!

[Image: GROUPAMA%20STADIUM%20NAMER%20J2-3614-Mod...0Copie.jpg]


Cameras fade in live to Wednesday Night Warfare to the Groupama Stadium, in Lyon, France, and the French fans are going ballistic because, for the first time in a long time, Wednesday Night Warfare has a stack card. The cameras are focusing on some members of the crowds holding up banners for their favorite wrestlers.

Welcome back Mandii, You are the unstoppable force Bourbon Let's go Wizard, let's go Gannon Minx vs Lynx stay in sync





The lights in Groupama Stadium go out even before the announcers can welcome everyone to the show, and a red spotlight shines down on the entrance ramp. The curtain moves and Sarah Lacklan walks out onto the stage, wearing a red dress filled with black spiderwebs, a ridiculously large feathered hat and-


the Universal Championship around her waist.

Heather: Welcome, everyone, to XWF’s Wednesday Night Warfare. And, no, you don’t need to adjust your screens. What you are seeing is real.

PIP: Seriously legitimate!

Heather: ...already kissing up?

PIP: Obvs!

As a guitar-driven metal version of the Moonlight Sonata plays, Sarah calmly walks down the aisle, a smug smile on her face, though wary of getting too close to anyone in the stands. When she makes her way to the ring, she climbs the apron and the closest turnbuckle, and sits down atop the top turnbuckle, leaving her feet to dangle towards the ring. She holds out her hand and a nameless/faceless ring attendant brings her a microphone.

Sarah: BonjOOOOO-urrrrrrrrr! Je m'appelle Sarah Lacklan et je suis VOTRE championne universelle.

Sarah smiles as she gets a mixed reaction from the crowd.

Sarah: Hey, at least I don’t have to pretend, unlike OTHER people you will see tonight. I AM fluent in French, after all.

This does get a sizable pop from the crowd.

Sarah: For those of you who have been sleeping under a rock, or perhaps have slammed your head deep into the ground in order to avoid reality like so many ostriches, I am here to show you that, yes, I did indeed do what I said I was going to do. Just a few hours before Leap of Faith, I told Shawn Warstein and Centurion that, no matter WHO won their Universal Championship match, it would not matter. I told them that, despite their desires to acquire the accolade for themselves, it was I, Sarah Lacklan-

She tosses her hair back before flashing her Billion $$$ Smile.

Sarah: -Marketing Genius, who was the REAL face of a generation. I was the epitome of the modern wrestler, the very incarnation of the big match, big money, big impact freelancer, and that, no matter what, Leap of Faith would end with all eyes on me. And, while I am sorry for stealing a bit of Madison’s thunder, the night ended with...well…

Sarah raises up her free hand and slowly snaps her fingers.

Sarah: Yes yes, I told a little white lie. I made Baby Jesus sniffle when I said that I would hound them with the 24/7 Briefcase, something there was no doubt I was going to win, until they broke mentally. And, so that I can squash any rumors, no, it was not personal. I would have cashed in on Centurion, too! I was going to cash in on ANYONE who won that match. And why?

Sarah pauses for a second.

Sarah: Because the XWF is sick. It is bloated. It is diseased. It needs to be cleaned up by someone who can be the shining example of what is right and good, not just in the sport of professional wrestling, but in the entire world. And that is me. I told everyone that, when Leap of Faith was announced, it was something I couldn’t possibly pass up. And now…

She pats the Universal Championship.

Sarah: you know why. But what is next? The cleaning begins! Scrubbing away the mold and dirt. Brushing away the filth that clogs up our sport. And the first person? THE person who deserves to be scrubbed away first? Who deserves to be flushed down the drain? THE person who, from the very moment I walked into this company, has represented the vile atrocities of a business gone sour?

Her smirk fades.

Sarah: On the next Warfare...should he be man enough to accept...I will be putting the Universal Championship against the man who has wanted to get into the ring with me from Day One: Peter Gilmore. Here’s your chance at this squat booty, Gilly. I already know that you are going to disappoint me. All that’s left is to disappoint yourself.

She flashes her smile again and waves to the crowd.

Sarah: Merci d'être venu à ma Parlez Sar!

Sarah motions for the ring attendant to take the microphone but is stops when the tron flares to life again.

'Just the good old boys' by Waylon Jennings hit's the Arena's Sound System, and Wednesday Night Warfare General Manager, Smoking Bob Williams, makes his way from the back onto the ramp. He is holding a briefcase.

HEATHER: "It doesn't look like Sarah is quite finished tonight, here comes SBW, the Warfare General Manager,"

PIP: "I wonder what he has in the briefcase?

Smoking Bob Williams makes his way to the ring, where Sarah is still sitting atop the turnbuckle, but with an impatient swinging of her feet, and he finally gets there. He struggles to get inside the ring, and Sarah just rolls her eyes. He finally makes it into the ring, and heads over to the other side and grabs a microphone from one of the stage crew. He walks back and stops just before Sarah. He places the briefcase down, and then with his free hand offers it out to Sarah so she can shake it.

She takes one look at it and starts laughing.

Unperturbed, SBW begins to speak.

"First of all Ms Lacklan, I would like to be the first to officially welcome you to the A brand, that is Wednesday Night Warfare, and what an honor it is for you to choose Wednesday Nights to defend your title. I have to say I was blown away by your speech, and that you have chosen Peter Gilmour as your first opponent. That should be.... well.... a great match.... for you....

"Let me make an announcement of my own because next Warfare we will be in Paris, for our last stop in France, I have called ahead and booked one of the iconic structures in the world just for you, and now for Peter, the Eiffel Tower. So here's the announcement: Next Warfare, you and Peter will be involved in The Wednesday Night Warfare Eiffel Tower Challenge for the Universal Championship. The title will be placed at the very top of the tower, and you and Peter will start from the bottom and fight your way to the very top, and the very person to put their hands on the Championship will win the Universal Title. Just like a ladders match, but only bigger."

The crowd goes berserk.

HEATHER: "Wow what a stipulation. The iconic Eiffel Tower that will see both Sarah and Peter fight within it's structure. Let's see what Sarah's reaction to that is,"

From atop her turnbuckle, Sarah again flashes her Billion $$$ Smile.

Sarah: A few weeks ago, when I was the BEST referee EVER, I navigated a scaffold and tossed dum dum Michael Graves to a concussion.

She looks upward and mouths RIP, Dolly. before looking back to the Warfare General Manager.

Sarah: And at Leap of Faith, I pushed, prodded, pulled, hoodwinked, gulled, and guiled my way into the rafters to secure the 24/7 Briefcase. I may not be much of a flyer...fuck that flippy shit...but climbing? That I can do. Just no crying if Peter ends up splattered on the very stones of le Champs de Mars! Now hit my music!

Sarah tosses the microphone to Smokin’ Bob as Beethoven again fills Groupama.

The crowd goes berserk as Sarah makes her way back up the ramp, and then heads backstage.

The camera focuses back on SBW, still in the ring,

PIP: "Oh wait, SBW is still in the ring,"

SBW begins to speak again.

"And now for the real reason I am out here. As you know at Leap of Fatih, Wednesday Night Warfare lost their signature title, the Hart Title to that other promotion. Although Vinnie Lane is still adamant that didn't happen, but until that is resolved the Hart Championship won't be on the line for the foreseeable future. We are just lucky that champions like Sarah have stepped up, and have decided to appear on Warfare and defend their titles.

"But that hasn't stopped me from introducing the unofficial title Wednesday Night Warfare Most Valuable Player to help keep things alive on Wednesday Nights and to keep everyone feeling competitive. So the rules again. Let's go over them quickly. The winner of tonight's Battle Royal will become the Wednesday Night Warfare Most Valuable Player. Or MVP. He or she then must defend it every Warfare, and PPV, to see how long, they can hold on to it, whether it be single matches, triple threats, fatal fourways, or whatever I decide to be the best going forward.

The winner will be the Ultimate MVP, and those who come after him or her will then try to break the record, and while they try to do that they will be known as just the regular Wednesday Night Warfare MVP. Sound simple? I hope so. And now to the moment that you have all been waiting for, what does this title look like?"

SBW places the briefcase down on the canvas, and unlocks it and takes out the newly looking MVP, which comes in the form of a shield. He holds it up for everyone to see. The crowd goes crazy.

[Image: Q_gFcaEE_400x400.jpeg]

PIP: "Wow isn't that something?"

SBW places it back in the briefcase, locks it, and looks back into the camera.

"Isn't that worth competing for? I think so. Okay, enough talk. Let's get Wednesday Night Warfare going,"

'Just the good old boys' hit the sound system again, and SBW leaves the ring.


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As the music kicks up, The Calvary can be spotted in the corner of the arena with his chest puffed out. He flies down to the ring before slowly descending onto a turnbuckle where he gives out a mighty bellow. He pounds his chest before stepping down into the ring and cracking his knuckles.

Dallas rides out from the back on a horse, and heads to the ring. He gets off and jumps inside the ring. One of the officials takes the horse away.


Calvary and Marshall look to lock up when suddenly CHRIS CHAOS and PETER GILMOUR hit the ring on each side behind each man! Gilly spins Calvary around and dropping him with a GILMOUR CUTTER! Chris Chaos spins Marshall around where he ducks a right hand where he charges towards the ropes, Chaos bounces off the ropes and cuts Marshall in half with a Spear!

”Chaotic Inc. isn’t hesitating in making an early statement on Warfare!”

”It’s no secret Leap of Faith didn’t go as planned for the duo.”

Gilly picks Calvary up off the mat where he hurls him into a Spear from Chaos! Gilly puts Marshall in a seated position on the mat before he bounces off the ropes to deliver a running knee, only Gilmour puts on the breaks before thrusting his crotch into Marshalls face! The power of Gilmour’s Super Dick knocks him out! Chaos and Gilmour put the boots to Calvary before picking him up and hurling him over the top rope and out to the floor as Marshall rolls out to the floor.



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Bilbo slaps his balls on the side as he wheels down the ring in his chair, trying to make sure the beast stays awake. When in the ring, he rubs it for a minute before eyeballing his opponent.

Supreme Dylan makes his way to the ring.

Bilbo is making fun of Supreme, pointing and giggling, although nobody is sure if he is really trying to or it is just part of the disability.

The bell rings, and Supreme takes a step forward. Bilbo chucks a dildo at him and hits him in the chest. Supreme does not look amused.

He takes a swing at Bilbo, who ducks under it. He scrambles over and grabs the dildo that is sitting in the ring. When Supreme turns around, Bilbo throws it at him again. This time it hits him in the face. Supreme is enraged. He takes another swing, but Bilbo ducks under it again. He scrambles to try to find the dildo, laughing as he does with his hyiena laugh. Supreme catches him, though, and pulls him back into the center of the ring by his shorts. Supreme is angry, but can't really bring himself to hurt the disabled person. He stands there, staring at Bilbo, and Bilbo stares back. He shakily gets to his feet. Supreme tells him to just lay down, get it over with. Bilbo spits a loogie in the face of Dylan, then giggles. Supreme wipes it off. His lip curls as he exhales before kicking Bilbo square in the face.

Pip: Good lord, Supreme Dylan damn near took his head off with that kick!

Heather: He had it coming though, you can't deny that.

Dylan stands with one foot on Bilbo's chest.





Pip: Whelp, not sure what we just saw but I am glad its over.

Dylan leaves the ring as Bilbo lays flat.

The unfamiliar theme music blasts through the arena’s speakers as a new video package plays on the X-tron. Footage of Charlie Nickles blasting dudes with chair shots, big boots, and devil hook drops rolls on screen as the madman himself comes speed walking down the entrance ramp. Charlie evidently came dressed to impress, donning an untucked short-sleeve dress shirt, a skinny black tie, and brown slacks. His white shirt appeared to be free of stains and sweat spots, a rare occurrence for the hardcore wrestler from the heartland. His left hand gripped a steel chair by the leg while his right hand clutched a microphone.

Heather: Who’s this weirdo making his way to the ring?

Pip: I think that’s Charlie Nickles! He had his debut interview on Thursday Night Anarchy right before the Leap of Faith PPV. I’ve heard he's a strange guy, and not someone to take lightly.

Heather: The enhancement show, huh? He looks like he should stay there!

The audience was mostly dead silent as the heavyset man made his way to the ring, spare the occasional jeer and insult tossed his way by the knowledgeable marks in the crowd. Charlie slides into the ring underneath the bottom rope as his long brown hair falls over his bearded face. He brings himself up to his feet by pushing the back of the steel chair against the ringmat. The XWF newcomer walks in circles around the ring as soon as he is on his feet, turning his neck both ways as he scopes out the collection of fans in the audience. His theme music cuts off as he is in the middle of circling the ring for a third time.

Heather: What’s this guy wasting T.V. time for?

Pip: He has a microphone, so I think he has something to say!

Heather: Well he better get to it. I don’t have all day you know!

Charlie circles the ring a few more times before suddenly snapping the steel chair open with an insane flick of his wrist. He steps into the center of the ring and drops the open chair onto the mat. The newcomer brings the microphone up to his lips. He raises his now empty left hand as if he is about to gesticulate a point, but a few seconds later he drops both of his hands back to his waist. He circles the steel chair one time before taking a seat in the center of the ring. He brings his hands together between his knees as his gaze drifts to the floor.

Heather: This guy needs to get to the point!

Pip: I think we may be watching the ratings fall in real time.

The boos start to trickle in as Charlie remains seated in the center of the ring, as if in quiet contemplative thought. The man takes his left hand up to his beard, stroking the strands of a hair along his jawline for a moment before tugging on them. After one tug he brings his left hand down to his lap and his right hand up to his lips. He licks his lips before making a popping sound with them. The crowd’s patience finally breaks as a flood of boos rains down from the stands.

Pip: It seems the fans have had enough of Charlie’s antics!

Heather: Even the unwashed masses can’t stand this guy!

The reserved man brings his hands back to that same spot between his knees. His expression seems to grow slightly darker as his brow furrows and eyes narrow. He leans back in his chair and looks up to the scoreboard hanging in the center of the arena. His left index and middle finger flinch a few times. A second later Charlie propels himself out of the chair, leaping towards the ropes in front of him. He rests his body against the ropes as he locks eyes with a member of the audience in the front row.

Charlie: You bastards always take! It’s all you do! This was supposed to be my moment. But you’re ruining it! I just need a moment to compose myself...just give me….

The jeers from the crowd continue to rage on as the newcomer tries to get his head in the proverbial game. Charlie brings the microphone down to his waist with his right hand as his left arm leans over the top rope. The newcomer directs his gaze straight down to the ground.

Pip: I’m not sure this guy can handle the bright lights of Wednesday Night Warfare!

Heather: I think that goes without saying, Pip.

Charlie brings the microphone back up to his lips. Gaze still directed downwards, Charlie begins to speak softly despite the boos coming from the crowd.

I never thought I would make it this far. To be here with you, center stage, on Warfare. I dreamed of this moment twenty years ago. I dreamed of this moment ten years ago. I dreamed of this moment five years ago. I dreamed of this moment last night in my hotel room.

The chant of ‘boring’ begins to spread throughout the crowd.

Charlie: This isn’t how I dreamed it would be. In all my dreams, my beautiful wife Connie was right beside me. But now her and the kids are gone! I am their dad, damn it! I don’t care if you divorced me Connie, I’m still your husband! You said til’ death do us part, and you’re not dead yet!

The continued jeering seems to disturb Charlie as he brings the microphone down. A scowl spreads across his face as the boring chant overtakes the audience. The madman dashes across the ring with surprising hustle. He rests his body fully against the ropes as he leans over the top rope to make eye contact with some of the more obnoxious fans in the front row leading the chants.

Charlie: Now listen here, jacks! I came out here to say my piece. I have fought through blood, sweat, and tears for over 20 years to be in this ring today. I have been through hell and back, confronted unimaginable horrors. And for what? To get here?

The newcomer brings the microphone down to his chest, resting his hands on the top rope as his eyes scan across the audience.

To get here and have a bunch of Frenchies bitch and moan at me for ten minutes? A man can’t even have a moment to himself! That’s what’s wrong with you people. You’re selfish! Entitled! This isn’t all about you, you know? This whole industry. This whole federation. It wasn’t built for you. It was built off of the broken bones of men like me FOR men like me! Only the toughest sons of bitches in the world can make it as far as I’ve made it. You bastards should be applauding me, chanting my name! I have crippled and maimed men for you. I’ve broken arms, legs, skulls! I left my family in Ohio to travel the circuit for years, put on a hardcore show for the people, and what do I get for my sacrifice?

The audience continues to jeer Charlie as he lays into them.

Charlie: I get booed damn it! You people had your chance. I am not doing this for you any longer. From here on out, Charlie Nickles is a family man. Family values like putting food on the table and winning back my wife. That’s what drives me now. Your petty chants, your worthless praises, they mean nothing to me anymore. I’m not one of these fresh-faced rookies who creams his pants when some sorority sluts chant his name. I spent over a decade on the quest for groupies and cheap thrills. I’m over it! Now, family comes first. And I’ll do anything to give my children the best life possible. I don’t care if I have to cheat in my matches to win, or if I have to hit your favorite wrestler with my van before our match just for that extra edge. I will do anything for that sweet sweet victory money.

Charlie tosses the microphone over the ropes onto the floor below. It hits the mat with a loud umph as Charlie goes to pick the steel chair up from the other side of the ring.

Pip: Well there you have it folks, some uhh, explosive words from the newcomer Charlie Nickles!

Charlie exits the ring between the top two ropes, chair in hand. He makes his way towards the entrance ramp while the crowd continues to voice it’s disdain for the hardcore vet.

Heather:I don’t like this guy, Pip. Something about the trailer trash turned homeless businessman aesthetic just doesn’t do it for me. I can’t help but to think that management made a mistake when they signed him!

Ironic timing notwithstanding, Charlie is seen bickering with an audience member as he gets halfway up the entrance ramp. By this point the camera had zoomed out to show the capacity crowd, but Charlie’s argument was still clearly visible in the top of the frame. Charlie is gripping the steel chair with both hands as the audience members reaches over the barricade to point a finger at the hardcore wrestler. The audience member, while out of focus, does somewhat resemble a douchey frat bro from afar.

Pip: Coming up next, we have anoth-


Charlie lashes out at the fan with a wild chairshot. The front row immediately recoils, screaming as they try to move back.

Pip: Oh god! Security! We need security!


Another chairshot rings out as Charlie clips the dude again. The frat bro drops to his knees as the people around him desperately try to flee.

Heather: This guy is a lunatic!

Charlie drops the chair and places his hands on the barricade as if to step over it. He brings up his right leg but the strong and delightfully manicured hand of Little Feather grabs it just as it reaches the top of the barricade. Three more security personnel immediately grab Charlie around the torso and arms, pulling him back to the center of the ramp.

Pip: Folks, we need to cut to a commercial break! We’ll be right back after these words from our advertisers!


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Minx makes her way to the ring.

Lynx makes his way to the ring.




XWF newcomer Lynx makes his way quickly out of his corner, charging towards Minxs and dropping her immediately with a powerful clothesline. Minxs tries to climb to her feet but Lynx quickly drills a kick into her midsection and sends Minxs rolling across the canvas. Minxs tries to stand again but catches another strong kick to the ribs followed by an enziguiri that looks like it knocked her senseless!

HHL: Minxs already looks concussed!

PC: That kick looked brutal! I had NO idea this guy could kick like that!

Lynx drags Minxs up and locks her in a side headlock, squeezing powerfully as he walks her around the ring and feeds her several right hands. He lets go of the headlock and grabs ahold of her arm, twisting her into a standing armbar and wrenching her shoulder repeatedly. Minxs tries to forward roll out of the pressure but Lynx is ready and lets go of Minxs wrist, grabbing her by the waist…


Lynx flattens Minxs out on the mat and looks for the cover!



Kickout by Minxs!

She manages to get a shoulder up, and Lynx quickly drags her up to her feet to put in some more work. Lynx ties Minxs up and then shoots her off the far ropes with an irish whip! Lynx hurdles Minxs as she slingshots back at him, then catches her as she bounces off the second set of ropes and hits a belly to belly suplex! Minxs skids across the canvas once more, and Lynx makes his way to the ropes as the crowd cheers wildly!

HHL: Lynx is motioning for Minxs to get back to her feet!

PC: Minxs uses the middle ropes to drag herself up!

Springboard dropkick!

Lynx uses the middle rope as a springboard, and nearly dropkicks Minxs head clean off! Minxs collapses to the canvas and Lynx pounces atop her for another cover attempt!



Minxs gets a shoulder up on instinct alone! Somehow she stays alive and keeps this match going!

HHL: I’ll always respect a competitor like Minxs who just refuses to quit.

PC: Yeah, well… she should maybe consider it here. She’s getting molly whopped.

HHL: Nice word, Pip.

PC: Thanks, Heather.

Lynx seems to be getting tired of messing around and looks out to the crowd, lifting his arms and posing triumphantly. The crowd explodes! They love this Tiger masked bastard! Lynx waits as Minxs staggers up slowly to her feet, then springboards off the middle rope once again!

HHL: Hichō Rangeki Ha!

PC: Springboard knee off of the middle rope!

There’s no doubt about it this time. Minxs is out cold. Lynx drops to his knees and makes the cover as the referee slides into position.






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As soon the beat drop on the X-Tron, green pyro blast out of no where on the entrance stage, and Tommy is walking down to the ramp and he gives each people some high fives. Then he slides into the ring, and he raises his arms up to the crowd, then stands in the middle of ring as his theme cuts off.

"What's Up, People!" by Maximum the H hits and the lights dim to only a spotlight on The Wraith standing at the top of the ramp. He is looking at a doll, made from and abandoned burlap sack that resembles a blonde wrestler dressed similarly to himself without a mask. He starts poking needles into the doll and pulling them out as he makes his way through the fog surrounding the arena. Once he has made his way to the apron he looks around the arena in a slow, sadistic manner. He drops the doll, stepping on it as he walks to the steel steps. He takes another look around the arena and then gets in through the ropes. The Wraith approaches the center of the ring and raises his hands up wanting the fans to take him in and then without warning he grabs the noose around his neck and pulls viciously with a scream and the lights go out.

The Rock's Geek Theme plays over the loudspeakers and Gage Gannon appears from backstage and walks confidently down to the ring.

All three men look ready to tear each other apart as the fans look on with excitement. After the typical prematch pat down by the referee, he heads over and calls for the bell.


The Wraith and Gage Gannon meet eyes for a moment, before turning and attacking Tommy Wish in the corner. Gage punches away at Wish's head as Charlotte wears him down with some stomps.

PIP: "I like this! Take the veteran out of the equation and turn it into a one on one!"

HEATHER: "I can't say I disagree, it'd be the opportunity for these newcomers to showcase what they've got."

Charlotte and Gannon beat Wish until he's on the mat and rolled out of the ring, at which point Gage cheapshots the Wraith. He beats on his back a few times before attempting an Irish Whip, only to have it reversed into a Side Effect. Scott then rolls Gage over for a cover.


PIP: "Smart move trying to end it while Wish is out of the picture!"

HEATHER: "That's the thing about Triple Threat matches, you're ALWAYS looking over your shoulder for the other opponent."

Scott Charlotte pulls Gage Gannon to his feet and hits him with an Elbow Smash. The shot only lights a fire under Gannon, as he responds with violent Superkick that knocks the Wraith backwards. Charlotte bounces off the rope and into a boot by Gage, where he sets him up for a Pedigree.

PIP: "Gage Gannon's gonna end it right here with a Maleficent Divinity!"

Right before Gage can hit his finisher, however, he's whacked in the back of the head with a Kendo Stick ala Tommy Wish. The force sends Gannon forward for a Back Body Drop by Scott Charlotte, who's immediately struck in the stomach by Wish's weapon. He hunches over and is smacked again with it, this time in the face.

HEATHER: "Somehow, Scott Charlotte is still standing!"

PIP: "It's almost like he enjoys the pain."

HEATHER(unenthused): "Oh great, don't we already have enough of those sickos around here?"

With the Wraith still on his feet, Tommy Wish swings at him, again, only for Charlotte to catch the stick and rip it out of his hands. However, before he can hit Wish with it, Gage Gannon yanks it out of HIS hands and breaks it in half over his back. Scott stumbles forward into an Uppercut by Tommy, before turning around and getting hit with a Spinebuster by Gannon.

PIP: "Wish and Gannon are playing pinball with Scott Charlotte!!!"

As soon as Gage Gannon is back up from his move, Tommy Wish kicks him in the gut and gets him into DDT position. Before he can hit HideYaFace, though, Gannon slips out and plants him with a Samoan Drop, laying across Wish for a cover.


HEATHER: "Gannon looks a little frustrated."

PIP: "He's gonna have to keep it together if he wants to win."

Gage brings Tommy to his feet and tries to whip him to the ropes, only to have it reversed. As Gannon hits the ropes, Scott Charlotte pulls down 'em, sending Gage toppling over to the outside. The Wraith then climbs onto the apron, where he's met by Tommy Wish, who grabs Charlotte by the noose and drags him back in over the top rope.

PIP: "The Wraith's gurgles are echoing throughout the arena!"

HEATHER: "It's a sickening sound, as well as sight!"

Tommy lets go of the noose and makes his way over to Scott Charlotte's ankle, where he applies the Fetish Lock. Wish applies pressure and twists at The Wraith's ankle as he howls even louder than before. He reaches out for the ropes, but Tommy has him perfectly in the center of the ring. After a few moments of struggle, Scott Charlotte pushes himself up and rolls forward, sending his opponent at the ropes. By the time Wish bounces back, The Wraith is already to his feet and delivers a devastating Cleansing Ritual to the former Xtreme Champion, keeping him in position for a pin.


PIP: "It might've been all over had Gage not made the save right there!"

Gannon pulls Charlotte off of Wish and tosses him to the ropes. On the rebound, Gage hits The Wraith with a Kiss the Baby(Deep 6). Rather than cover, he jumps to his feet, hyping himself up and signaling for the end. Gannon picks Scott up, puts his head between his legs, and plants him into the mat with a Maleficent Divinity. Before Gage can cover, though, Tommy Wish runs in and gets him into DDT position, spiking Gannon's head with a HideYaFace as the fans go crazy. Wish rolls Gage over and hooks the leg for a cover.



HEATHER: "We could very well be looking at the future MVP of Warfare, Pip."

PIP: "Absolutely, this win could be the first of many to come for Wish."

Tommy raises his arms before rolling out of the ring. He celebrates his hard fought victory all the way up the ramp and to the back.

PIP: "The night's not over for Charlotte and Gannon, though, as they could still recover and win tonight's Battle Royal, as well."

HEATHER: "They'll be at a slight advantage after the punishment they've taken, but not as much as Robbie Bourbon and Thaddeus Duke!"

PIP: "Under most circumstances, you'd think Bourbon and Duke would be favorites, but with their match coming directly before the Battle Royal, you gotta wonder how much either man will have left in the tank."

The fans rise to their feet and give a huge ovation as Centurion walks out from the back. He is wearing a suit, but his face is somber.

Heather: Centurion and Shawn Warstein had an incredible match at Leap of Faith, and Centurion came incredibly close to finally winning the Universal Title.

Pip: Close, but no cigar.

Centurion walks down the ramp, exchanging some pleasantries with the fans along the way. He steps into the ring and is handed a mic, and as he does, a "Centurion! Centurion!" chant rings out from the XWF faithful.

Centurion: Thank you. You are too kind.

Centurion gives a half hearted smile as he waits for the crowd to settle down.

Centurion: Two weeks ago, I laid it all out on the line. I placed my future - my entire legacy - into one match. My dream of finally becoming Universal Champion was right in front of me...and I was unable to pull it off.

Centurion lowers the mic as he looks into the crowd, slightly tearyeyed.

Centurion: And since that night, I have done a lot of thinking about my life and where my career is headed. I'm in my mid-40's now. My final chance at the Universal Title has passed me by. I've repaired the relationships with my family and friends, and I had to start thinking...about my retirement.

The crowd comes to a hush, as several boos are heard.

Centurion: And perhaps this is the time to finally pack it in. And so, I've sat done with some of my friends in the back, and had a long, thorough conversation with the XWF management. And, I have decided that...



The crowd cheers as Centurion quickly becomes more animated.

Centurion: The only way you're getting me out of this ring is if you take me out in a body bag! I love this business! And if I'm destined to be a midcarder for the rest of my life, then I'm going to be the greatest midcard wrestler on the planet! I have way more to give, and you're not going to get rid of me that easy!

The crowd goes nuts as Centurion tosses his mic into the crowd and slides out of the ring. His music plays again, and Centurion jumps into the crowd. A loud "Centurion! Centurion!" chant echoes throughout the arena as Centurion gets lifted up by the crowd.

Pip: What's going on here?

Heather: It looks like Centurion is celebrating like he won a title or something.

Pip: What a nerd.


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The lights in the arena dim, then go to full black. We then see fire emiting from the ramp after a bell tolls a few times. We then hear "SUCK MY DICK" blast from the PA and the crows begins to go ape shit. "FUCK EVERYBODY" by Steel Panther begins to kick in as res strobe lights and lasers hit the stage. We see Peter Gilmour and his demon assassin Valerie Sky appear on the stage. They look around as Peter bobs his head to the music. As soon as the chorus kicks in we see Peter start singing into the camera saying, "EVERYBODY CAN SUCK MY DICK!" They head to the ring and then get in normally. Peter then throws his hands up in an "X" pose as fire and fireworks go off above the ring in the same manner. Peter looks at Valerie and smiles wickedly as they look at the stage waiting for their next victim.

Liam Roberts makes his way to the ring.


The bell sounds and Liam gets off the blocks immediately. He charges Peter, backing him into the corner but Gilmour shoves him off. Liam keeps coming, and Peter shoves him off again.

Liam goes for a round house kick, Peter ducks it, but Liam reverses and hits a drop kick, sending Peter stumbling back into the corner.

Liam runs, hitting Peter with a forearm. Peter stumbles out to the middle of the ring. Liam goes to lock in A DDT but Peter reverses, throwing Liam behind him with a suplex. Peter sits up, catching his bearings, as Liam is back on his feet quickly.

Peter is back up and the two circle, and when they lock up Peter gets the advantage and backs Liam up into the corner. He chops him twice across the chest and then whips Liam into the other corner. Peter runs and splashes Liam in that corner and hits a DDT in the center of the ring as he stumbles out.

Pip: Peter started slow but has taken this match over.

Heather: Liam was a little too aggressive early on. He is so desperate for a win he was actually trying TOO hard.

Peter picks Liam up and drops him with a scoop slam. Peter comes off the ropes and goes for a big leg drop but Liam moves. Peter lands on his ass and winces as he grabs the back of his leg. Liam is up and so is Peter and Liam drops him back down to his back with a standing drop kick.

He goes for a quick cover.



Peter gets a shoulder up.

Pip: Love him or hate him, its gonna take more than that to keep Gilmour down

Liam picks Peter up by the head and fires a few shots, and Peter backs up against the ropes. Liam knees Peter in the gut and goes for a DDT but Peter blocks it, lifting Liam up over his back and dropping him torso first over the top rope. Liam stumbles back holding his chest and coughing as Peter as lays him out with a clothesline.

Peter covers.



3----LIAM gets a shoulder up.

Peter looks shocked and slaps the mat.

Heather: I don't think I've ever seen a match end on a clothesline. Peter gonna have to try harder than that.

Peter has Liam in the corner, and sits him on the middle rope. Peter stands on the lower rope, punching him a few times in the head and talking shit, then sits him on the top and climbs to the middle.

Liam is fighting but Peter clubs him a few times to quell that. Peter is going to suplex Liam from the top rope........


Peter goes for a suplex again.


Liam is able to lift Peter


But Liam landed hard too. Peter is flat on his back. Liam is stirring.

Pip: This one could be over quickly. Liam could steal one here to get his first win since returning!

Heather: Lotta quick matches tonight.

Pip: Blame booking.

Liam crawls into the cover.




Liam looks frustrated but content. He picks Peter up, and Gilmour wildly throws a haymaker. Liam ducks.

Peter hits the ref! The ref is down!

Liam plants Peter with a standing STO.

He goes for the cover but the ref is down.

Just then the crowd boos as a man comes through them, jumping the barricade.

Pip: Chaos! It's Chris Chaos!

Chaos grabs the ring bell.....sliding into the ring behind Liam. Roberts stands up, turns around.


Chaos levels Liam with the ring bell. Liam is out cold.

Pip: Good lord! Chris Chaos nearly decapitated Liam with that ring bell!

Chaos pulls Peter on top, then pulls the ref over.

Heather: Not like this! Liam can't get screwed like this!


Pip: Liam isn't moving! Peter is going to steal one here!


Heather: Damnit! Damn Chaos! Damn him!



Peter puts his hand up in victory like he actually did something while Chaos backs up the ramp with a grin on his face. Chaos goes to the back to let Peter celebrate his victory.

Heather: A rare win for Peter on Warfare tonight-

Pip: What? He wins ALL the time!

Heather ………..

Pip: ...he paid me to say that…

Heather: Anyway, Peter has some momentum going into that bombshell of a match that was announced at the top of our show: Peter Gilmour being given an opportunity to-

Pip: Holy shit!

In the ring, Peter is so busy inviting a series of fans at ringside to “Suck my SUUUUPEEEER-” that he doesn’t see Sarah Lacklan slide into the ring behind him. The Universal Champion runs forward, slides down onto her knees, and stops right behind Peter and-

Pip: Don’t do it!

-sends an uppercut between Peter’s groin so high that her hand nearly reaches his chest. Peter’s eyes cross and his hands go to his sadistically super groin as every male member of the audience, whether they be cis, identified, or transitioned, winces and puts a hand over their own junk. Sarah gets back to her feet, takes Peter by his greasy hair, bends him over backwards, and drives him into the mat with the Abyss reverse DDT.

Heather: The Universal Champion sending a message tonight!

After getting to her feet, Sarah calls for a mic, to which one of the nameless/faceless/otherwise useless attendants complies.

Sarah: I promise each and every one of you that Project: Clean This Place Up will begin at the Eiffel Tower in two weeks. You can all thank me later!

Sarah gently places the mic on Peter’s injured groin, smirks, and exits the ring.


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The lights go out. Then Thunderstruck by ACDC starts playing. And only white lighting starts flickering on the stage as the song starts. Just as the lyrics get to 'Thunderstruck', there is a glow on the stage, and Kris The Hammer Von Bonn is lit up by the glow and he is holding his Hammer. The lights come back on fully, and he walks all the way to the ring, followed by his Manager Antony The Jerk.

Kris walks up the steel steps. Then climbs into the ring. Oh each side of the ring, he lifts his Hammer in the air, and poses to the audience. He does this four times, one for each side of the ring. He then places his hammer in the corner, and waits for his opponent.

Azrael appears and walks to the ring confidently, with a dead set, determined look in his eyes. Eyes that smolder with a touch of fire.




Kris Von Bonn takes out his trademark hammer at the first bell as Azrael panics briefly before pulling out a lightsaber and ignites it which gets a reaction from the crowd.

Heather: "We gonna get sued."

Erebus holds the lightsaber out and gets into a stance; Kris circles around his opponent as the saber hums with every small movement. Erebus swings his wrist and launches an attack which Kris blocks with his hammer, a hand on the head and the handle. Von Bonn struggles at sparks fly and he tries to gain control, he quickly moves to the side and Erebus stumbles forward; Kris swings his hammer into the back of Azrael's knee and Erebus goes down. Von Bonn takes a step away before booting Azrael out of the ring, the lightsaber cutting through the ropes leaving one side open.

Azrael rolls up with a limp; he looks around quickly and sees someone illegally drinking a bottle of Scotch, no glass containers! SBW is very serious about that. Azrael takes the bottle and launches it towards Kris who smashes it mid-air with a hammer swing. Alcohol spills onto the floor and Azrael swipes the lightsabre across the ground which causes a fire to spread.

Kris looks at Azrael behind the flames as the pair standoff. Von Bonn sneers and looks around at the bloodthirsty crowd and a limping Erebus.

KRIS: "Don't try it Azrael, I have the high ground."

Erebus growls lowly.

AZRAEL: "You underestimate my power!"

Kris readies himself as Azrael does a sick front flip over the flames and leaps above Kris who swings around and sends the hammer crashing into Erebus ribs. Azrael Erebus lies in a broken heap inside the ring. Erebus crawls on his hands towards the ropes, screaming in agony with each stretch of his arms. Kris looks at his beaten hammer and tosses it into the fire at the side of the ring which is being handled poorly by XWF officials. Azrael turns to look up at Kris.


Kris stands tall with a look of pity in his eyes, he holds his arm aloft and a slow rumble shakes the arena, the fans panic briefly as a silver claw hammer marked with runes flies through the wall and into Kris' hand. Von Bonn drives the head of the hammer into Erebus' temple and Azrael goes limp!

Heather: "BONK!"

Pip: "Damn, did Kris just kill Azrael?"

Kris juggles the hammer in one hand as the ref checks on Erebus, after a scary couple of seconds the ref signals that Azrael is breathing but cannot continue the match!



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To win the match you have to use your FINISHER

Pip: Mandii looks focused here. This is the first time seeing Mandii Rider back in over a year, and boy does she look good!

Heather: Yes, she does! Mandii is a legend here but her last run ended a bit....early.....

Pip: Your Queen had something to do with that.

Heather: Jenny Myst and Mandii have quite the history, for sure, but Mandii may be one of the most dominant women in recent memory.

Pip: The most dominant.

Heather: Don't push it.

Mandii walks down the ramp way, soaking in the XWF environment once again. She is makes her way to the ring, sliding under the ropes and popping up with an arm in the air.

As she stares towards the entrance, Hanari's music hits. She rolls her eyes.

But Hanari is nowhere to be seen.

:Pip: Ummmm......

The music stops. After a few seconds it re-starts and he is re-announced. Again, nothing.

Heather: Well, the long anticipated return of Mandii Rider may be spoiled here. I doubt she wants to win by forfeit.

Just then, smoke billows at the entrance as Hanari's music stops. The lights go off in the arena.

When they come back on, Mandii is surrounded. It is Chris Chaos, Peter Gilmour and Hanari Carnes, Chaotic Inc, in the ring. There is also a masked man with them, wearing all black and a black ski mask.

Chaos grins as the four of them back Mandii into the corner. She has a bit of a nervous look on her face, as the men get closer.

Pip: This is gonna get ugly. Chaos wants to spoil Mandii's return by putting her on the shelf here.....

Heather: Oh no.....

As the three close in, Chris gives a hand signal. Peter goes for the first shot on Mandii, but she blocks it. Mandii gets a knee to the groin of Peter who backs up, holding his junk with one arm.

As the other 3 move in, Mandii puts her fists up into fighting position. Just when it looks like they are about to take Mandii apart, Chris and Hanari club Peter in the back, dropping him. They begin to stomp Peter, along with the masked man as Mandii's eyes go wide.

Pip: What the hell is this?! They're attacking Gilmour!

Mandii then smiles, and begins stomping Peter as well! In the center of the ring, Hanari locks in the Viva La Republic arm bar, and Chaos has a microphone. Mandi waves at a fan in the front row with a "Mandii is my girlfriend" sign.

[Image: 64M8y0o.gif]

Chaos: For those of you who thought you were going to see a match were dead wrong. Don't blame me, blame Theo Pryce and the establishment who booked my right hand man in a match against an arch nemesis of mine to try to get back at me......their games have backfired.

Hanari still has the arm bar locked on Peter.

Chaos: Leap of Faith didn't go as planned, and that's mostly because Mr. Gilmour over here dropped the ball. But....I will take some responsibility as well. I was not prepared for war, I didn't have the ammo to take on Cataclysm and it showed.....but that all stops now.......

Robert you forced me out of XWF once and as much as I hated it....I look back on it now, and I have to thank you. Robert you opened my eyes to the fact that there were other companies besides this one, and there were other people who hated what goes on here just as much as I do. I went to RLF and I ran into miss Mandii over there....and did we attack one another? Did we fight? No. Everything that happened here, stayed here. We put the past behind us......We came to realize that all of the negative energy, all of the pitting us against each was all a product of the administration and the ones like you Robert who were pulling the strings."

Peter is tapping out, but Hanari isn't letting go.

Chaos: So when I came back, I said I had a plan. I said that Chaotic Inc was gonna be different than the past, because this time, I am running it......

You know, I never hated Mandii Rider, that was a Jenny beef. She hated anyone who was better than her at anything. But all along, Mandii was chaotic. Every time we fought, there was that tension there...the way she looked at me.....the way I looked at her......

Heather: What is he talking about?

Chaos: Joining AX3 was your idea. Empire was your creation. I allowed you to have your little stables, I allowed you to have your little beefs, kept you out of my hair. You're a nuisance, Jen. How many matches have you cost me? How many times have you put me in a bad I set this whole thing up to keep you busy. Remember that whole 'general manager' thing you keep boasting about? You ever stop to think about just where the hell Taylor Mayde came from? Do you really think she had any pull around here? Taylor owed me a favor......

He makes the spanking gesture with his hands.

Chaos: You wonder why Taylor left shortly after? Favor done, job complete. Mandii made your life hell, Jenny.....because of ME. You lost your management position, you lost your precious title, you lost everything you had and you came running back to me.........just where you're supposed to be. You claim you needed to make your own needed to get out from under my shadow......well baby girl, you ARE my shadow. You've never been anything without me, and you never will be.

Pip: This am not a Jenny Myst fan but this is humiliating.....

Chaos: All those times I came home late. All those times I seemed distant. All those times I refused to attack Mandii, and went easy on her in matches.....all those times I made it seem like Mandii wasn't as big of a deal as you made her was all part of the plan. So, Jenny.....go ahead, go do your little show and wither away facing the Atara Themis's of the world....while Mandii Rider reaches the stars. You want to separate yourself from me professionally? I did the same long I think you can believe me when I say that this......its.....just business........"

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Heather: Ugh. He's disgusting. I can't believe what we're seeing here.

Chaos: And you.......

He turns towards Peter....

Chaos: Hanari, let him go.

He lets go, Peter winces and grabs at his shoulder.

Chaos: You dropped the ball, Peter. I dominated that match, I had both Main and Page beat on several occasions but you just couldn't hack it......but it was my fault. It was on me. I had too much faith in Peter, hear me loud and clear.....

He crouches down to Peter's face.

Chaos: This is the last warning. You drop the ball again, and he will break your arm off your body. You're still on the team but consider this.....'probation'.....

He kicks Peter in the ribs.

Chaos: Get him up.

Hanari lifts Peter up, placing him against the ropes.

They go to leave the ring when the masked man is standing there........the crowd cheers as he doesn't leave with them.

Chris turns back towards him.

Chaos: Oh yes....I almost forgot......Ned Kaye........"

The crowd cheers at the name.

Pip: No! That can't be Ned Kaye! Don't even tell me Ned has joined these heathens!

Chaos: The man who attacked you at the Pay Per View......the man who ruined your weak little revenge plot.......

The masked man rolls out of the ring and walks over next to the time keeper, and pulls out a box, similar to the one he had in Tokyo. He rolls back into the ring holding the box.

Chaos: This man is a friend of mine, and he wants to burn this place down just as badly as I do......

The man pulls the mask off....

Pip: It's Ares Creed! Ares Creed is here!

Chaos: This man is going to be your worst nightmare. So go ahead, make your little return......but just know that I, Hanari Carnes, Peter Gilmour, Mandii Rider and this man, Ares Creed......we'll be waiting....."

Creed opens the box and dumps out the ashes, stepping on them and twisting his foot.

Chaos laughs.

Chaos: .......and I thought Jenny had daddy issues........"

They laugh as the music hits. The 5 of them raise their hands up.

Pip: My god, Mandii Rider and Ares Creed have joined Chaotic Inc! They're more powerful than ever! Chaos said he was building an army.....this must be what he meant!

Heather: I don't believe it! And Mandii Rider......the Queen is NOT gonna be happy about this!

Chaos and Mandii kiss as the 5 exit the ring.


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GUITAR! gold light bursts through the darkness pointing straight up from beneath the stage illuminating a lion banner above the entrance way. More guitar, the screen flashes to behind the curtain where Thaddeus is shown wearing a white Lionheart hoodie with the hood up, rocking back and forth in anticipation and excitement.

Back to the mostly darkened arena. 'OKAY,' the arena lights pop on, strobing in gold colored lighting with Thaddeus Duke, hood up, standing on stage not moving.

GUITAR WINDS UP, CHORUS: The crowd cheers as he throws off the hood and walks to either side of the stage, pointing out toward the fans. He backpedals toward center stage and then heads toward the ring. Once he can reach fans, he slaps hands old school style, going from side to side. He runs up the steps and pauses, looking at his admirers before hopping over the top rope into the ring. He makes his way to each corner, giving the Bret Hart "I love you" pose.. Once all four corner are done, he hops back to the outside and takes selfies with fans at ringside. Mostly kids, teens and 20 somethings.

The lights in the arena go deep blue as smoke fills the air. Pink and silver laser lights cut through the smoke and it looks fucking rad.

"Here, we are! Born to be kings; we're the Princes of the Universe! Here we belong, fighting to survive, in a world with the darkest power!"

As Princes of the Universe blares throughout the arena, slowly walking out onto the entrance ramp is Robbie Bourbon. He stops, surveys the whole of the arena, raises his fists at 45 degree angles, and continues his deliberate plod towards the ring. Robbie climbs the steps, then climbs the nearest ring post half way and raises his fists at 45 degree angles. The lights go back to normal and the music stops. The XWF Universe in attendance, becoming hooligans, all chant in unison:



Duke slides back into the ring upon hearing the bell sound as he stares across the ring at Robbie Bourbon who stares back across the ring at Duke.

”The rules are simple; no pinfalls, no submissions. The only way to win this match is to incapacitate your opponent for a ten count.”

Duke and Bourbon walk out to the center of the ring where they lock up. Bourbon uses his size and strength to muscle Duke back into a neutral corner where he holds him against the buckles before giving a clean break as Robbie backs out towards the center of the ring where he calls Thaddeus out telling him to “bring it” which draws a smirk from Duke.

”Bourbon has the size and strength over Thaddeus but it’s never stopped Duke in the past from finding a away to get it done against larger opponents.”

Duke comes out from the corner where he and Bourbon circle around each other before they look to lock up only to see Duke duck down while taking a back waist lock, Duke spins Robbie around latching on to a side head lock before taking him over to the mat! Duke cranks on the side headlock as we see Robbie start working his way back to his feet. He backs Duke back into the ropes before shooting him across the ring with an Irish Whip, Duke bounces off the near side ducking under a Bourbon clothesline! Duke hits the far side delivering a flying forearm smash to the face of Bourbon sending Robbie to the mat allowing Duke to nip up! The referee starts laying the count to Robbie.





Robbie is back to one knee before stepping up to his feet as he backs up into a neutral corner. Thaddeus charges towards the corner where Bourbon side steps the Television Champion sending him crashing sternum first into the turnbuckles. Bourbon spins Duke around putting his back against the buckles and unloads with heavy right handed shots to the ribs before shooting him across the ring and into the opposite buckles where Bourbon rushes in behind Duke smashing him against the buckles with a Avalanche Splash! Duke crumbles to the mat as the referee starts counting.






Duke rolls out of the ring where he lands on his feet breaking the count. Robbie rolls out to the floor spinning Thaddeus around where he takes him and drives him lower back first into the ring apron! He follows it with a second and then a third before taking Duke and driving him head first into the ring steps.

”This one has spilled out to the floor!”

Bourbon tosses the ring apron back where he pulls out a steel chair! Duke is laid up against the ring post as we see Bourbon swing with the chair and Duke evades sending the Bourbon crashing the chair against the ring post with the reverberations causing the chair to fall from Robbie’s hands as we see Duke deliver a Side Russian Leg Sweep on the floor!

”Bourbon’s head cracked against the floor!”

The referee starts to lay the count to Robbie as Thaddeus gets back to a vertical base.







Bourbon starts to stir as he pushes himself up off the floor to one knee breaking the count. Thaddeus comes forward where he eats a right hand to the bread basket doubling Thaddeus over. Bourbon snatches the chair as he steps back to his feet where he waffles Duke across the back sending Thad down to the floor. Robbie hurls the chair into the ring before going under the ring and pulling out a Table! The referee lays the count to Thaddeus.



Robbie sets the table up on the floor.





Duke starts to stir as he reaches one knee before being pulled to his feet by Robbie breaking the count. Robbie hurls Thaddeus into the ring under the bottom rope before sliding into the ring himself. Robbie gats back to his feet where he takes the steel chair and wedges it between the top and middle turnbuckles of a neutral corner. He turns his attention back to Thaddeus where he delivers a running knee lift to Duke as he gets to his feet knocking him back down to the mat.

”Robbie has firm control over this Last Man Standing match.”

Robbie reaches down picking Thaddeus up where he takes him by the head and charges towards the neutral corner that houses the chair wedged between the top and middle turnbuckle where he looks to drive Thaddeus face first into the steel, Thaddeus reverses and its Bourbon’s head that is driven into the cold hard steel of the chair! Duke pulls Bourbon out from the corner where he locks a front face lock before peeling off a snap suplex! Duke pops the hips and picks himself and Bourbon off the mat where a second snap suplex is delivered before repeating the process and completing the Three Amigos! Duke gets back to his feet as he points up signaling a top rope move coming as he makes his way to the ropes and steps out to the ring apron while the official lays the count to Bourbon.




Duke starts climbing the nearest set of buckles.



Thaddeus is perched on the top rope!



Bourbon pushes himself up off the mat and back to a vertical base for Duke to leap off the top rope looking for a hurricanrana! Bourbon catches Duke in midair before running towards a neutral corner where a Running Bourbon-Buckle Bomb is delivered! Thaddeus bounces off the buckles and staggers out towards Robbie who delivers a vicious Pop-Up Spinbuster to Duke driving him down into the mat!

”Dinosaur Extinctor!”

Robbie rolls towards a neutral corner where he uses the ropes to pull himself back to his feet as the count is laid to the Television Champion.








Thaddeus pushes himself up off the mat and to one knee before stepping back up to his feet breaking the referee’s count!

”Bourbon and Duke are throwing everything they’ve got at each other right now!”

”And to think they turn around and are competing in the MVP Battle Royale.”

Bourbon comes forward driving a boot in the midsection of Duke doubling him over where Bourbon sets up Duke for another Robbie-Bomb! Bourdon hoists Duke up in the air only to have Duke counter with a Hurrincanranna sending Bourbon throat first across the middle ropes! Duke pulls Bourbon back out towards the ring where he delivers a Side Suplex that folds Bourbon up. Bourbon rolls through where he is on both knee’s as Duke pops back to his feet before looking at Robbie as he screams out “KISS IT!” and follows up with a step up Enziguri to the temple of Bourbon! The official starts laying the count to Robbie.





Thaddeus gets back to a vertical base.





Robbie begins to stir.


Bourbon steps up to a vertical base breaking the referee’s count!

Robbie staggers backwards before slowly turning around to locate Duke! Duke sizes Bourbon up and looks to deliver the Superkick! Robbie ducks out of the way at the final second! Duke spins around where Bourbon snatches him by the throat before delivering a violent Chokeslam!

”Bourbon delivers a thunderous EMC Squared!”

Bourbon steps back into a neutral corner as the referee starts laying the count to Duke.






Duke starts to roll towards the ropes but Bourbon is on the spot as he breaks the referee’s count by picking Duke up off the mat. Bourbon positions Duke for another Bourbon Bomb! He hoists Duke up in the air only to have Thaddeus counter with a Sit Out Face Buster! Both men are laid out on the mat as the referee starts laying the count to each.





Duke starts to stir as he pushes himself up to one knee.



Robbie rolls over to his chest and starts pushing himself up off the mat as Duke is back to his feet.



Bourbon gets back to his feet as Duke comes forward with a hard right hand, he lands a second and then a third before planting a boot to the midsection before hurling Bourbon into the buckles. Duke makes his way over where he drives several shoulder blocks to the midsection of Bourbon before hoisting him up to the top turnbuckle. Duke climbs up to the middle followed by the top rope where he looks to deliver a Top Rope Hurrincanranna! Bourbon blocks with his massive upper body strength before Bourbon hoists Duke back up and comes off the top rope with a BOURBON BOMB!

… that’s not it!

Robbie gets back to his feet where he reaches down picking Duke up off the mat where he delivers a running Bourbon Bomb over the top rope and crashing through the table set up at ringside! The table explodes under Duke as he crashes down to the floor! The referee starts to lay the count to Duke.













The referee raises the arm of Bourbon who looks into the camera as he holds up one finger while mouthing the words “One down, One to go.” Before stepping through the ropes and out on to the ring apron where he looks down at Duke who is crawling out of the ruble of the table.

”Bourbon is dead set on leaving Warfare as the MVP after he just defeats Thaddeus Duke.”

Robbie makes his exit while Thaddeus manages to rolls back into the ring….

Suddenly the lights start to flicker…

Two spotlights hit the top of the ramp where the unmasked versions of CHRIS PAGE and ROBERT MAIN, collectively known as Cataclysm standing with their eyes fixated on the squared circle. Page stands to the right with the Tag Title over his right shoulder and the Television Title over his left shoulder while Robert is on the left with the Xtreme Title over his left shoulder and Tag Title over his right.

”This might get a lot worse if your name is Thaddeus Duke because CATACLYSM is collectively on Wednesday Night Warfare!”

Page and Main start to make a slow and methodical walk towards the ring as Thaddeus takes center ring welcoming a fight!

”Page is still in possession of the Television Championship that rightfully belongs to Thaddeus Duke after Leap of Faith.”

Cataclysm reaches ringside where we see Chris whisper something in Robert’s ear which garners a nod from Main and the two start walking around to opposite sides of the ring where they look to corner Thaddeus…..

A black ropes emerges on the screen from the rafters in the ring! Suddenly a figure in a Jason mask repeals down from the rafters and into the ring with Thaddeus! The Jason mask is taken off to reveal…


Main and Page make eye contact as the Duke’s are begging for a fight. Page raises the TV Title up in the air before motioning with his head towards Main and with that nod of the head Cataclysm return to the foot of the ramp before turning their backs on Thaddeus and Sebastian Duke as they walk back up the ramp.

“Guile’s Theme” HITS! The crowd pops! The Wizard – a man whose mind is NO LONGER MASTERED steps out from behind the curtain dressed in his magical attire. Face shielded. Beard looking combed TO PERFECTION. Alongside The Wizard are his pals – Edward Mof, Fanny, and Father Thyme. Together, they make their way down the ramp...The Wizard throwing some epic thrusts with his staff, in stereo with the epic video game tune. Reaching the ring, the four unique but lockstep individuals enter. Edward Mof takes the mic, the music halts.

Edward Mof: Yea, I know the gig. Managers SLASH dating coaches are supposed to do the coaching, the talking. But I’m handing this straight away to my client, THE WIZARD, who is coming off the biggest win of his CAREER. Take it away, WIZ!

The Wizard happily accepts the mic. Fanny claps. Father Thyme looks into the sky, reading bible verses that relate to this situation inside his theological head.

The Wizard: Thanks, Edward. HOLY SMOKES!

A large “BANG” sounds followed by a cloud of smoke. A pretty lame, low rent effect...but one the Wizard seems thrilled to have pulled off.

The Wizard: How good does it feel? HOW GOOD DOES IT FEEL? My brain is FREE. Rid of all outside mastery. I am now, officially, MASTER OF MY OWN CEREBRAL DOMAIN!

The fans cheer.

The Wizard: Thank you. Thank you. It wasn’t easy. I’d go into the details but, I mean, I’m quite exhausted from it all. So, to put a lid on the past, I’ll simply say – You did your best, Mastermind. And, for that, I am grateful. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to eliminate my demons. Best of luck moving forward, sir.

It seems odd. Wrestlers don’t usually commend each other like this after a BLOOD FEUD. BUT, The Wizard is a gracious man. He’s also a Wizard. So he does things us normal humans can’t be expected to understand.

The Wizard: And’s TO THE FUTURE.

A “ZOOM” sound effect molests the arena speakers. Fans turn every which way, trying to follow the noise. It’s merely another shitty effect designed by the Wizard to simulate time travel.

The Wizard: Two items of business. ITEM ONE

The Wizard turns and motions toward the three people sharing the ring with him.

The Wizard: My friends. Without their help I wouldn’t be here today, a free minded man. They helped me solve the mastery that had me spellbound for years. For that, I’m eternally grateful. And, knowing what lies ahead...the dangers and malevolent forces abound within the hallowed halls of XWF...I’m going to need their help. So, we’re forming a team. A group. A stable. A faction...hell, some might even call it a GATHERING. A future cornerstone of XWF. All we need is a name…

The Wizard feigns creative thinking. He turns to Fanny and she shrugs. He turns to Father Thyme...he shows a giant piece of thyme...The Wizard laughs. Edward Mof points to The Wizard, indicating it’s up to him. Perplexed, The Wizard looks OUTSIDE the ring for guidance. He spots a strangely placed cocktail waitress. HOW STRANGELY PLACED? She’s walking around the ring with a tray in one hand.

The Wizard: Excuse me, ma’am. Are those drinks

His shitty acting skills on display, The Wizard gains her attention. She reacts, rivaling his terrible us a performance that would make amateur porn stars cringe.

The Wizard: They are?! Well hot dawg! Step on in here and let us have them!

She does. The tray is covered in a purple cloth that looks very magical. Reaching underneath, The Wizard removes a glass of scotch.

The Wizard: Why...Eddie, I believe this to be your brand.

Mof takes the drink and nods. Reaching back in, The Wizard removes a glass of red wine.

The Wizard: FATHER...I believe this to be some of your holy sacrament.

Father Thyme: Why, yes it is.

Reaching in a third time, The Wizard removes a forty of OE. Fanny screams, jumping up and down.

The Wizard: Guess we know to whom THIS belongs.

Fanny rips the drink away.

The Wizard: That just leaves drink

The Wizard YANKS the cloth away...underneath is a LEMON WHITE CLAW!

The Wizard: Hell yea! NO LAW WITH THE CLAW!

Taking the drink and ordering the shitty actress/waitress to leave, The Wizard turns to his stablemates.

The Wizard: I dunno guys. I’m thinking we call this group...GOOD LIBATIONS!

This was obviously discussed ad nauseum since Leap of Faith’s conclusion. BUT, they try and act spontaneous and surprised. The Wizard cracks his can open, a toast is had, and everyone takes a sip of their preferred beverage...except Fanny, she chugs.

The Wizard: Alright...that was fun. Now, let’s step into a more serious realm for Item #2.

Stepping forward, a more serious aura surrounds The Wizard.

The Wizard: Success indicates a natural upward trajectory. I’ve defeated Chris Chaos, Gage Gannon, Hanari Carnes, Greggo, Liam Roberts…

The crowd laughs.

The Wizard: C'mon, guys. Cut Liam some slack...HE'S TRYING REALLY HARD

Crowd laughs EVEN HARDER. Wizard gives up and moves on.

The Wizard: And, most recently, Mastermind. I’ve got, arguably, the hottest streak going in XWF. Which means it’s time to look upward. It’s time to pick a new name to target.

Hushed, the crowd leans in, eager to hear who The Wizard is eyeing for ‘Super’ Relentless.

The Wizard: The only blemish on my record was at War Games. A loss that bothers me more and more with each and every win. A loss I feel the need to avenge. So, I look toward one of the winners of War Games and I see one name…

The camera zooms in on the Wizard’s hidden face.

The Wizard: Robert “The Omega” Main.

The crowd pops.

The Wizard: Winner of War Games – my lone defeat. May Wrestler of the Month in XWF. XWF Tag Team Champion. XWF Xtreme Champion. You’re spoken of as a main event player, a true badass. A leviathan on a stacked roster. Well, I’ve just got one thing to say about that…

Dramatic pause. Some fan screams because, I mean, they always do when an arena goes silent.


The Wizard tosses the mic in the air and chugs his WHITE CLAW. ‘Guile’s Theme’ hits as GOOD LIBATIONS stand happy and proud, eager to see The Wizard challenge Robert Main.

To Wizard's astonishment the arena light fall as a series of images play over the X-tron.

[Image: giphy.gif]

[Image: giphy.gif]

[Image: giphy.gif]

[Image: giphy.gif]

[Image: giphy.gif]

As the house lights come up Robert is standing behind Wizard motionless... Mof, Fanny, and Father Thyme stagger against the ropes in shock. The ravenous fans erupt as Wizard gulps, gradually turning around coming face to face with a monstrosity known as "The Omega"…

[Image: lBVz1Je.jpg]

Wizard takes a few steps back uncertain as the two lock eyes dead center of the ring...he takes the time to wave his friends off, out of the ring. They exit, absconding to safety. The Wizard then lowers his eyes leering at the X-Treme Championship strapped to Robert's waist...

" I want a shot."

A sadistic smirk falls over Robert's face as Wizard steps forward pushing Main who doesn't budge...

" Well?"

Robert rips the X-title from around his waist shooting Wizard an unsympathetic smirk simply nodding. Main leers down at his Championship before reaching out handing the belt to the dumbfounded Wizard... Robert turns his back to Wizard lifting both arms to his sides.

Pip: "Robert handed Wizard the X-title then turned his back to him?"

HEATHER: "Robert is daring Wizard to do something right here on Warfare."

Wizard lifts the Championship rearing back as Robert remains motionless.

Pip: "Wizard's lifting the belt."

HEATHER: "Robert's about to have his clock cleaned."

Wizard hesitates unsure of the end game as Robert lowers his arms dropping his head.

Pip: "Robert's was giving Wizard a free shot and he didn't take it."

HEATHER: "He should have..."

Robert cracks his neck leisurely turning back around pushing Wizard.

Pip: "Here we go."

HEATHER: " If Wizard is going to attack he needs to do it right now...

Wizard swings the Championship as Robert ducks underneath... Wizard spins around and is met with a kick to the midsection dropping the T-title... Wizard drops to his knees reaching for the Championship as Main steps on his hand... Wizard looks up towards Main who shakes his head grabbing Wizard by the throat...

Pip: "Wizard is in trouble..."

HEATHER: "Main has him up to his feet..."

" Welcome to my world..."

Main squeezes as Wizard throws overhand right's like they are going out of style.

Pip: "Wizard's getting in some tremendous shots here... Main is losing his grip..."

HEATHER: "Wizard's free... Main lost his grip."

Wizard headbutts Main then returns the favor by grabbing Robert by the throat. Main grins as Wizard whips Main into the ropes connecting with a Big Boot sending Robert tot he outside

Pip: "Robert is on the outside..."

HEATHER: "Wizards got the upper hand here he needs to stay on Robert."

Wizard rushes to the outside where Main is moving towards the timekeeper's area... Wizard clubs Main in the back several times as Main falls facefirst onto the timekeeper's table... As Wizard moves in closer Robert swings the ring bell connecting with Wizards skull...

Pip: "Did you hear that? Wizard is down and busted from ear to ear..."

HEATHER: "Main isn't finished either..."

Robert pulls Wizard off the floor sending him into the steel steps... Wizard lays there motionless as Robert pulls the steel steps apart tossing the top half to the side...

Pip: "Someone needs to get out here and stop this for the love of God... Robert's is going to kill the man..."

HEATHER: "Main just laid Wizard face first on the bottom portion of those steel ring steps... Oh, no... Main has a steel chair..."

Robert waste no time lifting the chair high above his head...

Pip: "No, no, no..."

HEATHER: "He's going to do it..."

Robert smashes the chair into Wizards skull...

" Pip: a steel steps Conchairto."

HEATHER: "Robert Main is a pure savage... Wizard challenged him... Main obliged... "

Robert grins as the house lights fall...

[Image: giphy.gif]

As the light comes back up Robert Main is gone and Wizard is surrounded by medical.

[Image: JggTqeU.png]


- vs -
- vs -
- vs -
- vs -
- vs -
- vs -
- vs -
- vs -
- vs -
- vs -
- vs -
- vs -
- vs -
- vs -
- vs -
- vs -
- vs -
- vs -

All 18 participants are in the ring. It's chocka block. The main referee on the outside is about to call for the bell when:

Hits the arena's sound system.

PIP: "Oh the boss man is back. I mean Wednesday Night Warfare GM Smoking Bob Williams is back. What's he doing out here for now?"

Smoking Bob Williams makes his way from the back down the ramp, still holding the briefcase from earlier in the night. All the wrestlers in the ring, watch him walk towards them, then walk around the other side of the ring and head straight for the announcer's table.

HEATHER: "Oh look he's coming this way."

SBW sits down beside Pip, and puts on his headset.

SBW: "Good evening ladies and gentlemen out there in the XWF Universe, hello Pip, hello Heather, this match should be good."

HEATHER: "Hi Mr Williams. It's good to have you here,"

SBW: "It's good to be here Heather. Let's get this match started,"

The referee gets the message from SBW and he orders the bell to be rung.


The Battle Royal is now underway.

Within seconds of the bell ringing, a lot of bodies go flying out over the top rope out of the ring.

Tommy Wish eliminates Scott Charlotte.


Thaddeus Duke eliminates Minx


Hanari Carnes eliminates Liam Roberts.


Mandii Rider eliminates Peter Gilmour by accident.


Kris The Hammer Von Bonn managed to eliminate Azrael Erebus. The same person he won against earlier in the evening.


Robbie Bourbon eliminates Dallas Marshall


Lynx eliminates Griffin MacAlister.


Tommy Wish then eliminates Brian Storm.


Thaddeus Duke quickly eliminates Supreme Dylan.


Hanari Carnes quickly eliminates Bilbo Blumpkinz.


Mandii Rider sets her sights on Calvary and he is eliminated.


Robbie Bourbon easily eliminates Gage Gannon.


And just like from 19 participants there are now 7 left.

SBW: "Wow that was quite staggering. 12 bodies go flying out of the ring within seconds of one another. That's impressive from those who left in the ring."

HEATHER: "Very impressive,"

PIP: "Oh would you stop kissing butt, Heather,"

Tommy Wish, Thaddeus Duke, Hanari Carnes, Mandi Rider, Kris The Hammer Von Bonn, Robbie Bourbon, and Lynx all look at one another from where they are in the ring. Hanari shouts to everyone it would be in their best interests if they all team up and get rid of Bourbon. So that's what they do. They all rush at Bourbon, and try attacking him.

SBW: "Somehow I have a feeling that won't work,"

And it doesn't as Robbie fights everyone off of him, and because they are all so close to the ropes, they quickly back off, all but Kris The Hammer Von Bonn, who is the slowest to get away and Robbie grabs him, and has him by the hair.

SBW: "See I told you that wouldn't work, Robbie's a beast."

HEATHER: "Would you say he'd be perfect for the unofficial Warfare MVP?"

SBW: "I would agree with that. When he is in a mood like he is in tonight, then he is unstoppable,"


Robbie has Kris in his Flatiron move, Torture Rack. Kris is screaming in pain. Samoan Drop right out of the ring.


PIP: "Well he's in that mood tonight then,"

Everyone stares at each other, and is shocked at just how easy it is for Bourbon to get rid of Kris.

Suddenly Thaddeus Duke runs at Tommy Wish and hits him with


Tommy runs backwards into the ropes, rebounds, and is hit with

BETTER THAN YOU a.k.a Sweet Chin Music.

Tommy goes stumbling backwards again into the ropes, and this time Thaddeus follows up with


That sends Tommy over the ropes and out of the ring.


HEATHER: "We are down to 5, and the action has heated up,"

SBW: "Just like it should,"

Hanari Carnes and Mandii Rider both attacking Lynx.

Lynx is in some trouble.

Hanri hits Lynx with a


and Mandii follows up with a


whilst Lynx is on the floor. They both then help him to his feet and send him flying out of the ring.


SBW: "Are Mandii and Hanari on the same side?"

HEATHER: "Yes. Mandii joined Chaos inc tonight. Did you not see it?"

SBW: "I was too busy in a management meeting with Atticus, Theo and Vinnie, discussing the next PPV. But hey that's a shocker Mandii joining Chaos Inc."

Both Hanari and Mandii celebrate together getting rid of Lynx, when all of a sudden, Mandii stops smiling, grabs Hanari, and punches him in the guts. He bends over.

PIP: "Shocking turns of events,"

SBW: "Oh come on Pip, how can you not see that was coming,"


While Mandii and Hanari are fighting, or Mandii has the upper hand on Hanari, Robbie and Thaddeus watch on amused. Suddenly Thaddeus makes his move, and runs at Robbie and hits him with a


Robbie hits the canvas hard. Thad is all over him now, throwing punches.

PIP: "He needs to utilize his speed to be able to be effective against Bourbon,"

Meanwhile, Mandii has Hanari up, and Hanari is trying to fight back but Mandii is having none of it, and is FOREARM CLUBBING Hanari into trying to beat him down. She stops takes a step back, waits for Hanari to get up, which he does so, and she hits him with


Mandii is quickly back up on her feet, and grabs Hanari and sets him up for:

SBW: "Is that her......"

HEATHER: "Yes, Daredevil Fall's move.

She connects with.....


PIP: "That'll do it,"

Mandii gets back up, and grabs the struggling Hanari and pulls him to his feet, and sends him running across the ring to the ropes, and then sends him flying out of the ring.


SBW: "And now we are down to the final three, exciting. Not long now until we find out who our first ever unofficial Wednesday Night Warfare MVP is going to be,"

Mandii turns and runs at Thad, who is pummelling away on Bourbon, and hits him with a


Thaddeus goes flying off of Bourbon, and almost lands on top of the top rope, but he quickly drops to the canvas of the ring. He dare not get up as Mandii is stalking him.

Mandii is seen licking her lips. She points at Thad and tells him to make his way over to her. He rises and smiles. Mandii doesn't know why he is smiling.

HEATHER: "Oh no look out Mandii, behind you,"

SBW: "Too late."


Robbie has recovered from his attack from Thad, and snuck up behind Mandii and places her in his HONESTLY BRUTAL. Which is a BEARHUG and as he tightens the grip on a worried looking Mandii, he goes charging into the corner of the ring, and with her hitting the corner pole, she squeals out in pain. Robbie then reverses, turns around, and slams Mandii down on to the canvas.

Mandii wriggles around in pain, before Robbie picks her up, and sends her flying out of the ring in one large movement.


SBW: "Final two. This should be good,"

Thaddeus runs up and tries to get an advantage, and hits Robbie from behind. Trying to knock him towards the ropes, which after a second attempt, Robbie stumbles towards the ropes.

Thad follows up with

BETTER THAN YOU - A.k.a. SWEET CHIN MUSIC but on the back of Bourbon.

Bourbon hits the ropes and almost, almost goes over the top. Thad runs up and tries to use all of his strength to get Robbie out over the ropes.

PIP: "Thaddeus is trying everything he can to get Bourbon out, so he can become the unofficial Wednesday Night Warfare MVP, that he really doesn't want or need,"

Somehow Robbie manages to use his hands to face Thad's face and eye rakes him. Thad stumbles backwards clutching his eyes. Bourbon disentangles himself from the ropes, stands and looks at Thad, who is trying to get his sight back.

HEATHER: "Oh no, this looks ominous,"

Robbie waits and waits until at the very last minute, Thad gets his eyesight back, and then BANG.

Robbie hits Thaddeus Duke with one big motherfucking gigantic


Which almost turns Thad insight out.

He hits the canvas hard. Robbie walks up to Thad, who looks severely in all sorts of trouble. He helps him to his feet.




Robbie Bombs Thad right back into the canvas.

SBW: "Surely that's it. No one comes back from a Robbie Bomb like that."

Robbie gets back to his feet, and helps an unconscious Thad back to his feet. He goes running across the ring, and sends Thad flying out into the crowd.



Robbie collapses onto the ropes, as SBW makes his way into the ring. He walks up to Robbie, who straightens himself up, and they shake hands. SBW opens the briefcase and he takes out the MVP Shield, and passes it to Robbie. Robbie holds it aloft, and the crowd goes crazy.

SBW leaves the ring, and leaves Robbie to celebrate as Wednesday Night Warfare goes off the air.

This was a big card this week, and I like to thank those who did promos this week for their matches and for the Main Event Battle Royal. Great effort guys.

I would also like to thank those who wrote matches:

Chronic Chris Page
Big D
Chris Chaos
Noah Jackson
James Raven
and Mastermind

Thank you for your huge efforts.

Also thank you for those who sent in segments. It was a busy card for segments, which meant a lot going on, and it was good to see. So thank you to:

Sarah Lacklan
Charlie Nickles
Chris Chaos
Mandii Ryder
The Wizard
Robert The Omega Main

I hope you all enjoyed the results.

Roll on next Warfare.
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[-] The following 5 users Like SBW-SmokingBobWilliams's post:
(08-05-2020), Chris Page (08-06-2020), Peter Fn Gilmour (08-05-2020), Robert "The Omega" Main (08-06-2020), Theo Pryce (08-06-2020)
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

08-05-2020, 09:40 PM

"And, right on cue like the pro pro PRO she is, my client will be doing the delicious deed of humbling Peter Gilmour."

"Sarah, gurl, you know I luv you but we should totes talk about how Gilly's name is spelled since you know dang well based on your own past comments that we can all see how each other spells words and names. There is no "e" in his last name, hun. It's not G i l m o r e, you silly and adorable sexpot. Don't worry, I'll help you learn how to spell Gilly's dumb name tomorrow when I come over to strategize with you."

"And just like that my client is on her way to being THEEEE perfect Uniglobal Champion! She will start with Peter Gilmour, as any good champ knows they must do. Screw you, Pete. You can suck Sarah's pussy and eat our shit!"

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post:
Unknown Soldier (08-05-2020)
[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post!
Peter Fn Gilmour (08-06-2020)
Madison Dyson Offline
Not a fascist! :)

XWF FanBase:
Not Over

(the perfect heel; hated even by the fans who usually cheer heels; pisses off internet fans too)

08-06-2020, 04:03 AM

Oh Sarah, no worries at all about you upstaging me at Leap of Faith. In fact, you gave me exactly what I wanted to see: FUZZ WALKING AWAY WITH NOTHING! In fact, I think we kinda helped each other out here. Maybe not for the last time....
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

08-06-2020, 05:39 AM

I'm gonna throw Sarah off the tower to her death!!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

08-06-2020, 08:31 AM

(08-06-2020, 04:03 AM)Madison Dyson Said: Oh Sarah, no worries at all about you upstaging me at Leap of Faith. In fact, you gave me exactly what I wanted to see: FUZZ WALKING AWAY WITH NOTHING! In fact, I think we kinda helped each other out here. Maybe not for the last time....

"Mmmm,mmmm gurl you know what doe? I already done told her you were part of MY plans as her manager at LoF to guarantee her cash in, which I announced she'd be successfully executing long before she did it."

"Pssst, psssst, hey, come closer Maddy... I gotta secret for ya. Remember it's part-a-my client's gimmick to act like she don't need no help. It's why I don't do a whole lot of on screen stuff with her, except when I made sure she won the briefcase. Rest assured doe, Sar knows you're going to be helping her again and she's kool with it, chica!"

(08-06-2020, 05:39 AM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: I'm gonna throw Sarah off the tower to her death!!

"Uhhhmmm no. No really no. Like seriously umLOLnope level no here. I can't even no you hard enough to make sure you no how to no when its a no that applies to you, ya no? Gilly I like ya bub but you are going to litch'rally have your anal glands expressed by my client in 2 weeks. You smelly dog."

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post!
Peter Fn Gilmour (08-06-2020)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

08-06-2020, 04:57 PM

greggo stop trying to get in sarah's panties ok? that's going to be my job. after i win the title, ill give her a nice kiss before dropping her ass off the tower.

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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