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Sarina Hazard
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Sarina Hazard

XWF FanBase:
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07-21-2020, 12:47 PM


In-Ring Name: Sarina Hazard

Wrestler's Real Name: Sarina Dawn Bellatrix

New to XWF or a returning roster member?:

Wrestler Date of Birth: 2/2/94



Hometown: Detroit, Michigan

Personality:Sarina likes to play mind games and use people to get ahead. She will do anything and everything in order to be the best and get what she wants. Although she appears to be sweet she is far from it and will be a cut throat bitch if she has to be. She doesn't let others weigh her down and will cut off people who aren't useful to her. She is always blunt and loves to cut people down and make them feel smaller than her.

Looks Description:


Pic Base, if any: Scarlett Bordeaux

Strengths:Willing to do anything to win. Can look out for herself. Always improving and working on becoming better in the ring. Cunning. Manipulative. Doesn't care about feelings. Doesn't care about opinions.

Weaknesses: Still new to the ring. Anger problems. Doesn't think before acting at times. Stirring up trouble.

Entrance Theme Music: "Tear You Apart" by She Wants Revenge

Special Entrance (if any): The beat of "Tear you Apart" by She Wants Revenge clashes with strobe lights as the crowd lets out a chorus of boos. Sarina Hazard walks out with a smirk on her face before blowing a kiss causing sparks to rain down behind her as the words kick into the song. The lights continue to strobe as Sarina begins walking down the ramp rolling her eyes at fans and flipping off the occasional asshole screaming at her. Once she reaches the ring she jumps onto the apron of the ring and shakes her booty a bit before entering the ring by the bottom rope. Sarina walks to the middle of the ring with her hands raised in the air before running her hands over her body and turning around to smirk at the fans (or opponent) behind her. She then turns to face them ramp (or opponent) and bites her lip.

5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
01]- Shoot Kick
02]- Guillontine Leg Drop
03]- Running Meteora
04]- Swinging Fisherman's neckbreaker
05]- Northern Lights Suplex
06]- Belair Oop
07]- Yes! Lock
08]- Asai Moonsault
09]- Monkey Flip
10]- Curb Stomp (like Laurel Van Ness)

Trademark Move(s):Chains of Lust, Falling for you, Seeing Hearts
Description(s):Standing Dragon Sleeper, The swing meow, Codebreaker

Finishing Move(s):Head over Heels, Heart Breaker
Description(s):Kai-Ropractor, Ally Oop Bumb into a roll up pin normally pulling on the shorts of the opponent

Favorite Hardcore Attacks/Spots: Sarina loves any dirty attack meaning boob punches and groin attacks are her go-to.

Additional notes:

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