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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
A New Age (RP 1)
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Andrew Morrison Away
The Storm Of Destruction

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

07-17-2013, 12:06 PM

(we see Andrew Morrison in his trademark black hoodie and jeans inside an empty XWF Madness arena with music playing throughout)

It has been 4 days and still many have asked me..Andrew, what is the deal with you and the men whom have come together and called yourself "The Connection" ? Why did you guys attack the now former tag team champions, Crimson Cobra and KnightMask? What are your intentions for the future?
Well, ask and you all shall receive...

Why have I aligned myself with these men? John Austin? Nightmare? Andrew Aldway? Ricky Desmond?

I didn't do it for the money, although Desmond does certainly have a way with numbers and finances and paid me more this past week than Paul Heyman has the entire time I've been here, but I would have joined with these men for free..hell I would give all of these men the shirt of my back to have a chance to team with any of them, much less all of them. Why us 5? Why did we band together? We banded together because we all see that it is time for changes around here. It is time for new blood to run throughout the heart and body of XWF. It is time for a new brand of chaos, destruction, and warfare around here.

We have already unleashed a little bit of that brand of chaos upon "The Crimson Knights" and essentially stripped them of their championships...why did we attack them? We knew that the best way to make our prescence known and to make a lasting first impression was to do what we have came together to do. Change. Chaos. What better way than to take out the tag team champions to the point where they lose their precious championships? What better way to introduce a little chaos among all of those in the XWF than to take out some of the top dogs? The top dogs who have been around for too damn long in our opinion.

It is time for change here. It is time for younger blood to run wild. Younger blood that has been largely ignored by the masses, largely ignored by our peers AND by management! Why do we all linger in midcard hell, when we belong at the creme of the crop? Well, just like Ricky Desmond in his many businesses, sometimes if you want something bad enough, YOU HAVE TO TAKE IT! And that is what all of us are doing. We will TAKE what we want, we will DO what we want, and we will DESTROY what we want in our mission to change the XWF forever!

The future...ah yes, I am a part of that future. My brothers and I are all a part of that future. Not because we made any deals with any "circles" or not because we sit around and lay down for each other and suck each other off and kiss ass. We are a part of that future because we all have a common goal in mind, and that is to take out any and everything in our path to greatness, the old-fashioned force!

The not-so-distant appears that I and a couple of my brothers, John Austin and Andrew Aldway have a match together. I shall clarify and talk more on this subject the next time you hear from me...Until then..I leave you with this.

A new age is upon you
The Connection is strong
no matter what you all try to do
the XWF as you know it will soon be gone....


(camera feed off)

W-L Record Since Return: 1-1 (singles or tag) 0-1 (special/gauntlet matches)
[Image: pdCdNLq.jpg]
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