Winner will be added to the main show as a replacement on team Carnes
Pip: Lets go to the gates of the White House to get things going here at WAR GAMES 2020.
As the camera pans over the vast landscape of the DC metro area, we hear a whining and annoying voice over the top of the video.
"Just let me in man. Come on! I have a title shot waiting for me!"
It's red-x, and he is complaining to the secret service guards that are blocking the entrance.
"Sorry, you're not on the list."
"Check again!"
"I'd rather not".
He huffs, stomping his feet.
"This is an event called War Games", a man in jeans and a black polo with a Kevlar vest over it says, walking up. He has a SS (weird that Secret Service and Schutzstaffel both were abreviated with SS....hmmmmm), a had on and sunglasses. "You gotta be on a particular team to be granted access to this event. I din't see your name on a team here."
"You don't understand", he whined. "I have a Universal Title shot that I was promised if I showed up!"
The man pulls out a clipboard, and scrolls down it with his finger.
"I'm not seeing the Universal Title as being defended at this event."
Red is beside himself.
"In DO have a match.....and by what I am starts right now...."
Red raises an eyebrow. "I don't see Shawn Warstein anywhere......"
"You are correct, he is already inside, like the rest of the War Games members. However, your opponent.......I assume, is standing right behind you......."
Red gulps, and turns slowly, coming face to face with Boris. He smiles in Russian.
Boris grabs Red by the head and tosses him away from the gates. Red-X stumbles on the pavement and tries to get up. Boris is on him, a Lou Thez press slams him to the concrete below and the Russian begins to rain punches down as red tries to cover up. Picking him up by the head again, he throws him back first into a black Secret Service Lincoln Towncar. Boris stays on the assault, clearly wanting this more than Red does. He goes for a clothesline into the car, but red ducks. Boris crashes into the car, denting it. He turns around as red-x drop kicks him back into the car. The window spiders and cracks. Red stumbles away as Boris takes a moment to collect himself.
Red tries to walk back towards the gates, but the SS turns him away. He turns back around into a big boot from the Russian. Red hits the pavement hard. Boris grabs the clipboard from the SS officer, and smacks red over the head with it.
Pip: This isn't a match anymore, its just a mugging.
Heather: We knew this would be brutal, but its also kinda going how we expected.
Picking red back up, he tosses him further down Pennslyvania Avenue. He begins to roll. Boris pulls a flask of vodka out of his pocket at takes a swig. Red is groaning and gets back to his feet. Boris grabs him again and walks back towards the front gates. Bending red over wth a knee to the gut, he takes another drink from the flask before throwing him, head fist, into the bars of the big black front gate. Red X gets stuck in the bars. His head is through, shoulders won't fit.
Pip: Oh my......
Heather: He's stuck! Is this match over....
Pip: Oh god, I don't think so....
Boris climbs up on the hood of the Lincoln Town Car....taking another drink of vodka.
Heather: He's not gonna......
Pip: He is!
Boris jumps off the top of the car and brings a leg down on the back of red-x's neck, driving him down hard. Boris comes up holding his leg though, as it hit the bars on impact.
Heather: Oh my god! He may of just decapitated him!
Pip: Do you really care? Does anyone really care?
The bars bent a little on impact, and the SS agents shove him out from between the bars. Red is bleeding from the mouth and has a big purple mark on his neck.
Boris, limping a little, pics red-x back up.
Cheeki Breeki!
The cross face chicken wing!
He crumbles down as Boris tosses him aside. Looking up towards the gates, Hanari, his new team captain is standing there. He mentions something to the guards, and they let him out of the gate. Hanari shakes Boris's hand, and the two of them drag red over to a manhole cover. Hanari grabs a crow bar from the trunk of the damaged town car, and pries open the man hole. On the count of three, the both toss red into the sewar!
Heather: Yuck.
Pip: How courteous, they brought him back home.
Hanari closes up the man hole and him and Boris walk towards the gates.
"Welcome to the Championship team", Hanari says as the two walk back up towards the White House.
Winner and Advancing to War Games: Boris
We cut outside the WHITE HOUSE. The gates are flooded with protestors, fans, fans who are protesting, and protestors who are fanning. It's a scene, man. A local news guy who is attempting to scoop up some additional pay by braving the elements to cover XWF's War Games stands by.
Local Interviewer: Alright! I'm outside the gates of the White House and let me tell's simply RAVENOUS. These humans are letting their voice be heard! Whether they are yelling for Trump's resignation or Shawn Warstein's thing can be certain, these people are HYPED. In fact, they are so hyped that...
Something catches the interviewer's eye.
Local Interviewer: By jove...what on EARTH?
He stands on his tip toes, trying to get a full gander of what's headed their way. He sees the tip of a magical hat. As he grows in height, more is revealed...a dark, featureless face, a gray beard, gray robe...a mystical staff...why it's XWF newcomer...THE WIZARD! He seems to be...FLOATING toward the gates.
Local Interviewer: IT'S THE WIZARD!
The people at the gate turn. They spot THE WIZARD. They, too, notice the fact that he's approaching with still legs. He does appear to be floating...using wizardly magic to approach the location of XWF's big event.
Local Interviewer: He appears to be floating, ladies and gentlemen! My gosh! Have you ever SEEN such magic?
He is INDEED floating! He raises his staff. The people yell "WIZARD!" he does it again...and again they chant his name. He repeats the process over and over until everyone at the gate chants "WIZARD! WIZARD! WIZARD!"
Local Interviewer: It appears as though The Wizard has captivated the XWF audience least the ones that couldn't afford tickets.
It's going so well! Too well. He reaches a small hole in the ground. Whatever he's standing on comes to an immediate halt. His body is sent flying forward, slamming into the concrete pathway near the gate, right at the feet of the local interviewer. The fans are silenced. They all turn and spot a small, four wheeled dolly that was 'floating' the Wizard toward the White House. The magical moment has been ruined.
Local Interviewer: disappointing.
Crowd: Groans.
The Wizard remains down. Is he dead? NOPE! He pops to his feet and brushes his robe off. He raises his staff high. The fans cheer.
Local Interviewer: Alright! Great to see you are okay, Wizard. That was quite the tumble.
The Wizard: Why thank you, kind sir.
Both men stand around awkwardly for a moment, neither really wanting to discuss the dolly.
Local Interviewer: So, I take it you're ready for tonight?
The Wizard: Yessir. My body is ready. My mind is ready. I'M GOING TO KILL MASTERMIND.
Local Interviewer: Yes, you seem to have a fascination with Mastermind.
The Wizard: I HATE HIM. It's a long story.
Everybody waits for The Wizard to tell the story. But, he doesn't.
The Wizard: Tonight should be a great evening. I'd better head in there and prepare for all my opponents...especially Mastermind.
The Wizard turns for the gate. He negotiates his entry with a security officer.
Security Officer: Ah yes, here it is. Wizard, The. Come on in...oh, by the way, some guy was asking about you earlier.
The Wizard: Was it that devious Mastermind? I bet it was.
Security Officer: Uh, no. It was some gentleman named Edward Mof.
The Wizard: ...
Security Officer: Have you heard of this man?
The Wizard: I've never heard of such a man, ever...never ever! Now, if you'll excuse me...I've got some war to rage.
The Wizard enters. He turns and holds his staff high in the air. The fans go wild. He spins back around and lifts his robe up, to keep from tripping. He marches toward the White House.
As soon as Hanari and Boris walk in the door, El Capitan is jumped from behind by McBride. Boris is jumped by Felix. McBride throws Hanari through the door of the Situation Room, actually THROUGH the door. Felix shoves a vase on Boris's head and whips him into the dry wall.
Jenny steps out from the room she was in. She has a big smile on her face.
"Good work, now get in there and finish the job!"
McBride snarls at her as he steps through the broken door.
Heather: The Queen dictating early on here. True leader, rallying the troops!
Pip: Or, she is trying to avoid getting knee dip in the shi---
Heather: WHOA!
The Wizard found Mastermind, who was in the Homeland Security room. The two are exchanging blows. Childs and Von Bonn are stuck outside, not allowed in. They are banging on the window as Mastermind throws the Wizard over the desk. Papers and desk items fly everywhere. Mastermind bounces the Wizard's head off the desk. He pulls a clock off the wall and approaches him.
The camera pans to the situation room. McBride got a jump on Hanari in the lobby , and he continues to pound him around the room. Felix and Boris still go at it in the corner.
Miss Direction and Graves, however, nowhere to be seen......yet.
The video conference room erupts in violence as Liam crashes into the wall. Jenny is hammering on him with a series of chops and punches.
Pip: Of course, she'd go after the weak link, being the captain. So big and bad she is.
Heather: Don't question the Queen's motives!
Bouncing Liam's head off the wall, she grabs him by the head and tosses him to the other side of the room. Just then, Michael Graves steps out from behind the giant projector screen. Myst is busy taunting Liam and doesn't see him. He grabs her by the hair and begins to laugh. Her eyes go wide. He spins her around and brings her face to face with him. She winces at the sight of him.
He rubs her cheek with his thumb, and Jenny spits in his face. This appears to anger him, and Graves starts to choke Myst. His super grip around her throat, she begins to flail. Reaching for things around her to hit him with, her face is turning red. She is reaching desperately for anything on the nearby desk. Liam is back to his feet and nods at Graves as he exits the room. Jenny's eyes are wide, she is turning a purplish read. She manages to get her hand on a pen, stabbing it into the neck of Graves.
Instead of letting go he squeezes tighter. Her eyes are rolling, her tongue starts to stick out.
Just then, out of nowhere, Ms. D drops from the ceiling. She cracks Graves over the head with a picture frame, shattering the glass. He lets go as Jenny drops to the ground, gasping. Graves is down on one knee as Ms. D jumps on Gravy's back. She begins to try to lock in a sleeper, but he stands up. Flipping her off of him, she lands on her feet to face him. He goes to punch but stops, noticing it is her. Graves stands there, cocking his head to the side like a dog. Jenny watches in awe of the control Ms. Direction seems to have over the crazed lunatic.
Jenny gets to her feet, wobbly, and grabs the phone off the desk. She rips it from its chords and smacks Graves over the head with it. He goes down. Jenny, panting, looks at Ms. D. They high five as they enter the Situation Room.
Jenny shimmies out of the way as Boris goes flying by. He lands atop the giant desk. Felix lights a cigarette and watches as McBride pulls Hanari up and tosses him head first into the giant TV screen.
Jenny seems pleased with her teams dominance early on. A groan from the other room, as Graves gets to his feet.
"I'm gonna go check on the Wizard!"
Ms D nods, getting into a fighting stance as she prepares Graves to enter the room.
As Jenny gets into the hallway, the Wizard and Mastermind tumble out of the Homeland Security Office and spill out into the hall. The camera shows the misfits leaving the window, trying to get a view of where their boss had gone.
Mastermind is on top of the Wizard. The tensions between these two have been mounting after countless verbal attacks against him in recent weeks. Mastermind has him up, and looks at Jenny.
This gives the Wizard a free moment to get a thumb to the eye of Mastermind, who grabs his face and stumbles towards Jenny who knees him in the gut.
Mastermind is down, and a panting Wizard nods at Jenny before going for the cover.
The ref, whose been running all over the place trying to monitor the action, slides in.
Jenny is stunned. So is Wizard.
Wizard puts a forearm to the face of Mastermind and Jenny closes in to put the boots to him when she is speared almost out of her shoes by Liam!
Pip: Liam came out of nowhere!
Heather: This match is crazy. All over the place!
In the Situation Room, Carnes has McBride wobbling. He punchecs him and he falls back into a chair, the chair tips over. McBride's arm is caught between the chair. Hanari grins.
Graves bursts out of the film room and Ms. D is ready. He sees her, however, and doesn't attack. He turns away from her and goes after McBride. Ms. D seems to be frustrated by this but she decides to help McBride get his arm out of the chair. The two of them are both on McBride, her trying to help and him trying to attack. Liam is back in the room now, and he is helping Boris double team Felix. Hanari grabs Boris and tosses him away, and Felix throws Liam onto the table.
Felix has Liam ON TOP of the Situation Room table.
Hanari throws Ms. D out of the way and locks the Viva La Republic on McBride's arm, which is still in the chair!
Felix covers
At the same time, McBride taps.
Michael McBride by Hanari Carnes
SECOND ELIMINATION: Liam Roberts by Felix Jones
Graves, however, is not happy that Hanari was so rough with Ms. Direction.
He pushes Hanari up against the wall. Hanari questions him. "What the fuck mang! Wrong team!"
Ms. Direction turns Graves around, and slaps him. He stands there and stares at her. Boris turns her around, and slaps her. Graves goes into a rage and attacks Boris. He hits a DDT on Boris as Ms. Direction slides out of the room. Hanari isn't far behind her, though.
The Wizard and Mastermind are still going at it and have all but destroyed the once illustrious and glamorous hallway. There was broken glass and debris laying everywhere. Hanari grabs the Wizard, getting him off his teammate. Jenny grabs Carnes, however, and back body drops him onto the tile! Ms. Direction jumps off the top of a statue in the lobby and lands on Carnes with an elbow drop.
Heather: Myst and Ms. D have been quite the team here early on.
Pip: They're women, they'll end up fighting eventually.
Heather: I take offense to that!
Pip: Good.
Boris comes stumbling out into the hallway, having drank a bit too much vodka. He begins screaming in Russian, pointing at the two women. They laugh at him.
Boris swings at Ms. Direction, she ducks, and Jenny goes behind him and hits a low blow.
Third Elimination: Boris, by Ms. Direction
Jenny blows Boris a kiss with a wink.
The two women go on the prowl afterwards like two raptors.
Pip: The numbers are getting lower now.
Heather: And this match has already been chaotic as hell. I don't think Myst has broken a nail yet. True perfection!
They enter the Situation Room. Carnes and Felix and now hammering each other. Graves is fighting with both of them.
Mastermind and the Wizard are still doing battle in the corner. Jenny grabs Mastermind, slaps him. He snarls and shoves her. She bumps into Graves. Graves turns around, Jenny gasps. Graves roars and throws her.....
Jenny lands in one of the video conference rooms. The drywall collapses around her, burying her a little.
The Wizard and Ms. Direction begin to both Hammer on Mastermind as Hanari has Felix on the ground, trying to wrestle him into his famous arm bar. Felix is fighting it off.
Ms. Direction runs at Mastermind, who is down on one knee now.
Mastermind is down!
The Wizard, however, throws his own teammate out of the way to pin him.
Ms. D takes exception to this.
Ms. Direction breaks up the pin. She shoves Wizard. Throwing her arms up.
"What the heck!"
The Wizard shoves her and she stumbles, tripping over debris on the floor, and falls on top of Felix and Hanari. This breaks up Hanari's arm bar attempt. He gets mad, grabbing her by the hair. He throws her on top of the situation room table. Hanari turns back and gets a boot to the face from Felix. He stumbles, falling on top of Ms. Direction, landing in a rather precarious position (doggy).
"EW! Get off me!"
Graves sees this and rages again. He grabs Hanari, his own team captain, and throws him off. He picks up Hanari, who chops him in the chest.
"Come on, man! Focus!"
Mastermind goes to hit Graves from behind, but his senses kick in and he ducks. Mastermind clotheslines Hanari!
He is besides himself, and puts a hand over his mouth.
He turns around and Felix hits kicks him in the gut. Ms. Direction runs and hits a flying knee to Hanari, stumbling him back against the wall.
"Take that, ya perv!"
Mastermind battles Felix off of him, and DDT's Felix!
Graves lifts Mastermind up, hitting a spinebuster on top of Felix!
Pip: What the hell! Graves has gone rouge!
Heather: He is hitting anything that moves!
Jenny is back up. She is covered in plaster dust and holding her back, wincing. Her already bad back.
Graves turns, his focus on Jenny. He approaches her quickly, closing in. Jenny, still half blind from the plaster dust, whips the pepper spray out of her bra and sprays Graves. He yells and grabs his eyes. Hanari, whose still loyal to his team despite Graves's actions, grabs Jenny by the hair and pulls her into the hall way. He opens a janitors closet.
"You es a problem, chica! Lets take care of you now!"
Still with a handfull of hair, he forces her to her knees. She goes to shove her head into the mop bucket. She puts both arms out, shoving back, trying to stop it.
Meanwhile, in the situation room, Ms. Direction goes for the Rings of Saturn on the downed Mastermind, but he uses his brute strength to stand up, lifting her up. She is struggling ,fighting, but he has a firm grip.
Graves and Felix fight in the corner.
He drops her down over his knee. She screams out as her body bends and she damn near breaks in half.
Mastermind locks in the Mind Controller (Boston Crab!)
She screams out, reaching but she's not near anything she can use. Mastermind torques again, arching her back. She screams again and taps out.
Fourth Elimination: Ms. Direction by Mastermind
He lets go of the hold, the deed being done. Walking over, brushing himself off, he goes to help Graves.
In the janitors closet, Hanari almost has Jenny's head into the mop bucket water. She reaches up, last moment, and grabs a mop head. She reaches back and smacks him with the hard connector part. He lets go.
She kicks back again, like a horse, hitting him in the knee. He goes to one knee, holding his knee, and she takes the mop bucket and dumps it over his head, dropping it on his head. Then kicks him in the head.
"Awww the wetback got wet" she said with a snarl. "oops"
She knows that Hanari doesn't stay down long, and stays on the attack. She locks in Hanari's own arm bar, pulling hard. His head still inside the bucket, he reaches across with his other arm, trying to get her off.
Mastermind is almost to Felix and Graves, and he is blindsided by the Wizard. He has the projector from the video confrence room, and whacks Mastermind in the side of the head with it. He crumbles.
The Wizard laughs.
"I told ya I would get ya!"
He drops down to cover.
Fifth Elimination: Mastermind by The Wizard
Heather: And we're down to the final 5. It is clear here that Team Carnes has the advantage.
Pip: Lets go look back in the lobby, see if Myst and Carnes have settled their scuffle!
But when the camera pans, they are gone!
The camera man runs to the Homeland Security Room, where Jenny and Hanari are running wild, throwing each other into everything in the room.
Back in the Situation Room, Graves has Felix up on the only part of the giant conference table still standing.
The Wuzard, still holding the projector, hits Graves in the back of the head. He drops. He tosses the projector tto Felix, encouraging him to bash the monster's skull in!
Felix looks at the projector, and the downed Graves. He raises it over his head and brings it down onto the face of Graves. The Wizard winces.
Jenny and Hanari are battling in the hallway again. She ducks a punch from him, and ducks into the situation room. She winces again as she sees Felix bring the projector down a second time onto Grave's face. She goes into the other video conference room, which until this time hasn't been touched. She closes the door and locks it behind her.. Getting a wicked grin on her face, she looks up at the projector in this room. Felix had a hell of an idea!
Hanari tries to open the door, notices its locked. He turns and boots the Wizard before running over and spearing Felix off the table. The projector hits the deck as Felix holds his ribs.
The Wizard is on top of Hanari now, but the captain is in a rage. He elbow's the Wizard off and when he backs up, Hanari kicks him in the head. Reaching his hand down, he picks up Graves. He is bleeding and half of his face is hanging off. Hanari and Graves look at each other before walking over and lifting the 100 inch television off the wall. They prop it up in the corner of the room. The Wizard is back up. Hanari boots him down again.
Liftin up Felix, Hanari makes the belt logo around his waist. But then, as a sign of his loyalty to his team, he makes the belt logo around Graves's waist. Grave cocks his head, but understands. Felix is up. Graves lifts him.
Sparks fly as Felix convulses. There is glass and broken plastic all over!
Pip: OH MY GOD!!!!!!
Hanari grins, and Graves pins.
Sixth Elimination: Felix Jones by Michael Graves.
Graves and Hanari close in on the Wizard. He tries to duck between the two. Hanari steps on the back of his cloak. He tries to get away, but he is held in place. Graves removes the hood. The Wizard ducks, trying to hide his face. Just then Jenny comes running out of the other video room and tries to level Hanari. He ducks. She cracks the Wizard upside the head.
The Wizard drops. Jenny turns around and Hanari sizes her up.
Graves and Carnes look at each other.
The pin simultaneously.
Pip: The Queen is down! The Wizard is out!
Heather: Damnit Jen! Get up! Kick out!
7th and 8th Elimination: The Wizard and Jenny Myst by Graves and Carnes
Winners And Advancing To The Main Event: Hanari Carnes and Michael Graves
Pip: It's over! Team Carnes is taking two to the finals! Hanari said he'd be there, he found a way!
Heather: That he did! Jenny fought her hardest, but tried to sneak attack to win and it cost her!
Hanari and Graves stare at the bodies strewn around and the ruined situation room. The ref holds both of their hands up, and hands Graves the X belt.
Pip: Look at the carnage! And this night is only beginning!
PC: "Ladies and gentlemen, we’re here in the first floor lobby as Team Centurion prepares to take on Team Warstein."
HHL: "I can’t wait. This is the match up I’ve been looking forward to. Shawn and Centurion are legends, they’re going to put on a show."
PC: "Can I ask you a question, Heather? Why is this ‘the first floor lobby’ when we had to come up a flight of stairs? By default, isn’t this the second floor?"
HHL: "No, Pip, it’s the first floor. Downstairs is the ground floor. Was this a serious question?"
The two teams line up across from each other, Centurion nodding to Tula and Chris Chaos while Big D and Doug Whitford listen to a few last minute instructions from team captain Shawn Warstein. The referee checks in with each of the trios before motioning for them to begin the fight! Chris Chaos moves first and charges across the highly polished marble floor with eyes on Shawn Warstein, but Big D gets in the way and cuts off the former Universal champion and hammers him with several right hands! Big D whips Chaos across the floor and into a large column! Chaos collapses and Big D pounces atop him, continuing to pepper him with punches. Tula moves next and charges towards the captain of Team Warstein, but Whitford extends a foot and trips Keali’i to the floor!
Whitford turns towards the camera and tosses up a classic MJ shrug as Shawn Warstein slams a heavy boot into the ribs of Keali’i before sliding away from the action and telling Whitford to handle Tula. Shawn makes his way behind another column to take cover, but Centurion sees him trying to wait out the early fire storm and chases after him.
Big D stands up, done beating on Chaos for the moment and locking his eyes onto the Hart Champion Centurion as he chases after Warstein. Big D lowers his head and shoulder and sprints full speed, cutting Centurion off before he reaches Shawn and blindsiding him!
PC: "Holy hell, what a hit!"
HHL: "I haven’t seen someone hit a shoulder so nasty since that Rams corner ripped the hearts out of the Saints fans and stole the NFC championship."
PC: "Wow. What a current and timely reference, Heather."
Centurion rolls over to his hands and knees, shaking his head from side to side to try and clear the stars he’s seeing. Before Centurion can stand, Big D hauls him up and bounces his head off of a marble column before tossing him back to the floor. Shawn Warstein makes his way out from behind the column and lays a few kicks into his fellow Legend, Centurion. Shawn gives a nod of approval to Big D, but Big D doesn’t seem to care what Fuzz thinks. He’s on a mission of his own.
Across the highly polished floor Tula Keali’i has made it back to her feet with the assistance of Chris Chaos. The duo tie up Doug Whitford before each throwing a knee to Doug’s midsection and flipping him backwards with a double DDT! Whitford hits the ground hard enough to crack a few vertebrae and Tula and Chaos roll back to their feet and bump fists. Chris Chaos and Tula Keali’i working together like a well oiled machine. Who would’ve ever thought?
Chaos and Tula point over at Big D and Shawn Warstein, agreeing to charge them together. Shawn sees the duo moving towards him and sprints to the wall, quickly tearing down a framed canvas to use as a shield. Big D says fuck shields, and once more lowers his shoulder and gives his best Aaron Donald impression, leaping through the air with a vicious spear and smashing Tula in the ribs like she’s a defenseless quarterback! Tula crumples in a heap and Big D decides to go for the first cover of the match, rolling her onto her back and hooking her leg! The referee slides across the polished floor to make the count!
Tula gets her shoulder up to Big D’s chagrin, and Big D tries to throw a few elbows down at Keali’is skull! Keali’i grabs ahold of Big D’s arm and throws up her legs, hooking them around Big D’s head and trying to secure an arm bar! Big D shouts out in surprise and tries to keep his elbow bent, but Tula begins to slowly straighten it out!
HHL: "That looks tight!"
PC: "That’s what she said!"
HHL: "I said it. I’m she, Pip. It doesn’t work."
Across the floor Chaos has finally cornered Shawn Warstein, who is still holding the framed canvas up like a shield to protect himself. Chaos finally decides to sell out to get his hands on the Universal Champion and charges forward. Fuzz lifts the canvas up and drives it down on Chaos’ head, smashing the frame to bits in his hands, but Chaos has a grip on him! Chaos ties him up around the waist, hitting a belly to belly suplex that sends Fuzz skidding across the floor and into one of the columns! Like a cat Chaos is back to his feet and diving atop the champion, trying to pin him up against the column and-
Doug Whitford towers over Chaos and Warstein, having recovered from his fall earlier, a heavy silver vase in his hand. Chaos slumps down lifelessly as Shawn shoves Chris off of him, and is helped up to his feet by Whitford. Whitford drops the vase to the floor, and hits another of his patented MJ shrugs. It’s pretty much the best thing he’s got going for him so you can’t fault him for leaning on it.
The two turn and see Big D locked in Tula Keali’is armbar, his elbow now fully extended and his belly down on the floor. Big D looks like he’s in agony, his arm ready to snap at any moment unless he taps out! Shawn Warstein and Doug Whitford rush over and begin kicking and stomping at Tula until she has no choice but to release the submission and cover up! Shawn and Doug drag Tula up to her feet and Big D motions for them to step back… Tula is all his after she nearly broke his elbow.
PC: "Big D gets Tula up on his shoulders!"
HHL: "The Dan Slam!"
Big D drives Tula down on the marble floor, and it looks like she’s out cold! Big D leaves an arm draped over Tula and the referee slides in to make the count!
Big D stands up, alongside Whitford and Warstein. Across the room Centurion has recovered and made his way over to Chris Chaos, helping him up to his feet. The unlikely duo turn to stare down the fully intact Team Warstein. There was a lot of chaos in the drafting of Team Warstein, but Shawn was always confident in Big D and Doug Whitford and they’re backing up that faith so far tonight!
Centurion and Chris Chaos split up and try to rush Team Warstein from opposite directions. Shawn sees Centurion heading right at him and once again spins his way behind a column as Doug Whitford steps in to intercept the Hart Champion. Chris Chaos changes levels and double legs Big D to the floor! The four men are a flailing mess of arms and legs, Chaos pounding Big D in the ribcage as Doug Whitford locks Centurion up in a muay thai clinch and tries to fire knees into the Legends face.
PC: "It looks like Shawn Warstein is on the move!"
HHL: "Warstein slips out of the lobby and into the hallway, taking off towards the National Security Advisors office!"
PC: "Warstein knows he has the numbers advantage now, and he just wants to make it to the main event!"
HHL: "A bold strategy, Pip. We’ll see if it pays off."
Chaos continues to brawl with Big D, both men now on their feet and trading punches. Chaos tries to tie Big D up and twist him into a side headlock, but Big D flips Chaos up and over him and sends Chris crashing down on a thick wooden table! The table legs break and the table collapses flat on the floor in a cloud of dust! Big D tries to cover Chaos, but Chris throws a swift up kick and drives his heel across the jaw of Big D! D goes down like Rain on Snow! OK. That may have been too much. I apologize, folks.
Chris Chaos rolls Big D over for the pin attempt!
Big D kicks out! He looks dazed, but managed to get a shoulder up! Across the floor Doug Whitford is still trying to knee Centurions skull in, but Centurion manages to catch one of the knees and he hoists Whitford up in the air! SPINE BUSTER! Centurion slams Whitford down on the marble floor, before sitting up to his knees and giving an MJ shrug of his own. Well, that was just rude and unnecessary on the Hart Champions part. Centurion covers Whitford and the referee slides into position and begins the count!
Whitford kicks out, to Centurions surprise!
Chris Chaos decides to leave Big D flattened on the marble, and gets up to chase Shawn Warstein out of the lobby! Chaos disappears out of the entranceway and around the corner, towards the National Security Advisors office. Big D sits up groggily, watching as Chaos chases after Shawn Warstein. Big D forces himself to his feet and stumbles against one of the pillars for support. He glances over at Centurion and Doug Whitford, but decides Whitford can look after himself and heads for the doorway to help Shawn Warstein fight off Chris Chaos.
PC: "What the hell is Big D thinking? He’s leaving Whitford alone with Centurion?!"
HHL: "He wants Chaos. Or he wants to help Warstein. Honestly I’m not sure what he’s thinking."
Big D disappears around the corner and into the hallway, and Centurion sees the opportunity in front of him. Doug Whitford has been slammed on the marble floor repeatedly, and his body is NOT holding up well. In a move of absolute desperation Doug throws a thumb into Centurions eye, blinding the legend. Doug tries to scramble to his feet and get away, but he can barely walk let alone run, and he turns directly into the camera and offers one sad and final MJ shrug as Centurion grabs him from behind and spins him around.
PC: "1000 Mile Slam!"
HHL: "Centurion crushes Doug Whitford on the floor! He makes the cover!"
PC: "The teams are even at two per side!"
HHL: "Centurion is wasting no time, he’s on his feet and sprinting out of the lobby to find the other three men! He rounds the corner and-"
HHL: "Centurion runs right into a heavy elbow and he’s down!"
Big D grabs Centurion by the neck and drags him to his feet, whipping him hard into a wall before bouncing his skull hard off of an office door. Centurion tries to grab ahold of Big D’s waist and drag him down, but Big D shoves him powerfully and Centurion flies backwards and trips over a chair and desk on the far side of the hallway. Centurion grabs the desk and uses it to climb back to his feet. Big D is waiting for him, hitting a heavy neckbreaker that leaves Centurion flat and motionless.
Big D screams for Centurion to get back up.
Big D roars for the Hart champion to get up and fight him!
PC: "Chris Chaos out of nowhere! Wrong Side of the Tracks!"
HHL: "Chaos practically kicks Big D’s head off his body!"
Big D goes down like he’s been shot! Chaos quickly checks in on Centurion then stomps over to Big D and kicks him squarely in the mouth. Centurion crawls to the wall and sits against it to catch his breath as Chaos lifts Big D up to his feet and hits a clothesline that nearly folds Big D in half.
CENTURION: Where’s Warstein? Is he eliminated?
Chaos shakes his head and points towards the National Security Advisors office. Centurion slowly stands and begins inching towards the office as Chaos lifts Big D to his feet again and looks for another clothesline, but Big D is able to block it! He’s not out of this yet! Big D kicks Chaos in the midsection, doubling him over, but Chaos rushes Big D and spears him into the wall hard enough to crack the plaster! Big D drives an elbow down into Chaos’ spine, dropping him to a knee, but Chaos hooks his arms behind Big D’s knees and stands up, lifting Big D on his shoulders… standing senton! Chaos flips forward and flattens Big D into the floor!
Centurion reaches the door to the National Security Advisors Office, and disappears inside in search of the Universal Champion Shawn Warstein!
PC: "Chaos and Big D are left one on one!"
HHL: "Honestly the cameras should follow Centurion. We need to see what he and Shawn are up to."
Big D has been brutalized here tonight, from his nearly broken arms to his multiple slams on the marble floor, to the super kick that nearly decapitated him. It’s a testament to his toughness that he’s still moving!
Chaos motions for Big D to stand up, screaming at him to get up and fight!
Big D staggers up slowly and-
Another superkick from Chris Chaos and its lights out from Big D! He crumples to the floor lifelessly and Chaos rolls him over, hooking his leg!
PC: "You know, for a minute there I was thinking Big D had a chance to make it all the way to the end."
HHL: "Well, he didn’t. He’s out."
PC: "That’s cold, Heather."
Chaos takes off towards the National Security Advisors Office, reaching the already open door and stepping inside. Centurion is inside searching for Shawn Warstein, but he’s nowhere to be found.
PC: "Well, this is surprising. I thought the Universal Champion was going to be in there wrecking shop but… is he hiding?"
HHL: "I don’t know about hiding, but he’s certainly surviving. He has no more teammates to outlast, though. He’ll have to eliminate Chaos and Centurion alone if he’s hoping to make it to the main event."
Chaos and Centurion look at each other, unsure what to do or where to look first. Neither expected hide and seek to be the game in War Games. They begin to work their way around the perimeter of the room, Centurion opening a closet door to look inside as Chris Chaos checks behind a thick curtain and looks under the Security Advisors desk. They look at each other again and shrug, Centurion making his way over to the window and looking outside to see if maybe Shawn had made his way out to a ledge or the lawn. Together they point at a door in the far corner which seems to lead to a small hallway between the Security Advisor and another office. Chris Chaos looks through the small window on the door to the opposite office, and slowly opens the door.
PC: "Warstein was crouched behind the door!"
HHL: "He punches Chaos hard in the midsection!"
PC: "He clearly just punched him in the dick!"
HHL: "Midsection!"
Chris Chaos stumbles back into the office as Shawn charges him and hits a shining wizard that puts Chaos flat on the floor! Centurion rushes over to help his last remaining teammate and Warstein is ready, hitting a strong European uppercut that sends the Hart champion stumbling backwards. Shawn charges Centurion but Centurion counters and whips Warstein into the wall. Shawn reaches over to a nearby filing cabinet and pulls a heavy atlas off of it and whips it backwards into Centurions chest. Shawn turns and begins to pummel his old rival, throwing wild fists as Centurion tries to cover up. Chris Chaos climbs to his feet, grabbing a globe from a shelf and throwing it like a fastball at Warsteins head.
PC: "Direct hit!"
HHL: "That looked like it hurt!"
Enraged, Warstein sprints across the office and leaps through the air with a flying axe handle smash! Chaos drops to a knee, and Fuzz brings a knee up hard into his face, busting Chaos’ nose open! Chris Chaos begins leaking blood all over the floor as Centurion rushes over and hooks Shawn up from behind. Chaos climbs slowly to his feet and begins to pound Shawns ribs with punches before Centurion whips Warstein forward into Chris Chaos’ big boot! Chaos drops the Universal Champion to the floor and jumps atop him to make the cover!
Warstein gets his shoulder up in the nick of time and is able to use his hips to buck Chaos off of him, before rolling over and getting the mount position on Chaos. Shawn rains down brutal hammer fists and punches on the already bloodied Chris Chaos, smashing him violently until Centurion grabs him in a sleeper hold and drags him off of Chaos. Shawn kicks wildly and reaches up, pinning Centurions head to his own. Jawbreaker! Centurion stumbles backwards towards the open door and Fuzz shoves him into the hallway between the two offices, and slams the door shut.
Chris Chaos rolls to his hands and knees, still leaking blood!
PC: "Shawn Warstein rushes forward!"
HHL: "Flying knee to the skull!"
KINGS CROWN! Chris Chaos is sprawled out, and not moving as the artist formerly known as Fuzz makes the cover!
Shawn Warstein gets up to his knees, looking around the trashed National Security Advisors Office and shrugging his shoulders. He turns towards the door knowing that Centurion is waiting outside, the only man left between Warstein and the main event. Shawn stands up and takes a deep breath, making his way over to the door and opening it up. Centurion is no longer in the hallway, and the office door across the hall is now open.
PC: "Centurion is in the Vice President's Office!"
HHL: "Shame. I’m sure he always pictured himself in the oval office."
PC: "Nice burn."
HHL: "Thanks Pip."
Shawn makes his way carefully across the hallway and peeks into the office, but Centurion is hiding behind the door and grabs Warstein from behind and hurls him headfirst into the desk!
PC: "Here it is! One on one between the team captains! The Legends!"
HHL: "I think deep down we all knew this was what we wanted to see."
Warstein is back on his feet in a flash, spinning around and throwing a quick front kick to keep Centurion at distance. Centurion keeps pressuring, but is careful not to get over aggressive. The two wrestling icons tie up and Centurion looks for a standing armbar but Shawn rolls out of it and looks for a bicycle kick, which Centurion sidesteps. They tie up again and Shawn throws a heavy uppercut that wobbles Centurion, and Shawn locks him up for the Ego Trip!
Centurion shakes free and backs up, reaching up to the top of the window and tearing down the curtain rod. Centurion begins to savagely beat Warstein with the rod until finally Shawn is able to catch it and rip it away before breaking it over his knee. Centurion knees Shawn in the stomach and hits a quick DDT, rolling him over for a cover!
Kickout by the Universal Champion, who quickly latches onto Centurions arm and locks in a tight kimura! He rotates Centurions arm back, tearing at the shoulder, but Centurion has expert defense and circles away before stacking his hips on top of Warstein and forcing him to release. As soon as he’s free Centurion tries to pummel Warstein, but Shawn covers up fairly effectively and Centurion decides to change tactics. He grabs Shawns leg and begins looking for the Fall of Rome, but Warstein kicks furiously and gets away!
PC: "Warstein wasn’t about to be caught in that again."
HHL: "Let’s not talk about that. We’re looking for a ‘definitive ending’ from now on..."
Both men are on their feet for a moment but Centurion hits a dropkick and Shawn falls back into a wooden cabinet, splintering the door and knocking it off the hinges. Shawn bends down and picks up the wooden door, swinging it like it’s a steel chair. Centurion ducks underneath and russian legsweeps Shawn to the floor. Centurion jumps on top of him and looks for the cover!
PC: "Did he really thing he was going to beat the Universal Champion on a legsweep?"
HHL: "He’s beaten Warstein on less."
PC: "Stop bringing that up!"
Both men are up and circling each other in the middle of Vice President Mike Pence’s office, which is definitely adorned with a bunch of rainbow flags for some crazy reason but don’t tell anybody, when suddenly Centurion goes for a massive clothesline! Shawn Warstein slips out of the way and winds up behind Centurion… BACKSTABBER!
Shawn rolls Centurion over and makes the cover!
PC: "Almost! He almost had him!"
HHL: "Centurion looks exhausted, that really knocked the wind out of him!"
Centurion is gasping for breath, trying to get back up to his feet, but Shawn Warstein already has him hooked up for a future shock DDT…
Shawn rolls Centurion over, ready to avenge last years War Games! Warstein makes the cover!
PC: "It's over!"
HHL: "The Universal Champion gets it done!"
Shawn Warstein looks down at Centurion in the mess that was once the Vice Presidents office, and the camera slowly fades out.
Our scene opens in the Rose Garden just outside of the White House where both teams are gathered on opposite sides of the lawn. On the right side of the screen is Team Shane which see’s Shane with a Michel Myers mask on in a grey jumpsuit with a thick 4 foot chain in his right hand, beside Shane is The Hired Gun with a Kendo Stick and then is Peter Gilmour with 12 inch black dildo swinging it wildly and then there’s Dick Powers with a blow up doll blown up and ready to go and finally Tommy Gunn with a Steel Chair while across the lush green lawn is Team Cataclysm lead by Robert Main with a 2x4 in hand followed by Chris Page with a Barbwired Wrap Steel Chair in hand and then we see Alexel Rose with brass knuckles on his right fist followed by Thunder Knuckles who carries no weapon and is yawning followed by Low Mo who has a metal trash can in hand. We have five referee’s set to call the shit show that is about to unfold.
Low Mo and Tommy Gunn charge each other with Gunn swinging the chair smashing the trash can back into the ribs of Low Mo as they reach the center of the courtyard while we see Gilmour run towards Thunder Knuckles who simply lays down! Gilmour, confused, yet makes the cover!
Thunder Knuckles has NOT taken a dive! Peter, dildo in hand swings it down at TK who rolls out of the way sending Peter striking the ground before popping up and looking down at Page and Main and waves. Tommy Wish who is laying into Low Mo with chair shots while Alexei Rose is hit by the blow up doll from Dick Powers. Rose brushes off the doll only to be sucker punched by Powers. Powers calls out to Gilmour where he calls for the Dildo. Peter throws it like a football perfectly to his intended receiver who then use it as a light saber smacking it against the face or Rose before he’s smacked across the back with the Barbwire Wrapped Chair wielded by Chris Page! Hired Gun and Robert Main meet in the middle with Gunn swinging his Kendo Stick and it’s blocked by Main’s 2x4 only to see Main gouged in the eyes from Gunn while Shane has yet to move.
Gilmour is spun around by TK and poked in the eyes which followed by TK pointing and laughing at Gilmour whileTommy Wish picks Low Mo up off the lawn and starts taking him up the lawn towards the White House and as he walks past Gilmour he shoots Gilly the bird which prompts a “SUCK MY DICK” from Gilly. Rose holds Powers by the arms as we see Chris hoist the Barbwire Wrapped Chair up in the air but before he can lower the boom Gilmour yanks the chair out of Page’s hands which allows Powers the throw his head backwards into the face of Rose breaking his grasp. Page spins around towards Gilmour who throws the chair at Page’s face, Page ducks and the chair smashes off the face of Powers which busts him open and allows Rose to roll him up with a School Boy!
Gilmour swings at Page which is blocked and countered with a kick to the nuts! HG has doubled Main over and now has the 2x4 as he cracks it across the back of Main before taking Robert and hurling him over some shrubs and into another portion of the garden with red roses. Hired Gun Turns around and is clotheslined to the ground from TK while Page is shown putting the boots to Gilmour while Shane has yet to move a muscle as he looks on still clutching his chain. Gunn as Low Mo taking him up a side walk towards the White House where he looks to throw Low Mo through a window! Low Mo counters and its Tommy Gunn sent sailing and crashing through a window and into the PRESS BRIEFING ROOM!
Robert Main is back up and makes his way back into the lawn as he looks over the locks eyes with Shane. Neither man makes a move as Robert shifts his attention towards the battle on the lawn as Gilmour chokes away at a downed Chris Page while Dick Powers has the dildo across the throat of Rose choking away at him with it. HG charges towards Main with a clothesline attempt, Main ducks and as HG turns around he’s met with a vicious running boot to the face from Main! Powers smacks Rose one more time with the dildo before throwing it to the side as he’s busted open. He picks Rose up taking him across the lawn and up another side walk where he smashes him face first into the white wooden door before he opens it and sends Russian Rose spilling into the Cabinet Room!! Page breaks Gilmour’s choke with a gouge to the eyes as Robert comes over spinning Gilmour around and nailing him with a right hand spinning him back around to Page who hoists him up and drives him down into the lawn with a Spinbuster Slam! Page reaches his feet as he looks towards Robert and spouts out.
Main turns around where he’s met with a Kendo Stick across the midsection followed by a shot across his back as he’s doubled over! HG wielding the Kendo Stick in hand swings at Page who ducks the first but not the second as he catches him in the back of the head and sends him staggering forward where he’s spiked head first into the Barbwire Wrapped Chair by HG that busts Page open!
TK notices Shane standing ominously off to the side as he walks up to him and spouts out.
”Shane FUCKIN’ !”
No movement from Shane as he stares at TK with an intense look through the mask.
”What the fuck? You just going to stand there or you going to fight homie?”
Nothing from Shane as TK shakes his head at as he turns and gives chase after Dick Powers
We cut to the Press Briefing room as Low Mo smacks Gunn with an American Flag knocking him to the floor as he Low Mo makes the cover.
Low Mo starts hammering down with right hands to Tommy Gunn as we fade into the Cabinet Room as Alexel Rose drives Dick Powers face first off the conference table before rolling him up on the massive table itself. Rose climbs up on the table where he drops an elbow across the chest of Powers! Rose has the cover on the conference table!
Page has Gilmour taking him up the side walk towards the press room and for the first time Shane starts to slowly, walk behind Page and Gilmour. Chris sends Gilmour through the doors and into the Press Room as he follows in behind him. Low Mo looks to send Tommy Gunn into one of the podiums which is reversed and Low Mo crashing through the Podium when suddenly entering the room from inside the halls of the White House….
Press Secretary to the President of the United States Kayleigh McEnany!!
”What in the hell is going on in here!?!?!”
Chris Page walks up to Kayleigh McEnany and boots her in the midsection before delivering a Page Plant! Chris gets back to his feet shaking his head only to turn around and catch a GILMOUR CUTTER from Peter Gilmour! Out on the White House Lawn HG picks Main up and starts to heads towards the Cabinet Room and as they are in route we go inside the Cabinet Room where Dick Powers has regained the advantage on Rose and as a statue of George Washington which he throws at Roses face! Rose ducks at the last second sending the Statue into the wall shattering into the thousands of pieces. Rose charges forward going low attempting to drive a shoulder into the midsection of Powers but he eats a knee lift for his troubles! Powers diverts his attention across the room as Main and HG are trading right hands as they enter the room. Powers snatches Rose by the hair delivering a swinging neckbreaker! Powers makes the cover.
HG ducks a Main right hand before catching him with a Spear! HG covers Robert Main!
We fade back over to the Press Room as Tommy Gunn takes a laptop from one of the chairs and smashes it across the skull of Low Mo! Gunn makes the cover!
Team Shane now has a 5 on 4 advantage as Shane is shown looking on from outside through the broken window. Gilmour sizes Page up for another Gilmour Cutter as we see Tommy Gunn come up behind Gilmour and nut shot him! Page recovers standing back to his feet where he drops Gilmour with a Page Plant! Page makes the cover.
Page gets back to his feet where he and Tommy Gunn stare at each other for several seconds before Chris snaps his fingers and a joint magically appears. He lights up taking several deep pulls before inhaling as he extends the joint out towards Tommy Gunn. Tommy waves off causing Chris to roll his eyes before snapping his fingers again where a Cuban Cigar magically appears. This raises the eyes brows of Tommy as Chris extends it out. Tommy takes the Cuban Cigar and lights up. Not a word mentioned between the two as they smoke up the Press Room of the White House. Finally Chris asks…
”Should we go find everyone else?”
Gunn shrugs as the two walk towards the side door which leads to the interior hallway as they step over the body of the Press Secretary which draws a response from Tommy.
”Nice work.”
Suddenly Chris stops in his tracks like he’s seen a ghost which causes Tommy to stop in mid puff of his Cigar.
”Dude… stoner idea.”
Tommy simply looks on as Chris snaps his fingers and magically the twelve inch black dildo appears in his left hand. Chris places the joint between his lips as he turns around and steps back over the Speaker of the houses body and over to Peter Gilmour who is still laid out. Page yanks Gilmour to a seated position by the hair as the joint is still burning. Chris takes the black dildo and starts to cram it down the throat of Gilmour!
”Oh you know you can take more than that!”
Pete tries to fight it off but he’s out leveraged as Page crams it further down his throat before throwing him back down on the floor.
”Fuckin’ dick.”
We cut back to the Cabinet room as Powers and Main are trading blows and HG and Rose are throwing hands themselves! Powers thumbs Main in the eye before whipping him towards the door that leads to an inner hallway of the White House, Main reverses and Powers crashing through the doors busting it off its hinges and spills out into the hall. Main comes out after him picking him up before smashing him face first into the large painting of President Trump. HG comes out next blind siding Main and knocking him down to the floor. HG and Powers start putting the boots to Main on the floor before snatching a small end table and as Main reaches all fours it’s Powers smashing the table down into the spine of Main! Powers makes the cover.
Powers gets back to his feet, wiping the blood away from his eyes as he looks at HG who motions for him to pick Main up. He reaches down to pick Main up only to find Rose running and jumping up off the back of Powers delivering V-Trigger to HG! Powers throws Main back down to the floor before turning his attention towards Rose where he comes down the hallway swinging wildly! Rose ducks under while taking a back waist lock where he delivers a German Suplex with a Bridge on the blue carpet of the hallway!
We cut back to Tommy Gunn and Chris Page are in some secondary hallway as both are still smoking. Page opens a random door on the right side and immediately a disco globe hangs from the ceiling spinning around illuminating a small room with as “Stayin’ Alive” by the Bee Gee’s plays causing Page to immediately slam the door shut before turning towards Tommy who puffs away on his cigar.
”Definitely not in there.”
Chris walks a little further where he opens a door on the left to a dimly lit room which see’s Jeff Sessions on all fours with a collar and dog chain connected to the hands of Vice President Mike Pence, both are in tight leather underwear with Pence flogging the ass of Sessions. Vice President Pence turns towards the door where Chris Page simply shakes his head.
”What’s done in the dark bro… eventually comes to light.”
Chris shuts the door as the scene cuts back out into the hallway, or so we thought… We’ve caught up with the massive brawl between HG and Dick Powers versus Robert Main and Alexei Rose in the Press Secretaries Office! Robert Main is shown cracking a flower vase across the back of Powers shattering it into pieces as Rose takes a clock off the wall and cracks HG over the head with it as TK merely looks on watching as both Robert and Alexie look for a double pin.
Double kick out!
TK comes forward seizing the opportunity to pick Powers up and latch on his Sleeper Hold! Power tires to fight free only to see TK snitch it in tighter as Dick Powers starts to fade while we see Robert and Alexie stomp away at HG on the floor. Powers drops to one knee before going into a seated position as a referee raises his arm in the air and it falls to the floor. He raises it a second time and again it falls to the floor only to see him raise it a third and final time and it fall to the floor!
Team Cataclysm takes a 4 on 3 advantage as we cut back to Chris Page and Tommy Gunn as they continue to try and find the fight.
”This sucks.”
Chris approaches another door where he opens the door and for the first time there’s nothing weird going on. It’s just a dark room. Suddenly Tommy Gun shoves Page in the dark room and slams the door shut locking Page in the room. There’s a smirk from Tommy as he exits the screen and we now fade back into the hallway where Alexie holds HG by both arms for Main and TK to tee-off on with right hands. Just when it looks bleak for HG we see Tommy Gunn appear with a chair in hand cracking it across the back of TK! Main spins around catching a jabbing shot to the midsection which doubles him over for Gunn to waffle Main across the back and this allows HG to mule kick Alexie in the groin breaking his grasp. HG attempts to tip over a grandfather clock on Alexie who managers to roll out of the way at the last second sending the grandfather clock smashing as it hits the floor. Alexie might have avoided the Grandfather clock but does not avoid a running knee strike from HG. HG makes the cover
We cut back to the locked door Tommy Gunn threw Chris Page into where we find Shane standing with chain in hand looking at the door. He reaches out with his free hand unlocking the door.
Suddenly thick white smoke floods out from the room before emerging from the smoke with Cheech Martin and Tommy Chong is Chris Page.
”I hear ya knockin’ but you can’t come in!” Cheech states as both he and Tommy Chong look at the monster that is Shane standing in front of him. His right hand tightens on the chain.
”Hey man, like what’s his problem?” Tommy asks.
”Shane… they’re cool.” Shane loosens the grip on the chain as he doesn’t mutter a word while Chris turns towards Cheech and Chong. ”Awesome chill’n with the two of you but I’ve got a fight to win…” Chris shifts his attention towards Shane. ”We gotta go.”
We return to the hallway where HG spears TK through a wall and into the Press Secretary’s office! HG makes the cover on TK.
Back out in the hallway Tommy Gunn is setting Alexei up for a Piledriver when from out of nowhere PETER GILMOUR returns with a GILMOUR CUTTER to Tommy Gunn! Gilmour spouts out.
He storms off as Alexei makes the cover.
Team Cataclysm takes a 4-2 advantage over Team as Alexie gets up off Gunn and starts to make his way down towards the hole in the wall when Robert and HG come out of the office trading right hands which see’s HG take the advantage with the exchange when suddenly bursting through a wall behind them is SHANE and CHRIS PAGE!
TK emerges from the office blasting HG from behind. Robert turns and directs his attention towards Chris Page.
”Glad you could make it.”
”You have no idea what I’ve been through.” Robert walks over looking in the eyes of Page.
”Are you stoned?”
”Kinda.” Robert shifts his attention towards Shane before saying one simple word.
Suddenly Shane lays down on the floor not moving an inch as Robert covers him.
Hired Gunn and Thunder Knuckles continue to trade shots with Alexei Medved coming up from behind with a School Boy to Gunn!
We come back from commercial to a shot of the White House Rose Garden. A solitary spotlight illuminates an image of the XWF Hall Of Legends banner which is hanging to the left of an official XWF podium and just a short moment later James Raven appears at the podium.
Raven steps to the microphone to the delight of the crowd.
JAMES RAVEN: It's been a few months since we've done one of these Hall of Legends inductions but by now you all know what they are and the caliber of wrestler one has to be in order to be inducted into the Hall. Dominance is not just expected it is required if you want your name to be enshrined among the greats for all eternity. And so it is extremely fitting that tonight's induction sees one of the fed's most dominate wrestlers of any era follow in the footsteps of his fellow Kings Ladies and Gentlemen, the newest member of the XWF Hall of Legends is...
JAMES RAVEN: And here to induct him is none other than Doctor D'Ville's long time enemy and one of my co owners VINCENT LANE!!!
"I Wanna Rock" plays at a reasonable decibel level, it is the White House after all. Vincent Lane comes out from behind one of the doors to the Rose Garden in a wonderful three piece suit that probably costs less than Theo Pryce's pajama's. Lane looks out at the crowd of fans before adjusting the mic and beginning his induction speech.
Vinnie stands at the podium
“Man, has it really been SIX years? That’s wild. You know, before I was the most tubular owner a wrestling company ever had, I was just one of the guys. The incoming class of 2014. There were some rad dudes who joined up around the time I did, man… we’re talking about guys like Gator, a future Universal Champion and probably the greatest Television Champion we’ve ever seen.”
Crowd cheers as the camera shows Gator in the crowd with his mask on and a tuxedo. Todd is sitting next to him bawling like a baby because he sucks at these things. God, you should see him at a wedding.
“Gator, my friend, you’ll be up here someday, don’t you ever doubt that, dude! 2014 also saw other incredibly talented people sign on to compete in the XWF. My good buddy LH Harrison came in at the same time I did. In fact, in only my second ever match here, he was my tag team partner. We won, natch.”
The camera pans to show Harrison in the crowd as well, though he’s a little huskier. It’s clearly been a while since he was in ring shape. Is that a Rorschach mask sticking out of his tuxedo pocket where a pocket square should be? Uh oh.
“LH has been traveling the world and spreading gospel for the last couple years, I hear… so he HAD to come here tonight and honor the actual Biblical Devil!”
Everyone laughs. Man, Vinnie Lane is one funny guy. Handsome too.
“Listen… 2014 was a great year for the XWF. We had so many talented dudes join up, it was like a non-stop parade of incredible match-ups. I mean, we even had one of RVD’s top trainees in Battle Creek show up, and immediately poop all over the X-Treme Title belt… you remember that? You guys remember? Where is he, I know he’s here… where are you, Mav?”
The camera pans over several different faces in the crowd, all dressed to the nines, and all laughing uproariously at the memory of Maverick definitely crapping on the championship. Finally the POV finds Maverick himself, trying his best to sink in his chair and not be seen.
“There he is! Ha! Maverick, you’re a good sport, buddy. I mean, all these other guys beat you a lot, but that’s just life, man. Hope you stopped pooing on stuff. Where was I? Oh! Right! The class of 2014! Man, there’s just so much good stuff! Scully was there! He threw Darren Dangerous off of a scaffold and turned him into a sexual predator! John Samuels discovered the secret to becoming black YEARS before Rachel Dolezal! The Aerial Knight did… well he did something, I think. He definitely played the synthesizer when the rest of our rock band needed someone on the keys, I remember that much…”
The X-Tron shows various scenes of Vinnie and friends playing rock n’ roll shows. Gator and LH tearing it up, etc.
“Yup… exactly as I remember him. Anyway, the point is, it was a bodacious year. And what made it REALLY special was not what I expected when I inked my name on that original XWF contract for barely 50 grand a year. No, although I did eventually get to the highest of highs here in the XWF, along the way I ran into another 2014 freshman who made his name by kicking my butt all over the ring and never looked back. From the moment Doctor Louis D’Ville walked in the door, he was winning. First, a seemingly unimportant battle royal that saw him EASILY dispatch something like 20 other dudes on his way to taking home the W. There was even a dude named “Johnny Hard” in there! He was probably pretty tough! Then, after that incredible debut, his next step was just BARELY falling short of taking the TV Title from Gator. And then? Then?? Then Doc started his favorite pastime here in the XWF... handing me the most one sided loss I’d ever encountered. Folks, this all took place within ONE MONTH of Doc’s career starting!”
The camera pans across some old retirees in the crowd, nodding and clapping for the man they first met in 2014. We see Bobbi Zi, Socrates, Cain, and even Tush in his wheelchair.
“Hey, I see Tush out there! Man, remember the Spooky Shove-It when Doc broke your neck and put you in that wheelchair for the rest of your life? Wasn’t that AWESOME!?”
A single tear rolls down Tush’s face, but he nods, because it was indeed awesome.
“Man, so much cool stuff. I spent a YEAR trying to get a win over Doc D’Ville, and I failed every single time… I mean, they basically booked 2015 Bad Medicine FOR me, and I couldn’t get it done at the end! I mean… LOOK AT THIS RAD ARTWORK???”
“For real, dude, even with every promotional tool designed to say LOOK AT VINNIE, I lost. Why? Because Doc is that dang good at what he does… and unfortunately, what he did for most of 2014-2015 was kick me in the head. But at the end of the day, if it wasn’t for Lou… I call him Lou, we’re buds… I’d have never been the XWF Universal Champion. Because at the end of the day, at Relentless… it was that class of 2014 that stole the show. Main event. Gator. Harrison. Me. And tonight’s guest of honor, the diabolical Doctor himself, the Universal Champion Louis D’Ville. It was the highlight of my career, dude. Not just because of the result, but because of who was there with me to share it. My best friends in the whole entire world. Now, don’t get things confused… I might have been the guy to take the big gold away from Doc, but it wasn’t easy and it doesn’t mean that at the end of the day I was better than him. Because dude… I wasn’t. Nobody was. Doc D’Ville is, simply put, one of the best to ever do it. One of the greatest competitors to ever lace up a pair of boots. If he wanted your gold, he took it. If he wanted to be a “Higher Power” and hypnotize you into being in his weird cult, he did it. Bar none, Doctor Louis D’Ville was the baddest man in the locker room for the time that he was there. He’s got more accolades than we even need to really delve into, because they speak for themselves, but I mean… X-Treme Champion. Universal Champion. Trios Champion. Tag Team Champion for freakin’ EVER with Unknown Soldier. King of the Ring. Mister 24/7. Dude… at the end of the day, the question was always the same for anyone walking through the halls of the XWF. What am I gonna do about it if Louis D’Ville decides to come for me? And the answer? Was hide. So, instead of boring any of you for too much longer, because dude, I could go on all day about this guy… I’ll just leave you with this wicked poster from that fateful Relentless when the class of 2014 hit its highest point…”
“... and then I’ll take a step back to welcome and congratulate one of my very favorite people in this industry, and in life. The very first 2014 member of the XWF Hall of Legends, and for good reason. The guy who made every one of us better just by kicking our butts. Ladies and gentlemen - the doctor is IN.”
The Tron flares up and we see D’Ville backstage making his way to the ring and having a great time.
The crowd laughs and applauds, and then give a standing ovation as the familiar entrance theme for Doctor Louis D’Ville comes to life.
D’Ville is suddenly there, in a puff of red smoke and brimstone. Vinnie startles and jumps back, then claps Doc on the back of the shoulder and stands aside… but only momentarily. As if he suddenly remembered something, Vinnie steps forward and speaks into the podium’s microphone again.
“Dude… I almost forgot! One of the best things about Doc’s run back in the day was how much yet ANOTHER memorable figure from the class of 2014 chased after that X-Treme Championship when Doc here had his stranglehold on it. Hey Ghost Tank! Remember that? Remember how often you tried and failed to pin Doc? Oh MAN wasn’t that the best?”
Cameras catch Ghost Tank sitting on three chairs, clearly not thinking it’s the best.
“Remember Doc? Wasn’t it cool?”
D’Ville laughs, doubling over and leaning against his knees for support. Vinnie and D’Ville both laugh their butts off until tears are streaming down their faces because of just how gosh darn hilarious it is to think GT could ever beat a guy like Doc.
“Dude… I got an idea. Come on, Doc. For old times’ sake, how about we let the guy finally get the last word? He tried SO MANY times! You gotta let him pin you, dude! Just this once! Whattaya say?”
The crowd claps and cameras once again find Tank, whose face is beaming with hope. You can tell this is still a dream of his because he looks like one of those Conor’s Cure kids when they get to meet Road Dogg or whoever.
Doc hesitates, but then he smiles wide and nods. Doc lays down on the stage platform and Ghost Tank stands up, taking off his Salvation Army tuxedo jacket and lumbering up to the stage as referee Ari Silverstein pops out in his black and white official shirt and drops to his knees next to D’Ville.
“Come on up, dude! This is what you always wanted!”
Ghost Tank gets to the podium and shakes Vinnie’s hand, clearly honored and overcome with emotion for this incredible opportunity. Doc just lies motionless and waits, and then Ghost Tank leans over him in a sort of lateral press as Silverstein slaps his hand to the platform floor.
“That’s one! And two! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand HERE YOU GO DUDE!!!”
Vinnie sends a stiff kick to the back of Ghost Tank’s head as Ari stops counting. Doc leaps up to his feet and joins Loverboy in putting the boots to Ghost Tank, who just curls up like roadkill and tries to protect himself. Gator and LH Harrison rush to the stage and also start piling it on, all four of them just kicking the crap out of Ghost Tank while laughing. Even Johnny Heartsford, the aforementioned Aerial Knight, shows up and bonks GT over the head with his synthesizer.
Everyone has a grand old time kicking and beating on Ghost Tank while he looks traumatized and possible sharts, due to the lingering effects of C. Diff.
While the beatings slowly die down Doctor D'Ville walks over to the podium and adjusts the mic.
Hello, my friends! My name is Doctor Louis D'Ville. I stand before you this evening to most humbly and extremely graciously accept a place in this MOST fine organization's Hall of Legends.
Many years ago, when I first opened my doors and would subsequently be on the tip of every tongue and on (or in) the back of everyone's mind, I never began to imagine that it would bring me here, today. I NEVER dreamed that I would be standing here years later trying to remember everything. What started as something so simple spread like wildfire. Many things along the way tried to throw some water, douse it out, but all that did was make it stronger. What I first perceived as a group of hate-filled mouthy pricks was soon realized to be a community of hate-filled mouthy pricks. A community that was soon realized not just a community but a family. I have connected with so many great people from all over the world on a whim. I was welcomed from the first moment I stepped in and if you're not a complete dickhead you will be, too. And eventually, again if you're not a dickhead, you become respected. All from being a cool person, being nice, and respecting the work that's being done here.
I made it a point to try my best and work with as many people as I could. Whether it be teaming up somehow or competing head-to-head. A lot began to not only respect me, but look up to me, which was weird, I was just being myself and trying to tell a good story. I appreciated it none-the-less. I hope that my work inspired better work out of them. I hope it gave them confidence because we all know this is a tough business. It is very easy to get stuck and once you are stuck it's even harder to get unstuck. Inspiration is everything which is why, again, I tried to work with everyone possible. Not only to inspire them but to maybe to inspire myself, too! (LOL) Working together is key around here. Especially during this time of year with War Games... One of my favorite XWF events because one of my favorite things to do here is collaborate with others' work. I had a blast intermingling myself with others who could have been polar-opposites to me, but we made it work and it worked GREAT. AND it was fun as hell. If we're not entertaining the masses, we should at least be entertaining ourselves because why the fuck else are we here?
The levels of talent that I have seen pass through here over the years is unreal. The effort and attitude to come here and do this in front of everyone is astounding and its ALL GOOD. This is our out. This is our world where we can be anything that we want to be and it came into my life at the perfect time. We don't always know what we need, but I was lucky enough to literally stumble over something that gave me some joy a long time ago. The competiton kept it fresh but the relationships that grew along the way are something that are never going to go away. Which I guess is going to bring me to some thank-you's.
Shane approved my contract. He was the XWF Owner until a few years ago and if it wasn't for him we wouldn't be here. The environment and shit you allowed made the perfect home for a demented old fuck like me and I thank-you, sir.
Morbid Angel. For those that don't know him, he'll chop your fucking dick off. Former Universal Champion (plus others but don't think I'm digging into anything) and one of my favorite assholes to work with. We did great things through War Games and never took the other out of the furthest corners of our sights. Thanks.
Barney Green. Barney is a guy that I can't help but respect. He's everything I said about before. He is a staple in the XWF and another that was always a pleasure to talk or work with. Thanks Barno.
Robbie Bourbon. I don't think that I could walk away from this without thanking him. He has a certain charisma about him that kind of bled off on to me. I enjoyed him and was probably more excited about him winnning the Universal Title than he was. An inspiring fellow who always made me want to come back. Thanks Rob.
Michael McBride. Believe it or not, my friend, you were also an inspiration to me. Kudos goes a long way and you're awesome for always being there for the Doc. The XWF just wouldn't have been the same for me without McBride, so thanks. Which brings me to my next asshole.
Peter Gilmour. Speaking of impressions and leaving a mark, what would the XWF had been like without the dick-print of the King of Xtreme, himself? Pete, you're one one of the reasons I joined this whole thing. I forget who you were feuding with but the consistensy and the passion just amazed me. In the long run I come to find out you take this pretty seriously and I think that actually just made me more attracted to it... I'm not sure. Fuck it. But thanks.
Sebastian Duke, if you see this, I thank-you, too. I doubt you will. If you do tell me about it later, you have my number.
Unknown Soldier. ONE of my tag team partners during a time that the entire tag team division stood in the shadows of the champions. Because there was no one who could beat us. Until you were a dick. Thanks. <3
The Kings. John Samuels, John Madison, and Theo Pryce. When I had to make a choice the choice was simple. All being KINGS of the XWF, these three men joined me, as well as, Cadryn Tiberius, as our Joker and we carried those titles until we didn't want to anymore. These guys opened a lot of doors for me and made this a little more fun again when it started not being so fun. Like I said, inspiration is everything. When you're surrounded by greatness, you're gonna spill some, too. Sammy did some epic work. Maddy, to this day, is a muse of mine. Cadryn took the role we gave him and abused the shit out of it. All of these guys did their part and made it one of my most fun and favorite times to be part of it all.
Mastermind. This guy was around long before I was (The first match I wrote was one of his). A guy that I worked with from time to time and eventually started talking to and eventually (once again!) turned into something awesome. He's probably the most selfless person I've ever met in my entire life and he's here because he loves it. M, thanks for everything. The Asylum would have been nothing without the Mansion of Mastermind, the Helicopters of Mastermind, the dreaded Chair of Mastermind, and that damn mirriror...
Michael Graves. A guy I've worked with a lot and respect the hell out of. This guy bleeds XWF like I do because we can't help it. Gravy, thanks. You've worked harder than you've had to at times to make shit happen.
My first asshole.
Gates, to this day, I think we owe it to ourselves to meet up and just FISTACUFFS one time. Arms curled, sneers, and swearing. Then a pint (or fifty).
A fellow that always kept me thinking, always kept me on my toes, and always kept me laughing. A complete inspiration that I could feed from probably forever. It never got old and if anyone around here ever made me question myself sometimes it was this guy. I thank you.
LH Harrison/Hysteria. This is a bit of a hard one because it stretches pretty far back. I cannot credit anything I have ever done without crediting him. He kept me going. He relit my stories. He sacrificed a lot just to make things work. He is one of the most creative and one of the first dudes I met and really got involved with when I first came in. If Doctor Louis D'Ville owes anything to anyone, its that guy. Thanks Rhett.
Theo. Yes, you get your own. Our KINGS' awesomeness would not have happened without you stepping up and making it happen. It was you that was right there when I had the world by the ass but needed another set of hands. It was you that inspired another take. The guy who reminded me who I was over and over again. Another fellow I couldn't have imagined my journey being without. I thank you.
Vincent Lane. My first, "What's up, Doc?". The first guy that really made me feel welcome and to this day has been pretty much why we are still here. You all have no idea the leaps and bounds this asshole has done to keep THIS. I have worked with him non-stop behind the scenes and in the ring and every single moment has been a pleasure. I haven't been too consistent in a couple of years but it is becuase of this dude that I will never be able to forget about this place.
There's always going to be a comeback in mind and there's always going to be a chance out there that maybe I'll go on a whim and just try something "one more time". But I'm as wayward and unpredictable as the weather and I only agreed to do this if it was Pre-Main Event so maybe you'll see me at Bad Medicine or Relentless... Who knows? One thing is for certain and that, my friends, is I enjoyed every second I've spent here and appreciate the out that it created. I have no regrets and really wouldn't like a world where I never belonged to this family. I thank everyone. I thank those that once belonged, still belong, still linger, and even those that eventually told us to fuck-off for whatever reason. Everyone who passed through the XWF made tracks and whether they stayed or not was all up to them. It didn't, doesn't, and never mattered how good or bad you are. Like I said before, be a dickhead and see how far you get. Build the bridges. Connect and you won't believe the outcomes. There's no trophy for this folks. Its all for us. Make the absolute best of it because it belongs to you.
With that said, and with nothing much left, I will say once again that I thank-you, my friends.
And regardless of all this shit going on right now and the lack of scary monsters in the XWF, the doctor's doors are ALWAYS, and will always be, open. *wink*
After Doc steps away from the podium to raucous applause, Vinnie Lane, Gator, LH Harrison, and Aerial Knight are revealed behind the drapery standing there with a full band setup.
Doc walks over and takes his spot, and the XWF X-Perience plays the event to a close.
TEAM #3:
#1: Robert Main
#2: Chris Page
#3: Alexei Medved
#4: Thunder Knuckles
The final battle is set as our scene opens…
XWF Universal Champion Shawn Warstein enters the Oval Office first as the solo member of his team. He’s followed in by Hanari Carnes and the new XWF Xtreme Champion Michael Graves as the survivors of his team. Shawn and Carnes make eye contact from across the room when finally entering the oval office is Team Cataclysm; the XWF World Tag Team Champions Robert Main and Chris Page, the XWF Television Champion Thunder Knuckles and Alexei Medred.
”Awe… look at what we got here boys.” Robert looks across at the isolated Universal Champion as he states. ”A guy I’ve made my bitch more times than I can count…” Robert shifts his focus towards Hanari Carnes and Michael Graves. ”And two other meaningless guys we’ve already beat.”
”I thought this was supposed to be challenging? Chris asks exuding sheer sarcasm.
”Well mother fuckers, let’s dance!”
Literally upon Thunder Knuckles finishing his statement David Bowie’s “Let’s Dance” hits the speakers and as it does Chris Page throws one of the couches out of the way as Robert looks across at Shawn.
”You and me. No excuses.”
Hanari Carnes and Thunder Knuckles pair off as does Medred and Graves as the fight is on. Chris Page is shown walking to the President’s desk where he sits in the president’s chair and kicks his feet up on the desk resting his hands behind his head and watches the room as Shawn decks Main only to see Main fire right back and they’re off with a heated exchange! Graves drives a knee to the midsection of Medred before snatching the fruit bowl off the coffee counter and smashing it over the head of Medred! Across the oval office Thunder Knuckles drives Carnes face first into a portrait of Abraham Lincoln before taking that portrait off the wall and smashing it over the head of Carnes!! Shawn gouges Main in the eyes before taking a lamp and smashing it against Main’s head! Shawn immediately turns and leaps over the President’s desk and flies on top of Page sending them falling backwards in the President’s chair to the floor where he starts unloading with right hands!! Graves has Alexie in position for a Piledriver that’s countered with a back body drop on to the floor! We see Medred walk across the oval and pick up an wooden chair before turning and cracking it across the back of Warstein who was hammering away at Chris Page! Thunder Knuckles looks to send Carnes crashing through a door but Carnes reverses and it’s TK who crashing through the door spilling out into the President’s Secretaries office. Carnes enters the office and catches TK with a kick to the ribs before taking the telephone receiver and wrapping the cord around the throat of TK where he starts choking away at him. Back in the Oval Office Medred see’s Graves starts to get back to his feet. He charges towards him where he eats a Superkick that could have knocked his teeth out! Graves makes the cover.
Robert Main now has Shawn Warstein held by both arms as Chris Page holds his jaw with his left hand before spouting out at the Universal Champion.
”You hit like a bitch.”
Page delivers a stiff right hand to the exposed face of Warstein before kicking him in the midsection and hammering him with a second harder right hand to the helpless Universal Champion.
”We tried to warn you, Shawn.”
Page decks Shawn with a Sandy Bigalow Patterson throat punch doubling the Champion over as Robert releases his grip on the arms. Page positions Shawn for a Powerbomb and he hoists Shawn up in the air and as he brings him down it’s Robert who tacks on a Backstabber for good measure! Robert makes the cover.
Michael Graves snatches a vase off one of the end tables and shatters it across the back of the head of Main!! Hanari re-enters the Oval Office and catches Medred with a running knee strike as he attempts to get back to his feet! CCP smashes a plate over the head of Graves staggering the big man backwards several feet as Page charges forward looking for a Code Breaker that Graves counters into a Powerbomb through the Coffee Table!! Carnes picks Alexei up off the floor but before he can do anything else TK emerges back in the Oval Office with a phone book and drives it into the back of the head of Carnes!! Shawn Warstein is back to his feet where he turns and takes the Presidential Flag and measures Main who is getting back to his feet. Shawn runs towards Main using the flag pole as a joust to as he crashes it into the sternum of Main! Graves gets back to his feet where he ducks a phone book shot from Thunder Knuckles before delivering a step up Enzugiri to the temple of the Television Champion which is followed up with the VIVA REPUBLIC from Carnes! Carnes cranks on the cross arm breaker until TK taps out!!!
Shawn Warstein picks up Robert Main and hurls him through a door that leads to the Presidential Study and as the cameras go inside the study we see PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP in a chair in the corner cuddling with BORIS in his lap while Vladimir Putin stands in a corner in nothing but a white button down dress shirt as he fondles his self while Mike Pence is filming the entire encounter. Upon the room being entered Putin escapes through a side door followed by Pence and Boris as Shawn is blasted from behind by Chris Page! Robert makes his way to the door slamming it shut before President Trump can escape. The President starts to back track from Main and backs right up into the chest of Chris Page! Trump turns around seeing a seething Chris Page who immediately hoists up Twitter Fingers and turns him in midair before Main completes the Shatter Machine to the President of the United States! Main and Page pop back up off the floor of the Presidential Study before shifting attention towards Shawn Warstein who is slowly starting to get back to his feet as Cataclysm sets him up for the Shatter Machine! Main hoists Shawn up in the air when suddenly from out of nowhere Hanari Carnes enters the fray superkicking Page removing him from that equation while Shawn Warstein counters the pick up with a Tornado DDT to Robert Main!
In the Oval Office Graves has Alexei and looks to drive him head first into the President’s desk, Medred puts on the breaks with his hands before driving a short elbow into the ribs of Graves breaking his grip and it’s Medred who drives Graves face first off the desk before dropping Graves with a Reverse DDT! Alexie makes the cover on the Xtreme Champion!!
Carnes has Page in the Presidential Study and sends him back through the door into the oval office with Carnes following closely behind while in the Presidential Study Warstein has Main and hurls him over the couch sending him crashing to the floor. Shawn comes around the couch where he picks Main up off the floor and sets him up before delivering a Spinning Falcon Arrow!! Shawn makes the cover!
We cut back to the Oval Office where Carnes sets Page up for the Cross Arm Breaker!! Page rolls through countering into a Crippler Crossface!!! Carnes screams out in pain as Chris cranks back on the Crossface while screaming for Carnes to “TAP!”. Michael Graves is shown back body dropping Alexei on the President’s Desk before turning and seeing Carnes in trouble where he makes the save by kicking Page in the face which breaks the hold.
In the Presidential Study Shawn picks Robert up and looks for a scoop slam, Robert manages to slide down the back of Warstein and as the Universal Champion spins around he’s met with a Claymore Kick!! Main gets back to his feet where he walks over and enters the Oval Office to see Alexei laid out on the President’s desk and Page on the ground as well as Carnes with Graves getting to his feet.
”I’ve been waiting for this.”
Main and Graves lock eyes before each walking towards each other where they break out into a right hand exchange that see’s Main get the upper hand before driving a boot to the midsection of Graves and landing a Jackhammer! Main has the cover on the Xtreme Champion!
Alexei starts to work his way up to his feet on the President’s Desk and sets sail delivering a Flying Elbow Drop across the sternum of Graves but before he can make a cover Carnes locks in the CROSS ARM BREAKER!! Carnes cranks back harder and harder on the arm looking for the submission only to see Chris Page reach over and gouge him in the eyes to break the hold!
Main is back up and reaches down picking Carnes up off the floor where he hurls him across the President’s desk while we see Chris get back to his feet and peer over into the Presidential Study where Shawn Warstein is starting to get back to his feet. Chris makes his way over into the study where he chop blocks the right knee out from under the Universal Champion from behind! Page gets back to his feet where he picks up the right leg of Warstein and starts kicking away at the knee right knee cap violently and maliciously.
In the Oval Office we see Alexei start choking away at Michael Graves while Robert Main comes around the President’s Desk where he reaches down picking Carnes up off the floor. He takes him by the throat and looks to hoist him up in the air for a Chokeslam that Carnes counters with a rake of the eyes!! Main drops Carnes who hands on his feet and Carnes slams Main’s right hand in a desk drawer before delivering a Step Up Enzugiri of his own to the temple of Main knocking him down to the floor with Carnes making a cover!!
In the Presidential Study Page locks on a single leg Boston Crab to the Universal Champion! There’s nowhere for Shawn to go and no ropes to break the hold as Chris transitions into an STF submission! Back in the Oval Office Alexei picks Graves up off the floor only to have his pickup attempt countered with a Hangman’s DDT while Carnes is shown hammering away at the face of Main with right hands while Graves looks in the Study seeing Shawn in a bad way.
You can’t fault Shawn/Carnes/Graves to try and look out for each other being sorely outnumbered and Graves charges into the Study and leaps over the couch with a flying splash on top of Page causing the hold to be broken and effectively saves the Universal Champion from Elimination! Graves stomps down on Page before picking him up and hurling him back into the Oval Office where he follows him into the office and is met with a kick to the chin by Alexei!
Page works his way back to his feet and catches Graves with a front waist lock before delivering an overhead release belly to belly suplex which see’s Alexei make the cover!!
Page shifts his attention towards Carnes who is picking Main up off the floor only to see Main hoist Carnes up in the air and Chris Page complete the Shatter Machine! Page makes the cover on Carnes!
We’re down to Team Cataclysm featuring Robert Main, Chris Page and Alexei Medred for Team Carnes is Michael Graves and for Team Warstein is Shawn Warstein with the odds firmly stacked against Team Carnes and Team Warstein. Chris and Robert both are to a vertical base as we see them walk over to Alexei who is still choking away at the Xtreme Champion. Main and Page reach down and pick Graves up off the floor where he deliver another Shatter Machine!
Page motions for Alexei to cover Graves but he elects to pick Graves up off the floor and take him run him towards a window where he throws Graves through the window shattering it into thousands of pieces!! Alexei climbs through the broken window frame where Graves is laid out on the sidewalk which leads to the Rose Garden. He makes the cover on Graves.
Back in the Oval Office Shawn limps into the office to see Chris Page and Robert Main standing, waiting seeming salivating over what is about to unfold. The sounds of glass cracking is heard as Alexei climbs back through the window as the odds are firmly stacked against the Universal Champion. Shawn looks around the room before flipping off all three with a double bird only to see all three converge on Shawn like a pack of wolves! Shawn is taken down with a front knee clip to the right knee from Page picking up right where he left off as Robert and Alexei now stomp away respectively at the knee and upper body of the Universal Champion.
Chris stands back watching with a smile on his face as Shawn is being dismantled by Robert Main and Alexei. Chris calls for them to pick up Shawn which Alexei does and holds him by both arms. Chris walks over snatching Shawn by the chin.
”Not so tough when you’re not hiding behind a keyboard!”
Chris hauls off and decks Shawn with a right hand as Robert steps forward.
”Not so tough when you have to rely on you!”
Robert nails Shawn with a hard right hand of his own as Page steps back up to the plate.
”Yet you want a piece of us SOOOOOOOO bad but do NOTHING to make it happen.”
Chris spits in the face of Warstein before pulling out a pair of brass knuckles that he places on his right fist. Chris takes several steps back before coming forward with a full head of steam swinging at Shawn’s jaw! Shawn ducks and Page decks Alexei before being shoved into a bookcase by Warstein! Main swings wildly as Shawn ducks out of the way of before connecting with a Superkick to Main!!! Shawn falls backwards and lands on Medred!
Page dives on top of the cover at the last second to break the fall attempt as he now gets back to his feet where he picks Shawn up where he latches on to a back waist lock before delivering a snap release German Suplex sending Shawn rolling over and on to both knee’s as Page is back to his feet delivering a V-Trigger knee strike under the chin of the Universal Champion! Page makes the cover hooking the near leg of the Universal Champion.
Page cuts his eyes towards the referee before complaining about a slow count. Chris gets back up to his feet as he spouts out towards Shawn.
”Get up you son of a bitch!”
Shawn starts to push himself up off the floor and as he reaches his feet Page comes forward with a boot to the midsection doubling over the Universal Champion where he under hooks the arms where he looks to deliver the Page Plant! Shawn yanks his arms free and counters with a violent Alabama Slam!! On to the floor of the Oval Office. Alexei comes up behind Shawn and delivers a backstabber!! Alexei Medred makes a cover on the Universal Champion hooking the near leg.
Alexei gets back to his feet as he was moments away from putting away the Universal Champion. He looks across the room to see Main is back up and in the mix, there’s a head nod between the two as we see Alexei reach down and pick Shawn up off the floor only to have Shawn counter with a jaw breaker which leads to a boot to the midsection followed by the EGO TRIP!!! Shawn rolls Alexei over making the cover hooking the leg of the Xtreme Champion.
Main pulls Shawn off the cover at the final moment! Main picks Shawn up off the floor where he takes him across the Oval Office and drives him head first into the President’s desk, he drives it in a second time and then a third before setting Shawn up for the Dead Man’s Hand!! Warstein escapes as he slides down the back of Main before kicking him in the balls! Main drops to his knees and as he does it’s like a light bulb goes off in his head as he looks to see Page down and Medred down before looking at the back of Main’s head! Shawn backs up across the Oval Office where he charges forward with a full head of steam looking to take Main’s head off with the KING’S CROWN….
Only Chris Page manages to knock Robert out of the way and take the KING’S CROWN from Warstein!
Warstein seizes the moment to make the cover!
Shawn has cut the numbers down to two on one after the sacrifice of Chris Page! Shawn doesn’t waste time as he reaches his feet where he picks Main up off the floor and looks to deliver the EGO TRIP! Main is hip to it and spins out while transitioning into position before delivering the DEAD MAN’S HAND to Warstein on the President’s Desk which does not break! Main covers Warstein on top of the desk!
Main immediately reaches down helping Chris to his feet who is holding his jaw with his left hand. Chris and Robert look at Shawn laid out on the desk.
”One wins… we both win… bitch.”
Chris rolls Shawn off the desk as he falls to the floor while we see Robert take a seat at in the President’s Chair as he kicks his feet up on the desk. Alexei Medred emerges on screen with a steel suitcase in his right hand and a bottle of bourbon in his left. He hands Main the bottle of Bourbon and the twist lid is quickly removed as he takes a deep swig while Medred opens the suitcase on the desk revealing 10 grand. Chris glances over at Main.
”Oh yeah, I beat Gilmour… he’s paid up… now where’s my dollar, bitch!”
Robert simply shakes his head before reaching into the pocket of his jeans pulling out a dollar bill and he hands it to Chris.
”Now we’re square.”
Chris closes the briefcase as Robert looks directly into the camera.
”Hey Cent… #toldya.”
War Games comes to an end as the lights in the oval office start to flicker repeatedly with the laughter of Robert Main, Chris Page and Alexei Medred in the background.
A HUGE Thank You...
To everyone who came out and roleplayed for the show
And to those who helped write this amazing show - Page, Raven and Chaos, you did a fantastic job
FROM TOKYO, JAPAN FOR...............
Peter bitches about the results and says his second RP was Epic in 5....4....3....2....
OOC: To the writers, this was a great show. Pat yourselves on the back because you deserve it. As an XWF fan who couldn't afford a ticket... WIZARD! WIZARD! WIZARD!
The following 2 users Like Thunder Knuckles™'s post:2 users Like Thunder Knuckles™'s post Theo Pryce (06-01-2020), thewizard (06-01-2020)
XWF FanBase: The IWC (gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)
Oswald watched as everyone ganged up on his creation, Ghost Tank, beating the fuck out of him. He goes to collect the Monster and sighing, saying only a few words:
I can’t speak for Chaos or Raven but these were some fun matches to write. I hope I did everyone justice in the Main Event.
- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
With Robert "The Omega" Main
XWF World Heavyweight Champion
The following 1 user Likes Chris Page's post:1 user Likes Chris Page's post Thunder Knuckles™ (06-01-2020)
Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Chris Page's post!1 user Hates Chris Page's post Shawn Warstein (06-01-2020)
Woke up out of a drunken stupor this morning and saw the results. Really enjoyed them! Congrats to Team Cataclysm on winning what I'm sure was a difficult match/event to judge. Also happy to see the President's desk is stronger than your typical pro wrestling announcer desk.
For my first XWF event, I couldn't have asked for more. Great job, guys! Excited for THE WIZARD'S future.
Released from Prison. Currently residing in Hell aka mentoring troubled teens.
Hope that dollar was worth it page cuz u sir are a dead man..
3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
"I told you fuckers that if you just STOOD BACK and let ME take care of business, I'd carry you with ME to the main event! Too bad you idiots let your ego's stand in the way victory! Mastermind and Chasm's sloppy eater fucked our chances worse than Zane did by getting sucked into that other universe by those giant pink tentacles that were ripping through space and time!"
"Uh, you guys saw that too, right?"
"Anyway, you idiots should have followed fearless leaders, well, uh? Lead! Stay low and let ME do the work! Instead, MM wanted to take offense to needing help, and Jelly Jam wanted to prove that the apple fell VERY far from the tree!"
"Sorry kid, but I'm not convinced. I think daddy's better than you..."
"Oh, Main, and Page..."
The following 2 users Like (Gravy_Xtreme_5000)'s post:2 users Like (Gravy_Xtreme_5000)'s post Mr. Oz (06-01-2020), Peter Fn Gilmour (06-01-2020)
Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates (Gravy_Xtreme_5000)'s post!1 user Hates (Gravy_Xtreme_5000)'s post LiamRoberts (06-01-2020)
Well that didn't turn out how I wanted it, sure I wasn't expecting to come in and be the hero but I also didn't expect to the first eliminated, but here we have it.
Graves you are right I came into the match over my head and cost you and the team a better showing in the first match and that is all on me, but I come on we both know had my father been in the match he would have pulled a Red X and barely show up. So Grave if you still think that I am such a joke, how about you and me step in the ring and I can prove to you how much I am better than my father and do what he never could and beat you.
1x Heavymetalweight Champion
Hanari Carnes
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP
XWF FanBase: Mixed (loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)
(Where is my roster page?)
Joined: Fri Jan 11 2019
Posts: 136
Likes Given: 9
Likes Received: 139 in 73 posts
Hates Given: 2
Hates Received: 9 in 8 posts
Hates Given: 2
Hates Received: 9 in 8 posts
8 X-Bux: ✘50,000
Well that didn't turn out how I wanted it, sure I wasn't expecting to come in and be the hero but I also didn't expect to the first eliminated, but here we have it.
Graves you are right I came into the match over my head and cost you and the team a better showing in the first match and that is all on me, but I come on we both know had my father been in the match he would have pulled a Red X and barely show up. So Grave if you still think that I am such a joke, how about you and me step in the ring and I can prove to you how much I am better than my father and do what he never could and beat you.
Brother Liam. I appreciate the effort you gave. You battled valiantly in the face of carnage, and although you did not prevail you did in deed give it your all. You have my respect for showing up and giving it your best. Forget what Graves says, I am happy to have had you on my team
The following 1 user Likes Hanari Carnes's post:1 user Likes Hanari Carnes's post Alexei Medved (06-01-2020)
Alexei Medved
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP
XWF FanBase: Hardly anyone to be honest (booed by most fans; hurts people even when not supposed to; often angry and shitty)
(Where is my roster page?)
Joined: Sat Mar 28 2020
Posts: 34
Likes Given: 34
Likes Received: 64 in 28 posts
Hates Given: 2
Hates Received: 1 in 1 posts
Hates Given: 2
Hates Received: 1 in 1 posts
2 X-Bux: ✘50,000