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Saturday Night Savage 05/16/2020
Author Message
Atticus Gold Offline
Gold is the New Black
Management Lv. 2

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

05-16-2020, 07:42 PM

[Image: LKNS3dh.gif]



Low Mo
- vs -
Russian Rose

Nathaniel Idenhaus
- vs -

Vita Valenteen
- vs -
Zane Norrison
Character Swap Match

Atara Themis
- vs -
James Raven
Bare Knuckle Pit Fight

Felix Jones ©
- vs -
Xtreme Rules
Red-X gets a second chance at the Xtreme Title
If he fucks it up... Well, we'll see.

[Image: 8K9Z08s.png]

Thunder Knuckles ©
- vs -
Brian Storm
Thunder Knuckles may name the stip in his FIRST RP
15 Minute Time Limit

[Image: rWOE8Gi.png]

Robert "The Omega" Main & "Chronic" Chris Page ©
- vs -
Chaos Inc.
Chris Chaos & Hanari Carnes (w/ Jenny Myst)
TLC Tornado Tag

We see Atticus White standing backstage, outside of his office, with Little Feather and a few other security guards.

ATTICUS: "After Big D's shenanigans last Savage, I need ALL of you at the top of your game! I don't care if he has a ticket or not, Big D does NOT enter the premises at ALL costs.............. is that understood?"

LITTLE FEATHER: "Yes, sir. I'll have guards stationed at every entry point in the building. He'll have a better chance of breaking into Fort Knox than here."

ATTICUS: "That's what I like to here!"

Atticus pats the Head of Security on the back as he walks away, his guards following close behind. Shortly after the security detail leaves, a pizza man walks into frame. He's wearing a Papa John's hat and T-shirt, and is holding a large box. For the safety of himself and his customers, he's also wearing an N-95 mask.

PIZZA MAN: "Excuse me, I'm looking for a white abacus?"

ATTICUS: "Do you mean ATTICUS White?"

The man looks down at the receipt attached to the box and nods his head.

PIZZA MAN: "Oh yeah, my bad! I got a delivery for an Atticus White."

Atticus looks at the driver suspiciously.

ATTICUS: "Well, that's me......... but I didn't order any pizza."

The delivery man, once again, looks at the receipt.

PIZZA MAN: "It says here it's from a Smokin' Bob."

ATTICUS: "Smokin' Bob?"

PIZZA MAN: "There's also a note that says 'For running such a great show. Enjoy this pizza as much as I enjoy Savage!"

Atticus looks a little full of himself, pleased to hear his fellow GM approves of his methods. He then looks at the box, trying to read the side.

ATTICUS: "What kind is it?"

PIZZA MAN: "Chicken and bacon with extra cheese."

ATTICUS: "Chicken is my favorite topping, how the hell did he know that?"

The pizza man, sarcastically, looks the Savage General Manager up and down, before shrugging.

PIZZA MAN: "No idea, but it's already been paid for."

Atticus beams with joy as the driver hands over the hot pie. He opens the box, revealing a steaming, perfectly made chicken and bacon pizza with extra cheese. White turns around and opens the door to his office, taking a step inside.

ATTICUS: "I might have to send a box of the fattest cigars Cuba has to offer Bob's way........."

The door slams shut behind Atticus, as he goes to enjoy his dinner and the show. After the coast is clear, the pizza man pulls his mask down, revealing it to be none other than BIG D! You can hear the roar of the crowd from inside the arena, as D smiles over the success of his ruse.

D: "Chicken's his favorite topping, huh? I wonder how he feels about EX LAX?................... guess we'll find out."

The audience bursts into laughter as Big D pulls his mask back up and disappears out of view.

The camera opens up on the scaffolding above the ring. A man is seen with a small device in his hand. Each time he presses the button a small latch opens up. He begins to whistle Symphony No. 5.


Universal Champion Shawn Warstein leans over the side and at the bottom is Doug Whitmore.

“Okay Dougie…. send it up.”

Doug throws a thumbs up and attaches an extremely large sack to a winch. The sack slowly begins to climb to the top of the scaffolding. Shawn is tapped on the shoulder by an unknown person.

“Dammit! God dammit Red X… do we have to put a bell on you? Wait….. what the fuck are you doing up here?”

“When the darkness…. wait…. hold up…. what are you doing!?”

Shawn grabs Red X by the collar and begins to hang him off of the scaffolding.

“Well you’ve seen too much… sorry bro.”

Shawn lets go as Red X falls from the scaffolding high above the ring and hits the ground with a thunderous splat. Doug rushes over to him but can’t get close enough because of the large splatter that’s left on the ground. Doug slowly looks up at Shawn.

“What?! Had to be done.”

Shawn shrugs as Doug continues to stare upwards in disbelief, as the camera cuts to the opening of the show.

What’s special about this entrance? Nothing. Low Mo walks to the ring, climbs in, and waits for his opponent.

PC: “Low mo doesn’t really get into the whole pageantry portion of this business does he?”

HHL: "Absolutely not. He’s a fighter, and that's exactly what he’s come here to do. Not dance like a trained monkey! "

Quickly struts to ringside with a black rose in his left hand and a thick 4ft length of chain wrapped around his clenched right fist. He wears a long sleeved hoodie over his one piece red wrestling suit. Following behind him is brother/manager Alexei Medved wearing a black fitted suit and sunglasses. He runs a hand through his slick blonde hair and stops at the bottom of the ring while watching his much more massive brother walk up the steel steps and into the ring. He immediately drops the chain and uses the rose to imitate knife slashing his throat and whips the rose down to the mat. He removes his hood from his clean shaven head and removes the sweater. Alexei collects his brothers items from ringside and watches his brother as Evgeni continues the look of intensity and anticipation.

Low Mo
- vs -
Russian Rose


The match starts out with The Russian Rose giving the audience a rather formal bow, turning his back to Low mo. Rose then instantly breaks the debutant foreplay and raises two middle fingers to the audience

HHL: “The Russian Rose is letting these people know exactly what he thinks of them!”

PC: “Judging by the reaction, I’d say that the Michigan crowd doesn’t much care for him either!”

As Rose smirked to himself, he then turns around and eats a sickening flying running knee strike directly between the eyes.

PC: ”You might want to pay attention Rose, because Low mo didn’t come here to play around.”

Rose flips over the top rope, landing on Alexei Medved. Low mo hits the ropes and just as Rose and Alexei return to their feet, Low mo soars over the top rope and crashes into the two of them with a suicide dive! Low mo jumps up and grabs Rose, throwing him back into the ring. Low mo climbs the turnbuckle as Russian Rose staggers to his feet.

PC: “Low mo is looking to end this early!”

HHL: "I said he was here for a fight, and he’s proving it now!"

As Rose turns to face him, Low mo leaps off the top rope with crossbody!

PC: “Russian Rose caught him!”

Low mo wildly kicks his feet trying to break free, but Rose holds tight as he marches across the ring and slams Mo back first into the turnbuckle before turning dumping Mo to the mat with a scoop slam!

HHL: "High impact slam by the Russian Rose!"

Rose wastes little time in grabbing Mo’s legs and wrenching in on a Boston Crab!

PC: “Now it’s the Russian Rose looking for an early finish!”

Low mo grabs the bottom rope and pulls himself closer, locking his arm around it as the official calls for Rose to break the hold.

HHL: "The Russian Rose is ignoring the officials orders to break the hold!"





Rose breaks the hold at the very last second and stomps forward, taunting the crowd.

PC: “Low mo is having trouble getting back to his feet.”

HHL: "He’s a world class fighter, but that doesn’t mean he’s a match for a machine like the Russian Rose!"

Mo is pulling himself up by the ropes as Rose turns his attention back towards him. Rose rushes in and clobbers Mo with a running knee that sends Low Mo flying through the ropes to the outside!

PC: “Low mo crashes hard on the outside!”

HHL: "Mika Hunt is warning Alexei not to get involved."

Alexei lifts Low mo to his feet and tosses him back into the ring. Mika threatens a DQ, but Alexei argues that he only helped him back to the ring. Rose is right on top of Mo, manhandling him up and into the corner. Rose deadlifts Mo up and seats him on the top turnbuckle. Rose climbs up to the second rope and hooks Mo up for a suplex.

PC: “Russion Rose is looking to cause some major damage!”

Rose steps one foot up to the top rope, but Mo starts to fight back!

HHL: "Low mo is showing signs of life!"

A few well placed shots to the ribs, and Rose has lost his grip on Mo! Mo shoves Rose back to the mat and steps up to the top rope!

Mo leaps into the air with a beautiful 450 splash!

PC: “Russian Rose has those knees up!”

Mo crashes into Rose’s knees and rolls in agony, clenching his gut.

Rose climbs to his feet and he’s worked up and looking for blood!

HHL: "It looks like Russian Rose is done playing around!"

PC: “He was playing around before!?!”

Rose scoops up Mo effortlessly and lets out a mighty roar!

St. Petersburg Slam!!!
Petersburg Slam!!!

The impact echoes throughout the arena as Russian Rose hooks the leg!





Darkness fills the arena and all you can see... is the gleam of Nathaniel's eyes - cold, fearless, terrifying and glowing silver. Like the very bullet that could kill him. Smoke filters and shifts, all around and from somewhere unseen, a howl is heard, distinct and very wolf like, it is followed by a growl and Nathaniel descends the ramp. Slowly the lights return but he is unfazed, focused solely on the ring as he marches forward. Climbing the steel steps, Nathaniel takes his place within the ring.

Boris does the work all the way to the ring and manages an impressive worm leap into the ring where he continues fucking dancing, what a king!

Nathaniel Idenhaus
- vs -




Boris and Nathaniel circle out of their respective corners at the bell, each looking for an opening to tie the other up. Boris takes the early initiative and grabs Nathaniel by the neck, but Idenhaus catches him with a quick elbow and back steps away from his Russian opponent. Boris clutches his jaw before charging Nathaniel and hitting him with a heavy clothesline, dropping Idenhaus to the canvas! Boris rushes to the corner and climbs the ring post to the top rope, looking down at Nathaniel who tries to climb back to his feet! Boris with the missile drop kick! Nathaniel Idenhaus takes the kick straight in the chest and tumbles backwards across the mat, landing flat in the corner!

Boris pounces atop Nathaniel to make the cover, and the referee slides into position to make the cover!



Kick out by Nathaniel Idenhaus!

HHL: "I thought this one was over right there, Pip… but Nathaniel keeps himself alive!"

Idenhaus slides out from underneath Boris and both competitors climb up to their feet and begin to circle each other once more. Nathaniel clutches at his chest after the missile drop kick, taking deep breaths as Boris looks to inflict more damage. Boris rears back for a super kick but Idenhaus is able to duck underneath and ends up at the side of Boris, hooking him up around the waist… German suplex! The German launches Boris across the mat with a suplex and immediately tries to capitalize with a quick pin!



Boris gets a shoulder up and squirms out from underneath Nathaniel, trying to climb back to his feet, but Nathaniel Idenhaus spears him in the midsection and drives him back into the corner! Nathaniel stands Boris up in the corner, and begins hammering away with right hands!


Nathaniel pounds Boris until the Russian collapses to his knees and then falls face first to the canvas. Idenhaus rolls him over quickly and looks for the cover! The referee slides into position!



The referee stops and points at Boris’ foot! It’s draped across the bottom rope! Boris gets a ropebreak, and Nathaniel Idenhaus looks less than impressed! He looks to drop an elbow on Boris, but the sneaky Breeky throws up a quick arm bar from his back and uses the momentum to roll Idenhaus over and flatten him out!

PC: "Boris is looking to submit Nathaniel Idenhaus! The referee is waiting for the tap!"

HHL: "Idenhaus is struggling wildly! He’s trying to escape!"

Nathaniel throws several wild hammer fists down on the face of Boris, and Boris has no choice but to relinquish the armbar and try to cover up. Nathaniel realizes that this may be his best opportunity and launches himself into an all out attack, wailing away on the downed body of Boris as the Russian crawls desperately for the corner and tries to use the ring ropes to pull himself back to his feet! Nathaniel stomps towards Boris, looking to end this!

HHL: "Boris is desperate! He’s trying to lock in a standing crossface and drag Nathaniel to the mat, but… "


Nathaniel Idenhaus hits Boris with a razors edge and makes the immediate cover!








The match is over, but Nathaniel seems torn. He looks down at Boris, who is aching following the match. Nathaniel looks to leave, but stops. Finally, he lets out a yell and boots Boris right at the top of the head!

HHL: Come on, that's not necessary!

The crowd immediately starts to boo as Nathaniel rolls out of the ring and grabs a chair. He walks over to Boris and places the chair under his head.

PC: He's going to curb stomp the mayoneise right out of him!

Boris slowly gets to his hands and knees and Nathaniel stands in the corner looking for the curb stomp, but the crowd immediately begins to cheer as Centurion comes sprinting down the rampway! He rolls into the ring and stares over at Nathaniel.

PC: Idenhaus made a statement last month by attacking the Hart Champion. This is the first face to face they have had since then.

The distraction allows Boris to roll out of the ring as Nathaniel walks out from the corner. The two stare each other down, yelling something back and forth...

And the hands start flying! Nathaniel and Centurion begin exchanging blows back and forth, much to the delight of the crowd. Nathaniel gets the upper hand and whips Centurion against the ropes, but Centurion comes back and nails Nathaniel with a massive lariat! Centurion stands back to his feet with rage in his eyes as Nathaniel starts to crawl toward the ropes...

V TRIGGER! Centurion slams his knee directly into the side of Nathaniel's skull, causing Nathaniel to fall out of the ring. Centurion let's out a scream as the crowd continues to pump him up. Centurion calls over to the announcer and demands a microphone.

Centurion: Idenhaus, you NAZI fuck!

Crowd cheers.

PC: But he's not a Nazi anymore!

HHL: I don't think Centurion cares.

Centurion: You wanted to pop your head back in and do Shane 's bidding? You wanted to stick your nose where it foesn belong? Well, guess what? You and I...we have a date. After War Games, we're going to meet in the middle of the ring, and I'm going to kick your damn head off!

Crowd cheers as Nathaniel, who is now at the top of the ramp, gets to his feet and angerly stares down Centurion.

Centurion: Oh, but it's not going to be a wrestling match. No, this is going to be a fight. This is going to be a war. It's going to be a War...OF INDEPENDENCE!!

Crowd roars in approval!

HHL: War of Independence? We haven't seen one of those matches in years!

Centurion: Enjoy your time on Earth, because I'm coming for your ass NAZI. And I'm going to destroy you.

All Hail The Queen from the album GRL and the hit series Queen of the South begins to hit. The arena lights begin to flash. "All Hail The Queen" comes up on the screen every time the lyric is said in the song. The crowd looks towards the still empty stage as pink glitter begins to fall from the ceiling.

At about the 1:30 mark, the voices deepens, as if being chopped and screwed, and the lights go off. Big purple letters come up on the X-Tron.

[Image: P4OI4FG.png]

PC: Here it is! The debut edition of The Queen's Court! And she has been hush hush about who her first guests are!

HHL: Oh just great! Well, people, now is the time to use the bathroom or refill that soda!

PC: You hush!

After the QUEEN'S COURT letters appear, they fade out as pink smoke begins to engulf the entrance rap. White, pink and purple strobe lights flash as her music hits.

Jenny's music hits as suddenly the curtain opens, and there is a band of well-built men, all wearing cut off-sleeve jester costumes. They are carrying a large throne to the ring.

In the ring a small table is set up with 3 coffee cups. Also, three chairs.

The camera cuts back to the entrance ramp, and it is revealed that Jenny is sitting atop the throne, being carried to the ring.

[Image: OWHgzNN.gif]

PC: An entrance fit for a Queen!

HHL: Pepto! Does anyone in the back have any pepto! I need pepto, stat!

Jenny has the now defunct XWF Bombshell Title over her shoulder, and she flicks the dust off of it as the throne reaches the ring.

[Image: ZIci2AL.gif]

HHL: Why the hell is she carrying that belt. She realizes that isn't a title here anymore?

PC: She is the longest reinging Bombshell Champ in XWF history!

HHL: She wasn't even the last person to hold it, Moxie Monarch was!

PC: But where is she now?! Turning tricks somewhere. Jenny is the champion by default!

Jenny enters the ring, smiling big as she grabs her bedazzled mic from the ring crew. One mic sat in front of each of the other two chairs on the table.

PC: TWO chairs, TWO mics! We may see a threesome here tonight!

HHL: Any word on that pepto?

Jenny brings her mic to her mouth.

[Image: PxkSMFC.gif]

Jenny: "Welcome everyone here in Grand Rapids to......history. XWF's first live talk show and the most edge of your seat, thrilling programming you're gonna witness tonight! I was given the opportunity to get back into a Savage ring and I am damn sure gonna make the most of it!

I am not out here to talk about myself.....shocker, right? I am on a mission to dig deeper than anyone has before and get to the nuts and bolts of the XWF roster. A documentary, of sorts. I want to know, and I am sure all of you do as well, what makes this roster tick. What goes through the minds of our XWF superstars. I've already booked several big names, and tonight, is no exception.

In typical Jenny fashion, I have decided to go big for my first show. So....without further ado.....I bring to you.....



PC: MY GOD! Her boyfriend and Hanari Carnes face these two for the tag titles later tonight!

As their music hits, Chris is seen watching backstage. He is irate. He kicks over a coffee table, running his hands through his hair. Hanari has to calm him down.

Chaos: What the hell is she doing?!!!

Page and Main step out onto the ramp, holding their belts above their heads. Jenny smiles, awaiting their arrival.

They walk slowly up the ramp, up the steps, and enter the ring. They sit down, each of them with a tag title belt over their shoulder. They each pick up a mic as Jenny sits in the main chair, crossing her legs.

PC: Three champions all in the same ring!

HHL: Oh, stop it!

Jenny: "Gentleman.....I just wanna say this before we get going. This is by no means a set up. Not a trap, not an ambush. I have taken special precaution to make sure that Chris and Hanari stay in the back during all of this. Now....I can't say I won't pepper spray one or both of you later during the tag title match but right now......."

She reaches inside both sides of the bra.

Jenny: "Nothing but boob. I am defenseless. You two could tear me apart, turn me inside out. If I wanted to set you up, I would have already. I want to talk to both of you, get to know both of you, and ask the hard hitting questions we all want answers for!"

Both Page and Main stare at Jenny, silent.

Jenny, biting her lip:" I'll start with you. We go way back, as you know. And trust me, for months all I had to hear about was Robert Main this and Robert Main made pillow talk rather uneventful. You were the alpha, the big dog, the savior. You came back and shocked the world when you linked up with a man who was your arch nemesis for months......that man, Chris Page. You told us a reason, but never really explained it. Why Page? Why a man you hated so much to be the partner to take you into the future? The REAL reason, Robert.

Robert nods a few times before replying

"Jenny the biggest question is why not? Where were my so-called friends when I needed them the most? Where were they in my darkest hour? They ghosted me, they bounced, when I didn't know which way was up they were nowhere to be found. Cent wasn't there, Raven got lost in translation... They left me for dead Jenny, dead! With friends like those who needed enemies... So, while I was home I got a call from Chris Page... He didn't pour the poison in my ear as everyone believes, all I did was open my mind, I opened my ears and listened to what the man had to say. And guess what? It all made perfect sense. I just wish I had l heard him earlier." Robert takes a moment before moving on. " Page and I did something that hasn't been done in years... We set this company on fire putting fans back in those seats... What did they do? When it got white-hot... They pulled the fucking plug. So, why Chris Page... That answer is straightforward... He and I got screwed over by the XWF and now it's time to screw them back... By rebuilding this hot dumpster fire in our image."

She smiles, this is going swimmingly! She turns towards Page.

Jenny: "What keeps you two massive egos, the size of planets, from destroying each other?

”This is obviously an amateur hour.” Chris shifts his gaze over towards Jenny as he continues. ”You people harp on us repeating ourselves yet you ask the same fucking questions over and over and over and over again AFTER we’ve explained this; now I’m no journalist or a crappy talk show host but when you invite people to your show it might be just a little beneficial to do your goddamn homework.” Chris now shifts his attention towards Robert as the two simply shake their heads before he shifts attention back towards Jenny as he continues. ”You can answer your own question by reading up on us; you know, so we don’t have to repeat ourselves… again.”

She grins, knowing she struck a chord.

Chaos and Hanari watch from the back. The scene cuts back to the ring.

Jenny: "I know you two are like....besties now, tea parties, weekend getaways, all that.....but I wanna know something. You've heard the phrase 'you can love someone but not like them?' Well, I wanna two seem to 'like' each other now.......but do you respect each other? If so, what sort of respect do you have?

” Seriously…” Chris starts to grow rather frustrated as he responds. ”Robert and I share a common goal, I was the guy that got inside his head and showed him EXACTLY what he needed to see. This company doesn’t respect Robert, they don’t respect what HE did for this company and the moment we’re involved in a teeth sinking feud they pulled the rug out from under us. You want to talk about respect? You want to know how deep this bond that started as sheer hate and disdain and flourished into a ground-breaking force that brings the toughest of the tough quivering to their knee’s with just our presence alone? I will go to the seventh realm of hell and fight the devil his self with Robert Main if I have too. This is a once in a lifetime situation we’ve got on our hands when it comes to Robert and myself.

Robert chuckles

HHL: Page is beginning to lose his cool here.


"Are we talking respect here? Seriously? Jenny here is a bit of free advice if you want to keep this show running longer than this episode of Savage. Get some better questions... No one wants to come on a show and answer questions we all know the answers to. Now I'll give you a bit of slack seeing how this is your first go. Do I respect Chris Page? Absolutely, inside the ring and out. If some shit ever popped off Chris would be the first man there throwing bombs by my side. See where so many people get this all wrong is they forget who Chris Page is. The man is a walking talking legend, he is a multi-time world champion, he is living breathing evidence that this industry is still alive. So do we respect each other yes? I would walk through fire for that man. What this is Jenny, is a brotherhood and no one and I mean no one is going to take that away from us. "

She looks at the belts over their shoulders. She then looks at hers.

Jenny: This division has been pretty much you two since the 5'2 Mafia was run out of town and you made the Sick Cunts look foolish. How do you feel about the direction of the tag team division?

”The division is what it is. We’re not hiding from anyone and we’ve already made it known that if anyone wants to sign their name on the dotted line we serve anybody. Since Cataclysm has taken their rightful place on top of this division we’ve garnered all the attention we’ve desired and we’ve played everyone along the way. Why don’t you ask your boys that question after we break them in half later on tonight.”

" The division is looking up that's for sure. Page and I brought this division off life support... I'll say this right here and right now... To anyone in any company who believes they can knock us off... Step forward and we'll knock you down."

A big smile crosses her face now. She points to the two other coffee mugs. They both decline. She shrugs. Then a wicked grin crosses her face. A cocky, bratty sort of grin.

Jenny: I said I was gonna ask some hard hitters. You've both been good boys so far...lets keep that up.

War're on the same team this year but if you was you Robert, who pinned you, Christopher, last year to win War Games....will one of you two getting eliminated, or both, and your team losing, strain this little bromance?

” I’d think the chances of either of us getting eliminated is about as close as slim and none. Last year I returned to this shithole and saved it by breathing life into its punctured lungs. I single-handedly GAVE the XWF something to care about. Rob beat me last year… Newsflash… he beat me twice. Do you see me whining or crying about it? Nope. Why? Because in those two losses I opened that mother fuckers eyes to just how fucking good I am… and I’m telling you now if you want to keep being a condescending twat waffle you’re not going to have to worry about being out here later tonight because I’ll end you now.”

Her smirk disappears. Chris stands up in the back, stepping towards the door.

"She's got this, hermano, relax. Sit down."

Back to the ring.

"So, for those of you out there in TV land that don't know anything about me whatsoever. Here's a history lesson... When it comes to Wargames Robert "The Omega" Main is unblemished. I'm untouchable at Wargames. Since stepping foot in this company, I've had my hand raised every time. Find another person that can say that.. Oh, and Robbie Bourbon fuck you. You say you've never been beaten In Wargames bitch I was on a team that destroyed The Mother Fuckers... How quickly we forget... Fuck you..." Robert points to the camera " I hope our paths cross so I can dump you on that lard ass one more time you deceitful bastard.. Now with a team that consists of the Television Champion... Thunder Knuckles who is a fucking killer and all you fuck boys slept on him. Dumb fucking move... Then you give me Russian Rose? We are going over... We are winning Wargames... Period... There isn't going to be a moment of strain... Only moments of victory. Jenny, we are the team to beat and you can't see that you are fucking stupid."

"Jenny: Stupid is as stupid does, right?"

She laughs awkwardly. Neither of them laugh.

She looks at Robert.

Jenny: "Okay.....Mr. Homework........and to prove to Mr. Page over there that I am not bringing you out here just to make fun of you, but I actually do want to know more about this roster...... Robert, you have an NCAA wrestling background. How did that translate to professional wrestling? Why did you want to get involved in this business?"

"After winning my second NCAA title I was brought to Japan to learn the craft of strong style wrestling. I went in a rookie and come out a fucking monster. There isn't a difference between the NCAA and the XWF really. I'm still putting people on their backs for three seconds... It was a natural fix going into professional wrestling... When I got the call from the XWF I had one goal in mind reach the top of the mountain and I did just that... When I'm gone I want people to remember everything that I did... Not what I didn't do."

She turns towards Page.

Jenny: "Page, what is your story? You were here for a while, left for six years, then came back. That's all gravy, did YOU get involved in professional wrestling? Why?"

"I’m a second-generation star that was born for this business. I’ve been on both sides of the coin from a talent to running the show. Seventeen times I’ve worn a World Heavyweight Championship including the XWF’s back in the day. I’m here because I WAS ASKED to be and because we have unfinished business with Theo and Vin-Man that is going to be dealt with. Now I’m not going to stand out here and give you a life fucking story, what I will tell you is I’m somebody you want as an ally… not as an enemy.”

Shifts back to Robert.

Jenny: Robert, you seem to change your look more than I change clothes. Is there any significance to.......whatever this is?

"My look has changed what three times in five years...? My look changes with my attitude and right now you can clearly see I'm not to be fucked with..."

She shifts in her seat, re-crossing her legs.

Jenny: This is for both of you. You've both fought so many different opponents throughout the years....beaten a majority of there a dream match either of you two could think of? Like, if you had to hang it up after one more match, what would your ideal match be, and against who? It can be anyone.

” Nobody…” Chris’s answer draws a slight eyebrow raise from Jenny as he continues.” I’ve been in the ring with the best of the best over the last twenty years and there’s NOBODY in the business currently that’s worthy of a whole lot of my time. Run the list and it’s a whose who of legends and icons that have all fallen at my feet. The difference between me and everyone else rests with the cold hard fact that I don’t need validation to know I’ve left my mark on this business… I just have to look at my bank account.”

Robert makes the universal signal thumb across the throat.

"I'd love to get my hands on Theo Pryce or Lover Boy Vinny Lane, but let's be completely honest here. We all know neither one of them would lift a fucking finger form their ivory towers..."

Robert gets up, adjusting the belt on his shoulder.

Page begins to stand up. Jenny stands too.

Jenny: Last one boys, last one. Promise........What is your message to the XWF and all the fans here tonight, and those watching right now at home?

Main exits the ring.

"Everything that you’re about to witness; that blood is on Theo and Vinnie’s hands.”

He drops the mic, static erupts through the arena. Both men leave the ring as Jenny turns back towards the camera, a smile on her face.

PC: I think that went well!

HHL: You would.

[Image: D9hiLJB.png]

Plays across the TV as Savage goes to commercial.

As the opening riff of "Hart Attack" roared through the arena the crowd jumped to their feet as Vita ran onto the stage. Vita walked down the stage in a zigzag pattern as she slapped hands and tried her best to get the crowd riled. At the foot of the ramp, Vita took off and slid under the ropes to enter the ring. Vita hopped to her feet and struck her infamous "Arnold pose" to the crowds' delight!

HHL: So this one is gonna be interesting. A character swap match. These two have to use their opponents move sets exclusively. Finishers included.

PC: That's management creativity here. As we roll into summer they gotta find exciting stuff for this crowd. This is certainly interesting.

Zane walks to the ring, never taking his zombie eyes off Vita.

Zane and Vita share a few words in the center of the ring. She mocks him for being a zombie, doing the arms out zombie walk. He folds his arms and turns up his nose, imitating her being a brat.

Vita Valenteen
- vs -
Zane Norrison
Character Swap Match

The bell rings and these two immediately go for their comfortable sets, but then remember they have to be each other, so stop for a moment to readjust.

Finally Vita is able to get the zombie thing down, and hits a roundhouse kick on Zane. Zane backs up however, and comes off the ropes, going for a clothesline but Vita ducks and Zane comes off the ropes she hits him with an uppercut then a leg sweep.

Zane pops back up, and Vita takes him down again with an arm drag. Zane is back up quick, and off the ropes, swinging again but Vita ducks it Zane comes back off the rebound and Vita hits him in the gut......

Facebuster from Vita.





Vita picks Zane up by the head. She goes for a kick to the face but he catches her foot.

Enzuigiri from Vita and Zane is down again but the zombie doesn't stay down long.

Back to his feet, he runs at Vita again, she ducks the clothesline but he comes off the ropes with a springboard back kick.

HHL: The hell?!

PC: VITA AGILITY! I didn't know Zane could do that.

HHL: Zane didn't know Zane could do that!

He lifts Vita back up, hits a chop in the center of the ring.

Off the ropes.

Swinging Neck Breaker from Zane.

He covers.



Vita gets a shoulder up.

Vita is back up. Zane goes for a DDT, Vita blocks.

Off the ropes again, but this time Vita catches him.

Doomed Nation!!!!!!!!!!!







We see a long line outside of a bathroom. The camera starts from the back and makes it's way to the front, where Atticus White is waiting, impatiently, clutching at his stomach.

ATTICUS: "Come on, come on!!!!"

Eventually, a man wearing hoodie(with comically sized manboobs) and sunglasses steps out of the restroom. Atticus goes to step past, but the guy blocks him from entering.

GUY: "Woah, man, might wanna let that bad boy air out a little."

Atticus struggles to contain both his anger AND his bowels, having no time to deal with this man's literal shit.

ATTICUS: "Out of the way!"

As the sound of farts echo through the arena halls, Atticus White shoves his way past the way and locks the door closed behind him. The man takes off his sunglasses, revealing it to be, once again, BIG D! He smirks, lifting his hoodie up to reveal the source of his inflated 'moobs': four rolls of toilet paper.

D: "I remember how mad I used to get when I was a janitor and people would steal the toilet paper................. bit I get it now, it's fuckin' hilarious!"

Big D drops the rolls on the ground, knowing the people needed it much more than a corporate suit like Atticus, before walking off and vanishing into a crowd.

Shawn is in his locker room when the door bursts open as Atara walks in. She stomps around for a moment and then plops down on the couch opposite of him.

“Penny for your thoughts?”

Shawn smiles to himself as Atara mocks him and shakes her head.

“Not now Shawn… there’s too much going on right now.”

Shawn stands up and walks up to her, and squats in front of her and grabs her hand.

“I get that. Just relax everything will be fine.”

Atara shrugs.

“Wait what are you still doing here?”

“There’s some business I need to take care of.”

“Do you need my help?”


“Why do you always do that? Huh!? Why can’t I ever come out and help YOU!? Why am I always getting benched? Do you think I can’t handle myself out there? What is it?”

“No it’s not that. It’s just what’s going to happen tonight is something you don’t want to be apart of…”

“Let me be the judge of that thank you…”

Shawn shakes his head and walks over to his bag. He pulls something out, and then squats down right in front of Atara.

“Do you trust me?”

A concerned look comes over Atara’s face.

“You know that I do.”


Shawn then places a hand on Atara’s shoulder and quickly jams a needle into her arm. Before she could react and pull away Shawn depresses the plunger. A horrified covers Atara’s face as a look of disappointment falls over her face.


“Trust me…”

“Really now!?”

“Do you feel anything?”

Atara pauses for a moment and looks around and then right back towards Shawn.


“I told you…. Trust me.”

The camera cuts with Atara rubbing her shoulder as Shawn sits back down in the chair across from her.

[Image: euYV2pC.jpg]

HHL: Ugh. Haven't we seen enough of her already?!

PC: The Queen makes her own rules, you know this! Plus, she called out Atara last week, never got a solid reply, and now she's gonna be on Atara's team at War Games!

Jenny saunters down to the ring, the defunct Bombshell Title still around her waist. When she gets around the ring, she makes her way to the announce table.

PC: I think she's coming over here!

HHL: Oh, goody!

Jenny takes the belt off, poses with it for a moment, then sets it on the announce table. She sits down next to PC and puts on a headset.

Jenny: Hey guys!

PC: Queen, to what do we owe this pleasure?

HHL: Yeah, our lucky day.

Jenny: I came out here to chit chat with you guys. Atara is my captain at War Games and I figured I'd get a closer look at who is leading us into battle. Plus, I said I'd be out here, I'm a woman of my word. Did you guys get a chance to see my Queen's Court edition?

PC: Did we ever!

HHL: How could we miss it. Subtle isn't exactly your thing.

Hello Doves appears briefly on the X-tron in pink accompanied by Atara's voice saying the same over the arena PA right before her theme hits the speakers. The crowd goes pops like crazy. Arena lights start to pulse in time with the music and multiple vertical streams of pyro erupt across the front of stage as Atara appears from backstage in a full grunge walk to centerstage right before the ramp. Posing for the camera, she blows a kiss before throwing off a silk robe to reveal her attire for the night.

She full on grungewalks to the ring steps and stops at the top to posture once more for the fans before going to the middle of the pit set up on the side of the ring, where she blows yet another kiss to the camera before adjusting the tape on her wrists.

HHL: This is about to be brutal. Not for those with weak stomachs

PC: Atara is up for the challenge.

Jenny: I would hope so. She has more pressure now that she's a captain than she had before. Plus, the Queen is watching.

The entire arena slowly fades to black as the audience excitedly awaits the entrance of "The Peoples GOAT". The drum beat and guitar solo start and a series of white and blue spotlights come up and pan the crowd. Mike Shinodas voice is heard on the speakers singing.

“Now here we go for the hundredth time, hand grenade pins in every line, throw ‘em up and let something shine, going out of my fucking mind… filthy mouth, no excuse, find a new place to hang this noose, string me up from atop these roofs, high and tight so I wont get loose.”

By now the fans are going wild and cheering as the spotlights slowly make their way to the top of the entrance ramp where a dim fog begins to form.

“Truth is you can stop and stare, rub myself out and no one cares, dug the trench out and lay down there with a shovel up, out of reach somewhere… yeah, someone pouring in, make it a dirt glass floor again, say your prayers and stomp it out when they bring that chorus in.”

The spotlights come together as one, and the fog fills the top of the ramp until the downbeat hits and a major blue and silver pyrotechnic display goes off and the rest of the arena lights turn up to full. When the smoke clears James Raven is seen on top of the ramp, his hands thrown up over his head and a huge smile on his face.

HHL: Now, "Queen", THAT is a legend. Can you feel that?

Jenny: A legend I've already beaten, by the way. NEXT!

“I BLEED IT OUT!!! Diggin’ deeper just to throw it away, I BLEED IT OUT!!!”

James makes his way down the ramp, high fiving fans and posing for pictures with several of them until he reaches the base of the ramp. Then, he pauses for a few seconds and sprints for the ring, diving in under the bottom rope and sliding in to the center of the mat on his hands and knees. He poses for a second, then gets up and runs for the turnbuckle, climbing up and posing yet again for the fans before doing a 360 degree spin off and doing the same on the opposite turnbuckle.

Jenny: Ugh, they're both so extra!

HHL: And your entrance isn't? You come to the ring on a damn throne!

PC: Let's all get along here.

As his music fades out he stretches before entering the pit.

Atara Themis
- vs -
James Raven
Bare Knuckle Pit Fight


The two circle, not quite sure how to approach each other in this brutally unique match.

It is Raven who swings first, a quick jab which Atara backs away from. She tries to use an MMA take down, grabbing him around the waist, but he delivers a sharp elbow to her back and brings her to a knee. He shoves her off, and she gets back to her feet. The two square up again. This time Atara goes for the haymaker, Raven blocks it, and returns with a counter, but Atara gets her forearms up to block the hit. He continues the assault, eventually breaking through. He gets a few shots to the chin of Atara, but she fires back with a few body shots and a knee to the now bent over James Raven.

HHL: This is about to get ugly.

PC: Once one of them gets an opening, there will be blood.

Jenny: Atara's got the blood advantage, I mean....once a month.....come on....

The two tie up, and Raven uses his strength to hip toss Atara to the dirt. Atara pops back up quickly. Raven then tackles her to the ground, and tries to lock in a choke submission, but Atara wiggles out, rolling him over and locking his legs.


HHL: Unorthodox move here in a pit fight by Atara.

PC: She's doing what she has to do, she can't go toe to toe with fists with Raven. She has to weaken him.

Jenny: I'm with it.

Atara arches her back, tightening the hold. Raven instinctively reaches for the ropes, but there are no ropes. His hands hit the dirt before going to his face. The pain turned to determination, and he used his strength to turn her over, applying the pressure in reverse and torturing her upper thighs. Atara was able to get a leg free and kick him in the chest, breaking the hold. She scrambles up to her feet, and Raven is slowly getting to his feet on the other side of the pit.

Both breathing a little heavy at this point, they circle again.

Raven is skilled in jujitsu, and Atara knows she needs to take his strength away. She fires off some kicks to his upper and middle legs. Well placed kicks to try to take out his center of gravity. A few more well placed kicks, and Ravens legs give out.

Atty stays on the offensive, kicking him in the middle of the back. Raven winces, falling but putting his hand down to break his fall and popping back up. She kicks him again in the back and he goes down this time.

Atara tries to wrap the legs, but he is able to kick her off. The dust is kicking up now, and a sheen of sweat is beginning to show over both competitors.

Raven is getting back to his feet, showing great resolve. Atara looking at him like what does she have to do to keep the legend down.

HHL: Atara looking dumbfounded. James Raven just won't stay down.

Jenny: My captain is not the panicking type. She's figuring him out.

PC: 'Figuring out' James Raven has never been an easy task.

Both get back to a vertical base but the fight is taking a fever pitch now, both charging each other with a barrage of punches and kicks. Elbows. Knees. But Raven uses his MMA background to get up close, hooking her with the clinch.

A small jerk of his torso conncted with the bridge of the nose area of Atty's face. She stays on her feet, miraculously, but is dazed.

Raven, like the veteran he is, takes advantage with a huge uppercut, putting her on her back.

It appears that there is some blood running down Atara's face, coming from her nose.

HHL: There's the blood.

PC: I looks like Raven has a little from his lip.

Jenny: A little blood never hurt anyone.

Atara goes to get up by James mounts her. He begins to reign rapid fire shots down on her face, and she goes to cover up, blocking her face. Raven is relentless, like something snapped within him. Atara can't mount a counter attack because his body weight is on top of her. She tries twisting her body to throw him off. She uses all her strength to try to roll him over. After a few more shots we see her leg come up...right between his legs.

That got him off.

Raven rolls off, holding his crotch.

Atara, breathing heavy now, rolls over onto her stomach and takes a few big breaths. Blood runs down her nose, off her face and into the dirt. She shows a lot of grit though, and gets up to one knee before groaning and getting herself up. Raven is now on his feet, too.

Atara takes a swing, Raven ducks, slides behind, and locks in a full nelson. Atara jumps, both her hands held over her head in the nelson, and her feet leave the ground but Raven has it locked in tight. Her feet back in the ground she jumps again. When she lands the second time, she plants her feet, flipping Raven over her shoulder.

In a sitting up position she kicks him hard in the lower back, producing a sickening thud. He winces and grabs his back, falling down on his side holding his back.

Atara hauls off and kicks him again. She wipes blood off her lip, her wrapped fist stained in a dull red.

"Get up!" she yells at him. "Come on, Legend! Get up!"

She is taunting him now. She kicks him again. Raven is breathing hard. Atara doesn't have as much technical background as Raven, so doesn't worry about a ground attack. She is now just trying to punish the legendary XWF star.

She kicks him again.

"Fuck you, Dove" he shoots back, the word Dove coming out sarcastic as he coughs before he kicks him in the stomach again.

He lines up her foot with his head. She is going for a curb stomp to end it, and as her foot comes down, he grabs her ankle, taking her off her feet. Moving quick he rolls her onto her front, locking her ankle up in an ankle lock.

She screams as he torques it.

"I'll break it! I swear to god I'll break it!"

Her nails dig into the hard dirt below her, her face wracked in agony as he pulls harder. She smacks the dirt. Her ankle is in a weird position.

PC: She has to tap here! She has War Games coming up! She can't have a bum leg before the biggest event of the year!

HHL: She has too much pride for that.

Jenny: You know, if he breaks it....I am available to step up as captain.

She is trying to kick him with her good leg. Finally, just as her ankle is in a weird position (it looks broken, but its not just teetering on the edge), she is able to kick him hard enough to break the hold. He lets go, and she curls up immediately and grabs her ankle.

She shows a lot of resolve however, and tries to get to her feet, babying her now bad ankle and trying not to put too much weight on it. Raven, with a smile through blood stained teeth, kicks her lower leg, taking her to one knee.

Grabbing her by the hair, her brown locks twisted in his wrapped wrists, he begins to punch her systematically in the face.










Atara's face is a crimson mask now.

He looks down at her, an intense look on his face.



Just as he lets go, she goes to fall limp, but he uses his agility and grabs her in a rear naked choke.

They both go to the ground.

His body wrapped around her like a snake, he pulls hard.

Atara flails for a moment, reaching out with fingers opening and closing, but eventually falls limp.

HHL: She's out

PC: Thank god its over.

Jenny says nothing as the bell rings. Raven lets go as Atara lies in the center of the pit, covered in blood. He calmly walks away from the pit as EMT's rush to the scene.

HHL: We need to take a break. Collect ourselves.

There is static as Jenny gets up, tossing her head set and grabs her belt, walking up the ramp. She looks over at the EMT's attending to Atara before walking into the back.

PC: Lets not have one of those again.

HHL: Ditto.


Shawn Warstein is walking in the back when Centurion turns the corner. The two old rivals bump into each other. A look of disdain covers both men’s faces.

“What are you doing here?”

“I could ask you the same question.”

“Just stay out of my way, and we won’t have any problems tonight.”

Centurion begins to walk away when Shawn grabs him by the shoulder and spins him around.

“If I were you…. I’d stay away from the ring tonight…”

“Is that a threat?”

Centurion and Shawn are nose to nose.

“Nope… It’s an olive branch. Don’t go to the ring tonight…”

“Or what?”

“Just trust me for once in your life….”

Centurion begins to walk away, but turns around right before turning the corner.

“Trust and Shawn Warstein aren’t two words that go together. I’ll take my chances..”

Centurion turns the corner and disappears as Shawn pulls out his phone and quickly dials a number. A voice muffled on the other side.

“I tried warning him…. maybe you should try..”

Shawn walks away while still talking on the phone as the scene switches to the next segment.

'It's Goin' Down" by the X-Ecutioners plays, and the lights are overcome with a dark, blood red hue. The x-tron is hijacked, static quickly invading the screen.... The lights around the ring are cut off. The fans are left in silent bewilderment.... The Tron is now overcome by a big, flashing, crimson cross. The fans begin to give a mixed reaction, eventually taking out their cell phones to snap pictures... Muffled voices and random sounds filter through the speakers as the XWF Galaxy is truly beginning to come unglued. As the crimson cross continues to flash, a spotlight shines in the middle of the ring. A figure descends via a cord, landing in the center of the squared-circle. Red-X holds his trademark black baseball bat. Red points the bat toward the fans, before dropping the bat next to the corner post. red climbs upon the top turnbuckle, lifting his arms in an 'X'... the tron and song slowly fade as the x-man prepares for war.

HHL: So here is red-x. Getting another title shot. Does anyone really think he deserves it?

PC: Whether he does or doesn't, he's got it. This is his chance to make something of himself. Felix is a solid champion, but if red can steal one here......

Just then........

The lights flash as Felix walks out, holding his title over his head. He walks down to the ring, confident. Red-X just stares at him, cold dead eyes.

Felix walks down the ramp as the strobes flash. Walking up the steps and into the ring, he hands the belt to the ring crew as the ref gets them both into their respective corners.

The ref calls for the bell.

Felix Jones ©
- vs -
Xtreme Rules


red, trying to show he is worthy of this opportunity, explodes from his corner. He charges Felix, but Felix side steps, throwing red-x into the corner. A series of punches to the head and body follow before he whips him into the other corner.

He runs at red, who jumps over him. Felix overruns, crashing into the corner. red-x uses his agility to hit a standing dropkick, which shoves Felix back into the corner face first. Bouncning off, red rolls him up.



Felix kicks out.

HHL: red-x trying to steal one there.

PC: Too close. Felix has to be careful of red's speed.

Felix pops up and red is ready. He goes for a clothesline, but Felix ducks it, hitting an uppercut to back him off. Felix whips him off the ropes and as he comes off the rebound Felix hits a sidewalk slam.

"X-Treme!" he yells at red. Rolling out of the ring, he goes under the ring and pulls out a variety of weapons. While he is under the ring, red-x is on his feet. He climbs to the top rope.

Just as Felix comes out from under the ring, holding a stop sign, red-x jumps off the top.


Felix lays red out in MID AIR with a stop sign across the face.

PC: Talk about stopping someone in their tracks.

HHL: Nice pun.

PC: Thanks.

red-x is on his back on the mat. Felix lifts him up by the head. Whipping red into the ring steps, he dislodges the steps from the impact. Felix throws a few of his choice weapons into the ring.

HHL: So this is deja vu?

PC: Seems like it.

HHL: Felix wasting no time here with in the ring antics. This is x-treme rules, and he's taking full advantage.

Felix walks over and grabs red, rolling him into the ring. Red gets a few punches in, but Felix elbows him in the top of the head, taking red to one knee. Coming off the ropes he hits a running knee to the side of the head. Red is down.

Felix taunts him by covering him with one foot on his chest.



3---red-x gets a shoulder up. Felix grins, knowing he gets to inflict more punishment now.

Picking red-x up he whips him into the ropes. Off the rebound, he goes for a clothesline but red ducks, coming off the ropes.


HHL: WOW! Red-X hits the ddt out of NOWHERE!

He scrambles into the cover.



Felix gets a shoulder up.

red, still wobbly, gets up and grabs one of the weapons Felix brought into the ring. A wrench.

Felix is back up, and red-x puts the wrench into his mid section, doubling him over.

Coming off the ropes he hits a sissor kick, bringing Felix face first to the mat.

Red is setting up a chair in the corner, wedging it between the turnbuckles. Felix is getting back to his feet. Red helps him up, and goes to whip him towards the chair in the turnbuckle, but Felix reverses using his momentum to whip red b ack first into the chair. He hits it hard, bending the chair, but the force of it knocks him back out to the middle.

He walks right into a back drop from Felix.

Felix seems to be irritated by the resistence from red. He rolls out of the ring, grabbing his X-Title.

Rolling back into the ring, red-x is getting up.

"You want this?!" he yells at him, "you think you deserve this?!" He tightens his grip on the belt.

Red is a little wobbly, and turns around.

"Here, take it!"


Tossing the belt next to red, he gets down and hooks the leg.





We see Red X walking through the backstage hallways and a cold chill is in the air. After a few seconds, Red X feels a presence behind him and he stops in his tracks. The hand of Shane is wrapped around the back of Red X's skull!


smashed Red's face into the concrete wall. A thick coating of blood is left where his head struck.

Red falls at the feet of the almighty 's Sheath. A boot, heavily caked in dried mud(or some otherwise nasty brown substance?) is placed on Red X's head and presses down with all his might, popping Red X's head like a rather large grape.

The chunky remnants spurt out in all directions from underneath 's boot as a nearby stagehand screams in horror, and then the last thing we see is picking the headless body up and whipping it through the air like a sack of unwanted trash while the feed gets shaky and abruptly cuts.

PC: Another one bites the dust!

HHL: As in another Red X? We saw his heart ripped out during the captain's match, and now his head squished like a grape. Is there an army of Red Xs or is he just an immortal who can respawn indefinitely?

PC: Hell if I know. I just like seeing him get Fatality'd. Please god let it continue, unexplained. I need this in my life.

"Rebel Till I Die"(feat. Upchurch the Redneck) begins to play throughout the arena as bRiaN sTorM comes in riding a clydesdale with a corncob pipe in his mouth, twirling a lasso high above his head. He rides the horse down the ramp and around the ring, back to the end of the ramp, jumps off, smacks the horse in the ass and the horse runs up the ramp, returning to its place backstage. Then Brian tosses his lasso in a corner and rolls into the ring under the bottom rope, gets up and waits for the fight to start.

PC: "You've gotta wonder what's going through Brian Storm's head right now. This is the biggest match of his career and it's not gonna be a cakewalk. Not only does he have to deal with the TV Champion himself, but also a potentially biased referee, as well."

HHL: "You said it, Pip. There's been all kinds of names thrown around as the potential official: Donovan Blackwater, Thunder Knuckles' 2020 running mate, the future President of the United States, Drezdin; and possibly Jimmy himself!"

PC: "Not even the TV Champion knows who his trainer selected for him; but one thing's for certain, it's not Jim Jimson."

Twenty midgets with sparkers in both hands held as high as their little arms can reach, line both sides of the entrance ramp. The sparkers ignite as Thunder Knuckles walks past them, the TV Title around his waist. Once Thunder Knuckles is down to the ring he rolls under the bottom rope and in one movement he pops up to his feet. With his back turned towards the camera, he raises his right fist in defiance. As soon as his fist goes up, counterfeit xbux with Thunder Knuckles' face on them fall onto the crowd.

HHL: "It was quite the upset when TK defeated Noah Jackson for the Championship, but it's been equally shocking watching him successfully defend it, as well!"

PC: "He beat a former Universal Champion in Azrael Erebus, not an easy feat by far."

HHL: "Well, we have the competitors, what about the ref?"

Almost right on cue, Jimmy walks out onto the ramp with a mic in hand.

JIMMY: "Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the Special Guest Referee for this match.........."

After a moment of intense silence, "X-Men Theme" by Powerglove hits over the PA system as the crowd goes absolutely ballistic.

PC: "You've got to be kidding me!"

HHL: "I think I would've preferred Jim Jimson."

PC: "I would've preferred DREZ over HIM!"

HHL: "Atticus is probably shitting himself........... moreso than he already was!"

Big D struts out from behind the curtain, wearing a striped referee shirt, as the fans cheer even louder. He walks over to Jimmy and shakes his hand, blatantly slipping him some X-Bux.

PC: "Hold on a second, was that an X-Bux exchange?!"

HHL: "It most certainly looked like it. Did Big D just PAY to be the referee???"

PC: "He'll do anything to be apart of the show except, you know, wrestle."

Jimmy makes his way to the back as Big D heads down the aisle, giving as many fives to fans as possible along the way. Thunder Knuckles smiles like a cocky bastard, approving of Jimmy's choice, as D slides into the ring.

PC: "Has Big D EVER refereed a match before?"

HHL: "Not to my knowledge; at least not in XWF."

Big D starts acting more professional, at least for him, going over to the Champion and taking his belt. TK pats the duct taped X before letting D show it to the challenger. Brian Storm nods, bashing his fists together to show he's ready to go. Big D hands the belt off to the time keeper before making his way to the center and calling for the bell.

[Image: 8K9Z08s.png]

Thunder Knuckles ©
- vs -
Brian Storm
Special Guest Referee
15 Minute Time Limit


PC: "And we are under way! You've gotta wonder how Big D's gonna call this one."

HHL: "Well, I can tell you is ain't gonna be down the middle, that's for sure!"

Brian Storm and Thunder Knuckles lock up, with the challenger backing the Champion into the corner. Big D immediately calls for him to let go, which Brian does, happily, his arms in the air. Thunder Knuckles swings at him, but Storm blocks it and retaliates with a right of his own, flowed by another. He then whips TK to the opposite corner and follows him, connecting with a big Splash that drops the TV Champion to the mat. Brian Storm wastes no time, immediately going for a cover which Big D counts, surprisingly, fairly.


HHL: "I'm impressed, that was actually a pretty normal count!"

PC: "Thunder Knuckles wouldn't be too pleased if his own ref cost him the Title."

Brian Storm stands up and let's his opponent rise to his feet, as well. Storm begins laying into Thunder Knuckles with a pair of Hook Punches, followed by an Uppercut that puts TK against the ropes. Brian whips the Champion to the other side and catches his on the rebound, nailing a Belly to Belly Suplex that sends Thunder Knuckles sliding under the bottom rope, to the outside. Storm goes to follow him, but Big D stands in his way.

D: "Keep it inside the ring, Brian!"

HHL: "How many times has Big D taken a fight to the outside?"

PC: "Enough to make this seem a little hypocritical."

HHL: "He's not even counting TK out!"

PC: "To be fair, though, that could actually work in the challenger's favor."

An annoyed Brian Storm steps back, as Big D allows Thunder Knuckles time to recuperate. Eventually, the Champion shakes it off before climbing, slowly, onto the apron and into the ring. With his opponent back in, Storm stays on him and throws an Overhand Right but Thunder Knuckles ducks under it. TK manages to slip behind Brian and runs for the ropes. On the way back, Knuckles attempts a Running Knee, only to have Storm dodge it and catch him. From this position, the challenger is able to hit a Fish Hook Suplex, keeping it bridged for a cover.


HHL: "I'm genuinely impressed by Big D's refereeing, so far."

PC: "Well the match isn't over yet, there's. plenty of time for him to screw Brian over."

Brian Storm brings Thunder Knuckles to his feet and whips him to the ropes. Storm brings his leg up, attempting a Big Boot, but TK manages to catch himself. Brian charges at the Champion but ole Knuckles drops to the mat, pulling down on the top rope as he does. This causes Storm to topple over to the outside, causing Big D to begin a 10 count.

PC: "NOW he's counting?"

HHL: "I can't tell if he made a genuine mistake earlier, or is just trying to help TK keep the Title?"

PC: "Like I said, still plenty of time to find out."

With Big D at 'FOUR', Brian Storm climbs onto the apron. Thunder Knuckles doesn't give him a chance to climb back in, as he walks over and Knees him in the head as he makes it halfway. TK then wraps his legs around Storm's arm and yanks him I to the ring with an Armbar. With how close they are, Brian easily grabs onto the bottom rope BUT Big D begins to scratch at his eyes to a pop from the crowd.

PC: "THERE'S the Big D we expected to see!"

HHL: "Can't say I'm surprised, like you said, it was only a matter of time!"

After a moment of screwing around, Big D acts like he didn't see the blatant rope break and dives at Thunder Knuckles, forcing him to let go of Storm's arm. TK begins stomping away at the challenger, without so much as a word from the 'referee.'

HHL: "It's one thing for Big D to make a mockery of Atticus White, but this is a Championship match for crying out loud!"

PC: "You'd think someone who's complained about refs in the past would take the job a little more seriously."

Thunder Knuckles turns Brian Storm over and begins choking him on the bottom rope. Big D leans down real close and stares the blatantly illegal maneuver right in the face, but rather than stop it, he stands up and signals that it's 'not a choke.'

PC: "I think the referee needs a referee."

HHL: "At this rate, he might as well hand the TV Title to TK."

The Champion finally backs off, as Brian Storm gasps for air. He slowly pulls himself out onto the apron and uses the ropes to get to his feet. Thunder Knuckles grabs his opponent and gets him into Suplex position, but Storm fights back. As TK attempts to hoist the challenger up, Brian fights back by grabbing the ropes and holding himself in place. After multiple attempts by Knucks, Brian Storm manages to lift HIM up and over the top rope, delivering a Vertical Suplex out to the floor that lays BOTH men out.

HHL: "That move took alot out of Brian Storm, as well!"

PC: "He's gonna have to fight through it and get Thunder Knuckles back in the ring; it's the only way he can win the Title!"

HHL: "And with Big D in there, I don't even know if THAT'S possible."

Big D starts a 10 Count as the Champion and challenger slowly begin to stir. They eventually make it to their feet, but Brian Storm is one step ahead. He charges at Thunder Knuckles, driving his back into the announce table. Staying on his opponent, Storm then whips him back at the ring but TK uses the momentum to shoot under the bottom rope, inside the ring. Big D, seeing the opportunity to help his buddy, speeds up his count.

D: "5.......6....7......8.....9......"

Before D can hit '10,' Brian Storm mimics Thunder Knuckles, a little less gracefully, and slides under the bottom rope just in time.

HHL: "Brian Storm is essentially facing TWO men and STILL hanging in there."

PC: "For now."

As soon as Brian Storm gets in the ring, Thunder Knuckles begins stomping away at him. He then backs off for a moment, allowing his opponent to stand up. With the challenger hunched over, TK rushes at Storm and connects with a Running Knee that topples him over. Rather than covering, though, the TV Champion makes his way over to the corner and begins climbing to the top.

PC: "Thunder Knuckles isn't messing around anymore, he wants to put Brian Storm away right here!"

HHL: "If he can connect with this high risk maneuver, he just might do it."

TK makes it to the top, where he looks a bit unblanaced at first, but catches himself and adjusts. After a moment of standing there, his legs shaking, Thunder Knuckles jumps off with his Elbow out. At the last second, Brian Storm rolls out of the way and the Champion's elbow crashes into the mat. As he lies there, clutching his arm, Storm runs to the ropes and back, connecting with a BIG Ground Body Splashing, staying on for the cover.


HHL: "I can't believe Big D has the nerve to just stare at Brian instead of making the count!"

PC: "I can!"

A frustrated Brian Storm slaps the mat and confronts Big D, who reminds him who the referee is. With Storm distracted, Thunder Knuckles crawls over and Schoolboys him from behind. Big D drops down and counts the fall quickly.


PC: "Despite the fastest 3 count I've ever seen, Brian Storm manages to kick out!"

HHL: "Even though it's frustrating, Brian HAS to keep his cool. Arguing with Big D just about cost him the match."

Brian Storm pops to his feet and hits Thunder Knuckles with a brutal Clothesline as he tries to stand up. He then picks him up and connects with a Foot Stomp, followed by an Uppercut. Then he hits a Spinning Backfist, that goes into a mule kick, knocking TK to all fours. Brian looks to the audience, nodding his head and laughing. He then puts his ass by his opponent's face, releasing the nastiest fart of the day. Thunder Knuckles flops over onto his back. Tasting victory, Brian Storm sits on the Champion's chest for a cover. Big D does his best impression on a geriatric old man and slowly gets down to count the cover. By the time he begins, 5 seconds had easily passed.

Big D stops the count and declares "Shoulder up! despite the fact Thunder Knuckles still hasn't moved.

PC: "Big D needs to go back to referee school!"

HHL: "I don't think you're the only person who thinks that, Brian Storm is pissed!"

Once again, Storm confronts Big D over his biased officiating. He grabs him by the shirt and yells, as D reminds him who's in charge. Brian shoves Big D, demanding him to count for him, but instead, D shoves Storm back. The challenger swings at the referee, who ducks behind him and delivers a Dan Slam as the crowd goes wild. At this point, Thunder Knuckles comes to and gets up, looking down at his opponent in confusion. Big D shrugs, presenting the lifeless Storm to the Champion. TK walks over to Brian's leg and delivers the Thunder Strike to his foot before covering.



HHL: "Big D just made a mockery of the TV Title AND Refs everywhere!"

PC: "While I absolutely agree with you, it's also hard to deny that the Champion made the right call in his match choice."

HHL: "And Jimmy made an even better call by choosing Big D."

Big D grabs the TV Title, looking it over for a moment in remembrance of his own runs, before handing it over to Thunder Knuckles. TK holds the belt above his head in celebration as D claps for him.

Suddenly the lights go dark!

[Image: 1200px-SSBU-Boxing-Ring-1.jpg]

PC: “Uh oh, that’s never a good thing!”

Thunder Knuckles and Brian Storm both look around the arena confused.

HHL: “Hey, what’s that on the stage!?”

Despite the lack of lighting, you notice a giant box being wheeled onto the stage!!!

No, not a box!!

As a lone purple spotlight illuminates the stage you realize that it's...

[Image: jackinthebox.jpg]


TK and Storm are both like WTF is this crap?

PC: “It looks as though Big D is having no part in whatever this is!”

And Big D is all like, fuck that noise as he bails from the ring and takes off through the crowd.

HHL: “Can you blame him!?”


The crank starts spinning on it's on as BRIGHT laser lights begin flashing so quickly that some members of the audience start seizing the fuck out!

[Image: Graves-Stage.gif]

PC: “What the Hell!? I can’t see anything!!”

HHL: “Those lights are very disorentating!!”




[Image: FUin-The-Box.jpg]

PC: “It seems like someone is sending a message, but to who?”

TK and Storm look to each other for any hint at what all of this might be about.

HHL: “I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that the message is for the champ!”


[Image: graveslightning.gif]



[Image: hqdefault-2.jpg]


PC: “Thunder Knuckles and Brian Storm aren’t even aware!”

With a strike of lightning, Graves seems to have manifested out of thin air and now he's stalking behind TK and Storm!

It's almost as though TK can feel his presence as he mouths "FUCK"! TK about-faces, rushing in with a loaded right!

PC: "Oh God! Graves just blew that mist right into TK’s face!”

HHL: “That purple mist is said to contain something in it that causes confusion, and TK sure doesn’t seem to know where he is all of a sudden!”

Thunder Knuckles stumbles around the ring in confusion as Graves moves in on Brian Storm with a knee lift. Storm doubles over as Graves shoves his head between his legs.

PC: "Grave Consequences!"

Graves slams Brian Storm into the hole in the ring that Graves crawled out of!

HHL: “Brian Storm has been sent straight to Hell by Micheal Graves!”

Graves jumps back up and stalks behind TK who is still feeling the effects of that purple mist.

PC: "TK is swinging at air and Micheal Graves is just waiting to pounce!"

Graves is all smiles as he lightly taps TK on the shoulder. TK turns around only to catch a stiff kick to the gut! TK doubles over as Graves moves in!



Graves jumps back to his feet and calls for a mic.

MG: "Hey Big D, way to run away at the first sign of trouble and proving once again that you’re the biggest pussy in the XWF!”

Graves pauses as the crowd boos the shit out of him.

MG: “Like I give a shit what you people think!”

More booing causes him to pause again.

MG: “Hey Big D, in case you can’t figure out what’s going on here. Since you refuse to answer my challenge, and since management keeps dicking me out of championshiop matches…”

“Well come on, one plus one, am I right?”

Graves drops his knee down across TK’s throat, holding the microphone by TKs mouth.

TK: “URGAGaaaaa”

MG: “Can I has title shot?”

PC: “How’s he supposed to answer!?”


Suddenly Atticus White marches out onto the stage with a mic in hand.

AW: “Stop it! Stop it right now! I’ll give you your damn title match, just let my champion go!”

PC: “NO!!! Savage doesn’t negotiate with terrorists!”

Graves smiles wide as he eases off TK.

MG: “Micheal Graves vs Thunder knuckles, next Savage… I have your word?”

AW: “Yes, so long as you let him up!”

PC: “Don’t trust him Atticus! Throw this piece of Sh** out of the XWF for good!”

HHL: “That never works Pip. Atticus is doing the right thing here by defusing the situation!”

Graves stands up and pulls TK to his feet. TK is still dazed from the purple mist and isn’t really aware of what’s going on. Graves dust him off and wraps an arm across his shoulder like their chums.

MG: “There, all better. So the match is official?”

AW: “You’ll get your damn match next Savage!”

MG: “Thanks pal!”

Suddenly Graves levels TK with a spinning lariat! Atticus looks pissed but remains on the stage!


HHL: “Why? He did exactly what he was asked to do!”

Graves stands over the utterly beaten TK and looks down upon him as he slowly raises the mic to his mouth.

MG: “Big D’s favorite wrestler huh?”

Atticus is in a frenzy trying to get someone out here to put and end to this!

Graves lifts TK up into his arms in a fallaway slam hold and then runs up the turnbuckles, flipping off the top with a moonsault as he clenches TK close.


Suddenly security, referees, the guy operating the pyro, and even Jenny from catering, all come rushing out from the back to chase Graves off.

[Image: graveslightning.gif]

PC: “Where’d he go!!?”

HHL: “He vanished into thin air Pip!”

Everyone rushes to check on TK and Brian Storm.

After a lengthy commercial break, Savage returns to a roaring crowd.

Danza Kuduro hits and Hanari spins and dances his way out to the ramp in traditional latin Bachata style. He is carrying the flag of the Dominican Republic on a flag pole over his shoulder. He swings his hips and points at the ladies in the front row, winking and making the gun symbol with his thumb and index finger of his free hand. He spins again and walks his way down to the ring with a cocky head swing and a million dollar smile. Climbing the ring steps he gets into the ring, getting on the top rope and waving the flag a few times before jumping down and preparing for the match.

The words "FOLLOW ME" show up on the X-Tron screen as smoke billows at the entrance. Blue and white lights flicker. At the 10 second mark, he steps through the smoke wearing his jacket (Rated R Edge trench coat). Looking to both sides of the crowd. He walks slowly to the ring until he gets about 3/4 of the way down, then jogs and slides into the ring (edge style)...When he gets into the ring he gets up on the far turnbuckle and gets up on it, throwing both arms up.

Cataclysm, Robert Main and Chris Page slowly walk out with the tag titles draped over their shoulders, they inspect the crowd and raise their titles and make their way to the ring.

[Image: rWOE8Gi.png]

Robert "The Omega" Main & "Chronic" Chris Page ©
- vs -
Chaos Inc.
Chris Chaos & Hanari Carnes (w/ Jenny Myst)
TLC Tornado Tag


Hanari Carnes and Robert Main slowly exit their corners, heading towards the center of the ring where they then begin circling one another. Both hesitant to make the first move, they study each others body language and movements before finally taking the plunge and simultaneously lunging towards the other. Locking up in the center of the ring, the two struggle back and forth for a few moments as they try to overpower the other. Popping his knee up, Main drives it into Hanari’s stomach, forcing him to instantly release the hold. Hooking his arm underneath Hanari’s, Main then lifts him for a hip toss before transitioning and pulling him head down face first into a knee lift! The shot to the face stands Hanari straight up in a daze as Main quickly turns his back to him and rushes towards the ropes. Rebounding off the ropes and coming back full speed, Main leaps through the air, wiping Hanari out with a Heavy close line. Mounting himself on top of Hanari, Main then unloads with rapid fire right hands to Hanari’s head. Dipping through the ropes, Chaos rushes onto the scene, driving a running knee straight to the back of Main’s head. From across the ring, Page races over and lunges for Chaos only to miss and eat canvas as he sidesteps him and takes him down to the mat with a drop-toe hold.

PC: “Folks, in case you didn’t know, these teams hate each other, and it shows here in the main event.”

With the situation now under control, the official keeps Hanari and Main apart, giving them ample time to get back to their feet and ready before allowing the match to continue, but not before giving Chaos a warning for entering the ring illegally. Back at square one, the two men circle the ring once more, sizing each other up before locking up just like before. This time, Hanari pulls away from Main just enough to duck underneath his arms and step behind him. Reaching back over his shoulder, Hanari grabs Main by the head before dropping down to the mat and connecting with a nasty neckbreaker. Back on his feet, Hanari circles Main as he slowly pushes himself up from the mat. Before Main can raise up from one knee, Hanari closes in and grabs a hold of him, pulling him up to both feet where he then delivers a gruesome forearm shot to Main’s face. The blow to the face knocks Main back and before he even knows it, Hanari swings and connects with a second forearm shot to Main’s face. Kicking his right foot up in the blink of an eye, Hanari plants his foot to Main’s stomach, forcing him to double over from the impact. Running to the ropes behind Main, Hanari then comes back from behind, wrapping an arm around Main’s head before taking a few steps and leaping forward into the air, planting Main’s face to the mat with a bulldog!

Pulling Main up from the mat, Hanari locks onto his wrist with his left hand while swinging with his right and connecting with a third forearm shot to Main’s face. Hanari then goes to whip Main to the ropes but before he can release, Main plants a foot and pivots, reversing the maneuver and sending Hanari to the corner where Page awaits on the outside apron. Just as Hanari’s back crashes against the corner, Page throws his knee through the ropes, driving it straight into Hanari’s lower back. From the center of the ring, Main rushes the corner, closing in and connecting with a brutal clothesline that lifts Hanari’s feet into the air.

PC: “That’s teamwork right there! There aren’t too many teams in the business who seem to read each other’s minds like Cataclysm!”

Not wasting any time whatsoever, Page quickly dips through the ropes as Main keeps Hanari trapped in the corner Stepping out of the way and exiting to the apron, Main leaves an open path for Page to grab onto the top rope at his right, using it for leverage as he begins kicking Hanari in the stomach over and over, eventually breaking her down to a seated position. His kicks then turn to stomps as he continues to drive his foot to Hanari’s stomach. Backing up to the center of the ring, Page then bursts forward, exploding with energy as he rushes towards him, closing in and driving a running knee to his face!

Pulling Hanari up from the corner, Page then lifts him up and sets him right on top of it. He then climbs the corner and once standing on the middle ropes, he wraps an arm around Hanari’s head and gets him into position for a superplex from the top. Just when he goes to lift him, Hanari swings as hard as he can with his right, pounding his fist against his Page’s ribs and preventing him from lifting him. Hanari then swings with his left, pounding his fist against the other side of Page’s rib cage. He then swings with another right, this time knocking the air from his lungs as it connects. On the apron, Main immediately begins grabbing at Hanari but before he can get a hand on him, Hanari plants the bottom of his boot to Main’s face, knocking him down from the apron. Pulling his head away from Page’s arm, Hanari then punches both fists straight out, driving them both into his chest and knocking him backwards away from the corner.

HHL: “He’s gone airborne!!!

Flying through the air, Hanari connects with a Diving Senton Bomb! Hanari springs back to his feet, watching on as Main pushes himself up on all fours. Just when he stands, Hanari is right there to put him flat on his back with a Step Up Enziguri! In stride, Hanari continues towards his corner to make the tag with Chaos who is eager to get inside of the ring.


HHL: “Chris Page is in trouble, and his partner is still down on the outside!”

As Chaos enters the ring, Page is slow to begin pushing himself up from the mat after being laid out by Hanari moments prior. Up on one knee, Page looks up like a deer in the headlights as Chaos charges straight for him. Kicking his foot into the air and extending his leg forward, Chaos connects with a running big boot that sends Page crashing backwards to the mat once more. Page rolls over to his stomach fluidly as he quickly brings both hands up over his face. Positioning himself beside him, Chaos then comes straight down onto his lower back with an elbow drop. Popping up from the mat, he then goes right back down, hitting him with another elbow drop to the back. Again and again, Chaos pops back to his feet and taunts the crowd before nailing him with a final elbow drop across the small of his back.

Chaos climbs to his feet as Page rolls back and forth on the canvas reaching his arm behind him to hold his lower back. He stands back for a few moments to catch his breath and once he does, he then backs up towards the ropes at a slow jog pace. Pressing his back against the ropes, he then springs forward and rushes towards Page as fast as he can. Sliding feet first to the mat, Chaos aims both feet directly for Page’s head, catching him completely off guard with a baseball slide to the side of the head! The kick instantly rolls Page over to his back and without any delay, Chaos quickly crawls over him to hook a single leg for the pin.


PC: “Page kicks out at TWO!”

HHL: “And Chaos doesn't look very happy about it!”

Pulling Page up from the mat, Chaos holds him by the head with both hands, keeping him bent over while on both of his feet. Before he can make his next move, Page quickly reaches forward, wrapping a hand around the back of both of his ankles before pulling his feet out from under him and dropping him flat on his back. Still holding him by the ankles, he then lifts his legs up even higher, hooking his arms around both and securing them by his sides. Rolling backwards, Page’s back hits the mat as he lifts Chaos up, sending him up and over with a slingshot catapult. Flying through the air, Chaos’s throat lands down onto the top rope, forcing his head to bounce and whip backwards as he stumbles backwards still on his feet. Stepping in beside Chaos before he trips over his own feet, Page then pulls him down with a Codebreaker!

Rolling over to his hands and knees, Page crawls over to Chaos before laying across him for the pin.


Dipping through the ropes, Hanari quickly enters the ring.


Racing across the ring, Hanari leaps forward towards Page’s back.


In just the niche of time, Hanari slams both arms down onto Page’s back with a double axe-handle. Before he can even get back to his feet, Main closes in from outta nowhere, wailing on Hanari’s head with rapid lefts and rights.


HHL: “But he’s still not the legal man!”

Grabbing two handfuls of Hanari’ hair, Main then drags him across the ring before slinging him towards the ropes just a few feet away. Hanari quickly holds his hands to the top of his head as he rolls underneath the ropes, dropping down to the outside floor. In Main’s hands are strands of Hanari’s hair. The official quickly rushes Main, giving him a warning for the hair pulling and also yelling for him to exit the ring. With a satisfied look on his face, Main just nods politely before turning to the crowd and holding up Hanari’s hair as if it were a trophy.

PC: “Robert Main showing a whole new level of ruthlessness right there.”

HHL: “And he’s begging for the tag!”

With his partner on the apron just itching to get back inside of the ring, Page points to Main before reaching down and pulling Chaos up from the mat, but Chaos hooks him up and rolls into a cover!




Chaos pounds the mat in frustration before jumping to his feet. Chaos pulls Page up by his hair, ignoring the official's warnings. He then whips him into the ropes and drops Page with a drop toe hold and spins around with a finesse to lock in a Boston Crab! Page hollas in the hold; reaching towards the ropes but is feet away; he crawls and crawls but Chaos pulls him back by the inch, Main kneels down on the apron and extends his full body through the ropes.

Page's face is bright red; he curls his fingers tight in pain


Main holds his palm open mere centimetres away!





He then lifts Chaos to his feet and tosses him to the corner; Chaos flails over the ropes, Carnes getting a glancing clap on his back and enters the ring. He rushes Main with a lariat but it's ducked!

Page throws an elbow in Hanari's jaw and knocks him back; Main turns Hanari into a hold and...









But is a millisecond too late!


Chaos and Carnes are walking up the ramp leaving Page and Main in the ring to celebrate, when Chaos is grabbed from behind and thrown off the stage, causing a huge crash and explosion. Carnes turns around and is met by an EGO TRIP on the stage from Shawn Warstein. Page and Main turn their attention towards Shawn as Page slides out of the ring and heads up the ramp. Shawn picks up Carnes and shoves his body into Page, who quickly swipes him to the side.

“Hello old friend…”

Shawn quips as Page rears back and swings towards Shawn, who quickly ducks and jams a needle into the rib cage of Page. Shawn waves cockily at Page as he stumbles and falls to the ground. Shawn picks Hanari back up and begins to drag him towards the ring. As soon as Shawn tosses Hanari under the bottom rope Main reaches over and grabs Shawn by the hair and drags him into the ring.

Shawn swings wildly, but can not connect to the monster that is Robert Main. Main easily picks up Shawn and delivers a massive DEAD MAN’S HAND. Hanari gets up and starts to deliver a few kicks to Main but he seems unfazed, as he grabs him ATARA comes running from the back and quickly slides into the ring and takes down Main and begins to pummel him with a flurry of punches. Hanari gets up and shoves Atara off of Main and begins to strike him. Atara attempts to get Shawn out of his daze, but is unsuccessful, as the crowd pops as Centurion comes running from the back. Centurion tackles Hanari to the ground as Atara continues to attempt to get Shawn to his feet.

Main knocks the cobwebs out of his head and gets to his feet, and turns his attention to Shawn and Atara. Shawn looks around the ring.

“1...2….3...4…..5…… Where’s Shane?!”

Atara and Shawn both get to their feet as Main stalks them into the corner. Main reaches back and aims for Atara, but Shawn shoves her out of the way and to the floor as he absorbs the blow. Shawn and Main begin to trade blows over and over in the middle of the ring, as Hanari and Centurion do the same, when all of a sudden all the lights go out.

When they come back on Shane is standing in the middle of the ring. He looks over everyone in the ring. Atara has now slide back into the ring and helps Shawn fight off Main, and shoves him backwards into Shane, while Centurion is shoved back into the arms of Shawn and Atara. The ring is split with all the captains no one is making a move. Shawn looks over to Atara.

“Trust me?”

Atara nods while Shawn pulls out the trigger device. He glances over to Centurion who looks puzzled at the device. Shawn shrugs and presses the button. He looks upwards and nothing happens. Shane tilts his head menacingly and begins to press forwards towards Shawn. H e presses the buttons a few more times, then a loud click is heard, Shawn leaps over and tackles Centurion to the ground and covers him up.


1000’s of hypodermic needles begins falling from the roof. Each captain is stuck with multiple needles, with the exception of Centurion who is being covered by Shawn. Each person tries to cover themselves, but to no avail. When the needle shower ends each of them try to stand, but can’t. Shawn jumps to his feet and begins to knock the needles out of his skin, as he walks over to Atara and begins to brush them off of her. She rolls over and slaps Shawn across the face.

“Warn me next time!”

“Sorry, I had to save him….”

Shawn points over to Centurion, who looks on as Atara gets right up to her feet with the help of Shawn. Shawn and Atara look at Centurion and they both shrug in unison, and exit the ring. Centurion looks on at the mayhem in the ring and furrows his brow and watches Shawn and Atara disappear to the back. As the camera fades.

The camera cuts to backstage where we see Atticus White with a pleased look on his face, as a commotion can be heard off screen. All of a sudden, Big D is dragged into view by a group of Security guards, led by Little Feather. D's arms are bound behind him and he looks a little roughed up. Despite this, he's still feisty and trying to fight.

ATTICUS: "Excellent work, gentlemen."

The bloodied Big D looks up at the Savage General manager and grins.

D: "Ah, Atticus.......................I thought it smelled like shit!."

As the final word leaves D's mouth, Little Feather connects with a punch that rocks his marbles a bit.

ATTICUS: "Big D I've had it with your........."

Atticus makes a face and grabs his stomach, as he lets out a nasty sounding fart. Afterwards, he regains himself and continues.

ATTICUS: ".............shit."

D (laughing, despite blood dripping from his nose): "Oh, I bet you have!"

Little Feather delivers another shot, this time to Big D's gut. He bends over in pain, but doesn't let it kill his spirit.

ATTICUS: "Go ahead, laugh, just like everyone else does at your pathetic career. At the end of the day it'll be ME who's laughing!"

D: "Oh yeah? Why's that?"

ATTICUS: "Because I'll NEVER have to see you inside of an XWF ring again................ now take him away!"

The guards begin to escort Big D away, but he hollers out at the Savage GM.

D: "Atticus! Hey, Atticus, there's something you should know before you have your men throw me out!"

The security detail looks back at Atticus, who orders them to stop with a wave of the hand. Big D yanks his arms out of the guards' hands that were holding him, before walking up to White and getting right in his face.

D: "I'm the other mystery competitor!"

We hear a roar from the crowd inside the arena as Atticus' face turns as white as his last name, with Big D laughing hysterically. Without another word, Little Feather stomps over to D and yanks him back. The Head of Security drags Big D out of sight, as he continues to laugh like a maniac and shout one last declaration.

D: "See you at War Games!!!!!

The show ends with Atticus White trying his best not to explode with rage(or diarrhea).

Special thanks to

Chris Chaos
Jenny Myst
James Raven
Big D
Vita Valenteen
Shawn Warstein

And everyone that RPed this week

[Image: ESXHYMB.jpeg]
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[-] The following 11 users Like Atticus Gold's post:
(05-30-2020), Alexei Medved (05-17-2020), Atara Raven (06-12-2020), B.O.B. D (05-16-2020), Felix Jones (05-17-2020), James Raven (05-18-2020), Jim "the Jim" Jimson (05-19-2020), LiamRoberts (05-17-2020), Nathaniel Idenhaus (05-16-2020), Peter Fn Gilmour (05-16-2020), Thunder Knuckles™ (05-16-2020)
[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Atticus Gold's post!
Nathaniel Idenhaus Offline
Not a Nazi

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

05-19-2020, 10:37 PM

"Wait. But I thought this fight between Boris and I was going to end differently. Hah! You all point and talk down at me but like I said... insufficiency, will be eradicated by me. And I proved it with my actions! I knew victory was mine and look at that, I achieved it. I'm not the next Fuhrer nor am I a Nazi and yet, I still annihilate the vermin and dispose of the world's filth. I simply hate it with an objective, equal opportunity attitude... hold on, hang on a second, I think I always did it that way."

"I was never some cartoon character, stereo-type Nazi like Madison Dyson, I always spoke of disposing the stinking, rotten pests of society but those disgusting curs, could be white. For instance the KKK. Oh how I loathe and despise those assholes. Even still. Bunch of jug blowing, sister fucking, over-all wearing, moonshine distilling freaks. All I ever said was that I was going to round up the misbegotten trash, dispose of it accordingly and take command, ruling the world in the iron fist of my control. Buuuut... I can see world domination, isn't the way and I'm not perfection incarnate. Despite my perfect surgical record and ability to keep people alive. I have flaws and I admit it. Yet, still I am... shunned and called out for my past errors, Centurion condemns me, in spite of my efforts to change. He calls me a Nazi, even when I turned my back on those ways and try to change in honor of my son, Grey. I try to improve and he talks down on me but he's the good guy here?"

"Excuse me? What the fuck kind of backwards logic is that?"

"It sounds like he's the villain. He wants to endorse a way of thinking that abolishes freedom of choice and the option of redeeming oneself and atonement. Which sounds strangely familiar. Like, I don't know.... Hitler, maybe? Seems like calling me a Nazi is a pot, calling the kettle black, wouldn't you say? All hail Centurion, the true unforgiving Fuhrer."

[Image: VADiENp.jpg]
[Image: CbviDqC.png]
Current Hart Champion
1x X-Treme Champion
1x Television Champion
1x SOTM November 2013
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