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Saturday Night Savage 04/18
Author Message
Atticus Gold Offline
Gold is the New Black
Management Lv. 2

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

04-18-2020, 07:18 PM

[Image: LKNS3dh.gif]



Russian Rose
- vs -
Bilbo Blumpkinz
Standard Match

TTula Kealiʻi
- vs -
Geri Miller
Standard Match

Rebel Star and Atara Themis
- vs -
Vanessa Gibson and Osira Themis
Tornado Tag Team Match

[Image: 8K9Z08s.png]

Thunder Knuckles ©
- vs -
Tommy Wish
Lucille Special - Winner is the person who beats their opponent into verbal submission with a barbed wire wooden baseball bat. If this does not happen within the 15 minute time limit the champion retains.

[Image: rWOE8Gi.png]


Shawn "Fuzz" Warstein ©
- vs -
Griffin MacAlister
- vs -
Hanari Carnes
Triple Threat
Unlimited RP Rules

the show opens to a vision of red-x's mask;

[Image: kiddX2_zpsypakydoa.jpg]

"hello XWF and welcome as we contnnue to count down to the day of your i and my brethren may rebuild the Realm in our image of glory. u ppl do not understand the gravity of this message, you doubt me, you ridicule me but i know what is best for you all, WE....know what is best for you all. i've traveled across the world, competed for the best and the worst. XWF began as the former, but now finds itself in the latter. and i will climb the "ladder" of this compay till my message rings loud and clear, from the main event all the way down to the first match on the card. the XWF....OUR dying under the watch of a man named Vinnie Lane, who only cares about filling his pockets with his precious money, even if his superstars fall dead in the process. which some have literally died in the process. just as a reminder, vinnie, one day i will face you man to man and i will BURY YOU for destroying the image of the federation i love the most. the xwf HAS seen better days....

"and that's why i....that's why WE, are here. ttfn."

”Ladies and Gentleman the opening contest of Saturday Night Savage is scheduled for one fall; currently in the ring he is BILBO BLUMPKINZ!”

A smattering of applause for the near four footer as he chases the referee around in his motorized wheelchair!

”His opponent, making his way to the ring… he is RUSSIAN ROSE!”

Quickly struts to ringside with a black rose in his left hand and a thick 4ft length of chain wrapped around his clenched right fist. He wears a long sleeved hoody overtop his one piece red wrestling suit. Following behind him is brother/manager Alexei Medved wearing a black fitted suit and sunglasses. He runs a hand through his slick blonde hair and stops at the bottom of the ring while watching his much more massive brother walk up the steel steps and into the ring. He immediately drops the chain and uses the rose to imitate knife slashing his throat and whips the rose down to the mat. He removes his hood from his clean shaven head and removes the sweater. Alexei collects his brothers items from ringside and watches his brother as Evgeni continues the look of intensity and anticipation.

Russian Rose
- vs -
Bilbo Blumpkinz
Standard Match


Rose glairs across the ring at Bilbo with nothing but business etched on his face.

HHL:”I’m not sure Rose is going to hold back on our resident handicapped talent.”

PC:”I for one hope he doesn’t! Bilbo knows what he signed up for.”

Rose suddenly lets out a loud primal scream before charging across the ring towards Bilbo who quickly evades as he rolls out of the way sending Rose barreling towards the corner which he puts on the breaks at the last possible second and as Rose spins around he’s met with a gut punch from Bilbo doubling Rose over for a smack to the face drawing a pop from the crowd! Bilbo rolls over the feet of Rose with his chair catching the big toes of Rose!

HHL:”Maybe I stand corrected! Bilbo is using his chair to his advantage and rightfully so!”

Bilbo has Rose in his sights as he rolls towards him only to be caught with a Sleeper Slam from Rose! The crowd starts to boos loudly as Rose picks up the wheelchair and throws it out of the ring! Rose reaches down picking the three footer up off the mat where he scoops him up and slams him violently to the mat! Rose makes a cover.



Rose picks Bilbo up off the mat to boo’s from the crowd. He’s admonished by the referee but pays it little to no attention as he stands to his feet and lifts Bilbo up before hurling him over head with a belly to belly suplex!

PC:”You gotta love the physical domination by Russian Rose.”

The crowd boos Rose as he reaches his feet where he picks Bilbo back up off the mat where he hoists him up in a Fireman’s Carry position before driving Bilbo down into the mat with the St. Petersburg Slam! Rose makes an aggressive cover on Bilbo.






RussianRose sits quietly with his eyes closed, headphones on, relishing in his debut win. Across from him his brother and manager Alexei Medved sits with his phone in his hands, likely searching for the next opportunity for his talented brother

HHL: It was an impressive win earlier here tonight for RussianRose Evgeni Medved!

PC: Ya he is a scary dude... like turn-the-other-way-in-a-dark-alley scary.


The peace in the dressing room is suddenly disturbed by a knock at the door. RussianRose opens his eyes but his brother quickly stands up and signals that he's got it.

Alexei swings open the door and is surprised to see Shooter Syn on the outside, dust coat on, and looking up from under the rim of his stetson. Alexia barely has time to register who it is, and as realization dawns on his face he's blasted to the side with a shoulder block. RussianRose stands up and flings his headphones off.

HHL: What is Shooter even doing here... This is an obvious attack.

PC: No, no, no I think he's just congratulating The Russian on his first win.

Both men pause for a moment and Shooter smiles crookedly. RussianRose goes to lock up but Syn blocks the attempt and jabs Russian with a quick right hand. The strike is shrugged off as Rose grabs Shooter by the throat with one hand and after a few seconds, both hands. Eventually Shooter goes down to one knee as RussianRose applies full pressure. Alexei finally gets up from Syn's initial attack just as Shooter forces himself to back to both feet and throws a precise headbutt breaking the choke.

Rose grabs Syn's arm to Irish whip his coughing opponent out of the dressing room, but it's reversed, and instead Rose goes out of the door and slams hard in to the corridor wall opposite. Syn turns around to face Alexei, his crooked smile now a full on grin. Alexei grabs his brother's Heavy Metal Weight title belt and tries to nail Shooter with it but the attempt is blocked.

Shooter rears back with his right hand, but it's caught wildly at it's apex as Rose stumbles back into the room, Momentum sends both men to the ground and RussianRose, furious and tired after his battle earlier tonight, starts hitting Shooter with a flurry of punches. The camera gets as close as it can and it looks like Shooter is smiling through the punches. 



The smile is gone from Syn's face as blood is smeared over his ruined face by the onslaught of punches. He finally starts fighting back and rolls Rose over until he is on top, but Rose is having none of it and clutches, using his traditional training and continuing the roll. Arena security finally enters as Shooter and Evgeni roll through to the corridor in a full out brawl.


Security tries thier best to break it up but both men ignore everything and everybody. Alexei grabs his brother trying to break it up. Finally several security personnel and Alexei Medved manage to pull the two men off of each other. Shooter, cowboy hat long forgotten, Immediately calms and shrugs off the security, smoothing down his dust coat, his sanguine demeanor ironically juxtaposing his sanguine face. He turns and walks through the security, swallowed quickly among them. RussianRose looks on with anger and the scene fades as his attention turns to Shooters blood on his hand.

Geri Miller starts in the ring

Tula does that cool hula girl dance down to the ring

Tula Kealiʻi
- vs -
Geri Miller
Standard Match




Immediately on the opening bell Geri Miller lunges forward and tries to tie up Tula Keali’i, but Tula is ready for her and hits a drop toe hold that plants Geri face first to the canvas. Geri clutches at her nose, blood seeping through the gaps between her fingers and pouring down her lips and chin. Geri sits up on her knees and holds her mangled face as Tula stands up and falls backwards off the ropes, rebounding straight for Gerry and connecting with a violent knee strike to the face! Geri is flat on her back as Tula pounces atop her to make the cover!



HEATHER: A kickout by Geri! She escapes the count at two!

PIP: That was close, and we’re barely a minute into the match. This doesn’t bode well...

HEATHER: Maybe not for Geri. If you’re Tula, it’s fantastic.

PIP: That’s a fair point.

Tula stands slowly and allows Geri a moment to recover. Geri grabs the bottom ring rope, and then the middle. Slowly she tries to hoist herself up to her feet and back into the fray, but as soon as she reaches a vertical base Tula charges her and hooks her head, dropping her with a quick DDT that nearly leaves Geri unconscious! Tula drops to her knees and makes a cover! The referee slides across the canvas and into position to make the count!



Another kickout by Geri!

HEATHER: Miller is finding a way to stay alive here, tonight… but I can’t imagine she’s going to be able to hold out much longer…

PIP: Yeah. She’s fucked.

HEATHER: You can’t say that, Pip. You’re a broadcaster!

PIP: Yeah. And she’s fucked.

Tula backs away from Miller, allowing Geri to grab hold of the middle rope and pull herself up to her feet. Geri looks at Tula, and Tula looks back at Geri… and motions for her to bring it on! Geri Miller looks furious and recklessly rushes Tula, who deftly sidesteps and winds up behind Geri! Miller tried to spin but it’s too late! Keali’i locks in the “Aloha!” sleeper! She shakes Miller violently from side to side, ragdolling Geri and dragging her to the center of the mat… away from the ropes!

PIP: I told you Heather, she’s fucked!

HEATHER: OK, this one time you were right!

Finally Miller taps out and Tula drops her motionless body to the mat with a triumphant smile. The referee jumps in and waves this bout to an end, pointing at the time keeper to ring the bell as the fans erupt.





With Osira in tow mimicking her moves; he lights in the arena go blood red as Shitlist strikes up. Men seem to cringe and shudder as the camera shows pockets of women in the crowd that are super amped. On the XTron, we see a live pig, and Vanessa Gibson approaches it. She flips a butterfly knife in her hand deftly and slits it's throat. Vanessa herself steps out onto the entrance and begins to stomp her way to the ring, her chin tucked, her posture ready for battle, looking anything but like a glamour queen. She slides into the ring, climbs to the second rope, and begins calling out men in the crowd.

Rebel fan girls as Atara does her thing. Special Entrance
Hello Doves appears briefly on the X-tron in pink accompanied by Atara's voice saying the same over the arena PA right before her theme hits the speakers. The crowd goes pops like crazy. Arena lights start to pulse in time with the music and multiple vertical streams of pyro erupt across the front of stage as Atara appears from backstage in a full grunge walk to centerstage right before the ramp. Posing for the camera, she blows a kiss before throwing off a silk robe to reveal her attire for the night.

She full on grungewalks to the ringsteps and stops at the top to posture once more for the fans before going to the middle of the apron where she blows yet another kiss to the camera before entering the ring very Stacy Kiebler-ish and awaits the start of the match.

Rebel Star and Atara Themis
- vs -
Vanessa Gibson and Osira Themis
Tornado Tag Team Match

PC: “It’s a battle between sisters here tonight as Atara and Osira are on opposite sides of the coin!”

HHL: “Here’s hoping they can maintain their friendship through this.”

PC: “Well you know how women are.”

HHL: “…yes. I do know ‘how women are.’”


The bell sounds as Vanessa starts the match off by going right after Atara! The two move into the corner throwing rights and lefts back and forth while Rebel Star is left in the center of the ring with Osira. The two circle around before Vanessa is pushed right back into the center. Rebel catches her with a kick to the gut followed by an uppercut. She staggers back as Osira attacks Rebel with a European uppercut followed by quickly by an enzuigiri!

Star staggers over and falls to the mat before Atara and Osira come face-to-face. The two sisters size each other up as the crowd is beginning to frenzy. But then Vanessa slams into Atara with a running dropkick! She’s blasted out of the ring as Vanessa quickly gets back to her feet. Osira and her glare at each other before Osira pushes her.

“I was going to do that!”

“Well I did it first!”

Rebel gets back to her feet and springs off the second rope!

PC: “Nice move from Rebel there to move the momentum back to her team!”

Double body splash takes down both ladies. As Rebel rolls back to her feet with a grin. She grabs Vanessa, but Gibson rolls her up!



TH-NO! Star manages to kick out.

HHL: “Star managed to get out of there!”

As Star gets to her feet, she’s nailed by a quick clothesline from Osira! She bounces back to her feet, but it’s Osira who catches her once again with a barrage of shots to the chest!


Rebel falls to the mat clutching her chest and crying out in pain. Osira turns around just in time to see Vanessa getting blasted by a running bicycle knee to the face!


Vanessa hits the ground hard as Atara and Osira square up once more. The two begin talking back and forth before Star begins slowly rising back to her feet.

The two turn and nail her with dual boots to the face!

HHL: “The teams are a little blurred out there!”

PC: “It’s like it’s almost a fatal-4-way at this point!”

The sisters begin throwing lefts and rights back and forth before Atara gets the better of the exchange with a vicious forearm smash to the brow bone of Osira! A bit of blood begins to form there before Atara hits the ropes and rushes with a leaping bicycle knee!



Osira manages to dodge out of the way of the blow! Atara turns around as Osira wraps her arms around her head in a full nelson hold!





Osira chops Rebel across the chest and throws her towards the ropes before sprinting out to baseball slide Atara, meanwhile Gibson rushes in and charges Rebel Star!







” Ladies and Gentlemen…”

[Image: EricBischoff_original_crop_north.jpg?134...=630&h=420]

The camera fades to the center of the ring where we see Adam Barker, the advocate of the newly crowned [redXWF World Tag Team Champions[/red] standing in the center of the ring decked out in a full-blown black suit with a white dress shirt. Adam leers to his right then his left acknowledging the two four-foot podiums covered in red fabric.

” If you don’t know my name already don’t adjust that dial. My name is Adam Barker and I am a mere advocate for the most dominating, polarizing, commanding, TAG TEAM that has ever stepped foot inside the squared circle. A battalion that took you’re.” The fans become unglued “Hero’s the Sick Cunts and exploited them just as they professed, they did it all the while cementing themselves as the NEW XWF World Tag Team Champions.”

There’s an ear-splitting reception from the crowd as Adam takes a moment before he continues. [/i]

” Individually these two men are masters of their craft, mavericks in the ring and collectively they’re UN-FREAKING-STOPPABLE! I present to you your new XWF WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS“CHRONIC” CHRIS PAGE and ROBERT “THE OMEGA” MAINCATACLYSM!”

The lights abruptly dim to darkness causing the crowd to get more hysterical. As a series of images flashes over the X-Tron.

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[Image: giphy.gif]

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[Image: giphy.gif]

“Riders on the Storm” starts to slowly play over the PA System. Loud claps of thunder echoes throughout the arena as a thick smog covers the top of the ramp when we see walking out on each side of the ramp are the new XWF World Tag Team Champions “Chronic” Chris Page with baseball bat in hand and Robert “The Omega” Main at his side both under masks.

[Image: giphy.gif][Image: NKTwSbw.png]

The duo meets at the top of the ramp facing each other before turning towards the ring where they start to walk towards the ringside area. There’s no physical reaction to the fans at all as they are intently looking at Adam Barker who waits for their arrival. One the pair reaches ringside they both climb up on to the ring apron at the same time before stepping through the ropes where they stand side by side. Adam Barker walks over to both men reach up and yanking their masks from their faces revealing the new face of fear.

The music abruptly comes to an end the moment the masks are yanked from their faces and immediately the house lights are drawn up to a huge ovation from the crowd.
Adam hands the microphone to Chris Page.

” I hate to say WE told you so… but… WE told you so!”

The crowd pop starts to shift to a mixed reaction as Chris continues.

” We stepped in this ring at March Madness we DEMOLISHED the Sick Cunts while BARELY breaking a fucking sweat proving beyond a shadow of a doubt who the BEST TAG TEAM IN THIS FUCKING PROFESSION is!”

Chris starts to fire up before calming himself down as he takes a deep, sarcastic breath.

” The proof was the destruction of The Sick Cunts and now that we are standing on top of this mountain, we’re begging ANYONE to step forward and try and take the titles from us. We don’t give a fuck who you are because you’re all going to be on the ass end of a beating that’s going to sending you packing. From this point forward this is about what it SHOULD be about… This is about US! It’s about ROBERT MAIN and it’s about CHRIS PAGE!”

More boos than cheers start to reign out from all over the building which brings a smirk to Chris’s face as he spouts out.

” Oh yeah? Wanna boo me? Let’ me let you all in on a little secrete; this has NEVER been about you or what you’ve wanted out of us… It’s always been about getting what we wanted and now that we got those straps there’s not a goddamn thing anyone of you nor the talent on this roster can do to get them away from us. We spouted out exactly what you wanted to hear and played you all like the stupid marks you all are!”

The crowd completely turns on Chris as boos now echo from all over the building.

” Much like you’re all marks so are the powers that be. They looked past us while we were reigniting the flame of the dying XWF and now they, much like every one of you is going to pay. We are declaring open season on the XWF roster… no one person nor one team will stand in our way of our dominating this entire company.”

The boos reign out louder as Page’s words strike some nerves.

” We’re not going to hide behind our titles, oh no. We’re not just going to talk a bunch of shit and NOT back it up like Shawn and his little girl Nicole... Trust me.”

Robert walks forward leaning over the top rope placing the microphone to his lips.

” If you people want to hear anything that I have to say you’ll shut the hell up right now.”

Boos reign down on Robert who smiles sadistically.

” The future of the XWF is standing in the middle of this ring right now, we’ve become the monsters we should have been long ago, and from this moment forward we will eviscerate any and everything in our path. No longer will we sit idle and allow this company to control our destiny’s. We will do as we please and take whatever we like and if anyone has an issue with that statement come and find us. Just try to do something about it. We’re the two guys in masks wearing championship gold. By the time those leave your lips, you’ll wake up in the emergency room. We’ve got no issue handing anyone who sees otherwise their ass on a silver platter.

Unlike the previous champions who held the titles hostage, we are not keyboard warriors, we will defend, and we squash anyone in the here and now, not the Twitter-verse. We’re what this company has been missing for years. When CATACLYSM hits the ring you know damn well you're about to get a world-caliber match not to mention a couple of wrestlers with a goddamn backbone. Now before I get too carried away let’s get a bit of history out of the way. Over the past two years, I was one of the biggest box office attraction this company had to offer. With all your.”
Robert points to the crowd ” Hard-earned money, you, foolish sheep made the owners of this company rich. They used you, just like me.

How was each of you repaid? Shit main events and even shitter wrestling. I answered the call, and not once did I whine or cry about anything, they asked of me, I shook hands, signed autographs, took selfies at the airport all with a smile, no questions asked. I carried this place on my fucking back when no one else had the intentional fortitude to step forward. I held my head high. And for what? To get kicked in the teeth by the company that I loved. A company I put my body on the line for. I got condemn, denounce and reprehend every fucking step of the way for simply being champion. Because I wasn’t the champion others thought I should be. Tell me how I was protected? I defended against anyone who wanted some. I’m no different than The Engineer, who’s final ascendancy in this company was complete and utter trash. He wrestles a long list of nobodies, wrestled an Unknown Soldier who laid down, yet he’s put on a pedestal. The hypocrisy is astounding.”

The crowd begins booing Robert like savage animals.

” I want every one of you out there booing me right now to know that I didn’t turn my back on this company no, no. This company that I fought on the front lines for turned its back on me. Go ahead and keep booing me and while you are at it get fucking used to it because I’m not going anywhere. Those of you booing me out there tonight are part of the problem with the XWF and professional wrestling altogether. When they allowed Soldier to come back cashing in on me with a briefcase that should have been out of commission years ago, you “true” fans of mine should have rioted, ripping the arena apart. But you didn’t do that, did you? No, No. You accepted it like the lost simpletons you are.”

Robert points to the crowd once more

” You backstabbing sons of bitches turned your back on me after all I had done for each one of you. But there was a silver lining in that moment, I saw your true colors, I saw the light. You fair-weather fans are no different than this company. I just wish I had listened to Chris Page when he came back and allowed him to burn this place down to the foundation. But like a jackass, I rallied the troops and fought him. Where did that get me? Look! They needed me then but as soon as they didn’t, I was cast aside. The writing was on the wall with management and all of you fans. Once their cash cow dried up, they robbed me of my legitimate reign, they stole my number one spot like a thief in the night. They fucked me without a single drop of lube and didn’t have the courtesy to buy me dinner first. They wanted The Engineers reign to remain number one in the record books. The XWF stabbed me in the back and now I’ll make damn sure they pay the piper one way or the other. The fly by night bull shit is over.”

Robert jaws with a few fans front row as CHRIS takes over.

” And it starts in just two short weeks on Savage.”

The crowd starts to quiet down as Chris continues.

” Theo and Vin-Man better find two people willing to sign their names on the dotted line to take this ass whipping because we aren’t coming to stand in this ring and talk on a microphone, oh no, we’re coming to rip heads from shoulders!”

Immediately the boos pick back up causing Chris to smirk as he glances towards ROBERT as he spouts out.

” They still don’t get it.”

Robert and Adam laugh upon Chris’s statement as Chris turns back towards the camera and states.

” You marks will never get it because what you see before you is something that you can’t understand because it’s superior to you. Robert Main was the poster boy of this questionable company for years! He glad-handed all of you, he kissed babies, he did whatever Vinny wanted to do regardless of how stupid the idea was all because he CARED about you all; from every fan in attendance to every employee behind that curtain, Robert legitimately cared about you all.”

There’s a momentary pause from Chris before he continues.

” And you all fucked him just like you fucked me, company on down to the fan base.

“ It didn’t take a lot of convincing when I explained to Robert with all the evidence and all the facts that NOBODY cared about him, to begin with, and they used him as a pawn in a stupid game that lead to nothing but tanked ratings just as we were making the Universal Title scene remotely watchable for the first time in years. And now that we’re together, now that we’re united we’re going to take our mutual hate and disdain that we share for this federation out on ANYBODY that believes they have the nut-sack or vagina to try their hand against Cataclysm.”

Chris looks directly into the camera as he states.

” That just doesn’t go for tonight or in two weeks… it goes for WAR GAMES as well…”

Robert takes over.

" Speaking of Wargames, this whole team captain thing. Chris, we’ve got to get this straightened out quick. How should we go about it?”

Page jumps in.

” Rock, paper scissors!”

” That would make a mockery out of this thing.”

” And?”

They each raise their fists one, two, three as they both shoots. Page reveals paper Robert has scissors.

” Damn it. Two out of three.”

Robert grins as he replies.

“You know what happens when we face two out of three times right? I win two in a row and then some asshole will come down here in cash in on me taking my captain's spot.”

Page flips Robert off smiling. One, two, three they both shoot again. Page has rock and Robert paper.

” That settles that. To anyone listening backstage this Captains Only Elimination match coming up to determine draft order know this. You are looking at the winner of that match and the winning captain at War Games. Every War Games I’ve ever competed in, I’ve won. Now I do know that I’m only as good as my team around me. So, those of you entering War Games listen closely to my voice, if this company has ever wronged you in any way make it known. Stand up, show me where you stand, because if you do, your hand will be raised at one of the grandest stages this business has to offer, your name forever locked in time as a winner. No matter who we face Shawn Warstein[/red] or Red-x get you a team of misfits together because at War Games were going to settle all the scores. And once all the dust settles, we will prove without a shadow of a doubt who runs this company."

Robert points to Page then himself.

" It's us!"

Robert slams the microphone to the canvas as Adam Barker picks up

" Ladies and gentlemen as you just heard the Tag Team Champions are ready for armed conflict. Both will be entered into War Games. Let's not mistake their words either folks. This is a clear message to those of you who have been walked on by this company, to those of you who were denied, forgot about or told what was best for your career. My two destroyers of worlds hear you, these two contract killers have become the voice of the voiceless, and now they as a collective unit they are standing united against everything wrong. The time for unrest has arrived, anarchy will fill these arenas and as the body count rises management will run for cover. Because now the inmates are running the asylum."

Page and Main both pull the cloths off the podiums revealing the new HHL:XWF Tag Team Titles each placing a championship over their shoulders.

" Ladies and gentlemen I give to you the new XWF Tag team Championships."

There is a mixed reaction from the crowd as Barker grins

" To any member on this roster, or any roster worldwide. You want a shot all you've got to do is ask."

As soon the beat drop on the X-Tron, green pyro blast out of no where on the entrance stage, and Tommy is walking down to the ramp and he gives each people some high fives. Then he slides into the ring, and he raises his arms up to the crowd, then stands in the middle of ring as his theme cuts off.

Twenty midgets with sparkers in both hands held as high as their little arms can reach, line both sides of the entrance ramp. The sparkers ignite as Thunder Knuckles walks past them. Once Thunder Knuckles is down to the ring he rolls under the bottom rope and in one movement he pops up to his feet. With his back turned towards the camera, he raises his right fist in defiance. As soon as his fist goes up, counterfeit xbux with Thunder Knuckles's face on them fall onto the crowd.

[Image: 8K9Z08s.png]

Thunder Knuckles ©
- vs -
Tommy Wish
Lucille Special - Winner is the person who beats their opponent into verbal submission with a barbed wire wooden baseball bat. If this does not happen within the 15 minute time limit the champion retains.

HHL: “It’s another unusual stipulation match here in the XWF!”

PC: “Of course it is, Heather! But the clock is running for fifteen minutes!”


The bell sounds as the weird circumstances of this match have to be playing through both men’s minds. Thunder Knuckles grabs the XWF Television title once more and looks it over before running across the ring and nailing Wish with it!

Wish slams to the mat, but there is no disqualification in this match. Located outside of the ring is the baseball bat that the competitors must beat their opponent to submission with. Thunder looks at it for a moment before grabbing Wish and sending him into the corner turnbuckle. Thunder rushes towards him with his knees raised! But Wish manages to pull himself through the ropes at the last second!

Knuckles collides into the corner before falling to the mat clutching his knees. Wish looks over and spots the baseball bat before grabbing it from its pedestal at ringside. He slides into the ring. Wish gets to his feet just as Knuckles is doing the same. Wish swings!

But Knuckles manages to roll underneath the shot and come up to his feet behind Wish. Wish whips around, but he catches a superkick right to the chin! He’s stunned as he drops the bat. Knuckles grabs his legs and lifts him up before slamming him down to the mat forcefully with an Alabama slam!

Knuckles grabs the bat and begins twirling ‘Lucille’ in his hands with glee. He rushes towards Wish, but Wish catches him!


HHL: “Oh poor little Thunderbolts.”

The boot finds the placement as Wish throws a right hand to catch to the chin of Knuckles as he bends over. Knuckles falls to his side as Wish gets back to his feet slowly. He looks up at the clock on the screen.

8:30 remaining.

PC: “If the time runs out, Knuckles retains his title!”

HHL: “You can tell it’s on the mind of Tommy as he’s watching the clock!”

Wish grabs the arm of Thunder and wraps it underneath his body before wrenching back on the neck in the rings of Saturn!


He wrenches back on the hold for a few minutes as the hold is really doing it’s damage on the face and arms of Thunder. Knuckles begins to fight out of it, but Wish cracks him across the face with a haymaker before releasing the hold.

Thunder is sweating hard now as Tommy grabs Lucille and rushes towards Knuckles!


The baseball bat covered with barbed wire makes connection with the back of Thunder who cries out in pain. Blood is beginning to show where the barbs sank in. Wish puts a foot on the back of Thunder before PULLING!

The barbs pull out as the blood begins to pool quickly. Wish puts the barbed wire bat down and lifts up Thunder slowly as he’s practically dead weight. He moves him over to standing over the bat.



Wish tried for the implant DDT, but Knuckles just pushed him higher into the air where he comes down atop the bat!

PC: “That’s something he’s going to be feeling for awhile.”

HHL: “This is going to get ugly!”

Wish pulls the barbs out of himself as he slowly rises to his feet. Knuckles and Wish are staggered and both bleeding!

Tommy rushes at Knuckles, but he catches a kick right to the gut followed by a sleeper hold!


Wish is crying out in pain, but his tears are only flowing into the blood falling from his face! Knuckles has the hold on tight as the barbs are ripping into the flesh of the face of Wish.

Wish has no choice!



After the bell had rung, Tommy rolls to the outside, then he grabs his own Lucille from the RA, and grabs the title from that same RA. Tommy then places toss them inside the ring, and grabs two chairs from under the ring. He then slides them in, and he snatches the mic from the poor RA and claps at Thunder Knuckles from the outside.

“Oh Knuckles, you so lucky to defend this title for all your worth, I can’t help but to celebrate your reign or so. You are such a great champion; I want to say…”

Tommy rolls into the ring and grabs the TV belt and raises Knuckles arm with it. Then he backs away as Knuckles is celebrating his first reign, but then Tommy blind sides him with the mic to the back of his head!

HHL: What is he doing to our champion?

PC: He’s just feeling upset about the loss.

Tommy then lift up Knuckles and hits a Kiss The Freak on the chair. Then he looks at the crowd who start booing at Tommy, and he then places Knuckles head onto the seat of the chair, and picks up another chair…

PC: Oh my god, NO TOMM—



Then now the fans are throwing garbage at Tommy, who just stands there with evil smile at the downed Knuckles. Then he picks up the mic and kneels at the passed out Knuckles.

“Looks like your fifteen minutes of relevance is up Knuckles, enjoy your time as champion, because you’re not going to see the light of day. Also, I never even cared about winning the TV title, because what’s the point?”

Tommy then walks around the ring with the mic.

“They don’t care about me nor JB around here. They never saw potential in us, hell we even were due for a tag team title shot since last year. Did we ever get that invitation? Fuck no, and well it looks like we’ll never be accepted in this company.”

PC: What’s he talking about?

HHL: He’s just being overly dramatic; he needs to get out of the ring before security escorts him out!

Tommy then looks at the TV title, and picks up his own Lucille, and smashes the title plate. He kept smashing the belt until it near unnoticeable; then security comes to the ring, and tries to remove him, but he smacks each one of them with it, and bails out of the ring and walks through the crowd as the EMT comes to check on all the bodies Tommy laid waste as the next segment happens.

Griffin emerges from the entrance; eyes set straight ahead, he marches to the ring without much attention or emotion shown towards the crowd. Climbing the steel steps, he then takes his place within the ring and awaits his opponent's arrival.

Danza Kuduro hits and Hanari spins and dances his way out to the ramp in traditional latin Bachata style. He is carrying the flag of the Dominican Republic on a flag pole over his shoulder. He swings his hips and points at the ladies in the front row, winking and making the gun symbol with his thumb and index finger of his free hand. He spins again and walks his way down to the ring with a cocky head swing and a million dollar smile. Climbing the ring steps he gets into the ring, getting on the top rope and waving the flag a few times before jumping down and preparing for the match.

Shawn Warstein needs no introduction, his music plays and he's already in the ring due to some kind of necromancy.

[Image: rWOE8Gi.png]


Shawn "Fuzz" Warstein ©
- vs -
Griffin MacAlister
- vs -
Hanari Carnes
Triple Threat
Unlimited RP Rules




At the opening bell Hanari, Griffin and Shawn Warstein all stand in their corners and stare at each other coldly. Shawn moves first but instead of advancing on either of his opponents he drops to the canvas and rolls underneath the bottom rope and out of the ring. Griffin and Hanari look at him, confused, but Shawn motions for them to have at it as he begins to circle the ring on the floor. Hanari and Griffin eventually turn to each other and shrug, knowing they can win the Universal title by pinning the other, whether Shawn wants to get involved or not.

HHL: What the hell is Warstein doing?

PC: Some cowardly nonsense, HHL, some cowardly nonsense.

Griffin lunges at Hanari and quickly seizes control, irish whipping him into the ropes and catching him on the rebound with a knee to the midsection. Hanari is doubled over and Griffin drops a heavy elbow on the back of Carnes’ neck! Hanari hits the mat and Griffin tries to run off the ropes when suddenly Shawn Warstein reaches underneath the bottom rope and grabs his ankle, tripping him up. MacAlister spins around furiously and shouts something at Shawn, who simply shrugs innocently as Hanari climbs to his feet behind Griffin.

HHL: Hanari spins Griffin around!

PC: Spinebuster!

Carnes plants Griffin to the canvas and hooks his leg quickly, but Warstein is quickly underneath the bottom rope and back into the ring!


Warstein drops an elbow on Hanari and breaks up the count! Shawn rolls back to his feet and darts to the corner, watching carefully as Griffin and Hanari each stand slowly and look back at him. MacAlister and Carnes aren’t happy and look at each other, quickly agreeing to unite against the Universal Champion. Shawn looks panicked and immediately drops to the mat and rolls out of the ring again. Hanari and Griffin begin to make their way towards the ropes, but MacAlister apparently has a change of heart and wraps Hanari up from behind… Anaconda Vice! Carnes is flopping around wildly, but Griffin has him secured!

HHL: Hanari might tap!

PC: Here comes the champion again!

Shawn jumps back up to the apron, ready to re-enter the ring and break up the submission, but Griffin immediately drops Hanari and dropkicks Warstein off the apron to the floor! Shawn crashes hard, and Griffin quickly lunges through the ropes and to the floor and begins firing kicks to the champions midsection!

HHL: Shawn seemed to be avoiding any major involvement, but he has no choice now.

PC: He’s fighting scared and it’s going to cost him his title. What the shit is going on here?!

Shawn catches Griffins kick and manages to twist him off balance and into the fan barricade! Shawn jumps to his feet just as Hanari comes rolling out to the floor to join them. Shawn hammers him with a right hand as a greeting, and Hanari throws a quick kick to Warsteins thigh before launching a spinning back elbow that Shawn narrowly dodges. Shawn ducks behind the announcers table to get away from Hanari, much to the dismay of the fans.


HHL: Let go of me, Shawn!

Warstein clutches HHL by the shoulders, using her as a human shield from Hanari Carnes who is chasing close behind.

PC: You’re the Universal champion! Stop being a puss-

Hanari clocks PC in the back of the head trying to lunge for Warstein, knocking him out of his seat. Shawn quickly leaps away from the commentary table and jumps over the ring steps to the opposite side of the ring. Hanari tries to follow him but Griffin MacAlister is back up and grabs hold of him, irish whipping him hard into the ring post!


Carnes’ skull bounces hard off the steel, and Griffin rolls him back underneath the bottom rope and into the ring. Griffin turns to look at Shawn Warstein, casually flipping him the finger before climbing up to the apron, and then to the top rope.

HHL: Griffin MacAlister is going to the air! Frog splash!

Hanari rolls out of the way and Griffin crashes and burns violently on the mat! Hanari quickly pops to his feet and poses for the crowd!



Hanari kicks the taste out of Griffins mouth and MacAlister slumps lifelessly to the canvas! He drops to his knees for the pin when-

HHL: Shawn Warstein leaps through the ropes and into the ring, grabbing Hanari from behind and hurling him outside to the floor! Shawn makes the cover!

The referee slides into position to make the count!








Without celebrating Shawn Warstein grabs his Universal title from the referee and dives out of the ring, away from a furious Griffin and Hanari.

Special thanks to

James Raven
Russian Rose
Chris Page
Robert Main
Theo Pryce

And everyone that RPed this week.

Stay safe.

[Image: ESXHYMB.jpeg]
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[-] The following 8 users Like Atticus Gold's post:
(Gravy_Xtreme_5000) (04-18-2020), Peter Fn Gilmour (04-19-2020), red-x (04-22-2020), Robert "The Omega" Main (04-19-2020), Shawn Warstein (04-18-2020), Thunder Knuckles™ (04-18-2020), Tommy Wish (04-18-2020), Zane Norrison (04-19-2020)
Shawn Warstein Offline
Blood In Blood Out

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

04-18-2020, 07:27 PM

Spoiled the ending to my match there in the beginning, but overall an awesome show.
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Atticus Gold Offline
Gold is the New Black
Management Lv. 2

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

04-18-2020, 07:33 PM

(04-18-2020, 07:27 PM)Shawn Warstein Said: Spoiled the ending to my match there in the beginning, but overall an awesome show.

Yup, sorry about that. Some times double checking is never good enough.

[Image: ESXHYMB.jpeg]
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[-] The following 2 users Like Atticus Gold's post:
red-x (04-19-2020), Shawn Warstein (04-18-2020)
Shawn Warstein Offline
Blood In Blood Out

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

04-18-2020, 07:35 PM

I get it man. Mistakes happen, it’s all good.

And I promise you guys eventually I won’t resort to the dark arts for my entrance and will have a real one.
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[-] The following 2 users Like Shawn Warstein's post:
Atticus Gold (04-18-2020), red-x (04-19-2020)
red-x Offline

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

04-19-2020, 12:38 AM

@cataclysm - if i'm not chosen as a captain, i'd love to be a part of you guys' team, i have a mission as well.... maybe together we can restore the Realm of Xtreme back to its former glory.

W: 1 // L: 8

learn, survive, believe & thrive...
...become the best & eat them alive.

'...what happens when the joke dies...'

Quote:When I was a little girl, my mother spoke of a prophecy, of a time when all the world would be covered in darkness and the fate of mankind would be decided. One night I finally got the courage to ask my mother, why God was so mad at His children.

'I don't know,' she said, tucking the covers around me, 'I guess He just got tired of all the bullshit'
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[-] The following 1 user Likes red-x's post:
Robert "The Omega" Main (04-19-2020)
Hanari Carnes Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

04-19-2020, 07:58 AM


I wanted to address this in OOC as me before I do an in character response to the show.

There was a point when RPing and EFedding and life in general was just overall, not fun for me. I took it out on some people here and long story short I burned some bridges and rubbed some people the wrong way. On my return, I have been trying to be positive and working to re-new my image in the eyes of those who may have seen me as someone--or something--else. That wasn't me and I apologize.


This was probably the most fun I have had rping in A LONG TIME. Hell of a match, hell of a show, an appropriate finish to emphasize the Warstein heel character, and a hell of a promo battle. FuzzStein, my man, it was fun and I hope to work with you in some capacity again in the future.

Stay tuned for IC post
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[-] The following 2 users Like Hanari Carnes's post:
red-x (04-19-2020), Theo Pryce (04-19-2020)
Hanari Carnes Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

04-19-2020, 10:34 AM

Hanari is walking out of the arena in Pittsburgh. He has a disappointed look on his face but he also seems, relieved? He wore a suit both in and out of the arena.....there is a certain standard he holds himself to.

As he wheels his luggage towards the parking garage the camera pans out to a full shot.

Chris Chaos is standing , his back and one foot againt the wall. He tosses an apple up in the air, catches it, and takes a bite.

"Great work out there tonight, kid."

Hanari looks at Chaos.

"Excuse me? Who chu calling kid, mang?"

Chaos takes another bite of the apple, smiling to himself.

"Hanari.....look you know, I know, everyone who watches this program had that title won. Warstein did what Warstein does......nothing against you."

Hanari props his luggage back up, getting ready to wheel it again. He says nothing, for once.

".....I spoke to Atticus. We have a match next week."

Hanari exhales, and laughs a little to himself.

"Oh yeah? Me, versus chu mang?"

He stands nose to nose with Chaos.

"Whoa, calm your tits there, vato. AND me."

Hanari looked at him and started to walk away.

"I guess you don't want those tag belts back."

Hanari turned around, getting back in Chris's face.

"What are chu getting at?"

Hanari stares daggers into Chaos, huffing a bit.

"..........You and me have a tag match. Winner recieves a future tag match shot........but I have much bigger plans for you, young gun."

He puts his arms around Hanari's shoulders, ushering him towards the parking lot area.

"Walk with me, talk with me."
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Hanari Carnes's post:
red-x (04-19-2020)
Robert "The Omega" Main Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP


XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

04-19-2020, 07:43 PM

(04-19-2020, 12:38 AM)red-x Said: @cataclysm - if i'm not chosen as a captain, i'd love to be a part of you guys' team, i have a mission as well.... maybe together we can restore the Realm of Xtreme back to its former glory.

" It seems you have bigger issues at the moment."

Robert Grins

" Welcome to the shark tank kid!"

[Image: 6x9xFnQ.png]
[Image: nLYNvyj.png] x2
[Image: fMJwa5h.png] x2
[Image: WPoUWuI.png]

Longest Reigning Tag Team Champions in modern history. W- Drew Archyle & James Raven
Longest Reigning Hart Champion in modern history:280 days
2nd longest reigning Universal Champion :269 days
Tag Team Champions W- "Chronic" Chris Page as Cataclysm
Trio's Champion W- AX3
2020 May Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team Wargames 2020
Winning Team War Games 2019 W- APEX PROPHECY
2019 Feud of the year W- "Chronic" Chris Page
2019 Tag Team of the Year W- Drew Archyle & James Raven as APEX
Roleplay of the Month February 2019 "Junkyard Dog"
Leap Of Faith Winner 2018
July 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2017 Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team War Games 2017 W- APEX
Mr. 24/7
[Image: Qfgvjya.png]
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[-] The following 2 users Like Robert "The Omega" Main's post:
B.O.B. D (04-20-2020), red-x (04-21-2020)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

04-19-2020, 08:10 PM

you and page should pick me unless my best friend shane does it before u ;)

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Peter Fn Gilmour's post:
red-x (04-21-2020)
Robert "The Omega" Main Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP


XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

04-19-2020, 08:30 PM

(04-19-2020, 08:10 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: you and page should pick me unless my best friend shane does it before u ;)

" Peter that just might happen."

[Image: 6x9xFnQ.png]
[Image: nLYNvyj.png] x2
[Image: fMJwa5h.png] x2
[Image: WPoUWuI.png]

Longest Reigning Tag Team Champions in modern history. W- Drew Archyle & James Raven
Longest Reigning Hart Champion in modern history:280 days
2nd longest reigning Universal Champion :269 days
Tag Team Champions W- "Chronic" Chris Page as Cataclysm
Trio's Champion W- AX3
2020 May Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team Wargames 2020
Winning Team War Games 2019 W- APEX PROPHECY
2019 Feud of the year W- "Chronic" Chris Page
2019 Tag Team of the Year W- Drew Archyle & James Raven as APEX
Roleplay of the Month February 2019 "Junkyard Dog"
Leap Of Faith Winner 2018
July 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2017 Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team War Games 2017 W- APEX
Mr. 24/7
[Image: Qfgvjya.png]
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[-] The following 2 users Like Robert "The Omega" Main's post:
Peter Fn Gilmour (04-20-2020), red-x (04-21-2020)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

04-20-2020, 11:04 PM

i just want to be on the winning team ;)

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Peter Fn Gilmour's post:
red-x (04-21-2020)
Deontay Jackson

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

04-22-2020, 01:15 AM

(04-20-2020, 11:04 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: i just want to be on the winning team ;)

"Ya know? You sound like a bitch. Seems like ya always need someone to bail ya ass out."
[-] The following 2 users Like Deontay Jackson's post:
(04-22-2020), red-x (04-22-2020)
Isaiah Jackson

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

04-22-2020, 03:29 AM

(04-22-2020, 01:15 AM)Deontay Jackson Said:
(04-20-2020, 11:04 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: i just want to be on the winning team ;)

"Ya know? You sound like a bitch. Seems like ya always need someone to bail ya ass out."

"Like ma brudda zed, ya'll a bitch ass, crybaby, mofo! I bet ya'll mama still breast feedin' you!"
[-] The following 2 users Like Isaiah Jackson's post:
(04-22-2020), red-x (04-22-2020)

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