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The Dong and Schlong Connection Post PPV Party /Introducing The Rock's new Biatch
Author Message
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson Offline
Time for the Tea Bag

XWF FanBase:
Raging Face

(heavily cheered BECAUSE they'll break rules & bones)

07-15-2013, 03:36 PM

Holy spunk monkeys Folkes The Dong & Schlong Connection are hosting there very own post PPV pool party, it's gonna be wild.

Look over there... Andrew WK is stood in the corner with is band playing the same song over and over again!

Hey look here comes Rocky now.

"Hot diggidy dong-busting motherfuckers I see some of you have made it to this very special post PPV pool party biatches.

It's a very special party for The Rock in particular and I'll explain to you all why in just a second but for now would you look over there..."

The Rock points towards a hot tub next to where Andrew WK is performing. Vearne Troyer is sat enjoying the company of about a Dozen topless models.

"Rocks good friend Verne seem's to be enjoying himself over there.

Now anyway onto the reason I invited you XWF news team here in the first place.

The special news.

You see The Rock has noticed the high percentage of rent boys appearing in the XWF.

I mean Nightmare has his Apprentice, John Madison has Luca Arzegotti.

So The Rock has decided to get in on that game and has only gone and found himself a new biatch.

Now don't get The Rock wrong, his new biatch isn't going to talk for The Rock like The Apprentice does for Nightmare, no way what would be the point, everyone know's The Rock beats anyone with the mic right before shoving thus mic straight up there candy ass's.

Also Rock's new biatch will not lay down for The Rock like John Madisons little rent boy Luca is apprently going to do ummmmm. Any minute now.

Shit is that PPV not finished yet, no wonder it's still quiet around here.

Yeah so my biatch will not lay down for The Rock unless the XWF finally sanction a Dong & Schlong Connection special Siberian orgy right in the center of the ring live on one of there fine ass shows.

No my biatch wont do nothing for The Rock than meerly entertain The Rock. That is the sole reason The Rock as hired this guy, just to hand and party with The Dong & Schlong Connection and heck anyone else who want's to party with us.

So without stringing you jabronni's any further let me introduce you too my new party biatch...

The camera pans to where The Rock has pointed his finger. A blond haired man pulls himself out of the pool as The Rock reveals his name.

[Image: 51bnObp6CgL._SY300_.jpg]

Holy shit Dawg, what a specimen The Rock has found for himself and let me tell you what this is a funny motherfucker right here.

Hey Keith come over here and say something funny...

The Rock turns as does the XWF camera crew to see Keith Lemon in the hot tub talking to Verne. But he is interrupted...

Oh damn, It seem's that that boi has his umm face full right now.

Anyway , any of you other XWF biatches wanna join the hottest party in town, get yourself here right now...

[Image: banner.php?text%5B0%5D=&size%5B0%5D=40&opacity%5B0...&preview=1]

1 x X-Treme Champion (For about 40 seconds)

[Image: 2yo3alf.jpg]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's post:
Matt Lennox (07-15-2013)
Matt Lennox Offline
I cry like a baby

XWF FanBase:
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07-15-2013, 03:37 PM

Digging the Andrew WK fuck yeah!

[Image: 311kzti.jpg]

1 time XWF Xtreme champion
2 time FTW UFO E1999 champion
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Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson Offline
Time for the Tea Bag

XWF FanBase:
Raging Face

(heavily cheered BECAUSE they'll break rules & bones)

07-15-2013, 04:29 PM

The come and join the party!!!

And bring some friends!!!

[Image: banner.php?text%5B0%5D=&size%5B0%5D=40&opacity%5B0...&preview=1]

1 x X-Treme Champion (For about 40 seconds)

[Image: 2yo3alf.jpg]
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