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"The Eccentrix" Trey Carter
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04-05-2020, 11:50 AM


In-Ring Name: Eccentrix

Wrestler's Real Name: Trey Carter

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: New

Wrestler Date of Birth: October 6, 1997

Height: 6'4''

Weight: 235

Hometown: Los Angeles, CA

Personality: Over the Top heel

Looks Description:
Entrance: Dark black shades, black sleeveless muscle shirt, black elbow pads, black leather pants, gold leather boots, gold wrist bands, gold fingerless gloves, gold jacket
In Ring: Black sleeveless muscle shirt, black elbow pads, black leather pants, gold leather boots, gold wrist bands, gold fingerless gloves

Ethnicity: Black

Pic Base, if any: none

Strengths: Charismatic, Old School Wrestling, Strategic, Plays Mind Games

Weaknesses: Technical wrestling, Top Rope Moves

Entrance Theme Music: "Powerful (BOXINBOX & Lionsize Remix)" by Major Lazer feat. Ellie Goulding & Tarrus Riley

Special Entrance (if any): "Powerful (BOXINBOX & Lionsize Remix)" by Major Lazer feat. Ellie Goulding & Tarrus Riley plays and 'The Eccentrix' Trey Carter slowly walks out to the entrance and soaks in the atmosphere. He bends his torso down and readies himself as he waits for his music cue. The lyrics start and Trey starts his over-the-top theatrics. 'There's an energy' *Trey throws his right arm up and fireworks shoot out in the same direction* 'When you hold me' *Trey throws his left arm up and fireworks shoot out in the same direction)*'When you touch me', 'It's so powerful', *Trey flexes both his arms* 'I can feel it' *Trey hangs his head back so that he's looking at the rafters and moves both his arms out; fireworks shoot out both sides* 'When you hold me' *Trey stays in the same position as the fireworks repeat with every beat* 'When you touch me', 'It's so powerful' *gold fireworks shower the stage as Trey continues to hold his postion*. The beat plays and Trey smiles arrogantly as Amy Lessly approaches his side and they walk down the ramp. Amy Lessly holds the rope open for Trey and he holds his jacket up as he bends under the third rope to get in. Trey stands in the middle of the ring and throws his arms back to that Amy Lessly can take the jacket off of him. Trey hands her his shades and smiles to himself as he awaits his opponent.

5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
Dragon Suplex
Release German Suplex
Samoan Drop
Scoop Slam into Reverse DDT
Fisherman Suplex
Tilt-a-whirl Sidewalk Slam
High Angle Boston Crab

Trademark Move(s): Backwards Bow
Description(s): Starts as a Reverse Vertical Suplex. Eccentrix holds his opponent's neck and then rolls into a Dragon Sleeper sitting on top of opponent

Finishing Move(s): Eccentric Stunner
Description(s): Reverse Suplex transitioned into a Stunner on the way down.

Favorite Hardcore Attacks/Spots:
"Theatrical Release" Release German Suplex near the ropes, tossing his opponent over the top into the outside
"Sight for Sore Ass"- Relentlessly beats his opponent's ass with a chair. Sets the chair up in the middle of the ring, and then riles the crowd as he sits his opponent's sore ass on the chair.

Additional notes:
"The Eccentrix" Trey Carter is all about the extravagant things in life. Planes, cars, big houses, fancy meals...a life of luxury. Unfortunately he can't afford any of those things so he compensates with his huge showman personality and obnoxious attitude. His mouth led him to all his opportunities, even getting him into the business at the young age of 18. The indies loved his charisma and would book him speaking segments during shows and send him out on social media as the brand ambassador. It wasn't too long before he labeled himself "High Ruler of the Indies". Eccentrix was handed championship opportunities and titles without truly earning them; this did not sit well with the other wrestlers. Eccentrix found himself constantly on the defensive as he would have to use his promos to legitimize himself against much better wrestlers. All of his matches were won by dirty means, usually aided by his partners in crime Amy Lessly and Shea Oliver. With their help, he stayed undefeated for two years. Suddenly the cars, fast girls and nice size bank account was a real thing. He had everything he ever wanted, due His evil reign lasted until a masked wrestler challenged him to a match in front of the grandest indie stage at the time. Eccentrix wrestled the masked wrestler in the main event and received the ass kicking of a lifetime. His weak wrestling was exposed, interference was shut down, and the masked wrestler's charisma could not be matched. After Eccentrix was beaten and heckled throughout all forms of media covering the event, he went into hiding. Now 23, and with 3 years just working on the craft, The Eccentrix looks to make a big impact and regain his past glory. By any means necessary...


In-Ring Name:

Wrestler's Real Name:

New to XWF or a returning roster member?:

Wrestler Date of Birth:





Looks Description:


Pic Base, if any:



Entrance Theme Music:

Special Entrance (if any):

5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves:

Trademark Move(s):

Finishing Move(s):

Favorite Hardcore Attacks/Spots:

Additional notes:

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