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Wednesday Night Warfare - 3/4/20 - RESULTS
Author Message
SBW-SmokingBobWilliams Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

03-04-2020, 04:17 PM



From !!!

[Image: 1200px-Wavertree_Sports_Park_%283%29.JPG]


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Winner will face the Hart Champion in the 2nd Warfare after March Madness, in a Triple Threat Match

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[Image: JggTqeU.png]

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LADDER MATCH - First person to climb the ladder and unlock the hanging Hart Championship becomes Hart Champion.




From !!!

[Image: 1200px-Wavertree_Sports_Park_%283%29.JPG]


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Winner will face the Hart Champion in the 2nd Warfare after March Madness, in a Triple Threat Match

A figure is seen walking out from the back wearing a black hooded sweatshirt on. The hood was over his head so he couldn't be seen, and his head was looking down.

He stood in a stance. And as a white light appeared on his front, he unzipped his sweatshirt and showed the front of the t-shirt:

[Image: 4235893084%20Front.jpg]

As it continued he turned around and took off his hooded sweatshirt and revealed the back of the t-shirt which read:

[Image: 4235893084%20Back.jpg]

He turned back around and stood in a pose as the white light bathed on him to reveal: MASTERMIND

He then smirks as he walks all the way to the ring, with the Misfits Manager Antony The Jerk, walking not far behind. Followed by Melanie 'Crayzee' Childs and Kris 'The Hammer' Von Bonn. Mastermind jumps into the ring, and awaits his opponent.

The starting riffs of Rise Against's Savior shakes through the arena, getting the crowd pumped up for the upcoming match. As the main guitar riff finally starts to kick in, the Kaiser himself, Finn Kühn walks out from behind the curtains, a smug a look as ever as he scans through the crowd and in the ring. Many members of the crowd lob boos at Finn with only a few scattered cheers at most. After his brief surmise of the situation, Finn walks down to the ring, hands locked together behind his back with his attention firmly placed at the match at hand.

Finn gets up on the apron before dusting his boots off. After showing the proper respect to the mat it deserves, Finn heads in, determined and ready to walk away with a W.

As the bell rings, Mastermind extends his hand for a shake, about ten minutes in, Finn swipes his hand in an act of defiance. Mastermind then get heated, and throws strong Haymakers to the body, and then he locks in a Side Headlock on Finn. But Finn pushes Mastermind to the ropes, and breaks it off, and connects with a Roundhouse Kick to Mastermind. As Mastermind is on the ground, Finn then hits a Elbow Drop on Mastermind’s chest a few times.

PIP: Man Finn is going really hard on Mastermind; I wouldn’t be shocked if he doesn’t get a shirt from Mastermind.

HEATHER: Well at this rate, Finn might take out the Masters Of Minds here tonight.

Finn then lifts up Mastermind, and Forearm Smash him, then he drags him to the corner. Finn moves to the other side of the ring, and charges towards Mastermind. But Mastermind moves out of the way, and gives him Punches into the corner. Then he Whips Finn to the corner, and Finn flows over Mastermind into a Sunset Flip pin..



Mastermind claps his thighs on Finn’s head and rolls back to his feet. Then Finn gives a sarcastic clap towards Mastermind.

PIP: Huh looks like he’s cheering on Mastermind for that kickout. Last time I checked, he wouldn’t clap his thighs on aonther man’s head like that.

HEATHER: No need to shame him for his kickout Pip…

Mastermind then knee’s him in the gut, and goes for a Back Body Drop, but Finn flips on his feet, and gives a German Suplex on Mastermind. Finn then tries to lock in a Time’s Arrow, but Mastermind manages to slide to the outside. Mastermind is looking at Finn, while the ref was counting up to four.

Finn then follows Mastermind outside of the ring, and he stands on the Apron. Then the charges at Mastermind to hit him with a Running Axe Bomber off the Apron. Finn then lifts up Mastermind and whips him into the Steel Steps. The referee restarted the count…



Finn then pulls off the padding to expose the concrete, and lifts up Mastermind and places him in a powerbomb position to hit his Lion’s Den on the concrete, but Mastermind reverses it into the Back Body Drop on Finn.



Mastermind then lifts Finn up and he grabs Finn by the throat and Chokeslam’s him on the concrete. Then Mastermind slides back into the ring, and Finn slowly creeps back into the ring. Mastermind then hits a Leg Drop on the back of Finn’s head. Then Mastermind turns him on his back and drags him to the middle of the ring.

Mastermind goes to the top rope and goes for a Flying Headbutt, but Finn moved out the way. As Mastermind is holding his head in pain, Finn manages to Deadlift Dragon Suplex Mastermind into a bridge….

PIP: Finn is really putting in work, I guarantee that that beautiful Dragon Suplex will put Mastermind away.





Finn then tries to go for the Time’s Arrow, but Mastermind managed to power through the hold, and got on his feet with one of Finn’s legs. Then Mastermind transitions it to a MIND CONTROLLER, and locks it in as Finn is reaching for the ropes.


HEATHER: Will we see Finn getting his t-shirt tonight in LIVERPOOL????

Finn tries desperately to get to the bottom rope, but Mastermind sensing this, moves back into the center of the ring, and Finn is yelling out in pain. He doesn't want to tap.


Mastermind increases the hold, and more pain for Finn......

PIP: "Surely Finn has no chance but to tap....."

Finally Finn taps.



You would think that with the bell being rung, Mastermind would release the MIND CONTROLLER, but he keeps it locked in. The referee is yelling at Mastermind to let Finn, finally he does.

He walks to the ropes and instructs Kris The Hammer Von Bonn who along with Melanie 'Crayzee' Childs, and Antony The Jerk, they have been watching on from the other side of the ring, Mastermind instructs Kris to join him in the ring. Kris slides into the ring. Mastermind whispers something in Kris's ear. Kris nods, Mastermind walks over to Finn, who is trying to move, and knees him in the back. The crowd starts booing.

Mastermind starts to smirk at the boos. He helps a defenseless Finn Kuhn to his feet, and then pushes him towards Kris. Kris grabs Finn, and places him in his Finisher HAMMER TIME a.k.a Pedigree. Kris executes the move very well. Kris stands back at. Melanie then slides into the ring, as does Antony. And All 4 of them stand over the defenseless Finn.

Mastermind's new entrance music starts playing. And all 4 of them gives each other a fist bump, and then they leave the ring, to a chorus of boos.

Jenny Myst and Kalel Drake are outside the door of the "Chaotic Inc." locker room. They are giggling and gossiping, like usual.

Jenny: You looked good out there versus Zane! I was impressed!

Kalel: He cheated, grabbed the tights! I had him!

Jenny: Don't even worry about it, girl, we got a match on Savage versus that pervert Shane can take all your aggression put there.

Kalel: He's gonna pay! Can you believe he gets to go on a date with BOTH of us if he wins?

Jenny: Ew. Like totally, we can't let that happen.

Kalel: For sure! We gotta come up with a gamepla----

They both turn towards the figure who steps onto camera. It's Rebel Star, and......she's blonde.

Jenny: I...uh...umm.....

Rebel: Ya'll said my hair didn't work last week. So I fixed it! Now, how can I be of service?

Kalel: What the hell is wrong with her?

Jenny has a smirk on her face, a wicked grin.

Jenny: Nothing.....nothing at all...........

She takes an arm around Rebel's shoulder and opens the door, leading her inside.

Jenny: I think this could work out nicely.

Pip: My god! Did Rebel Star just join Chaotic Inc?!

Heather: Looks like it!

Pip: First Kieran now Rebel, they're building an army!

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Surprisingly, Amjetkun Socio is the first to come out for his match. In fact he's already just lingering about at ringside without having had any entrance music or introduction at all. He's drinking some sort of nasty ass looking, lumpy protein shake. With a belch, he spills some on his own chest and waves off the camera with a snarl.

Socio: You fucks just start without my intro. I'm here bro. *BeEeEeEeLCH!!!*

HEATHER: Socio seems to value health over theatrics.

PIP: He's disgusting.

The words "FOLLOW ME" show up on the X-Tron screen as smoke billows at the entrance. Blue and white lights flicker. At the 10 second mark, he steps through the smoke wearing his jacket (Rated R Edge trench coat). Looking to both sides of the crowd. He walks slowly to the ring until he gets about 3/4 of the way down, then jogs and slides into the ring (edge style)...When he gets into the ring he gets up on the far turnbuckle and gets up on it, throwing both arms up.

Griffin emerges from the entrance; eyes set straight ahead, he marches to the ring without much attention or emotion shown towards the crowd. Climbing the steel steps, he then takes his place within the ring and awaits the start of the match.

Griffin and Chaos circle while Socio stands in the corner, drinking a protein shake. He seems to not care all that much about the match. In fact it's a surprise he eve remembered to come to the ring.

Chaos and Griffin lock up. Chaos is quick to spin him into a headlock. Griffin shoves him off, off the ropes, and ducks as Chaos goes for a clothesline. Chaos comes off the ropes the other way and hits a flying clothesline on Griffin. He looks at Socio, whose still drinking his shake.

Chaos turns his attention back to Griffin, whose back on his feet. He turns smack into a right hand from MacAlister, then another, then another. Chaos is backed into the corner. Griffin is firing off shots, but Chaos begins to battle back. The two trade punches back and forth from the corner, Griffin gets a knee to the gut which doubles Chaos over, and stands him back up, continuing to fire off shots.

He whips Chaos into the other corner. He runs and splashes Chaos, who stumbles out to the middle. Griffin hits a DDT in the center of the ring.

HEATHER: This is gonna be quick!! Another Chaos choke job!

Griffin hooks the leg.



----Chaos gets a shoulder up.

PIP: Maybe not yet.

Griffin picks Chaos up by the hair. He goes to pick him up into a suplex but Chaos counters. Sliding behind Griffin, he hits a forearm to the kidney he wraps his hands around Griffin's waist. He throws him behind him for a German Suplex. Popping back up with an intense look on his face......Chaos walks over to Socio. The big dumb jock has a stupid look on his face. Chaos slaps the protein drink out of his hand. It spills all over him as it hits the mat. Socio has an enraged look in his eyes.


PIP: Toxic masculinity at its finest here, Pip!

Chaos is up in his face as the two talk trash. Just then Griffin comes from behind, going to club Chaos in the back of the head, but Chaos ducks and the forearm hits the massive chest of Socio.

Socio shoves Griffin into Chaos who hits a back body drop on him. He then signals to Socio to "bring it".

The big man and Chaos square off, throwing blows. Socio, who is much larger, gets the upper hand in this department right away. Chaos hits the mat and rolls out of the ring. Socio looks at Griffin who is just getting to his feet.

"RRRRAAAWRRRR" he yells out! The big man charges! But Griffin dives out of the way and Socio runs so hard into the corner that the whole ring SHAKES!!!!!

Chaos slides back into the ring as Griffin is beating down on the back and head of Socio who is stumbling around the ring pretty much out on his feet. Griffin winds up and nails Socio with a huge uppercut that sends him stumbling on over to Chaos who catches him with a big haymaker! Socio gets sent back and forth between them as they just beat the hell out of his face!

HEATHER: Socio looking like a ping pong ball tonight!

PIP: Yeah, if ping pong balls had veins the size of spaghetti all over them!

Socio's eyes are still wide open and he hasn't blinked as he stands there, gently swaying back and forth as Griffin and Chris Chaos look at each other. They look back at Socio who remains still, just gazing out into nothingness with that blank stare on his face...

Double superkick!

Griffin and Chris both nailed Socio and he fell backward into the ropes, bouncing right back into Griffin and Chris both hoisting the big steroid abusing freak high into the air with a double military press!

PIP: Wow! They've got him up there!

HEATHER: Aaaaand out he goes!!!

They dump Socio out of the ring and he slaps down onto the ringside mats with a greasy SPLAT and slides along them several feet until hitting his head against a camerman's foot, inadvertently breaking it.

Griffin quickly uses this time to surprise Chris with a kick to the gut followed by a gutwrench suplex. He throws a boot party all over his ass as the fans lose their shit and all start stomping too.

HEATHER: Boot party!

PIP: Some of the fans are stomping other fans! Oh my god that grown man in the crowd is stomping children!

Griffin keeps kicking and stomping the hell out of Chris and goes for a cover...



Chris manages to twist out of the pin and bring Griffin into a grounded chicken wing which he holds for a few seconds and uses to drain some of Griffin's power. Griffin is struggling to break free and Chris finally lets him free just before he would have escaped on his own, only to catch Griffin with a but boot to the face!

Griffin is sent out of the ring and lands a few feet away from Amjetkun Socio who is still unconscious and seemingly leaking some kind of oil as the puddle around him grows.

HEATHER: If that's not oil, I don't like any of the alternatives. Let's hope it's oil...

A foul stench fills the air and begins to choke the life out of Griffin as Chris looks on from inside the ring. Griffin is grabbing at his own throat and gagging, then slowly drags himself along the ringside area as far as he can away from Socio's body.

Griffin manages to pull himself up and while gasping for air he looks up and points over at Socio...

Griffin: He's got the protein shits. Oh god. Ugh!

Griffin starts to gag again and now the smell has finally reached all the way into the ring as Chris Chaos' eye both bulge out of his head. He can't believe the power of the putrid odor as he cups both of his hands over his face and tries to kind of duck and dodge where he thinks the smell is the worst.

HEATHER: What the hell are we seeing right now?


Pip and Heather indeed have been reached by the long arm of the lawless stench that would take no prisoners. They start choking and throwing up all over.

Many of the fans start having terrible reactions to the smell.

A nasty, dark, oily puddle continues to thicken around Socio's body. It's clear that the majority of it is emanating from the area of his asshole.

Several minutes go by and a clean up crew shows up. They clean Socio up, including changing him and wiping him. ...And burping him. These clean up experts in their Hazmat suits are the fastest clean up crew in history!

The arena smells fresh again and everyone is happy because free pizza slices and beer are being given out to any fans that got sick.

PIP: Oh god I still feel like puking. I need one of those slices!

A long enough time has gone by that Amjetkun Socio wakes up from the smell of all the pizza! He must think it's cheat day! He charges Chris Chaos but Chaos drops and catches him with a drop toe hold. The big oaf lands face first but instantly gets back up and decides to run at Griffin, basically getting the same exact result. Then the SAME sequence happens AGAIN with each of them and Socio slaps the mat in frustration! Griffin and Chris literally just look at each other and go "what the fuck?" and shrug. Socio then mirrors them, but shrugs WAY harder! Fans aren't sure what to make of this.

Socio starts shadow boxing with someone who isn't there and Griffin stands back, observing. Now Socio starts shadow slapping some bitch who isn't there and screaming he's going to rape her. Now he's shadow raping! The fans are all "what the fuck bro" clap clap clapclapclap "what the fuck bro" clap clap clapclapclap.

Just then Chris Chaos chose his time to strike!

BAM! But Griffin moved! Chaos just ran face first into the ring post after missing his target!

Griffin blasts Chris with a knee to the face that finishes busting him open where he had just cut himself on the post!

Griffin throws Chris into the ring steps and then brings him over to the ringside barricade and suplexes him right onto it!


The referee finally starts getting people back into the ring, starting with Griffin and following up with Socio who has started pumping his fists as if he's lifting a barbell right now. He's looks down at his biceps as he shadow pumps that max weight.

PIP: What an idiot!

Griffin climbs to the top turnbuckle and leaps off, catching Socio with a huge missile dropkick that takes him off his feet!

Griffin follows up with several stomps and drops an elbow across the roided up space case who is just not starting to try and block the shots and acting like he's surprised by someone attacking him!

HEATHER: Griffin please inject some brains into this big reject!

Griffin and Socio are trading blows. Both men going almost down to one knee with each shot. The crowd suddenly comes alive as a bloodied Chris Chaos rolls into the ring, crouching in the corner............

HEATHER: Chaos doesn't have much left.....but he's picking his spot here

PIP: This is his Swan Song!

Chaos charges....


HEATHER: Good lord he nearly cut Griffin MacAlister in half!!!!!!

Chaos pops up with a grin, blood running down his face. He backs up into Socio.

PIP: Uh-oh.

But the big man is a big hobbled. Chaos knees him in the stomach.

HEATHER: No way! He's not gonna get him over his head?!

PIP: Impossible!

Chaos lifts the big man onto his shoulders.



Chaos looks the leg.




Winner: Chris Chaos

HEATHER: So Chaos will keep his shot at the Hart Title, and he will compete in a triple threat on the second Warfare after March Madness!

PIP: Speaking of March Madness.....


He is behind Chaos, sizing him up...

LION'S DEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chaos is out.

Finn stands over a bloodied Chaos.

HEATHER: That's uncalled for!

PIP: Uncalled for? He and Jenny took out Maverick on Anarchy, for no reason, and spray painted his back! Finn is defending his friend......

Jenny runs down to the ring. Finn grins and rolls out of the ring as she rolls in. He backs up the ramp with a smrik as Jenny is yelling at him from the ring. Chaos, who has rolled onto his side, is staring daggers.

HEATHER: This is a powder keg here, this thing is gonna explode at the Pay Per View!

[Image: JggTqeU.png]

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LADDER MATCH - First person to climb the ladder and unlock the hanging Hart Championship becomes Hart Champion.

The lights in the arena dim, then go to full black. We then see fire emiting from the ramp after a bell tolls a few times. We then hear "SUCK MY DICK" blast from the PA and the crows begins to go ape shit. "FUCK EVERYBODY" by Steel Panther begins to kick in as res strobe lights and lasers hit the stage. We see Peter Gilmour and his demon assassin Valerie Sky appear on the stage. They look around as Peter boobs his head to the music. As soon as the chorus kicks in we see Peter start singing into the camera saying, "EVERYBODY CAN SUCK MY DICK!" They head to the ring and then get in normally. Peter then throws his hands up in an "X" pose as fire and fireworks go off above the ring in the same manner. Peter looks at Valerie and smiles wickedly as they look at the stage waiting for their next victim.

PIP: Tonight's main event sees Peter Gilmour challenge for the Hart Championship.

HEATHER: Ladder matches are always a sight to behold, and these two men should bring the house down!

PIP: Well, if it stays only two men. Shane's stable of miscreants might have something to do, this is a ladder match, no disqualifications!

Centurion steps out onto the ramp, the Hart Championship around his waist as the fans all go wild.

*CENT*URE*EE*ON*clap, clap, clap clap clap*CENT*URE*EE*ON*clap, clap, clap clap clap*

Centurion points out to the crowd, his focus directed toward the ring and Peter Gilmour.

HEATHER: The fans solidly behind Centurion here tonight!

Centurion enters the ring and removes the Hart Championship from around his waist. Ladders are seen set up ringside as Maria Brink takes a seat near the time keeper's table. The referee takes the Hart Championship belt and attaches it to a set of hooks, which are promptly raised above the ring.


Both men go into a tie up, and Peter presses his size advantage to go into a standing side headlock. Centurion slides out of the lock and cinches in a hammerlock. Peter with a reverse elbow, but Centurion is too quick. Peter attempts another reverse elbow, hitting nothing, but Centurion's focus on the elbows allows Peter to transition into an arm wrench! Peter goes around again, putting more torque on the arm wrench! Centurion rolls through it, and puts Peter down with a drop toe hold!

PIP: Very technical wrestling match so far here!

HEATHER: With that title suspended above the ring, the fireworks are bound to go off eventually!

Centurion transitions into a headlock, but Peter pivots at the last minute and is to his knees with a rear waistlock on Centurion! Centurion with a back elbow, which connects, but Peter presses his size advantage and hoists Centurion swiftly ready to drop him with a back drop suplex! Centurion flips backward and onto his feet, then shoots off the ropes! Peter hits the deck, and Centurion bounds over him into the opposite ropes! Centurion rebounds, and Peter with a leap frog, sending Centurion back into the ropes again. Centurion catches himself, stopping his momentum as Peter spins, both men glaring at one another.

Both men circle each other, and Peter points skyward towards the Hart Title suspended above the ring, the points at his own chest.


Centurion shakes his head 'no', and both men go in for a tie up! Peter with a swift low blow to Centurion! The crowd doesn't like it one bit. With Centurion doubled over from the cheap shot, Peter brings down a massive forearm to Centurion's back! Another forearm shot to Centurion, and Peter turns and appeals to the crowd, basking in their boos. Peter turns back to Centurion, but Centy drops to a knee and punches Peter right in the dick!

PIP: That dick isn't feeling super right now!

HEATHER: Super painful, maybe.

Centurion gets back to his feet and raises Peter to an erect standing position. Huge back chop from Centurion onto Gilmour, which echoes throughout the arena! Peter stumbles back into a corner, holding his chest! Centurion comes in hot and throws a dropkick to Peter in the corner, sending Peter keeling over the top rope for a moment before he drops back to his feet in the corner! As he does, we hear the crowd erupt in boos as Tristan Slater steps out onto the ramp, watching the happenings of the match.

PIP: What is Slater doing here?

HEATHER: Slater wants Centurion to know he is, that's what!

Tristan smiles as he walks coolly down to the ring. Centurion turns and sees Tristan, and points at him. This gives Peter a break, allowing Peter club Centurion in the back of the head! Peter hoists Centurion up and delivers a nasty gut buster! As he does, Tristan is ringside and folding one of the ladders. He hands it to Peter.

HEATHER: Oh, come on, this is bull!

Peter pulls the ladder into the ring and sets it up in the middle of the mat. He begins to climb, but only two rungs up and Centurion is back to his feet, clubbing at Peter's lumbar vertebrae with a forearm! Peter is forced back down the ladder, and Centurion shoots Peter into the ropes with an Irish whip! Centurion hits the deck, and Peter collides with the ladder, sending it to the ground! Peter goes down too, holding his face, which made prime contact with the ladder!

PIP: Gilmour getting a face full of ladder there!

Centurion goes to the ladder and picks it up, but as he does, Slater hops onto the ring apron in the opposite corner! Centurion charges Tristan with the ladder, and Tristan hops down! Centurion jaws at Tristan, the ladder draped over the top rope! Peter recovers and rushes in, nailing Centurion with an avalanche splash in the corner! Peter looks down at the ladder with a sadistic grin, then back at Centurion! Peter lifts Centurion up and does a body slam, posting upside down on the ladder which is leaning against the top rope! Peter shoots off to the side ropes, and comes back with a leg drop to be delivered onto Centurion who is still on the ladder leaning on the top rope! Centurion rolls off at the last minute, and Peter winds up getting his leg hooked in one of the rungs of the ladder! The crowd is going ballistic, except Tristain and Maria who look mortified!

HEATHER: Not good for Gilmour!

PIP: He's had worse!

Centurion leaps, performing a slingshot moonsault onto the other side of the ladder! Peter is catapaulted with the rung of a ladder going straight up his taint! Peter lands on the opposite side of the ring, his grundle broken in half! Peter is down! Centurion pulls himself up to his feet on the apron, obviously feeling the damage of moonsaulting a ladder! As he does, Tristan slater grabs him by the leg and pulls him down, causing his face to smash into the ladder! The crowd boos loudly!

HEATHER: Well, Ladder Matches don't have disqualications!

PIP: Yeah, but this is straight bull. Centurion is getting robbed.

The crowd continues to boo as Shane steps out onto the ramp along with the Hired Guns. Centurion notices and deliviers a forearm to Slater, backing him off, allowing Centurion to slide back into the ring. He eyes all four of the men ringside and then Gilmour, who has propped himself up in the corner to catch his breath. Centurion grabs the ladder and rushes, smacking Peter in the chin with the bottom rung of the ladder! Centurion shoots back into the opposide corner, and rebounds, delivering a baseball slide to the top of the ladder on the mat, almost decapitating Gilmour! The crowd cringes with how vicious that was!

HEATHER: Has Peter had worse than that?

PIP: ...I'm not sure.

The crowd turns though as Shane, Tristan, and each of the Hired Guns mount the ring apron on each side of the ring. As tension builds, Centurion slowly circles the ring, eying each of the men under Shane's command, realizing the standoff won't end well. Centurion charges Tristan Slater, who hops down from the apron, and as they do, the Hired Guns enter the ring and begin to work over Centurion. Shane cackles at all of this, and throws a sharp kick to the ass of Centurion as the beating continues. Slater is seen ringside laughing, backing himself away towards the entrance ramp.

HEATHER: This isn't a match, this is a mugging!

PIP: Damn Peter, Damn Shane, Damn Tristan, and Damn those Hired Guns!

Centurion goes to a knee, in no way rebuffing the attack of three men. The Hired Guns hoist the ladder off of Peter and back off to the far side of the ring. Shane kneels beside his fallen Peter, and jostles him. Shane shakes his Peter vigorously but to no avail, he's out from that last shot from Centurion! Shane reaches into his pocket, looking for something that will help Peter stand erect! Shane pulls out some smelling salts! The Hired Guns take the ladder and charge, clotheslining Centurion with it! Centurion goes down like a ton of bricks, and the Hired Guns place the ladder on top of Centurion's head! A stereo stomp onto the ladder sends Centurion's body into convulsions! Peter's starting to show signs of life, slowly shaking his head as Shane uses the smelling salts! Suddenly...

The lights dim in the arena as the crowd goes wild, knowing that when that music hits, Robbie Bourbon commits malicious assault and battery. Shane, The Hired Guns, and Slater all stop, surprised but scrambling to preparedness. It's at this point, from under the ring, Robbie Bourbon scrambles out and clobbers Tristan Slater with a huge clothesline! Robbie slides into the ring and rushes Shane, picking him up by the scruff of his neck! Robbie slams Shane's face into the turnbuckle, and the impact sends Shane over the top rope and out onto the floor! Robbie turns and points at the Hired Guns! They both deliver a front kick to his massive gut, doubling Robbie over! They both hook Robbie for a double suplex! Robbie lifts the Hired Guns in stereo and drops them forward onto the top ropes with a stereo snakeeyes! Robbie slides out of the ring and starts towards Tristan Slater!

HEATHER: Robbie Bourbon getting payback for his last two matches!

PIP: Robbie Bourbon is a madman, there's no nobility in this!

HEATHER: Are you sure about that?

As Robbie stalks Slater, Peter Gilmour, holding his jaw, scrambles to his feet, revived by the smelling salts! Peter stands the ladder up, and slowly begins climbing it as Centurion is out cold on the mat! Peter looks around in shock, but refocuses on the ladder. He slowly begins to climb as Slater and Bourbon brawl ringside. Peter slowly, and slowly scales the ladder.

One rung.

After another.

After another.

The body of Centurion lying on the mat.

Shane and the Hired Guns rushing to the aid of Tristan Slater...

...who gets Robbiebombs through a ladder set up ringside by Robbie Bourbon!

Peter reaches for the belt...

When the camera shows, up in the rafters, is none other than "Notorious" Ned Kaye! A spotlight shows on him as the crowd goes wild! He's holding a rope and wearing a harness! Ned Kaye repells from the rafters into the ring, onto the ladder itself! The crowd starts calling it like it is!



HEATHER: Gilmour can't believe it!

Ned hip tosses Peter off the ladder to the mat far below! Ned turns and sees Shane and the Hired Guns, tussling with Robbie Bourbon! Robbie shoves the Hired Guns off and towards the entrance ramp as he and Shane back into a corner of the outside ring area. Ned Kaye springboards off the ladder with a corkscrew shooting star press onto the Hired Guns, taking them to the floor!


Centurion slowly gets to his feet, and slowly makes his way to the ladder. He looks out at the carnage ringside, at Ned Kaye slowly getting to his feet and pointing at him. He looks at Robbie Bourbon, who rolls his eyes at Centurion then gestures brusquely at the championship belt hanging above the ring.


HEATHER: and his goons were cut off here tonight!

PIP: Another asterisk for Centurion.

Centurion slowly starts climbing the ladder. Peter rolls onto his side in the ring, wiped out from the massive hip toss off the ladder. Step by step, Centurion scales the ladder.

Rung by rung.

His beaten body trying.

Endeavored towards the climb.

The championship at the top.

The crowd going wilder...

...and Wilder...

As Centurion reaches the top.

And retrieves the Hart Championship!! The bell rings!


The crowd are still in awe over what they've just seen unfold. Bourbon, Shane and company seem to have brawled their way to the back and are long gone.

Ned raises Cent’s arm as the crowd cheers on. After lowering it, Kaye walks over to the nearest ring post and reaches for a mic from the ring announcer. He walks back into the center of the ring, checking on his friend, making sure Cent is alright after the beatdown.

PIP: “Ned’s looks a little less cheery than usual, Pip.”

HEATHER: “That’s a kind way to put it. He looks downright pissed.”

Ned sees Centurion out of the ring before raising the microphone to his lips, giving his best attempt at a smile.

“Well, Liverpool, how are y’all doing?”

The crowd gives a pig pop in response, lightening Kaye’s demeanor somewhat.

“You know, I wish I could say the same.”

“Because despite a rough road to getting here, I got a lot going for me. And I was excited to come out here tonight and go over my thoughts on March Madness. About being here and putting my XWF contract on the line because I believe I can be the next Universal Champion, even though so many have tried to drill into my head otherwise. I vowed not to re-sign with this company if I didn’t win the belt, not because I was looking for an excuse to leave, but because if I’m going to stay, I want to be the best version of myself for these fans. Even for my competitors. I love the XWF and all of you deserve everything I can give!”

The audience in attendance give a loud cheer for The Notorious One.

“So, I was fully prepared to train my hardest and learn more and more about what it means to be a champion from people who know it better than anybody else: The APEX Prophecy! And I decided that even though Shane’s Engineer was reprehensible, I could still go out there and have a match regardless of what they threw at me. And let’s face it, they were always going to do something or another. So what? If I can listen to Sarah Lacklan’s monologues about how I suck, or Noah Jackson’s consistent vulgar dismissal of me, then I can handle Shane and Co.”

Kaye pauses, getting visibly angrier again.

“But you just couldn’t help yourselves, could you? No, instead of coming after me, you went after my friends. You attacked Big D on Saturday and now you thought you could just handicap Centurion out of a victory. Not only was well-enough not left alone, it was beaten within an inch of its life. But you know what? Fine.”

“Try all you want to hurt the people I care about because you’re not man enough to come after me. I’ll stand beside them and they’ll prove your little assessments wrong in the same way I will when I take that championship from you. Now, if you stop targeting the people I care about, that’s all I”ll do. But if you continue this, "Engineer," then I’m not just gonna beat you, I’m gonna make it hurt. I’m going to hurt you so much, Corey will become lucid again. In short, I will beat the “you” out of you.”

“You can even call me uninspired while stealing Noah’s insult for me and being a glorified tribute act to Dexter Bright. You can still be that hypocritical. But you keep my friends out of this. Because if you keep adding to that tab, eventually you’re gonna pay. So, be patient, “Engy,” ‘cause I have my match and, at March Madness, you’re about to get yours.”

The fans roar as Ned drops the mic and Warfare comes to a close!

A big thank you to:

Robbie Bourbon
Shane / Chris Chaos
Tommy Wish

For writing their matches so quickly

Jenny Myst
Notorious Ned Kaye

For writing segments for the show

And everyone who role played for this very short Warfare.

Warfare will be taking a break because of March Madness, but I hope to see an increase in matches when it returns in April.
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[-] The following 7 users Like SBW-SmokingBobWilliams's post:
B.O.B. D (03-04-2020), Chris Chaos (03-04-2020), Corey Smith (03-04-2020), Ned Kaye (03-04-2020), Peter Fn Gilmour (03-05-2020), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (03-04-2020), Shawn Warstein (03-04-2020)
Corey Smith Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

03-04-2020, 07:05 PM

Ooof, tough talk from Ned. I think I peed a little.

You probably should have just ambushed me when you had the chance.

[Image: CoreySig6A.png?width=270&height=406]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Corey Smith's post:
Peter Fn Gilmour (03-05-2020)
Prof. Bobby Bourbon Offline
Mad Scientist

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

03-04-2020, 08:10 PM

(03-04-2020, 07:05 PM)ENGINEER.EXE Said: Ooof, tough talk from Ned. I think I peed a little.

You probably should have just ambushed me when you had the chance.

That boy showed more heart than even I expected.

If you aren't worried, you're a fool.

As for ambushes, I got you covered.

[Image: newtngb.png?ex=661f68da&is=660cf3da&hm=6...9be1b4b4b&]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Prof. Bobby Bourbon's post:
red-x (03-28-2020)
Corey Smith Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

03-05-2020, 04:57 AM

(03-04-2020, 08:10 PM)Robbie Bourbon Said:
(03-04-2020, 07:05 PM)ENGINEER.EXE Said: Ooof, tough talk from Ned. I think I peed a little.

You probably should have just ambushed me when you had the chance.

That boy showed more heart than even I expected.

If you aren't worried, you're a fool.

As for ambushes, I got you covered.

You know what they say about people who "show a lot of heart"?

It just makes it easier to rip it out of them.

[Image: CoreySig6A.png?width=270&height=406]
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[-] The following 2 users Like Corey Smith's post:
Peter Fn Gilmour (03-05-2020), red-x (03-28-2020)
Centurion Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(has an old school wrestling mentality; no nonsense; less appealing to some younger fans)

03-05-2020, 05:19 AM

(03-05-2020, 04:57 AM)ENGINEER.EXE Said:
(03-04-2020, 08:10 PM)Robbie Bourbon Said:
(03-04-2020, 07:05 PM)ENGINEER.EXE Said: Ooof, tough talk from Ned. I think I peed a little.

You probably should have just ambushed me when you had the chance.

That boy showed more heart than even I expected.

If you aren't worried, you're a fool.

As for ambushes, I got you covered.

You know what they say about people who "show a lot of heart"?

It just makes it easier to rip it out of them.

No one says that

[Image: UdLSPlv.png]
XWF Record - 214-100-9
XWF All Time Wins Record Holder
Official XWF Legend
3x XWF Anarchy Champion
3x XWF World Champion
8x XWF Canadian Champion (Record for most Canadian Title reigns)
1x XWF Hart Champion
6x XWF X-Treme Champion
5x XWF Tag Team Champion
2x XWF United States Champion
Inaugural XWF IDL Champion 
1x XWF King of Anarchy
1x XWF King of Massacre
1x XWF Stable Champion
XWF Star Of The Month - May 2007
XWF Star Of The Month - July 2009
XWF Star Of The Month - December 2019
XWF Star Of The Month - December 2021
XWF Holiday Battle Royal Winner - 2007

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[-] The following 2 users Like Centurion's post:
Prof. Bobby Bourbon (03-05-2020), red-x (03-28-2020)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

03-05-2020, 10:38 PM

Wish that harness broke and ned kaye fell to his death.. but ill kill him soon enough

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Prof. Bobby Bourbon Offline
Mad Scientist

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

03-06-2020, 12:07 AM

(03-05-2020, 10:38 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: Wish that harness broke and ned kaye fell to his death.. but ill kill him soon enough

Total number of people Peter has actually killed?

Vinnie? Do you have that stat?

[Image: newtngb.png?ex=661f68da&is=660cf3da&hm=6...9be1b4b4b&]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Prof. Bobby Bourbon's post:
red-x (03-28-2020)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

03-06-2020, 11:59 AM

2 and ur next

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Peter Fn Gilmour's post:
red-x (03-28-2020)

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