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XWF Classic: Here for the memories! "Shameless" Shane <img src="">
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

08-22-2019, 10:24 AM

In-Ring Name:
"Shameless" Shane
209 lbs
Originally From:
Chicago, IL
Now Hailing From:
Seasonal Residences
Multiple Multiple Multiple

Looks Description:
Very clean cut,
eye-catching style,
typically wearing a suit

Insanely manipulative, going to great lengths to position people in paths they may not fully understand but will already have served Shane's purpose by the time the misdirection is uncovered. This ability not only consumes his personal life and every aspect, but also transfers into his professional life and ventures.

Whatever emotion Shane seems to be experiencing is probably not what's really going on in his head but instead serves a greater purpose. Whatever vulnerability is easily detectable at any given time was probably planted as bait. Whatever generosity someone receives from him is likely a parasitic clench that will drain something of much greater value from that person's life in the long run.

The fact that Shane appears to experience great shifts in his personalities, or as some have called it his "Dissociative Identity Disorder", seems to further the effects and range of his deceptive tactics. Shane has been quoted on numerous occasions as saying, sometimes with tears in his eyes and sometimes with a shit-eating grin, that the only thing he trusts in life is the fact that he can't even trust Shane ...

Physically, his legs. Having not spent much time as an in-ring competitor, Shane never took the time to focus on leg day. In recent times he has improved the size and strength of his upper body but that's mainly due to his belief that younger women and men are attracted to an impressive, "popping" chest on a man before anything else.

Shane has recently said during a live interview, "The chest and the face often compete for first impression in the eyes of all those young, hungry, prowling sexpots of any gender or sexual preference... so that right there was enough to tell me what I needed to focus on because my face is already worth a million bucks, literally."

Entrance Theme Music:
Famous, by Günther

5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
Lots of incredibly cheap, nasty shit
1. Backhand chops and underhand chops to Adam's apple, many times throughout the match, causing coughing and choking.

2. Biting the ears, nose, lips, tongue, neck, hand, or any other vulnerable part of an opponent.

3. Bending and/or trying to break an opponent's fingers any chance he gets.

4. Keeping his hand on the face or fingers in the eyes of an opponent in close range so they can't properly counter or absorb what he's setting up for.

5. Repeated kicks to the kneecaps of a standing opponent throughout a match, in hopes of causing their knee to eventually bend inward!

6. (New in 2020) Stalling botch suplex, with opponent's lower back draping across the ropes, potentially causing serious damage to the back. Sometimes Shane isn't close enough so their legs fall into the ropes instead and get tangled up. Sometimes he's too close to the ropes, so the opponent ends up bending backwards over the top rope and catapulted to the outside.

7. Backflip out of danger.

Trademark Move(s):
1. Low blow
2. Low blows
3. Bleach and ammonia cocktail
4. Dirty, bloody syringe with ??? inside of it
5. (New in 2020) Botched torture rack attempt
6. (New in 2020) Botching like a madman

1. Hard punches, kicks, and stomps to the groin.

2. Rapid fire strikes to the groin with lightning fast execution.

3. Tries to force the opponent to drink a deadly mix of bleach and ammonia, or at least get them to inhale the toxic fumes after they've already been getting hit in the adam's apple repeatedly, so they're already coughing and choking beforehand!

4. Pretty self explanatory. There is no part of the human body that Shane won't consider an acceptable target for the syringe... no part.

5. Shane lifts the opponent into a torture rack but his legs give out because he skipped fuckin' leg day again goddammit. Shane's spaghetti-legging is an amusing sight before he crashes down with the opponent being inadvertently spiked head first on their way down! I imagine the commentators should be yelling something like, "Dammit, Shane! Learn how to do your moves! You could have killed him!"

6. Shane is experimenting with a lot of new/random moves but he's using them in real matches before he has perfected them, resulting in even more botched moves that could seriously hurt someone! Basically ANY move could be attempted (and seriously fucked up) by Shane now! Big fan of botching well known, powerful finishers. Go crazy!

Finishing Move(s):
1. Die, XWF! Die! DIE DIE DIE!
2. Me, Myself, and Eye
3. The Highest Blow
1. Shane points up to the heavens and signals to "The Father" before slamming his fist straight down into the canvas. The lights suddenly go pitch black in the arena! After several seconds pass, spotlights reveal what appears to be a screenshot of the original early 2000's XWF classic website, standing upright in the middle of the ring! It must be at least 12 feet in height, and it's slightly transparent. Shane grabs the opponent and throws them face first into it and it SHATTERS into a million pieces of glass, raining down on the opponent and getting embedded deep into their flesh. Shane laughs. Oh, he isn't done yet... Now he slides an unusually large table into the ring that, this time, has a painting on top of it that looks like the CURRENT XWF website. What the hell is wrong with this nut? Shane takes the bleeding opponent and lays them on the table before quickly setting it ablaze. Shane laughs again.

2. Mounts the grounded opponent and wraps both hands around their throat, squeezing as hard as he can while yelling in their face about how wonderful and superior he is. Then he starts smashing their head into the canvas again and again and again, still yelling at them about how they should be worshiping the ground he walks on and the toilets he shits in. Finally, while still mounting them, he presses his hands against their face with his thumbs digging DEEP into their eye sockets. He keeps pressing his thumbs deeper until the opponent either taps out or the ref calls for the bell because he sees blood starting to squirt out from under Shane's thumbs!

3. Shane has someone, whether it's a partner or his bodyguards or some psycho fans, hold his opponent down at ringside with their legs spread apart. Shane produces a ladder and sets it up in the ring, climbing all the way to the top of the ladder and leaping as high as he can over the ropes to the outside with both of his heels crushing the scrotum of the opponent!

?. Hidden Finisher: Sheng Long (a super powerful dragon punch!*) Shane executes a strong leaping uppercut that is pretty likely to counter anything!
*If we're in a match where people are using crazy superpowers or otherwise engaging in any ultrabedazzlemanship, Shane has the crazy Chinese hack version of this uppercut where multiple fireballs fly out of him and automatically heat-seek his opponent wherever they are!

Favorite Hardcore/X-treme Attacks:
Hardcore/X-treme Finisher: (New as of 2020)
Multi-Hit Murder Cutter, followed by referee panic mode: In the ring, Shane quickly hooks the head for what looks like an RKO attempt but he runs and leaps feet first between the top and middle ropes, pulling his opponent through the ropes with him and landing incredibly awkwardly with the opponent's body spiking straight down into the ring apron and their face being crushed into it! Shane's upper shoulder also hits pretty hard on the apron but Shane keeps holding on! Both of them continue crashing and bumping down to ringside in what's basically a second devastating cutter in one, which also landed with the neck being bent in an unnatural fashion as the body came spiking vertically! Shane immediately floats over into a pin and hooks both legs for the win as the opponent looks dead. Even if this was a standard match, the referee will be so concerned for the opponent that there's a damn good chance he'll be inclined to rush out and count the ringside pin with a controversially fast count just to end it as soon as possible!
Commentator reaction: "Did Shane just botch a multi-hit, avalanche Gilly Cutter through the ropes to the outside and kill his opponent?!?"

Additional notes:
Whatever you do...
Don't get SHANED!

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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[-] The following 9 users Like "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (08-22-2019), Barney Green (08-22-2019), kmoney (08-23-2019), Michael McBride (08-22-2019), Miss Michelle (08-22-2019), Peter Fn Gilmour (01-30-2020), red-x (01-04-2020), Steve Jason (08-22-2019), Unknown Soldier (08-22-2019)
[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post!
drezdin5788 (08-22-2019)
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

01-30-2020, 12:41 AM

Updated for 2020 and added a few new moves, most of which are botches that unintentionally cause high damage. He needs some moves like that since his moves suck.

Still no set entrance motion, though... I figure I'll see how much longer he keeps running out for his matches with streamers on his arms and Warrior face paint.

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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[-] The following 2 users Like "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post:
Chris Page (02-18-2020), red-x (01-31-2020)

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