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Don't Tell Me The Odds
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Calvary Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Kids, disabled people, casual fans

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by most adult male fans)

01-29-2020, 10:12 PM



The strained voice of The Calvary cuts through the dark air as the heavily breathing body of Calvary is shown bent over on his knees.

“Get up, you piece of shit. We’re not done with you.”

Standing in front of him are two figures that have glassy eyes and an enlarged mouth with gnashing teeth. But it’s the set of tentacles reaching out that are creating a static sound as if they’re crackling with energy. The Calvary takes a deep breath before slowly standing to his feet.

In a flash of light, the tentacle reaches out and cracks his skin through his uniform as he cries out in anguish once more.

The voices of the two creatures laugh in defiance.

“I thought you were something remarkable, but look at you! You’re cowering like the little bitch you are, Calvary!”

The groans of Calvary are slowly faded out as he begins to laugh to himself under his breath.

“You think you have me defeated? How foolish.”

Another crack of that tentacle but this time the figure is slammed into the ground creating an indention from the sheer impact as The Calvary stands over him. His partner looks shocked at the speed and power on display. The eyes of Calvary flicker to him as he’s frozen in place. He cracks his neck and stands up to face him.

“You two may have gotten the jump on me, but your foolish jeers and foolish attempts of attack are no match for me.”


The tentacle reaches out and rips across the flesh of Calvary who now barely winces at the pain despite his blood pooling from the wound.

“I hope you realize that that was a grave error.”

Calvary lunges forward and slams this figure into the ground with ease just as he had the first. He cracks his neck before pulling out a communication device and pressing a button.

“Your packages have been delivered. You can find them at these coordinates…”

His voice trails off as he looks down at the two enemies with disgust mixed with…



“Tonight, I’m tasked with my first trial by fire.”

“Not only has my odds of defeat elevated, but my multitasking skills will be put to the test. On one hand, I have to deal with a loud-mouth, crazed kid seeking for as much attention as he can possibly find. On the other hand, I have to deal with a man trying to better himself despite his disposition to simply being average.”

“A man consumed by his normalcy and a man consumed with fame by association.”

“These are the types of people that I have been sent to this world to save. It’s these personalities that I have been tasked to aid, mold, and compel to see the errors in their ways.”

“This man from down under for instance is the saddest excuse for a self-respecting man that I’ve ever encountered. He runs around the ring celebrating a minor accomplishment with his mate. A task that most civilized individuals would keep to themselves. Not only that, but his mate doesn’t see this reputation as disgusting. It almost seems as though she embraces this type of behavior and relishes the opportunity to spread their public displays to the world.”

“To me, that explains everything. It’s not this Australian loud-mouth that she truly adores. It’s the display that sends her off. Noah is nothing more than a vibrator with bad hair to her. He’s a means to an end and nothing more than something to be used until the new wears off. Add in the conquest challenge to Noah being a poor virgin, and your relationship is nothing more than a checklist.”

“How will you react when it’s all exposed to the public, Noah?”

“Will you cry?”

“Will you throw a tantrum?”

“Only time will tell, but love and wrestling are two chemicals that don’t mix well. Handle them with care or else you’ll soon be burned.”


“What is there even to say about you?”

“Your consistency of obtaining losses is something that would make Barney blush in jealousy.”

“Ever since I debuted in the XWF, I’ve been watching you and sympathizing with you. I’ve watched you try and try only to fail. You’ve strived to become more than you are, but there comes a time when you must look in the mirror and realize the truth.”

“You’re just a bore.”

“There’s nothing remarkable about you, and your skills are simply not matching the standards set forth by this company. No matter how hard you try to rise above your station, you have to realize that you’ve already hit your glass ceiling.”

“So rather than try to hang with the big boys, perhaps it’s time you went back to the drawing board and come up with something new. There’s no dishonor in redefining the wheel, and there’s certainly nothing wrong with realizing when it’s time to hang it up.”

“At Anarchy, you’re going to set to square off with the two biggest roadblocks that you’ve encountered.”

“You step into the ring with actual success.”

“And you step into the ring with me.”

“Noah may be a lovesick puppy ready to explode from his manhood at any moment, but he has at least obtained some success. He has two titles around his waist to prove it. And my record is nothing to shake a stick at.”

“When the bell rings to end the match, my hand raises.”

“Can you claim the same, Ned?”

“Or are you only notorious for making everyone else look good?”

“The odds aren’t in my favor, but that’s when I do my best. Because when you think I’m down and out, I rise to the occasion.”

“At Anarchy, you go a round with a god.”

“And I won’t hold back.”
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (01-30-2020), Barney Green (01-29-2020), Noah Jackson (01-30-2020)

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