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Saturday Night Savage 11/16 (PART TWO)
Author Message
Atticus Gold Offline
Gold is the New Black
Management Lv. 2

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

11-17-2019, 04:17 PM

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[Image: Evo_2017_at_Mandalay_Bay_Events_Center.jpg]



Ruby & Mastermind
- vs -
Tony Santos & "Box Office" Brian O'Haire
Tag Team

The Big Shank & Vita Valenteen
- vs -
Kris "The Hammer" Von Bonn & Peter Gilmour
Tag Team

[Image: rWOE8Gi.png]

[Image: 8K9Z08s.png][Image: czwultraviolenttitle.png]

Donovan Blackwater & Big D
- vs -
Fuzz & Amjetkun Socio
Tag Team

Savage comes back from commercial break. The camera pans over the crowd once more.




HHL: "And we're back!"

PC: "Holy shit that commercial break felt like it lasted 24 hours!"

HHL: "Life sucks when you can't skip ads."

PC: "True that!"

HHL: "Up next we have Round 2 of the Lethal Lottery matches, don't go anywhere because the action never slows down."

Ruby & Mastermind
- vs -
Tony Santos & "Box Office" Brian O'Haire
Tag Team

Ruby zig zags down the ramp with her arms outstretched like she's flying. But here's a secret, she's actually NOT flying!

The lights go out, and when they come back on, Mastermind is seen on top of the top right hand corner of the ring, and acknowledges the crowd before climbing back down.

Brian O'Haire enters the ring the exact same way Mastermind does! Which confuses and bewilders the Kiwi.

"A Lesson Never Learned" hits, roaring guitars filling the arena. Tony Santos descends down the entrance ramp, hoodie with the hood over his head, quickly walking to the ring, scowl on his face. The disdain from the crowd pours in as Tony simply grunts at the crowd.

After everyone has made their way to the ring, Mastermind and Tony start in their respective corners. Referee Lawanda Sass calls for the bell as the crowd cheers on!


Tony and Mastermind approach each other slowly in the ring, staring the other man down. The audience pops at the sheer intensity of the two men finally having this confrontation!

PC: "Man, this crowd is excited to see these two face off!"

HHL: "Well, obviously, Pip! MM's wife blames Tony for her brother's relapse. Regardless of whether or not he holds Santos accountable for that, it's gotta be on both of their minds!"

After a moment that feels like an eternity, Santos makes the first move! He rushes Mastermind, delivering a sharp sounding backhand chop and following it up with several punches. However, as he goes for another chop, Mastermind runs back into the ropes and lunges forward with a shoulder block that leaves Santos stumbling backwards. As Tony finally catches his balance, Mastermind spears him to the ground! Looking confident, Mastermind swiftly makes it back to his feet, but as he reaches down to pull his opponent up, Tony swivels his body around and and locks his leg around MM's arm, pulling him to the ground!

PC: Cross armbar!

Mastermind grits his teeth in pain, but Tony's got it locked in tight! Using all of his strength, Mastermind rolls over, lifting his arm with Tony still attached and hurling him face first into a turnbuckle! Tony attempts to collect himself while Ruby signals to Mastermind, waving at him for the tag. After bringing himself back to his feet, he walks to Ruby for the tag for a huge pop! With zero hesitation, Ruby jumps to the top rope and launches herself towards Santos for a rough looking springboard dropkick to the head!

Santos starts to slam a fist against the canvas, the crowd clapping as he does, picking himself up as Ruby propels herself at him! Thinking fast, Tony lands a stiff sounding enzuigiri! Ruby wobbles somewhat, obviously a little rocked by the kick, giving Tony ample opportunity to set himself up to deliver a flying kneedrop! Ruby falls to the ground, nearly flipping as she does! Sensing a chance to collect himself, Tony runs to his corner and tags in Brian O'haire, which is met by audible cheers.

Brian struts out the ring, quickly covering Ruby in an attempt to secure the victory. Referee Sass starts the count.


Ruby kicks out!

HHL: O'Haire trying to end this quickly, but Ruby's got plenty of gas still in the tank!

PC: You think? I always took her as an electric car person. Too environmentally conscious.

HHL: Shut up, Pip.

The man of the Box Office lifts the Super Dear'o up to her feet and perfectly executes a belly to back suplex. As Ruby's body hits the mat again, Brian poses for the cameras, much to the annoyance of Tony Santos. Once he returns his attention to Ruby, not only is she up, but she hits him with a pele kick, knocking him to the canvas. Following up, Ruby lands a double leg drop square on the back of O'haire! She looks to Mastermind for the tag, but as she begins to make her way to him, Brian catches her leg, yanking on it to bring her back down to the canvas. As they both rush to get back up, Brian is able to get her with a snap suplex, taking her further away from the friendly corner! Before he can do anything more, Tony tags in! Brian begrudgingly moves to the outside as the Ref begins to shout at him.

Tony looks to Mastermind as he lifts Ruby to her feet by her hair and flips the bird, immediately performing a leg lariat afterwards! Santos begins to land a series of mounted punches of Ruby, each blow visibly draining her. Pushing her head back on the mat, Tony stands, making his way to the nearest top turnbuckle, setting for a shooting star press!

PC: He's looking for the Tony Award!

He leaps off, but as he lands, there's nobody home! Ruby rolled out of the way! Making use of her speed, she leaps toward Mastermind and makes the tag! MM immediately goes to Tony, who's slow pulling himself up and lands a devastating back body drop that nearly tosses Tony out of the ring! As Mastermind is approaching Santos, looking to pulverize him, the former Hart Champion goes for a kick straight into one of Mastermind's knees, causing him to buckle. Not willing to waste this moment, Tony gets atop MM and preforms a frankensteiner that leaves MM grounded!

Tony, despite taking some punishment, makes it to his feet and tags in Brian O'haire!

PC: Heather, look! What's Ruby doing?

HHL: She's pulling out something from underneath the ring. But I can't quite tell what it is...


Ruby holds the bin in front of her and points at O'haire! O'haire starts to walk towards her, when Mastermind surprises him with a german suplex! Brian is on his feet, albeit unsteady, as MM goes in to capitalize, but O'haire reverses with a neckbreaker! As Mastermind hits the ring with a thunderous thud, Brian O'haire brings him back up to his feet and prepares to go for his finisher!

HHL: He's lifting up Mastermind! How's that even possible!?

Unfortunately for Box Office Brian O'haire, MM breaks free, spearing Brian and locking in a sleeperhold! Brian doesn't look like he can escape, though he's struggling, his body wild flailing as much as it can! Tony steps into the ring to break up the hold, but is met by Ruby! After a brief lockup, she whips Tony into the ropes, following close behind and spears him to the outside and INTO THE RECYCLING BIN!

HHL: She just recycled the fotmer Hart Champion!

PC: Like I said, very environmentally conscious.

Recovering quickly, Ruby makes it back to her corner, while O'haire still hangs on for dear life in the destructive Mind Sleeper! Ruby begins to slap the top turnbuckle for Mastermind's attention, calling for the tag! Mastermind breaks the hold and leaps to his feet, tagging Ruby in swiftly! Ruby climbs to the top turnbuckle and leaps for a double stomp on the chest of the prone Brian O'haire!


She covers as Referee Sass drops for the count!





PC: "And the guys with superhero names get it done!"

HHL: "We have our first two entries into the pay-per-view! How exciting! Congrats to Ruby and Mastermind!"

The Big Shank & Vita Valenteen
- vs -
Kris "The Hammer" Von Bonn & Peter Gilmour
Tag Team

The Big Show's theme plays but every time it says 'Show' it's poorly dubbed over with the word 'Shank'. The Big Shank comes down the ramp looking a little confused but enjoying himself nonetheless.

The opening riff of "Hart Attack" blast over the PA as the crowd breaks out into a mixed reaction that's more negative than not. VV walks out onto the stage and and postures for the crowd, soaking up their jeers as if it's the ultimate sign of support. She makes her way down the ramp, ignoring the outreached hands of any fans she still has along the way. VV the heads up the steps and walks along the outside apron. She grabs the top rope with both hands and springboards into the ring where she tucks and rolls before settling on a couched, almost ninja like pose. VV flexes her biceps as the crowd continues to boo. She stands up, laughing off the crowd as she prepares for the match to start.

The lights go out. Then Thunderstruck by ACDC starts playing. And only white lighting starts flickering on the stage as the song starts. Just as the lyrics get to 'Thunderstruck', there is a glow on the stage, and Kris The Hammer Von Bonn is lit up by the glow and he is holding his Hammer. The lights come back on fully, and he walks all the way to the ring, followed by his Manager Antony The Jerk.

Kris walks up the steel steps. Then climbs into the ring. Oh each side of the ring, he lifts his Hammer in the air, and poses to the audience. He does this four times, one for each side of the ring. He then places his hammer in the corner, and waits for his opponent.

The lights in the arena dim, then go to full black. We then see fire emiting from the ramp after a bell tolls a few times. We then hear "SUCK MY DICK" blast from the PA and the crows begins to go ape shit. "FUCK EVERYBODY" by Steel Panther begins to kick in as res strobe lights and lasers hit the stage. We see Peter Gilmour and his demon assassin Valerie Sky appear on the stage. They look around as Peter bobs his head to the music. As soon as the chorus kicks in we see Peter start singing into the camera saying, "EVERYBODY CAN SUCK MY DICK!" They head to the ring and then get in normally. Peter then throws his hands up in an "X" pose as fire and fireworks go off above the ring in the same manner. Peter looks at Valerie and smiles wickedly as they look at the stage waiting for their next victim.




Vita and Big Shank confer with each other at the opening bell, ultimately deciding that Vita will be starting this one off. At the other end of the ring Peter Gilmour sends Kris Von Bonn to the apron, choosing to face off with Vita himself. Von Bonn and Shank make their way through the ropes and prepare to watch the action as Vita and Gilmour begin to circle each other slowly. Gilmour lunges in to tie up, but Vita is too quick for him and counters with an arm drag that sends Peter flipping head over heels! Vita bounces up to her feet and waits for Gilmour to stand… she nails him with a dropkick that sends him stumbling backwards into a neutral corner! Before Peter can recover Valentine charges and launches herself through the air with a flying knee-


HHL: Peter ducks out of the corner and Vita crashes hard into the turnbuckle!

Gilmour slides behind Vita and hooks her around the waist, hurling her backwards with a suplex! Vita rolls to her knees as Gilmour rolls to his feet and swings a vicious kick at Valentine! He drills her clean in the face, and Vita slumps lifelessly to the mat!

Peter poses as the crowd boos him mercilessly, and Kris Von Bonn can be heard screaming from the apron to stop showboating and make the pin. Gilmour eventually relents and drops to his knees, hooking VV’s leg as the referee slides into position to make the count.



HHL: Big Shank makes his presence felt, lunging through the ropes and dropping an elbow into Peters spine! He stopped the count!

Peter gets up, furious, and begins screaming insults at Big Shank who simply stares back at him with a bemused grin. Gilmour advances on Shank, jabbing a finger into his chest. Suddenly the grin fades from Shanks face and he effortlessly hurls Peter back into the turnbuckle!

BIG SHANK: Shut up, Gilly.

The referee tells Shank he needs to get out of the ring until he’s tagged in, and he obliges with little more than a casual glance at his still downed partner. Vita begins to roll on the canvas as Kris Von Bonn leans in over the ropes and practically begs Gilmour to tag him in! Peter stands slowly and looks at Vita, but ultimately decides to make the tag!

PC: Von Bonn into the match, and the German stomps towards Valentine…

HHL: She was playing possum! Vita rolls him up!

The referee is stunned at the quick maneuver and hesitates for a moment, but eventually drops down to make the count!




Von Bonn gets a shoulder up and escapes just in time, Vita sniping sarcastically at the referee for not keeping up with the action. VV and Von Bonn both climb to their feet and begin to circle. They tie up in the middle of the ring, Von Bonn using his size and strength to bend Vita backwards before sweeping her leg and shoving her to the mat. VV pops back up immediately but takes a knee to the gut and finds herself doubled over!


Vita is down! Before Kris can make the cover, Big Shank steps through the ropes again and stares Von Bonn down! The crowd is on their feet, wanting to see a clash between the giant German and the XWF Legend… but Big Shank steps back between the ropes as Vita takes advantage of the distraction he caused and rolls underneath the bottom rope to the floor!

PC: Kris Von Bonn is not happy, he had Vita laid out and Shank played him.

HHL: Shank has been around a long time, he knows all the tricks.

Von Bonn drops to the canvas and rolls out of the ring, and Vita immediately slides back in! Von Bonn shakes his head and sighs and makes his way back up to the apron and through the ropes, but Vita leaps out of the ring as soon as he steps inside!

PC: She’s fucking with him!

HHL: I’m here for it.

Von Bonn is clearly frustrated and heads to his corner, tagging Peter Gilmour back into the match up. As soon as he does Vita slides into the ring and dives for Big Shank, tagging him into the match for the first time! The crowd explodes as Shank bounds through the ropes and snatches up Gilmour, driving him back into the corner and unloading on him with a barrage of right hands! Gilmour tries to cover up and Shank knees him in the midsection before hitting a swinging neckbreaker! Shank plants Gilmour on the canvas and hooks his leg for a cover!




Gilmour gets a shoulder up just in time to break the pin and Big Shank drags him up to his feet.

HHL: Big Shank shuffles back, he’s looking for his trademark superkick!

Before he can unleash Kris Von Bonn rushes into the ring and hits him with a shoulder block that sends Shank stumbling back into his own corner! Vita Valenteen tags herself in and climbs the ringpost, launching herself from the top rope and hitting Von Bonn with a corkscrew elbow! Von Bonn collapses to the canvas, the referee trying to drag him back to his corner as Peter is still the legal man!

PC: Vita crawls quickly to Gilmour and drops atop him for the cover!



HHL: Gilmour gets his foot up to the bottom rope! A rare moment of awareness from the XWF veteran and he keeps his team alive!

Vita makes her way slowly to Big Shank, shaking her head in frustration. She tags him in, and he steps slowly through the ropes but remains in his corner and watches as Gilmour crawls desperately for Kris “The Hammer” Von Bronn!

PC: It looks like Shank is going to let Gilmour make the tag.

HHL: Big Shank is a competitor, he wont take the easy way out beating up Gilly… he knows the fans want to see him take on the German powerhouse.

Gilmour dives for the tag, and KVB storms straight for Big Shank and ties him up, forcing him back into the ropes! Von Bronn is looking to get Shank up in the air, off his feet… a sharp elbow by Shank backs him off. Von Bronn hits Shank with a big boot to the face that nearly topples him over the ropes to the floor! Shank manages to stay inside the ring and spins away as Von Bronn lunges in with a big knee.

PC: Kris is really taking it to Big Sh- OH MY GOD!

HHL: The Shankstopper! Big Shank nails Von Bronn with the Superkick to the side of the head after KVB missed the flying knee! The Hammer just became the nail!

Kris Von Bonn collapses to the mat! Big Shank pounces atop him and makes the cover!




YOUR WINNERS: The Big Shank & Vita Valenteen

HHL: WOW! Big Shank and Vita Valenteen get it done, and advance in the Lethal Lottery!

PC: Those two worked surprisingly well together, but that's likely the end of the partnership... these two could be fighting each other next for all we know!

Big Shank and Vita bump fists and make their way to separate corners, climbing to the middle rope and posing for the fans who cheer loudly for the XWF Legend and angsty teenager. They eventually make their way out of the ring and up the ramp towards the back, leaving the losers in the ring.

GILMOUR demands a microphone.

HHL: It looks like GILLY is going to speak!!

PETER takes center ring where he raises the microphone up to his lips…..

GILMOUR immediately shifts his attention towards the top of the ramp as the crowd pops big in anticipation for the arrival of the former 2 time XWF Champion. The crowd pops louder as SLATER hops the barrier behind GILMOUR where he slides into the ring behind GILMOUR taunting him to turn around. PETER turns and is instantly booted in the midsection before being planted with the Flip Piledriver from THE TRISTAN SLATER!


The crowd erupts as SLATER pops back up to his feet where he removes his black leather jacket and tosses it to the mat as he’s amped and feeding off the huge ovation from the crowd! TRISTAN picks his jacket up off the mat where he goes into the pocket and pulls out…


SLATER drops the jacket and makes his way over to GILMOUR where he rolls him over on to his chest before handcuffing GILMOUR’s hands behind his back! THE TRSTAN SLATER rolls out to the floor where he goes under the ring and pulls out a kendo stick before rolling back into the ring.

PC: I feel like this is about to get really, really bad for PETER GILMOUR!

HHL: Payback coming for what happened two weeks ago!!

SLATER is back to his feet with kendo stick in hand as the crowd is red hot! GILMOUR manages to get to his knees as he realizes he’s in serious trouble as he stares into the blank face of SLATER who instantly starts delivering sick shots from the Kendo Stick into the unprotected skull of GILMOUR until the Kendo Stick shatters into pieces while busting open GILMOUR in the process as he falls backwards to the mat like a sack of… POTATO’s! The crowd roars louder and louder as SLATER tosses the broken handle of the Kendo Stick where he looks down at a bloody PETER GILMOUR.

There’s suddenly an even louder ovation, one that perhaps might be considered the loudest ovation of the night as attention shifts towards the top of the ramp where ADAM BARKER emerges in a fine custom made suit, and he’s followed by CHRIS PAGE! The emergence of CHRIS PAGE draws a thunderous ovation; his hair, once long is now long as his ears as opposed down his back thanks to SHANE .

HHL: I didn’t know he was even here tonight!

ADAM BARKER leads CHRIS PAGE down the ramp towards the ring where THE TRISTAN SLATER applauds while GILMOUR is knocked the fuck out staining the mat with his blood. ADAM reaches ringside where he climbs up on the apron while PAGE makes his way up the step to the apron. ADAM sits on the middle rope and opens up the top rope for PAGE to step into the ring. ADAM follows CHRIS into the ring where TRISTAN has picked up the microphone and hands it over to ADAM. The music fades out leaving a solid ovation that seemingly breaks out into a “CCP! CCP! CCP! CCP!” chant from all over the building. ADAM lowers the microphone as we see CHRIS shift his attention towards the crowd as he mouths the words “Not bad.”.

PC: I didn’t think he was cleared?!?!

ADAM allows the fans to continue their chant before he raises the microphone.

”Ladies and Gentleman, MY name is ADAM BARKER and I am the advocate for the men you see standing in this ring; and trust me when I say that playtime is officially over.”

ADAM states with sheer and utter malice.

”At this time I present to you the man that’s been screwed over more times in this company than any man that has proceeded him, and the man that at LETHAL LOTTERY is going to end the career of SHANE once and for all… my client, my friend, the one and only “CHRONIC” CHRIS PAGE!”

ADAM hands the microphone over to CHRIS and as he does PETER starts to slowly sit up as the blood continues to pour from his forehead. CHRIS takes notice and looks at SLATER who immediately turns and kicks GILMOUR straight in the head knocking him back down to the mat. CHRIS directs his attention towards the camera as he raises the microphone.

”I’ve thought long and hard about what I wanted to say out here tonight… I mean; do I want to talk about how SOLDIER was tapping out like a bitch before my career was nearly ended when a fucking brick shattered against my skull? Do I want to talk about my hair getting cut? Or do I want to talk about how SHANE continued to call me out knowing I wasn’t medically able to get on a plane and show up? What about how SHANE seriously thinks in his own mind that he’s manipulated this entire situation?”

Chris takes a moment before he continues.

”I had this long, drawn out speech prepared but instead I think I’m just going to shoot from the hip with my first piece of business will be addressing this handcuffed, bleeding sack of shit behind me. SHANE, we’re not just going to wreck you… we’re going to wreck everyone associated with you starting with this turd behind me because at LETHAL LOTTERY THE TRISTAN SLATER is more than happy to take out that piece of trash.”

There’s an ovation from the crowd as TRISTAN smirks and nods his head in approval.

HHL: That sounds like a challenge if PETER accepts, and with what’s transpired between SLATER and GILMOUR over the last several weeks that seems like a shoe in for LETHAL LOTTERY!

”Now that we’ve handled that let’s talk about some serious business because here in two short weeks you’re going to realize real fucking quick that the LAST thing that you should have done is poked the bear that is CHRIS PAGE because this isn’t a game anymore and come LETHAL LOTTERY I will not be held liable for ANYTHING that I choose to do to you, the pain I will inflict and the blood that you’re going to shed. I’ve prided myself on not catering to your XTREME style of garbage wrestling this federation loves to promote and if you go back you’ll see that when I embarrassed SOLDIER I didn’t use anything other than my hands, when I fought RANMA at “XX” and stole the fucking show I didn’t use a weapon; my point is I haven’t had too but NOW I want too!”

The crowd responds with a huge ovation as CHRIS stares directly into the camera as he continues.

”You’ve had a hard on for me for months and now that you’ve got my undivided attention in two short weeks you’re going to find out that having my undivided attention isn’t a goddamn blessing, it’s a mother fucking curse!”

The crowd erupts into a thunderous chant of “CCP! CCP! CCP! CCP!” once again in unison as CHRIS lowers the microphone allowing them to chant his name for several seconds before he raises it back up to his lips.

”In two weeks I’m going to give you what you want… I’m going to give you the CHRIS PAGE that you want and I’m going to show you and the entire XWF a side of me that you’ve NEVER seen before… And might I suggest to all the parents here tonight and those watching at home that you reconsider ordering this event and to those that have purchased tickets not to show up because I am going to show you what the true nature of the word EXTREME is!”

Another massive pop from the crowd as CHRIS closes this piece of business up with.

”Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

CHRIS drops the microphone.

CHRIS and TRISTAN stand in the center of the ring with ADAM BARKER in the background as they listen to the ovation from the crowd before breaking towards the ropes. CHRIS steps out of the ring to the ring apron where he drops down to the floor as he’s followed by SLATER and ADAM makes his way down the steps where he joins PAGE and SLATER as he leads them up the ramp.

HHL: One thing is for certain when it comes to CHRIS PAGE and SHANE is that all hell is going to break loose in South Africa at LETHAL LOTTERY. This fight has been brewing for YEARS and for the first time live on PAY-PER-VIEW we are going to see this clash unfold in front of our very eyes.

PC: Ellis Park Stadium isn’t going to be able to hold this battle.

ADAM leads CHRIS and TRISTAN back through the curtain and out of site.

[Image: rWOE8Gi.png]

[Image: 8K9Z08s.png][Image: czwultraviolenttitle.png]

Donovan Blackwater & Big D
- vs -
Fuzz & Amjetkun Socio
Tag Team

TIG: "The following main event is a tag match and is for the TELEVISION and XTREME CHAMPIONSHIPS!"

All three brothers emerge, with whomever is fighting at the time, in the lead. Pausing briefly, the brothers look around at the exuberant crowd, with immense entertainment. Sharing an amused glance to one another as the fans scream. From there they walk in unison to the ring, occasionally separating to approach a random fan that's losing their mind. Clearly, enjoying the effect they have on the crowd, the Brothers Blackwater continue onward. Once they reach the ring, two of the brothers hold up the bottom rope, as the intended participant for the fight slides into the ring. That brother then takes his place in the squared circle and awaits his opponent, while basking in the cheers from the audience.

TIG: "Introducing first, hailing from Brooklyn, New York. Weighing in at 182 pounds! He is Force-Wave, The Unflinching, Donovan BLAAAAAAAAAAAAACKKKKKKKKWATTTEEEEEEEEEEERRRR!!!"

PC: "Does Donovan always look smug?"

HHL: "Yes."

PC: "Huh, thought you'd argue with me on that."

As "X-Men Theme" by Powerglove begins to play over the PA system, spotlights begin to shine all over the arena of a 'D'. After a moment, Big D walks onto the entrance ramp, TV Title around his waist. He puts his arms in the air, before heading down the aisle, focused on the ring. He then walks up the steel steps and climbs into the ring, before walking over to a corner, climbing to the second rope, and putting his arms in the air once again. After that, he hops down and waits.

TIG: "And his partner, hailing from Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Weighing in at 255 pounds! He speaks nothing but the cold, hard truth, the golden boy and YOUR TELEVISION CHAMPION! BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!"

PC: "Big D is looking ripped, shredded and dare I say, swole."

HHL: "It has been said the TV title adds muscle definition and Big D wears it well. Some hiccups in the past but D has been on a roll as of late and I see a future Universal Champion in our midst."

Comes out clapping and smiling, then doing the entrance music video routine just killin' it like a pimp on the dance floor. He finishes that bit and goes back to pumping his fists and nuts like a champ until he slips on some grease and has a full blown roid rage fit, spinning clotheslines and uppercuts to dicks, so many fans and ring crew people get hurt.

TIG: "And their opponents. Hailing from Chicago, Illinois. Weighing in at 276 pounds! Men want to be him and women want to be with him, the all-day all-nighter, the pathmaker, the meatiest man on the planet, the great AMJETKUN SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCIIIIIIIIIIIIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"

HHL: "Speaking of muscles. Socio just looks uncomfortable."

PC: "Dude looks like he ate a whole fridge of whey gain. He is what every man should aim to be."

Fuzz walks slowly down the ramp, his head down and the Xtreme title held high.

TIG: "And his partner. From Chicago, Illinois. Weighing in at 234 pounds! He is The Afterthought, a certified sick cunt, an XWF Legend and THE XTREME CHAMPION! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!"

HHL: "Fuzz has had a hell of a run as of late, let's see if his luck keeps up."

PC: "Luck, Heather? Luck has nothing to do with it. Fuzz is just that good."

Head referee Chaz Bobo awkwardly takes the TV and Xtreme titles to show to the hard camera before placing them in each champion's respective corners.

Amjetkun and Donovan start for their teams.


Amjetkun and Donovan start off for their respective teams.

Socio stalks Blackwater and raises up his arms for a 'true test of strength, bro' but Donovan smartly denies, feining his rising hands to distract only to give a sharp kick to Socio's side. Amjetkun stumbles with the attack and Blackwater hits the ropes coming back with a high knee which Socio throws himself into with a shoulder charge, knocking Blackwater out of the air and hitting the canvas hard. Blackwater slaps the mat and rolls back to his feet, the two meet again and Socio fumbles a clothesline which Blackwater slides under and schoolboy's Amjetkun!



The two separate and Socio tries to whip Blackwater into his corner but Donovan reverses and sends Socio to his followed by a heavy spear, shoving Socio back into the post. Donovan stands and tags in Big D. Blackwater pulls Socio away from the corner and lifts him up in a vertical suplex stalling the massive weight of Socio teetering on high. The crowd get hype as Big D takes to the top turnbuckle and flies off with a spear! His weight crashing against Socio and the two splat to the mat!

HHL: "Great synergy and ingenuity from Big D and Donovan Blackwater!"

PC: "Calm down, Heather, it's a wrestling match, not a board meeting."

The two explode away from each other on impact and Big D stands to his feet. He rolls his shoulder shooting a look to Fuzz, Big D picks Socio up but Amjetkun counters slamming Big D's jaw on the top of his head! D reels and Socio leaps into the corner for the tag with a pop from the crowd!

HHL: "Here we go! Last Savage these two tagged, they bonded in a small way, they know each other now!"

PC: "And now they're gonna beat the shit out of each other!"

Fuzz sprints into the ring and knocks D down with a lariat, Big D quickly stands back up as Fuzz returns only for D to get a big back body drop! Fuzz rolls away and shrugs off the assault, coming back with a forearm to D's lip! Big D reels but gives a forearm of his own! Fuzz stumbles but growls and the two lock up trading blows in the center with rhythmic stomps from the crowd. Fuzz breaks the clinch with an uppercut and throws Big D into the ropes, Fuzz hits the ropes and the two meet colliding heads! They stay on their feet, like bulls locking their horns. Fuzz give a sucker punch to D's midsection and lifts Big D up for a powerbomb! But D retakes control, throwing punch after punch into Fuzz's head! Fuzz drops D to his feet as he shakes the cobwebs and D, imitating Street Fighter, knocks Fuzz to the ropes with a rising uppercut!

Fuzz is against the ropes, breathing heavily as Big D rebounds and comes sailing back, Fuzz with some quick thinking grabs the referee for cover and Big D annihilates the ref with a hellacious clothesline! D puts his hands to his temples, looking down at the broken official as Fuzz throws a strong right across D's cheek. Fuzz goes to take advantage but is caught off guard by Blackwater who takes down the Xtreme Champion with a TV title shot!

HHL: "Blackwater has taken full advantage of a down ref! Nailing Fuzz with Big D's belt!"

PC: "What a cheap move! Great job, Donnie."

Big D reluctantly accepts the help, tearing the championship away from Blackwater. Amjetkun rushes into the ring to catch the pair unaware and brings clubbing hands to the necks of Big D and Blackwater! The two go down and Socio tries to rouse his partner but to no avail. Amjetkun rolls Fuzz out of the ring to protect him from any pin attempt; Fuzz lands with a thud as Big D rips Socio up to his feet and spins him around going for a short-arm clothesline but Amjetkun ducks low and throws a shoulder into D's gut before hurling him over backwards and sending him crashing to the outside. No rest for The All-Day All-Nighter as Donovan is back up and gives a chop across Socio's very large chest, turning it bright red with a horrific crack. Blackwater follows up with a roundhouse but Socio blocks the hit with a parry and sends Donovan's leg back, Blackwater spins on a heel and lands a hit with the opposite leg which sends the big man down.

The ref begins to stir as Donovan pulls Socio into the center of the ring with some trouble; Amjetkun throws a thumb into Donovan's eye and the two begin to brawl! Throwing punch after punch before Socio leading Blackwater into a headlock. On the outside, Big D is first to his feet as Fuzz claws at the barrier to stand. The TV champ lines his sights and rushes Fuzz, hoping for a strong knee but he's blocked as a can of Victoria Bitter crashes against his skull and the tin explodes!

PC: "It's Noah Jackson!"

HHL: "Why is that cunt here?"

PC: "Being a good son, Heather!"

Fuzz is wide-eyed as he is splashed by the alcohol and Big D drops to the floor. Noah claps Fuzz's cheek and hops over the barricade to have a word. Fuzz nods quickly looking back into the ring and the Sick Cunts take action as Big D stumbles to his feet, not knowing where he is. The pair take a few steps back with Big D wobbling in between them and they sprint forward.


The stereo Superman Punches knock Big D down to a pop from the crowd! Noah and Fuzz give each other an energetic hug and go for the super-secret Sick Cunt handshake. Noah hops back over the barrier and disappears into the crowd. Fuzz looks into the ring as Blackwater is hunched over in a headlock, getting loose and pushing Socio into the ropes and on the rebound gives a kick to the gut. Fuzz sprints into the ring as the ref begins to crawl to his feet.


Donovan begins to hurl Socio over for his alley-oop facebuster, but!


Fuzz raises his hands up and catches Socio mid-air! The Xtreme Champ shoves Amjetkun back and he lands on his feet in front of a surprised Donovan.

Socio chuckles and gives one hell of an uppercut into Blackwater's jaw! Donovan stumbles back into the waiting arms of Fuzz!



Socio falls back into the ropes as the ref turns to see Fuzz pin Donovan!

HHL: "Blackwater isn't the legal man!"


PC: "The ref doesn't know that!"







Socio flips the fuck out with a smiling Fuzz and the two celebrate their win in style! Big D smashes his head onto the apron in frustration and leaves, ripping signs from fans hands and ripping them in fury.

HHL: "And there we have it! All the Lethal Lottery advances have been decided! Under some... 'Certain' circumstances anyhow."

PC: "You mean blatant cheating and poor officiating, Heather?"

HHL: "Yeah, that."

To the roar of a mixed crowd, Savage fades to commercial.

After the final commercial break.

We open on man, myth, and legend all rolled in one Steve Sayors standing in the ring. Before him is a table, two chairs, and two hot off the presses XWF Contracts for the Universal Championship match at LETHAL LOTTERY! Steve has a mic and starts to speak with a somewhat dour look on his face.

Hello everyone, Steve Sayors here, and it's now time for the big contract signing! He says this with a slight enthusiasm gap. Now, I know you're all wondering why it's me out here and not a member of the management team. Well, I wondered the same thing. Multiple times. Verbally AND in writing. I mean, for God sakes this match has already caused ONE fatality! I have a family who cares about me! He looks uncertain. Okay, I have a family.

With a deep sigh, he resigns himself to this. Sorry, sorry! That was....unprofessional. Let's get this show on the road, huh? Introducing first, she is the challenger...LUX!

Lux's music hits and the fans pop for the challenger. Lux comes out from the back, eyes focused and ready. She has a katana strapped to her back, a fact that Steve notices as soon as she gets in the ring. Lux sits at the table, but not before unsheathing the sword and laying it out in front of her. A member of the ring crew nervously hands a mic to Steve, which he passes along to Lux.

Oh, you brought your sword. That's....great.

Relax Steve, it's not for you.

Could it not be for anyone, perhaps? Steve clears his throat. And introducing next, your UNIVERSAL CHAMPION....UNKNOWN SOLDIER!

The music hits and the fans await the appearance of the champion....but he doesn't appear. Lux, turned about in her chair and looking like a coiled serpent ready to strike, starts to smirk at his absence.

Soldier, we're all waiting to get this over with. Is it the sword that's bothering you? I thought you were made of sterner....

Suddenly, the music stops and Unknown Soldier appears on the screen!

Oh hello, Teddy Luxpin! LONG TIME NO SEE! Solider mugs for the camera. Very, very sorry I couldn't be there in person, truly. But ya see, it's kinda YOUR fault. You left me with a bit of a mess, didn't you?

If you mean that walking rectal prolapse I killed, then yeah, I guess I did. But unless you're ducking this match, I don't see what that has to do with you signing a damn contract.

Lux, it has EVERYTHING to do with our contract. Oh, and don't you worry, I'm not ducking our match. See?! He holds up a copy of the contract. But there's one little thing I had to take care of tonight, so I'm multi-tasking.

What the fuck are you up to? You don't need to multi-task to sign a piece of paper you twit. Lux demands, getting up and going to the ropes.

I'm getting there! He pauses for a moment, looking behind himself. Then, with a maniacal look back at the camera, he waves the all seeing eye forward. I'm sure you remember this guy, say “Hi” Shane!

The background behind the champion comes into clearer focus now, and to everyone's shock and horror we see the corpse of Shane has been dumped into an office chair. The fans “oooh!” in surprise, disgust, or maybe even arousal.

Oh my God! Steve exclaims, looking disgusted.

Shane's body looks like it's seen better days. His skin has started to go pale and sag. A fly dances on one of his half open eyes and then darts inside his mouth. Dry encrusted blood is still smeared all over his chest, as it looks like he's still wearing the clothes he died in.

Lux cants her head a bit, her expression blank and unreadable otherwise. Solider looks back into the camera again. You recognize your handiwork, I assume? Bet you thought you had finished Shane off for good huh? Ohhhhh....but you didn't count on little old me always having a contingency plan. Solider reaches off camera for something and holds up a book that appears to be bound in flesh! Look at what I found at the library! Inside these pages are 666 of the dark lords' greatest hits! Spells and incantations, devilry and witchcraft! Why, I even found a rite in here that brings the dead back to life! And that's exactly what I'm gonna do! BRING HIM IN BOYS!

The shot pans back to reveal more of the setting. It looks like a warehouse somewhere. On the floor, a giant pentagram has been traced out in chalk. Soldier grabs the office chair than Shane's corpse is festering in and rolls it onto the pentagram. From stage right, two robed figures roll in a gurney with a body strapped down to it. A bag has been put over the body's head, and the figure appears to be struggling and trying to get free of their bonds.

Lux finally looks concerned now. Look, Soldier, nobody else has to get hurt here.

With a furious look, the champ wheels towards the camera. Oh, so NOW you're suddenly pro-life Luxy?! Didn't seem to care much when you killed poor Shane!

Lux brings the mic down to her side and goes to Steve, and we can tell even from a distance that her speech is pressured and concerned.

Soldier positions himself behind the struggling figure on the gurney and opens the book. The poor soul grunts out angrily from beneath the sack over his face and Soldier punches him in the stomach. Shut up, I'm trying to focus!

The challenger snaps the mic back up to her lips. Soldier, we can work this out between ourselves. We don't need to drag an innocent into this!

Soldier's lip curls up into a sneer. Nobody's innocent. He looks back down at the book, and starts to read a necromantic incantation.

A te, de l’essere
Principio immenso,
Materia e spirito,
Ragione e senso;
Mentre ne’ calici
Il vin scintilla
Si’come l’anima
Ne la pupilla
Mentre sorridono
La terra e il sole
E si ricambiano
D’amor parole

E corre un fremito
D’imene arcano
Da’ monti e palpita
Fecondo il piano;
A te disfrenasi
Il verso ardito,
Te invoco, o Satana
Re del convito

As the verses are read, you hear the faint sound of thunder in the distance. Soldier's hair starts to flutter in an eerie, fathomless breeze and his features start to alight with a reddish unholy glow! Lux watches him the entire time, unsure of what to do or where exactly this is going. Finally, with the last word spoken, Soldier produces a dagger!

Lux's expression drops. NO! STOP!

The dagger falls, right into the poor victim's chest! A crack of thunder splits the warehouse! A cry of pain sounds out from beneath the hood, the body thrashes violently and a choking sound is heard. Blood starts to bubble up from the awful wound. Lux looks horrified. NO! Godammit, SOLDIER! GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!

Steve looks about frantically at the ringside crew. Can we cut the feed?!

The camera then swoops back over to the body of Shane , which starts to stir! Suddenly, Shane doubles over and retches a black bile onto the floor. After a few gasps, he starts to become aware he's not dead. Wha...wha.....?

Welcome back to the land of the living, Shane-O! The champion goes to Shane, putting an arm around him and helping him to his feet. The pentagram below them seems to be burning with a reddish glow, but Shane's oblivious to it.


Pew! You ARE ripe my friend! Soldier holds his nose and summons the robed cultists. Get him cleaned up, would ya? Then, to Shane. Don't worry, you're A-OK now!

Shane looks at Soldier, still a bit stunned, but allows himself to be lead away by the hooded acolytes. Soldier then saunters back over to the body on the gurney, which has ceased moving. Lux is glowering at the screen, pure venom written on her face.

Nothing is beneath you.

Eye for an eye, as they say.... Soldier places his hands on the gurney, leaning casually over the body. So, care to see what's behind door number one?

What are you talking about?

I just said, “eye for an eye”! You haven't pieced it together yet? It's one for one, Luxy. ONE FOR ONE! Soldier reaches for the sack and pulls it off the body's head in one smooth motion.

It's Joachim Bright. The Engineer's son has just been killed by the Universal Champion.

The crowd howls and gasps. Steve Sayors looks shocked and appalled. Lux's eyes go wide as her entire world is destroyed. Visibly shaken, she turns ashen and has to hold on to the ropes for support. Soldier dips a finger in Joachim's blood and grabs for the XWF contract he was holding before. Flipping to the last page, he signs his name in the young man's blood and shows it to the camera. We're on, Lux. See ya real soon. Soldier then drops the contract to the floor, and the feed cuts to static.

Lux simply stares at the nothing on the screen for a long while. Sayors approaches her tentatively, but Lux sinks to her knees, dropping the mic to the mat with a clatter. The last thing we see is Steve summoning for help as the show draws to a close.

Special thanks to

James Raven
"Notorious" Ned Kaye
Noah Jackson
Vita "Edgy Teenager" Valenteen

And everyone who RPed and sent in segments this week.
Congrats to the winners of this round and good luck to everyone at Lethal Lottery.

And a very special thank you to Fuzz for doing the draw, wonderful job. Everyone show him some love.

[Image: ESXHYMB.jpeg]
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[-] The following 8 users Like Atticus Gold's post:
(11-17-2019), Corey Smith (11-17-2019), Ned Kaye (11-17-2019), Noah Jackson (11-17-2019), Peter Fn Gilmour (11-17-2019), Shawn Warstein (11-17-2019), The Brothers Blackwater (11-21-2019), Theo Pryce (11-17-2019)
Noah Jackson Offline
Very Serious Wrestler

XWF FanBase:
Hardly anyone to be honest

(booed by most fans; hurts people even when not supposed to; often angry and shitty)

11-17-2019, 04:34 PM

"I am a very proud son."

[Image: iwofq6s.png]
[Image: OZdvB4F.png]
[Image: l6KRzu8.png]

W | L | D
226 | 11 | 81

Star of the Month (August 2019)
1/3 Star of the Month (January 2020) with Fuzz and our Subaru
RP of the Month (November 2019) with Big Disappointment
Holder of the most wins in the XWF (Mostly house shows)
Holder of the most draws in XWF (All on Anarchy)
Winner of Sickest Cunt of the Year 2020
Winner of Greatest Wrestler who ever lived 2022
Holder of the world's rarest pog collection (Valued at $200)
Owner of Ned Kaye's cat that Ned named Deepthroat for some weird reason
Voted most feared man by Centurion (Twice!)
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Noah Jackson's post:
Shawn Warstein (11-17-2019)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

11-17-2019, 06:01 PM

tristan slater.... is going to HELL!!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

11-17-2019, 06:12 PM

"Fuck bro this shit sucks! I'm stuck with Mastermind's gay ass!"
*noticing the camera is on him*
"Hey everyone! I'm stoked to be teamed with Mastermind this round! Fuck yeah bro LET'S GET IT!"

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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Madison Dyson Online
Not a fascist! :)

XWF FanBase:
Not Over

(the perfect heel; hated even by the fans who usually cheer heels; pisses off internet fans too)

11-17-2019, 08:22 PM

AHAHAHA FUCK YOU, LUX! Talk shit get bit!

As for Lethal Lottery, I'm predicting it's Fuzz's year. I'd say Vita, but I heard a helicopter is going to be present.

[Image: madisondysonbanner2.png]
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