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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Leap of Faith (July 13th) PPV RP Archive
Blinded By The Past (Tag Team RP 2)
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Andrew Morrison Away
The Storm Of Destruction

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

07-10-2013, 05:39 AM

(camera feed on)

Michelle Cross has spoken of quite a few things recently. Things that I thought that me and Johnathan had negotiated and agreed would keep out of BUSINESS from here on ....but it seems that Michelle you think you are above this wish to keep referring to when I snuck into their hotel room...and you want to put yourself in PERSONAL business that truly doesnt even involve you but is between Alexandra and Johnny. I believe that Johnny is a grown man capable of making his own decisions on life and he has every right to make his own PERSONAL decisions...such a shame that you try to control him to this degree...I can see now why he can get so angry at the world at times and want to create "anarchy"...

you refer to the past when what you should be worried about is you and your husbands present and is quite insulting Michelle that you want to let your personal vendetta against me and Alexandra cloud would and likely will be quite the shame if either you or Johnny are not at your best Saturday because you are too blinded by personal rage to do the right things, to protect yourself, to be at your best....because trust will have to be at your best to beat me and Alexandra...

you see, Michelle, I will PROVE I am a man of my word. When I told you that I would not mention your children again, I meant that. YOU are the one who continues to bring up your children and leave them in a vunerable position...but I told you, and I told your husband I would not mention them again, and after the beating I gave your husband a few weeks ago, and the fact that he is still trying to create his little "anarchy" I must admit the man is a tough s.o.b, and I have to give him a shred of respect where it is due. The past is the past and what was done then was done then and now Ive realized the best way to send a message to anybody around here is to do it in the ring.

I already sent your husband a message once in that ring that I am the better man in this BUSINESS and I will do it again and I and Alexandra will prove we are the better TEAM because you Michelle can continue to be blinded and enraged with us over the can continue to hate me, hate Alexandra, perhaps in a little way be angry at your husband for whatever PERSONAL business he and Alexandra have, but it will be that anger, that blind rage that may be the difference between you winning and losing...because you see I bare no hostility toward my tag team partner, she is a dear friend of mine and I do not care what she did in the past, it is the PAST...your hostilities toward me, toward Alexandra, and that slight hostility toward your husband could ultimately do more harm to you than good in this BUSINESS and I would hate to see the future ruined by holding foolish hostilities that will only serve to ruin lives of everyone involved when it comes to this BUSINESS, this BUSINESS that I, Alexandra, and your husband hold very dear and have worked our entire lives for...

We only get one go around in this life and it is too short to be held captive in bondage by the PAST, we have to grow and eventually move forward...I know I am no saint, in fact very far from it


same goes for my partner, but what is the PRESENT and FUTURE is that we are both in the wrestling BUSINESS and are coming to Leap of Faith not for an episode of Jerry Springer or the Maury show but we are coming to fight...and as I've told you Michelle, come Saturday it's not personal, it's business.

And me and Alexandra will be coming to do BUSINESS, and that business will be to beat you and Johnny in the middle of that ring 1-2-3 and end this once and for all. I hope that you will come to do business as well, Michelle then again... no one can truly tell you what to do..if you wish to continue to live in the past and let it consume you..that is on you and I would hope it wont come back to eventually bite you and your husband in your asses when it comes to this BUSINESS. but in all honesty, Saturday, me and Alexandra will prove that we are the better team and end this rivalry once and for all. Because like I was against your husband one-on-one, me and Alexandra will prove we are just better in this BUSINESS.

I hope Michelle, that you take the time this week, not laying out on the beach reflecting on PERSONAL things that could only make things worse in everyone's lives, and perhaps hitting the ropes, training with your husband, preparing yourself to do BUSINESS in the middle of the ring this Saturday because I want the Cross family at their best when me and Alexandra beat you both 1-2-3...

(camera feed off)

W-L Record Since Return: 1-1 (singles or tag) 0-1 (special/gauntlet matches)
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