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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Leap of Faith 2019 RP Board
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Damn (RP 2)
Author Message
Tommy Wish Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

07-22-2019, 07:37 PM

[The scene opens up to a wrestling convention in the heart of London’s warehouse. A bunch of wrestling personalities had a whole booth of their goods ready to sale. Then we see Tommy’s booth with a bunch of 8x10s and other merch. About an hour later, he got some people near his booth, and signs autographs and all that. Then a young teen girl dressed in Tommy’s signature “ACOUP” shirt and black jean shorts comes up to him.]

Tommy: That’s pretty cool you got my gear down, what made you dress up like me?

Female Fan: I just love your work in the ring, and you are soo cool. Can I get a picture with you?

Tommy: Sure, that will be 500 pounds…

Female Fan: WHAT YOU SAID WHAT????

Tommy: I’m just working you, lets take the picture.

[Tommy and the female fan take a picture with her parents taking it, after about ten pictures in, Tommy lets her hold the X-Treme title.]

Female Fan: Why is this so heavy?

Tommy: You know, I have no idea, I mean… this title always gotten me issues with those damn metal detectors in them airports.

Female Fan: How long did you hold the title?

Tommy: Close to about two months, hell who knows? I might end up holding it longer though.

[Tommy pulls out some tickets to Leap Of Faith on the grounds out of his bag. He hands her one, and her parents. Then he starts to hand them out to the rest of his line, until one person punches him in the back of his head.]

Tommy: Hey who the fuck did that to me?

???: You Suck Tommy, Steve is going to beat your ass!

[Tommy noticed a person decked out in a Steve Justice shirt, semi muscular, but not eve taller then Tommy. He then spits in Tommy’s face, and he wipes it off.]

???: I hope Steve Justice destroy you, and you lose the X-Treme championship at the PPV.

Tommy: I appreciate your concern, unless you are trying to get my merch or these free tickets, you need to chill with your behavior.

???: You don’t tell me what to do, you’re a nobody.

[Then the Steve Justice fan punches him again in the face, this time Tommy was tempted to hit back, but security comes in to take him away. Tommy then continues to talk to his freaks.]


[It was about the evening hours, and Tommy is cleaning up his booth. Then he ends up encountering the same guy, and he ended up having a squad around him.]

???: Hey Tommy… look out.

[Then the squad takes him out with a baseball bat. Then they stomp on him until he fades out, then it cut to where they leave Tommy in his underwear in the alleyway somewhere.]

Tommy: These Steve Justice fans… man..

[Tommy ends up finding his clothes in the dumpster, and picks up the X-treme title that was filled with grime and dirt on title plate. He puts on the clothes, and holds his title on his shoulder. He walks down the alleyway.]

“Let me say something, I got jumped by those Steve Justice marks in the convention center. I’m not mad about that, oh no, what I am truly mad about is that I never could have brought a gun and shoot to kill for my protection, these streets aren’t safe out here.

But do I know what else isn’t safe… me!

I may not know much about a “war” or any language of a fight, but I do know when to just go out there and bash some brains in. But anyways, so longs to that that fan who dressed up like me, I hope she and the folks could see the show on behalf of myself.”

[Tommy ends up at the train station, and rides the rails in a almost non crowded train to somewhere, and sits somewhere.]

“Now, I just watched Atticus’s boy promo before I came to the convention, and let me tell you it was one of the most finest work I’ve laid my eyes on. He has so much of a backstory we all didn’t know, until today. He might had traveled the world doing what he loved, but so what?

I’m not hating on it, but he have so much experience to outlast say a Barney Green, then a guy like me. He’s an MMA junkie, and I’m Hardcore Brawler in the ring two different elements that even Bellator wouldn’t sign up for.

Steve, I noticed that you have your eyes on a different prize, and I think that you should keep reaching to that brass ring, that you may never ever break in the land of X-Treme. You can drag me in the Ocean, we can even brawl under da sea, and have those who can breathe underwater count the fall. Unless one of us bleeds, then the sharks can automatically decide the winner.

So Steve, I don’t think you want me to become the insane version of myself in that ring, because I can go there. I don’t think you’ve seen the matches I’ve been in that makes you reconsider the possibility of me destroying you in that ring. You can outwrestle me, outsubmit me, outasskiss me on a sunny day. But you know what you can’t out do me in….

My willingness to even harm the next victim to keep what I got.

Even if I somehow lose this title onto the likes of you, I will make sure you don’t walk back in the states without a wheelchair. Hell, I might fuck you up so bad, that little tag team invitational you are in with Carnes, will be in jeopardy. I promise you Steve, you will remember who I am in Leap of Faith.

You can wear your MMA gear, train your ass in the gym, and walk out knowing that you have that one and only sponsor, who gave you this once a lifetime moment to prove that you can handle X-Treme matches like this against me.

Before I get off this train… Don’t let go to your head that you will beat me easily.”

[Tommy gets off the train and heads to the checkpoint, as the scene fades into the Leap Of Faith logo.]
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