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Cleaning Day
Author Message
Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

07-30-2019, 10:05 AM

Seated at his desk in XWF HQ(where is that exactly?) is Theo Pryce. One of the Principal Owners of the XWF. To his immediate left is a small glass filled with an auburn colored liquid and to his right a stack of TPS reports. Without taking his eyes off the papers in his right hand Theo reaches over to his left and grabs his drink. He takes a sip of the drink and then places it back on his desk right at the same moment that there is a knock at his door.

Mr. Pryce.

Theo puts his papers down and looks up towards his door to see XWF General Manager Darius Xavier standing there. on in. Have a seat. It's Darren right?

Darius. Xavier responds as he takes a seat opposite Pryce.

Right Darius. My apologies. What can I do for you Darius?

Well sir. First I want to say that it's great to have you back. I've never had the pleasure of working with you first hand but I've heard nothing but good things.

That's obviously bullshit but I appreciate your attempt at flattery. You get an A for effort fella. I'm kinda busy, lots to catch up on so let's try and keep this brief if we can. What do you need from me?

Well sir. I came in to work like I always do and there were two men sitting in my office. One was sitting at my desk drinking and the other was I think taking a dump in my Ficus tree.

Theo snickers for a bit before collecting his thoughts and responding to Darius. So you had your meeting with the Johns. How did that go?

I wouldn't really call it a meeting exactly. I asked them who they were and what they were doing in my office and they suggested, in between profanities that I should come and see you.

Ohhhhhh Darius. You're Darius. Now it all makes sense. So here's the thing guy, with me now back in my Owner's seat your not really needed anymore.

Are you firing me?

Heavens no. But not for a lack of effort though. Vinnie reminded me that the XWF isn't exactly the most diverse company in the world, especially at the Management level and that shit canning you, even for cause wouldn't be the best optics so instead we are giving you an assignment.

An assignment? Darius asks as he shifts his weight in his seat.

That's right. Like I said, XWF lacks diversity so what I want you to do is travel around the world and find us some talent. Specifically wrestlers that aren't white. I don't care what color they are, just not white. This time next year I want us to be shooting diversity out of our collective cocks. If by chance you come across someone who you think might make a good staff member that wouldn't be the worst thing ever. You think you can do that for me?

It doesn't sound like I have much of a choice.

We always have a choice. In fact yours is pretty simple. Quit and find a job somewhere else, or do what I just tasked you with. You'll get a per diem, and all travel accommodations will be paid for by the company. But you have to leave now. Right now. Go home, pack your stuff. Your plane leaves in a few hours. Theo says as he reaches into his top desk drawer and pulls out a single plane ticket and hands it to Darius. Try not to get yourself killed. I'm not sure we have an accidental death rider. Your office belongings will be waiting for you at security. Please be sure to turn in your badge on the way out. Good luck.

Darius lowers his head and exits Theo's office without saying a word. Theo reaches over to the phone and taps one of the buttons to the left hand side.

Send in the next one Lane.

I told you before Pryce. I'm not your assistant.

Think it's too late to get the black guy back?

Jesus Christ.

I've missed you Vinnie.

Fade out...

OOC: This concludes the story of Darius Xavier and I will be transitioning to using Theo Pryce. Everything you went to Darius for you can come to Theo for. The only thing changing is the name...and the skin color. Either way it's still me.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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[-] The following 2 users Like Theo Pryce's post:
Peter Fn Gilmour (07-30-2019), Tony Santos (07-30-2019)
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

07-30-2019, 10:13 AM

You were Darius the whole time????

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post:
Theo Pryce (07-30-2019)
Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

07-30-2019, 10:16 AM

Yes. Just in blackface.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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