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The Old Me Is Back
Author Message
Shawn Warstein Offline
Blood In Blood Out

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

07-20-2019, 09:07 PM

The camera opens up to an office . The larger windows letting in the sunlight over the large desk in the middle. Off to the side there is a gray couch with a man laying on it. He is wearing a black pair of pants, and a white tee shirt. Another man is sitting in a chair adjacent to it, he’s wearing a pair of khakis and a nice button down shirt. He’s holding a notepad. And writing down in it, as the camera pans in mid-conversation.

“Honestly… How I really feel right now is shitty. I couldn’t beat Troy ...”

It’s now that we know that this is Fuzz.

“I Think you mean Tony…”

Fuzz lifts his head off of the couch, and give the man a side eye.

“Yeah, whatever Doc. The point remains the same. I couldn’t get it done. I failed. I put my everything into that match, and still somehow came up short. I don’t know what more I could’ve done. And that’s not even the worst part about it..”

The Doctor looks up from his notepad for a moment.

“And what’s that.”

Fuzz quickly sits up on the couch, and leans over with his elbows on his knees.

“It was all the lip service praise I got when walked back through the curtain. ‘Great Job’, ‘You were this close’, and my personal favorite, ‘It was a close one, you’ll get him next time.’ I understand why people were saying that, but is that what I’ve become… Soft?”

Fuzz genuinely looks up at the Doctor with a look of disbelief on his face.

“I don’t know ...Isn't that why you came here, to try to quell those other urges?”

Fuzz runs his hand through his hair, and then plops back down onto the couch.

“ I don’t need to be coddled. I don’t need someone to hold my hand and tell me I’m doing fine. It’s become such a burden that I’m almost done with the whole “Return” thing. This isn’t me. I haven’t been what I truly am capable of.”

It’s not until now that we can see in one of Fuzz’s hands is a hypodermic needle. He’s flipping it around with the skill and grace of poker player with a chip.

“Why do you say that?”

Fuzz instantly stops, and sets the needle down. He takes a deep breath and continues.

“I’ve become a watered down version of myself. And for who? For the powers that be? For the fans? No. I don’t know why I wanted to come back and decided to curb what I really am. Maybe if I came in and demanded a title shot like Page, maybe I’d be doing that right now, but alas I’m put into a situation where the outcome is predetermined. Apex has their little fingers in everyone else’s lunch. I’m sure there will be a power outage, or a faulty ring rope, or a paid off ref. Anything to make themselves look better than they really are.”

The Doctor gets up and begins to pour a glass of water. He lifts a glass towards Fuzz, who shakes him off. He brings his glass back, and begins to scribble in his notepad again.

“Sound’s like you don’t care for Apex?”

Fuzz just quickly shrugs.

“As people they are all…. Fine I guess… I just don’t like what they all stand for. Main is the top of the mountain and still he thinks that he’s untouchable. I touched him up at War Games. James is part owner of this fucking place, and guess what, doesn’t it seem a little bit odd that an owner has a title around his waist? Seems like someone has some cloudy judgement. Drew, is well, Drew. It seems like they are adding Ned to the mix, and well…. If you can’t beat them I guess.”

The Doctor stops writing and looks up from the notepad.

“Aren’t you missing someone?”

Fuzz smiles slightly, and then mimics counting on his hands.

“Yeah, but if I forgot about him, they did as well. I mean those guys are like cockroaches lately. Kill one a thousand more pop up”

Fuzz then sits up again, and now begins to pace back and forth.

“Listen I know what Page is trying to accomplish. His group has people in all the title matches, and guess what… They allowed it. He’s fighting to destroy the XWF. He’s winning that battle right now. Just look at the facts, if anyone else came in and did what he’s doing, they would’ve been crushed. They would’ve been laughed at, and dismissed.”

The Doctor looks at Fuzz who is quickening his pace.

“What did he have that made it different?”

Fuzz stops for a moment and thinks before muttering.


The Doctor looks puzzled.

“He had me. A legitimate part of the bygone era competing in the current XWF. He just needed a foot in the door, and I fucking unlocked it. I let him in, and now it’s on them to get rid of him.”

“Is that what you want?”

Fuzz again begins to pace around the room.

“Honestly… No. He’s doing what he believes in. He’s fighting for it and I’m not going to hold that against him.”

“Weren’t you and him on the same page during War Games? I mean weren’t you two fighting on the same side?”

Fuzz shrugs and continues.

“Yes and no. We were never really a ‘Team’. I never trusted MDK or Rage. Hell or even Page for that fact. I still felt like I was fighting for myself. I had a ‘Team’ but we were more of a fractured unit. They were hell bent on destroying the XWF, while I just wanted the XWF to remember the Past and not to overlook it. Whether they like it or not, the past cannot be changed or altered. It is here to stay and for far too long they have looked upon the past like a deadzone. Like we were all fucking uselss. I came back to prove that point, their point was that the current XWF is a blight on this planet that needed to be eradicated. That’s why I was never with them fully. I knew what they were all about, and if they succeed, fine, but I knew then, and I know now, that there is no way in hell they can win.”

The Doctor sets his notepad down and begins to nod.

“So you’re saying that Page used you and now you want him to fail?”

Fuzz stops dead in his tracks and turns right to the Doctor.

“Of course he used me. That’s what he’s doing with Rage, MDK, Rigg, Vile, and Tristan. Once they have outgrown their use, he will discard them like they were nothing. He’ll just move on. That’s what he does. He’s all about himself. He doesn’t care about anyone other than himself. He doesn’t want them to destroy the XWF…. HE wants to be the reason the XWF is destroyed. His EGO is what is driving him right now. He can’t help but feel like he’s going to fail, and he’s going to claw and scrape his way to the end.”

The Doctor clears his throat.

“Sound like anyone you know?”

Fuzz stops for a moment.

“Fuck you’re right. That’s what I was like all those years ago. I didn’t care who was in my way. I trampled all over everyone who got in my way, and if they didn’t like it I would just move on from them. It happened with the Black Order, with the New Wave. When their ideoliges didn’t mesh with mine, I was out. And let's be honest it never took too long for anyone to disagree with me. I wasn’t the easiest person to get along with back then, and I know now it’s not any easier.”

Fuzz then just sits down on the couch, leaning over with his hands covering his face. The Doctor looks down at this notepad.

“There has to be one person who can get along with you…”

Fuzz shakes his head.

“Nope. I’ve driven them all away. I showed absolutely no one the time of day and now no one will return…….”

Fuzz jumps up from the couch.

“I take it you thought of someone?”

Fuzz runs towards the door, and quickly opens it up.

“Yup...this ride ain’t over yet Doc… Look at the time. Gotta go…”

And with that the door closes, leaving the Doctor shaking his head and scribbling in his notepad. The camera follows Fuzz out to his car. He quickly unlocks the door and jumps into the driver seat. He leans over into the backseat and begins to toss things all over the car.

“Where is it… Fuck…. Shit…. Yes!!!”

Fuzz jolts up from behind the seat holding a crumpled up piece of paper. Then he pulls out his phone and dials a number from it. You can hear the phone ringing on the other end. Then someone picks up.


“Shut UP… it’s me. It’s a go. Let’s do this.”

WIth that the camera fades to black.


Now things never get any easier with age. Sometimes you just have to admit that your time is at its end. I came up short against Tony and that’s fine…..

No. No it’s not. I don’t have the time left to be considered a failure. I was this fucking close to calling it a career. Riding off into the sunset, but that wouldn’t just be my style would it? Nope. So here we are, I’m still here and just awaiting my next disappointment. I don’t even know why I even bother. There isn’t a single fucking person on this roster that can hold a fucking candle to me when I am standing here talking. There isn’t a person alive at this better than me, yet when it all shakes out, I’m the failure. Well not for long, you see I’ve been sitting in the back thinking about what’s going to change around here. Is it going to be management? Doubtful. The useless fucks who don’t know shit. Is it going to be me? Nope wrong again. All I’m going to do is continue to drive ahead and show those fucks that I mean business. This is where I’m drawing the line in the fucking sand. This is my Alamo…. This is my last stand in this shit company. I have done nothing but tow the goddamn company line and what did it get me? Nothing. Not a damn thing other than some fucking backhanded compliements about how my abality in the ring hasn’t faded much in my old age. And that I’ve really put on some good matches. Fuck that. This is going to be the last straw. From now on… The Old Me is Back. You wanted it… well guess what assholes… I’m back. Don’t say I didn’t try and warn you.

Sorry Centurion, but you are going to be the first person caught in my blind rage. You and I have a long history. We’ve had some great battles in the past, but aren’t you just fucking sick of it all? I mean they couldn’t come up with a better excuse for us to fight in this match other than I hurt you are War Games? That’s the best they could come up with for the two of us? Seriously fine… that’s what it’s going to be.

See Cent I don’t actually hate you. I have just hated everything that you have ever stood for in this business. You are the fucking guy who always latched onto someone greater than yourself to elevate you. Just look at everyone you have ties to, it’s like a who’s who of who is better than you. Steve Jason. Jem Williams. Raziel. James Raven. Is there anything you’ve done that you did on your own? The only reason people call you a Legend is because who you tie yourself to. You are the living embodiment, of a rising tide lifts all boats. You glad hand with them, and because of your affiliation you are giving things that you never earned. It’s the truth, no one will say it to you, but I will. Centurion, you aren’t that good. You are at best someone who is good a politicking themselves to get ahead… Sound familiar? That’s what Page is doing now, he’s just better at it than you are.

Both of us have won a lot of titles here in the XWF. Hell you’ve even won in the WGWF. That’s great, but as I already stated you never earned any of those opportunities. I DID. Everything I did, I did on my own. I didn’t want or need anyone to fall back upon. I lived and fought on my own. Centy that’s the difference. You were handed things, I earned them. I already know what you’re going to say, so just save it.

I may have cheated to get ahead in this business, but sometimes you just have to do what is necessary. Unfortunately for you, what is necessary is relieving you of your stay here in the XWF. I’ve already broken you once at War Games, now it’s time for me to finish the job.

I’ve been standing around waiting for the right person to unleash everything on, and you my friend are the perfect mark. You see I’ve been hiding my true self in all of this. I’ve played nice with everyone in the back. I’ve said the right things to the right people, and where has that gotten me? WIth the cookie cutter match with you. It’s not like they aren’t trying to help you out. I guess it helps when you are carrying James Raven’s bags into the arena nightly. I mean seriously how many times did you blow him for you to get this to be a submission match? I mean we all know that I’m not the most technically proficient wrestler in the world, and that is a strength of yours…. Well maybe not a strength but surely better than me. So did James give you a reach around? Or were you just happy to get your way and just let it happen?

I know that’s gross you’d never do that… Right he doesn’t fit your profile, that would be more like a 12 year old girl? No… I’m not calling you a pedo, I’m just saying you like them young. You don’t want a 12 year old, no, just an 18 year old who looks 12. Is that something we talk about anymore? Or did you wash that away from your personal history as well? I’m sure if people wanted to dig deep enough they could find it, so I’ll just leave it at that.

Now I wasn’t going to bring this up but I feel it’s necessary… How heavy is the Universal Title?

Right now I don’t know why I’m asking you. Although you’ve probably held it for someone at one point. It must really piss you off knowing that I’ve held it, My name was on it and you haven’t. I know you don’t care….

But you do. That’s why you always come back. You came back this time for the paycheck, and that’s fine. Just know what I come back to prove something. I need to prove that I am just as good as I was, and that you are nothing more than a fake in this industry. It isn’t a secret that I’m better than you, it’s a statement of fact.

Don’t you find it funny that everytime you come back I just so happen to pop back up at the same time or within a few weeks? Jeez it’s like I’m obsessed with you or something, but that has nothing to do with it at all. I come back after you to show people what a true Legend looks like. I come back so people will always know that you are nothing more than a hanger on, someone who when given a real challenge will fall faster than a House of Cards star. You are nothing more than someone who doesn’t belong where they have ascended to…

I always come back to shove your ass right back down the line. It’s my job to do that. When other people come back they don’t make a mockery of their past. They are all trying to build upon it, you are trying to live off of it. Since I have come back I have done everything in my power to earn everything I’ve been given. My hart title shot, was earned. My spot in War Games was earned. You came back trying to take, well it’s time for you to know the feeling of not being given the time of day.

After I am done with you, in a clearly skewed match, I’m going to make sure you don’t get back up. If I have to break your legs I will do so. If I have to snap your neck, I will do so. If I have to bring out the old needle, I will do so. Just know that when I am done with you at Leap of Faith, it will be the last time you and I ever cross paths again…

And that isn't a Fantasy.

But it is Final.

[Image: 193QVMb.png]
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