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Saturday Night Savage 06-01-19
Author Message
Darius Xavier Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

06-01-2019, 06:12 PM

[Image: V3i33MC.png]


[Image: AF1QipN7RunW7SLUPfHA7aHq_Xh4QGsCeTe2S9ae...660-n-k-no]


We cut backstage and see a limousine is pulling into the parking garage, just as Savage is starting. The limousine is towing another limousine, and out of that limousine we see Robbie Bourbon standing out through the sunroof. He's in his sparkly jacket and mask.

Hey, hey! Scully, I'm coming for you tonight! I didn't get you at War Games because I was busy eliminating people.

Robbie glares at the camera.

Hey, welcome to Savage, motherfuckers!

The camera cuts to the ring as the first match is ready to begin.

Bobby Roode
- vs -
Ezra Blackwater
Option 3: 3 RPs, 3000 Word Limit

Pip: Ladies and gentlemen, we want to inform you that Big D will NOT be appearing tonight. He said next week he will be here, but will be here next week to address the XWF fans and roster.

Heather: Seems like he doesn't want to put in as much work now that he's Number 1 Contender, Pip.

Pip: Well that's his right, I suppose. He earned his spot, now he can take advantage of the privileges afforded from that.

Tig O'Bitties: Introducing first standing at 6 feet and weighing 210 pounds from Ontario, Canada...."GLORIOUS" BOBBY ROODE!!!

Bobby Roode along with his advocate Paul Heyman make their way out to the ring as Glorious Domination plays.

Tig O'Bitties: And his opponent standing at 6 feet 5 inches and weighing 175 pounds from destinations unknown....EZRA BLACKWATER!!!

All three brothers emerge, with whomever is fighting at the time, in the lead. Pausing briefly, the brothers look around at the exuberant crowd, with immense entertainment. Sharing an amused glance to one another as the fans scream. From there they walk in unison to the ring, occasionally separating to approach a random fan that's losing their mind. Clearly, enjoying the effect they have on the crowd, the Brothers Blackwater continue onward. Once they reach the ring, Donovan and Raphael hold up the bottom rope, as Ezra slides into the ring. Ezra then takes his place in the squared circle and awaits his opponent, while basking in the cheers from the audience.

The audience quickly boos Bobby Roode who raises both of his fists high into the air with a smirk as if he’s being cheered before turning to face his opponent to watch him with a close eye as Ezra exits his corner. Both lunge for one another and end up in a tie up. Bobby knees Ezra in the midsection and pulls his head between his legs, going for a piledriver, but Ezra grabs the back of his legs and takes him to the mat with a double leg takedown. Ezra quickly rolls off and gets back onto his feet and waits for Bobby to do the same. Both men put their fists up and go at it rough for the next minute or so, both trying to knock the other’s head off before Ezra steps it up a bit with a clothesline. Bobby is back onto his feet just as quickly as his body had hit the mat and Ezra catches him right in the eye with a strong right hook that sends Bobby into the ropes, bouncing off as his arm went low while Ezra went to the left to avoid the low blow. The official warns Bobby for trying to attempt that right in front of his eyes while Ezra moves along through the match with focusing on putting Bobby down and making sure to keep a closer eye out in case Bobby tries to go the dirty route again. Ezra dashes for Bobby, looking for a second clothesline but Bobby ducks that swinging arm and instead grabs him by the wrist to pull him closer for a DDT and then a quick cover for the pin.



”I believe that was the first actual wrestling move in this match so far.”

”There’s no doubt that this match has been nothing more than a bar room brawl so far!”

Bobby pushes his shoulders down to pin him again, this time getting a kick out before the referee could even get to one. Giving up, Bobby just gets to his feet and roughly pulls Ezra to him, connecting with a savage forearm smash! Ezra stumbles back, but Roode pulls him back in close and fires off with another forearm smash that drops Ezra to his ass. Bobby positions himself behind a sitting Ezra and locks in a sleeper hold. Ezra’s arms swing in the air as he fights through the hold but Bobby does nothing but squeeze his neck even more applying pressure as the referee is nearby watching Ezra to check for a submission, but Ezra refuses to fold and tap to the sleeper hold, instead he grabs hold of Bobby’s arm and sends about 50,000 volts of electricity into Bobby’s arm until Bobby’s hold on him lessens and then drops completely. After a moment, Ezra pushes up to his feet, as does Bobby, but Bobby has trouble finding his bearings as he is still feeling the effects of the electric charge that Ezra zapped him with. Ezra takes this as his cue to finish him off as he shoots in with a High Voltage Uppercut that sends Bobby flying back about ten feet both from the impact and the strong electric charge that fueled the uppercut!

”Holy shit, how would you like to be hit by that!?!”

”I wouldn’t!”

The official quickly moves in between Ezra and Bobby, and warns Ezra that he is not permitted to use his powers in this match.

”You know, the powers that be should probably be more clear what the rules are when it comes to the supernatural.”

The official backs Ezra into the corner before checking on the freshly zapped Bobby Roode.

”I think it should be pretty obvious that you can’t use any unnatural abilities when there is a possibility of a DQ Pip!”

”Well tell that to these guys!”

Bobby assures the official that he’s fine, even as he struggles to get back to his feet. Ezra stands in the corner posturing to the fans and making light of Bobby’s situation. Suddenly, Bobby shoves the official out of the wat and rushes towards Ezra, connecting with a knee to the gut before Ezra can react. He follows that up with a German Suplex, and then quickly mounts Ezra and has him restrained with his knees holding down Ezra’s arms while his fists connect repeatedly against Ezra’s face while he strains beneath him, unable to block the incoming punches that keep on coming. The official finally stops Bobby and orders him off of Ezra due to his foot being under the ropes. Bobby jumps up with his fists in the air to showboat. Ezra reaches up to touch his lip and sees that Bobby has busted it.

”Bobby Roode has Ezra out of his element. It’ll be interesting to see if Ezra can turn this match around after such a brutal beating!”

Ezra pushes up to his feet and charges Bobby. Bobby hears the stomping on the mat and turns right into a corkscrew crossbody! Both men jump right back to their feet. Ezra comes at Bobby again, this time with a closeline, but Bobby smartly ducks! Ezra rebounds off the ropes and coes in again, but Bobby drops to his belly forcing Ezra to hop over him. Ezra then jumps straight to the top rope and springboards off with a back elbow that catches Bobby right in the temple! Ezra then hops back up and shoots straight for the top turnbuckle, where he sets up, and quickly fires off with a moonsault! Ezra rolls off of Bobby and kips up before springing up to the top turnbuckle again and firing off with a Swanton Bomb!


But Bobby rolls out of the way just in the nick of time! Ezra crashes to the mat and winces in pain as Bobby moves in and begins stalking his prey. Ezra pushes up off the mat, but isn’t aware that Bobby is just waiting for him. Bobby moves in and sets up for a pumphandle slam.


”That’s it, this one is over!”

Bobby quickly hooks the leg.




Bobby’s eyes widen at first before narrowing down in irritation at the kickout, instantly getting up onto his feet and yanking Ezra onto his to spin him around so he could go for a Glorious DDT but Ezra breaks free and smashes Bobby in the face with a killer back elbow. Bobby stumbles back, his hand rising to dab against his top lip as he pulls his hand away once he feels moisture to look at his fingers to see a bit of blood instead of saliva.

”Eye for an eye Mr. Roode! Eye for an eye!”

Ezra comes for a ready Bobby who quickly swings on him, catching Ezra in the jaw as he takes two steps back and Bobby jumps onto the second turnbuckle to quickly jump back off and catch Ezra with a double axe handle to temporarily put him down for a few seconds. Bobby is reaching down for Ezra but Ezra has other plans as he kicks Bobby in the face and helps himself onto his feet, trading punches with Bobby once Bobby has recovered from the kick to the face and ends up getting the upper hand on Bobby with a kick to the mid section followed by his own version of the Glorious DDT!

”Ezra just hit Bobby Roode with his own move!”

”And he isn’t done yet!!!”

Ezra hops up to the top turnbuckle and calls his shot as the crowd pops!




Ezra quickly crawls over and drapes his arm over Bobby Roode.




Winner - Ezra Blackwater

We see a room backstage, and within we see John Madison and Barney Green. They seem to be surrounded by chafing dishes, a jug, and a washboard.

Barney Green: Hey, John, do you think we should put the catering out for the guys?

John Madison: Fuck those assholes! I'm keeping the food hidden in this locker room.

Barney Green: Who's locker room is this?

John Madison: I don't care. Look, Barney, while we're here making sure nobody eats, let's practice for our band.

Barney Green: The Country Bears cover band?

John Madison: Exactly, Barney Green, exactly. Pick up that washboard, boy.

John picks up the jug, and Madison and Green begin playing jug and washboard, which has a smooth if not really fucking hokey sound. Suddenly, other musicians crowd the room. Barney stops, shocked, as John continues to blow a jug.

Barney Green: John, who are these...

John doesn't even open his eyes, still joyously lost in song, and smiles as he speaks to Barney.

John Madison: Shut the fuck up, Barney, we're XWF Alumni, and we're jamming out with a band with all the catering here. Barney, do you want a hot dog? Do you want a hot dog, Barney?

Barney Green: Uh, yeah.

John Madison: Well you can't have one.

John pulls out a hot dog from a chafing dish. Fully dressed.

John Madison: This is my weiner. None of these are yours.

John Madison throws the hot dog on the floor and stomps it in front of Barney and the musicians. A second later is back to blowing his jug, glaring at Barney, who starts playing his washboard again as a trumpet, a trombone, a banjo, and a squeezebox join in, playing some really weird Ozark mountain hippie/hillbilly tunes. Suddenly, Robbie Bourbon barges in.


Robbie looks around the room and sees 4 musicians looking very shocked, Barney Green looking doubly shocked, and John Madison looking annoyed.

John Madison: God damnit, Robbie, you ruin everything.

Robbie, rightly befuddled, musters a fierce rebuttal.

Shut up.

John Madison: No.

What is going on in here? Did you steal catering and start a jug band?

John Madison: No.

Barney Green: Yes.

John Madison: NARC!

John reaches into a chafing dish and pulls out a handful of ziti and lobs it at Barney.

John Madison: Take that, Peter!

Barney Green: Stop calling me Peter! I told you a thousand times, I'm not Peter.

John Madison: That's exactly what Peter would say.

Hey, hey, both of you, shut up for a minute. Has Scully been in here?

John Madison: No.

Barney Green: That's true.

John, go put the catering back, would you? This is, well, this doesn't even make sense. Barney, good to see you haven't died.

Barney Green: Hi Robbie.

Alright, I gotta go find Scully and beat him up!

Barney Green: Bye Robbie.

John Madison. Fuck you.

Robbie leaves the room. As he does, the musicians, really the catering staff, start carrying the chafing dishes out to wherever they go.

[Image: czwultraviolenttitle.png]

Rebel Star
- vs -
Tommy Wish ©
Option 2: 2 RPs, 2000 Word Limit
Chicago Street Fight

Tig O' Bitties: Introducing first, the challenger standing at 5 feet 9 inches and weighing 125 pounds....REBEL STAR!!!!!!!!

A blast of hot pink fireworks erupt throughout the arena as Rebel Star, emerges on the scene. With a sarcastic sneer on her lips and that glimmer in her eyes that makes the boys swoon, she descends the ramp. Paying no mind to the hoards of screaming fans. The women who want to be her and the men who want to be with her, if only for a moment of flesh on flesh contact. She sees through them like glass. Rebel climbs the steel steps and glides through the ropes. Taking position on the top turnbuckle, she awaits her adversary.

Tig O' Bitties: And the Champion standing at 5 feet 11 inches and weighing 280 pounds from who knows where....TOMMY WISHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

After the opening plays, and on the X-Tron it shows "ScUm Of ThE Earth!" then pyro blast in the stage. We see Tommy walking down with a Kendo Stick in hand, and he starts to wack people's hand with it down the ramp. He goes around the ring, and stands on the barricades and taunts with the stick. Then he jumps down to the patted floor, and slides into the ring and points his Kendo Stick in the air as his theme cuts off.

Each competitor starts in their respective corners.

"The veteran and new champion Tommy Wish versus the former Queen, the returning Rebel Star, this is going to be a great match, you have my word people."

The ref looks between the two and calls for the bell.

"Here we go, this match is starting in the ring but could end anywhere in Chicago!"

Wish and Star begins to circle one another as the crowd stomp to their steps and get hyped. Wish leans in and swipes low but Rebel pounces back and Wish catches air, Star capitalizes and runs in for a running knee strike against the side of Wish's temple, this rocks the pessimistic punk who stumbles over and hits the bottom rope. Rebel goes against the ropes opposite and flies low to send a dropkick into Tommy who barely dodges out of the way forcing Rebel to slide out of the ring but lands on her feet.

Star turns around quickly on the outside and looks at Wish but doesn't re-enter the ring. Instead, she smiles and eggs Wish to come out to her.

"Rebel wants that street fight! I agree, screw the ring, darling!"

Wish laughs to himself and goes to the side away from Rebel and rolls out, smart move. The crowd cheer on as the two get face to face talking shit to one another, Rebel gives a stiff chop against Wish's chest who grits his teeth; Wish asks Rebel for another and she's happy to oblige, sending a heavy chop across Wish's sternum once more! This knocks the wind out of Wish who tries to walk off the pain but has a slight grin on his face, Wish turns into Rebel who spits in his face with a boo from the crowd.

"Absolute disrespect to the champ here."

"Hey, maybe he's into it?"

He's not into it. Wish dabs the spit from his face and sprints at Rebel knocking her down with a gruesome clothesline! Star is down on the ground but Wish doesn't relent, grabbing a handful of Star's hair and throwing her into the steel turnbuckle! Star rattles her head against the post and collapses against it, leaning on the apron. Wish grabs her hair once more and begins to slam her forehead against the post before grabbing her collar and throwing her into the corner barricade with some force.

Star trips in the air and her spine crashes against the barricade. Wish cleans his face off with some conflicting emotions and heads over to the commentator's booth at ringside.

"Oh no, bad day for me to wear heels."


Wish ignores Heather and Pip and forces the timekeeper to stand so Wish can take his chair. Tommy heads back over to Star who is standing herself up with aid from the barricade, her back towards Wish. Tommy aims the chair and swings the chair into Star's spine! Rebel is squashed between the chair and the barricade as she cries out in a shock of pain.

Wish readies another swing but Star rebels! She quickly turns in a rage and kicks the chair out of Wish's grasp! She throws a forearm into a surprised Tommy's chin, closing his agape mouth. Rebel then wraps both her hands around the back of Tommy's skull and forces his forehead into her knee! The crowd pop knowing what's coming next!

"It's been a long time since we've seen this."

"Seen what?"

Rebel grabs Wish and lifts him high over her head in a Gorilla Press!!

"HOLY CRAP! How's that little lady lifting Tommy!?"

"Rebel looking to be crowned Xtreme Champion here!"

But Tommy flails out of the hold and lands on his feet in the crowd! Wish throws a quick strike against Rebel's face who retaliates with a strong elbow to the champ! Wish grabs Rebel under her arms and throws her over the barricade with a belly to belly suplex! Rebel becomes a shooting star as she sails into the aisle and crashes onto the concrete, she holds her spine in agony as she cringes on the ground. Wish scrambles to pin Rebel! The ref hops over the barricade and goes to count!






Rebel gets a shoulder up and turns onto her stomach, Wish gets to his knees and stands once more, he grabs Rebel and begins to pick her up but Star throws his hands off her and headbutt's Tommy! Wish's head snaps back as the surrounding fans are hit with a spray of blood from Wish's nose! Star grabs Tommy's arm and whips him up the aisle and Tommy crashes against the concrete steps and tumbles onto them, landing on all fours as his head is mere inches off the third step up. Rebel builds a head full of steam and runs towards the champ!

"Rebel with a curb stomp! Crushing Wish's face against the step!"

Wish's forehead cracks opens and blood spills from a horrifying gash! Wish goes limp but Rebel isn't done, she flips over Tommy onto his back and takes a few steps back before sprinting once more and leaping, forcing a knee into Wish's sternum! Tommy coughs causing blood to splatter away from him.

"I don't think Wish knows where he is."

Star goes for the pin!


But no count!

The ref says Wish's shoulders aren't down due to the angle he's on, Rebel growls in frustration and releases the pin, throwing Wish into the aisle and goes for another pin.






Wish just gets a shoulder up in time! The crowd go nuts!

"It appears Wish just got enough of a breather to keep himself in this!"

Rebel is in awe and smashes the ground like a blonde Hulk. She mounts Wish and throws punch after punch into a bloodied Wish, trying to make his skull and the concrete become one.

Rebel reels back for a devastating haymaker but Wish springs to life!


Wish, with a second wind, locks in the Rings of Saturn out of sheer despeartion!

Rebel immediately begins to scream in pain and flails around in the hold.

Tommy tries with all his might to keep the hold in but is obviously feigning from his injury.

Star begins to loosen the hold but Tommy throws clubs against Star's spine breaking her escape attempt!

The ref kneels down to Star, looking for the verbal tap out but Rebel gives a big ol' fuck you between cries of pain.

Wish is fatigued as his clubbing slows.

Rebel tries to resist the agony.

And finally


She does!

She gets her arm loose and turns out of the hold, booting Wish away.

The pair collapse on the ground as the crowd applaud!

The ref check on the two and gives the all clear for the match to continue. After a while, both stir and raise to their feet at the same time. They glare at one another, Wish is covered head to toe in blood and Rebel is partially covered in Wish's blood.

Tommy throws an uppercut which glances Rebel's chin but she comes back with a strike of her own knocking Wish aside. Star grabs the back of Wish's neck and begins to lead him up the steps with the ref in tow. The two trade hits as they walk and brawl up to the second level, Rebel throws strong jabs into Wish's jaw before sending him against the railing over a high drop, the crowd get bloodthirsty cheering this on. Wish is leant with his back against the perilous drop. Rebel only sees red and readies herself, getting into a crouching pose.

"No time to tune the band, Rebel is gonna make Wish see stars!"


Rebels superkicks Wish in the mouth and sends him hurtling over the railing to the lower level!


"That wasn't directed at you, sorry."

Wish falls a good fifteen feet to the concrete below! The crowd gasp and cheer in a mix of sadism and empathy!


The ref runs down the steps and goes to check on Wish. Rebel collapses against the railing looking down at her fallen opponent.

The ref checks on Wish along with a couple of paramedics. The crowd hush with concern as they look over Tommy

The ref looks over to the timekeeper.

A smirk hits Rebel's face.

But Tommy stirs!

The crowd pop as he begins to get himself up!

"Tommy goddamn Wish! What is this guy made of!?"

Tommy crawls on the ground, injured.

The paramedics try to treat him but Wish shoves them away, the ref allows the match to continue!

Rebel places her forehead against the railing for a moment before slowly making her way down the steps.

Wish is back on his feet by the time Rebel meets him on the lower level but he looks uneasy, his eyes unfocused and legs wobble.

Rebel rushes over and throws a knee into Wish's gut, keeling over the champ. Rebel wants to end this and positions Wish into a powerbomb but Tommy stumbles out of the hold and falls against some makeshift scaffold in the empty space of the lower levels. Rebel advances on Wish once more but the champ returns with a knee strike of his own and grabs Rebel!


Wish turns as Rebel is at her highest.


The scaffold explodes into pieces, wood and steel pipes clatter around as Rebel's back and neck burst through them, the pair collapse onto the ground! The crowd are in amazement and cheer on the competitors.


The two stir and get to their feet once more, both grabbing steel pipes as to use as canes to aid themselves, the crowd go apeshit as they face off again. Rebel throws her steel pipe against Tommy but it's blocked by Wish's pipe who counters by shoving the improvised weapon into Rebel's throat! Star gags but swings again and nails Wish's elbow which knocks him but he doesn't retreat! Like a ghetto duel of fates the two swing the pipes once more but they clang together.

Both hurl their weapons at one another and both hit! Wish and Star share headshots and sieze up! A trickle of blood flows down Satr's face as her eyelids fall and she drops to the ground!

Wish gains some more head trauma and he stumbles around for a moment before also falling!









The bell had rung and after several minutes of EMT's checking on both Tommy and Rebel Tommy rolls outside of the ring and immediately starts looking under the ring for something. He slides back into the ring with a chair, as Rebel Star sits up and gets to her feet. She turns around and Tommy pump fakes a chairshot on her. Tommy extends his hand in fair fight, Rebel looks at Tommy with disgust as Tommy tries to shake her hand.

About ten minutes later, Tommy hits Rebel with a chair, and rolls her over to her gut. Then he takes off her boots exposing her socked feet. Tommy then locks in the Fetish Lock, attempting to break her ankle.

He locked it tight, and the ref tries to stop him. He locked it on tighter, and pulls her sock off and stuff it inside his mouth. He locked it and looked at the hard cam with a sadistic smile with the sock in his mouth, and finally breaks the hold.

Tommy then leaves the ring, hops over the barricades as the camera cuts to EMT's helping Rebel on her feet as the next segment happens.

The lights in the arena go dark. Over the PA, we hear a question, and an answer.

"Do you bleed?"

"You will."

Skunx by Lars Frederiksen and the Bastards blares throughout the arena as Robbie Bourbon steps out, stoicly making his way to the ring in his mask and bright sequined jacket. He is carrying a microphone and a cell phone, busily tapping away at the screen, doing social media on his way to the ring. He stops and takes a selfie with some fans in the front row. Robbie finally hits the ring and slides the phone into his spangled jacket. The music drops as the crowd is roaring to hear Robbie speak. Robbie holds the microphone to his lips, then lowers it quickly, smirking at the loud reaction the crowd in Chicago is giving him!


Robbie raises a hand and puts the microphone to his lips.

I would if the ugliest crowd in the world just shut the fuck up!

The crowd starts in with a smattering of boos, but mostly hushed.

THAT'S RIGHT! YOU HEARD ME! I am Robbie Motherfucking Bourbon, I have wrestled across the fucking globe! On every continent! I have caused more global bloodshed than diamonds, fossil fuels, and and grenade launchers combined! Now, I come back to the XWF for the HOTTEST match of the decade against Scully, the match all the people in the universe want to see, and I have to come to the United Center in front of a bunch of dumb ass Chicago pieces of garbage.

The crowd boos, loudly, aluminum beer bottles and other trash pelting the ring.

That's right, that's right you fucking chimps! Throw your waste like a bunch of fucking babboons, I don't give a shit. I don't give a shit! Flat out, I am back in the XWF because Scully talked shit, and couldn't cut it outside of the XWF like us actual, factual wrestling mega-fucking-stars can!


Oh, get over yourselves! All of you, are here in this arena, to see true wrestling talent. Well, I have come back, so instead of booing, here, here's a new chant I want you all to learn. It goes like this.

"We're not worthy!"

Robbie claps, claps, then clap clap claps.

"We're not worthy!"

Robbie claps, claps, then clap clap claps. The crowd boos again.

Ahhahahahaha. You know, none of you, absolutely NONE of you, paid anywhere near enough to see me tonight! And you know what? If Scully won't come down to the ring, then I have no reason to stick around the United Center.

As the crowd boos, miraculously, some fan decides to stick up for his hometown and jumps the guardrail! Before security makes it in time to stop him, he's slid under the bottom rope into the ring! Robbie turns and sees the young man charging him, droping the mic and meeting him with a knee to the ribs! Robbie then presses the guy, and throws him back to the concrete floor, whe he lands with a sickening thud and just lies there. Motionlessly, save the occasional shudder of air going into lungs against several broken ribs. Security and medics rush the kid as Robbie looks at him in disgust. Robbie picks up the microphone.

Woah, woah, woah, is this it? Is this really the best the city of Chicago has to offer? The Second Shitty. The Windy Shitty. There never was a curse, the Cubs just sucked for over a fucking century.


Robbie tosses the microphone aside and steps out of the ring, staring at the man that rushed past the guardrail who looks hapless on the ground as medical and security staff surround him. Robbie rushes in, tossing aside the medics and security guards, and grabs the guy again! Robbie puts his head between his legs as the crowd reacts with the heat of a thousand suns. Robbie lifts the poor dumb sap and Robbiebombs him through a section of guardrail. He then steps away, and a fan in the front row throws his soda at Robbie! Robbie, infuriated, grabs the fan by the throat, and lifts him! Robbie with a massive chokeslam to another spectator as the crowd is ready to riot! Security personell escort Robbie to the back as he looks back over his shoulder at the crowd, sneering. He turns back to the camera following him up the ramp.

I told you, Universe, I told you, Vinnie, I told you, Darius, I am here for one reason, and it is NOT the bullshit rejects that pay to come to these shows, I am here to fuck up Scully, and until I get him, you can consider this the beginning.

[Image: rWOE8Gi.png]

[Image: 8K9Z08s.png]

Lux ©
- vs -
Boston Bruiser
Option 2: 2 RPs, 2000 Word Limit
15 Minute Time Limit
Lux will announce the stipulation in her first promo

Tig O' Bitties: Ladies and Gentlemen this is tonight's Main Event. Introducing first the challenger standing at 6 feet 7 inches and weighing 400 pounds. From East Boston, Massachusetts....THE BOSTON BRUISER!!!

The big hulking individual known as Boston Bruiser walks down to the ring very methodically. He ascends the ring steps and climbs into the ring while he awaits his opponent.

Tig O' Bitties: And the CHAMPION standing at 5 feet 9 inches and weighing 162 pounds from a world on fire...whatever that means...LUX!!!!!!!!!!!!

The lights dim and all the screens in the arena become a wall of green code. As the opening scream of “We Appreciate Power” is heard, the code starts to slowly twist and bend into the outline of a woman's face, interspersed with shots of Lux in action ruining people's shit with brutal kicks and strikes. Lux appears at the top of the ramp, looking determined and ignoring the crowd. He runs into the ring, sliding under the bottom rope and rolling to his feet like a little goddamn ninja. The lights all turn back on and he's mean mugging his opponent or staring up the ramp and waiting for them.

Heather: Bruiser with an opportunity of a lifetime with this TV Title shot.

Pip: Lux declared they'd take on all comers, and Boston Bruiser answered that call.

The lights dim and all the screens in the arena become a wall of green code. As the opening scream of “We Appreciate Power” is heard, the code starts to slowly twist and bend into the outline of a woman's face, interspersed with shots of Lux in action ruining people's shit with brutal kicks and strikes. Lux appears at the top of the ramp, looking determined and ignoring the crowd. He runs into the ring, sliding under the bottom rope and rolling to his feet like a little goddamn ninja. Boston Bruiser tries to get in Lux's face, but the ref makes him back up. Lux smiles and holds the TV Title above his head.

Heather: Lux telling Bruiser if he wants it, to come take it from him.

Pip: Bruiser was trying to do that, but the ref wouldn't let him.

Heather: Here in a second, the only thing the ref will be good for is seeing if one of them wants to quit.

Lux hands the ref his title belt. The ref holds it in the air, before taking it over to the time keeper. Both competitors are eager to get started, as the ref calls for the bell.


Boston Bruiser charges at Lux, arms outstretched to do some damage. LUX uses his speed to duck under Bruiser, delivering two stiff kicks to his right leg from behind. BB turns around as Lux goes for a third one, this time aimed at the body, but Boston Bruiser catches Lux's leg and shoves him back. Lux does a backwards tumble towards the turnbuckles, but quickly pops up.

Pip: Much like many of Lux's other opponents, Bruiser has the strength advantage.

Heather: And it hasn't mattered much for them to this point.

Boston Bruiser charges at Lux, attempting his Avalanche splash, but his opponent steps aside and Bruiser's chest crashes against the turnbuckles. He turns around gets met with a Running Knee to the face.

Heather: That knee looks to have dazed the challenger.

Lux backs up, before charging at BB and hitting a Helluva Kick. Bruiser drops to his knees and the ref holds the mic to him, asking if he quits. Boston Bruiser shoves the ref away and rises to his feet. The champion attempts a Head Kick, but the challenger catches his leg. Bruiser uses his left arm to hold the leg, then uses his right one to grab Lux's other leg and hoist him up. Boston Bruiser then hits Lux with a nasty looking Jackknife Powerboat. He orders the ref to ask Lux if he's done, but he shakes his head.

Pip: What a monstrous move by this monstrous man!

Heather: But Lux is TV Champion for a reason, not gonna give up that easily.

Lux begins to crawl, but Bruiser isn't gonna let up. He picks his opponent onto his shoulders in Samoan Drop position, but instead walks over to the ropes and dumps Lux to the outside. He laughs for a moment, before climbing out himself. Lux delivers an elbow to the gut on Bruiser, who retaliates by bringing his arm down hard onto Lux's back. He then whips Lux towards the ring post, but the TV Champion slickly catches himself on it and swings himself under the bottom rope, into the ring.

Heather: It's like Lux is a ninja or something, for real.

Pip: Ninjas use swords, Heather, Lux just needs the four weapons attached to him: arms and legs.

An annoyed Boston Bruiser doesn't follow into the ring, choosing instead to walk over to the time keeper and steal their chair. He then slides into the ring with it, but Lux starts delivering stomps before he can get up. The champion then grabs the chair and hits the challenger in the back with it, followed by another shot. Lux begins wailing on Bruiser, as the ref bends down to check if he quits.


Bruiser's words aren't said without pain, though. Lux decides to go a different route, tossing the weapon aside. He stands there, setting BB up for something, waiting for his opponent to rise. Boston Bruiser gets to his knees, and Lux goes for a Buzzsaw Kick, but Bruiser ducks it. As Lux does a full spin around, BB gets up and wraps his arms around the champion. Lux struggles to get free, but it does no good as his opponent nails a Belly to Belly Suplex. An irritated Bruiser then snatches the mic from the ref and speaks into it.

"QUIT! Come on Lux, GIVE UP!"

Boston Bruiser then viciously shoves the mic in Lux's face, who swats it away. The challenger then hits Lux with the mic a couple times, before shoving it in Lux's face again. The champion refuses to quit, making his opponent angrier as he aggressively hands it back to the ref.

Heather: Bruiser's gonna have to try something else to make Lux quit.

Pip: I don't see Lux ever quitting, he'd die before giving up to the newcomer!

Boston Bruiser grabs Lux by the arm and drags him over to the corner, before sliding out of the ring. He then reaches in and pulls the champion, back first, into the ring post. BB continues to pull, stretching Lux backwards against the post. The ref checks to see if the champion quits, as Bruiser stretches him, but Lux refuses. The ref pulls away, but Bruiser orders him to keep checking while he does the move. Lux just shakes his head, despite the pain.

Heather: This is a BRUTAL hold by the Boston Bruiser!

Pip: THAT might be the way to do it, though. You can just see the agony in Lux's face.

BB holds this for a few more moments, before letting go in frustration. He looks into the ring at the chair he introduced earlier and slides in. Lux lays on the ground, practically limp, as Bruiser picks up the chair and heads for his opponent. With the chair in one arm, BB uses the other to lift Lux up against the turnbuckles. Bruiser hoists the chair high above his head and goes to deliver a kill shot to Lux's face. Using the strength he has left, the champion rolls out of the way. This causes the Boston Bruiser to hit the top turnbuckle with the chair, causing it to bounce off and smash against his own skull.

Pip: What a dodge by the TV Champion!

Heather: Bruiser looks out of it after putting all his strength into a shot that backfired!

The Boston Bruiser drops the chair and limps around towards Lux, who is on their feet. Lux does the Genocide Overdrive to Bruiser, hitting various strikes before attempting a clothesline. It hurts BB, but doesn't knock him down, so Lux hits a mean looking Black Mass kick to the side of Bruiser's head.

Heather: Submit!!!!

Bruiser drops to his knees, looking as though he has no clue where he is. Lux then hits a Buzzsaw Kick, that sends Boston Bruiser tumbling to the mat.

Pip: Die!!!!

Lux looks down at his opponent, who may very well be knocked out. He then gets down on the ground, sitting Bruiser's body up, before climbing behind him and pulling his back onto Lux's stomach. Lux then takes his right leg and wraps it around his left ankle.

Pip: What the hell is Lux doing? I thought he didn't know any grapple moves?!

Heather: Lux is busting out a new move he trained for, specifically for this match!

Lux pushes Bruiser's body to the side, before wrapping his arms around BB's head. With his hands wrapped around Boston Bruiser's jaw line, Lux pulls on the head while twisting on Bruiser's body.

Pip: Is that..... is that the Korean Zombie Twister?!?!

Heather: It certainly is! Lux calls it the Embrace of Ages, though.

Boston Bruiser, who has now come to, struggles to break free. He may have the strength advantage, but the match has taken too much out of him at this point to escape. The ref checks on him to see if he quits. Bruiser refuses to say anything, screaming out in pain instead. After a few more moments of fighting it off, Bruiser says those fateful words.

"I Quit! I Quit You Bitch!!!"

An exhausted Lux lets go of Boston Bruiser, relieved to have successfully defend his title once again. The fans applaud as the ref hands Lux his belt and raises his arm.

Pip: Sometimes you gotta live to fight another day, no shame in that.

Heather: Both competitors put up a good fight, but Lux walks away STILL the XWF Television Champion.


Special Thanks To:
Atticus Black
Vita Valenteen
And all of you that roleplayed

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[-] The following 8 users Like Darius Xavier's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (06-01-2019), AGK (06-01-2019), Atticus Gold (06-01-2019), Corey Smith (06-01-2019), Peter Fn Gilmour (06-01-2019), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (06-02-2019), Rebel Star (06-01-2019), The Brothers Blackwater (06-01-2019)
Corey Smith Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

06-01-2019, 06:26 PM

Good news, I won again.

Bad news, announce team fucking up my pronouns. Come on guys, I've been here like how many months?! I mean, yeah its weird, but really....?

[Image: CoreySig6A.png?width=270&height=406]
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B.O.B. D Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

06-01-2019, 06:38 PM

(06-01-2019, 06:26 PM)Lux Said: Good news, I won again.

Bad news, announce team fucking up my pronouns. Come on guys, I've been here like how many months?! I mean, yeah its weird, but really....?

That's my bad. For future consistency, what should they say? I went with he because I did it for our match after seeing someone else do it the week before, I believe.

June 2019 XWF Superstar of the Month
2019 Relentless Fishing Contest Winner
1x XWF World Heavyweight Champion
1x bWo World Heavyweight Champion [despite what Miss Furry or James J. Dildo says]
1x NWF World Heavyweight Champion
2x XWF Xtreme Champion [current]
2x XWF TV Champion
1x XWF Internet Champion
1x NWF World Tag Team Champion (w/Slim)
1x NWF Xtreme Champion
1x NLCW Slamfest Champion
1x LCW Hardcore Champion
3x WWF X-Division Champion
1x WWF World Tag Team Champion (w/Seth Flash)
1x WWF Dark Champion
1x WWF TV Champion
1x EGW Fury Champion
3x XWF Federweight Champion
4x XWF Heavymetalweight Champion
1x 420* Cruiserweight Champion
2x CMW Hardcore Champion
1x XHW T.V. Champion
1x WXC Hardcore Champion
1x XPW U.S. Champion
1x WLFC Tag Team Champion w/Chance
1x WWC T.V. Champion
1x WWC European Champion
1x WWF 24/7Hardcore Champion
2x WLFC 24/7 Hardcore Champion

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Tommy Wish Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

06-01-2019, 06:45 PM

Tommy walks into the backstage with his title on his shoulder, as blood kept dripping down on his face, he decides to speak.

"What you people saw out there was pure adrenaline rush, something that made me question if I can hang with these young roosters. While Robbie is shitting on the windy city people, these are ones who kept on telling me to fight forever against Star tonight.

You people might not see me on Savage again, but if I maintain this this title across the seas on Warfare, this title will be home to the Savage and the lunatics. This title will represent those who would kill, i mean end someone's careers over this.

So Star, I am happy to tell you that... you tried your luck, and couldn't get the job done. So as my token of appreciation, I will tell you this... fight like it's your right to prove you are the best, if the bombshell title division had been resurrected... you'd be my first pick in contending for it.

So my Chicago fans, stay warm, and fuck Robbie...i'm going back to my hotel to sniff Star's sock, and jack myself off to sleep."
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Lacklan Offline
World's best at making murderhobos cry

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The 'cool' kliq fans

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06-01-2019, 07:32 PM

(06-01-2019, 06:26 PM)Lux Said: Good news, I won again.

Bad news, announce team fucking up my pronouns. Come on guys, I've been here like how many months?! I mean, yeah its weird, but really....?

Bitch, they can't spell my NAME right! You get off light 😒

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The Brothers Blackwater Offline

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

06-01-2019, 08:01 PM

"Destinations unknown? My brothers and I, are from Brooklyn, New York."

[Image: vp1uvfb.jpg]

[Image: iNVRm0X.jpg]

Donovan Blackwater
Former 1x...

[Image: jtHw5j1.png]

[Image: OZdvB4F.png]

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[-] The following 1 user Likes The Brothers Blackwater's post:
bRiaN sTorM (06-02-2019)
Corey Smith Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

06-02-2019, 03:32 AM

(06-01-2019, 06:38 PM)BigD Said:
(06-01-2019, 06:26 PM)Lux Said: Good news, I won again.

Bad news, announce team fucking up my pronouns. Come on guys, I've been here like how many months?! I mean, yeah its weird, but really....?

That's my bad. For future consistency, what should they say? I went with he because I did it for our match after seeing someone else do it the week before, I believe.

OOC: I'm just busting balls, don't worry about it. When Lux is in charge during matches it's "she"

[Image: CoreySig6A.png?width=270&height=406]
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Darius Xavier Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

06-02-2019, 05:29 AM

(06-01-2019, 08:01 PM)The Brothers Blackwater Said: "Destinations unknown? My brothers and I, are from Brooklyn, New York."

Destinations unknown, Brooklyn. Basically the same thing. That's my bad thought.
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B.O.B. D Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

06-02-2019, 07:02 AM

I'll make sure to remember that in the future. I also just kinda assumed the announcers would be just as confused as everyone else. Lol

June 2019 XWF Superstar of the Month
2019 Relentless Fishing Contest Winner
1x XWF World Heavyweight Champion
1x bWo World Heavyweight Champion [despite what Miss Furry or James J. Dildo says]
1x NWF World Heavyweight Champion
2x XWF Xtreme Champion [current]
2x XWF TV Champion
1x XWF Internet Champion
1x NWF World Tag Team Champion (w/Slim)
1x NWF Xtreme Champion
1x NLCW Slamfest Champion
1x LCW Hardcore Champion
3x WWF X-Division Champion
1x WWF World Tag Team Champion (w/Seth Flash)
1x WWF Dark Champion
1x WWF TV Champion
1x EGW Fury Champion
3x XWF Federweight Champion
4x XWF Heavymetalweight Champion
1x 420* Cruiserweight Champion
2x CMW Hardcore Champion
1x XHW T.V. Champion
1x WXC Hardcore Champion
1x XPW U.S. Champion
1x WLFC Tag Team Champion w/Chance
1x WWC T.V. Champion
1x WWC European Champion
1x WWF 24/7Hardcore Champion
2x WLFC 24/7 Hardcore Champion

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John Whyte Offline
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06-02-2019, 07:12 AM

(06-01-2019, 06:26 PM)Lux Said: Good news, I won again.

Bad news, announce team fucking up my pronouns. Come on guys, I've been here like how many months?! I mean, yeah its weird, but really....?

(06-01-2019, 07:32 PM)Lacklan Said: Bitch, they can't spell my NAME right! You get off light 😒

(06-01-2019, 08:01 PM)The Brothers Blackwater Said: "Destinations unknown? My brothers and I, are from Brooklyn, New York."

it appears bob williams isnt the only one who cant do his job.

G-rated XWF megastar.
[Image: XcgnelC.jpg]
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Darius Xavier Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

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06-02-2019, 07:26 AM

You want Tig's job?
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John Whyte Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
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06-02-2019, 08:05 AM

I can only save one show at a time

G-rated XWF megastar.
[Image: XcgnelC.jpg]
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