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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Diamonds And Guns Part 2
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Centurion Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(has an old school wrestling mentality; no nonsense; less appealing to some younger fans)

04-03-2019, 04:26 AM

(You don’t get to be as successful in business as Centurion was without keeping some secrets tucked away. While Centurion’s personal life was an open book for most of his life, there were a few things hidden from even his closest friends that have come to benefit him in his time of need.

We open up inside the historic headquarters of the National Bank of Greece in downtown Athens. The 19th century architecture contrasts with the 21st century technology that monitors and protects the place. Footsteps echo throughout the building, as patrons in fancy shoes walk on the marble floor, causing the sound to drown out the multiple people talking.

Through it all, we see four men walk into frame. One is a man in a suit with a pin of the NBG logo on his lapel – clearly some kind of bank administrator. The second is an armed guard, wearing a formal Greek military uniform, a military beret, and a Glock 17 Generation 4 pistol holstered to his hip. The other two men are Centurion and Walter Crowe, all dressed up in suits for this special occasion.

The four men walk with a purpose, stopping for no one as they walk past the tellers and the patrons and down a long hallway. At the end of the hallway, the bank administrator pulls his keycard out of his pocket and presses it against the door lock, causing the door to unlock and the four men to enter.

On the other side of the door is another long hallway, but where the sounds of conservations and the visuals of employees and tellers mingling with patrons are all gone, and instead, it’s empty. On either side of the hallway are large metal doors with no windows, and security keypads next to them. The four men walk a few feet before stopping in front of one of the doors. The bank administrator types into the keypad several numbers – much longer than you would expect a password to be – before hearing the door click to be unlocked and the door opening.

Inside the room is an old wooden table. Up and down three sides of the room are small metal doors – almost like cabinets. The bank administrator walks over to one of the doors and opens it with an old key. He opens the door and pulls out two metal lockboxes. He gently sets them both down, along with the keys to open them, on the wooden table, before turning to Centurion and speaking to Centurion in Greek.)

Administrator: Enimeróste me an chreiázeste káti.

Centurion: Efcharistó.

(The bank administrator nods and he and the armed guard walk out of the room, closing and locking the door behind them. Centurion looks over to Walter with a big smile on his face, but Walter continues to look confused.)

Walter: You’ve been silent this entire trip. Are you just going to drag this whole thing out until we die in here, or are you going to open the boxes?

Centurion: I figured we could spend some quality time together. We don’t just hang out anymore.

(Walter shoves Centurion who laughs and picks up one of the keys. He inserts it into the first box and turns the key before slowly opening the top, and his smile grows wider – like a child experiencing a candy store for the first time. Walter walks over and gazes into the box to see what Centurion sees…

…which is a box filled with stacks of various bills of all different currency. The piles are high – light something you would see out of a heist movie – and Walter stares at it, almost salivating.)

Walter: Wh…what…

Centurion: I knew there would come a time when vultures would pick apart everything I created, so I made sure I hid some money around the world so I would have a back up plan. Got to be honest, though – kind of figured you would be the one who would take me down.

(Walter doesn’t respond to the accusations – he just continues to stare at the money.)

Walter: How much is in there?

Centurion: A couple million, give or take. Depends on when we get all the currency transferred into US dollars. The British Pound took a beating since I stashed this away.

(Centurion picks up the other key and opens the second lockbox. Inside, instead of cash, there is a host of other items – many different passports, along with maps, a watch, and some jewelry. He sets that box aside and refocused on the box filled with money, which, in turn, sends Walter’s attention to the box he had yet to view. Centurion begins grabbing some bundles of cash and setting them aside in piles, sliding one pile over to Walter.)

Centurion: This should be enough to pay off the debt we put on the renovations.

(Centurion pulls out another stack of money and begins to count it as Walter digs through the contents of the second box, shifting through the different passports.)

Walter: Are all of these up to date?

Centurion: Meh, should be.

(As Centurion says that, Walter pulls out a passport for the country of Yugoslavia, a country that hasn’t existed since 1998. He shows it to Centurion, who stops counting and looks at the passport, perplexed. Finally, he just shrugs his shoulders.)

Centurion: You never know when they’re going to make a comeback.

(Centurion casually goes back to counting money as Walter just shrugs his shoulders and puts the passports back in the box. Walter proceeds to close the box as Centurion pulls out the last of the cash he needs from his box.)

Centurion: This should get us through the next few months, but we need to move quickly. We can’t keep tapping into the reserves.

Walter: I didn’t even know we HAD reserves.

------In the dice game of life, who gets the last roll?------

Perhaps I have been a bit unfair.

I have been so caught up in the reunion of The Prophecy that I have completely written off our opponents for Warfare. And that’s just not right. They’re people, too. They’re wrestlers looking to make a name for themselves, and defeating two legends would be a huge feather in their cap. So, I have decided to take some time to get to know them, hear them out, and see what they have to say.

Come to find out, they have a LOT to say, which is handy, because I have a lot to say, too. Especially to Job Ber Too. See, Too, you…you…

…you’re beautiful. Seriously, if I had known you were this good looking, I would have declined the match. You’re a tough bad ass with gorgeous hair and beautiful caramel skin. Why aren’t you in magazines, or on TV more often? You equal ratings, and this company doesn’t even know it! I think it’s racism, honestly. Has to be.

I don’t want to fight you, Too. I want to get to know you better. I want to know where your from, why you got into this business, what your aspirations are. I want to learn about your seemingly large family. I want to know If you want to ride the pony snake to tuna town. All of these things are far more important to me than some wrestling match.

I’ll tell you what. Let’s forget about this whole thing. Why don’t we have Raven fight your brother, while you and I go off somewhere nice, grab a couple glasses of wine, and talk about our lives. Once Raven is done bashing Tree from post to post, you can pack up your things, get back in the van, and talk about how lovely your date was. I’ll even bring flowers, because a beautiful lady such as yourself deserves to be treated as such.

If you do decide to go through with this, though, understand that this isn’t checkers. Whether or not you know me or respect me, you’re still putting yourself in harms way. People get hurt. Now, I’m not planning on hurting you. In fact, I’m not planning on hurting your brother, either. But things happen, and I am not responsible for any mistakes the two of you make while attempting to show everyone how much of a bad ass the two of you are.

That’s why I say, leave the barbarism to the barbarians. James Raven can more than handle himself in the ring, and Job Ber Tree…well, he seems nice. I bet I could convince Raven to go relatively easy on him. I mean, it’s still going to hurt, but not as bad as it COULD be, so…yay?

I will bring flowers and a bottle of wine with me to New Zealand, Job Ber Too. I hope you will take me up on my offer. That would make this entire trip worth it. Instead, I’ll just have to settle for making two young wrestlers meet their…


[Image: UdLSPlv.png]
XWF Record - 214-100-9
XWF All Time Wins Record Holder
Official XWF Legend
3x XWF Anarchy Champion
3x XWF World Champion
8x XWF Canadian Champion (Record for most Canadian Title reigns)
1x XWF Hart Champion
6x XWF X-Treme Champion
5x XWF Tag Team Champion
2x XWF United States Champion
Inaugural XWF IDL Champion 
1x XWF King of Anarchy
1x XWF King of Massacre
1x XWF Stable Champion
XWF Star Of The Month - May 2007
XWF Star Of The Month - July 2009
XWF Star Of The Month - December 2019
XWF Star Of The Month - December 2021
XWF Holiday Battle Royal Winner - 2007

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