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John Rogan Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

03-24-2019, 05:38 PM

"How's it feel?"

"Pretty good."

The scene is that of a humble gym. John Rogan and a man nearly seven feet, stand at a heavy bag. It's been years since Rogan has seen his Syc Bastard's stablemate, but it feels as if it were yesterday. Mark holds onto the bag as John unloads several punches into it.

John Rogan takes a look at his left hand, a recent injury. He was, and remains adamant, the injury will not stop him from competing.

He lets out a flurry ending with a high kick.

"Time!" Mark calls out.

Rogan shakes out his hand before taking the gloves off.

"You know Mark, this has been a long time coming."

Mark nods his head.

"I never knew how disrespectful these kids nowadays could be though."

Mark nods encouraging him to continue.

"First, we have Kid Kool. The boy whose an inconsistent competitor, came back to the XWF a month ago, and captured both the Federweight and Heavy Metalweight championships. He, now acts like he's God's gift to wrestling.

I, personally, think he's still a bum, a little green behind the ears. I hate to crush a Kid's spirit, but you can't step up, throw around derogatory comments, and expect not to be punished for it."

He takes a quick sip from the water bottle, sitting next to him.

"It wouldn't be so bad, if the kid had in-ring talent, but he doesn't. He has the gifts of deceit, and luck. That's why he'll rack up Heavy Metalweight titles, lose them, and get them back. The guy will break the record for most title reigns, and be forever enshrined in XWF's history books, but not because of talent, but luck.

I'll tell you Mark. I won't let the little fucker get by me in Miami. I plan to throw him out of the ring, quicker than that bouncer tossed him out of that club."

John Rogan looks off in the distance, following his gaze the camera sees a picture of him standing a top a cage, microphone in hand. The night he won the GWA world championship. Mark who took notice of Rogan's gaze let's out a small laugh.

"I just want that feeling one more time."

Rogan says giving the bag a nice low kick.

"You'll have it. In Miami."

John laughs, silently agreeing.

"So, what's with Notorious Ned Kaye?" Mark asks.

"I don't know."

John admits.

"He tries to act like he sees and knows all. You heard him tell me I was trying to 'play his game'? I don't think Ned realizes the game which he's playing. He tries to catch you with a combination of psychology and threats, but it's all in vain. He's the guy who talks a big game, but when time comes...he fails."

They both share a laugh.

"I have to give him credit though. He's going to more competitive than this Eratic and Justin Sayn. One is keeping his mouth shut, the other is already giving the proverbial 'I didn't want the title anyway'".

Mark chuckles as the scene fades.

[Image: kYQX8Mq.png]
1x Heavy MetalWeight Champion
1-2-0 (XWF Record)
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