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Jessalyn Hart Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

01-09-2019, 05:41 PM

Jessalyn and Aliza sat in an Airport lounge waiting on a text from a local Raven driver for pick up. The two sat awkwardly silent as both stared at their food. Aliza fidgeted with her fork before looking at Jessalyn.

Why did you bring me to Perth?

Jessalyn seemingly ignoring her took a sip of her drink

Why did you bring me to Perth, Jessalyn?

Jessalyn looked up from her glass

For back up, of course.

She tried to defuse the situation with a smile

Bullshit!, You and I both know that there are hundreds of Ravens in this country. You and I both know that there are already people here waiting to help you this op. So why in the fuck did you bring and seventeen-year-old trainee to Perth, Huh? Answer me that?

Jessalyn remained silent as she tried to eat her food and ignore the question

Well Fuck you too then. I guess I'll just have to go and find out from someone else. I know the can will be here soon. Maybe one of the Ravens in Perth will be more willing to help me.

Aliza got up from the table and began to walk away

Because I didn't want you to get killed.

Aliza stopped and turned back to Jessalyn

What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

Jessalyn paused again, took a deep breath and looked Aliza in the eyes.

The consortium are bombing compounds, They are killing dozens of Ravens. With Abigail being in rehab and me taking this op, there is a great chance that they will attack our compound. The Seraphim and the other Ravens there will all most likely die. I can't take a chance on losing you too.

Aliza walked back to the table and sat down

Why do I get to live and all the others have to die?

It is not as simple as that. You are a Daughter of Dyonisus, and So am I. We are humans born from Seraphim bloodlines.

Aliza sat confused, she slid her food out of the way and leaned into Jessalyn

Okay, now tell me that in English. What the fuck am I?

There are humans that have Seraphim blood in them. The women are called Daughters of Dyonisus and the men are called Sons of Aries. They are half human Half Seraphim. We are descendants of Primordials, like Gaea. When humanity was first created, the Primordials took it upon themselves to create a more perfect version of their creation. They took all of the good parts of Humanity and mixed them with the good parts of The Seraphim.

Over time and generations, The Children of The Primordials began to flourish. But during the Second Celestial Wars, The Council who was lead by Micheal began to cull them from the earth. They killed them by the hundreds, entire cities were decimated. Micheal and the Council saw us as an abomination to the Celestial Lineage. The Seraphim took what was left of our kind and hid them away. They took the innate powers we had and made them dormant.

Entire generations went by without any of them knowing what they were. It wasn't until the Second World War when there were experiments done by the Nazi's that the Council would start hunting us down again. A village in Poland was completely filled with people like us. The stress and fear brought on by the invasion and attack by the Germans awakened their powers and a small group of villagers fought off the Nazi's.

At the time Micheal and his human followers had been funding the war. Once he had heard about the village he and other Archangels went to the village to wipe them out too. But, they were met by Mezian and other Seraphim. They fought in the village and the Seraphim won, but at a great cost. Mezian lost almost all of the Seraphim he had brought to the village. Micheal lost half of his face and a few Archangels. Mezian had moved the villagers to western Europe where they could be protected. One of them was names, James Pardee. His father had been killed by the Nazi's, James had to watch him die. This awakened his powers and he killed all of the Germans involved. Your grandfather found Mezian and they began The Ravens.

So.. that is why everyone is so interested in you. You are a descendant of the original Raven and you are also a Daughter of Dyonisus. You are more important than most people your age. That is why I must protect you and that is why I took you with me. Does that answer your questions?

Aliza sat in silence seemingly awestruck. She took a drink and looked at Jessalyn

Does that mean I am a superhuman? Like, Am I a superhero?

Jessalyn smiled

No, You are very still human. You have access to a higher sense of perception, You are slightly faster, stronger and more agile than any human. Even those who train their entire life won't keep up and achieve what you have the potential to do.

The phone that sat between them began to buzz. The car was finally here and it was time to go to the hotel. Jessalyn and Aliza grabbed their stuff and began to walk out the door. The walked down the corridor towards the exit. Jessalyn noticed something that made her stop in her tracks.

Hey, Jess you alright? What is it?

Shit! Let's go!

Jessalyn grabbed Aliza by the hand and began to run towards the exit.

What the fuck is going on?

Look outside, traffic has stopped. The birds have stopped flying and the people have stopped moving.

Aliza peered through a nearby window.

Yeah, so? What does that mean?

That means that there are Celestials nearby. They stop time so humans don't see them...

As if on queue the windows around Jessalyn and Aliza shattered. The raining glass fell to the ground around them as they hid behind a pillar in the corridor.

Ezariaha...I know you are here. I also you know you have that Pardee brat. Come out and I won't have to kill you both. Or don't come out and I get to have fun.

The voice echoed through the two hiding. It was deep and menacing, full of hatred and discontent. It was Azriel...

How the fuck are you here? I saw Mezian send you to hell. Angels can't get out of hell if they are sent there. Where the hell is Lucifer?

Lucy? Well, he may or may not be dead. Also, thanks for reminding me of what the bastard Mezian did to me. Where is that asshole anyway? I thought you were his pet?

He also may or may not be dead.

Azriel appeared in front of Aliza and Jessalyn. He grabbed them both by the neck and lifted them off of the ground.

You should have made this harder than this. You really need to try, aren't you a Seraphim? What do I have to do to turn that on? Is there a button I have to push? Or do I have to break bones? Oh, I know I will kill the Pardee here and make you watch.
Raziel smirked. Jessalyn struggled to breathe. Raspy words fell from her lips. As Azriel tightened his grip.

Are you trying to ask for forgiveness? Are you begging for your life? Or maybe the brat's life?Hhmm? What is it that you are trying to say to me?

Azriel leaned in to hear the words. To hear what was so important that she would spend her last breath on them

"Vect'er Ve'der"

Jessalyn's hand turned black as pitch as she jammed it into Azriel's chest. The Archangel leat out a roar of pain as he let loose his grip on Jessalyn and Aliza. Jessalyn spoke again

" Vol'desj Alb'Haner

What appeared to be streaks of golden flames flew from Jessalyn's fingertips as she flung her hands in the direction of Azriel. Each one exploding on impact and knocking the Angel off of his feet

Aliza are you okay? Can you run?

Aliza slowly got back to her feet and stared in amazement at what Jessalyn had done

[lightgreen]Holy Fuck Jess, you didn't say you were a Wizard.[/color]

Jessalyn let out a grunt of frustration as she threw another streak of fire at the prone Azriel

This is not the time Aliza. These are just stunning him, they won't kill him or keep him down. Can you run or not?

Aliza lost in her thought stared at Jessalyn

Hey, Aliza! wake the fuck up! Can you run or not? I need you to get to the hotel. Find the others and get back her now! If I can't keep him occupied he is going to kill us. Now get your head out of your ass and fucking move. Steal a fucking car if you have to I don't care just get out of here.

Aliza turned and ran towards the hotel. Weaving in and out of people frozen in time. Soon she was out of sight and Jessalyn stopped using the incantations. Azriel laid on the ground rolling trying to get his bearings so he could get back up.
Jessalyn took this as a chance to find the car that came to pick her up. It would have some of her gear and it gives her a better chance to fight him. She quickly scanned the area and spotted the armored SUV that was near the entrance. She darted towards the trunk and tried to open it, it was locked.

She spotted the body of the driver on the ground and began to rummage his pockets. She looked back to see Azriel getting back to his feet. She threw one more incantation at him to slow him down. She had finally found the keys after what seemed like an eternity. She made her way back to the Suv and slung open the trunk. She grabbed Mezian's sword and her .45. She slid the top of it back to see if it was loaded.

There is the chamber was a Bloodsilver round. She let it slid back as she heard it lock and load. Azriel slowly started to make his way back to his feet, He smiled at Jessalyn.

You know, you have a lot more spunk in you than your parents did. I think that Mezian might have had something to do with that. He always did bring out the worst in people.

What the fuck did you just say?

A rage overcame Jessalyn as she lifted her hand holding the gun while walking towards Azriel
Mezian alway...

No MotherFucker the other thing. About my parents, you killed my parents?

Azriel smiled again

What? Mezian didn't tell you? Yeah, I killed your parents. I did it on Halloween, they were sticking their noses in Consortium business. The Ravens needed to learn a lesson. So I killed them both. Your mother just laid there and took it. Your father, your father on the other hand cried and begged for mercy. Said something about having a little girl back home. I just laughed and put a bullet in his head.
So you are gonna take that gun and put a bullet in my head? You know things like that can kill me. The worst it is gonna do is give me a headache. So go ahead do it, I'll just spit out the lead and kill you anyway.

Haha, this is Bloodsilver.

Three rounds echoed off of the cars and Jessalyn shot Azriel in the face. Each one tore a little more of the back of his skull out. His limp body sprawled out on the ground, his blood crept closer to her feet. She began to take a step back when she heard a voice from behind.

Jessalyn, What have you done?

It was Cortessa and she seemed pissed

So let me get this straight... The whole premise of your argument of why you are gonna win basically breaks down to, " Me man I strong, me no want to hit gurl but me will if me have to, me won't like it either".Come the fuck on really? Is that the only thing you fucking assholes can ever come up with? Whether it is you Chaos, Gilmore or Mcbride. That is your default, really? You know that in the eight months you were in a coma a woman held every major title in this company except the Uni title at least once right? Hell, I think at one time all of the major titles were held by women. Your boys' club mentality is antiquated and flawed. You have no Idea what I am capable of, you have no idea of what VV is capable of. You think that because you have a dick between your legs that you are just gonna walk all over us and win a championship?

You and Main didn't earn the shot you are getting. You didn't work your asses off to get where you are now. You let your buddy challenge us. He asked for the match, and the only reason why it got is that he is the Uni-Champ. You are just here because of the people you know. You sure as fcuk weren't getting wins in a fucking hospital bed. You know for people who wanna bitch about Chaos demanding things that he doesn't deserve you and Bobby sure as hell are doing the same thing. Hypocrites all of you, every one of you. All of your pride and toxic masculinity won't allow you to be bested by someone you deem lesser than you. Why? This is the same question I ask everyone who plays the gender card on me. Why do you feel the need to bring gender into this? Why does it matter if I am a woman? I am the champion, right? You wanna beat the champion, so you can be the champion, Right? Who cares what is in between my legs.

What was it you said that your mom taught you? " Under no circumstances do you hit a woman"? Is that right? Well, my mother taught me from a young age that when some punk ass runs his mouth at you, you close it for them. So that is what I plan to do you and Bobby both. ( Don't worry Bobby you are gonna get yours, next sweetheart) So if you think the fact you have a dick is going to be the deciding factor in our match you obviously haven't seen the balls that VV and I have.

Now to you Mr. Main, How is it that you are gone for months with the 24/7 briefcase mind you. Then all of the sudden you show up and challenge Engy for the title. A title that you had to cash in after he beat you fair and square. Now, I am not saying that the case is cheating or anything like that but what was the point of challenging him if you were gonna use the case anyway. I guess it stems from the overzealous ideology you and the rest of your AX3 and Apex people have. You can't just lose fair and square you have to make sure everyone knows about it or you have to have a backup plan in case you do lose and no one cares.

I think that is it, I found it. That is why you have taken this match. That is why you rolled Drew's ass, wheelchair and all into the middle of this. Because you have to have the attention, you have to have the spotlight. Every chance you get you to have to be the best or at least act like you are. You know that Drew won't let you lose that title, you know that if you win the tag titles you won't ever really lose them. So I get it now, you have a backup plan just like you did when you fought Engy.

The fact that you think that the tag division is on life support is absurd. Why is it because it isn't to your liking. I mean having that same five teams fighting for the titles may seem a bit redundant but at least our division is alive. After the whole Moxxi and Mandi incidents, it kinda killed two different singles divisions/ So of course people were moving to the tag division. Anyway, I digress. The point here is that you and Drew and Chaos are all the same. Whether you're willing to admit it or not you are all the same. You are all the same infantile man-child that is gonna throw a fit when you lose. And let me tell you watching you and Drew do it too is going to be priceless. VV and I get to shut more of your sexist asshole mouths and one of us gets the Uni Championship. I think that is a good fucking day.


[Image: wallpaper2you-64426-20191117182800923.jpg]
2x Tag Team Champion W/ Vita Valentine
1xExtreme Champion
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