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Griffin "The Mechanic" MacAlister
Author Message
Griffin MacAlister Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

01-01-2019, 01:52 AM


In-Ring Name: The Mechanic

Wrestler's Real Name: Griffin MacAlister

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: New! Just kidding. Returning.

Wrestler Date of Birth: April 18, 1987

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 190lbs

Hometown: Chicago, Illinois

Bio: Born and raised in Chicago, Griffin MacAlister didn't exactly have the picture perfect life. With a mother that left early on and a father that wasn't really there... even when he was there, Griffin rebelled and fell in with the wrong crowd. Often stirring up trouble and acting out, Griffin's antics only escalated as time progressed. Crime became a hobby that he excelled at. He learned to read people, find out their weaknesses and then use them for his own gain. Each day was simply another glittering stone, in the great con of life. Griffin had little that he actually cared for, with the exception of repairing classic cars and motorcycles. The only thing that could ever bring him close to his father and allow them even an instant to bond. Griffin was a natural talent in this field. A born mechanic, his gifts branched out well past the borders of being a mere grease monkey. There was little he couldn't put back together, once it was broken. In fact, it almost seemed like he used this passion for fixing things, in order to repair everything that was broken in his life.

Unfortunately, this didn't save Griffin from the reality of his actions outside of the garage because one faithful day, he leapt when he should have looked and that mistake sent him straight to jail. Oddly enough, this is where his life would take an even greater and far more... unexpected turn. Unbeknownst to Griffin, someone had been watching and monitoring his activities. From beyond the shadows, in the darkest places; few would ever tread... let alone see, someone recognized Griffin's talents and they were powerful enough to do whatever it took to release him. Freedom in exchange for cooperation and a contract for employment, Griffin signed on the dotted line, without a second thought edgewise. Little would he know, from that moment forward, he would forever serve - The Order. An evil corporation, known only to those that needed to know, they held the strings to virtually the entire world. Nefarious and sinister, this company dealt in the worst elements that life had to offer. Handling deals of only the most deadly design and taking on assignments for a special group of select clients who didn't quite have the stomach or stones to do the things needed in order to get the desired outcome done, Griffin would become one of their living "weapons". Trained and programmed to follow orders and commands, above all else and fulfill whatever task deemed necessary to complete a job, there wasn't much Griffin couldn't or wouldn't do. Which begs the question, why did Griffin return to the XWF - home of the x-treme? The answer... remains to be seen.

Personality: Witty and deeply sarcastic, Griffin is charismatic and friendly while also incredibly guarded. Trust doesn't come easy with him, if it comes at all. He's lived a life few would wish for and it shows. Clever, resourceful and fearless, Griffin won't back down from a challenge.

Ethnicity: (Caucasian) German and Scottish

Pic Base, if any: Norman Reedus
[Image: aPVECFr.jpg]

Strengths: Superior mechanical/machinery technician skills. Highly trained in both hand-to hand and tactical combat. Expert marksman and tracker. Adept at reading other's motives, agendas and emotions.

Advanced Abilities: Enhanced strength, speed, and agility. High combat adaptability. Weapons specialist. Enhanced memory, Knowledge replication (Can gain/replicate any kind of knowledge, be it knowledge over a subject, a foreign language, or mastery of a fighting style.}, Enhanced accuracy, durability, healing, reflexes, awareness and condition (Physical and mental abilities are above natural members of their species).

Weaknesses: Stubborn. Can have a tendacy to lose control, depending on the sevarity of the situation (This is due to the unstable and highly unpredictable nature of his advanced conditioning.) Has no personal fear for well being. At times, reckless to the point of self destruction. Marijuana.

Entrance Theme Music: These Two Boots Of Mine by The Bruisers

Special Entrance (if any): Griffin emerges from the entrance; eyes set straight ahead, he marches to the ring without much attention or emotion shown towards the crowd. Climbing the steel steps, he then takes his place within the ring and awaits his opponent's arrival.

5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
Drop/Side/Mule/ Roundhouse Kick
Fist/Elbow/Leg Drop
Various Punches
Baseball Slide
Sit-Out Powerbomb
Anaconda Vise
Suicide Dive
Arm Trap Swinging Neckbreaker
Pendulum Backbreaker
Northern Lights Suplex
Step Up Enzuigiri

Trademark Move(s): Boot Party!, Lights Out Motherfucker

Description(s): Repeated Stomps Into An Eventual Curb Stomp, Rock Bottom

Finishing Move(s): P.O.A (Pissed On Arrival), Reality Check

Description(s): Code Breaker into a Hell's Gate, Twist Of Fate

Favorite Hardcore Attacks/Spots: Will pull out the K-Bar that he keeps concealed within his boot in a pinch. Loves stomping the shit outta motherfuckers with his steal toe boots.

Additional notes: Basically, Griffin was transformed into essentially, a living weapon. He wasn't born this way, though that doesn't mean that he didn't have skills to begin with, he was simply modified. Conditioned. Enhanced to be capable of doing things, that most are not born to be able to do. Rewired biochemically and altered genetically, while his mind was manipulated and redesigned, to cater to the transformation.

[Image: Teg4zqi.jpg]

Title History
3x X-Treme Champion
1x (and 1st ever) North Korean Champion (Now the Television Title/X-Bux Championship)
1x Tag Team Champion (Longest reigning tag team champion @273 days. 231 w/Sebastian Duke and 42 solo)
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