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Hunting Hunter (Part 3) (Hunter Payne vs El Rey)
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Miss Joy Offline
Joy Payne

XWF FanBase:
Men and Lesbians

(physically attractive female on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes)

07-06-2018, 03:21 AM

Joy: Hunter? Oh Hunter? Where are you?

On the continued search for Hunter Payne, Joy begins searching somewhat frantically in the backstage area hours after Warfare, El Rey is behind her and is also searching. Joy points for El Rey to go look in a different area.

Joy: Hunter… You’re coming home with me… There is no point in dragging this out my love…

After continuing to not-so-casually search the now empty arena. Joy stops in her tracks, almost as if she can sense that he is near. Joy spots a door. She opens it. Only to find mops, brooms, toilet paper, and the other utilities the janitors use. Suspecting Hunter wouldn’t hide in there because it would only confirm the stereotypes, Joy gets frustrated and begins monologuing.

Joy: Come on, babe… I know you’re here somewhere… You know, Steve Sayors of all people, sold you out? Just to avoid a beating… even though, El Rey beat him anyway… Do you know why Steve Sayors sold you out so easily? It’s because he is untrustworthy… Just like everyone else is!... Face it sweetie, I am the only one you can trust in this world! Yet, you continue to play this little cat and mouse game!... And it’s really starting to piss me off!!!


Joy slams the door shut for emphasis.


A second loud bang is heard, probably from Joy slamming the door so hard that it knocked something over. Regardless, she reopens the Janitor’s storage room and has a deeper look through the room.


The door shuts again. This time with Joy trapped inside! On the other side? The one and only Hunter Payne! Hunter quickly pulls a heavy production crate in front of the door. He looks nearby and finds another smaller production crate. He lifts it up and tosses it on top of the other crate, trapping Joy inside for the foreseeable future.


Even more banging is heard! This time it’s from Joy banging against the door. Although her voice is muffled you can still make out what she is saying.

Joy: Hunter?! HUNTER!!.. You better let me out of this damn room!.. WHAT THE FUCK?!!

Payne: It’s over Joy! I’m not going back!


Right on cue, as Hunter begins to hear animal growls, he turns around to see El Rey about 25 feet away. A standoff ensues. This is gonna be good!


El Rey charges! Hunter Payne looks around, grabs a nearby steel pipe and sidesteps El Rey. Hunter with a steel pipe shot to El Rey’s ribs!

Then a shot to the back!

Then he wraps the pipe around El Rey’s neck and begins to choke him with a sleeper hold. El Rey begins to pass out, reaching out his left arm looking for something to grab ahold of…

He finds nothing! Just as it looks like all hope is lost, Joy’s assassin gets a surge of energy, pops back up to his feet, and barrel rolls over a catering table with Hunter Payne on top of him. Forcing Hunter to release the hold…

Hunter still in control. Leaps on to the table and jumps, but is caught by El Rey! The stronger El Rey turns and tosses Hunter Payne through the catering table! El Rey wastes no time and picks Hunter up and tosses him against a wall and begins to throw massive body blows. Followed by Haymakers! Hunter is withstanding shot after shot…

Hunter falls down while taking a beating. El Rey decides to stop and simply uses his strength to easily toss Hunter Payne again! This time Payne bounces against steel railing. The steel railing actually saved Hunter Payne from falling down the stairwell next to it. El Rey continues his relentless onslaught! A big boot nearly sends Hunter over the rail and down the stairwell. El Rey with a big headbutt! Cutting Hunter Payne open!

Dazed, Hunter attempts to shake off the concussion he just received. Only to receive another big headbutt! Hunter falls down but quickly springs back up with more blood pouring from his face… A midsection kick to El Rey! Possibly a low blow, either way it briefly stuns the Assassin.

A bloodied Hunter Payne puts his arms out and pulls his fingers into his hands, his body language saying “bring it”. El Rey charges…

Stun Gun!

Hunter Payne catapults El Rey jaw first into the railing…


El Rey goes over the guardrail but doesn’t fall down the stairs…

Hunter scrabbles for a weapon while El Rey is stunned on the stairs. Hunter luckily finds a row of steel chairs. He steals two. And draws from his inner Sabu and throws the chair like a grenade. A loud thud is echoed is heard as the chair pops off El Rey’s skull!

He gets the second chair and throws it as well. The same sound can be heard. And this one breaks El Rey’s shaky balance and down the stairs he goes!! Ouch!

Hunter runs down the stairs and grabs one of those chairs along the way.
In a small section of a parking lot now. Hunter Payne hits a downed El Rey with a thunderous chair shot to the back of his head!

Payne: GET UP! GET UP!

El Rey stumbles to his feet… Another chair shot! And another! And another! El Rey collapses by a lone black limousine. El Rey is trying to use the limo to help himself up… Only to meet another chair shot! One side of his head between a chair and the other side met with a limo door.

Hunter timing another chair shot against the limo…



El Rey with an enormous clothesline out of desperation… Both guys are down…

It is a slow race to their feet… Both guys stumble… and they are up!...

Punch by Payne…

Punch by El Rey…

Punch by Payne…

Punch by El Rey…

Punch by Payne…

Punch by El Rey…

Punch... No!

El Rey blocks!


Spinebuster onto the hood of the limo! WOW!

Hunter falls to the parking lot floor… El Rey is trying to catch his breath. Hunter Payne looks done… But he gets pulled up by his hair, El Rey throws Hunter’s face first through the limo’s backseat window! Holy shit!

Hunter’s body looks limp. Half of Hunter Payne’s body is inside the limo and half is out. El Rey begins to pull Hunter out.

Oh shit! Payne just smashed a champagne bottle over El Rey’s head! Glass goes everywhere! El Rey falls, holding his face, whimpering in agony.

Hunter has lost so much blood at this point! How is he still conscious?!

[Image: 22e670ab5f780178-600x400.gif]

Both men stagger to their feet… Low blow by Hunter Payne!

Hunter takes this opportunity and reaches out and… pulls off El Rey’s mask! A huge dishonor in his culture! El Rey lays on his stomach and begins holding his face, not only because of the glass damage, and the low blow, but also because not showing his face becomes his number one priority, above death even! And with the look on Hunter Payne’s bloody face maybe death is what is next!

Hunter hobbles over to grab the steel chair previously used. He begins to unload with chair shots to the back of El Rey’s head. Shot and after shot after shot after shot! Now it’s El Rey’s body that begins to go limp. But that doesn’t stop Hunter Payne as he continues to unload on El Rey. This fight legit looks like a crime scene at this point. Payne fires another chair shot! His arms are struggling to lift the chair at this point, but he lifts the chair again…


Hunter quickly falls to ground shaking…

Joy is back! She just tased Hunter with a taser gun shot to his neck! She grabs El Rey’s jaguar mask and lays it by his unconscious body. Hunter begins to crawl, trying desperately to get his bloody body away from this situation, but Joy easily walks in front of him, blocking his hopeless path.

Joy: You know, if only you worked as hard at our marriage as you did running away from it…

Payne: No…

Joy: SHUT UP! The time where you get to talk is over!


Joy tasers Hunter Payne to the point of unconsciousness. And like so many times before, the scene cuts out with Joy standing on top of Hunter Payne’s lifeless body.

[Image: dqrgT9a.gif?dateline=1473977799]

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