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Abigail Monroe
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Abigail Monroe Offline
Empress of the deep, queen of the tides

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

05-26-2018, 01:17 PM


In-Ring Name: Tidal

Wrestler's Real Name: Abigail Monroe

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: New

Wrestler Date of Birth: June 3, 1994

Height: 5' 10"

Weight: 128lbs

Hometown: Providence, Rhode Island

Personality: Dynamic, skillful, bold and true. Abigail Monroe is a laid back, yet adventurous, fun loving and energetic lady, who isn't put off by the concept of taking charge, when the situation arises and deems it necessary. The girl next door type. She's determined and ambitious. Strong willed and clever, with a kind heart and an odd sort of wit that always comes off as charming to those that she encounters. Vivacious, confident and idealistic, Abigail instills a lasting impression. Loyal and selfless, almost to a fault. Some might say she doesn't have a bad bone in her body, those people are the individuals that never wronged someone she cares for though because if that were the case, one might be introduced to a very different Abigail. However, the outcome still remains the same, good or bad side, whichever you encounter, she is unforgettable.

Looks Description: Tall, thin, with amazing eyes that mirror her emotions to perfection.

Species: Water Elemental

Pic Base, if any: Emmy Rossum

[Image: 1ENy9dt.jpg]

Strengths: Calculated, cunning in battle, swift and strong, Abigail has a keen sense of combat readiness. Almost to the point of enhanced awareness or danger intuition.

Powers: Water generation, attacks and manipulation. Wetland and aquatic adaptation. Aquatic respiration. Enhanced lung capacity. Water transmutation, mimicry and travel. (Abigail can turn her entire body into water and travel via any water source.) Regeneration. (Only a factor after water transformation has taken effect. Example: Abigail is shot in the leg. She turns into water and then has the ability to reform, completely damage free.) Hydrokinetic regeneration. (Different from regular regeneration. Abigail can use another source of water in order to heal herself in the instance of being partially frozen or evaporated.) Hydrokinetic intangibility. (Example: Someone pulls a gun on Abigail and she notices before the trigger is pulled, she turns into water and the bullet passes right through her. No harm, no foul.) Rain (all types), fog and cloud generation and manipulation. Water Aura.

Weaknesses: Frigid temperatures, intense heat, electricity and her innate ability to find disaster. Abigail's internal instinct to locate a potential risk, usually will fail to kick in if she believes that someone is facing uncertain doom. In other words, save first, think later.

Entrance Theme Music: Sky Ferreira - Untouchable

Special Entrance (if any): Streaks of water slide and gush across the floor, from every direction of the arena, coming together in order to form; at the top of the entrance ramp, the very attractive shape of Abigail Monroe. The music blares to life from the speakers and a dazzling array of fireworks pop while the crowd cheers in anticipation. Then Abigail begins her journey to the ring as an assortment of blue sparkly lights simultaneously follow her and dart around the arena. Once to the ring, she uses water transformation to lift herself up and cascade over the top rope. Landing in the center of the ring, Abigail reforms and takes her place, in anticipation of the fight ahead. However, not before turning to the crowd, for one last peak. An act that she seals, with a wink.

5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves:


Jumping Double Knee Drop

Side Kick

Cross Armbreaker

Front Missile Dropkick

Diving Leg Drop

Elbow Smash

Wheelbarrow Arm Drag

Pumphandle Suplex

Multiple Knee Lifts

Rolling Powerbomb


Big Boot Converse

Trademark Move(s): Storm the Shores, Force of Nature

Description(s): Tilt-A-Whirl Roll Up, PTO (Paige Tap Out)

Finishing Move(s): Water Vixen's Fury, Tides of Everlasting Truth

Description(s): Disarm-Her, Twisted Bliss

Favorite Hardcore Attack: Giant blasts of water, directly aimed at someone, until they fall to their knees or become incapacitated. A current of water targeted at an opponent from every possible direction, simultaneously. Water gushing from the ceiling, that knocks the target to their knees and flattens them to the mat. A large ball of water projected like a water balloon; without the balloon, at the opponent.

[Image: soGNxeD.jpg]
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