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Rest and Rememberance pt3
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Mezian Offline
Does Fate Whispers Your Name?

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03-22-2018, 03:51 PM

Previously In the Rest and remembrance arc....Mezian and Cortessa discussed the effects of being Greystalkers on their mental health.Mezian went back to his house In Cincinnati to get a few things and his box of soul gems. He found out that Cortessa was the one that sold him and his family out to Micheal. Cortessa swore to be his second in command to lead the Legion against Micheal.

March 21, 2018, Cincinnati Ohio On the way to the Airport

Meizan and Cortessa sat quietly in the car as she drove them down I-75 towards to Kentucky.The two had not really spoken much since they left the house. Mezian didn't really have anything to say to her after he found out what she did.
Could he trust her? Could he willingly put his life or the life of the Primordials in her hands?What would he do if she betrayed all of them?He had to fire this out soon.And he had to know why she did it in the first place.

So...I know you said that you didn't think I would care if I lost my family. What did he offer you in exchange for finding me?I know how you did it, and what you did to get them there to Micheal But why? Why would you betray the Covenant? Why would you betray me?

Tessa did not look at Mezian. She didn't seem like she wanted to answer him. he pressed the matter further.

What did he give you? What was so appealing that you would sell my family off to that son of a bitch? Was It money? Was it power? Or was it something else some stupid thing that you wanted for yourself. You always were the kinda person to look out for themselves and fuck anyone else.

He promised to give me my family back!

Tessa yelled at Mezian.Gripping the steering wheel tighter as she drove.

He promised me that if I brought him your family I could have mine back. The one he had a Greystalker kill in the 80"s. he said that it would be a sign of good faith and my allegiance would be rewarded with the gift of my family.

So a life for a life, a family for a family?

Not exactly, he didn't want to kill your family originally he just wanted to kidnap them and maybe torture them a little. Make it look like Seraphims did it so he could turn you on them. If there were no Seraphims there would be no one to get in his way. And knew you wouldn't fight him if you had his family.

Why did he kill them then?

Once he knew that you found out he had them in the first place. When you killed Raziel and Galadriel. He had Azriel kill them.He knew that he had to act fast or you would kill him too. He had to get out of New York and get himself as far away as he could. He tried to kill Gaea but she was too strong. He killed Perrigren when he realized that you were getting the Primordials together. He tried to kill Azoth but you stopped him. He isn't going to stop until the Primordials are all dead and you dying with them.

So....How did that all work out for you?

It didn't.He never gave me my family back. He just took your's and threw out of the sanctum on my ass. He lied and deceived me. I don't know why I believed him.

Because in the long run, we will do anything for our families. We cant have families for the most part. So we find partners who fit our needs and hope they can carry our children. We have spent most of our existence fighting and waging war. So when we have an opportunity to have peace we take it.

So if he didn't bring your family back who are the people in the park when I first found you?

They were a family that I made them think I was their mother and wife. I placed memories of me throughout their minds. I manipulated them and lied to them to get my way.The man was a widower, he lost his wife in a car wreck months before I had met him. He was so distraught with grief he was easy to turn. His children were also very easy to turn
There were nights where I would stay up at night and cry. I had my family but they were not "my" family. I was living a lie.I thought that if I could convince myself that this what I wanted I would be okay.I lied to myself until it became truth. It was something I had made into reality and when I saw you I knew it had come to an end.

I really did think you were sent to kill them. In some sort of vengeance for what I did to your family. But when you began to talk about it I realized you had no Idea what happened. Then when we were just at your house and I saw the shrine you had made I couldn't keep it from you anymore, I broke down. I am truly and deeply sorry for what I did Mezian. I would have never done that if I knew what it would do to you.I love you and I would never hurt you.

You keep saying that. You would not have done it if you knew what if would have done to me, why? Do you honestly have that little faith in me?

No, It's not like that at all. The last time you and I spoke was 90 years ago and were a self-centered asshole who killed people for money. You had spent the previous two millennia do the same. So how was I to know that you had changed in that time? You never seemed like the family type.

Well after the gulf war and the War in Afghanistan I was done with the idea of fighting. I wanted to settle down and find some sort of happiness. I found my wife, I found serenity in her arms and solace in her voice. The wars had me callused and jaded.I had no idea of what love really was or at least I had forgotten it.

We married and we had children. I lost my youngest son and it broke me a little. It broke her completely.The nights where I had to hold her while she was crying.The days where she would spend as little time at home as possible so she wasn't reminded of the life she had.I never faulted her what her choices were or how she dealt with the grief. I knew that he was at peace, I knew he didn't have any pain anymore. I knew I would see him again I knew she would too.

I loved her and my children. I forgive you for what you did. I will not forget it though.Until I have my family back and Micheal and the council are dead, I will not trust you fully.I need you to know that.

Tessa looked at Mezian. Her face solemn and filled with remorse. She let out a breath and nodded her head.

I understand, I swore my allegiance to you. I will not break that allegiance or your trust. I know I have made a grave mistake. Whether it was trusting Micheal or taking your family to him. Either way, a mistake was made and I have to atone for it.And I will do just that, form this day forward I will not rest until I have paid back my debt to you.

The two had arrived at the airport. They had to deal with all of the security and all of the metal detectors. They were stopped by security right before they were boarded the plane.

Excuse me, Sir, Ma'am but can you come with me, please.

What for we have not done anything wrong?

Tessa looked at Mezian. He smiled and nudged her in the direction the security guard was pointing.

Mezian and Tessa followed the guards to a room. The two guards followed them in and took the chest from them and placed in the corner.The guards then left the room.

Mezian what the fuck is this about? What kind of bullshit trouble have you got me into?

Mezian just smiles again and shrugs his shoulders.

Why do you keep smiling? is this funny to you? we could be in real trouble here and your fucking smiling[/lighblue]

Keep your voice down. We are not in trouble. DO me a favor and go into the box over there and get the black stone. It will smell like sulfur. When we get our little visitor throw it at their feet and say the anchor command word.

Tessa got up and went over to the box and opened it. There were dozens of the stone he described. Mixed in with all of the other crystals and gems in the box.

[lightblue]There have to be dozens in this box which one do I grab?

Any of them they all serve the same purpose.

Tessa grabbed one at random. when she removed the stone she felt a surge of energy go through the box.It knocked her back a bit. She went back to her seat cupping the stone in her palm.

What the hell was that pulse?

Just the other anchor stones adjusting to the lack of one.Its to keep the soul crystals from being accidentally reignited by magic or by other Seraphim.Don't worry it won't hurt you.

The two sat in the room for what seemed like hours.Both watched the clock as it slowly ticked away.The clock started to slow down until it stopped completely.

Well that's our queue. When whatever comes through that door or hops into the room throw the stone.

The lights went dim and then a woman appeared out of nowhere. She was tall blonde with the most beautiful silver eyes you have ever seen.She was wielding a Bood silver sword and she began to move towards Tessa and Mezian.

Tessa threw the stone while yelling[meaning =Anchor!]Dal'therth![/meaning]

The woman was instantly stopped in her movement and couldn't move.

Mezian! What have you done to me? I'll kill you, you son of a bitch!

Mezian stood up and walked towards the woman.

Aurilia, You won't be doing anything. You won't be able to breathe real soon, so tell me why you are here?

Im going to tell you nothing! You can go to hell!You are a traitor and you shall die!

Oh Honey, I've been there done that.With you calling me a traitor that means you were sent here by Micheal. So he is using the other Greystalkers against me. That's cute.I trained all of you.There is nothing any of you can do that I won't see coming.
Even this little ambush you tried to do here.I have sensed you since we left New York. Did you honestly think I would be so easily killed or even held captive?

Who is this Mezian?

This is Aurilia, she is a Greystalker. She was sent here by Micheal to try and kill us. What Micheal doesn't understand I guess is that I trained all of them. I can sense all of them and when they are near it gets stronger. I had more faith in his abilities, but I guess he is getting soft in his old age.

Eh None the less, She is just one of the hundreds I trained.She is probably the weakest of all of them...

Fuck you! When I get out of here I'm gonna kill all of you!

You are not getting out of anything. You are going to sit in this little barrier I have put you in until Micheal or another of the Council come pick you up or a Greystalker comes to kill you for your failure. Either way, I win.

Mezian took one of the stones out of the box. It was sharp and jagged.he tore the top off of the female Seraphim exposing her chest.

This is going to hurt you more than it will hurt me.

Mezian smiled as he began to carve letters into her skin.Aurilia screamed and her flesh was being torn.

Mezian!What are you doing? Someone will here her! We have to stop this now!

I'm Sending a message to them.No one will here her, she stopped time. It's a standard tactic when killing Serphims. And we will go when I AM DONE!!

Mezian continued to carve the message into her chest.Once he was done he let out a sigh of pleasure.

Now Tessa if you would be so kind as to grab the box we have to go to New York. Gaea needs to get started on resurrecting my army.

With that, the two hopped away and left the bleeding Seraphim where she was.

Later that day.....

Gabriel walked into the room to check on Aurilia.She had died from the blood loss.He stood in front of her body stuck in the barrier.He read the message that read


Mezian stands in his room back in the sanctum.Presumably, while Tessa holds the camera.

Well, Tommy I have the chance to go head to head with you and the new guy.Let me address the new guy first and then I will get to you.

Logan, My man, Did you know that management was going to do this/ They have been feeding me new guys for the last few weeks. To be honest it's kinda sad. The new guys show up wants to kick some ass and then get tossed in the ring with me. They end up with an ass whooping and then they don't come back.I mean I honestly feel bad. I don't want to make it hard on any of the new guys but if you put someone in front of me, I'm going to beat them and get the pin.Its just a part of the game here.So with that being said please, please, I beg you please dint leave when you lose. This company cant handle losing anymore young talent
Ha who am I kidding we can by you cookie cutter tough guys a dime a dozen. You think you're special. Honestly, you are special, but not like the unique and different kind.More like he needs a helmet and a comfort blanket.

Now to Mr. Wish, Id like to say thank you for noticing my accomplishments as of late. at least someone is.Now let's go over some of yours real quick. Huh....there isn't any. I mean you apparently really enjoy beating up women and you seem to have a foot fetish.But I'm not here to kink shame. I'm here to explain to you that you have little to no chance of actually beating me.Even as you wait in the corner. Which by the way is probably your best bet, you can see how an actual star handles his business.

And what is with this ghost shit? You shouldn't try to be something your not.I don't believe in ghosts. I see the other side of the veil on the daily and know there is no such thing as ghosts.I'm no Ghostbuster but I do know that the closest you will be to a ghost will be the near-death experience I'm gonna give you on Saturday. So come at me Wish, as a ghost, as a man or as a Podophiliac. Any of those things will not prevent the pinning you or Logan and going on to Warfare and giving Chris Valley the same treatment.

the feed goes black.

[Image: lXVtJMr.jpg]

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