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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » WAR GAMES 2017 RP BOARD
A Night With Neville
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Jenny Myst Offline
The Queen of X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

12-22-2017, 10:01 PM

"I am so glad you decided to stop in Vegas on your way to Japan" Jenny said, sipping on her Sangria under the shaded porch of the Vegas-strip cafe. She had on a pair of Dolce and Gabanna sunglasses, a halter top and Chanel leggings. Her feet, simple sandals she got at Wal-Mart. She never understood why people spent so much money on things designed to get all dirty and beat up.

Across from her sat Neville Sinclair, the current XWF Television Champion and the man who made that division what it is today. He had on a dress shirt, with the sleeves rolled up. In the Vegas heat he unbuttoned the top button where a gold chain was exposed. He had on dress pants and fancy leather shoes. He looked proper.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world m'lady. We are competitors in that ring but until this event is over, we are team mates, family."

She smiled again. He took a sip of his Scotch.

"In that ring, we need to be cohesive.We need to be a unit. It's kinda not fair that Robbie is our captain know he's playing both sides of the fence."

"I knew he did anyway."

"Hahaha.....there is that English wit!"

The waiter was hovering around, waiting for Jenny to need a refill. He was a bit weary though, as he didn't know the situation, and was accustomed to seeing her there with Chris.

He had an eye cocked, maybe she was cheating. Maybe this was her handsome side piece with a charming accent.

"We already know that Bourbon only cares about the Motherfuckers.....he will stick a knife in our back any chance he gets."

"So we need to stick together."


She swirled the bottom of her drink, and signaled to the waiter. He was over with a refill quickly.

"What I am trying to understand is why you reached out to hang out with me."

"I just felt it would be nice to be on the same page all the way around. Plus, we can teach each other things outside the ring."

Jenny had big plans for Neville. She was going to show him how she lived. She was going to show him, so he fully understood, that her pain translated into pure dominance. Sometimes when you understand a person's background, you can understand their actions. Once you see a persons background, their present becomes more clear.

As does their future.

"I have a whole night planned for us, Neville. I want to show you the life of the perfect one. Where I came from, what I do.......and maybe you could show me....."

"What would Chris think?"

"Not that, Neville. I meant your life....ugh....whatever....."

Jenny was going to show Neville a good time. Take him out on the town, but also tes him. He always wants to teach lessons to his opponents, well she had some lessons for him. And if she was lucky, the other way around.

This man had so much wisdom to give but Jenny felt like for him to fully trust her, he had to fully understand her.

"So I made some phone calls and we are going to head over to the Aurora Club later."

He sipped his scotch, unphased.

"And we will go up and down the strip. Lets just get drunk. People tend to know each other the best when they are drunk."

The streets were buzzing in Vegas, as usual. Neville seemed to not be affected by the Scotch at all, he drank it like water.

"The car should be here soon....."

He nodded.

"So tell me, blondie, how do you do it?"


"Brush it all off.....keep your cool. How do you manage to go through life with all of the criticism you have and stay so calm, cool, and collected? I've always admired that."

She smiled for a moment before answering.

"I don't. I just let it bottle up internally and then I take it all out on my opponent. I have learned how to battle with my emotions and my inner demons and bring it all together into one package."


Jenny signaled for the check. The waiter nodded. The luxury town car that would be transporting them pulled up outside the cafe.

"I have a feeling that this match is going to come down to you and I."

"You don't trust Peter?"

"I don't trust Robbie. Peter may be the first one to go due to his and Robbie's history."


"We need to watch each others backs but we need to make sure Peter stays upright also."

"Communication is key."

The car pulled up, and Jenny slipped her black Amex into the check booklet.

"What are you doing m'lady?"

"Ummm.....paying so we can get the fuck out of here and start our adventure."

Neville shook his head, picking up the check booklet and taking Jenny's card out. He set it on the table.

"It wouldn't be gentlemanly to allow you to pay.......the man always pays. It is just proper."

Jenny smiled, but then shook her head. She took the booklet back from Neville, took his cash out, and put her card back in.

"Really Neville, I've got it. I'm treating you."

He takes the booklet, takes her card out, and puts his cash back in.

"Jen.....I insist."

This went back and forth about three more times. The waiters eyes followed as if was watching a slow motion ping pong match. The transport car beeped its horn.

"Are you questioning me as an independent woman who can take care of herself?"

"Are you questioning me as proper gent with manors?"

After a few more times of passing the booklet, they looked at each other and simultaneously said...."dutch?"

They went dutch. Step one of team building was completed.

"So where are you bloody taking me?"

"You'll see"

Jenny had instructed the driver to pull up to the Aurora Club, on the strip. Circus Circus was right down the road. This is where the celebs went. This was how you lived large in Vegas.

"I think you are going to like this, Nev."

"Don't call me Nev you chav"

They fought like siblings. This was a good sign, as they would have each others backs like brother and sister.

The car rolled to a stop in front of the purple lit building with fountains and elaborate sculptures out front. There were flashing strobes like paparazzi cameras and everything seemed to be made of glass. It was really a sight to see. Neville and Jenny, who had changed into a nice skirt to go with her top, walked up the marble front steps. Neville looked around, seemingly taking it all in, as if he hadn't been to a place this fancy with no historical value behind it before.

When they walked through the front door, it was a sight to be seen. The lights inside matched the outside, illuminating everything with a purple hue. Everything was leather and there were poles that went to the ceiling which was hundreds of feet high. Several stages encompassed the front of the building and the VIP rooms lined the balcony above. Money was everywhere. The bouncers checked their ID's--hassling Neville a tad because of a passport but eventually yielding to Jenny's browbeating---and they were on their way.

"So, this doesn't look like a club I've ever heard of."

"That is because it is not. This is the high life, high, let me get you a bottle......"

She waved her hand and a well endowed woman in a tight shirt came over, holding a grey goose bottle with a sparkler on top.


"Sit down....." she shoved him down into a leather chair.

"I'm gonna show you how Perfection lives."

He was about to say something when she handed him a glass. He looked at it, before setting it on the fancy glass table in front of him. Jen was lost in her own little world, barking out orders and snapping fingers, but all with a smile on her face.

She sat down next to Neville just as a girl came up to him. She had been above them in a cage before, and now had her floor rotation.

She greeted him and before she knew it was sitting on his lap. Jenny grinned and sat back, sipping her Goose with Cranberry. She could see out of the corner of her eye that she was grinding down on him. She had to admit she was getting a little damp thinking about she used to do she used to turn men on....bite their ear......blow in it.......

The lights blinked off the mirrors, the carpet was surprisingly clean.

After she was done, and paid, Neville leaned over to her. She swirled her glass, the ice cubes clinking together.


"Having fun yet?"

"Oh yes this is very nice but......"

She set her drink down and looked at him with a tilted eyebrow.

"But?" She almost sounded offended. She had shown him the good life and there was a but?

How dare he.

"Jenn, I appreciate this....I do. But......I want to get to know you........"

"I used to work at a club Neville."

"Not this club."

Damnit. He was right. This wasn't her life. It is now, but it wasn't. This is the life that jenny Myst earned, but not the life that made her.

"Neville, you don't want that......"

He cut her off.

"Jenn.......I have admired you and your grind for some time. This life, I love that you flaunt it.....but what I am interested in is WHY you flaunt it. Where you came from....."

Jenny looked off into the distance. Her hand began to tremble. She thought about Blaze. Even being here was a slap in the face to girls like her and what they do and how hard they fight....everyday....just to get by.


She got up, walking out in a huff. Neville winked at the girl who had grinded her ass on him, and left a hundred on the table. He ran out after her, catching her in the lobby.

Jenny, the strong woman he had known, was crying.

The strong woman who he had come to respect was breaking down.....her eye makeup smudging a bit.

"Jenn...whats wrong?"

"Its nothing Neville......don't worry about it".


The car pulled up and the driver opened the back door. She pulled away and made her way towards the car.

"Little Darlings Las Vegas" she said as she got in. Neville didn't say a word as he got in next to her. "If that has a wait, take us to 1842 N Las Vegas Blvd, North Las Vegas.......Lacy's Lounge." The driver nodded.

After a little bit of a drive....he looked over at her.
"Look, Jenn....I am sorry if I stirred up anythin----"

"You want to know my life? Fine. I wanted to show you a good time but you want to know the real me? Okay....I'll show you the real Jenny Myst." There was a venom in her voice that he had not heard before.

They sat in silence for another almost 15 minutes as the car battled through Las Vegas traffic.

The area around them got progressively worse. The bright lights of the strip began to fade as they got more and more into the seedier parts of Vegas, the parts the tourists don't see. The parts where tourists are advised NOT to go.

The kind of place where you need to put your wallet in your front pocket if you wish to keep it.

The car rolled into Little Darlings. Across the street was Lacy's Lounge.....the sign was only half lit. The paint was peeling.

With a sigh Jenny said...."you wanted this....." as she opened the door with a huff.

Neville got out and looked around. What had he gotten himself into?

Jenny was already inside. When Neville made his way in......the scene was drastically different than the last establishment. There was one pole, in the center of the room on the stage. The lights were nice, obviously new, but they only lit the stage. The rest of the place was dark. The bar looked like it would be sticky, and the girls all looked like they had a meth habit. The rug was choppy and the seats were a valor plush and clearly were overused. There were no men dressed like him but instead in leather biker jackets with chains hanging off in places where you wouldn't think there would be chains. The roof had a cloud of smoke from cigarettes, even though smoking was prohibited inside. It was a suffocating aroma.

Jenny had seemingly disappeared. He walked to the bar and ordered a scotch......the bartender looked at him like he has asked for plutonium.

"Scotch?" she said, almost as if offended. "Does this look like a place that serves scotch?"

Neville was a bit taken aback.

"It looks like a rather seedy establishment, if I may be honest, but I figured maybe you'd at least have well scotch....."

"I'll make you a drink, and you'll like it." She said. "How about whiskey?"

He settled.

Where the hell was Jen?

As Neville winced drinking his concoction of whatever the big titted bartender gave him, he noticed a girl spinning on the pole. She was beautiful. Bleach blonde with tats, skinny but proportionate. She had a glow about her, as if she didn't belong in this dingy bar with these dingy people.

There was something......different.

He sat down on one of the ripped chairs at the stage. He took a sip of his gross, overpriced drink. She was mesmerizing.

Before he knew it, Jenny was next to him.

"That is Blaze" she said. "She is the closest thing to me you will ever see."

"Maybe that is why she is so lovely."

"Stop the flattering......she's a lunatic. As am I. She rips off guys here, men who spend money they don't have on lap dances, just to fuel a nasty coke habit."

The sound through the crackly speakers ended and she got off the stage, almost floating over to them.

"You came back" her eyes lit up. Jenny nodded. "And whoooooo is this?" She basically jumped on him.

"This is my friend Neville. A British chap. Wanted to see where we come from."



She took a baggie out of her underwear......the front side. It contained a white powder.

"Sit still."

She poured it out on his crotch area......then went down on it. Sniff.....Lick......just all up in there.

Neville looked horrified.

She sniffed hard and coughed. Her nostrils were blue. She smiled big. A crazy smile.

Neville excused himself to use the bathroom. Backing up, ensuring he would be back, he bumped into a biker leaving the bar and spilled his cheap draft beer all over the front of him.

Neville immediately turned around, but the man was already cocked and ready.

He swung, but Neville ducked. The man brought a clubbed fist down, but Neville was able to move out of the way. He told the man he didn't want to have to hurt him, which made the biker laugh and pull a knife. He charged Neville who grabbed him around the waist and pushed him back into the bar. The man dropped the knife but the other bikers jumped on.

Just when it looked like the strength in numbers was going to get the best of him, a beer bottle came crashing over the head of one of the bigger ones.

It was Jenny.

Neville hit his move "The Education" on the other and the two stumbled out the door. There was total mayhem inside as the rumble was spilling out into the parking lot. Everyone was fighting everyone.

"What.....the.....bloody.....fuck" Neville said panting. "Total uncivilized creatons! Heathens! These people have no class! No honor!"

"This is just the tip of the ice berg, my man. I haven't shown you the drug use in full, the back room prostitution, the abuse......"

"I am good......"

"Thought so."

"Perhaps its my turn to show you......."

The car pulled up just as the cops began to file into the parking lot and officers came running towards the door. Nothing new for this place.

As they got in, Neville pulled a bottle of Scotch out from the seat underneath

" Now....its my turn......"

As he poured her a glass......she tried it. Fuck it, why not.

She damn near spit it out, but swallowed it after second thought. Hell, she'd swallowed worse.

He signaled to the driver, who put on classical music
. "To the airport" he said, leaning back.

"To the airport" she whispered, raising her glass for a toast.
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