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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Wild Card Weekend (June 29th) PPV RP Archive
Reap What You Sow (RP4)
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Andrew Morrison Away
The Storm Of Destruction

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

06-27-2013, 07:21 PM

(camera feed on)

(Morrison in the rafters in black hoodie and jeans)

Hunter, as Ive told many others, and you have learned...when you are foolish enough to mix personal with business, then you will suffer the consequences. You both ran your mouth about me PERSONALLY and wanted me to show you I meant BUSINESS? I've done that...

You were the one who from the start made things personal Mr Payne.... You asked for it to get personal when you talk about my personal life, when you talk about my trainer, and my nickname which is actually very personal and important to told me to stop talking and show I meant BUSINESS and do something about it and now you cry and whine like the called-out bitch you are because I decided to take your advice?


It is almost pathetic how much of a hypocrite you are Hunter..I'm the laughing stock of the company?

Ask JTC, ask the Legend Brothers if they were laughing when I kicked their asses! Ask the guy who put himself through a table who is a laughing stock! The only laughing stock in the room is you, with your pathetic excuse for a manager who runs their mouth and cant back it up. You are the one crying that I would "rape" somebody..Im not in the rape business, Im in the wrestling business...I'm the laughing stock?! Your the one who cried to management for a fuckin' birthday party? This isn't a fucking high school, this is the wrestling BUSINESS! Ive said from day one, Im not here to live In anyone's shadow, Im here to make my own path.

It is guys like YOU with your "podcasts", your "DVD selling", your self-promotion, and mouthy managers who cant back their own shit up..guys like YOU that can barely even speak for yourself, who are the FUCKING joke Hunter..Yes, you aren't the first to mock me, and you wont be the last, but the REAL men, those who know this business know...that I don't just talk, I back it up..and I have backed it up and WILL back it up this Saturday? You want to make things vicious now Payne?

(pulls out his steel pipe)

That's exactly the way I like it Payne! Vicious is MY FUCKIN' LIFE STORY, YOU IMBECILE! Ask my mother how VICIOUS it was as she lay dying everyday watching how VICIOUS my father treated me! ASK ME HOW VICIOUS life can be when you get your jaw broken at 7 FUCKING years old. HUNTER, you want to be VICIOUS!? Give me your best FUCKIN' shot!!! and what will you do when I don't stay down? what will you do when you realize just how ruthless and VICIOUS I can be and have become!? You will end up just like everyone else who crosses my path. you WILL be WILL be broken...I am coming to Los Angeles Saturday for BUSINESS....I will SHUT your FUCKING mouth and I will show you and the rest of the XWF just what VICIOUS is!!! I will show who the REAL Andrew Morrison is... and who the real JOKE is..and that is you Hunter...

(camera feed off)

W-L Record Since Return: 1-1 (singles or tag) 0-1 (special/gauntlet matches)
[Image: pdCdNLq.jpg]
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