Robert "The Omega" Main
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP
XWF FanBase: The IWC (gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)
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Joined: Thu Dec 15 2016
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10-22-2017, 09:04 PM
At Leap Of Faith, I was painted into a corner! One I had no way out of! I was forced into a situation where I had no other choice, but to react! And react I did! That choice I made on that night, turning on a dime! That choice is the thing, you’ve got so much self-proclaimed top talent here in the XWF claiming to be a lot of things! You’ve got the guys running around here with untouchable attitudes. You’ve got the guys who claim to be ticking time bombs ready to explode in a moment’s notice! Then you have the future of wrestling guys! They claim to be visionaries or these live-wire wrestlers. Quick to shoot their mouth off last to react to the current situation! There lies the problem in its self! Robert Main is the ticking time bomb, I am the future of wrestling! I am a visionary! I’m not the first guy out whining and crying trying to get into title matches I don’t deserve. I don’t cry about how I lost the match! I come back and do what I do best! Dust myself off and get back on the horse! Like I said I am the future of this business and if you paint me into a corner I react! I lash out with a vengeance and once I do I no longer care about the outcome! I react, and do so without thinking! It’s a natural reflex for me. It’s instinct! This is what happened at Leap Of Faith! I looked up and seen I didn’t have the time to climb the scaffolding, so THE OMEGA improvised! At that moment in time Danny Imperial, Jim Caedus and Chris Chaos painted me into a corner! Time and time again I have told every single man and woman in this company don’t push me! As I got up looking at these three men exhausted tired, fighting high above me. I knew I had to do something! There I stood looking up painted into a corner with no escape!
So what did I do? I slid underneath the bottom rope and began looking under the ring for anything that could help me! Low and behold what did I find? A sledgehammer left behind by the ring crew! As I placed my hands around the wooden handle something just felt right. Like a handshake from a long lost friend! As I slid back into the ring I knew what had to be done and in that split second of time! I did it! What a few mighty swings from the sledgehammer, I sent the scaffolding crashing down along with Danny Imperial! I made Jim Caedus and Chris Chaos take that Leap Of Faith! I rolled out of the way and watched the carnage unfold right in front of me with a smile on my face! The fans screaming Holy Shit! Did I severally hurt Danny Imperial? I didn’t know or care at that point! I still don’t care! I didn’t care if anyone in the crowd was injured! I didn’t care if I killed anyone! I do what is needed and I do it within a blink of an eye! The thing is when you push the OMEGA! You get a fucking reaction! That reaction that night nearly took the building down! Danny Imperial took a swan dive into the floor! Robert Main isn’t afraid to watch the world burn to the ground and everyone in it! I’ve been asked if I were in the same situation if I would do it again! The answer is yes! Yes, I would! Only this time after all the dust had settled! I would have gone into the ring and sifted through all of the wreckage and found those mangled bodies! I would have taken this sledgehammer and finished the job! I would have looked high and low until I found each and every man in that match and would have finished them off one by one! Another time perhaps! I’ve got bigger fish to fry right now! Like a self-proclaimed GOD!
God is our supposed creator, he is all the love we are supposed to need. So how do we honor him? We act in his image! We try to be better than our fellow man! Whether we are a baker in a corner store or painting priceless works of art, an architect building the world’s largest building or an engineer fixing a weather-torn bridge that has seen better days. Each and every one of us should work with love. When mankind starts this process this world we all live in will slowly begin to fix itself! The world will spin into virtuous cycles of self-healing and begin to slowly thrive once more! The question is, were we as humans not born to thrive?
The camera pans out revealing Robert sitting on a black steel chair inside the Lion’s Den cage he will face Peter Gilmour this coming Warfare. Robert is wearing a long leather jacket with no shirt on underneath and a pair of blue jeans and cowboy boots. He looks down sitting in his lap the very sledgehammer that he used at Leap Of Faith! Robert slowly runs his hands over the cool metal staring at the cage that surrounds him. Robert thinks back for a moment about the last cage he was placed in like a stray animal! The outcome was satisfying but Robert lost! Robert places the head of the sledgehammer onto the canvas pushing himself up to his feet he stands there for only a moment before placing the sledgehammer over his shoulder walking around the enclosure, every so often running his hand over the chain linked fence. Certain to tear his and Peter Gilmour’s flesh from their bodies!
God is whom we are told from a very young age we serve! We are told that there is a man up in the sky watching everything that we do. He knows everything that we think and judges us for our sins! He created everything all around us! The heavens and the Earth! Everything that you see, smell or even touch is because of one entity! Blessing us! The Lord gives and the Lord takes away as well! The Earth is truly a beautiful place. He knows all and sees all even our deepest thoughts. But the rest of our troubles are for us to solve, and us alone! God cares for our troubles and through his grace further inspiration, divine words! He stays with us, He listens to all our greatest fears, He loves us deeply, so we should be strong in our hearts and care for everyone around us that we have been blessed with!
Robert sets the sledgehammer down for a moment leaning it up against the fence. Robert takes both hands grabbing the fence laying his head on the rough steel staring out into the darkness surrounding the cage.
God is supposed to be love and love is supposed to be God. God is supposed to be a compass, a guiding light! Our companion to see us through the tough times and give us serenity. Robert though doesn’t see those actions swirling around him! Robert only sees the truth! The evil! The hurt! The pain and suffering. Robert doesn’t see him in the nascent light that fills his eyes each and every single morning. Robert sees God like he sees Santa Claus! Like a placebo! Something to make us fly striate and arrow! Something to look forward to! Someone is listening, when no one is really there at all! God doesn’t answer our prayers and isn’t with us in our struggles. No, he turns a blind eye!
Robert knows there is a God! Because there is a Devil! Robert has met this being first hand! He has felt his burning handshake! He has watched the burning red eyes stare into his soul! He has seen the demons doing his bidding! Robert has seen hell in all of its dark painful glory! The question though is why did, God turn his back on Robert when he needed him the most! When Robert cried out for help the almighty shunned him! Robert asked time and time again and still never got an answer! So slowly over time, Robert stopped believing! Stopped caring! Until someone else started believing in Robert Main! In one instant Robert made a deal with the Devil and now the Devil will not leave Roberts mind. Tormenting his thoughts when he sees fit! Pushing Robert to become more and more like him! Soon, Robert knows there will be no turning back! Roberts’s heart has become cold and black! AND ROBERT LOVES IT!
Peter Gilmour! I thought this day would never come! I never thought I would see the day Peter you would grow a nut sack and face me in the ring. But here it is! After months and months, I’ve antagonized you! I’ve called you out time and time again! I’ve even attacked you in the parking lot and what did you do about it? Nothing! Not a damn thing! You turned your back and pretended it never even happened to you! Are these actions of a self-proclaimed god? You’re a coward! Your time of dodging me has run out! Now the sand from the hourglass falls bit by bit. Sonn the sand that is Peter Gilmour's career will run out for good! But where did all of this stem! Where did Robert Main start hating the very ground Peter Gilmour walked on? Lethal Lottery! See Peter you and Graves had the advantage going in for sure! I was teamed with a pure shit bag for a partner! A low life loser! A man who could not hold my wrestling boots let along wrestle in the ring! He started the match and what did you and Graves do? Pummel him! You two destroyed him right before my eyes! But it was you Peter Gilmour who stood out to me in that match! You looked across the ring at me smirking! Knowing that you were not going to allow my ass hole partner to make the tag! A great strategy! One I would have used as well. But as you smirked at me Peter I noticed something in you! I saw it in your eyes that very night! You feared Robert Main! You didn’t want anything to do with me in that match! You, Peter Gilmour, wanted the easy way out! But something inside of Graves that night wanted a challenge! He didn’t want to move on to the next round knowing it was given to him! There lies the difference in Graves and you Peter! He doesn't want to earn things the easy way! He fights for them! He bleeds for them. Unlike you Peter! You look for the easiest path! The least resistance. You look for things to get handed to you like a small child! Then after your hand is swatted away from the cookie jar you cry and bitch! You remind me a lot of Chris Chaos! Both complain when you lose and whine about anything you can just to try and get some point across! Peter that night you gazed across that ring with liars eyes! You are no King! You are no god! You are a washed up has been! I’ve been spending my time facing killers and you have been wrestling mid card at best! In this Lion’s Den match you don’t stand a fighting chance! No longer will these fans cheer on a scum bag hero like you!
In this Lion’s Den match Peter there isn’t going to be any excuses once the dust settles and the blood stops flowing! The old school will meet the new school, and Robert Main is going to be the teacher! I am going to come into this match and pound you into submission! I’ll leave nothing left but a greasy blood stain on the canvas after I am finished with you! Just like you deserve! This match isn’t about wrestling Peter! This is going to be a fight! One that you will most certainly lose! You, Peter Gilmour, are facing a man without any limits! I’m diabolical, built for destruction! I look at you and scratch my head. Simply because you do not belong here in the XWF anymore! I mean sure a long time ago you had your run! But now what are you? A mid-card wrestler facing newcomer’s week in and week out! Now you want to step up your game to the next level? You want to take a shot at the Omega! All you have ever done is been in a few extreme matches shed a shit load of blood. That right there is Peter Gilmour’s fame in a nutshell! You did win a few championships here and there and I applauded you for that! But this isn’t then and you are not even close to the man you used to be in or out of the ring! Welcome to my time, Peter Gilmour! I now rule the roost! You are washed up, finished! You still for whatever reason believe you are this big star! I’m here to tell you, your time has passed and passed a long, long time ago! I’m sorry to burst your over-inflated ego, Peter! But you are not a big star! You are nothing! You are looking at a big star, Peter! Only the best this company has to offer was in the Leap Of Faith match at the pay per view! Correct me if I am wrong here, but I didn’t see you in that match! Because you are no longer one of the best you are no longer a top dog! You have been overrated for years! No longer is Peter Gilmour the measuring stick for the XWF! Times have changed and for the better. No longer are the days of untalented wrestlers wrestling in front of arenas packed to the rafters! Times have changed dramatically! There never was a passing of the torch either Peter! It was taken from your lifeless hands a long time ago! Isn’t it ironic the king of extreme isn’t the number one contender to the X-treme Championship and Robert Main is?!
Peter, I know you have been through some grueling matches. I’ll be the first to admit, I’ve even watched them. You are not afraid to bleed, or afraid to put your body through insurmountable amounts of hell! Peter when is the last time you, took a scaffolding match to the ground? When did you send someone crashing down to the floor covered in the hell you had just unleashed! Never! The pain and suffering I am going to put you through will not compare to anything else that you have been through in your career! See I don’t need steel chairs, I don’t need glass tables or even copious amounts of thumbtacks to be extreme! I have two fists, two elbows, two knees and legs that will do all of the work I need to dismantle the king of extreme! I’m going to pound you like a drum and there is nothing that you can or will do to stop me! I’m not looking at this match like it is a wrestling match because if I were I would be a fucking fool! This match isn’t about being a technical wrestler or even ability! This match is a backyard brawl, a bar fight! I’m not going to come at you with anything other than my fists Peter! I’m going to do all the dirty work myself and savor every second of it! I’ll bust you open the hard way and once I do I will lick the dead blood of Peter Gilmour off of my fists! I am going to shake you down to your core! I will break Peter Gilmour, you will scream out in pain, but no one will come and save you! With each blow I land on that oversized head of yours I will shave seconds off of your life! Peter I am going to take from you the only thing that you have left to offer. You claim that you are the king of extreme! Prove it! Show the world that Peter Gilmour still has what it take to be the king! Make us all believe it again! Show me there is still a little bit of fuel still in that gas tank! Take me to the edge and toss me off! I want a fight from you! I do not want excuses! Because after it is all over, Peter you will be nothing more than a fading memory! They will look at me as the new king of extreme! And after bathing in your blood I will have proven it! On this night Peter Gilmour I get my long awaited revenge!
Revenge, Robert had always considered revenge to be a much-belied concept. Robert has always served people the crow or humble pie they truly earned. Each time Robert has been told he would fail he succeeded! They could play their passive aggressive bullshit games, Robert though would see right through them! Robert has never been one to nod and give every impression that he was this gracious loser. It isn’t in his bones! The need for revenge was like a rat gnawing at his own soul, relentless, never-ending, unceasing, the gnawing would only stop from the cold steel of a rat trap, a trap Robert would devise. Robert’s need for revenge was like an abscess on the skin of the soul that could only be cured by the cruel sharp steel point of revenge. Festering like an open septic wound, and the only effective antibiotic in Robert’s mind cold-hearted hate and revenge. Savage, and spiteful. A dish best served cold! Unforgiving! Robert isn’t the type to let things go! He would hold a grudge and keep malice inside his soul until he got his revenge or until he died! Whichever came first! Robert has always seen the need to settle old scores. The need to right the wrong! He has always been brutal when striking back. Callous! But very satisfying and even empty! Pointless at times and over excessive in others! Hate and revenge are what drives Robert Main! Whether it was, mean-spirited or not his need for revenge will always come first and he will always get it! In doing so it made Robert feel like a human! It made what was left of his sold soul feel more like his own! Robert has always tried to drive one point! Don’t fuck with him, or you will pay an ultimate price! Robert Main has set the trap for the rat known as Peter Gilmour! The only thing that is left is to snap the rat’s neck!
Robert releases the cage grabbing the sledgehammer dragging it behind him, slowly walking around the cage taking everything in.
I’ve come to like this sledgehammer! Never have I felt anything like it! I think I will keep this at my side for a little while longer! Maybe we can end a few careers along the way with it! It’s almost like an extension of my own body! Peter Gilmour this Lion’s Den match just isn’t interesting enough to me! Let’s make this thing more interesting for everyone involved! Let’s both put something on the line here! If you can beat me, Peter, I will relinquish my spot as the number one contender for the X-treme Championship and give it to you! I’ll drop down into your spot! What do you say, Peter? Is that chance at glory worth the risk? Feeling that 10 pounds of gold over your shoulder one last time! It would be addicting! But like all things in life, there is a catch! If I beat you Peter, and I will beat you! You can never wrestle for the X-treme Championship ever again! What do you say? I’m in, are you? Or will the wrestling God back down? Will the king of extreme turn his back and hide like the bitch I take him for! Step up or step out Peter, and if you are stepping out don’t let the door hit you where the good lord split you! You are no god! Come Warfare I will show you just how ungodly you really are! I will show you how pathetic you have really become! Just like so many others Peter Gilmour, you cannot defeat me! I will press forward with a thunderous vengeance! No amount of pain will stop the Omega train from rolling through Gilmour town. I am on a mission to get what I rightfully deserve! Warfare we will bare witness to a self-proclaimed God! Feel the hairs on the back of his neck stand up on end! We will watch this supposed gad tremble at my very feet! I don’t call men like you a god! I see men like you Peter and I call them for what they truly are! A bitch! A weak and foolish man! It is my time Peter and you or anyone else will not take this time from me! It’s going to be a battle for the ages! GOD - vs - DEVIL!!! And this time around the Devil will win!
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Longest Reigning Tag Team Champions in modern history. W- Drew Archyle & James Raven
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2nd longest reigning Universal Champion :269 days
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Trio's Champion W- AX3
2020 May Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team Wargames 2020
Winning Team War Games 2019 W- APEX PROPHECY
2019 Feud of the year W- "Chronic" Chris Page
2019 Tag Team of the Year W- Drew Archyle & James Raven as APEX
Roleplay of the Month February 2019 "Junkyard Dog"
Leap Of Faith Winner 2018
July 2018 Superstar Of The Month
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Winning Team War Games 2017 W- APEX
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