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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Leap of Faith 2017 RP Board
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Doctor Louis D'Ville Away
Hello, my friends

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

10-12-2017, 08:48 PM


[Image: XyTjvsM.png]

[Image: Kd641BT.png]

Its a crazy thing to think about the next pay-per-view being upon us. Seems like yesterday we were crowning new champions and the King of the Ring, don't it? It would seem that way when you're just waiting around for your next forced title defense. Not by choice, of course. Not at all. The KINGS™ put themselves out there non-stop. They always step out into the light and, even for a while, followed every protocol in the handy-dandy XWF Handbook. In a nutshell, they played nice. It didn't matter, of course. The good people took the KINGS™ dominance and mistakingly took it for evil. They took their fairness and kindness and mistakingly took it for sarcasm and trickery. The doctor grew tired of this nonsense after the first day and stayed within a thread of the rules if there were any implied. With Theo Pryce controlling half of the federation and Loverboy Lane becoming quite the tyrant on the other half, Theo thought it was best for business to continue coloring in between the lines. With the King of the Ring behind us, that would mean the tag team tournament had it's shitty winner and the KINGS™ took their shitty win. Next please?

Nowadays, things are back to the norm again, you could say. The KINGS™ are back to being dickheads full-time and showed it by taking the new King of the Ring, the Engineer, and burying him in some shit. Literally. Barney Green's shit just to give you a visual. They appeared on top of the world as they always have, without a single person able to touch them.

The tables turned a bit this past Warfare, however. The Engineer showed up, well sort of. He showed up at Theo's residence and had his wife all bound up. After a short spiel about the KINGS™ and some other creepy nonsense, he proceeded to pretend burying a knife into Misses Pryce's chest. It seemed pretty traumatizing for the girl and definitely shook the boat the KINGS™ have been sailing so smoothely on for so long.

It hasn't been a week since Warfare.

It hasn't been a week since the home of Theo Pryce was invaded.

Do you know who I am? No. No, ma'am. Do-You-Know-Who-I-Am?

Theo Price sits in his home office behind his desk with a phone to his ear.

Yes, I'll hold.

Theo sits back and swings around in his chair. When he brings himself back around Doctor D'Ville is standing in front of his desk. He nearly falls out of his chair at the sight of the doctor, who stands still with a scowl on his face.

Theo doesn't stand up. His phone line is now dead with a steady, mellow beep coming from the other end. He stays seated and looks up to the doctor.

I've been trying to get in touch with you, Doc.

Doc takes a seat across from Theo and says nothing.

Did you see Warfare?

Doc shrugs.

Engineer broke into my home, Doc. That fucker had his hands on Bri. If he thinks he's going to get away with i--

So, what's next?

Theo stops and looks back to Doc.

We kill the son of a bitch.

Not that. The titles.

Theo looks a bit bewildered at the doc for a moment.


We're defending my titles against Barney Green and Tyler Cross, what do you suppose we do?

I don't know, win?

RIght, but isn't this getting a bit ridiculous? I have been the XWF Tag Team Champion for over 365 days now and have not been opposed nor challenged in the slightest throughout my enitre reign.

I can agree, the tag team division is a bit weak.

Theo spins around in his chair where there is a whiskey table all ready to go. Doc smiles as it reminds him of his own setup in the office.

You can't say I haven't stuck my neck out, Mister Pryce.

Not at all.

Theo nods and agrees as he prepares a couple of drinks. He swings back around and slides one across the desk to the doctor who snatches it and takes a sip.

We even held a tournament....

I know.

So when it comes down to the Leap of Faith pay-per-view..........


And the good doctor is obligated to defend his XWF Tag Team Championship.............


While a ring full of underachievers battle for a briefcase later in the night........


Theo has been texting and drinking this entire time.

You and I face Barney Green and Tyler Cross.

Doc pulls a cigar from his pocket and leans back in the chair. Theo looks up from his phone and gives Doc a tired look. Theo's probably been through a lot the last couple of days, it's understandable.

You know, this reminds me when I was UNIVERSAL Champion. No one dared to even step up to face me. Every so often the title would go on the line and I would face whoever was around. It was pathetic. Just as the tag team division is now.

Doc takes a long drag from the cigar and places it in an ashtray that Theo quickly threw into place.

After Scully and Guppy won the tournament, I knew I was doomed to hold these titles forever.

Wait a minute, were you hoping to face someone that could beat us?

No one can beat us, Mister Pryce. I'm not sure what it was I was hoping or waiting for.

Theo holds up his glass and Doc smiles as he does the same.

Well, here's to that.


Doc and Theo both throw it all back and slam their glasses on the desk.

All I know is, it wasn't this. Don't get me wrong, I do respect the leap of faith that Barney Green and Tyler Cross are making. It's a chance of a life time for the both of them. Look at Barney Green, for example. An XWF Legend in the flesh. Right in front of our eyes, Mister Pryce!

I don't know how you could miss him.

Barney has the opportuninty to cement that legendary status by winning, by defeating the KINGS™, and by ending my relentless streak as the XWF Tag Team Champion. He's a former World Champion and......... Whatever else. He's a man with two hands and is capable of anything. Right Mister Barno?

I don't mean to kill my own chicken, but I've been kind of looked at as sort of a legend, as well. Sitting at #5 on the XWF Greatest of All Time List, I think it says a few things. I'm a former UNIVERSAL Champion. I'm a former undefeated Xtreme Champion.... After all these years in this FINE federation, where does Barney Green sit?

Maybe in the top 100. If not, surely the top 125. GIVE THE MAN CREDIT PEOPLE!

So, Barney's always been a guy about big chances right? Thowing it all on the line just to test himself or even put on a show. Almost as if.... He likes the pain.... Like he enjoys it..... Hey, if the guy is looking to show how freaky he can get by requesting no rules in the match, so be it. I can throw down a beating anytime. The guy has retired about a dozen times already, I might hold the dagger to put this guy down for good. Which I have to admit, I'd feel pretty damn bad about.


Well, of course! Mister Green underestimates what he is walking into. You know I pack a punch and I believe its a punch that he can't handle...

No, no. I mean, you'd feel bad ending that blubbering pile of crap? I don't think you realize how worthless this guy is, Doc. The legend thing just kind of goes with the---

Worthless or not, what does it say about the rest of the XWF?

Theo lets out a breath to start his point before he's interrupted by the doctor.

Just as worthless!

.... Right....

Doc smiles and stares off into space while Theo stares at him. He seems unsettled before speaking up.

Look Doc, I have a TON of shit to do here. I--

A year, my friend. A solid year unopposed. And now THIS is what's left? THIS is what we have to settle for? Even while I teamed with Unknown Soldier all that time ago with these same Tag Team Titles, we went unopposed! We've even taken the Trios Championship and done away with it along with every other faction that has dared step forward!

Theo's now resting his head on his hand and glances up at Doc.

You know he's back don't ya?


Soldier. Holy fuck, do you pay attention to ANYthing else?

Doc's eyes turn to fire and rainbows.

Soldier is back.......?

Yeah, Doc. He'll be at Leap of Faith. He's in a match with Rayne.



He's back for his half of the titles, Mister Pryce.

Ya think? He didn't seem to care too much about them when he left.

Theo only looked away for a second, but when he looked back Doc was gone.

What the fuck.

Theo's cellphone begins to ring from his pocket. He reaches for it and looks at the screen and answers it casually as if he recognizes the number.


Yo, you called?

The scene switches to the streets of Vancouver, the city that will host the XWF's next extravaganza, Leap of Faith. British Columbia has been in social crisis for many years now and it has only gotten worse. Over the years, the amount of homeless within the city of Vancouver accelerated dramatically and has not only made the place a filthy mess, but a dangerous place to be, as well. The cause for this epedemic could be blamed by what you would normally think of... Mental illness.... Substance abuse... The normal stuff. Bascially a playground for Unknown Soldier to dwell in while awaiting the Leap of Faith showdown...


Doc yells down a dark alleyway as he slowly creeps down it.


He yells again. In the distance a group of hooded folk stand huddled around a burn barrel. Doc approaches a group of garbage cans and removes the lid from each on.




The hooded folk continue to pay no attentnion to the disoriented old man making his way towards them, except for one.

"What's all this?"

One of the homeless look up and notice him. He's dirty, tough looking... Well.... worn-in, we'll say. The other four look that way and notice the fine looking gentleman in his pearl white suit digging through garbage.

"It looks like we have a new friend."

Doc becomes frustrated with his search down that alley, but notices the few gathered around the barrel and smiles.

"Come to papa."

The man removes his hood as the few others huddle behind him as they all approach Doc as he approaches them.

Hello, my friends!

The man stands tough in front of his tiny army. He shouts out at Doc with force.

You lost or what, Old Man?

Doc's smile fades for a moment and is replaced with a lost look, indeed, but is then replaced again with his sneer.

I dont' believe so! I'm just searching for a friend!

A friend, huh?


Doc, who just a second ago was standing at least twenty feet away now stands directly in front of the man.

[Image: fQARWaB.png]
Doc holds up a photograph and nearly shoves it in the man's face.

Know him?

He backs off and tries focusing on the picture. Quickly he realizes he has no idea who the fellow is and disregards Doc's question.

Fuck your friend.

I would if I could.

What?! Empty your pockets, Old Man.

Doc stands confused, he looks at the picture and looks back to his new friend.

So, is that a "No"?

The man reaches in his pockets and pulls some brass knuckles out while his comrades behind him produce a small weapon of their own. One has baton, another has a knife, another has a baseball bat.... Doc looks in disappointment as he folds up the photo and shoves it into his pocket.

You know, if there's one thing that Soldier taught me. It's that good help is hard to find. Am I right folks?

Doc peers over the man's shoulder to his comrades in the back, smiles again, then turns his back. The five others attack the man who was attempting to mug Doc with their weapons. They stab and batter the man into a bloody pile on the pavement as Doc reaches into his pocket, pulls a cigar from it, and lights it.

I learned the hard way. I did. After winning the tag team gold and being called one of the most dominant duos in XWF history, I witnessed it all poof away right in front of my very eyes.

The beating continues as Doc walks away from it. They heave and hoe with every strike or stab, the man victim to the attack has stopped even murmuring the painful cries he was a few moments ago. Doc reaches the end of the alley out onto a back street. The city can be heard in the background, but the street the doctor stands at now is quiet and dark, illuminated by a single, orange colored street light.

After proving that we could be untouched, the inevitable happened, and Unknown Soldier decided to die leaving the burden of these Tag Team Titles on my shoulders.

Now, I've never been one to just roll over. I've been left out to dry by a few tag team partners before. No big deal. Lethal Lottery can stick it for all I care. But when it comes to gold that I have earned.... We're speaking a different language.

As the story goes and most of you know, I did what I had to. I found the help that I needed. I found reliability and it lied within the most respectable group of assholes that I know. The KINGS™.

You see, my friends. That name is not som self-proclaimed bullshit name that we came up with because we are, no mistake, the best. No, no. We've earned that stay, as well. John Madison, Theo Pryce, and John Samuels were ALL KING™ of this fine federation at one time. See, there's only a few of us. While they carried the prestige title as the most coveted prize in the XWF, I gained the prize when it became a great accolade for this company after winning a one night tournament way back in 2014. It was three years in the making and it took a fuck up like Unknown Soldier, but the KINGS™ were born.

And what happened?

Well, nothing.

Nothing happened.

All stayed the same. Everyone talked their shit. Everyone bitched and moaned. And anyone that had anything they wanted to DO about it were put into their place. We're KINGS™ for a reason people. We cannot be touched. We cannot be scathed. We cannot be budged.

Flip the card over. Tyler Cross willingly decided to team with Barney Green to face Theo and I for my Tag Team Titles at Leap of Faith. Good help is hard to find, right? I'm not sure if Tyler Cross planned on challenging the KINGS™ leading up to Leap of Faith, or just seen the opportunity to make a name for himself. Listen, bub, don't follow in your partners footsteps. Sure, the guy has made a name for himself, but by losing in nearly every single match that he's ever participated in. You wanna be that guy too? Just keep following him around then and challenging the same guys he's challenging. Like I said before, it's sad that it has come down to the two of you. It truly is. Theo, Samuels, Madison, and I have battled some battles that could test some of the best mid carders in the day... Our battles with Ax3... Our other battles with Ax3.... It was pathetic. Now Ax3 is no more and the former members, or what is left of them, scurry about trying to beat each other up over other things they think they're worthy of. Like the case at Leap of Faith. Mains, Chaos, Caedus.... I can't wait to see you three in the ring together fighting like a bunch of spoiled children. Then you have Reno, Scully, and Imperial. Reno hasn't accomplished crap since beating Chaos for the title then screwing it up like he did his Xtreme Title reign. I think Imperial gets lost from time to time and forgets to show up. And Scully..... Well Scully is a . Four of those six men, fighting for a prize that could ruin any guys day in an instant, have fallen victim to the KINGS™. The pick of the litter to fight in the pre-main event in one of the biggest shows all year, and they're second class to the best competitors to ever step through the curtain.

If you were going to step forward and challenge the absolute best... Wouldn't you, at the very least, consider yourself close to the best? Not this guy, Tyler Cross. Talk about sitting around waiting for a the first opportunity for anything. Nothing like throwing the blind fold on yourself and lighting up a smoke. "Sure, Barney. I'll partner with you and take on the greatest, most dominant Tag Team Champion in the history of the XWF."


Tyler Cross, good help is hard to find. But it's there. And depending on who you are, you'll be luckier than some.

Doc continues to search around the alley... In dumpsters and other garbage cans... As the hooded folk continue to make a pile of mush out of the asshole from earlier.

[Image: Kd641BT.png]
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JimCaedus (10-13-2017), Peter Fn Gilmour (10-12-2017), Theo Pryce (10-13-2017), Unknown Soldier (10-12-2017)

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